RNS Number:7481Z
Charter European Trust plc
05 July 2007

For Immediate Release                                            5th July 2007

                           CHARTER EUROPEAN TRUST plc


                     For the six months ended 31st May 2007

The unaudited interim results have been prepared in accordance with the revised
Statement of Recommended Practice: Financial Statements of Investment Trust


The net asset value per Ordinary Share at 31st May 2007 was 255.0p, representing
a return of 15.9% for the six months since 30th November 2006 compared with a
return of 15.2% on a composite of the Company's current benchmark, the FTSE
World Europe (ex UK) Index from 9th January 2007, and its previous benchmark
from 1st December 2006 until 8th January 2007, the  FTSE World Europe Index (#).
   Since the half year end performance has continued to exceed that of the
market with a return of 17.03% from 1st December 2006 until 4th July 2007
compared to the return on the Company's benchmark of 14.4%.


The Board recommends for the first half of the year an interim dividend of 1.20p
per Ordinary Share (2006: 1.20p per Ordinary Share), payable on 23rd August 2007
to shareholders on the Register at 27th July 2007.


During the period under review the Company purchased 954,600 Ordinary Shares for
cancellation.   In the period from 31st May to 5th July 2007, a further 335,500
Ordinary Shares have been purchased for cancellation.


We welcome to the Board Nigel Simon, who was appointed a Director on 21st March
2007 in place of Sir Christopher Mallaby who retired at the Annual General
Meeting on 20th March 2007.   Nigel has more than 25 years of broad senior
management and strategic experience in leading and managing international
businesses, including 20 years with Gallaher Group PLC.


After conducting a beauty parade the Board has decided to appoint RSM Robson
Rhodes LLP as auditors of the Company.


Despite nervousness about the sustainability of global economic growth,
particularly in the light of a deteriorating US housing market, European
equities delivered strong returns in the first half of the financial year.
Markets responded positively to good company earnings and strong cash flow
growth, which was achieved despite the strength of the Euro.  Although interest
rates have risen around the world, this has been implemented in a controlled way
and has primarily been a response to growth in money supply and credit rather
than fears of a major inflationary threat.

In terms of the Trust's portfolio, we saw strong performances from  a number of
our key holdings, in particular Swatch Group, Acciona and Schneider Electronics.
Swatch, the Swiss luxury goods company, achieved profit and sales growth above
expectations following strong consumer spending in emerging markets.    The
developing  world remains a key growth area for luxury goods.   Acciona, the
Spanish construction company, has evolved into one of the world's leading wind
power companies and has experienced a re-rating on the back of its underlying
structural growth and increasing investor appetite for securities with
environmental benefits.   Finally, Schneider Electronic, the French capital
goods company, performed strongly as its high emerging markets exposure has
resulted in upgrades to profit forecasts.

Merger and acquisition activity in Europe has been a key feature in stock
markets in recent years  and we believe that both corporate and private equity
investment interest continues to provide an underpinning to markets.   While the
Trust did not benefit directly in this period we expect industry consolidation
to remain a powerful influence through the remainder of the year.


We expect equity markets to remain volatile after their recent strong
performances.  However, we continue to believe that many individual European
companies remain attractive medium term investments.   With a much improved
backdrop in the larger continental European economies, and further benefits from
corporate restructuring, the outlook for company profits growth in Europe
remains positive.   This trend should offset the negative influence of further
increases in interest rates.   The Trust's holdings are well positioned to
benefit from some important trends in the market and our focus continues to be
on strong business franchises with high quality management teams who will be
able to deliver superior growth and financial returns.

155 Bishopsgate       By Order of the Board
London EC2M 3AD       P W I Ingram

5th July 2007         Secretary

for the six months ended 31st May 2007

                                                                Revenue            Capital       Total Return
                                                                 #'000s             #'000s             #'000s
                                                                                                     (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                -              9,730              9,730
Net gains on foreign currency loan                                    -                 49                 49
Other capital charges                                                 -                (2)                (2)
Income                                                            1,266                  -              1,266
Investment management fee                                          (81)              (471)              (552)
Administration expenses                                           (146)                  -              (146)
Net return before finance costs and taxation                      1,039              9,306             10,345
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                (39)              (111)              (150)
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation                 1,000              9,195             10,195
Overseas taxation                                                 (165)                  -              (165)
UK taxation                                                       (132)                132                  -
Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders

                                                                    703              9,327             10,030
Net return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)                            2.55p             33.78p             36.33p

as at 31st May 2007

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                                    72,100
Net Current Assets                                                                                        3,354
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                                    75,454
Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                                            (6,335)
Total Net Assets                                                                                         69,119

Called up Share Capital                                                                                     286
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                                  250
Special Reserve                                                                                          42,249
Capital Reserves:   Realised                                                                              8,344
                                Unrealised                                                               16,477
Revenue Reserve                                                                                           1,513
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                      69,119

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                                                       255.0p

The net asset value is based on 27,102,088 Ordinary Shares in issue
As at 31st May 2007 there were an additional 1,485,000 Ordinary Shares held in treasury

for the six months ended 31st May 2006

                                                                Revenue            Capital       Total Return
                                                                 #'000s             #'000s             #'000s
                                                                                                     (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                -              3,736              3,736
Net losses on foreign currency loan                                   -               (60)               (60)
Other capital charges                                                 -                (1)                (1)
Income                                                            1,194                  -              1,194
Investment management fee                                          (81)              (441)              (522)
Administration expenses                                           (109)                  -              (109)
Net return before finance costs and taxation                      1,004              3,234              4,238
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                (24)               (65)               (89)
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation                   980              3,169              4,149
Overseas taxation                                                 (104)                  -              (104)
UK taxation                                                        (83)                 83                  -
Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                    793              3,252              4,045
Net return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)                            2.58p             10.56p             13.14p

as at 31st May 2006

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                                    63,708
Net Current Assets                                                                                        3,186
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                                    66,894
Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                                            (6,177)
Total Net Assets                                                                                         60,717

Called up Share Capital                                                                                     320
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                                  216
Special Reserve                                                                                          47,666
Capital Reserves:   Realised                                                                              (469)
                                Unrealised                                                               11,662
Revenue Reserve                                                                                           1,322
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                      60,717

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                                                       203.6p

The net asset value is based on 29,817,688 Ordinary Shares in issue
As at 31st May 2006 there were an additional 2,210,000 Ordinary Shares held in treasury

for the year ended 30th November 2006

                                                                Revenue            Capital       Total Return
                                                                 #'000s             #'000s             #'000s
                                                                                                     (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                -              8,021              8,021
Net  gains on foreign currency loan                                   -                 68                 68
Other capital charges                                                 -                (3)                (3)
Income                                                            1,958                  -              1,958
Investment management fee                                         (160)              (476)              (636)
Administration expenses                                           (240)                  -              (240)
Net return before finance costs and taxation                      1,558              7,610              9,168
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                (49)              (140)              (189)
Net return on ordinary activities before taxation                 1,509              7,470              8,979
Overseas taxation                                                 (161)                  -              (161)
UK taxation                                                        (84)                 84                  -
Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders

                                                                  1,264              7,554              8,818
Net return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)                            4.23p             25.29p             29.52p

as at 30th November 2006

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                                    61,027
Net Current Assets                                                                                        3,918
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                                    64,945
Creditors-Amounts falling due after one year                                                            (3,033)
Total Net Assets                                                                                         61,912

Called up Share Capital                                                                                     296
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                                  240
Special Reserve                                                                                          44,439
Capital Reserves:   Realised                                                                              1,925
                    Unrealised                                                                           13,569
Revenue Reserve                                                                                           1,443
Shareholders' Funds                                                                                      61,912

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                                                                       220.1p

The net asset value is based on 28,126,688 Ordinary Shares in issue
As at 30th November 2006 there were an additional 1,485,000 Ordinary Shares held in treasury

For the six months ended 31st May 2007

                               Called up      Capital    Special   Capital      Capital     Revenue    Total
                                   Share   Redemption    Reserve   Reserve      Reserve     Reserve
                                 Capital      Reserve              Realised   Unrealised      
                                  #'000s       #'000s     #'000s     #'000s       #'000s     #'000s    #'000s
Six months ended 31st May 2007

Net Assets at 30th  November                                                     13,569       1,443    61,912
2006                                 296          240      4,439     1,925

Revenue Return                         -            -          -         -            -         703       703

Shares repurchased during the
period                              (10)           10    (2,190)         -            -           -   (2,190)

Dividends on Ordinary Shares           -            -          -         -            -       (633)     (633)

Capital Return                         -            -          -     6,419        2,908           -     9,327

Net Assets at 31st  May 2007         286          250     42,249     8,344       16,477       1,513    69,119

Six months ended 31st  May

Net Assets at 30th November          336          200     54,697   (2,597)       10,538       1,044    64,218

Revenue Return                         -            -          -         -            -         793       793

Shares repurchased during the
period                              (16)           16    (7,031)         -            -           -   (7,031)

Dividends on Ordinary Shares           -            -          -         -            -       (515)     (515)

Capital Return                         -            -          -     2,128        1,124           -     3,252

Net Assets at 31st May 2006          320          216     47,666     (469)       11,662       1,322    60,717

For the year ended 30th November 2006


                                 Called up      Capital   Special  Capital      Capital     Revenue    Total
                                     Share   Redemption   Reserve  Reserve      Reserve     Reserve
                                   Capital      Reserve            Realised   Unrealised      
                                    #'000s       #'000s    #'000s   #'000s       #'000s      #'000s   #'000s

Year ended 30th November 2006
Net Assets at 30th November
                                       336          200    54,697   (2,597)       10,538     1,044    64,218

Revenue Return                           -            -         -         -            -     1,264     1,264

Shares repurchased during the
year                                  (40)           40  (10,258)         -            -         -  (10,258)

Dividends on Ordinary Shares             -            -         -         -            -     (865)     (865)

Capital Return                           -            -         -     4,522        3,031         -     7,553

Net Assets at 30th November
2006                                   296          240    44,439     1,925       13,569     1,443    61,912


                                                     Six Months ended     Six Months ended          Year ended
                                                        31st May 2007        31st May 2006  30th November 2006
                                                               #'000s               #'000s              #'000s

Net cash inflow from operating activities                         441                  334               1,099

Servicing of finance
Interest paid                                                   (136)                 (83)                (186)

Financial Investment
Purchases of fixed asset investments                         (29,581)             (12,718)             (15,427)
Sales of fixed asset investments                               28,333               19,507               30,558
Net cash (outflow) inflow from financial investment           (1,248)                6,789               15,131

Equity dividends paid                                           (633)                (515)                (865)
Net cash (outflow) inflow before financing                    (1,576)                6,525               15,179

Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation and
held in treasury                                              (2,192)              (7,031)             (10,258)
Drawdown of Euro Loan                                           3,257                3,452                3,392
Repayment of Euro Loan                                              -                    -              (3,017)
Net cash inflow (outflow) from financing                        1,065              (3,579)              (9,883)
(Decrease) Increase in cash                                     (511)                2,946                5,296


                                                Valuation            % of
                                            31st May 2007           Total
                                                   #'000s         Assets* Principal Activities

E.ON                                                4,109            5.45 Gas, Water and Multi Utilities
Swatch Group                                        3,514            4.66 Personal Goods
Acciona                                             3,319            4.40 Construction and Materials
Total                                               3,127            4.14 Oil and Gas Producers
Statoil                                             3,038            4.03 Oil and Gas Producers
Novartis                                            2,942            3.90 Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
Informa                                             2,695            3.57 Media
Schneider Electric                                  2,448            3.24 Electronic and Electrical Equipment
Umicore                                             2,374            3.15 Chemicals
Dassault Systemes                                   2,354            3.12 Software and Computer Services
Bayerische Motoren Werke                            2,295            3.04 Automobiles and Parts
Banca Popolare Di Verona                            2,150            2.85 Banks
Societe Generale                                    2,137            2.83 Banks
CRH                                                 2,055            2.72 Construction and Materials
Rio Tinto                                           2,015            2.67 Mining
Syngenta                                            1,997            2.65 Chemicals
EFG International                                   1,932            2.56 Banks
Numico                                              1,929            2.56 Food Producers
Fresenius Medical Care                              1,860            2.47 Healthcare Equipment and Services
AXA                                                 1,817            2.40 Non Life Insurance

                                                   50,107           66.41

* Total assets are stated net of current liabilities


                                                                Valuation                % of
                                                            31st May 2007       Total Assets*

Basic Materials                                                     8,132               10.78
Consumer Goods                                                     11,066               14.67
Consumer Services                                                   4,275                5.66
Financials                                                         14,519               19.24
Healthcare                                                          4,803                6.36
Industrials                                                        12,109               16.05
Oil and Gas                                                         7,806               10.35
Technology                                                          3,549                4.70
Utilities                                                           5,841                7.74
Net Current Assets                                                  3,354                4.45
                                                                   75,454              100.00

* Total assets are stated net of current liabilities

Note 1

The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of shares in
issue 27,610,206 (31st May 2006: 30,785,639; 30th November 2006: 29,862,958).

Note 2

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the

All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations
were acquired or discontinued in the period.

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the Income Statement.

Included in the cost of investments are transaction costs on purchases which
amounted to #36,948 (31st May 2006 - #91,660; 30th November 2006 - #67,293) and
transaction costs on sales which amounted to #21,236 (31st May 2006 - #74,035;
30th November 2006 - #57,200).

Note 3

Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in
accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Measurement'.  Listed investments
are valued at bid market prices.

Note 4

In accordance with FRS21 "Events after the Balance Sheet Date" the final
dividend payable on Ordinary Shares is recognised as a liability when approved
by shareholders.  Interim dividends are recognised only when paid.

Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares in respect of earnings for each period are as

                                                         Six months to     Six months to             Year to
                                                         31st May 2007     31st May 2006  30th November 2006

                                                                #'000s            #'000s              #'000s
Interim dividend 1.20p paid 24th August 2006                         -                 -                 350
Final dividend 1.80p paid 5th April 2007 (2006 -                   506               515                 515
Special dividend 0.50p paid 5th April 2007                         141                 -                   -
Prior period over accrual                                         (14)                 -                   -
                                                                   633               515                 865

Dividends payable at the period end are not recognised as a liability under FRS
21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date'.  Details of these dividends are set
out below.

                                                         Six months to     Six months to             Year to
                                                              31st May    31st May  2006  30th November 2006
                                                                  2007            #'000s              #'000s
Interim proposed dividend 1.20p payable 23rd August
 2007 (2006: 1.20p)                                                325               358                   -
Final dividend 1.80p                                                 -                 -                 506
Special dividend 0.50p                                               -                 -                 141
                                                                   325               358                 647

The interim and final dividend above is based on the number of shares in issue
at the period end. However, the dividend payable will be based on the number of
shares in issue on the record date and will reflect any purchases or
cancellations of shares by the Company settled subsequent to the period end.

Note 5

The interim statement has neither been audited nor reviewed by the Company's
auditors. The financial information for the year ended 30 November 2006 has been
extracted from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to
the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was
unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or
Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

The interim report will be sent to shareholders in mid July 2007 and will be
available to members of the public from the Company's registered office at 155
Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD.

For further information, please contact:-

Peter Ingram
Company Secretary
Tel: 020 7065 1467


Simon White
Head of Investment Trusts, RCM (UK) Limited
Tel: 020 7065 1539

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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