9 June 2011 
API Group plc 
("API" or the "Group") 
Final Results 
API Group plc (AIM: API), the specialist foils and packaging materials group, 
today releases final results for the year ended 31 March 2011. 
  * Full year sales ahead 26.2% to  GBP100.0m (2010:  GBP79.2m). 
  * Operating profits from continuing operations doubled to  GBP5.2m (2010:  GBP2.6m, 
    including  GBP0.6m exceptional costs). 
  * All business units profitable, with particularly strong sales and profit 
    growth from Laminates.  Foils margins impacted by exceptional increases in 
    raw material costs. 
  * Profit before tax from continuing operations of  GBP2.9m (2010:  GBP0.3m loss). 
  * Loss attributable to API shareholders from discontinued operations of  GBP0.6m 
    following disposal of stake in 51% owned Chinese subsidiary. 
  * IAS 19 pension deficit (net of deferred tax) down to  GBP7.2m ( GBP11.8m). 
  * Basic earnings per share from continuing operations of 3.5p (2010: 3.4p). 
  * Cash flow from operating activities  GBP8.5m (2010: - GBP0.8m). 
  * Net debt down from  GBP18.5m to  GBP8.5m.  Net debt to EBITDA at 1.1x (2010: 
Commenting, API's non-executive Chairman, Richard Wright said: 
"The year has seen a step change in many aspects of the Group's financial 
position and it is particularly encouraging that, despite facing the challenge 
of unprecedented increases in the cost of raw materials, the Group has delivered 
its best trading performance for a number of years. 
Results will continue to be influenced by the uncertain economic climate and by 
customer decisions affecting our more significant supply positions.  In the 
meantime, management is focussed on improving the quality and resilience of our 
earnings, and restoring margins in our Foils businesses is a particular 
Overall,  recent progress  has been  encouraging and  the Board continues to see 
good potential for additional profit growth and value creation." 
Andrew Turner                 Chief Executive              +44 (0) 1625 650334 
                              API Group plc 
Chris Smith                   Finance Director             +44 (0) 1625 650334 
                              API Group plc 
Tony Rawlinson / Avi Robinson Nominated Adviser            +44 (0) 20 7148 7900 
                              Cairn Financial Advisers LLP 
James Serjeant                Broker                       +44 (0) 20 7260 1000 
                              Numis Securities Limited 
Chairman's Statement 
This  statement to shareholders comes at the end of a year which has seen a step 
change  in many aspects of the Group's financial position and it is particularly 
encouraging that, despite facing the challenge of unprecedented increases in the 
cost  of raw materials, the Group has delivered its best trading performance for 
a number of  years. 
For the year ended 31 March 2011, full year sales of  GBP100.0m are up 26.2% (25.7% 
at constant exchange rates) compared to the previous 12 month period.  Operating 
profits  from continuing operations  increased by  GBP2.6m  to  GBP5.2m.  Year end net 
debt  of  GBP8.5m was  GBP10.0m  lower than March 2010, with  the ratio of net debt to 
EBITDA reduced to 1.1x.  Gearing of 56% compares to 107% at the prior year end. 
Following  the encouraging trading  seen at the  interim stage, further progress 
was  made in  the second  half of  the year  with sales  advancing an additional 
The  Laminates business has been the key driver behind the increase in activity, 
with  full  year  revenues  rebounding  by  58.3% from  the  weakened  levels of 
2009/10.  The  unit responded to strong demand from established customers in the 
alcoholic  drinks and tobacco  sectors while keeping  a tight grip on production 
costs,  delivering an EBIT margin of 11.8% (2010: 7.3%) and operating profits of 
 GBP5.2m  compared to  GBP2.0m last year.  I was recently delighted to present the API 
Chairman's   award   to  the  whole  Laminates  team  in  recognition  of  their 
contribution to the Group's performance in 2010/11. 
We indicated in our interim statement that the Foils businesses were starting to 
be  impacted  by  significant  and  exceptional  increases  in  the costs of raw 
materials;  a trend which accelerated through the second half.  A key factor was 
the  tightening in availability of thin gauge  polyester film caused by a number 
of  established suppliers withdrawing from  the market and from under-investment 
in  new capacity during  the global financial  crisis.  Competition for supplies 
led  market prices to  increase in excess  of 100% compared to  a year earlier. 
Swingeing  new import  tariffs exacerbated  the situation  in the US.  Suppliers 
also  rationalised capacity on  other key raw  materials, resulting in increased 
costs  for solvents, resins  and pigments.  API  was left with  no choice but to 
raise  prices to customers; the first significant general price rise for several 
years in our highly competitive sector. 
The  inevitable time  lag between  input cost  rises and  the impact  of our own 
pricing  actions suppressed  profits in  the Foils  businesses during the second 
half.   Foils Europe consequently  saw operating profits  fall by 43.3% to  GBP1.4m 
despite  revenues  increasing  by  10.9%.  Foils  Americas  continued its steady 
recovery  from the low point of the 2008 economic crisis and profits improved to 
 GBP0.2m  from a  GBP0.1m loss last time in  spite of a similar margin squeeze to that 
experienced in Europe. 
The  disposal of the  Group's interest in  its 51% owned subsidiary  in China in 
January  2011 was  a  key  step  in  the  turnaround  of  the  Group's financial 
performance.   While the  Chinese venture  made a  positive contribution  to the 
Group  over the full 12 year period  of API's involvement, increased competition 
in  the local foil market  and erosion of margins  on export business meant that 
trading  losses in  recent years  had become  unsustainable.  The Board took the 
view  that  the  Group's  resources  would  be  more  profitably deployed in our 
remaining  businesses and therefore decided to dispose of our interest to one of 
the  existing  minority  partners.   The  Board  extends its appreciation to our 
former Chinese partners with whom good relations have been maintained throughout 
the  joint venture and  we offer our  good wishes for  the future success of the 
business under the new structure of ownership. 
In  addition to the improvement in the Group's debt position, the IAS 19 pension 
deficit  reduced by  GBP6.7m,  mostly due to  lower inflation assumptions affecting 
the  closed UK  defined benefit  scheme  We  continue to  work actively with the 
scheme  trustees to seek ways of reducing  the Group's exposure to volatility in 
the assessment of our ongoing obligations. 
In  view of the continuing priority being  given to debt reduction, the Board is 
not recommending the payment of a dividend. 
There  were no  changes in  the composition  of the  Board since the last Annual 
Report.    The   Board   continues  to  function  well  and  benefits  from  the 
participation of the directors nominated by our two leading shareholders. 
Our People 
The  Board would like to thank all the Group's employees for their hard work and 
valuable  contribution to the  improved business performance  seen over the past 
Trading  during the early months  of the new financial  year has been broadly in 
line  with the second half of 2010/11.  At  this stage, the strong run of demand 
at  API  Laminates  is  continuing  and  orders on all the Group's manufacturing 
plants are at a good level. 
The  situation on raw material costs  and availability remains a concern.  While 
upward  pressure on polyester  film prices is  expected to ease  as new capacity 
comes  on  stream,  pressures  affecting  other  raw  materials have if anything 
intensified  in response  to higher  oil prices  and a  more concentrated supply 
Results  will inevitably be  influenced by developments  in the rather uncertain 
global  economic environment  as well  as customer  decisions affecting our more 
significant supply positions.  In the meantime, management focus will be on cost 
containment,  margin recovery in the Foils  businesses and continuing to develop 
the quality and resilience of the Group's operations as a platform for long term 
profitable growth. 
Richard C. Wright 
Non-Executive Chairman 
Business Review 
Basis of Presentation of Group Results 
As  a consequence of the Group's disposal  of its interest in Shanghai Shen Yong 
Stamping Foil Company Limited, results for the China business unit, whilst still 
being  reported  on  a  fully  consolidated  basis,  have  been classified under 
discontinued  operations  in  the  income  statement  and comparatives re-stated 
Continuing  operations now  comprise the  European packaging laminates business, 
foil manufacturing and distribution operations based in North America and Europe 
and  foils distribution  units located  in the  Asia Pacific region.  The latter 
have been incorporated into European Foils for reporting purposes. 
Group Operating Results 
For  the 12 months  to March  2011, Group sales  from continuing operations were 
 GBP100.0m,  which at  constant exchange  rates represents  a 25.7% increase on the 
prior  year (26.2% at actual rates).  Year on year growth recorded in the second 
half  of 28.2% exceeded  first half  growth of  22.9% (all at  constant exchange 
rates) due to a combination of increased volumes and higher selling prices. 
Operating  profit from continuing operations before exceptional items was  GBP5.2m, 
up  from   GBP3.3m  in  the  previous  12 months.   No  exceptional items have been 
recorded compared to costs of  GBP0.6m in the year to 31 March 2010. 
The  Group enjoyed a strong resurgence in demand in the Laminates business which 
delivered  a profit  increase of   GBP3.2m compared  to the  prior year.   This was 
offset  by margin pressures in  the Foils businesses as  a result of significant 
raw  material  cost  increases  during  the  second half, partly offset by price 
increases  passed on to customers  towards the end of  the period.  Foils Europe 
saw  operating profits  fall  GBP1.1m  whilst Foils  Americas improved  by  GBP0.3m as 
volume  recovery more  than offset  the impact  of lower  margins. Central costs 
increased  GBP0.5m. 
Foils Europe 
The  European  Foils  division  now  includes  the  results  of the Asia Pacific 
distribution businesses.  Revenues originating in the business were 10.9% higher 
at   GBP37.0m (11.0% at  constant FX) but  operating profits ended  the year 43.3% 
lower  at   GBP1.4m.    The  business  suffered  margin  erosion  from  exceptional 
increases  in raw material  prices as well  as less favourable currency exchange 
rates  compared to the previous year.   Raw material price pressures intensified 
as  the year progressed and  two rounds of general  selling price increases were 
necessary  to  protect  margins.   Given  the  pace  of  developments on the raw 
material side and the competitive nature of the foils market, there was a lag in 
passing  through the necessary increases.  The  consequent squeeze on margins is 
estimated to have resulted in  GBP0.9m of lost profit during the year.  The year on 
year exchange rate impact is calculated at an adverse  GBP0.3m. 
Excluding  the contribution from higher selling prices, external sales increased 
by  2.8% with an  additional 5.3% growth  contributed by  inter-company sales to 
Laminates.   Sales  mix  improved  with  the  pipeline  of holographics projects 
delivering  increased  volumes  in  the  second  half year.  Sales from the Asia 
Pacific  distribution businesses  were ahead  by 15%, primarily  as a  result of 
strong trading in Hong Kong and Australia. 
Operating costs increased to cater for higher production volumes and continued 
investment in product R&D and the sales function, leaving operating margins at 
3.9% compared with 7.5% for the previous year. 
Foils Americas 
Sales of  GBP23.2m were 15.7% higher than last year (13.2% higher at constant 
exchange rates).  Underlying sales, excluding the impact of increasing prices, 
were ahead 9.3%.  The key contributor to growth was strong demand for API's 
market-leading metallic ink intermediary.  Otherwise, improving conditions in 
the packaging sector were offset by further decline in sales to greeting cards 
As with our European Foils business, margins were undermined by raw material 
cost rises and the time lag in passing these through to customers in higher 
selling prices with an estimated net impact of  GBP0.7m.  However, in this case, 
the margin squeeze was more than offset by operational leverage on increased 
volumes. Despite one-off re-organisation costs of  GBP0.2m, operating profit for 
the full year improved by  GBP0.3m to  GBP0.2m (2010:  GBP0.1m loss).  Progress in the 
second half was encouraging after a break-even result at the interim stage. 
API  Laminates added another strong half year to the one reported at the interim 
stage.   Second half revenues  were 73.3% higher than  the same period last year 
and  the  full  year  growth  rate  was  58.3%. Higher  activity  levels for new 
packaging  designs across a number of sectors, restocking of the supply chain in 
the  alcoholic  drink  sector  and  a  number  of  high  volume  contract  wins, 
particularly   with  tobacco  end  users,  were  the  main  drivers  behind  the 
The  business  responded  well  to  the  upsurge in demand.  Quality and service 
levels  were maintained  and costs  were kept  under tight  control to deliver a 
 GBP3.2m  improvement  in  operating  profits  to   GBP5.2m and an operating margin of 
11.8% (2010: 7.3%). 
Central Costs 
Central  costs in the year were up  GBP0.5m due to costs relating to short and long 
term  incentive arrangements  ( GBP0.4m) and  a non  recurring one  off gain in the 
prior year of  GBP0.2m. 
Exceptional Items 
No exceptional items have been disclosed for the 12 months to 31 March 2011.  In 
the  previous  year,  there  was  a  charge  of  GBP0.6m relating to cost reduction 
programmes in the UK and North America. 
Discontinued Operations 
The Group disposed of its 51% ownership in Shanghai Shen Yong Stamping Foil Co. 
Ltd on 24 January 2011.  As a consequence, trading results to the date of 
disposal, including prior period comparatives, and the accounting entries 
relating to the disposal have been classified under discontinued operations. 
The results of the China business to the date of disposal include operating 
losses and interest costs of  GBP1.5m and an impairment charge of  GBP5.9m recorded at 
the interim stage to reflect the fair value of assets less the costs to sell. 
These charges represent 100% of the impact from the China business.  API 
Shareholders share of the losses amounts to  GBP3.8m which has been offset by a 
gain on disposal of discontinued businesses of  GBP3.2m.  Included in the  GBP3.2m 
figure is a gain of  GBP2.6m, transferred from the Foreign Exchange Reserve, which 
has arisen from appreciation in the sterling value of Chinese assets as a result 
of the strengthening Chinese currency during the lifetime of API's investment. 
Further details are provided in Note 6 to these statements. 
With  the  exception  of  the  impairment  to  fixed  assets in China, the Board 
considers  that no  other impairments  to goodwill  or asset carrying values are 
Finance Costs 
Net  finance costs for the 12 months  ended 31 March 2011 were  GBP2.3m including a 
 GBP1.0m  non-cash charge relating to defined benefit pension schemes.  Interest on 
the  Group's borrowings reduced by   GBP0.5m as a result  of lower average interest 
rates  and reduced debt levels.   During the year, the  Group repaid in full its 
high  margin PIK loans in the UK and rates on the balance of the UK debt reduced 
by  0.75% on achieving target  debt-cover ratios.  Pension  finance costs, which 
reduced   GBP0.2m,  relate  to  non-cash  accounting entries associated with higher 
returns  on UK pension scheme assets. Further  details are provided in Note 4 to 
these statements. 
For the 12 months to 31 March 2011, a tax charge of  GBP0.3m was incurred, compared 
with a tax credit of  GBP2.8m for the previous year. 
As  a result of improved  profit levels in the  continuing businesses, the Group 
recognised  additional deferred  tax assets  of  GBP2.9m  at 31 March 2010. For the 
year to 31 March 2011, further tax assets of  GBP1.1m have been recognised in light 
of continuing profitability which offsets a deferred tax charge of  GBP1.0m. 
Deferred  tax assets associated  with pension liabilities  reduced from  GBP4.6m at 
March  2010 to  GBP2.5m at 31 March  2011 in line with the  fall in the net pension 
Earnings per Share 
Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were 3.5p.  This compares to 
3.4p for  the  year  ending  31 March  2010, after  a  3.8p credit  relating  to 
recognition of deferred tax assets. 
Capital Management 
The  primary  purpose  of  the  Group's  capital  management  is  to  ensure the 
maintenance  of healthy capital  ratios in order  to support day-to-day business 
operations  and the achievement of strategic  objectives.  The Group manages its 
capital  structure  and  makes  adjustments  to  it  in  the light of changes in 
economic  conditions and  the financial  position of  the Group.  Capital, which 
comprises  total equity, is  monitored using normal  financial ratios, primarily 
gearing  for the Group overall  and a debt cover  ratio associated with the main 
bank  facilities  in  the  UK.    The  ratios  at 31 March 2011 are disclosed in 
subsequent sections of this Business Review. 
During  the year ending 31 March 2010, as part of the refinancing of the Group's 
main  UK bank facilities,  warrants for ordinary  shares were issued to Barclays 
plc  at  an  exercise  price  of  1p and representing 4.8% of post warrant share 
capital.  These Warrants were exercised in full in October 2010. 
Cash Flow and Net Debt 
For  the 12 month period to 31 March 2011, the  Group reported a net cash inflow 
from  operating activities of  GBP8.5m compared to an outflow of  GBP0.8m for the year 
to 31 March 2010. 
Despite  higher  activity  levels,  year  end  working  capital  for  continuing 
operations  was lower by   GBP0.9m compared to  12 months earlier.  Working capital 
efficiency,  measured by reference to the  trailing three month average level of 
sales, was 8.7% compared to 12.9% at 31 March 2010. 
Cash  flows relating to capital investment in  the year amounted to  GBP1.2m (2010: 
 GBP1.2m).  Depreciation for the year was  GBP2.9m. 
Interest  expense  cash  flow  remained  flat  year  on  year  at  GBP1.5m.  Timing 
differences  on loan maturities are  the key reason cash  interest costs did not 
reduce in line with the reduction recorded in the income statement. 
Net  debt (financial liabilities  excluding the fair  value of derivatives, less 
cash) reduced during the year by  GBP10.0m to  GBP8.5m at 31 March 2011.  Of this debt 
reduction,  cash proceeds from the disposal of the investment in China accounted 
for  GBP1.8m and debt transferred to the acquirer for a further  GBP2.4m. 
Gearing  reduced to 56% at  31 March 2011 compared to  107% one year earlier and 
the ratio of the Group's net debt to EBITDA fell to 1.1x (2010: 3.9x). 
Borrowings and Liquidity 
The  Group's policy  is to  ensure that  bank facilities  and other  funding are 
sufficient  to meet foreseeable peak  borrowing requirements.  Facilities are in 
place  to independently finance the Group's main  operations based in the UK and 
North America. 
The  Group's UK banking facilities  are with Barclays Bank  plc and are in place 
until  July  2013.  Facilities  at  31 March  2011 totalled  GBP14.1m comprising an 
amortising  loan of  GBP6.8m repayable  over the term of  the facility with a final 
 GBP4.25m  due in July 2013, a term loan of  GBP3.75m repayable July 2013 and a multi- 
option  overdraft facility of   GBP3.5m renewable in  November 2011.  UK borrowings 
are  secured against  the Group's  UK assets  and are  subject to four quarterly 
financial covenant targets. 
New  North American banking facilities with Wells Fargo Bank were established in 
May  2010 and comprise a $2.1m amortising loan and a $5.5m asset based overdraft 
facility.   Borrowings are secured  on working capital,  the Kansas property and 
plant and equipment and are subject to quarterly covenant targets. 
Foreign Currency Exchange Rates 
Exchange rates used for the translation of results and assets of US, Euro zone 
and China based operations are shown below. 
           |           Average            |          Closing          | 
|Rate to  GBP1| 12 months to|    12 months to|        As at|        As at| 
|          |31 March 2011|31 March( ) 2010|31 March 2011|31 March 2010| 
|US $      |         1.56|            1.59|         1.60|         1.52| 
|Euro      |         1.18|            1.13|         1.13|         1.12| 
|RMB       |        10.36|           10.86|        10.50|        10.35| 
The  Group operates a number of pension schemes  for the benefit of its past and 
current  employees.  UK and US defined benefit  pension plans, both of which are 
closed  to future accrual, are accounted for under IAS 19.  At 31 March 2011 the 
Group's IAS 19 gross pension liability was assessed at  GBP9.7m (2010:  GBP16.4m) with 
a  net liability  of  GBP7.2m  (2010:  GBP11.8m)  after accounting  for a deferred tax 
asset of  GBP2.5m (2010:  GBP4.6m). 
The  UK  scheme,  the  API  Group  plc  Pension  and  Life  Assurance  Fund, has 
approximately  1,620 pensioners  and  deferred  members  and  accounts for  GBP9.0m 
(2010:   GBP15.7m) of the total  gross pension liability.  The  valuation of the UK 
scheme  benefited from above  target asset investment  performance ( GBP0.7m) and a 
change  to the basis of inflation rates used to calculate liabilities ( GBP8.0m). 
The  latter reflects a change in policy  by the UK Government to link 'statutory 
inflation'  to the published CPI measure rather than RPI. Discount rates used to 
value  the scheme liabilities have  remained broadly unchanged at 5.55% compared 
to  5.65% at 31 March  2010.  The UK  scheme has  admitted no  new members since 
October  2006 and the scheme was closed to future service accrual on 31 December 
The  UK scheme's actuaries are currently in  the process of preparing the latest 
triennial  valuation as  of 30 September  2010.  The previous  valuation, at 30 
September  2007, calculated a funding  deficit of  GBP8.7m  on a continuing basis. 
Following  the 2007 valuation, the company and  Scheme Trustees agreed a funding 
plan  and schedule of contributions aimed at reducing the deficit to zero over a 
10 year  period. During  the year  to 31 March  2011, the Group  made additional 
contributions into the scheme of  GBP0.4m.  This contribution rate has increased to 
 GBP0.7m  per year  from January  2011.  The company  also pays all pension related 
administration fees on behalf of the Fund. 
The  US defined benefit scheme was closed  to new entrants and future accrual in 
2004.  Members  comprise approximately 170 current  and past employees.  Details 
of  the net  deficit of   GBP0.7m (2010:   GBP0.7m) are  included in  Note 10 to these 
Current  and  past  US  employees  covered  by  union  contracts  at the Group's 
manufacturing  facility in  Rahway, New  Jersey are  members of a multi-employer 
defined  benefit pension plan.  This scheme  remains open and operates under the 
terms of the site's collective bargaining agreement. In accordance with IAS 19, 
this scheme is accounted for as a defined contribution plan. 
Group Income Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                                 Year ended 
                                                     31 March     Year ended 
                                                         2011    31 March 2010 
                                            Note         GBP'000             GBP'000 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                      2         99,963           79,192 
Cost of sales                                        (76,386)         (60,541) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Gross profit                                           23,577           18,651 
Distribution costs                                    (3,284)          (2,307) 
Administrative expenses                              (15,099)         (13,078) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Operating profit before exceptional items    2          5,194            3,266 
  Exceptional items                          3              -            (626) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Operating profit from continuing operations             5,194            2,640 
Finance revenue                              4             17               40 
Finance costs                                4        (2,354)          (3,018) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
                                                      (2,337)          (2,978) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Profit/(loss) on continuing activities 
before taxation                                         2,857            (338) 
Tax (expense)/credit                         5          (265)            2,804 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Profit from continuing operations                       2,592            2,466 
Discontinued operations 
Loss from discontinued operations            6        (4,124)          (4,358) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Loss for the year                                     (1,532)          (1,892) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Profit/(loss) attributable to equity 
holders of the 
  * continuing operations                               2,592            2,466 
  * discontinued operations                             (612)          (2,342) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
                                                        1,980              124 
Loss attributable to non-controlling 
  * discontinued operations                           (3,512)          (2,016) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Loss for the year                                     (1,532)          (1,892) 
                                                -------------- ---------------- 
Earnings per share (pence) 
Basic earnings per share from continuing     7 
operations                                      3.5                          3.4 
Diluted earnings per share from continuing    7 
operations                                      3.4                          3.2 
Basic earnings per share on profit for the 
year                                         7  2.7                          0.2 
Diluted earnings per share on profit for the 
year                                          7 2.6                          0.2 
Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
Year ended 
31 March 2011    Equity holders of the          Non-controlling 
                                parent                interests                           Total 
                                  GBP'000                     GBP'000                            GBP'000 
for the year                     1,980                  (3,512)                           (1,532) 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
of foreign 
operations                       (379)                     (13)                             (392) 
Loss arising 
on net asset 
hedge                            (121)                        -                             (121) 
Change in 
fair value of 
cash flow 
hedges                           (329)                        -                             (329) 
gains on 
pension plans                    6,586                        -                             6,586 
Tax on items 
relating to 
components of 
income                         (2,104)                        -                           (2,104) 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
income for 
the year, net 
of tax                           3,653                     (13)                             3,640 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
income for 
the year                         5,633                  (3,525)                             2,108 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
Year ended 
31 March 2010    Equity holders of the          Non-controlling 
                                parent                interests                           Total 
                                  GBP'000                     GBP'000                            GBP'000 
for the year                       124                  (2,016)                           (1,892) 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
of foreign 
operations                       (878)                    (382)                           (1,260) 
Gain arising 
on net asset 
hedge                              695                        -                               695 
Change in 
fair value of 
cash flow 
hedges                             108                        -                               108 
losses on 
pension plans                  (9,085)                        -                           (9,085) 
Tax on items 
relating to 
components of 
income                           2,544                        -                             2,544 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
income for 
the year, net 
of tax                         (6,616)                    (382)                           (6,998) 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
income for 
the year                       (6,492)                  (2,398)                           (8,890) 
               ------------------------ ------------------------ -------------------------------- 
Group Balance Sheet 
at 31 March 2011 
                                              31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                         Note          GBP'000            GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment               8        16,804          28,772 
Intangible assets - goodwill                          5,188           5,188 
Trade and other receivables                              94             134 
Deferred tax assets                         5         5,478           7,738 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                                     27,564          41,832 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                          16,848          16,697 
Inventories                                          12,409          13,110 
Cash at bank and in hand                              4,175           1,041 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                                     33,432          30,848 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Total assets                                         60,996          72,680 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                             21,952          18,444 
Financial liabilities                       9         2,830           5,416 
Income tax payable                                      365             346 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                                     25,147          24,206 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Financial liabilities                       9        10,514          14,404 
Deferred tax liabilities                    5           238             256 
Provisions                                               85              97 
Deficit on defined benefit pension plans   10         9,719          16,406 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                                     20,556          31,163 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Total liabilities                                    45,703          55,369 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Net assets                                           15,293          17,311 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Called up share capital                                 766             701 
Share premium                                         7,136           7,136 
Other reserves                                        8,565           8,595 
Foreign exchange reserve                                259           3,309 
Retained loss                                       (1,433)         (7,805) 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
API Group shareholders' equity                       15,293          11,936 
Non-controlling interest                                  -           5,375 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Total equity                                         15,293          17,311 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
Group Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                |         |         |          |          |          |    Total 
                |   Equity|         |          |   Foreign|          |   share- 
                |    share|    Share|     Other|  exchange|  Retained| holders' 
                |  capital|  premium|  reserves|   reserve|  earnings|   equity 
                |     GBP'000|     GBP'000|      GBP'000|      GBP'000|      GBP'000|     GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2009|      701|    7,136|     8,595|     3,492|   (1,526)|   18,398 
 Profit for the |         |         |          |          |          | 
 year           |        -|        -|         -|         -|       124|      124 
 Other          |         |         |          |          |          | 
 comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 income:        |         |         |          |          |          | 
 Exchange       |         |         |          |          |          | 
 differences on |         |         |          |          |          | 
 retranslation  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 of foreign     |         |         |          |          |          | 
 operations     |        -|        -|         -|     (878)|         -|    (878) 
 Gain arising on|         |         |          |          |          | 
 net asset hedge|        -|        -|         -|       695|         -|      695 
 Change in fair |         |         |          |          |          | 
 value of       |         |         |          |          |          | 
 effective cash |         |         |          |          |          | 
 flow hedges    |        -|        -|         -|         -|       108|      108 
 Actuarial      |         |         |          |          |          | 
 losses on      |         |         |          |          |          | 
 defined benefit|         |         |          |          |          | 
 pension plans  |        -|        -|         -|         -|   (9,085)|  (9,085) 
 Tax on items   |         |         |          |          |          | 
 relating to    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 components of  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 other          |         |         |          |          |          | 
 comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 income         |        -|        -|         -|         -|     2,544|    2,544 
 Total          |         |         |          |          |          | 
 comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 expense for the|         |         |          |          |          | 
 year           |        -|        -|         -|     (183)|   (6,309)|  (6,492) 
 Share based    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 payments       |        -|        -|         -|         -|        30|       30 
 At 31 March    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 2010           |      701|    7,136|     8,595|     3,309|   (7,805)|   11,936 
 Profit for the |         |         |          |          |          | 
 year           |        -|        -|         -|         -|     1,980|    1,980 
 Other          |         |         |          |          |          | 
 comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 income:        |         |         |          |          |          | 
 Exchange       |         |         |          |          |          | 
 differences on |         |         |          |          |          | 
 retranslation  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 of foreign     |         |         |          |     (379)|          | 
 operations     |        -|        -|         -|          |         -|    (379) 
 Loss arising on|         |         |          |          |          | 
 net asset hedge|        -|        -|         -|     (121)|         -|    (121) 
 Change in fair |         |         |          |          |          | 
 value of       |         |         |          |          |          | 
 effective cash |         |         |          |          |          | 
 flow hedges    |        -|        -|         -|         -|     (329)|    (329) 
 Actuarial gains|         |         |          |          |          | 
 on defined     |         |         |          |          |          | 
 benefit pension|         |         |          |          |          | 
 plans          |        -|        -|         -|         -|     6,586|    6,586 
 Tax on items   |         |         |          |          |          | 
 relating to    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 components of  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 other          |         |         |          |          |          | 
 comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 income         |        -|        -|         -|         -|   (2,104)|  (2,104) 
 Total          |         |         |          |          |          | 
 comprehensive  |         |         |          |          |          | 
 income for the |         |         |          |          |          | 
 year           |        -|        -|         -|     (500)|     6,133|    5,633 
 Transfer to    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 income         |         |         |          |          |          | 
 statement on   |         |         |          |          |          | 
 disposal of    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 subsidiaries   |        -|        -|         -|   (2,550)|         -|  (2,550) 
 Issue of shares|       65|        -|         -|         -|         -|       65 
 Shares acquired|         |         |          |          |          | 
 by Employee    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 Benefit Trust  |        -|        -|      (30)|         -|         -|     (30) 
 Share based    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 payments       |        -|        -|         -|         -|       239|      239 
 At 31 March    |         |         |          |          |          | 
 2011           |      766|    7,136|     8,565|       259|   (1,433)|   15,293 
                     | |                    | |  Non-controlling| | 
                     | |Shareholders' equity| |         interest| |Total equity 
                     | |                GBP'000| |             GBP'000| |        GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2009     | |              18,398| |            7,773| |      26,171 
 Total comprehensive | |                    | |                 | | 
 income for the year | |             (6,492)| |          (2,398)| |     (8,890) 
 Share based payments| |                  30| |                -| |          30 
 At 31 March 2010    | |              11,936| |            5,375| |      17,311 
 Total comprehensive | |                    | |                 | | 
 income for the year | |               5,633| |          (3,525)| |       2,108 
 Transfer to income  | |                    | |                 | | 
 statement on        | |                    | |                 | | 
 disposal of         | |                    | |                 | | 
 subsidiaries        | |             (2,550)| |                -| |     (2,550) 
 Elimination of      | |                    | |                 | | 
 minority interest on| |                    | |                 | | 
 disposal            | |                    | |          (1,850)| |     (1,850) 
 Issue of shares     | |                  65| |                -| |          65 
 Shares acquired by  | |                    | |                 | | 
 Employee Benefit    | |                    | |                 | | 
 Trust               | |                (30)| |                -| |        (30) 
 Share based payments| |                 239| |                -| |         239 
 At 31 March 2011    | |              15,293| |                -| |      15,293 
                     | +--------------------+ +-----------------+ +------------ 
Group Cash Flow Statement 
for the year ended 31 March 2011 
                                               | |   Year ended| |   Year ended 
                                               | |31 March 2011| |31 March 2010 
                                               | |         GBP'000| |         GBP'000 
                                               | |             | | 
 Operating activities                          | |             | | 
 Group profit/(loss) before tax from continuing| |             | | 
 operations                                    | |        2,857| |        (338) 
 Adjustments to reconcile Group profit/(loss)  | |             | | 
 before tax to                                 | |             | | 
 net cash flow from operating activities       | |             | | 
 Operating loss from discontinued activities   | |      (7,215)| |      (7,752) 
 Net finance costs                             | |        2,337| |        2,978 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment | |        2,942| |        3,820 
 Impairment of property, plant and equipment   | |        5,850| |        5,083 
 Loss on disposal of property, plant and       | |             | | 
 equipment                                     | |           28| |           10 
 Movement in fair value foreign exchange       | |             | | 
 contracts                                     | |           78| |            - 
 Share-based payments                          | |          239| |           30 
 Difference between pension contributions paid | |             | | 
 and amounts recognised in the income statement| |      (1,037)| |        (854) 
 Increase in inventories                       | |      (2,047)| |        (590) 
 Increase in trade and other receivables       | |      (2,588)| |      (2,302) 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other        | |             | | 
 payables                                      | |        7,201| |        (862) 
 Movement in provisions                        | |         (12)| |           36 
 Cash generated from/(used in) operations      | |        8,633| |        (741) 
 Income taxes paid                             | |        (140)| |         (96) 
 Net cash flow from operating activities       | |        8,493| |        (837) 
                                               | |             | | 
 Investing activities                          | |             | | 
 Interest received                             | |           17| |           40 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment     | |      (1,153)| |      (1,193) 
 Sale of property, plant and equipment         | |           21| |           30 
 Sale of subsidiary undertakings               | |        1,783| |            - 
 Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiary       | |             | | 
 undertakings sold                             | |        (296)| |            - 
 Payment of legal costs in respect of          | |             | | 
 discontinued operations                       | |            -| |         (12) 
 Net cash flow from investing activities       | |          372| |      (1,135) 
                                               | |             | | 
 Financing activities                          | |             | | 
 Interest paid                                 | |      (1,480)| |      (1,458) 
 Dividends paid to minority interests          | |            -| |        (434) 
 Proceeds from share issues                    | |           65| |            - 
 Purchase of shares by Employee Benefit Trust  | |         (30)| |            - 
 New borrowings                                | |        1,214| |        7,131 
 Repayment of borrowings                       | |      (5,382)| |      (3,850) 
 Net cash flow from financing activities       | |      (5,613)| |        1,389 
                                               | |             | | 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash          | |             | | 
 equivalents                                   | |        3,252| |        (583) 
 Effect of exchange rates on cash and cash     | |             | | 
 equivalents                                   | |           13| |        (114) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of | |             | | 
 the period                                    | |        (546)| |          151 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the   | |             | | 
 period                                        | |        2,719| |        (546) 
                                               | |             | | 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise the following: 
                                                                   31 March 
                                  31 March 2011                        2010 
                                           GBP'000                        GBP'000 
 Cash at bank and in hand                 4,175                       1,041 
 Bank overdrafts                        (1,456)                     (1,587) 
                          -----------------------   ------------------------ 
                                          2,719                       (546) 
                          -----------------------   ------------------------ 
1. Preparation of financial statements 
Publication of abridged accounts 
The Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 were 
authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 8 June 2010 and the balance 
sheet was signed on the Board's behalf by A Turner. 
The final results announcement figures for the year ended 31 March 2011 and the 
comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2010 are an abridged version of 
the Group's statutory accounts which carry an unmodified audit report. They do 
not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of sections 434 to 436 of 
the Companies Act 2006 and no statutory accounts have yet been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies for the year ended 31 March 2011. Statutory accounts for 
the year ended 31 March 2010 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 
The auditor's report on these accounts was unqualified and did not contain an 
emphasis of matter, nor did it contain a statement under section 498 of the 
Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011 will 
be delivered to the registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual 
General Meeting. 
The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011 will be posted 
to shareholders by 27 June 2011 prior to the Annual General Meeting on 27 July 
2011. Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will be available to members of 
the public from 28 June 2011 at the Group's registered office at Second Avenue, 
Poynton Industrial Estate, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1ND. 
API Group plc is a public company incorporated and domiciled in England & 
Wales.  The company's ordinary shares are traded on the Alternative Investment 
Market of the London Stock Exchange. 
Basis of preparation 
The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) issued by the International 
Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the European Union as they apply 
to the financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31 March 2011 and 
applied in accordance with the Companies Act 2006. The Group has applied 
optional exemptions available to it under IFRS 1. 
The principal accounting policies which apply in preparing the financial 
statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 are consistent with those disclosed 
in the Group's audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2010. 
The consolidated financial statements are presented in sterling and all values 
are rounded to the nearest thousand ( GBP'000) except when otherwise indicated. 
Going concern 
The Group meets its day-to-day working capital requirements through overdraft 
and loan facilities, as detailed in Note 17 of the consolidated financial 
statements.  The principal facilities relate to the UK and the US.  In November 
2009, the UK facilities were extended to July 2013.  In May 2010, new facilities 
were put in place in the US business which extend to October 2013. 
While the Group has demonstrated some recovery over the financial year ended 31 
March 2011, the unsettled general economic environment in its main European and 
US markets could adversely affect demand for its products.  The Group's 
forecasts and projections, allowing for a possible deterioration in trading 
performance, show that the Group has a reasonable expectation of being able to 
operate within the level of currently available facilities. 
Accordingly,  as  set  out  in  the  Directors'  Report,  the accounts have been 
prepared on the going concern basis. 
Accounting policies 
The principal accounting policies which apply in preparing the financial 
statements for the year ended 31 March 2011 are consistent with those disclosed 
in the Group's audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2010. 
A number of new and amended standards and interpretations came into effect for 
accounting periods commencing on or after 1 April 2010.  Insofar as they are 
relevant to the Group's operations, adoption of these standards and 
interpretations did not have any material effect on the financial statements of 
the Group. 
2. Segmental analysis 
The Group produces monthly management information to enable the Board, including 
the Chief Executive Officer, to monitor the financial performance of its 
constituent parts. This information is analysed by business unit. In previous 
years, the Asia Pacific unit included the China business and the Asia Pacific 
distribution units. Following the disposal of the China business, the results 
for the residual businesses within that region have been grouped together with 
those of Foils Europe as they are now under common management. 
                                                                 Year ended 
                                               Year ended           31 March 
                                            31 March 2011               2010 
                                                     GBP'000               GBP'000 
Continuing operations 
Total revenue by origin 
Foils Europe *                                     36,959             33,328 
Foils Americas                                     23,151             20,020 
Laminates                                          44,321             28,000 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
                                                  104,431             81,348 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
Inter-segmental revenue 
Foils Europe *                                      3,705              1,687 
Foils Americas                                        733                469 
Laminates                                              30                  - 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
                                                    4,468              2,156 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
External revenue by origin 
Foils Europe *                                     33,254             31,641 
Foils Americas                                     22,418             19,551 
Laminates                                          44,291             28,000 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
Segment revenue                                    99,963             79,192 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
*Foils Europe incorporates the continuing Asia 
Pacific businesses 
Revenue by products 
Total revenue 
Foils                                              57,833             51,565 
Laminates                                          44,321             28,000 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
                                                  102,154             79,565 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
Inter-segmental revenue 
Foils                                               2,161                373 
Laminates                                              30                  - 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
                                                    2,191                373 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
External revenue 
Foils                                              55,672             51,192 
Laminates                                          44,291             28,000 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
                                                   99,963             79,192 
                            ------------------------------   ---------------- 
 External revenue by destination 
 Continuing operations 
 UK                                    36,881       25,967 
 Rest of Europe                        33,213       28,476 
 Americas                              21,264       18,697 
 Asia Pacific                           7,898        4,602 
 Africa                                   707        1,450 
                                     ----------   ---------- 
                                       99,963       79,192 
                                     ----------   ---------- 
 Discontinued operations 
 Europe                                   895          227 
 Asia Pacific                           6,530        5,155 
                                     ----------   ---------- 
                                        7,425        5,382 
                                     ----------   ---------- 
All revenue is derived from the sale of goods. 
During the year ended 31 March 2011 there were two major customers, reported 
within the Laminates segment, which comprised 10% or more of the total external 
revenue, amounting to  GBP14,696,000 and  GBP11,880,000 respectively (2010: one major 
customer within the Laminates segment amounting to  GBP11,761,000). 
Segment result 
                                                 |  Year ended| |Year ended 
                                                 |    31 March| |    31 March 
                                                 |        2011| |        2010 
                                                 |            | | 
                                                 |        GBP'000| |        GBP'000 
 Continuing operations                          |       |       | 
 Operating profit/(loss)                        |       |       | 
 Foils Europe *                                 |  1,424|        |  2,510| 
 Foils Americas                                 |    244|        |   (64)| 
 Laminates                                      |  5,245|        |  2,034| 
 Segment result                                 |  6,913|        |  4,480| 
                                                |       |        |       | 
 Central costs                                  |(1,719)|        |(1,214)| 
                                                |       |        |       | 
 Total operating profit before exceptional items|  5,194|        |  3,266| 
                                                +-------+        +-------+ 
Central costs comprise primarily of salary and other employment costs 
relating to the central management of the Group. 
Foils Europe *            24,765                                  23,825 
Foils Americas            14,385                                  14,877 
Laminates                 11,637                                   9,480 
                         -------- --------------------------------------- 
Segment assets            50,787                                  48,182 
Discontinued operations        -                                  15,079 
Unallocated               10,209                                   9,419 
                         -------- --------------------------------------- 
                          60,996                                  72,680 
                         -------- --------------------------------------- 
* Foils Europe incorporates the continuing Asia Pacific businesses 
3. Exceptional items 
The charge included in continuing operations in the previous period comprises 
redundancy and other costs incurred for rationalising the Group's activities in 
line with reduced demand. 
4. Finance revenue and finance costs 
                                      Year ended                Year ended 
                               31 March 2011             31 March 2010 
                                                  GBP'000                      GBP'000 
Finance revenue 
Interest receivable on bank 
and other short term cash 
deposits                                             2                         2 
Other interest receivable                           15                        38 
                              ------------------------- ------------------------ 
                                                    17                        40 
                              ------------------------- ------------------------ 
Finance costs 
Interest payable on bank loans 
and overdrafts                                 (1,356)                   (1,831) 
Other interest payable                            (24)                      (49) 
Finance cost in respect of 
defined benefit pension plans                    (974)   (1,138) 
                              ------------------------- ------------------------ 
                                               (2,354)                   (3,018) 
                              ------------------------- ------------------------ 
5. Taxation 
(a) Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 
         Year ended                                           Year ended 
  31 March 2011                                        31 March 2010 
                     GBP'000                                                 GBP'000 
Tax (expensed)/credited in the income 
Continuing operations 
Current income tax 
UK Corporation tax - refund in respect of 
prior years                                       -                           46 
Overseas tax - current year expense           (135)                        (134) 
     - adjustments in respect of prior years   (37)                            - 
                                             ------- --------------------------- 
Total current income tax expense              (172)                         (88) 
                                             ------- --------------------------- 
Deferred tax 
Origination and reversal of temporary 
- defined benefit pension plan                 (17)                           80 
- tax losses                                    466                        1,383 
- capital allowances                          (443)                        1,429 
- effect of change in deferred tax rate        (99)                            - 
                                             ------- --------------------------- 
Total deferred tax (expense)/credit            (93)                        2,892 
                                             ------- --------------------------- 
Tax (expense)/credit on continuing operations (265)                        2,804 
                                             ------- --------------------------- 
 Discontinued operations 
 Reversal of prior-year tax expense                       -       3,505 
                                                    ---------   -------- 
 Total tax (expense)/credit in the income statement   (265)       6,309 
                                                    ---------   -------- 
The reversal of prior-year foreign tax charge in 2010 relates to the Group's 
subsidiary in China (now disposed - see Note 6). In the year to 31 March 2009, a 
provision of Rmb 38m was made in respect of the profit on sale of surplus 
property in Shanghai after the relocation of operations to a new site.  During 
the year to 31 March 2010, it was confirmed that no specific land taxation was 
payable on this transaction.  Accordingly, the provision was released. 
Tax (expense)/credit on items taken directly to or transferred from equity 
Deferred tax 
                                               Year ended      Year ended 
                                              31 March 2011   31 March 2010 
                                                       GBP'000            GBP'000 
Actuarial gains and losses on pension schemes 
- in respect of the current period                  (1,845)           2,544 
- effect of change in deferred tax rate               (259)               - 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
                                                    (2,104)           2,544 
                                             --------------- -------------- 
(b) Deferred tax 
The deferred tax included in the balance sheet is analysed as follows: 
                                                                 31 March 
                                    31 March 2011                    2010 
                                             GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Deferred tax liability 
Revaluation of fixed assets                 (238)                   (256) 
                             --------------------- ---------------------- 
Deferred tax asset 
Defined benefit pension plans               2,527                   4,594 
Tax losses                                  2,036                   1,715 
Capital allowances                            915                   1,429 
                             --------------------- ---------------------- 
                                            5,478                   7,738 
                             --------------------- ---------------------- 
6. Discontinued operations 
In the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2010, it was announced 
that the Board had commenced a strategic review of the Group's investment in its 
51% owned subsidiary based in China. As a result of that review, a decision was 
taken to eliminate exposure to continuing losses by selling the Group's stake in 
the venture. This was accomplished in January 2011. In accordance with IFRS 5, 
the results of the China business, including prior year comparatives, have 
therefore been presented as discontinued operations. 
The results of the China business to the date of the sale (24 January 2011) are 
presented below: 
                                                                      Year ended 
                                                   Year ended              March 
                                                31 March 2011               2010 
                                                         GBP'000               GBP'000 
Revenue - External                                      7,425     5,382 
               - Inter-Group                              619     1,339 
                                       ----------------------- --------- 
                                                        8,044     6,721 
Cost of sales                                         (8,098)   (7,625) 
                                       ----------------------- --------- 
Gross loss                                               (54)     (904) 
Other operating costs                                 (1,311)   (1,498) 
                                       ----------------------- --------- 
Operating loss before exceptional items               (1,365)   (2,402) 
Exceptional items 
    Impairment of property, plant and 
equipment (see Note 8)                                (5,850)   (5,083) 
    Relocation of China factory                             -     (267) 
                                       ----------------------- --------- 
Operating loss from discontinued 
operations                                            (7,215)   (7,752) 
Finance costs                                           (138)     (111) 
                                       ----------------------- --------- 
Loss on discontinued activities before 
taxation                                              (7,353)   (7,863) 
Tax credit (see note 5)                                     -     3,505 
                                       ----------------------- --------- 
Loss on discontinued activities after 
taxation                                              (7,353)   (4,358) 
                                       ----------------------- --------- 
Impairment of property, plant and equipment 
At 31 March 2010, following 2 years of significant losses, the carrying value of 
the property, plant and equipment of the China business was written down to 
reflect its fair value less costs to sell, resulting in an impairment charge of 
 GBP5,083,000. Following the decision to exit the venture and its reclassification 
as a disposal group held for sale, assets were further impaired to bring the 
value down to the expected realisable proceeds from the sale, which resulted in 
an additional write down of property, plant and equipment at 30 September 2010 
of  GBP5,850,000. The Group's 51% share of this impairment was  GBP2,984,000 (31 March 
2010:  GBP2,592,000), with a corresponding reduction in the minority interest of 
 GBP2,866,000 (31 March 2010:  GBP2,491,000). 
(Loss)/profit from discontinued operations 
                                                                      Year ended 
                                                Year ended              31 March 
                                             31 March 2011                  2010 
                                                      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Loss after taxation of China 
business (see above)                               (7,353)   (4,358) 
Profit on disposal of discontinued 
operations                                           3,229         - 
                                    ----------------------- --------- 
Loss on discontinued operations per 
the Income Statement                               (4,124)   (4,358) 
                                    ----------------------- --------- 
The profit on disposal of discontinued operations is made up as follows: 
Profit on disposal of China business                                       444 
Exchange gains on translation relating to the China business 
transferred from the foreign exchange reserve                            2,550 
Profit on disposal of China business after transfer from foreign 
exchange reserve                                                         2,994 
Adjustment to prior year losses on disposal of discontinued businesses     235 
The adjustment to prior-year losses on disposal of discontinued businesses 
relates to the reversal of accrued legal fees connected with a prior business 
On the date of disposal, the net assets, consideration and profit on disposal of 
the China business were as follows: 
Property, plant and equipment                                              3,792 
Inventories                                                                2,594 
Trade and other receivables                                                2,303 
Cash at bank and in hand                                                     296 
Creditors and other payables                                             (3,127) 
Financial liabilities payable within one year                            (2,688) 
Net assets of China business on disposal                                   3,170 
Non controlling interests                                                (1,850) 
Net assets of China business on disposal attributable to equity 
holders of parent                                                          1,320 
 Cash consideration on disposal             1,920 
 Disposal costs                             (156) 
 Net consideration                          1,764 
 Profit on disposal of China business         444 
Net cash flows relating to discontinued activities 
The net cash flows attributable to discontinued operations are as follows: 
                                                               Year ended 
                                   Year ended                    31 March 
                                31 March 2011                        2010 
                                         GBP'000                        GBP'000 
 Operating activities                     783       (2,270) 
 Investing activities                   1,477         (673) 
 Financing activities                   (813)         1,269 
                      -------------------------   ----------- 
                                        1,447       (1,674) 
                      -------------------------   ----------- 
7. Earnings per ordinary share 
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit/(loss) for the 
year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Parent by the weighted 
average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. 
Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit/(loss) 
attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Parent by the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year plus the weighted average 
number of ordinary shares that would be issued on the conversion of all dilutive 
potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares. 
The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted 
earnings per share computations: 
                                           Year ended                 Year ended 
                                        31 March 2011             31 March  2010 
                                                 GBP'000                       GBP'000 
Profit attributable to equity 
holders of the Parent - 
continuing operations                           2,592                      2,466 
Loss attributable to equity 
holders of the Parent - 
discontinued operations                         (612)                    (2,342) 
                               ----------------------- ------------------------- 
Net profit attributable to 
equity holders of the Parent                    1,980                        124 
                               ----------------------- ------------------------- 
                                                   No                         No 
Basic weighted average number 
of ordinary shares                         73,447,050                 73,338,070 
Dilutive effect of employee 
share options                               2,443,955                  2,753,466 
                               ----------------------- ------------------------- 
Diluted weighted average number 
of shares                                  75,891,005                 76,091,536 
                               ----------------------- ------------------------- 
The weighted average number of shares excludes the 3,058,221 shares owned by the 
API Group plc No.2 Employee Benefit Trust (2010: 58,221). 
In September 2010, 3,000,000 shares were issued to the API Group plc No.2 
Employee Benefit Trust in respect of the Long-term Incentive Plan (see Note 20). 
Warrants for 3,506,336 ordinary shares were issued to Barclays Bank plc in 
November 2009 in conjunction with the extension of UK bank facilities. These 
were exercised in October 2010 at a price of 1 pence per share. 
The weighted average number of shares in the current and previous periods has 
been adjusted to reflect the exercise of the warrants at below the market price 
of 15.5 pence at the date of exercise. 
There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential 
ordinary shares between the reporting date and the date of completion of these 
financial statements. 
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share 
                                                                Year ended 
                                     Year ended                   31 March 
                                  31 March 2011                       2010 
                                          pence                      pence 
 Continuing operations 
 Basic earnings per share                   3.5                        3.4 
 Diluted earnings per share                 3.4                        3.2 
 Discontinued operations 
 Basic loss per share                     (0.8)                      (3.2) 
 Diluted loss per share                   (0.8)                      (3.0) 
 Basic earnings per share                   2.7                        0.2 
 Diluted earnings per share                 2.6                        0.2 
8. Property, plant and equipment 
                                        Leasehold                Office 
                 Freehold    Freehold      Land &    Plant &     and IT 
                     Land   Buildings   Buildings  machinery  equipment    Total 
                     GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
At 1 April 
2009                2,381       8,477      10,650     61,140      8,852   91,500 
Additions               -           -          18        476        435      929 
Disposals               -           -       (146)      (268)    (2,320)  (2,734) 
adjustment          (116)       (423)       (492)    (1,524)      (106)  (2,661) 
At 31 March 
2010                2,265       8,054      10,030     59,824      6,861   87,034 
Additions               -          14           -        950        189    1,153 
Disposals               -           -           -       (86)      (370)    (456) 
Disposal of 
subsidiary              -           -     (8,330)   (13,124)          - (21,454) 
adjustment          (107)       (391)         (7)      (736)      (120)  (1,361) 
At 31 March 
2011                2,158       7,677       1,693     46,828      6,560   64,916 
At 1 April 
2009                    -       2,985       1,208     42,175      6,790   53,158 
during the 
year                    -         229         577      2,608        406    3,820 
during the 
period                  -           -           -      5,083          -    5,083 
Disposals               -           -       (146)      (228)    (2,320)  (2,694) 
adjustment              -       (224)         (8)      (780)       (93)  (1,105) 
At 31 March 
2010                    -       2,990       1,631     48,858      4,783   58,262 
during the 
year                    -         226         240      1,956        520    2,942 
during the 
period                  -           -       4,438      1,412          -    5,850 
Disposals               -           -           -       (85)      (322)    (407) 
Disposal of 
subsidiary              -           -     (5,442)   (12,220)          - (17,662) 
adjustment              -       (226)         (1)      (539)      (107)    (873) 
At 31 March 
2011                    -       2,990         866     39,382      4,874   48,112 
Net book value 
at 31 March 
2011                2,158       4,687         827      7,446      1,686   16,804 
Net book value 
at 31 March 
2010                2,265       5,064       8,399     10,966      2,078   28,772 
Net book value 
at 31 March 
2009                2,381       5,492       9,442     18,965      2,062   38,342 
9. Financial liabilities 
                                           31 March 2011     31 March       2010 
                                                    GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Bank overdrafts                                    1,456                   1,587 
Current instalments due on bank loans                779                   3,679 
Interest rate swaps                                   97                     150 
Forward foreign exchange contracts                   498                       - 
                                     -------------------- ---------------------- 
                                                   2,830                   5,416 
                                     -------------------- ---------------------- 
Non-current instalments due on bank 
loans                                             10,451                  14,302 
Interest rate swaps                                   63                     102 
                                     -------------------- ---------------------- 
                                                  10,514                  14,404 
                                     -------------------- ---------------------- 
In the UK, the Group has taken out an interest rate swap for the period 2 August 
2010 to 1 November 2012 for a fixed amount of  GBP5m.  In the US interest rate 
swaps have been taken out for the period 1 July 2010 to 30 October 2013 for 
fixed and amortising amounts totalling $3.3m at 31 March 2011. 
Bank loans 
Bank loans comprise the following: 
                                           31 March 2011     31 March       2010 
                                                    GBP'000                    GBP'000 
Term loans (UK)                                   10,196                  14,372 
Term loans (China)                                     -                   3,380 
Term loan (US)                                     1,034                     229 
                                     -------------------- ---------------------- 
                                                  11,230                  17,981 
Less: current instalments due on bank 
loans                                              (779)                 (3,679) 
                                     -------------------- ---------------------- 
                                                  10,451                  14,302 
                                     -------------------- ---------------------- 
The Group's banking facilities comprise: 
UK facilities 
The Group's lending arrangements in the UK are with Barclays Bank plc.  At 31 
March 2011, UK facilities comprised a term loan of  GBP6.4m repayable between April 
2011 and July 2013 (2010:  GBP6.6m repayable between October 2010 and July 2013) 
and a term loan of  GBP3.8m repayable in July 2013 (2010:  GBP3.8m repayable in July 
2013).  At 31 March 2010, there was a higher margin term loan of  GBP4.0m 
denominated in US Dollars repayable in July 2013. During the year this loan was 
repaid early following repatriation of funds from the US and receipt of funds on 
the sale of the China business.  In addition there is a multi option overdraft 
facility of  GBP3.5m (2010:  GBP3.5m).  Interest cost for the period averaged 5.0% 
(2010: 5.0%) above LIBOR for term loans and 3.6% (2010: 3.8%) above Base Rate 
for the overdraft.  The total debt under committed and revolving facilities is 
subject to four quarterly financial covenant targets reflecting the financial 
performance of the Group excluding the impact of the US and China business 
units.  Covenants are for Debt Cover, Total Service Payments Cover, Senior 
Interest Cover and Tangible Net Worth.  At 31 March 2011, Debt Cover, the ratio 
of net debt to 12 month trailing EBITDA was 1.0x (2010: 2.61x) and this and all 
other covenant ratios were comfortably within the targets. 
US facilities 
The US facilities, which are with Wells Fargo, were the subject of a refinancing 
exercise in May 2010. At 31 March 2011, they comprised amortising loans of $1.8m 
repayable between April 2011 and October 2013 (2010: $0.3m repayable between 
April 2010 and May 2010) and a revolving credit facility of up to $5.5m (2010: 
$5.0m), depending on the level of working capital.  Interest cost for the period 
averaged 4.5% above LIBOR (2010: 4.0% above prime) for the term loans and 3.8% 
above LIBOR (2010: 3.5% above prime) for the credit facility.  The total debt 
outstanding is subject to quarterly covenant obligations relating to 
profitability, net worth and cash flow.  During the year to 31 March 2011 the US 
business met all its covenant obligations with the exception of one measure in 
the quarter to December 2010, for which a formal waiver was agreed with the 
10. Pensions and other post-retirement benefits 
The Group operates a number of pension schemes.  Current UK employees 
participate in a defined contribution scheme. Overseas employees participate in 
a variety of different pension arrangements of the defined contribution type and 
are funded in accordance with local practice. A non contributory scheme is 
operated for members of the North New Jersey Teamsters 11 Union employed at the 
Company's site in Rahway, New Jersey. This scheme is a multi-employer defined 
benefit scheme which is accounted for as a defined contribution scheme, as the 
information available from the scheme administrators is insufficient for it to 
be accounted for as a defined benefit scheme.  Under the rules of the scheme the 
employer is not liable for any deficit of the scheme unless it withdraws from 
the scheme. 
In the UK, a defined benefit pension scheme, the API Group Pension and Life 
Assurance Scheme, was closed to future accrual in December 2008.  This was a 
funded pension scheme for the Company and its UK subsidiaries providing benefits 
based on final pensionable earnings, funded by the payment of contributions to a 
separately administered trust fund. A second defined benefit scheme, operated in 
the US, the API Foils, Inc. North American Pension Plan, is also closed to 
future accrual. 
The assets and liabilities of the defined benefit schemes are: 
                                                  31 March 
                                                      2011   31 March       2010 
                                                      GBP'000                  GBP'000 
Equities                                            43,119                39,651 
Bonds                                               29,278                30,151 
Property                                                72                    54 
Cash                                                   139                    65 
                                  ------------------------- -------------------- 
Fair value of scheme assets                         72,608                69,921 
Present value of scheme 
liabilities                                       (82,327)              (86,327) 
                                  ------------------------- -------------------- 
Net pension liability                              (9,719)              (16,406) 
                                  ------------------------- -------------------- 
Pension contributions are determined with the advice of an independent qualified 
actuary on the basis of triennial valuations using the projected unit method. 
Scheme assets are stated at their market values at the respective balance sheet 
dates and overall expected rates of return are established by applying published 
brokers' forecasts to each category of scheme assets. 
                     |     United Kingdom| |                      United States 
                     |31 March| |31 March| |31 March| |                31 March 
                     |    2011| |    2010| |    2011| |                    2010 
                     |       %| |       %| |       %| |                       % 
 Main assumptions    |        | |        | |        | | 
 Rate of increase in |        | |        | |        | | 
 pensions in payment |    2.50| |    3.50| |    3.00| |                    3.00 
 Rate of increase to |        | |        | |        | | 
 deferred pensions   |    2.50| |    3.30| |    3.00| |                    3.00 
 Inflation           |    2.50| |    3.50| |    3.00| |                    3.00 
 Discount rate       |    5.55| |    5.65| |    5.00| |                    5.50 
 Expected rates of   |        | |        | |        | | 
 return on scheme    |        | |        | |        | | 
 assets              |    6.32| |    6.50| |    7.50| |                    7.50 
 Equities            |    7.30| |    7.50| |        | | 
 Bonds               |    4.85| |    5.40| |        | | 
 Post-retirement     |        | |        | |        | | 
 mortality (in       |        | |        | |        | | 
 years):             |        | |        | |        | | 
 Current pensioners  |        | |        | |        | | 
 at 65 - male        |    20.0| |    19.3| |        | | 
 Current pensioners  |        | |        | |        | | 
 at 65 - female      |    22.1| |    21.9| |        | | 
 Future pensioners at|        | |        | |        | | 
 65 - male           |    21.8| |    20.9| |        | | 
 Future pensioners at|        | |        | |        | | 
 65 - female         |    24.1| |    23.4| |        | | 
These major assumptions have been selected after consultation with the Group's 
UK pension advisors, KPMG LLP and the Group's US actuaries, Prudential 
The rate of increase in pensions and the inflation rate assumptions in the UK 
are based on statistics published by the Bank of England for long-term estimates 
of the Retail Price Index.  At 31 March 2011, the relevant inflation rate based 
on the RPI for the duration of the UK Scheme was 3.5%.  During the year, the 
statutory basis of indexation used for by the Scheme was revised from the Retail 
Price Index ("RPI") to the Cost Price Index ("CPI").  It is estimated that the 
long-term CPI is approximately 1% lower than the long-term RPI, resulting in a 
reduction of the inflation rate assumption to 2.5%.  A 0.1% variation in the 
inflation rate would result in a change in the present value of the scheme 
liabilities of approximately  GBP0.9m (2010:  GBP0.9m). 
The discount rate for the UK scheme has been set by reference to the iBoxx AA 
corporate bond 15-year index.  The rate has been modified to take account of the 
duration of the scheme, which is approximately 18 years.  A 0.1% variation in 
the discount rate would result in a change in the present value of the scheme 
liabilities of approximately  GBP1.4m (2010:  GBP1.5m). 
In the UK, the mortality assumptions are based on nationally published tables 
using 130% of the S1P*A YoB CMI 2009 model with 1.25% long term rate of 
improvement (2010: PA YoB tables LC with 0.75% underpin).  In the US, mortality 
assumptions are in accordance with the IRS Static Mortality tables for the 
relevant year. 
Following closure of the UK Scheme to future accrual, the Group has agreed to 
make contributions up to 2019 in order to make up the funding shortfall.  The 
expected contributions for the year ended 31 March 2012 are  GBP700,000. 
Changes in the present value of the defined benefit obligations are analysed as 
                                           Year ended              Year ended 
                                             31 March                31 March 
                                                 2011                    2010 
                                                 GBP'000                    GBP'000 
At 31 March 2010                               86,327                  63,840 
Interest cost                                   4,791                   4,232 
Benefits paid                                 (2,791)                 (3,796) 
Actuarial gains and losses                    (5,864)                  22,155 
Foreign currency differences                    (136)                   (104) 
                                ---------------------- ---------------------- 
At 31 March 2011                               82,327                  86,327 
                                ---------------------- ---------------------- 
Changes in the fair value of the defined benefit assets are analysed as follows: 
                                             Year ended              Year ended 
                                               31 March                31 March 
                                                   2011                    2010 
                                                   GBP'000                    GBP'000 
At 31 March 2010                                 69,921                  56,759 
Expected return on plan assets                    4,401                   3,541 
Employer contributions                              451                     406 
Benefits paid                                   (2,791)                 (3,796) 
Actuarial gains and losses                          722                  13,070 
Foreign currency differences                       (96)                    (59) 
                                  ---------------------- ---------------------- 
At 31 March 2011                                 72,608                  69,921 
                                  ---------------------- ---------------------- 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: API Group PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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