RNS No 8497u
19th November 1998

                           Cedar Group Plc
    Interim Results for the six months ended 30th September 1998
    As  anticipated at the time of announcement in June, of the March
    1998  results, this year will reflect growth and transition.  The
    Group  is  pursuing its plans for achieving growth based  on  the
    strengths  of  its existing operations. This has involved  making
    investments in facilities and staff, and moving to a new building
    at  Cobham,  Surrey,  where for the first time  all  Group  sales
    activities  are benefiting from being carried out  in  a  purpose
    designed customer centre.
    The  underlying trend of the business was strongly upwards in the
    6  months  to 30 September, 1998. Turnover increased  by  36%  to
    #7.2M  (1997: #5.3M). This included a marked increase in  licence
    sales  of  cfacs up by 80% and an early contribution  from  newly
    acquired Grad Systems' macris time recording product.  There  was
    also  a good performance in consultancy and services, up 71%,  as
    new recruits started to make a contribution. Most of the services
    delivered were generated from licence sales secured in  the  busy
    final quarter of the year to 31 March, 1998.
    The  increase in average staff numbers during the period  by  32%
    and  the linked investment in infrastructure necessary to support
    their activities, resulted in substantially increased costs and a
    pre-tax  loss before amortisation of #0.8M (1997: #1.1M  profit).
    The  requirement to fund the investments outlined above, combined
    with  a  rise in trade debtors in line with the growth in  sales,
    led  to  a cash outflow of #4.3M (1997: #0.1M) and borrowings  of
    #1.8M at the end of the period.
    The  Group  has changed its terms of business, which now  require
    all new customer contracts to be self financing with payments due
    on  delivery  of  software  and hardware  (in  line  with  normal
    industry  practice).  These changes will  reduce  future  working
    capital  requirements.  Achievement of this reduction will  allow
    the  Group  to  continue  to finance its  working  capital  needs
    through  bank  facilities for the remainder of the year,  without
    necessarily  having to achieve a sale of its vacated  New  Malden
    The  investment in people is already delivering tangible  results
    and  we  are confident that this will continue through the second
    half  of  the  year. The conclusion of the Tele-Connect  deferred
    consideration agreement, and the acquisition of Qualtech  Limited
    in October, are both further steps in the formation of the Group,
    and give us the opportunity to combine their sales operations  in
    offering solutions to improve call centre agent effectiveness.  A
    number  of further initiatives which have long gestation  periods
    are  also  likely to produce results for the first  time  in  the
    second half.
    Our  strategy  is  to  provide a 'best  of  breed'  portfolio  of
    products   capable  of  integrating  all  aspects   of   Customer
    Relationship  Management  (CRM) with an  organisation's  business
    processes and information systems. This strategy, aimed at medium
    and  large enterprises, is gaining strong acceptance from clients
    who  are  leaders  in  their  field  and  the  Group  anticipates
    accelerating growth in line with its long term plans.  The  Board
    are  encouraged by the increased cfacs licence sales achieved  in
    the  period as this is the lead indicator that the strategy being
    pursued is having early success. The Board therefore continues to
    believe that the Group will deliver satisfactory results for  the
    year as a whole.
   The  Board,  having reviewed the growth of the  business  and  its
   financial  needs,  has  declared an  unchanged  dividend  of  0.8p
   (1997: 0.8p) payable on 26th March, 1999.
   Finally,  I  should  like  to  make  a  special  mention  of   the
   retirement of Leon Fattal, founder of the Cedar Group, who  leaves
   the  Board  today. His contribution over fourteen years  has  been
   immense  and  without  him  there would  be  no  business  and  no
   opportunities for any of its stakeholders. We wish him well.
   S H Cordier
   Chairman                                     19 November, 1998
   Mike Harrison, Group Managing Director, 
   Cedar Group Plc     01932-584000

   Alex Walters, Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd               
   0171-282 8000
   mobile: 0370-788624
                           Cedar Group Plc
    Interim Results for the six months ended 30th September 1998
                 Consolidated Profit & Loss Account
             Six months ended 30 September 1998                Six       Year
                                                             months      ended
                             Amortisation                     ended   31 March 
          Results before     of goodwill &  Consolidated    30 Sept.      1998
          amortisation +     Intangibles    profit&loss        1997   (Audited)
              (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)
                   #'000           #'000        #'000        #'000      #'000


Turnover -   continuing  
Operations     2   7,249                         7,249        5,321    12,506 
Cost of Sales     (2,249)                       (2,249)      (1,573)   (3,935)
Gross profit       5,000                         5,000        3,748     8,571
Other operating expenses before 
amortisation      (5,920)                       (5,920)       (2,760)  (6,113)

Amortisation of goodwill & 
intangibles           -             (143)         (143)            -        -

Total operating 
expenses          (5,920)          (143)        (6,063)      (2,760)   (6,113)
Operating (loss)/profit -                                              
operations          (920)          (143)        (1,063)         988     2,458
Investment income    171                           171          161       274

Interest payable and  
similar charges      (79)                          (79)         (95)     (168)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary                                              
activities before 
taxation            (828)          (143)          (971)       1,054     2,564

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary 
activities     3     193                           193         (347)     (866) 

(Loss)/profit on ordinary                                              
activities after 
taxation            (635)          (143)          (778)         707     1,698

Dividends paid  and 
proposed       4    (268)                         (268)        (253)     (786)
Retained (loss)/profit 
for the period      (903)          (143)        (1,046)         454       912
Earnings per 
ordinary share 5    (1.9)p         (0.4)p         (2.3)p        2.2p      5.3p 

+  Results  before  amortisation  include  all  depreciation  and
   amortisation  charges  on assets other than  purchased  intellectual
   property rights and goodwill.

                           Cedar Group Plc
    Interim Results for the six months ended 30th September 1998
                     Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                 30 September      30 September   31 March  
                                         1998              1997       1998   
                                   (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)   (Audited)  
                                        #'000            #'000       #'000   

Fixed Assets                                                            
Intangible assets                       6,678                -       2,073   
Tangible assets                         1,991            1,651       1,499   
Investments                               993                -          -       
                                        9,662            1,651       3,572   

Current assets                                                          
Debtors:  falling  due  within  one 
          year                         12,226            5,677      10,199  

Debtors: falling due after one year       200              119         705     

Cash at bank and in hand                    4            3,957       2,556   
                                       12,430            9,753      13,460  
Creditors: Amounts falling due         (9,031)          (5,075)     (9,398)  
within one year                    

Borrowings                             (1,763)              -          -       
Net current assets                      1,636           4,678       4,062   
Total assets less current              11,298           6,329       7,634   
Provisions for liabilities and         (4,500)         (2,592)       (922)   
Net assets                              6,798           3,737       6,712   
Capital and reserves                                                    
Called up share capital                 1,676           1,584       1,667   
Share premium reserve                   3,311             963       3,286   
Merger reserve                            242              -          -       
Profit and loss account                 5,163           5,751       6,209   
Goodwill write off reserve             (3,594          (4,561)     (4,450)  

Equity shareholders' funds              6,798           3,737       6,712   

                           Cedar Group Plc
    Interim Results for the six months ended 30th September 1998
                  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                     Six months    Six month     Year to 
                                    30 September  30 September  31 March  
                                         1998         1997         1998   
                                    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)   (Audited)  
                                        #'000         #'000        #'000   
Net cash (outflow)/inflow   
from                        6          (2,404)         375         923     
operating activities                       
Returns on investments and                 29          167         188     
servicing of finance
Taxation                                  259         (239)       (620)   
Capital  expenditure and  financial    (1,757)        (147)     (2,306)  
Acquisitions                               65          -            -       
Equity dividends paid                    (533)        (222)       (475)   
Cash outflow before use of liquid                                         
resources and financing                (4,341          (66)     (2,290)
Management of liquid resources            -              -      (1,583)  
Financing                                  26            -       2,406
Decrease in cash                       (4,315)         (66)     (1,467)  

for the six months ended 30 September 1998

                                 Six months to   Six months to   Year to
                                 30 September    30 September    31 March
                                     1998            1997          1998
                                 (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                    #'000           #'000         #'000
(Decrease) in cash in the period    (4,315)           (66)        (1,467)  
Net cash at the start of the period  2,556          4,023          4,023   

Net  (debt)/cash at the end of  the (1,759)         3,957          2,556   

                           Cedar Group Plc
    Interim Results for the six months ended 30th September 1998
                   Notes to the Interim Statement

The interim statement has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies  set  out in the Company's statutory accounts for  the  year
ended 31 March 1998.

The  financial  information presented in this interim statement  does
not  constitute  full  financial information within  the  meaning  of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The  comparative figures for the financial year ended 31  March  1998
have  been extracted from the Company's statutory accounts  for  that
financial  year.   Those  accounts  have  been  reported  on  by  the
Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies.   The
report  of  the  auditors  was unqualified  and  did  not  contain  a
statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

Copies  of  this statement of interim results are being sent  to  all
shareholders  within seven days.  Further copies are  available  from
the  Company's  Registered Office: Cedar Group Plc, Cedar  House,  78
Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey  KT11 1HY.

Turnover from continuing activities can be analysed as follows:

                                        Six months to   Six months to  Year to
                                        30 September    30 September   31 March
                                        1998            1997           1998   
                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                        #'000           #'000          #'000

Classes of business                                                      
Software products and services:                                          
 Licences                                   2,316         1,666      4,518   
 Consultancy and training                   2,055         1,203      2,537   
 Maintenance                                2,338         2,080      4,226   
 Other                                      540             372      1,225   
                                            7,249         5,321     12,506  
Geographical segments                                                    
United Kingdom                              7,071         5,321     11,816  
Rest of World                                 178             -        690
                                            7,249         5,321     12,506
                                        Six months to   Six months to  Year to
                                        30 September    30 September   31 March
                                        1998            1997           1998   
                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                        #'000           #'000          #'000
Corporation tax (credit)/charge at 31%   (193)            347            866

Dividends in respect of the year ended 31 March 1998 were paid  on  2
September  1998.  The directors have declared an interim dividend  of
0.8p (net) for the six months ended 30 September 1998, which will  be
paid  on  26th  March 1999 to all holders of Ordinary Shares  on  the
register at 26th February 1999.

                                        Six months to   Six months to  Year to
                                        30 September    30 September   31 March
                                        1998            1997           1998   
                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)    (Audited)
(Loss)/earnings per ordinary share          (2.3)p      2.2p           5.3p   
Losses  per  Ordinary  Share of 2.3p are  based  on  the  loss  after
taxation and on 33,421,817 Ordinary Shares being the weighted average
number  of  Ordinary Shares in issue and ranking for  dividend.   The
potential dilution of earnings per share from the exercise  of  share
options is not material.

                                        Six months to   Six months to  Year to
                                        30 September    30 September   31 March
                                        1998            1997           1998   
                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                        #'000           #'000          #'000

Operating (loss)/profit                  (1,063)          988           2,458   
Depreciation                                285           195             434
Amortisation   of   goodwill    and         143             -               -
Profit on disposal of fixed assets            -            (3)             (4)
(Increase)/decrease in debtors           (1,518)          (46)         (3,080)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors           (251)         (759)          1,115
Net cash  (outflow)/inflow   from        (2,404)          375             923
operating activities                    



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