
The Company measures performance under a variety of metrics. During the year its direct real estate investments provided an income return of 7.6% (IPD quarterly version of monthly index 6.2%), thus continuing to meet its prime requirement of delivering a high income return to investors through a covered dividend. The Company suffered on a capital return basis against its benchmark due to a combination of purchase transaction costs, shortening lease lengths, and the failure of Focus as a tenant.

The NAV performance was relatively robust compared to peers, but lagged the larger F&C Commercial Property Trust in particular.

 NAV Performance - 12 months              % 
 F&C Commercial Property Trust          4.3 
 Picton Property Income                 0.0 
 Standard Life Investments Property 
  Income Trust                         -0.5 
 UK Commercial Property Trust          -1.9 
 ISIS Property Trust                   -4.5 
 Invista Foundation Property Trust     -4.8 
 IRP Property Investments              -7.9 

Source: Datastream

A final measure is share price total return to our investors. Over the course of 2011 the Company traded on a large premium of up to 10%, through to a large discount of 17%.

 Price Performance - 12 months             % 
 F&C Commercial Property Trust          -2.8 
 ISIS Property Trust                   -14.1 
 UK Commercial Property Trust          -16.7 
 Invista Foundation Property Trust     -14.7 
 IRP Property Investments              -18.1 
 Standard Life Investments Property 
  Income Trust                         -20.1 
 Picton Property Income                -30.4 
 SECTOR AVERAGE                        -16.7 
 FTSE ALL SHARE                         -4.5 
 FTSE EPRA/NAREIT UK                    -8.1 

Source: Datastream

Since the year end the Company's ordinary shares have been re-rated with the ordinary share price increasing to 63p per share, an increase of 21.7% since the year end.

Capital Structure:

In July 2011 shareholders approved the simplification of the capital structure with the conversion of the Zero Dividend Preference Shares into Ordinary shares. The ZDPs were due to mature in December 2013, and the conversion of the short term debt instrument into long term equity was part of our strategy to manage down the Company's gearing. At the same time as the conversion, GBP4.5m of new equity was also raised. As a result, the ordinary share capital was increased by 19%.

Bank Debt:

During the period the Company had a bank debt facility of GBP84m with RBS, due to expire in December 2013. The debt was at a margin of 150bps, and the Company had a hedge in place over GBP72m of the debt giving an all in cost of debt of circa 6%. In order to have certainty over the future debt provision the Company signed a new debt facility in December 2011 that was completed in January 2012.

The new facility is for a term of 7 years and is for the full GBP84m (the new facility has been used to repay the old one, not to increase borrowings). The new facility is on broadly similar terms, with a maximum Loan to Value (LTV) of 65% for the first 5 years (reducing to 60% for the last two) - the current LTV is 41%. The new margin is set on a ratchet basis depending on the prevailing LTV, but is currently 175bps. The Company has entered into a new forward swap on the GBP72m currently hedged, and a new 7 year hedge on the remaining GBP12m. As a result of the new facility / hedges the cost of debt is fixed at 6.38% until December 2013, and then falls to 3.76% from January 2014 to maturity in December 2018 (excluding amortisation of costs and facility fees).

The original hedge maturing in December 2013 was held in the 2011 year end accounts as having a liability of GBP6.1m, equating to 4.5 pence per share. That hedge liability will unwind (although not on a straight line basis) to GBP0 by Dec 2013.


Although there is a challenging year ahead for real estate given the projections of a weak economic backdrop, we continue to expect reasonable positive total returns for investors on a three year holding period as income yields compensate for any modest capital declines. The sector remains attractive from a fundamental point of view, i.e. strengthening underlying economic drivers and a constrained pipeline of future new developments. The retail sector continues to face a series of headwinds that may hold back recovery in weaker locations but the prospects for retail towards the south east and Central London are expected to improve as economic recovery gains more traction. It remains our view that asset management initiatives and locational choices will remain the defining characteristics contributing to income returns in the year ahead. We also expect income to be the main component of returns over 2012 as capital values moderate. Prime/good quality secondary assets in stronger locations are likely to be most resilient in the weak economic environment we anticipate across 2012. The Company had circa GBP14m available for investment as at the year end, and will seek to acquire good quality investments that will contribute to the portfolios' returns. We anticipate investing the cash in the first half of the year to benefit from the income return, and will seek to exploit mispricing from motivated sellers.'

All enquires to:

The Company Secretary

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited

Trafalgar Court

Les Banques

St Peter Port


GY1 3Ql

Tel: 01481 745001

Fax: 01481 745051

Gordon Humphries

Standard Life Investments Limited

Tel: 0131 245 2735

Jason Baggaely

Standard Life Investments Limited

Tel : 0131 245 2833

Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors are responsible for preparing Financial Statements for each year which give a true and fair view, in accordance with the applicable Guernsey law and International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, of the state of affairs of the Group and of the profit or loss of the Group for that year. In preparing those Financial Statements, the Directors are required to:

   --      Select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   --      Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 

-- State whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the Financial Statements; and

-- Prepare the Financial Statements on a going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group will continue in business.

The Directors confirm that they have complied with the above requirements in preparing the Financial Statements.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records, which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time, the financial position of the Group and to enable them to ensure that the Financial Statements comply with The Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud, error and non compliance with law and regulations.

The maintenance and integrity of the Company's website is the responsibility of the Directors; the work carried out by the auditors does not involve considerations of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no responsibility for any change that may have occurred to the Financial Statements since they were initially presented on the website. Legislation in Guernsey governing the preparation and dissemination of the financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Responsibility Statement of the Directors' in respect of the Consolidated Annual Report

The Directors each confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

(a) the Consolidated Financial Statements, prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and net return of the Group; and

(b) the Annual Report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties faced.

Approved by the Board on 23 March 2012.

   Paul Orchard-Lisle              Sally-Ann Farnon 
   Chairman                              Director 


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 31 December 2011

                                                 2011          2010 
                                                  GBP           GBP 
 Rental income                             14,165,830    11,450,575 
 Valuation (loss)/gain from investment 
  properties                              (2,668,104)     6,909,885 
 Profit on disposal of investment 
  properties                                  612,645     3,795,227 
 Investment management fees               (1,319,497)   (1,263,779) 
 Other direct property operating 
  expenses                                  (930,112)   (1,183,064) 
 Directors' fees and expenses               (122,127)     (112,091) 
 Valuer's fee                                (33,947)      (37,936) 
 Auditor's fee                               (38,764)      (33,500) 
 Other administration expenses              (217,447)     (181,521) 
 Operating profit                           9,448,477    19,343,796 
 Finance income                                51,732        91,338 
 Finance costs                            (5,320,093)   (5,539,955) 
 Profit for the year                        4,180,116    13,895,179 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Valuation gain/(loss) on cash flow 
  hedges                                    1,320,954   (1,287,454) 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the year, net of tax                      5,501,070    12,607,725 
 Earnings per share: 
 Basic and diluted earnings per 
  share                                          3.35         12.15 
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