RNS No 4631q
10th August 1998

The issuer has made the following alteration to the Barrasford Holdings Plc
"Rec.Offer by Gander Holdings" announcement released at 17.10 today.
The third line of the seventh paragraph should read "...in Kensington and
Chelsea..." and not "...in the Kensington and Chelsea..." as stated.
All other text remains unchanged.

                             Gander Holdings PLC
                     Merger with Barrasford Holdings PLC
*  Gander Holdings PLC ("Gander") announces a recommended offer to be made
   for the entire issued and to be issued share capital of Barrasford
   Holdings PLC ("Barrasford")

*  The Offer is on the basis of 4 Gander shares for every 5 Barrasford shares

*  The Offer values the fully diluted share capital of Barrasford at
   approximately #24.4 million

*       The Offer extends to the holders of Barrasford warrants, representing
   approximately 10 per cent. of the fully diluted share capital of Barrasford

*       Issue of total 240.6 million new Gander shares to Barrasford
   shareholders and warrant holders, representing 43.9 per cent. of fully
   diluted enlarged share capital

Commenting  on  the  Merger Oliver Vaughan, Chief  Executive  of  Gander  and
Barrasford, said today:

"I  am  pleased to announce the terms of a recommended offer for  Barrasford.
The  merger  will provide the enlarged group with critical mass in  its  core
residential  lettings  market  in Kensington  and  Chelsea  and  a  sound
platform for continued growth".

Gander Holdings PLC                 Oliver Vaughan             0171 937 4445
                                    Chief Executive                         
HSBC Investment Bank plc            Jonathan Gray              0171 336 9000
                                    Steven Cooklin                          
Charles Stanley & Co Limited        Robin Dunham               0171 739 8200
College Hill                        Kate Pope                  0171 457 2020

HSBC Investment Bank, which is regulated by The Securities and Futures
Authority Limited, is acting for Gander Holdings PLC and no one else in
connection with the Offer and, accordingly, is not acting for a recipient of
this document and will not be responsible to anyone other than Gander
Holdings PLC for providing the protections afforded to customers of HSBC
Investment Bank nor for providing advice in relation to the Offer.

Charles Stanley & Co. Limited, which is regulated by The Securities and
Futures Authority Limited, is acting for Barrasford Holdings PLC and no one
else in connection with the Offer and, accordingly, is not acting for a
recipient of this document and will not be responsible to anyone other than
Barrasford Holdings PLC for providing the protections afforded to customers
of Charles Stanley & Co. Limited nor for providing advice in relation to the

10 August 1998

                             Gander Holdings PLC
                     Merger with Barrasford Holdings PLC

1.      Introduction

Today   Gander   Holdings   PLC  ("Gander")  and  Barrasford   Holdings   PLC
("Barrasford") announced the terms of a recommended offer to be made by  HSBC
Investment Bank on behalf of Gander to acquire the whole of the issued and to
be  issued  share capital of Barrasford ("Offer"). The Offer extends  to  the
holders  of  Barrasford warrants ("Barrasford warrant holders") who  wish  to
convert  their  Barrasford warrants into Barrasford shares  while  the  Offer
remains open for acceptance. The consideration, which is entirely in the form
of  Gander  shares, values the fully diluted share capital of  Barrasford  at
approximately  #24.4  million. The consideration values the  existing  issued
share  capital of Barrasford at approximately #22.2 million and the  existing
Barrasford  warrants  (representing 10 per cent. of the fully  diluted  share
capital  of  Barrasford) at approximately #2.2 million, based on the  closing
price  of  a  Gander  Share of 10.25 pence on 7 August  1998.  Assuming  full
acceptance,  the Offer will result in the issue of up to 240,635,734  million
new Gander shares, to Barrasford shareholders and Barrasford warrant holders,
representing  43.9  per  cent. of the enlarged group's  fully  diluted  share

Gander  also  announced on 7 August 1998 that the Gander group purchased  the
freehold  interest  in Courtfield Gardens from Gladheath  Limited  for  #9.25
million ("Courtfield Gardens Acquisition"). Further details of the Courtfield
Gardens Acquisition are set out below.

Due to the size of the merger relative to Gander and the fact that the merger
is  a  related  party  transaction as defined by the Listing  Rules  (as  the
directors  of  Gander  are also directors of Barrasford and  shareholders  of
Barrasford),   the  merger  requires  Gander  shareholders'   approval.   The
Courtfield Gardens Acquisition was also a related party transaction  but  due
to  its  size relative to Gander, the transaction did not require shareholder
approval.  Further details of this transaction, including the  related  party
aspects, are set out below.

As  the  merger  is a related party transaction, as defined  by  the  Listing
Rules,  the  Gander  directors have agreed to abstain  in  respect  of  their
shareholdings in Gander, and have undertaken to take all reasonable steps  to
ensure  that all or any of their associates will abstain, from voting on  all
resolutions  proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting  relating  to  the
approval  of  the Offer and their ability to accept the Offer  in  regard  to
their  shareholdings  and  warrant holdings  in  Barrasford.  The  beneficial
holdings  of  the  Gander  directors  and  Christopher  James,  the  proposed
Operations Director of Gander, ("Proposed Director") in Barrasford shares and
Barrasford warrants is 51,322,219 shares (representing approximately  19  per
cent.   of   Barrasford's  issued  share  capital)  and  20,800,000  warrants
(representing approximately 69 per cent. of the Barrasford warrants).

Save  as disclosed in the previous paragraph neither Gander nor the directors
of  Gander nor the Proposed Director, nor anyone acting in concert with them,
holds  any  shares  in  the capital of Barrasford or Barrasford  warrants  or
options  to  purchase  or  subscribe  for  Barrasford  shares  or  Barrasford

The  principal  conditions of the Offer are : valid acceptances  having  been
received (and not withdrawn) by 3.00 p.m. on 7 September 1998 (or such  later
date  and time as Gander may decide) in respect of not less than 90 per cent.
of  the  Barrasford shares (or such lower percentage as Gander  may  decide);
admission  of the new Gander shares to the Official List having taken  place;
the  resolutions to be proposed at an Extraordinary General Meeting of Gander
on  3  September 1998 and a meeting of the Barrasford warrant holders on  the
same  date having been duly passed; and there having been no material adverse
change  since 31 December 1997 in the business, assets, financial or  trading
position or profits or prospects of the Barrasford group.

Further  information  in  respect of the Offer and  information  relating  to
Barrasford and Courtfield Gardens is set out below.  Shareholders  are  today
being  sent  a  circular  containing the notice of the Extraordinary  General
Meeting,  the  Listing Particulars relating to the new Gander  shares  to  be
issued  pursuant to the Offer and, for information only, a copy of the  Offer

2.      Background to and reasons for the Merger

In January 1994 the Gander group became a residential property investment and
development group specialising in the Kensington and Chelsea area of  London.
During the last four years Gander has exhibited strong growth in its property
portfolio.  Over  this period, it has raised #14.7 million from  Shareholders
and  #18.6  million in bank borrowings to fund the development  of  its  high
quality property portfolio which was valued at #62.6 million as at 31 January
1998.  The  refurbishment of the property at 7-9 Palace Gate, London  W8  was
completed  in  March  1998  and was independently valued  on  3  April  1998,
increasing  the  total  valuation of the Gander group property  portfolio  to
#65.3 million.

On  14  July  1997  the  board  of  Gander  announced  that  it  was  seeking
alternatives  for  realising  value in Gander  for  its  shareholders.  These
alternatives  included seeking an offeror for Gander's  entire  issued  share
capital.  Despite  a  significant number of approaches,  no  proposals  at  a
satisfactory price level were forthcoming and all such discussions  have  now
been  terminated.  The directors of Gander and the Proposed Director  believe
that the merger will enhance shareholder value.

The   directors  of  Gander  and  the  Proposed  Director  believe  that  the
combination  of  Gander  and Barrasford will create a  broader  platform  for
further  growth of the enlarged group in its niche market. The  Gander  group
and  the  Barrasford  group  both operate in  the  same  product  market  and
geographical  area and the enlarged group should benefit from  the  increased
presence  it  will have in its core market. The directors of Gander  and  the
Proposed  Director also believe that shareholders will benefit from increased
control  over  the major suppliers to the enlarged group and that  they  will
benefit of operating with only one set of corporate overheads.

The terms of the Offer are based on the relative prospective net asset values
of  Gander  and Barrasford following completion of their respective  property
portfolios.  The directors of Gander and the Proposed Director  believe  that
although  Gander shareholders will suffer a short term diminution in historic
net  asset  value as Barrasford's major property, 35-49 Queens Gate  Terrace,
will  not  be  completed  until July 1999, they stand  to  benefit  from  the
substantial  income  stream that this property should be  able  to  generate.
Furthermore,  they believe that the vast majority of the structural  work  at
Queens  Gate Terrace, which typically carries the greatest risk of unforeseen
problems in any property development, has been completed.

On  the  Offer becoming, or being declared, unconditional, Christopher  James
will  be appointed as Operations Director with responsibility for integrating
the  two groups and assisting the enlarged group in the maximisation  of  the
benefits of the merger.

3.      Conflicts of interest and related parties

All of the directors of Gander and the Proposed Director have entered into  a
relationship agreement with Gander to ensure that they are free of  conflicts
between  duties to the enlarged group and their private interests  and  other
duties.  Following completion of the merger, it is intended that Gander  will
be  the only residential property company of its type which they will manage.
In  addition,  Oliver Vaughan, Timothy James, Adrian Graham and Brian  Moritz
all  resigned  from  the  board of Property Asset Holdings  PLC,  a  property
company quoted on AIM today.

Both the Gander group and the Barrasford group have utilised and paid fees to
businesses in which the directors of Gander, the Proposed Director  and  some
substantial shareholders have interests. In particular, Timothy  James  is  a
director  and  significant  shareholder in Farley  and  Co.  Limited,  Estate
Agents,  which  provides a number of property services to both groups.  James
Interiors,  a  business  which  is run by the  wives  of  Timothy  James  and
Christopher  James, provides interior design services to  both  groups.  Also
Paul  Carter, a shareholder in both Gander and Barrasford, has  a  number  of
businesses  which provide construction related services to the  Gander  group
and  the  Barrasford  group. Christopher James provides  property  management
services to the Gander group and the Barrasford group.

The directors of Gander and the Proposed Director believe that these services
are  key to the quality and success of both the Gander and Barrasford product
and  offer Gander far better value for money than it can find elsewhere on  a
commercial basis.

Gander has been charged approximately #40,000 per annum for the use of office
space  and  services  by Blackbrook Estate, of which Oliver  Vaughan  is  the
proprietor.   In  line  with  the company's policy of  minimising  overheads,
Oliver Vaughan and Timothy James do not draw salaries from Gander and do  not
claim any expenses. In addition, there are no company cars.

4.      Courtfield Gardens Acquisition

Courtfield Gardens was made available for sale by Gladheath in May  1998.  As
it was not possible for Gander itself to make an initial payment at that time
to  secure  the contract, Newbourne PLC, a company in which the directors  of
Gander  and the Proposed Director have a 12.5 per cent. shareholding,  agreed
to contract with Gladheath.

On  28  May  1998  Newbourne PLC entered into a contractual arrangement  with
Gladheath  to  purchase  Courtfield Gardens for  #9.25  million  the  initial
payment for which was the payment by Newbourne PLC of #0.925 million in  cash
to  Gladheath. #0.475 million was funded by the shareholders of Newbourne PLC
and  #0.45  million  was  financed via a loan, on  third  party  terms,  from
Mountcashel  PLC. On 6 August 1998, Newbourne PLC assigned this  contract  to
Kensington & Chelsea Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gander. Under  the
terms  of  the  contract, on 7 August 1998, the Gander group  paid  Gladheath
#8.325 million and reimbursed Newbourne PLC #0.965 million (being the initial
sum  paid  plus  interest  since 28 May 1998 and  costs,  which  amounted  in
aggregate  to  #40,000)  in consideration for the acquisition  of  Courtfield

Adrian  Graham  was  a director of Newbourne PLC at the time  contracts  were
exchanged.  Oliver Vaughan, Thomas Vaughan, Timothy James, Adrian Graham  and
Christopher  James have an aggregate shareholding of 12.5 per  cent.  in  the
issued  share  capital  of Newbourne PLC. Oliver Vaughan  is  a  director  of
Mountcashel PLC in which he has a shareholding of approximately 30 per  cent.
For  these reasons assignment of the contract to purchase Courtfield  Gardens
was  a related party transaction but due to its size relative to Gander,  the
transaction did not require shareholder approval.

To   facilitate  the  acquisition  and  restructure  its  banking  facilities
generally,  the Gander group has arranged a new loan facility of #31 million
with Commerzbank.

Courtfield  Gardens  comprises five adjoining freehold properties  comprising
some  40,355  square  feet. The planning officers of  the  Royal  Borough  of
Kensington and Chelsea have given planning consent for the development of the
buildings  into 33 residential apartments. However, further planning  consent
is  being  sought  by Gander to alter the use of the properties  to  serviced
apartments  and  to  increase  the total number  of  apartments  to  45.  The
directors of Gander and the Proposed Director expect that the development  of
the property will take approximately 15 months.

The   directors  of  Gander  and  the  Proposed  Director  believe  that  the
acquisition  of  Courtfield  Gardens presents  the  enlarged  group  with  an
exciting   serviced  apartment  development  opportunity   in   the   group's
geographical area. It is intended that this development will be  called  "The
Courtfield"  and  marketed  alongside the Gander  group's  existing  serviced
apartment  block in Lexham Gardens, "The Lexham". The Lexham  was  opened  in
November  1997  and occupancy and income have been in line  with  the  Gander
board's expectations.

As  at 6 August 1998, Courtfield Gardens has been valued at #9.35 million  on
an  Open  Market  Valuation basis and #19 million on  a  completed  valuation

5.      Financing of the Offer

The Offer will be financed entirely by the issue of new Gander shares.

6.      Information on Gander

The  main  activities  of  the  Gander group  comprise  residential  property
investment  and  development in London, principally  in  the  Kensington  and
Chelsea area.

For  the  year ended 31 January 1998, the Gander group reported  turnover  of
#1.19 million, profit before taxation of #0.11 million and earnings per share
of  0.04 pence. Gander's net assets as at 31 January 1998 were #44.9 million,
equivalent to a net asset value per share of 16.2 pence.

7.      Information on Barrasford

Barrasford  Limited  was  formed  on 20  September  1995,  with  the  aim  of
investment  in and development of residential property in the Kensington  and
Chelsea area of London. Barrasford Limited did not commence trading until  28
March  1996. On 17 September 1996 Barrasford Holdings PLC was formed  and  on
17  October 1996 it purchased Barrasford Limited and the shares of Barrasford
Holdings PLC were introduced to AIM on 15 November 1996. Audited accounts for
Barrasford  Limited  were prepared for the period 20  September  1995  to  31
December  1996.  Consolidated  audited accounts  for  the  Barrasford  group,
incorporating  the acquisition of Barrasford Limited from  17  October  1996,
were prepared for the period 17 September 1996 to 31 December 1997.

All  of  the  directors  of  Gander are also directors  and  shareholders  of

The  Barrasford  group has acquired eight properties in  the  Kensington  and
Chelsea  area  of  London.  Of  this portfolio,  five  properties  have  been
refurbished and are being let to tenants. The property at Queens Gate Terrace
is  currently undergoing redevelopment and it is estimated that this will  be
completed  by  June  1999. The Barrasford group property portfolio  has  been
independently valued at #34.17 million, as at 6 August 1998.

Below is a summary of the Barrasford Properties.

Valuation as at
                                                                6 August 1998

Property                                               Tenure         #'000

10/11 Philbeach Gardens, London SW5                    Freehold       2,350
97 Earls Court Road, London W8                         Freehold       1,300
97A Earls Court Road and 150 Lexham Gardens, London W8 Freehold       2,750
Holland Place Chambers, London W8                      Freehold       3,950
1-12 Nevern Mansions, 27A Nevern Square, London SW5    Freehold       4,500
Furse House, 35-49 Queens Gate Terrace, London SW7     Freehold      18,750*
20 Petersham Place, London SW7                         Freehold         550
Parking Space No 10, 10 Palace Gate, London W8         Long leasehold    20
*The  fully  developed value, assuming full completion and full  letting,  of
Queens Gate Terrace has been estimated at #32.75 million. #32.75 million does
not  represent the Open Market Value of the freehold interest as at 6  August
1998, which is stated above to be #18.75 million.

At  31  December 1997, the Barrasford property portfolio was valued at #26.92
million. The valuation of the Barrasford property portfolio at 6 August  1998
was  #34.17  million. The increase of #7.25 million is due to the  completion
and letting of Holland Place Chambers at the end of May 1998, the increase in
Open  Market Value of Nevern mansions and the continued development of  35-49
Queens Gate Terrace and 20 Petersham Place.

The  Barrasford group reported a loss of #0.1 million after taxation for  the
15  month  period from 17 September 1996 to 31 December 1997. The  Barrasford
group's net assets at 31 December 1997 were #19.7 million.

8.      The Offer
The Offer is being made on the following basis:

        for every 5 Barrasford shares   4 new Gander shares

and so in proportion for any other number of Barrasford shares held.

Fractions  of  new Gander shares which would otherwise fall to be  issued  to
Barrasford shareholders will not be allotted. Fractions will be satisfied  by
rounding down to the nearest new Gander share.

The Offer extends to any Barrasford shares unconditionally allotted following
an  exercise  of the subscription rights attached to the Barrasford  warrants
whilst  the  Offer  remains open for acceptance and the  subscription  rights
continue  to be exercisable. If the subscription rights attached to  all  the
Barrasford  warrants were exercised (resulting in the payment  by  Barrasford
warrant  holders  of 1 pence per Barrasford warrant), the  Barrasford  shares
issued  on  such exercise would represent 10 per cent. of the  fully  diluted
share capital of Barrasford. This would result in a cash inflow to Barrasford
of #301,000.

The principal conditions of the Offer are set out in paragraph 1 above.

Under a proposal to Barrasford warrant holders, which requires approval at  a
meeting  of  Barrasford warrant holders, it is proposed  that  if  the  Offer
becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects the subscription  rights
(which are currently exercisable at any time) will cease to be exercisable on
the  expiry  of  the  period  of  21  days thereafter  when  any  outstanding
Barrasford  warrants  will be cancelled (the "warrant proposal").  Under  the
warrant  proposal,  Barrasford warrant holders  who  do  not  exercise  their
subscription  rights  prior to the expiry of such  period  will  receive  new
Gander  shares  in  consideration  of the cancellation  of  their  Barrasford
warrants  on a basis equivalent to the consideration offered under the  Offer
after  taking  account of the subscription price of 1 pence per  share  which
would  be payable if the subscription rights were exercised, namely  281  new
Gander  shares  for  every  400  Barrasford  warrants  cancelled  and  so  in
proportion  for any other number of Barrasford warrants cancelled, fractional
entitlements  to  new Gander shares being rounded down  to  the  nearest  new
Gander Share.

On  the  basis  of the closing price of a Gander Share of 10.25  pence  on  7
August 1998, the Offer values each Barrasford share at 8.2 pence.

The  Barrasford shares will be acquired by Gander under the Offer fully  paid
and  free  from  all liens, equities, charges, encumbrances, rights  of  pre-
emption  and  other third party rights or interests of any nature  whatsoever
and  together  with  all  rights attaching thereto, including  the  right  to
receive  and retain all dividends and other distributions declared,  made  or
paid hereafter.

9.      Enlarged group board

The current board of Gander is as follows:

Thomas Francis Vaughan  - Non-executive Chairman
Oliver John Vaughan     - Chief Executive
Adrian Graham           - Finance Director
Timothy Michael James   - Property Director
Brian Michael Moritz    - Non-executive Director

If  the  Offer  becomes,  or  is  declared, unconditional  in  all  respects,
Christopher  Douglas James will be invited to join the  board  of  Gander  as
Operations  Director.  Christopher James, aged 48, is the brother of  Timothy
James  and is a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors  (FRICS)
with  an  MBA  from  INSEAD. He trained as a surveyor with Knight  Frank  and
Rutley  and  was  managing  partner of their practice  in  Zimbabwe.  He  has
extensive  experience in management consultancy on property matters,  working
with  a  number  of  large consultancy practices. He  has  been  involved  in
managing  portfolios of residential property since 1980 both in  the  UK  and

10.     Directors' intentions

The  directors of Barrasford have indicated to Charles Stanley,  advisers  to
Barrasford,  that  they  intend to accept the Offer  with  respect  to  their
shareholdings  in  Barrasford,  which  total  51,322,219  Barrasford  shares,
representing 19 per cent. of the existing issued share capital of Barrasford.
Additionally,  they  intend  to vote in favour of  the  warrant  proposal  in
respect   of  their  beneficial  holdings,  totalling  20,800,000  Barrasford
warrants and representing 69 per cent. of the Barrasford warrants. On a fully
diluted  basis the directors of Barrasford accordingly intend to  accept  the
Offer  in  respect  of  a  total 72,122,219 Barrasford  shares  (representing
approximately 24 per cent. of the fully diluted share capital of Barrasford).

11.     Listing and dealings

Application  has been made to the London Stock Exchange for up to 240,635,734
new  Gander  shares to be admitted to the Official List. It is expected  that
listing  will  become effective and dealings in the new  Gander  shares  will
commence  on  the  first dealing day following the day  on  which  the  Offer
becomes  or  is  declared  unconditional in all  respects  (save  as  regards
admission of the new Gander shares to the Official List becoming effective).

Dealings on the London Stock Exchange in the Gander shares will be for normal
rolling settlement.

Temporary documents of title will not be issued pending the despatch by  post
of  definitive  certificates. Pending the issue of  definitive  certificates,
transfers  will  be  certified against the register held by  MSP  Secretaries

12.     Current trading and prospects

The current trading of the Gander group and the Barrasford group continues to
progress well and is in line with their respective boards' expectations.  The
directors of Gander and the Proposed Director believe that the prospects  for
the enlarged group are encouraging and they continue to witness strong demand
for  the high quality short and long term residential lettings in which  both
the  Gander  group  and  the  Barrasford group specialise.  Furthermore,  the
directors  of  Gander  and  the  Proposed Director  of  Gander  believe  that
opportunities to acquire suitable development properties continue to arise.

13.     Expected Timetable of Principal Events

Latest time and date for receipt of forms of
proxy                                           10.00a.m. on 1 September 1998

Extraordinary General Meeting of Gander
shareholders                                    10.00a.m. on 3 September 1998

First closing date of the Offer                 3.00p.m. on 7 September 1998

Expected commencement of dealings in new
Gander shares                                   8 September 1998

Expected despatch of share certificates by      22 September 1998


Conditions and further terms of the Offer

The Offer is subject to the following conditions:

(a)       valid   acceptances  being  received  (and  not,  where  permitted,
withdrawn)  by  3.00 p.m. on 7 September 1998 (or such later  time(s)  and/or
date(s)  as  Gander may, subject to the rules of the City  Code,  decide)  in
respect of not less than 90 per cent. (or such lower percentage as Gander may
decide) in nominal value of the Barrasford shares to which the Offer relates,
provided  that this condition will not be satisfied unless Gander and/or  its
wholly-owned  subsidiaries shall have acquired or agreed to acquire  (whether
pursuant  to  the  Offer  or otherwise), directly or  indirectly,  Barrasford
shares  carrying  in aggregate more than 50 per cent. of  the  voting  rights
normally  exercisable at a general meeting of Barrasford, including for  this
purpose (to the extent, if any, required by the Panel) any such voting rights
attaching  to  any  Barrasford  shares that are unconditionally  allotted  or
issued  before  the  Offer  becomes  or  is  declared  unconditional  as   to
acceptances, whether pursuant to the exercise of any outstanding subscription
or conversion rights or otherwise and, for this purpose:

        (i)     the expression "Barrasford shares to which the Offer relates"
shall be construed in accordance with sections 428 to 430F (inclusive) of the
Companies Act 1985 and includes Barrasford shares issued as a consequence  of
Barrasford  Warrant  Holders exercising the subscription rights  attached  to
their Barrasford Warrants while the Offer remains open for acceptance; and

        (ii)     Barrasford  shares which have been unconditionally  allotted
shall be deemed to carry the voting rights which they will carry upon issue;

(b)     the  London Stock Exchange agreeing to admit to the Official List the
        new  Gander  shares, and (unless determined by Gander and subject  to
        the  consent  of  the  Panel) such admission  becoming  effective  in
        accordance  with  paragraph 7.1 of the Listing Rules  of  the  London
        Stock Exchange;
(c)     the passing at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Gander (or at any
        adjournment  thereof)  of all resolutions necessary  to  approve  and
        implement the Offer and the acquisition of Barrasford shares pursuant
(d)     the  passing  at the Warrant Holders' Meeting (or at any  adjournment
        thereof)  of  an  Extraordinary Resolution  to  approve  the  warrant
(e)     no  government  or  governmental, quasi-governmental,  supranational,
        statutory, regulatory or investigative body, authority, court,  trade
        agency,  association,  institution or professional  or  environmental
        body  or  any  other  similar  person  or  body  whatsoever  in   any
        jurisdiction including (without limitation) the Inland Revenue  (each
        a  "third  party")  having decided to take, institute,  implement  or
        having   threatened  any  action,  proceeding,  suit,  investigation,
        enquiry  or  reference  or  made, proposed or  enacted  any  statute,
        regulation or order or required any action to be taken or information
        to be provided or otherwise having done anything which would or would
        be likely to:

         (i)     make the Offer or the warrant proposal or the implementation
of  either  of  them, and/or the acquisition or the proposed  acquisition  by
Gander of any Barrasford shares, void, illegal or unenforceable, or otherwise
directly  or  indirectly restrain, prohibit, restrict or delay  the  same  or
impose  additional  conditions  or  obligations  with  respect  thereto,   or
otherwise directly or indirectly challenge or interfere therewith;

         (ii)    require, prevent or delay the divestiture or alter the terms
envisaged for any proposed divestiture by any member of the Gander group  and
any  company of which 20 per cent. or more of the voting capital is  held  by
any  member of the Gander group and any partnership, joint venture,  firm  or
company  in  which any member of the Gander group is substantially interested
("Wider  Gander  group")  or by any member of the Barrasford  group  and  any
company  of which 20 per cent. or more of the voting capital is held  by  any
member  of  the  Barrasford group and any joint venture, firm or  company  in
which  any member of the Barrasford group is substantially interested ("Wider
Barrasford  group")  of  all or any portion of their  respective  businesses,
assets or property or impose any limitation on the ability of any of them  to
conduct  their respective businesses (or any of them) or own their respective
assets or properties or any part thereof;

         (iii)    impose any material limitation on the ability of any member
of  the  Wider  Gander group or any member of the Wider Barrasford  group  to
acquire,  or to hold or to exercise effectively, directly or indirectly,  any
rights  of  ownership  in  respect of shares  or  other  securities  (or  the
equivalent) in, or to exercise management control over, Barrasford or  in  or
over any member of the Wider Barrasford group;

         (iv)     require any member of the Wider Gander group or  the  Wider
Barrasford group to offer to acquire any shares or other securities  (or  the
equivalent)  in any member of the Wider Barrasford group owned  by  a  person
outside  the  Wider  Barrasford  group  and  the  Wider  Gander  group,  such
acquisition being material in the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken
as a whole;

        (v)     result in any member of the Wider Barrasford group ceasing to
be able to carry on business under any name under which it presently does so;

         (vi)     otherwise  adversely affect any or all of  the  businesses,
assets,  prospects or profits of any member of the Wider Barrasford group  or
the Wider Gander group in a manner which would be material in the context  of
the Wider Barrasford group or the Wider Gander group, as the case may be,  in
each case taken as a whole; or
         (vii)   result in a delay in the ability of Gander, or render Gander
unable to acquire some or all of the Barrasford shares;

         and  all applicable waiting and other time periods during which  any
third  party  could take, institute, implement or threaten any  such  action,
proceeding, suit, investigation, enquiry or reference under the laws  of  any
jurisdiction, having expired, lapsed or been terminated;

(f)     all  necessary  filings having been made and all appropriate  waiting
        periods  (including  any  extensions thereof)  under  any  applicable
        legislation  and  regulations  in any  jurisdiction  having  expired,
        lapsed or been terminated and all statutory or regulatory obligations
        in  any jurisdiction having been complied with in connection with the
        Offer or the warrant proposal or the acquisition by any member of the
        Wider  Gander group of any shares or other securities in, or  control
        of,  Barrasford or any member of the Wider Barrasford group  and  all
        authorisations,  orders, recognitions, grants, consents,  clearances,
        confirmations,  licences,  permissions  and  approvals  (third  party
        "authorisations")   necessary   or  appropriate   in   any   relevant
        jurisdiction  for or in respect of the Offer or the warrant  proposal
        or  the proposed acquisition of any shares or other securities in, or
        control of, Barrasford or any member of the Wider Barrasford group by
        any  member of the Wider Gander group or the issue or offering of any
        Gander  shares  or  the  carrying on  by  any  member  of  the  Wider
        Barrasford  group  of its business (including, for the  avoidance  of
        doubt, any consent, waiver or ruling of the Panel in connection  with
        the  Offer or the warrant proposal) having been obtained in terms and
        in  a  form satisfactory to Gander from all appropriate third parties
        and  such  third  party authorisations remaining in  full  force  and
        effect  and there being no intimation of any intention to  revoke  or
        not to renew the same;

(g)     there  being  no  provision of any arrangement,  agreement,  licence,
        permit,  franchise  or other instrument to which any  member  of  the
        Wider  Barrasford group is a party or by or to which any such  member
        or  any of its respective assets may be bound, entitled or be subject
        and  which, in consequence of the proposed acquisition by any  member
        of  the  Wider  Gander group of some or all of the share  capital  of
        Barrasford or other securities in Barrasford or because of  a  change
        in the control or management of Barrasford or any member of the Wider
        Barrasford group or otherwise, could or would be likely to result in:

         (i)     any moneys borrowed by, or any other indebtedness, actual or
contingent  of,  any member of the Wider Barrasford group being  or  becoming
capable  of  being declared repayable immediately or prior to  their  or  its
stated  maturity, or the ability of any such member to borrow  moneys  or  to
incur  any  indebtedness being withdrawn or inhibited or becoming capable  of
being withdrawn or inhibited;

         (ii)    the creation or enforcement of any mortgage, charge or other
security  interest  over  the whole or any part of  the  business,  property,
assets  or interests of any member of the Wider Barrasford group or any  such
mortgage, charge or other security interest becoming enforceable;

         (iii)    any such arrangement, agreement, licence, permit, franchise
or  other instrument, or the rights, liabilities, obligations or interests of
any  member  of  the  Wider  Barrasford group  under  any  such  arrangement,
agreement,  licence,  permit, franchise or instrument,  being  terminated  or
materially and adversely modified or materially and adversely affected or any
action being taken or any obligation or liability arising thereunder;

        (iv)    any assets or interests of any member of the Wider Barrasford
group  being  or  falling to be disposed of or charged or any  right  arising
under which any such asset or interest could be required to be disposed of or
charged otherwise than in the ordinary course of business;

         (v)      any member of the Wider Barrasford group ceasing to be able
to carry on business under any name under which it presently does so;

         (vi)     any  interest  or  business of  any  member  of  the  Wider
Barrasford  group  in  or  with  any other  person,  firm  or  body  (or  any
arrangement or arrangements relating to any such interest or business)  being
terminated, modified or affected; or

         (vii)   the financial or trading position of any member of the Wider
Barrasford  group being prejudiced or adversely affected in  a  manner  which
would  be  material in the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken  as  a
         and  there being no provision of any such arrangement, agreement  or
other  instrument which prevents or restrains the transfer of any  assets  or
interests of the Wider Barrasford group;

(h)     since  31  December 1997, and except as disclosed in  the  Barrasford
        annual report and accounts for the period then ended, or as otherwise
        previously publicly announced by delivery of an announcement  to  the
        Company Announcements Office of the London Stock Exchange or in  this
        document or in the Listing Particulars accompanying this document, no
        member  of  the  Wider  Barrasford  group  having  (save  as  between
        Barrasford and its wholly-owned subsidiaries):

        (i)     issued or agreed to issue or authorised or proposed the issue
of additional shares of any class, or securities convertible into, or rights,
warrants  or  options  to  subscribe for  or  acquire,  any  such  shares  or
convertible securities (save for the exercise of subscription rights attached
to the Barrasford warrants);

        (ii)    recommended, declared, paid or made or proposed to recommend,
declare, pay or make any bonus, dividend or other distribution;

         (iii)    made or authorised any change in its loan capital which  is
material in the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a whole;

         (iv)    authorised or proposed or announced its intention to propose
any  merger with or demerger or acquisition of any body corporate or disposal
of  or transfer, mortgage or charge or created any security interest over any
assets  or  (save  in the ordinary course of business) any  right,  title  or
interest  in  any  assets (including shares and trade investments)  which  is
material in the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a whole;

        (v)     issued or authorised or proposed the issue of any debentures,
or  incurred or increased any indebtedness or contingent liability (which  is
material in the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a whole);

         (vi)    purchased, redeemed or repaid any of its own shares or other
securities or reduced any part of its share capital or announced any proposal
to do any of the aforesaid;

        (vii)   entered into or varied or proposed or announced its intention
to  enter  into or vary any material (in the context of the Wider  Barrasford
group  taken  as  a  whole) contract, transaction or commitment  (whether  in
respect  of  capital  expenditure or otherwise) which  is  of  a  long  term,
onerous,  or  unusual  nature  or magnitude  or  which  would  be  materially
restrictive  on the business of any member of the Wider Barrasford  group  or
the  Wider Gander group, or which involves or could involve an obligation  of
such  a  nature  or magnitude or which could be so materially restrictive  or
which is other than in the ordinary course of business;

         (viii)   implemented  or effected any reconstruction,  amalgamation,
scheme, commitment or other transaction or arrangement otherwise than in  the
ordinary  course of business which is material in the context  of  the  Wider
Barrasford group taken as a whole;

         (ix)     taken  any  corporate action or had any  legal  proceedings
instituted  or  threatened  against it for  its  winding-up  (voluntarily  or
otherwise),  dissolution  or  reorganisation or  for  the  appointment  of  a
receiver, administrator, administrative receiver, trustee or similar  officer
of all or any of its assets and revenues;

         (x)     been unable or admitted in writing that it is unable to  pay
its  debts or having stopped or suspended (or threatened to stop or  suspend)
payment  of its debts generally or ceased or threatened to cease carrying  on
all  or  a substantial part of its business in any case which is material  in
the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a whole;

         (xi)     waived or compromised any claim which is material  (in  the
context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a whole);

         (xii)    entered  into or varied or made any offer (which  is  still
outstanding)  to enter into or vary the terms of any service agreements  with
any  of  the  directors  of  Barrasford or any management  contract  for  the
provision of services; or

         (xiii)   entered  into any agreement, commitment or  arrangement  or
passed  any  resolution or made any offer (which is still  outstanding)  with
respect  to,  or announced an intention to propose, any of the  transactions,
matters  or  events referred to in this condition which is  material  in  the
context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a whole;

(i)      since  31  December 1997, and except as disclosed in the  Barrasford
annual  report  and  accounts  for the period then  ended,  or  as  otherwise
previously  publicly announced by delivery of an announcement to the  Company
Announcements  Office  of Gander dated 10 August 1998  of  the  London  Stock
Exchange  or  in  the offer document dated 10 August 1998 or in  the  Listing
Particulars of Gander dated 10 August 1998:

        (i)     there having been no material adverse change in the business,
assets,  financial or trading position or profits or prospects of any  member
of  the Wider Barrasford group which is material in the context of the  Wider
Barrasford group taken as a whole;

         (ii)    no litigation, arbitration proceedings, prosecution or other
legal proceedings to which any member of the Wider Barrasford group is or may
become  a  party  (whether as plaintiff or defendant or otherwise)  which  is
material and adverse (in the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a
whole or its assets) having been threatened, announced, or instituted by,  or
remaining  outstanding  against or in respect of, any  member  of  the  Wider
Barrasford group; and

        (iii)   no contingent or other liability having arisen which would be
likely to materially (in the context of the Wider Barrasford group taken as a
whole)  and adversely affect any member of the Wider Barrasford group or  its

(j)     Gander not having discovered:

        (i)     that any financial or business information disclosed to it at
any  time by Barrasford is misleading, contains a material representation  of
fact or omits to state a fact necessary to make information contained therein
not misleading;

         (ii)     any information which affects the import of any information
disclosed to it at any time by or on behalf of Barrasford; or

         (iii)    that  any  entity  in which Barrasford  has  a  significant
economic interest and which is not a subsidiary undertaking of Barrasford  is
subject  to  any material liability, contingent or otherwise, which  was  not
disclosed  in the annual report and accounts of Barrasford for the  financial
year ended 31 December 1997.

Gander  reserves  the right to waive all or any of the above  conditions,  in
whole  or in part, except conditions (a), (b), (c) and (d).Conditions (e)  to
(j)  (inclusive) must be fulfilled or waived by midnight, 21 days  after  the
later  of  7 September 1998 and the date on which condition (a) is  fulfilled
(or  in  each case such later date as the Panel may agree) failing which  the
Offer  will  lapse.  Gander  is under no obligation  to  waive  or  treat  as
fulfilled any of conditions (e) to (j) (inclusive) by a date earlier than the
latest  date specified above for the fulfilment thereof notwithstanding  that
the  other conditions of the Offer may at such earlier date have been  waived
or  fulfilled  and  that  there  are at such earlier  date  no  circumstances
indicating that any of such conditions may not be capable of fulfilment.



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