RNS Number:1531O
Citadel Holdings PLC
20 July 2000

Part 2

The  Merger  Offer will not be made directly or indirectly
in  or into, or by use of the mails of or by any means  or
instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce  of,  or
of  any  facilities of a national securities exchange  of,
the  United  States,  Australia, Canada  or  Japan.   This
includes,  but  is  not limited to,  the  post,  facsimile
transmission, telex and telephone.  Furthermore, copies of
this announcement are not being and must not be mailed  or
otherwise  distributed or sent in  or  into  or  from  the
United  States,  Australia, Canada or Japan  including  to
Citadel Shareholders or participants in the Citadel  Share
Option  Scheme  with registered addresses  in  the  United
States, Australia, Canada or Japan, or to persons whom CLS
knows  to  be  nominees holding Citadel  Shares  for  such

The  New  CLS Shares to be issued pursuant to  the  Merger
Offer  will  not  be  registered under the  United  States
Securities  Act  of  1933  (as  amended)  nor  under   the
securities  laws of any jurisdiction of the United  States
nor   under  any  of  the  relevant  securities  laws   of
Australia, Canada or Japan.  No prospectus in relation  to
the  Merger  Offer  or  the New CLS Shares  to  be  issued
pursuant  thereto has been lodged with, or registered  by,
the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.  The
relevant clearances have not been and will not be obtained
from   the  Securities  Commission  of  any  province   or
territory  of  Canada.  Accordingly, unless  an  exemption
under the relevant securities law of such jurisdictions is
available, the New CLS Shares may not be offered, sold, re-
sold or delivered, directly or indirectly, in or into  the
United  States, Australia, Canada or Japan.   All  Citadel
Shareholders (including nominees, trustees or  custodians)
who   would,   or   otherwise  intend  to   forward   this
announcement,  should  read the further  details  in  this
regard which will be contained in the Offer Document which
will be issued in due course before taking any action.

Appendix II

Bases and sources

In  this  announcement, unless otherwise  stated,  or  the
context  otherwise  requires,  the  following  bases   and
sources have been used:

(a)The  market values of CLS Shares and Citadel Shares are
   based  on their respective Closing Prices on the  dates
   specified  as derived from the Daily Official  List  of
   the London Stock Exchange.

(b)The  implied value of a Citadel Share under the  Merger
   Offer  is based on the Closing Price of a CLS Share  on
   19  July 2000, being the last dealing day prior to  the
   date of this announcement.

(c)The  value of the whole of the issued share capital  of
   Citadel  is  based upon the 33,516,057  Citadel  Shares
   currently  in issue.  Any Citadel Shares which  may  be
   issued,   on  exercise  of  options  in  Citadel,   the
   exercise  of the CLS Warrant or otherwise, are excluded
   from the calculation.

(d)Unless  otherwise stated, the financial information  on
   CLS  is  extracted without adjustment from CLS's annual
   report  and  accounts for the years ended  31  December
   1998  and 31 December 1999, from the unaudited  interim
   results  for  the  six  months  ended  30  June   2000.
   Earnings  per  share  stated are basic  and  not  fully
   diluted,  and  inclusive  of  exceptional  items.   Net
   asset values per share stated are not fully diluted.

(e)Unless  otherwise stated, the financial information  on
   Citadel  is extracted without adjustment from Citadel's
   annual  report  and  accounts for the  years  ended  31
   December  1998 and 31 December 1999, from the unaudited
   interim results for the six months ended 30 June  2000.
   Earnings  per  share  stated are basic  and  not  fully
   diluted,  and  inclusive  of  exceptional  items.   Net
   asset  values  per share stated are not fully  diluted,
   but   where  indicated,  have  been  adjusted  for  the
   notional exercise of the CLS Warrant.

(f)The  portfolio  value of the Enlarged Group  calculated
   to  be  in excess of #640 million comprises the rounded
   aggregate of the valuation of the portfolio of  CLS  of
   #509.6  million as at 30 June 2000 (as  stated  in  its
   interim  statement  for the six months  ended  30  June
   2000)  and  the  aggregate  of  the  valuation  of  the
   portfolio  of Citadel of #130.8 million as at  30  June
   2000  (as stated in its interim statement for  the  six
   months ended 30 June 2000).

Appendix III


The    following   definitions   apply   throughout   this
announcement unless the context requires otherwise:

"Act"                    the   Companies  Act   1985   (as

"Admission"              admission  of New CLS  Shares  to
                         the Official List

"AIM"                    the     Alternative    Investment
                         Market   of   the  London   Stock

"Australia"              Commonwealth  of  Australia,  its
                         states,      territories       or

"Canada"                 Canada,    its   provinces    and
                         territories   and    all    areas
                         subject  to its jurisdiction  and
                         any     political    sub-division

"Circular"               the  circular to be sent  to  CLS
                         Shareholders  in connection  with
                         the   Merger   Offer,  containing
                         notice of the EGM

"Citadel"                Citadel Holdings plc

"Citadel Directors"      the   board   of   directors   of

"Citadel Independent     Richard Lockwood  and
 Directors"              Gavin Kelly

"Citadel Group"          Citadel    and   its   subsidiary

"Citadel Shareholders"   holders of Citadel Shares

"Citadel Shares"         existing,         unconditionally
                         allotted  or  issued  and   fully
                         paid  ordinary shares of 25 pence
                         each  in  Citadel and any further
                         such     shares     which     are
                         unconditionally    allotted    or
                         issued,     including      shares
                         allotted  or  issued pursuant  to
                         the   exercise  of  any   options
                         under  the  Citadel Share  Option
                         Scheme  or  the exercise  of  the
                         CLS   Warrant,  after  the   date
                         hereof  but  before the  date  on
                         which the Merger Offer ceases  to
                         be  open for acceptance (or  such
                         earlier  date, not being  earlier
                         than  the Unconditional Date  or,
                         if  later, the first closing date
                         of  the Merger Offer, as CLS may,
                         subject to the Code, decide)

"Citadel Share           holders  of options  under
 Optionholders"          the Citadel Share Option Scheme

"Citadel Share           the  Citadel Holdings  plc
 Option Scheme"          Executive  Share  Option   Scheme
                         (adopted  by  Citadel   25   June

"Closing Price"          closing middle market price of  a
                         CLS  Share or a Citadel Share (as
                         the  case  may  be) derived  from
                         the  London Stock Exchange  Daily
                         Official List

"CLS" or the "Company"   CLS Holdings plc

"CLS Group"              CLS      and     its     existing

"CLS Independent         Keith  Harris, James  Dean
 Directors"              and Patrik Gransater

"CLS Shareholders"       holders of CLS Shares

"CLS Shares"             ordinary shares of 25 pence  each
                         in the capital of CLS

"CLS Warrant"            the   warrant  agreement  between
                         CLS  and  Citadel dated  25  June
                         1997,   under   which   CLS    is
                         entitled  to  subscribe   for   a
                         further     8,000,000      (eight
                         million)   Citadel   Shares    (4
                         million  at  100  pence   and   4
                         million at 115 pence)

"Code"                   City   Code   on  Takeovers   and

"Directors" or           the directors of CLS
 "CLS Directors"
"EGM"  or                  the  CLS extraordinary  general
meeting to
"Extraordinary General   be held to approve the
Meeting"                 Merger Offer and
                         other  matters full  details  of
                         which will be set out in the Circular

"Enlarged Group"         CLS  Group,  as enlarged  by  the
                         proposed   acquisition   of   the
                         whole   of   the   issued   share
                         capital  of  Citadel not  already
                         owned  by  CLS  pursuant  to  the
                         Merger Offer

"Form of Acceptance"     form   of  acceptance,  authority
                         and   election  relating  to  the
                         Merger   Offer  to  be  sent   to
                         Citadel Shareholders

"HSBC"                   HSBC Investment Bank plc

"Japan"                  Japan,     its     cities     and
                         prefectures,   territories    and

"Listing Particulars"    the  listing particulars relating
                         to    CLS   to   be   issued   in
                         connection with the Admission

"Listing Rules"          listing  rules made under Section
                         142 Financial Services Act 1986

"London Stock Exchange"  London Stock Exchange plc

"Merger Offer"           the  offer to be made by HSBC  on
                         behalf  of  CLS  to  acquire  the
                         Citadel Shares (other than  those
                         Citadel  Shares already  held  by
                         CLS) on the terms and subject  to
                         the  conditions to be set out  in
                         the  Offer Document and the  Form
                         of  Acceptance  including,  where
                         the   context  so  requires,  any
                         subsequent  revision,  variation,
                         extension  or  renewal  of   such
                         offer.  The Merger Offer  is  not
                         considered  to  be  a  merger  in
                         accordance     with     generally
                         accepted   accounting  standards,
                         but    is   considered   by   the
                         Directors to be in the nature  of
                         a merger

"New CLS Shares"         new  CLS  Shares to be issued  by
                         CLS pursuant to the Merger Offer

"Offer Document"         the   document   to   be   issued
                         containing  the  terms   of   the
                         Merger Offer

"Offer Period"           the  period commencing on 20 July
                         2000  and concluding on the later
                         of  (i) 21 days after the posting
                         of  the Offer Document, (ii)  the
                         Unconditional Date and (iii)  the
                         time  at  which the Merger  Offer
                         lapses or is withdrawn

"Official List"          Official  List of the UK  Listing

"Overseas Shareholder"   any  Citadel Shareholder resident
                         in,  or  who  is  a  citizen   or
                         national     of,    jurisdictions
                         outside   the  UK  or   who   are
                         nominees   of,   or   custodians,
                         trustees   or   guardians    for,
                         residents, citizens or  nationals
                         of such jurisdictions

"Panel"                  the   Panel   on  Takeovers   and

"Teather & Greenwood"    Teather and Greenwood Limited

"UK" or "United Kingdom" United  Kingdom of Great  Britain
                         and Northern Ireland

"UK Listing Authority"   the  Financial Services Authority
                         acting  in  its capacity  as  the
                         competent   authority   for   the
                         purposes  of  Part  IV   of   the
                         Financial Services Act 1986

"Unconditional Date"     the  date  on  which  the  Merger
                         Offer   becomes  or  is  declared
                         wholly   unconditional   in   all

"United States"          United  States  of  America,  its
                         territories and possessions,  any
                         state  of  the United States  and
                         the District of Columbia

Appendix IV

Letter from the Citadel Independent Directors

To Citadel Shareholders and, for information only, holders
of options under the Citadel Share Option Scheme

Dear Shareholder

Recommended Merger Offer from CLS

1.  Introduction

CLS has today announced a recommended merger offer for the
entire  issued share capital of Citadel not already  owned
by  CLS.   The  terms of the Merger Offer are  3  New  CLS
Shares  for  every 5 Citadel Shares held.   Based  on  the
Closing  Price of a CLS Share at the close of business  on
19  July 2000 of 177.5 pence the Merger Offer values  each
Citadel  Share  at  106.5 pence.  Under  such  terms,  and
comparing  the  net asset value per share of  Citadel  and
CLS, Citadel Shareholders have a larger proportion of  the
Enlarged  Group  than that derived from comparing  Citadel
and  CLS's  respective stockmarket values.  CLS  currently
owns  5,827,310 Citadel Shares representing 17.4 per cent.
of  the  issued share capital of Citadel.  The purpose  of
this  letter  is to explain the basis of recommending  the
Merger Offer to Citadel Shareholders.

Your  company  was floated on AIM in the summer  of  1997,
since which time its undiluted net assets have appreciated
by  67.0  per cent.  A solid portfolio of Paris  and  Lyon
properties  has been built up, with prospects for  a  good
income   stream   and   some   further   capital   uplift.
Nonetheless  we  must address, on your  behalf,  Citadel's
prospects  from  here  both in  terms  of  its  underlying
business strategy and its stockmarket position.

2.  The French property market

Over  a period of some months the investment committee  of
your  board  has seen a series of reports on the  property
market  and  possible investment situations.   These  have
been  judged in the context of the quality of the existing
portfolio,  the income yield at potential purchase  prices
and  the  prospects for capital uplift.  During  1997  and
1998 Citadel was regularly able to invest in properties at
an  entry  price  yield of in excess  of  nine  per  cent.
Lesser quality properties are now being offered to Citadel
on  yields of around eight per cent.  We are advised  that
while  there is short to medium term potential for capital
uplift,  good  value is certainly much more  difficult  to

3.  Citadel's stockmarket position

Despite  a  strong asset performance to date and prospects
for  dividend growth, the Citadel Directors feel this  has
not  been reflected in Citadel's share price.  During  the
previous  12 months Citadel Shares have traded at  between
15.8  per  cent.  and  32.6 per cent.  discount  to  their
undiluted   net  asset  values  per  share.    Teather   &
Greenwood, Citadel's advisers, believe that this  discount
is  unlikely  to change for the positive in the  short  to
medium term reflecting a general lack of investor interest
in smaller quoted property companies.

Against such a background, your board decided to formalise
a  review of the way forward. An independent committee  of
non-executive  directors  was established  and  Teather  &
Greenwood were appointed as financial advisers.   We  have
set  out  below  a summary of that review, which  involved
discussions with the board of CLS and a number of  Citadel

4.  Liquidation

We  have considered liquidating your company and returning
cash  to  Citadel Shareholders. Today's interim  statement
shows fully diluted net assets of 152.5 pence per share as
at  30 June 2000.  We have considered reports from Teather
&  Greenwood, DTZ Debenham Tie Leung Limited  and  CLS  in
this  regard.  Taking into account transaction costs,  the
market  position of being a perceived forced seller  of  a
portfolio, potential time delays and property market risks
we have decided not to pursue this route.

In   addition,  we  have  taken  into  account  the  views
expressed  by  certain  Citadel  Shareholders   who   have
indicated  that they would prefer not to see a  cash  exit
from their investment in the company assets at this time.

5.  Third party offer

As  mentioned above, we have taken into account the  views
of  certain  Citadel Shareholders who have indicated  that
they do not wish to see a cash proposal put forward.   The
Citadel Independent Directors believe that the recommended
Merger   Offer  represents  an  opportunity  for   Citadel
Shareholders to participate in the potential for continued
growth   of   CLS   on  appropriate  terms   for   Citadel

6.  Continue with the present position

The Citadel Independent Directors, who have consulted with
Teather  &  Greenwood, believe that as  a  smaller  quoted
property company Citadel Shares are likely to continue  to
trade at a discount to net asset value.  Doing nothing  is
therefore not a practicable option.

7.  Information on CLS

CLS  is  a  London listed property and investment  company
with  a market capitalisation of #167.8 million (based  on
the Closing Price of a CLS Share on 19 July 2000, the last
dealing  day  prior to the date of this announcement)  and
net  assets of #268.5 million as at 30 June 2000.  A  copy
of  their  unaudited interim statement for the six  months
ended 30 June 2000, announced today, is enclosed for  your
information.  CLS was floated on the London Stock Exchange
in  1994 and has achieved annual total shareholder returns
of  18.3 per cent. (1997), 18.3 per cent. (1998) and  23.6
per  cent. (1999).  CLS has adopted a progressive approach
to  shareholder value including the buying in of  its  own
shares.   The attached press release sets out  details  of
the  continuation of that programme.  Further  details  on
CLS  will  be  forwarded  to you  with  the  formal  offer
documentation shortly.

CLS  had indicated a formal interest in acquiring Citadel.
Teather  & Greenwood have negotiated terms and the current
proposal represents the result.

8.  Other considerations

Certain   Citadel  Shareholders  have  given   non-binding
letters  of intent to accept the Merger Offer who together
hold  8,483,751 Citadel Shares representing 25.3 per cent.
of Citadel's existing issued share capital.

Additionally  CLS  already owns 5,827,310  Citadel  Shares
representing  approximately 17.4 per  cent.  of  Citadel's
existing issued ordinary share capital.  Further, CLS  has
received  irrevocable undertakings from Citadel  Directors
in  respect  of  a  total of 21.5 per cent.  of  Citadel's
issued share capital.

9.   Citadel's interim results for the six months ended 30
June 2000

A  copy  of our interim results announced today,  will  be
forwarded to you shortly.

10.  Recommendation

We  have  conducted  a  review of  Citadel's  future  with
Teather   &   Greenwood.   Certain  Citadel   Shareholders
representing 25.3 per cent. of the issued share capital of
Citadel have given non-binding letters of intent to accept
the  Merger Offer.  When taken with CLS's own shareholding
and  that  of Citadel Directors who own 21.5 per cent.  of
the  issued  share  capital,  this  represents  compelling
current support for proceeding with the Merger Offer.

In  deciding whether to accept the Merger Offer you should
have  regard to an ongoing investment exposure to a listed
property company's shares with a broader investment  ambit
than  that of Citadel and the discount to net asset  value
which  may be involved.  We have not been invited to  join
the  Enlarged Group board and will therefore play no  part
in the Enlarged Group's strategy.

The  Citadel  Independent  Directors,  who  have  been  so
advised  by  Teather & Greenwood, consider the  terms  and
conditions  of the Merger Offer to be fair and  reasonable
so  far  as Citadel Shareholders are concerned and in  the
best interests of Citadel and of Citadel Shareholders as a
whole.   In  providing  advice to the Citadel  Independent
Directors, Teather & Greenwood has taken into account  the
Citadel  Independent Directors' commercial  assessment  of
the transaction in the circumstances as set out above.

Taking  into account the set of circumstances set  out  in
this   letter  it  is  entirely  proper  that  the   whole
shareholder body should have the opportunity to accept the
CLS  proposal and accordingly we recommend it  to  you  as
being  fair  and  reasonable and in the best  interest  of
Citadel Shareholders as a whole.

Yours sincerely

Richard Lockwood              Gavin Kelly
Non-executive Director        Non-executive Director

The  Citadel Independent Directors, whose names we set out
above, accept responsibility for the information contained
in this letter. To the best of the knowledge and belief of
the  Citadel  Independent Directors (who  have  taken  all
reasonable  care  to ensure that such is  the  case),  the
information  contained in this letter for which  they  are
responsible is in accordance with the facts and  does  not
omit   anything  likely  to  affect  the  import  of  that

Teather  &  Greenwood Limited, which is regulated  by  the
Securities  and  Futures Authority, is acting  exclusively
for  Citadel  Holdings  plc, acting  through  the  Citadel
Independent  Directors, and for no-one else in  connection
with  the  Merger  Offer and will not  be  responsible  to
anyone other than Citadel Holdings plc, acting through the
Citadel   Independent   Directors,   for   providing   the
protections  afforded to customers of Teather &  Greenwood
Limited or for providing advice in relating to the  Merger
Offer or any other matter referred to herein.

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