RNS Number:5687Q
Charter European Trust plc
01 February 2007

For immediate release          1st February 2007

                           CHARTER EUROPEAN TRUST PLC


                     For the year ended 30th November 2006


  * Two year performance target for the Manager comfortably exceeded
  * Total dividends up by 25% (Ordinary dividends up by 7.1%, special dividend
    of 0.50p)
  * Net Asset Value per share for the year under review up by 15.1%, compared
    with a benchmark return of 15.6%

Net Asset Value

The Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share at 30th November 2006 was 220.1p, a rise
of 15.1% since 30th November 2005, compared to an increase in the Company's
benchmark index, the FTSE World Europe Index (#), of 15.6%.


The Board recommends a final ordinary dividend of 1.80p per Ordinary Share,
payable on 5th April 2007 to shareholders on the Register at 3rd March 2007,
making a total dividend for the year to 30th November 2006 of 3.00p per Ordinary
Share (2005: 2.80p), an increase of 7.1%.  In addition, the Board recommends a
special dividend of 0.50p per Ordinary Share, also payable on 5th April 2007 to
shareholders on the Register at 3rd March 2007.

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report that European equities again produced strong returns for
shareholders in the financial year to the end of November 2006, the fourth
successive year of double digit returns.

Net asset value per ordinary share has increased 15.1% to 220.1p a share, which
compares with a return on the benchmark index for the year, the FTSE World
Europe Index (#) of 15.6% in capital terms.  You may remember that at the time
the Manager adopted a focused approach to the portfolio in November 2004, the
Board set a target of outperforming the benchmark index in capital terms by at
least 2% per annum.  I am pleased to report that this target has been achieved
with an NAV capital return of 44.0% over the two-year period compared to 37.3%
on the benchmark index.

Dividend growth from European equities has also remained strong and this has
supported a 25% increase in the proposed total dividends this year to 3.50p.
Included in this total, we are this year recommending a special dividend of
0.50p as a number of our holdings in the Oil and Mining sectors, which have
enjoyed very buoyant trading conditions this year, have declared special
dividends, which may not recur in 2007.   This factor, together with the impact
of our recent change in investment policy set out below, means that total
dividend distributions  in the current financial year are likely to be lower.
We are, however, aiming to grow the ordinary dividends this year.

We have maintained our active approach to share buybacks during the financial
year.  Although the Board would like to see the discount to net asset value
narrow further over time, the buyback policy has resulted in much lower
volatility in the discount level than historically.

During the course of the year we reviewed our current benchmark, the FTSE World
Europe Index (#), in conjunction with the Manager and our brokers, Winterflood
Investment Trusts.  We have for many years followed a pan-European approach,
using a European benchmark which includes a UK weighting of approximately one
third.  For many advisers who allocate their clients' overseas investments into
the major geographic regions, this high UK weighting is an unattractive feature
of the Trust, as they classify Continental Europe as a separate investment area
from the UK.

As set out in my letter of 13th December 2006 accompanying the EGM Circular, we
have concluded that a more appropriate benchmark for the Trust should be the
FTSE World Europe (ex UK) (#) and this change was approved by shareholders at an
Extraordinary General Meeting on 5th January 2007.  Notwithstanding the change
in benchmark, the Manager will continue to have the flexibility to invest in UK
securities when the performance prospects of individual UK securities are
considered superior to those in Continental Europe.  The UK content currently
stands at 16.5%.  Investment in securities listed on markets which are not
constituents of the Company's benchmark index (including those in the UK) are
not normally expected to exceed 20% of the Company's total assets.

Sir Christopher Mallaby, a long serving Director of the Company and its
predecessor, will be retiring at the Annual General Meeting.  Following a
distinguished career in the Diplomatic Service and coming from an investment
banking background, Christopher has been able to bring a unique perspective to
our policy discussions.  We will miss his authoritative and insightful
contributions enormously.   A search for a new Director is currently underway.

Looking ahead, the outlook for the world economy is to a large extent dependent
on the continuing strength of consumer demand in the United States, which is in
turn influenced by the health of the US housing market.  Although there
certainly are some signs of a weakening economy, our Manager does not currently
anticipate that the housing slowdown will tip the US economy into recession.
Within Europe, there are encouraging signs that the German economy is now
accelerating after many years of lacklustre growth and the outlook remains
positive for the other large regional economies.

Manager's Review

Following the change in benchmark, the portfolio has been realigned.   The UK
exposure has been reduced to 16.5% of the invested portfolio at the time of
writing, through the sales of ten of our UK holdings, including Land Securities,
Man Group and GlaxoSmithKline, and the purchase of a similar number of
continental European securities, including Danone, the French food manufacturer,
and SAP, the leading German software firm.

The outlook for the European economy overall remains good and our expectation is
that the recent VAT hike in Germany is unlikely to derail the more encouraging
growth path established in recent months.  German companies are also continuing
to progress with restructuring of their businesses on more  shareholder friendly
grounds.  In France, the forthcoming Presidential election is likely to
intensify the debate on globalisation and 'Anglo Saxon' corporate culture.  It
remains to be seen whether this will impact  French policy on regulation of the
labour market and the economy after the election.  The accession of Bulgaria and
Romania is likely to continue the positive impact of EU enlargement, increasing
labour market flexibility and mobility.

Market expectations are that the European Central Bank will continue to raise
interest rates with a peak in the current cycle likely to exceed 4%.  The
valuation of equity markets compared to long-term financing costs will continue
to provide a highly favourable environment for companies to enhance equity
earnings per share through increased leverage, buybacks or acquisitions.
European equity market valuations remain reasonable, although rising interest
rates may temper enthusiasm for equities in the short term.

Annual General Meeting

The fifth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at the City Club,
19 Old Broad Street, London EC2N 1DS on 20th March 2007 at 12.30pm.

Share Buy Backs

During the year under review the Company repurchased 3,056,000 Ordinary Shares
for cancellation and 2,385,000 Ordinary Shares into treasury, enhancing the
Company's Net Asset Value by 1.3p.  In the period from the year end to 30th
January 2007, a further 325,000 Ordinary Shares have been repurchased for
cancellation.  The Board has decided to recommend to shareholders that the
Company takes renewed powers to buy back up to 14.99% of its Ordinary Shares.

155 Bishopsgate                              By Order of the Board
London EC2M 3AD                              P W I Ingram
1st February 2007                            Secretary

For further information, please contact:-

Simon White
Head of Investment Trusts, RCM (UK) Limited
Tel: 020 7065 1539

Unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 30th November 2006 were
approved for immediate release as undernoted:-


for the year to 30th November 2006

                                                                  #'000s           #'000s         #'000s
                                                                 Revenue          Capital          Total
                                                                                                  (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                 -            8,021            8,021
Net gains on foreign currency loan                                     -               68               68
Other capital charges                                                  -              (3)              (3)
Income                                                             1,958                -            1,958
Investment management fee                                          (160)            (476)            (636)
Expenses of  administration                                        (240)                -            (240)

Net return before finance costs and taxation

                                                                   1,558            7,610            9,168

Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                  (49)            (140)            (189)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                      1,509            7,470            8,979

Taxation                                                           (245)               83            (162)

Return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                      1,264             7,553            8,817

Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)                                 4.23p            25.29p           29.52p
(basic and diluted)

as at 30th November 2006

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                           61,027
Net Current Assets                                                                               3,918
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                           64,945
Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year                                                  (3,033)
Total Net Assets                                                                                61,912

Called up Share Capital                                                                            296
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                         240
Special Reserve                                                                                 44,439
Capital Reserves: Realised                                                                       1,925
                  Unrealised                                                                    13,569
Revenue Reserve                                                                                  1,443

Equity Shareholders' Funds                                                                      61,912

Net asset value per Ordinary Share                                                              220.1p

The net asset value is based on 28,126,688 Ordinary Shares in issue.

The financial information for the year ended 30th November 2005 is derived from
the statutory accounts for that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar
of Companies, and on which the auditors gave an unqualified report and have been
restated where appropriate to reflect two changes in accounting policies as
explained in Notes 3,4 and 5.


for the year to 30th November 2005

                                                                  #'000s           #'000s         #'000s
                                                                 Revenue          Capital          Total
                                                              (restated)       (restated)       (restated)
                                                                                                  (Note 2)
Net gains on investments at fair value                                 -           12,822           12,822
Net gains on foreign currency loan                                     -               20               20
Other capital charges                                                  -                               (7)
Income                                                             1,704                             1,704
Investment management fee                                          (147)                             (739)
Marketing and administration expenses                              (334)                -            (334)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                       1,223           12,243           13,466
Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges                  (8)             (23)             (31)

Return on ordinary activities before taxation                      1,215           12,220           13,435

Taxation                                                           (159)               32            (127)

Return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                       1,056           12,252           13,308

Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1)                                 3.06p            35.46p           38.52p
(basic and diluted)

as at 30 November 2005

Investments held at fair value through profit or loss                                           67,086
Net Current Liabilities                                                                          (143)
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                                                           66,943
Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year                                                  (2,725)
Total Net Assets                                                                                64,218

Called up Share Capital                                                                            336
Capital Redemption Reserve                                                                         200
Special Reserve                                                                                 54,697
Capital Reserves: Realised                                                                     (2,597)
                  Unrealised                                                                    10,538
Revenue Reserve                                                                                  1,044

Equity Shareholders' Funds                                                                      64,218

Net asset value per Ordinary Share                                                              191.3p

The net asset value is based on 33,567,688 Ordinary Shares in issue.

for the years ended 30th November 2005 and 30th November 2006

                                   Called up       Capital              Capital      Capital
                                       Share       Redemption  Special  Reserve      Reserve      Revenue
                                     Capital         Reserve   Reserve  Realised     Unrealised   Reserve   Total
                                      #'000s         #'000s    #'000s    #'000s       #'000s      #'000s   #'000s
Net Assets at 30th November 2004
as previously stated                     400           136    63,912    (6,424)        2,168        293    60,485
Dividends on Ordinary Shares not
recognised as a current liability          -             -         -          -            -        540       540
Adjustment to record investments           -             -         -          -                       -
at bid prices                                                                                                (55)
Net Assets at 30th November 2004         400           136    63,912    (6,424)        2,113        833    60,970
Revenue Return                             -             -         -          -            -      1,056     1,056
Shares repurchased during the year      (64)            64   (9,215)          -            -          -   (9,215)
Dividends on Ordinary Shares               -             -         -          -            -      (845)     (845)
Capital Return                             -             -         -      3,827        8,425          -    12,252
Net Assets at 30th November 2005         336           200    54,697    (2,597)       10,538      1,044    64,218

Net Assets at 30th November 2005         336           200    54,697    (2,597)       10,598        473    63,707
as previously stated
Dividends on Ordinary Shares not           -             -         -          -            -        571       571
recognised as a current liability
Adjustment to record investments           -             -         -          -         (60)          -      (60)
at bid prices
Net Assets at 30th November 2005         336           200    54,697    (2,597)       10,538      1,044    64,218
Revenue Return                             -             -         -          -            -      1,264     1,264
Shares repurchased during the year      (40)            40  (10,258)          -            -          -  (10,258)
Dividends on Ordinary Shares               -             -         -          -            -      (865)     (865)
Capital Return                             -             -         -      4,522        3,031          -     7,553
Net Assets at 30th November 2006         296           240    44,439      1,925       13,569      1,443    61,912

for the year ended 30th November 2006
                                                                                   2006         2006        2005
                                                                                 #'000s       #'000s      #'000s

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                                      1,099         599

Servicing of finance
Interest paid                                                                                  (186)        (26)

Investing Activities
Purchase of fixed asset investments                                            (15,427)                 (34,551)
Sale of fixed asset investments                                                  30,559                   39,813
Net cash inflow from investing activities                                                     15,132       5,262

Equity dividends paid                                                                          (865)       (845)

Net cash inflow before financing                                                              15,180       4,990

Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation and held in treasury              (10,258)                  (9,215)
Drawdown of Euro loan                                                             3,392                    2,745
Repayment of Euro loan                                                          (3,017)                        -

Net cash outflow from financing                                                              (9,883)     (6,470)

Increase (decrease) in cash                                                                    5,297     (1,480)

TOP 20 HOLDINGS AS AT 30th November 2006

                                         Valuation            % of
                                30th November 2006             Net
                                            #'000s          Assets     Principal Activities

Informa                                      3,289             5.1     Media
Swatch Group                                 3,273             5.0     Personal Goods
Statoil                                      3,112             4.8     Oil and Gas Producers
E.ON                                         3,104             4.8     Gas, Water and Multi-utilities
GlaxoSmithKline                              2,837             4.4     Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
Allianz                                      2,825             4.3     Non-Life Insurance
Total                                        2,767             4.3     Oil and Gas Producers
BNP Paribas                                  2,395             3.7     Banks
Man Group                                    2,318             3.6     General Financial
Acciona                                      2,232             3.4     Construction and Materials
Reuters Group                                2,110             3.2     Media
Dassault Systemes                            1,997             3.1     Software and Computer Services
UBS                                          1,790             2.8     Banks
Societe Generale                             1,789             2.7     Banks
Schneider Electric                           1,722             2.6     Electronic and Electrical Equipment
BG Group                                     1,691             2.6     Oil and Gas Producers
Intercontinental Hotels                      1,643             2.5     Travel and Leisure
Land Securities                              1,634             2.5     Real Estate
Enel                                         1,476             2.3     Electricity
National Grid                                1,457             2.2     Gas, Water and Multi-utilities

                                            45,461            69.9

Note 1

The Returns per Ordinary Share have been calculated using a weighted average
number of shares in issue during the period of 29,862,958 shares (2005 -

Note 2

The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the

All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations.  No operations
were acquired or discontinued in the year.

A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains
and losses of the Company have been reflected in the Income Statement.

Included in the costs of investments are transaction costs on purchases
amounting to #67,293 (2005 - #141,848) and transaction costs on sales amounting
to #57,200 (2005 - #76,747).

Note 3

Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in
accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments: Measurement'. Listed investments
are valued at bid market prices. This represents a change in accounting policy,
with the restatement of opening balances shown in Note 5.

Note 4

In accordance with FRS21 'Events After the Balance Sheet Date' the final
dividend payable on Ordinary Shares is recognised as a liability when approved
by shareholders.  Interim dividends are recognised only when paid.  This is a
change in accounting policy and results in a restatement of the prior year
creditors and a consequential increase in the prior year Net Asset Value.

Dividends paid on Ordinary  Shares in respect of earnings for each period are as

                                                                            Year to                  Year to
                                                                 30th November 2006       30th November 2005
                                                                             #'000s                   #'000s
Final dividend 1.70p paid 4th April 2006 (2005 - 1.35p)                         514                      473
Interim dividend 1.20p paid 24th August 2006 (2005 -                            351                      372
                                                                                865                      845

The above dividends are after adjusting for dividends proposed but not paid due
to share buybacks.

Dividends payable at the year end are not recognised as a liability under FRS 21
'Events after the Balance Sheet Date'.  Details of these dividends are set out

                                                                            Year to                  Year to
                                                                 30th November 2006       30th November 2005
                                                                             #'000s                   #'000s
Final dividend 1.80p payable 5th April 2007 (2006 - 1.70p)                      506                      571

Special dividend 0.50p payable 5th April 2007 (2006-Nil)                        141                        -
                                                                                647                      571

The proposed final dividend above is based on the number of shares in issue at
the period end.  However, the dividend payable will be based on the number of
shares in issue on the record date and will reflect any purchases or
cancellations of shares by the Company settled subsequent to the period end.

Note 5

Restatement of Opening Balances

                                                   As previously            Adjustment               Restated
                                              30th November 2004                           30th November 2004
                                                          #'000s                #'000s                 #'000s
Fixed Assets Investments                                  60,959                  (55)  2              60,904
Net Current (Liabilities) Assets                           (474)                   540  1                  66
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                     60,485                   485                 60,970
Less: Creditors - amounts falling due                          -                     -                      -
after one year
Total Net Assets                                          60,485                   485                 60,970

Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital                                      400                     -                    400
Capital Redemption Reserve                                   136                     -                    136
Special Reserve                                           63,912                     -                 63,912
Capital Reserves:   Realised                             (6,424)                     -                (6,424)
                    Unrealised                             2,168                  (55)  2               2,113

Revenue Reserve                                              293                   540  1                 833
Shareholders' Funds                                       60,485                   485                 60,970

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                        151.3p                  1.2p                 152.5p

                                                   As previously            Adjustment               Restated
                                              30th November 2005                           30th November 2005
                                                          #'000s                #'000s                 #'000s
Fixed Assets Investments                                  67,146                  (60)  2              67,086
Net Current Liabilities                                    (714)                   571  1               (143)
Total Assets less Current Liabilities                     66,432                   511                 66,943
Less: Creditors - amounts falling due                    (2,725)                     -                (2,725)
after one year
Total Net Assets                                          63,707                   511                 64,218

Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital                                      336                                          336
Capital Redemption Reserve                                   200                                          200
Special Reserve                                           54,697                                       54,697
Capital Reserves:   Realised                             (2,597)                                      (2,597)
                    Unrealised                            10,598                  (60)  2              10,538

Revenue Reserve                                              473                   571  1               1,044
Shareholders' Funds                                       63,707                   511                 64,218

Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share                        189.8p                  1.5p                 191.3p

1 Represents the effect of not recognising the final dividend (FRS 21 'Events
after the Balance Sheet Date').

2 Represents the effect of the adoption of bid prices on the value of listed
investments (FRS 26 'Financial Investments: Measurement).

Note 6

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the
Company's statutory accounts for the period ended 30th November 2006.  The
statutory accounts for the period ended 30th November 2006 will be finalised on
the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this
preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

Note 7

The annual report will be sent to shareholders in late February 2007 and will be
available to members of the public from the Company's registered office at 155
Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AD.

Note 8

The Preliminary Results for the year to 30th November 2006 have been produced in
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice for the Financial
Statements of Investment Trust Companies issued in 2003 and revised in 2005.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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