A Circular to Shareholders has been sent today regarding the following
    Open Offer of 152,628,016 New Ordinary Shares at a price of 1p per share
                     Approval of �1.5 million of Loan Notes
                     Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

The  Board  of  Energy Technique announced on 6 September 2005  a  �1.5  million
Equity Funding (before expenses), by means of 30 unsecured Loan Notes of �50,000
each,  conditionally  convertible in aggregate into  150  million  New  Ordinary
Shares  at  a  conversion price of 1p per share. The Loan Notes are conditional,
inter alia, upon the approval of Independent Shareholders, which is to be sought
at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 26 October 2005 and the Panel
on  Takeovers and Mergers granting a waiver from the requirement under Rule 9 of
the City Code to make a general offer to Shareholders which would normally arise
on conversion of the Loan Notes.
In  conjunction  with  these  proposals and to give Qualifying  Shareholders  an
opportunity  to  avoid  dilution, an Open Offer to  Qualifying  Shareholders  of
152,628,016 New Ordinary Shares will be made available at the Issue Price on the
basis  of  one New Ordinary Share for each Existing Ordinary Share held  on  the
Record Date.

Money  raised  by the Open Offer will be used to redeem the relevant  number  of
Loan Notes.

The  financial  results for the year ended 31 March 2005  show  that  the  Group
sustained  further  significant losses in that financial year  of  approximately
�2.5  million. This coupled with continuing trading conditions has placed severe
constraints on the Groups working capital position. As a consequence, it is now
essential to provide the necessary additional working capital for the  Group  to
continue to trade solvently. The proceeds of the Equity Funding will be used for
this purpose.

The  Parties  to the Loan Notes are the Company, London & Boston  and  Triandra.
Each  of London & Boston and Triandra has agreed to subscribe for 15 Loan  Notes
of  �50,000  each.  London  &  Boston is an Existing Ordinary  Shareholder  with
13,845,160 Existing Ordinary Shares, representing 9.1% of the Companys existing
called up share capital. Triandra is an Existing Ordinary Shareholder, on behalf
of  the  Tchenguiz  Family  Trust,  with 12,314,444  Existing  Ordinary  Shares,
representing 8.1% of the Companys existing called up share capital.  The  Panel
has  previously treated London & Boston and Mr. Vincent Tchenguiz as  a  concert
party in June 2001 and London & Boston and Triandra are therefore deemed to be a
concert party going forward.

Under the terms of a Letter Agreement dated 6 September 2005 and accepted by the
Company  on  that date, it was, inter alia, agreed by the parties  that  in  the
event the Company issues no later than 30 September 2005, an equity fund raising
document  to raise funds at the same subscription price as the conversion  price
set  out  in  the  Loan Notes and the Company uses the proceeds of  that  equity
funding  to repay any sum drawn down under the Loan Notes, the Loan Note Holders
will  only  exercise their Conversion Rights in respect of the money drawn  down
under the Loan Notes and not repaid consequent upon that equity issue.

The  conversion  of the sums drawn down under the Loan Notes into  New  Ordinary
Shares  is  conditional  upon the following Conversion  Conditions  having  been
satisfied: -
     The approval of the Loan Note Instrument by Independent Shareholders by an
     ordinary resolution to be passed on a poll at the EGM convened for this
     The Company receiving in a form satisfactory to it of a waiver by the Panel
     of those requirements under Rule 9 of the City Code that would otherwise
     apply upon the exercise by the Loan Note holders of their conversion

Following conversion, but before exercise of options, London & Boston would hold
88,845,160 Ordinary Shares representing 29.4% of the Enlarged Share Capital  and
Triandra  87,314,444 Ordinary Shares representing 28.9% of  the  Enlarged  Share
Capital.  These  calculations have been carried on the basis  that  no  Existing
Ordinary Shareholders accept any part of the Open Offer.

On  issue  and prior to conversion, the Company may request drawdown of  all  or
part  of  the Loan Notes rateably in tranches as set out in the Schedule  agreed
between  the  Parties to the Loan Notes, and further amounts as and when  agreed
between  the Parties. Further details of the Loan Notes are set out in Part  III
of the document.

In the document KBR invites Qualifying Shareholders to apply for the Open Offer
Shares at the Issue Price on the basis of:

One  Open  Offer Share for each Existing Ordinary Share held on the Record  Date
conditional on the passing of the Resolutions at the EGM.

To be valid, completed Application Forms, together with payment in full must be
received by 3.00 p.m. on 25 October 2005.

Further  information on the Open Offer including the procedure  for  application
and payment is set out in the letter from KBR in Part II of the document and  in
the Application Form contained therein.

The Group seeks to exploit the current and future opportunities in the Heating
Ventilation and Air Conditioning market (HVAC) by focusing its strategy on the
following: -
   Further  developing  Diffusion  Heating  and  Cooling,  a  division   of   ET
   Environmental, into the brand leader for air conditioning fan coils  and,  in
   particular, commercial heating products, through continued product innovation
   and development;
   Building  on the strong organic growth already achieved by Diffusion  DX  Air
   Conditioning  in  the packaged air conditioning market, by  concentrating  on
   securing  consultant  led  project  work,  which  will  reduce  the   current
   seasonality of the business;
  Fully  to  exploit the sales growth opportunities created by  Part  L  of  the
   Building  (Amendment)  Regulations 2001 (and subsequent  Building  (Amendment
   (No.2)  Regulations  2002), through the aggressive  marketing  of  Lifebreath
   products in the UK and EU.

  To  capitalise on the sales growth opportunities created by the developing air
  treatment  and  sanitisation markets, by offering a complete  range  of  ultra
  violet   products,   ranging  from  the  premium  priced  high   specification
  Nightingale  UVGI unit to the lower and medium specified products manufactured
  by NQ Environmental Inc.;

  To develop a duct-mounted UVGI air treatment unit using the same technology
  as the mobile Nightingale UVGI unit, which the Directors believe will have
  more widespread application in hotels and offices;

  To explore opportunities for manufacturing certain of the Groups products
   and components in China, thereby providing the Group with a lower cost base.

Since 31 March 2005 the Group has continued to experience very difficult trading
conditions and working capital constraints. The Board has taken steps to improve
sales  and reduce the Groups operating costs and, although it is expected  that
the  benefit  of the cost reductions will begin to flow through  in  the  coming
months, these benefits have not impacted in the six months to 30 September 2005.


The Concert Party comprises London & Boston, Stephen Komlosy and Triandra.

London & Boston
London  &  Boston,  which holds a number of investments in listed  and  unlisted
companies, including a holding of 9.1% in Energy Technique, was incorporated  in
England & Wales as a public company limited by shares on 12 March 1996 under the
Act  with  the  name of Moneyadvance Public Limited Company and with  registered
number  03170812. On 6 June 1996 its name was changed to Cybertec  Holdings  plc
and  on  28  September 2001 to London & Boston Investments plc.  Its  registered
office is at Winchester House, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, Somerset TA1 2UH  and
its  principal  place of business is at 133 Ebury Street, London SW1W  9QU.  The
directors  of  London & Boston are Stephen Anton Komlosy (who  is  also  a  non-
executive  director  of  the  Company), John Joseph May,  Peter  Leonard  George
Cotgrove Barry Edward Adams and John Martin Burley and Julie Amanda Hester.

The  authorised  share capital of London and Boston Investments  is  �5  million
comprising 250,000,000 ordinary shares of 2p each of which 186,902,829 have been
issued.  The  shares  of  London and Boston Investments have  been  admitted  to
trading on AIM and details of persons who are interested in more than 3% of  its
share capital are as follows:
                                                              Percentage of
                                                 Number of    ordinary share
                                             ordinary shares     capital
J Hester                                        27,522,970        17.0
G Hester                                        27,522,970        17.0
Southwind Limited                               21,655,681        13.4
WillBro Nominees Limited                        18,836,077        11.6
Rondene Investments Inc                          6,000,000         3.7
Frank Nominees Limited                           5,650,000         3.5

Stephen Komlosy is beneficially interested in 4,707,859 shares in London &

Triandra  was  incorporated in the Commonwealth of  the  Bahamas  as  a  private
company  limited  by  shares on 18 August 1998 under the International  Business
Companies  Act  2002 with the name of Triandra Limited and with  the  registered
number  80,720B.  Its registered office is at Saffrey Square,  Suite  205,  Bank
Lane,  PO  Box N-8 188, Nassau, Bahamas. The directors of Triandra are Finistere
Limited  and GFT Directors Limited. The authorised share capital of Triandra  is
$50,000  comprising 50,000 shares of $1 each of which one share has been  issued
to  Finistere Limited. Triandra is an investment company which has only invested
in Energy Technique. Triandra is ultimately owned by the Tchenguiz Family Trust.

Stephen Komlosy Non-executive Director Aged 64
Stephen  Komlosy joined the Board in June 2001. He has over 40 years  experience
in  business, including manufacturing, property and leisure. Since 1964  he  has
built  up  three private property companies, two of which were amalgamated  with
public  companies.  He is a director of a number of public  companies  operating
both  in  the  UK  and the United States including Avatar Systems  Inc.  Stephen
Komlosy is executive Chairman of Netcentric Systems Plc and London & Boston.  He
does not have a service contract.

Under Rule 9 of the City Code (Rule 9), any person, or group of persons acting
in concert, which acquires shares which, when taken together with shares already
held  by  him or shares held or acquired by persons acting in concert with  him,
carry 30% or more of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the City
Code,  that  person is normally obliged to make a general offer in cash  to  all
shareholders at the highest price paid by him, or any person acting  in  concert
with  him, within the preceding 12 months. The members of the Concert Party  are
acting  in concert in relation to Energy Technique for the purposes of the  City

Rule  9 also provides, inter alia, that, where any person, together with persons
acting in concert with him, holds shares carrying not less than 30% but not more
than  50%  of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the City  Code,
and  such  person,  or  any other person acting in concert  with  him,  acquires
additional  shares  carrying  voting rights in  such  company,  that  person  is
normally  obliged  to make a general offer to all shareholders  at  the  highest
price  paid  by  him,  or  any person acting in concert  with  him,  within  the
preceding 12 months.

After conversion of the Loan Notes, and assuming that no New Ordinary Shares are
subscribed  for  under  the Open Offer, London & Boston  would  hold  88,845,160
Ordinary Shares and Triandra 87,314,444 Ordinary Shares, representing 29.4%  and
28.9% respectively of the issued share capital as enlarged by conversion of  the
Loan  Notes.  Accordingly,  the  members of the  Concert  Party  would  then  be
interested in a total of 176,159,604 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately
5  8.3%  of the voting rights of Energy Technique. In addition, Stephen Komlosy,
holds  on  trust for London & Boston outstanding options under the  2001  Option
Schemes  to subscribe for 4% of the issued share capital at the time of exercise
of  the  options at an exercise price of 3p per share. Following full conversion
of  the  Loan  Notes  this option would represent a further 12,609,500  Ordinary
Shares,  increasing  the  interests of London & Boston to  101,454,660  Ordinary
Shares,  representing 32.2% of the Companys issued share capital after exercise
of  the  options, which together with the holding of the other  members  of  the
Concert  Party would result in an aggregate shareholding representing  59.9%  of
the Companys then issued share capital.

Therefore, following conversion of the Loan Notes, members of the Concert  Party
would  hold more than 50% of the Companys voting share capital and for so  long
as  they continue to be treated as acting in concert, may accordingly be able to
increase  their aggregate shareholding without incurring any further  obligation
under Rule 9 to make a general offer, although individual members of the Concert
Party will not be able to increase their percentage shareholding through a  Rule
9 threshold without Panel consent..

The Panel has agreed, subject to resolution 1 of the Resolutions being passed on
a poll of Shareholders independent of the Concert Party at the EGM, to waive the
obligation  on  the Concert Party to make a general offer to shareholders  under
Rule  9  which would otherwise arise as a result of the conversion of  the  Loan

Details  of the individual holdings of the Concert Party in Ordinary  Shares  of
the  Company  as  they  are  at present, and they will  be,  (a)  assuming  full
conversion  of the Loan Notes, and (b) assuming full conversion and exercise  of
the 2001 Options are shown below:

                                                                              After conversion
                                                                                and exercise
                               Before conversion      After conversion    of 2001 Share Options
                               Ordinary      %       Ordinary       %       Ordinary       %
                                Shares    holding     Shares     holding     Shares     holding
London & Boston               13,845,160    9.1     88,845,160     29.4    88,845,160    28.2
Stephen Komlosy held on                                                                         
trust for London & Boston                                                  12,609,500     4.0
Triandra                      12,314,444    8.1     87,314,444     28.9    87,314,444    27.7
Concert Party                 26,159,604   17.2    176,159,604     58.3   188,769,104    59.9

The earliest date on which the 2001 Options became exercisable was the date on
which they were created.

Save  as  disclosed  in  the table above, no member of  the  Concert  Party,  no
director  of any member of the Concert Party, nor anyone acting in concert  with
any member of the Concert Party holds nor have any of them dealt in any Ordinary
Shares  in 12 months prior to the date of the document. The waiver to which  the
Panel  has  agreed will be invalidated if any purchases of Ordinary  Shares  are
made  by any member of the Concert Party in the period between the date  of  the
document and the EGM.

The Concert Party has no intentions of increasing its shareholdings in the
Company above the levels set out above.

The Group is engaged in the design and manufacture of air conditioning fan coils
and  commercial heating products, the distribution and marketing of packaged air
conditioning products and the importation and marketing of products for the  air
treatment and energy efficiency markets.

The  members  of  the Concert Party have confirmed to the Board  that  following
completion of the Equity Funding, it would be their intention that the  business
of  the Group be continued in substantially the same manner as at present,  with
no  major  changes to the business of the Group, and that they have  no  present
intentions to make any material amendments to the existing rights of the Groups

Application  has  been made to the Inland Revenue for EIS relief  in  connection
with  the  issue  of New Ordinary Shares. The Inland Revenue  has  indicated  in
connection  with the placing of Ordinary Shares which took place in  March  2004
that  following that issue the holding of Ordinary Shares would, subject to  the
minimum �500
subscription mentioned below, comply with the requirements of Schedule 28B  ICTA
1988 for Venture Capital Trust Schemes and that the shares to be issued will  be
eligible  shares.  On  the  same basis, the Inland  Revenue  would  be  able  to
authorise the Company to issue certificates under Section 306(2) ICTA  1988  for
Enterprise Investment Scheme purposes in respect of the shares to be issued. EIS
relief only applies to original subscribers and not to subsequent purchasers.

In all other respects the New Ordinary Shares will, when issued as fully paid,
rank pari passu with the Existing Ordinary Shares.

For EIS relief to apply, investors must subscribe for a minimum of �500 of Open
Offer Shares.

It  is  not  the  present intention of the Directors to pay a  dividend  on  the
Ordinary Share capital of the Company and they intend to retain any profits  for
use  within  the  business for the time being. Once the Company  has  sufficient
distributable  reserves, and as and when the Directors consider it  appropriate,
the Directors will adopt an appropriate dividend policy.


A  notice convening the EGM for 12 Noon on 26 October 2005 has been included  in
the  document  at  which resolution 1 of the Resolutions  will  be  proposed  to
approve the terms of the Rule 9 Waiver and the Loan Notes and resolutions 2  and
3 will be proposed to authorise the Directors to allot New Ordinary Shares.


The  Directors, (excluding Stephen Komlosy who is a director of London & Boston,
a  member  of  the Concert Party) consider that the net proceeds of  the  Equity
Funding,  estimated to amount to �1.4 million after expenses, are  essential  to
provide  the  necessary  working capital for the  Group  to  continue  to  trade
solvently. They believe, having consulted with ARMCF, that the terms of the Open
Offer and the terms of conversion of the Loan Notes are fair and reasonable  and
that  conversion of the Loan Notes and the Rule 9 waiver are accordingly in  the
best  interests  of  the Company and its Shareholders as a whole.  In  providing
advice  to the Directors, ARMCF has taken into account the Directors commercial

Accordingly,  the  Directors (excluding Stephen Komlosy who  is  a  director  of
London  &  Boston,  a  member  of  the  Concert  Party),  unanimously  recommend
Shareholders  to  vote in favour of the Resolutions, as they  intend  to  do  in
respect  of  their  own beneficial shareholdings, being in  aggregate  2,510,619
Ordinary  Shares  (representing  1.6 % of the  existing  issued  ordinary  share
capital of the Company).


Robert Unsworth, Acting Finance Director, Tel. 020-8783-0033

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