2nd December 2010 
API Group plc - Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2010 
  * Sales from continuing operations 24% ahead of last year at  GBP47.0m (23% ahead 
    at constant exchange rates). 
  * Operating  profits from  continuing operations  of  GBP2.5m,  against a loss of 
     GBP0.2m at the interim stage last year. 
  * All business units ahead of last year with a particularly strong performance 
    from Laminates.  Foil margins down on preceding six months due to escalating 
    raw material costs. 
  * Profit before tax of  GBP1.3m (2009/10 first half: loss of  GBP1.8m). 
  * Net  operating cash flow in the period  of  GBP2.7m reducing net debt to  GBP14.4m 
    compared  to  GBP18.5m at March 2010 and   GBP16.0m at September 2009.  Debt cover 
    ratio on main UK borrowings down from 2.6 at March 2010 to 1.7. 
  * Decision  to exit loss-making, foil  manufacturing operation in China.  Sale 
    of  the  Group's  51% shareholding  at  an  advanced  stage  with completion 
    expected in December 2010. 
  * Loss  from discontinued operations of   GBP6.7m ( GBP3.3m attributable to minority 
    interests), primarily asset write-downs and trading losses in China. 
Commenting, API's Chief Executive, Andrew Turner said: 
"The  Group has continued to  benefit from the recovery  in market volumes after 
the streamlining of the cost base during 2008 and 2009.  Exiting the loss-making 
joint venture in China will further strengthen the Group's performance. 
Management  is  now  focused  on  improving  the  quality  and resilience of the 
continuing businesses and exploiting opportunities for profitable growth. 
While  escalating raw material costs present a  challenge in the short term, the 
strong upturn in volumes at Laminates is particularly encouraging." 
|Andrew Turner              |Chief Executive, API Group   |+44 (0) 1625 650334 | 
|                           |plc                          |                    | 
|Chris Smith                |Finance Director, API Group  |+44 (0) 1625 650334 | 
|                           |plc                          |                    | 
|Philip Secrett / Colin     |Grant Thornton Corporate     |+44 (0) 20 7383 5100| 
|Aaronson                   |Finance                      |                    | 
|James Serjeant             |Numis Securities             |+44 (0) 20 7260 1000| 
The presentation of the income statement has been amended to reflect an expected 
change in the Group's portfolio of businesses. In June 2010, the Group announced 
a  strategic  review  of  its  51% interest  in Shanghai Shen Yong Stamping Foil 
Company  Limited located in China.  During  the review, the Board considered all 
options  for  turning  around  the  results  of  the  operation, assessed future 
prospects  and  investment  needs  and  concluded  that  it would be in the best 
interests of shareholders to exit the venture.  Subsequently, a sale process was 
conducted  and at the time  of going to press,  negotiations were at an advanced 
stage  to divest the Group's shareholding.  Results of the China subsidiary have 
therefore   been   classified  as  discontinued  in  the  income  statement  and 
comparatives re-stated to reflect this treatment. 
Continuing  operations now  comprise the  European laminated  packaging material 
business,  foil manufacturing  and distribution  operations based  in the US and 
Europe  and foils  distribution units  located in  the Asia Pacific region.  The 
latter have been incorporated into Foils Europe for reporting purposes. 
Revenues  from continuing operations,  at  GBP47.0m, were  23% higher than the same 
period  last year at  constant exchange rates  and 24% higher at actual exchange 
rates.   Revenues were  also 14% ahead  of the  preceding six month period.  All 
businesses  saw revenues rise  year on year,  with Laminates increasing sales by 
42%, Foils Europe by 12% and Foils US by 20%.  Operating profits from continuing 
operations, before exceptional items, increased from  GBP0.2m to  GBP2.5m, translating 
to an overall operating margin of 5.3%. 
For the Group as a whole, profits increased as a result of the contribution from 
higher  revenues while  improved sales  mix partly  offset the impact of rapidly 
increasing raw material costs towards the end of the period. 
Production  costs rose by just over 5% to accommodate the 24% growth in revenues 
and  non factory overhead  costs increased by   GBP0.7m as a  result of measures to 
strengthen  the sales force in anticipation of more favourable market conditions 
combined with higher accruals for management incentive programs in line with the 
improved results. 
All  business units contributed to the  improvement in the Group's results, with 
Laminates  ahead  GBP1.7m and the foils businesses in Europe and the US ahead  GBP0.5m 
and  GBP0.3m respectively.  Compared to the preceding six months, operating profits 
were down  GBP0.5m, despite higher volumes, due to increased raw material costs and 
non factory overhead costs. 
There  were no  exceptional items  in the  period, compared  to the  GBP0.4m of re- 
organisation costs incurred in the first half of 2009/10. 
Net  financing costs of  GBP1.1m were down   GBP0.5m due to reduced debt service costs 
( GBP0.3m) and lower pension related charges ( GBP0.2m). 
Net  profit after tax from continuing operations was  GBP1.1m compared to a loss of 
 GBP1.8m  in the six months to September 2009.  Relative to the second half of last 
year,  net  profits  from  continuing  operations  were  broadly unchanged after 
adjusting  for the recognition of an additional   GBP2.8m of deferred tax assets at 
March 2010. 
Earnings per share for continuing operations were 1.5p (2009: loss of 2.5p). 
Europe: Laminates 
After  a quiet 2009/10, Laminates experienced a significant rebound in activity. 
 At   GBP19.2m, interim  sales were  42% ahead of  the last  year and 33% up on the 
preceding  six  months.   Investment  in  packaging  development  services  paid 
dividends,  with a number of important projects  coming to fruition, adding to a 
recovery in demand for core product lines in the alcoholic drinks segment.  With 
improved sales mix and excellent cost control, operating results ended the first 
half at  GBP2.4m compared to  GBP0.7m for the same period last year. 
Europe: Foils 
The  Foils  Europe  reporting  segment  now  includes  results from the residual 
operations  in  Asia  Pacific  since  the  Group's  subsidiary in China has been 
classified as discontinued. 
Foils  Europe  sales,  at   GBP17.6m,  were  12% higher  at constant exchange rates 
compared  to the same period last year  and unchanged on the preceding six month 
period.  Overall volumes, primarily reflecting activity in the packaging sector, 
stabilised  after a period of recovery and restocking post the 2008/9 recession. 
 All  territories were  ahead against  last year's  first half.  Compared to the 
second  half of last year, further growth was registered in France, the UK, Hong 
Kong  and  Australia  whilst  sales  fell  back in Italy.  Security Holographics 
revenues  also declined  against the  previous six  months due  to the timing of 
orders for certain key contracts. 
Foils  Europe operating profits  increased from  GBP0.4m  to  GBP1.0m, representing an 
operating  margin of  5.4%.  The improvement  was due  to the  contribution from 
higher  sales.  Compared to a particularly  strong preceding six months, profits 
were  down by just over a half due  to weaker sales mix and especially increased 
raw  material costs.   Market prices  for polyester  film increased by more than 
50% over  the period and are continuing to escalate due to global constraints on 
supply  which are not expected to abate  until significant new capacity comes on 
stream  during late 2011/early 2012.  So far, action to raise selling prices has 
not  kept pace with the speed and severity  of cost increases, which has in turn 
led  to an  erosion of  margins.  After  successfully implementing  one round of 
price  increases, management is now pressing ahead with a second round, with the 
intention of restoring margins to acceptable levels. 
North America 
Sales  from  US  operations  continued  their  steady recovery from the collapse 
experienced  in  late  2008.  Revenues,  at   GBP11.7m,  were 15% ahead of the same 
period  last year at constant exchange  rates and 8.5% higher than the preceding 
six  months.  Sales to the label  and ink sectors were particularly encouraging, 
partly  offset by a drop  in shipments to greeting  card customers.    Operating 
results  improved to breakeven  from a loss  of  GBP0.3m at  the interim stage last 
year,  although profits fell back  compared to last year's  second half as sales 
growth  was primarily satisfied from inventory draw-down and margins were eroded 
by  rising  raw  material  costs.   The  US  foils  business  is facing the same 
challenge   as   Foils  Europe  in  dealing  with  escalating  polyester  costs, 
exacerbated  by  the  ill-timed  imposition  of  new  import  tariffs  by the US 
Department  of Commerce.  Pricing action  is being  taken to ensure rising input 
costs are passed through to customers and margins restored to previous levels. 
Third  party  sales  originating  from  the  operation  in  China were  GBP4.1m, an 
increase of 59% over last year and 33% over the preceding six months at constant 
exchange  rates.  Despite the  improved volumes and  a lower depreciation charge 
following  the impairment  of fixed  assets at  March 2010, losses  reduced only 
marginally  to   GBP1.0m  due  to  declining  margins  and the impact of higher raw 
material costs. 
As  with the income statement, the balance  sheet has been re-classified and now 
shows  the China business as  a disposal group and  valued in line with expected 
proceeds from the sale of the Group's 51% shareholding. As a result, assets have 
been  impaired  by  a  further   GBP5.9m,  or   GBP3.0m  after accounting for minority 
Group net cash flow from operating activities was  GBP2.7m (2009: GBP0.4m) including a 
contribution  from discontinued activities  of  GBP0.5m.  Working  capital was held 
broadly  flat in  spite of  the significant  upturn in  activity.  As  a result, 
working capital efficiency, measured by reference to trailing three month sales, 
improved to 11.2% from 12.7% at March 2010. 
Capital expenditure at  GBP0.6m was all spent in the continuing businesses, a  GBP0.2m 
increase  over the  same period  last year.   As the  financial condition of the 
Group improves, it is expected that the Board will start to consider an increase 
in  the rate  of capital  expenditure, especially  in support  of initiatives to 
enhance the product range and to take advantage of growth opportunities. 
Group  net debt fell from   GBP18.5m at March 2010 to   GBP14.4m at 30 September 2010 
assisted by the re-classification of  GBP3.2m of net debt in China. 
The  Group's main lending arrangements are with  Barclays Bank plc in the UK and 
Wells  Fargo in the US.   Both facilities are in  place until July 2013.  In the 
period  since 31 March 2010, all covenant requirements were comfortably met.  At 
30 September  2010, debt  cover,  the  ratio  of borrowings to trailing 12 month 
EBITDA,  on the  main UK  facility was  1.7 times compared with 4.5 at September 
2009 and 2.6 at March 2010. 
The  IAS 19 valuation of the  UK and US defined  benefit pension schemes reduced 
from   GBP16.4m at March  2010 to  GBP15.3m at  30 September 2010.  Scheme assets were 
broadly unchanged over the six month period with falling equity values offset by 
growth in the value of bond investments. 
Scheme  liabilities  reduced  from   GBP86.3m  to   GBP85.1m  during  the half year as 
assumptions on UK inflation more than compensated for a lower discount rate. 
The  discount  rate  used  to  calculate  the  present  value  of future pension 
obligations is benchmarked to market yields on AA rated corporate bonds.  Yields 
fell by 0.5% in the six months to 30 September 2010. 
There  were  two  changes  to  inflation  assumptions,  which  contributed  to a 
reduction in calculated scheme liabilities.  First, the long term outlook for UK 
inflation fell by 0.6% and secondly, the basis of indexation used for certain UK 
scheme  benefits was revised from the RPI measure of inflation to the lower CPI. 
 The  latter change is a consequence of  an announcement by the UK government in 
July  2010 to the effect  that CPI is  to be adopted  as the basis of "statutory 
inflation".   A detailed review of the impact of that decision on the API scheme 
has been carried and, after receiving independent advice, the Board is satisfied 
that it is valid to adopt CPI for certain elements of the scheme.  The effect of 
the  change from RPI to  CPI is an estimated  reduction in scheme liabilities of 
The  Board would like to recognise the contribution made by all employees to the 
improvement in the Group's performance and financial condition.  Their continued 
flexibility  and commitment  is essential  in providing  customers with the high 
quality,   cost  effective  products  and  services  on  which  the  growth  and 
development of the business is founded. 
Laminates'  strong  performance  is  expected  to  be maintained over the coming 
months,  although the second half is  traditionally weaker in certain key market 
There is no sign of an easing in the pressure on margins in the foils businesses 
as  raw material costs continue to escalate due to the global capacity imbalance 
affecting polyester film supply.  Whilst further increases in selling prices are 
essential  to  recover  these  exceptional  cost  increases,  any  time lag will 
inevitably  impact  results.   Second  half  profitability  in Foils Europe will 
benefit  from an improved  mix, reflecting a  particularly strong order book for 
higher added value holographic products. 
Further  progress  is  expected  on  debt  reduction,  based on trading results, 
receipts from the China disposal and a modest level of capital investment. 
for the six months 
ended 30 September 
                                      Unaudited             Unaudited    Audited 
                              6 months to    30           6 months to    Year to 
                              September    2010      30 September       31 March 
                                                                 2009       2010 
                       Note                GBP'000                  GBP'000       GBP'000 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                   2              47,032                37,866     79,192 
Cost of sales                          (35,598)              (30,001)   (60,541) 
Gross profit                             11,434                 7,865     18,651 
Other operating costs                   (8,939)               (7,635)   (15,385) 
Operating profit          2               2,495                   230      3,266 
before exceptional 
                          3                                     (423)      (626) 
Exceptional items            - 
Operating profit /                        2,495                 (193)      2,640 
(loss) from continuing 
                          4                   8                               40 
Finance revenue                                         - 
Finance costs             4             (1,159)               (1,616)    (3,018) 
                                        (1,151)               (1,616)    (2,978) 
Profit / (loss) on                        1,344               (1,809)      (338) 
continuing activities 
before taxation 
Tax (expense) / credit    5               (269)                    38      2,804 
Profit / (loss) from 
continuing operations                     1,075               (1,771)      2,466 
(Loss) / profit from      6             (6,656)                 2,001    (4,358) 
(Loss) / profit for 
the period                              (5,581)                   230    (1,892) 
(Loss) / profit 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 
    - continuing                          1,075               (1,771)      2,466 
    - discontinued                      (3,348)                   960    (2,342) 
(Loss) / profit 
attributable to 
minority equity 
    - discontinued                      (3,308)                 1,041    (2,016) 
(Loss) / profit for 
the period                              (5,581)                   230    (1,892) 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings /          7                 1.5                 (2.5)        3.5 
(loss) per share from 
continuing operations 
Diluted earnings /        7                 1.4                 (2.5)        3.3 
(loss) per share from 
continuing operations 
Basic (loss) /            7               (3.2)                 (1.2)        0.2 
earnings per share on 
(loss) / profit for 
the period 
Diluted (loss) /          7               (3.0)                 (1.2)        0.2 
earnings per share on 
(loss) / profit for 
the period 
for the six months ended 30 
September 2010 
                                  Unaudited            Unaudited         Audited 
                                6 months to          6 months to         Year to 
                               30 September    30 September 2009        31 March 
                                       2010                                 2010 
                                       GBP'000                 GBP'000            GBP'000 
(Loss) / profit for the 
period                              (5,581)                  230         (1,892) 
Exchange differences on 
retranslation of foreign 
operations                            (430)              (1,870)           5,973 
Change in fair value of 
effective cash flow hedges            (209)                  120           (360) 
Actuarial gains / (losses) on 
defined benefit pension plans         1,105              (3,968)         (3,925) 
Movement in deferred tax 
asset relating to defined 
benefit pension plans                 (496)                1,111           1,099 
Other comprehensive (loss) / 
income for the period                  (30)              (4,607)           2,787 
Total comprehensive (loss) 
/ income and expense for 
the period, net of tax              (5,611)              (4,377)             895 
Attributable to: 
Equity holders of the 
parent                              (2,293)              (4,663)         (1,875) 
Minority equity interest            (3,318)                  286           2,770 
                                    (5,611)              (4,377)             895 
at 30 September 2010 
                               Unaudited            Unaudited            Audited 
                            30 September       30 September             31 March 
                                    2010                 2009               2010 
                       Note         GBP'000                 GBP'000               GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and 
equipment                         17,567               33,969             28,772 
Intangible assets - 
goodwill                           5,188                5,188              5,188 
Trade and other 
receivables                          122                  176                134 
Deferred tax assets                7,045                3,419              7,738 
                                  29,922               42,752             41,832 
Current assets 
Trade and other 
receivables                       16,602               13,728             16,697 
Inventories                        9,521               11,008             13,110 
Cash and short-term 
deposits                  8        1,572                1,387              1,041 
                                  27,695               26,123             30,848 
Assets of disposal 
group held for sale       6        8,642                    -                  - 
Total assets                      66,259               68,875             72,680 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other 
payables                          16,637               17,530             18,444 
Financial liabilities     9        2,798               17,721              5,416 
Income tax payable                   402                  372                346 
                                  19,837               35,623             24,206 
Financial liabilities     9       13,614                    -             14,404 
Deferred tax 
liabilities                          256                  256                256 
Provisions                            93                   57                 97 
Deficit on defined 
benefit pension plans    10       15,251               11,133             16,406 
                                  29,214               11,446             31,163 
attributable to 
disposal group held 
for sale                  6        5,449                    -                  - 
Total liabilities                 54,500               47,069             55,369 
Net assets                        11,759               21,806             17,311 
Called up share 
capital                              701                  701                701 
Share premium                      7,136                7,136              7,136 
Other reserves                     8,595                8,595              8,595 
Foreign exchange 
reserve                            2,889                2,377              3,309 
Retained earnings                (9,619)              (5,062)            (7,805) 
API Group 
shareholders' equity               9,702               13,747             11,936 
Total equity                      11,759               21,806             17,311 
for the six 
months ended 
30 September 
               Equity                         Foreign                      Total 
                share     Share      Other   exchange   Retained   shareholders' 
              capital   premium   reserves    reserve   earnings          equity 
                 GBP'000      GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000            GBP'000 
Balance at 1 
April 2009        701     7,136      8,595      3,492    (1,526)          18,398 
income and 
expense for 
the period          -         -          -    (1,115)    (3,548)         (4,663) 
Share based 
payments            -         -          -          -         12              12 
Balance at 
30 September 
2009              701     7,136      8,595      2,377    (5,062)          13,747 
income and 
expense for 
the period          -         -          -        932    (2,761)         (1,829) 
Share based 
payments            -         -          -          -         18              18 
Balance at 
31 March 2010     701     7,136      8,595      3,309    (7,805)          11,936 
income and 
expense for 
the period          -         -          -      (420)    (1,873)         (2,293) 
Share based 
payments            -         -          -          -         59              59 
Balance at 
30 September 
2010              701     7,136      8,595      2,889    (9,619)           9,702 
for the six months 
ended 30 September 
                                     Unaudited         Unaudited         Audited 
                                   6 months to       6 months to         Year to 
                                  30 September    30 September          31 March 
                                          2010              2009            2010 
                          Note            GBP'000              GBP'000            GBP'000 
Operating profit /                       2,495             (193)           2,640 
(loss) from 
Adjustments to reconcile 
operating profit / (loss) from 
continuing activities to net 
cash flow from operating 
Operating loss from                    (6,801)           (1,467)         (7,752) 
Depreciation of                          1,688             1,975           3,820 
property, plant and 
Impairment of 
property, plant and 
equipment                                5,850                 -           5,083 
(Profit) / loss on                        (12)                19              10 
disposal of 
property, plant and 
Movement in foreign 
exchange hedging 
contracts                                    -                42               - 
Share-based                                 59                12              30 
Difference between 
contributions paid 
and amounts 
recognised in the 
income statement                         (435)             (174)           (854) 
Decrease /                               1,279             1,157           (590) 
(increase) in 
(Increase) /                           (2,650)               285         (2,302) 
decrease in trade 
and other 
Increase /                               1,281           (1,280)           (862) 
(decrease) in trade 
and other payables 
Movement in                                (4)               (4)              36 
Cash generated from 
operations                               2,750               372           (741) 
Income taxes (paid) 
/ recovered                               (37)                61            (96) 
Net cash flow from 
activities                               2,713               433           (837) 
Interest received                            8                 -              40 
Purchase of                              (567)             (696)         (1,193) 
property, plant and 
Sale of property,                           49                24              30 
plant and equipment 
Payment of legal                                           (281)            (12) 
costs in respect of                          - 
Net cash flow from 
activities                               (510)             (953)         (1,135) 
Interest paid                            (852)             (849)         (1,458) 
Dividends paid to                                          (434)           (434) 
minority interests                           - 
New borrowings                           1,562             1,124           7,131 
Repayment of                           (2,669)             (768)         (3,850) 
Net cash flow from 
activities                             (1,959)             (927)           1,389 
Increase /                                 244           (1,447)           (583) 
(decrease) in cash 
and cash 
Effect of exchange                          86              (93)           (114) 
rates on cash and 
cash equivalents 
Cash and cash                            (546)               151             151 
equivalents at the 
beginning of the 
Cash and cash                8           (216)           (1,389)           (546) 
equivalents at the 
end of the period 
1. (a) Corporate information 
The  consolidated  interim  financial  statements  of  API Group plc for the six 
months  ended 30 September 2010 were  authorised for issue  in accordance with a 
resolution of the directors on 1 December 2010. 
API  Group plc is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England 
and Wales.  The Company's shares are traded on the Alternative Investment Market 
of the London Stock Exchange. 
The  principal activities of  the Group are  the manufacture and distribution of 
specialty foils, films and laminated materials. 
     (b) Basis of preparation 
The  interim consolidated financial  statements of the  Group for the six months 
ended  30 September 2010 have  been prepared  in accordance  with IAS 34 Interim 
Financial Reporting. 
These  interim  consolidated  financial  statements  are unaudited.  They do not 
constitute  statutory accounts  as defined  in section  434 of the Companies Act 
2006 and  therefore do not include all  the information and disclosures required 
in  the annual financial statements  and should be read  in conjunction with the 
Group's  latest  annual  financial  statements  as  at  31 March 2010 which were 
prepared  in  accordance  with  International  Financial  Reporting Standards as 
adopted  by the EU.  The audited annual  financial statements for the year ended 
31 March  2010, which represent the  statutory accounts for  that period, and on 
which  the  auditors  gave  an  unqualified  opinion,  have  been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. 
The  Directors consider  that after  making appropriate  enquiries that there is 
reasonable  expectation that  the Group  has adequate  resources to  continue in 
operational existence for the foreseeable future and therefore continue to adopt 
the going concern basis in preparing these financial statements. 
The  accounting policies adopted in the  preparation of the interim consolidated 
financial  statements are consistent  with those followed  in the preparation of 
the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2010. 
The  Group produces monthly  management information to  enable the Board, including the 
Chief  Executive Officer, to monitor the financial performance of the constituent parts 
of  the Group.   This information  is analysed  by two  separately managed geographical 
segments,  with  the  Europe  segment  being  analysed  further  by  the  major product 
categories of Foils and Laminates. 
                                    Unaudited             Unaudited             Audited 
                                  6 months to              6 months             Year to 
                                           30                to 30             31 March 
                                  September               September                2010 
                                         2010                  2009 
operations                               GBP'000                   GBP'000               GBP'000 
Total revenue 
by origin 
    Foils *                            17,613                15,738              33,328 
    Laminates                          19,233                13,524              28,000 
Europe                                  (225)                 (188)               (373) 
                                       36,621                29,074              60,955 
North America                          11,691                 9,752              20,020 
                                       48,312                38,826              80,975 
    Foils *                             1,072                   935               1,687 
    Laminates                              14                     -                   - 
Europe                                  (225)                 (188)               (373) 
                                          861                   747               1,314 
North America                             419                   213                 469 
                                        1,280                   960               1,783 
revenue by 
    Foils *                            16,541                14,803              31,641 
    Laminates                          19,219                13,524              28,000 
                                       35,760                28,327              59,641 
North America                          11,272                 9,539              19,551 
                                       47,032                37,866              79,192 
    Foils *                               952                   438               2,510 
    Laminates                           2,392                   736               2,034 
                                        3,344                 1,174               4,544 
North America                               4                 (278)                (64) 
result                                  3,348                   896               4,480 
Central costs                           (853)                 (666)             (1,214) 
profit before 
items                                   2,495                   230               3,266 
* Europe - Foils incorporates the continuing Asia Pacific 
Exceptional  items are material items which derive from events or transactions that fall 
within  the ordinary activities of the Group and which need to be disclosed by virtue of 
their size or incidence. 
The  charges  included  in  continuing  operations  in  the comparative periods comprise 
redundancy and other costs incurred in rationalising the Group's activities in line with 
reduced demand. 
                                               Unaudited               Unaudited   Audited 
                                             6 months to             6 months to   Year to 
                                                     30             30 September       31 
                                               September                    2009   March 
                                                    2010                              2010 
                                                    GBP'000                    GBP'000       GBP'000 
Finance revenue 
Interest receivable on bank and other short 
term deposits                                          -                       -          2 
Other interest receivable                              8                       -         38 
                                                       8                       -         40 
Finance costs 
Interest payable on bank loans and 
overdrafts                                         (744)                 (1,041)    (1,831) 
Other interest payable                               (4)                       -       (49) 
Finance cost in respect of defined benefit 
pension plans                                      (411)                   (575)    (1,138) 
                                                 (1,159)                 (1,616)    (3,018) 
                                               Unaudited               Unaudited    Audited 
                                             6 months to             6 months to    Year to 
                                                     30             30 September   31 March 
                                               September                    2009       2010 
                                                    GBP'000                    GBP'000       GBP'000 
Current income tax 
UK Corporation tax - refund in respect of 
prior years                                            -                      46         46 
Overseas tax - current year charge                  (67)                    (53)      (134) 
                    - adjustments in respect 
of prior-year tax charge                            (34)                       -          - 
Total current income tax charge                    (101)                     (7)       (88) 
Deferred tax 
Origination and reversal of temporary 
differences                                        (168)                      45      2,892 
Total Deferred Tax                                 (168)                      45      2,892 
Total (charge)/credit in the Income 
Statement                                          (269)                      38      2,804 
Total deferred tax                                 (168)                      45      2,892 
Total (charge) / credit in the Income 
Statement                                          (269)                      38      2,804 
In  the financial statements for the  year ended 31 March 2010, it was announced 
that the Board had commenced a strategic review of the Group's investment in its 
51% owned subsidiary based in China.  As a result of that review, a decision has 
been  taken to  eliminate the  Group's exposure  to the  continuing losses being 
incurred  in China.   Negotiations to  sell the  Group's shareholding  are at an 
advanced  stage with completion  expected in December  2010.  In accordance with 
IFRS  5, the results  of the  China business  within the  Asia Pacific reporting 
segment have been classified as discontinued and the comparative numbers for the 
six  months  to  30 September  2009 and  the  year  to  31 March  2010 have been 
reclassified.   The China business has been  classified as a disposal group held 
for sale on the balance sheet at 30 September 2010. 
The results of the 
China business are 
presented below: 
                                Unaudited            Unaudited           Audited 
                              6 months to          6 months to           Year to 
                        30 September 2010     30 September              31 March 
                                                          2009              2010 
                                     GBP'000                 GBP'000              GBP'000 
Revenue - External                  4,128                2,465             5,382 
             - Inter- 
Group                                 585                  612             1,339 
                                    4,713                3,077             6,721 
Cost of sales                     (4,257)              (2,971)           (6,286) 
Gross loss                          (129)                (506)             (904) 
Other operating costs               (822)                (694)           (1,498) 
Operating loss before 
exceptional items                   (951)              (1,200)           (2,402) 
Exceptional items 
  Impairment of 
property, plant and 
equipment                         (5,850)                    -           (5,083) 
  Relocation of China 
factory                                 -                (267)             (267) 
Operating loss from 
operations                        (6,801)              (1,467)           (7,752) 
Finance costs                        (90)                 (52)             (111) 
Loss on discontinued 
activities before 
taxation                          (6,891)              (1,519)           (7,863) 
Tax credit - reversal 
of prior-year tax 
charge                                  -                3,520             3,505 
(Loss) / profit on 
activities after 
taxation                          (6,891)                2,001           (4,358) 
Impairment         of 
property,  plant  and 
In  the year ended 31 March 2010, following two years of significant losses, the 
carrying  value of the property,  plant and equipment of  the China business was 
written down to its fair value less costs to sell, resulting in an impairment of 
the property, plant and equipment of  GBP5,083,000.  Following the decision to exit 
the China business and its reclassification as a disposal group held for sale, a 
further  impairment review  has been  carried out.   A reassessment  of the fair 
value  of the disposal  group less costs  to sell has  resulted in an additional 
write  down of  the property,  plant and  equipment in  the six months ended 30 
September  2010 amounting  to   GBP5,850,000.   The  Group's  51 %  share  of  this 
impairment  is   GBP2,984,000  (31  March  2010:  GBP2,592,000),  with a corresponding 
reduction in the minority interest of  GBP2,866,000 (31 March 2010:  GBP2,491,000). 
Tax credit - reversal 
of   prior-year   tax 
In  the year to 31 March 2009, a provision of Rmb 38m was made in respect of the 
profit  on  sale  of  surplus  property  in  Shanghai  after  the  relocation of 
operations  to a new site.  During the 12 months to 31 March 2010, documentation 
was  received from the Chinese authorities which confirmed that no specific land 
taxation  was  payable  on  this  transaction.  Accordingly,  the  provision was 
(Loss)/profit from 
                                 Unaudited          Unaudited            Audited 
                           6 months to 30         6 months to            Year to 
                         September    2010   30 September               31 March 
                                                         2009               2010 
                                      GBP'000               GBP'000               GBP'000 
(Loss) / profit after 
taxation of China 
business (see page *)              (6,891)              2,001            (4,358) 
Adjustment to prior- 
year losses on 
disposal of 
businesses                             235                  -                  - 
Loss on discontinued 
operations per the 
Income Statement                   (6,656)              2,001            (4,358) 
The  adjustment  to  prior-year  losses  on  disposal of discontinued businesses 
relates  to the reversal of accrued legal  fees connected to a business disposal 
in 2005. 
Assets and liabilities 
of disposal group held 
for sale 
The assets and liabilities of the China business are as follows: 
                                                                    30 September 
Property, plant and 
equipment                                                                  3,826 
Trade and other 
receivables                                                                2,482 
Inventories                                                                2,153 
Cash and short-term 
deposits                                                                     181 
Trade and other 
payables                                                                   2,509 
Financial liabilities                                                      2,940 
Net cash flows 
relating to 
The net cash flows attributable to the China business are as follows: 
                                 Unaudited          Unaudited            Audited 
                           6 months to 30         6 months to            Year to 
                         September    2010   30 September               31 March 
                                                         2009               2010 
                                      GBP'000               GBP'000               GBP'000 
Operating activities                   542              (856)            (2,270) 
Investing activities                  (36)              (316)              (673) 
Financing activities                 (480)                410              1,269 
                                        26              (762)            (1,674) 
                                 Unaudited          Unaudited            Audited 
                              6 months to         6 months to            Year to 
                              30 September       30 September           31 March 
                                      2010               2009               2010 
                                      GBP'000               GBP'000               GBP'000 
Profit / (loss) 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent                1,075            (1,771)              2,466 
company - continuing 
(Loss) / profit 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent              (3,348)                960            (2,342) 
company - discontinued 
Net (loss) / profit 
attributable to equity             (2,273)              (811)                124 
holders of the parent 
                                 Unaudited          Unaudited            Audited 
                               6 months to        6 months to            Year to 
                              30 September       30 September           31 March 
                                      2010               2009               2010 
                                       No.                No.                No. 
Basic weighted average          70,068,505         70,068,505         70,068,505 
number of ordinary shares 
Dilutive effect of 
employee share                   3,025,425                  -          2,798,466 
Dilutive effect of               3,506,336                             1,210,406 
warrants                                                    - 
Diluted weighted average        76,600,266         70,068,505         74,077,377 
number of ordinary shares 
The weighted average number of shares excludes the shares owned by the API Group 
plc   No.2  Employee  Benefit  Trust  (58,221;  30 September  2009 and  31 March 
2010: 58,221). 
The warrants for 3,506,336 ordinary shares were exercised in October 2010. 
As  any  dilution  would  have  the  effect  of reducing the loss per share, the 
diluted  weighted average number of shares for the six months ended 30 September 
2009 is equivalent to the basic weighted average number of shares. 
                                    Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited 
                                  6 months to        6 months to     Year to  31 
                                 30 September   30 September           March 
                                         2010               2009            2010 
Earnings per share                       GBP'000               GBP'000            GBP'000 
Basic earnings /                          1.5              (2.5)             3.5 
(loss) per share 
Diluted earnings /                        1.4              (2.5)             3.3 
(loss) per share 
Basic earnings /                        (4.7)                1.3           (3.3) 
(loss) per share 
Diluted earnings /                      (4.4)                1.3           (3.1) 
(loss) per share 
Basic earnings /                        (3.2)              (1.2)             0.2 
(loss) per share 
Diluted earnings /                      (3.0)              (1.2)             0.2 
(loss) per share 
                                           Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
                                    30 September                 30     31 March 
                                                2010      September         2010 
                                                GBP'000           GBP'000         GBP'000 
  Included in balance sheet 
  Cash and short-term 
  deposits                                     1,572          1,387        1,041 
  Bank overdrafts                            (1,969)        (2,776)      (1,587) 
                                               (397)        (1,389)        (546) 
  Included in assets of 
  disposal group                                 181              -            - 
                                               (216)        (1,389)        (546) 
                                           Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
                                    30 September       30 September     31 March 
                                                2010           2009         2010 
                                                GBP'000           GBP'000         GBP'000 
  Included in balance sheet 
  Bank overdrafts                              1,969          2,776        1,587 
  Current instalments on bank 
  loans                                          520         14,663        3,679 
  Forward currency hedging 
  contracts                                      183             42            - 
  Interest rate swaps                            126            240          150 
                                               2,798         17,721        5,416 
  Included in liabilities of 
  disposal group                               2,940              -            - 
                                               5,738         17,721        5,416 
  Included in balance sheet 
  Non-current instalments due 
  on bank loans                               13,462              -       14,302 
  Interest rate swap                             152              -          102 
                                              13,614              -       14,404 
The  Group operates two defined benefit  schemes, the API Group Pension 
and  Life  Assurance  Scheme  in  the  UK  and  the API Foils Inc North 
American  Pension Plan in the US.  Both  of these schemes are closed to 
future  accrual.   The  assets  and  liabilities of the defined benefit 
schemes are: 
                                   Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited 
                                30 September      30 September         31 March 
                                        2010              2009             2010 
                                        GBP'000              GBP'000             GBP'000 
United Kingdom 
Fair value of scheme 
assets                                68,153            64,493           68,142 
Present value of 
scheme liabilities                  (82,745)          (74,786)         (83,863) 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
                                    (14,592)          (10,293)         (15,721) 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
United States 
Fair value of scheme 
assets                                 1,713             1,564            1,779 
Present value of 
scheme liabilities                   (2,372)           (2,404)          (2,464) 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
                                       (659)             (840)            (685) 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
Net pension 
liability                           (15,251)          (11,133)         (16,406) 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
The movements in the 
net pension 
liability is as 
Opening liability                     16,406             7,081            7,081 
Net cost recognised 
in arriving at 
operating profit                           -                 -                - 
Net cost recognised 
in finance costs                         411               575            1,138 
Taken to Statement 
of Comprehensive 
Income                               (1,106)             3,968            9,085 
Contributions from 
and scheme expenses 
borne by employers                     (434)             (413)            (853) 
Exchange differences                    (26)              (78)             (45) 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
Closing liability                     15,251            11,133           16,406 
                           ------------------ ----------------- ---------------- 
The  main assumptions used  in valuing the  present value of the scheme 
liabilities in the UK are as follows: 
Rate of increases in 
pensions in payment and 
deferred pensions                2.8% / 2.3%             2.75%             3.30% 
Inflation                        2.9% / 2.4%             2.95%             3.50% 
Discount rate                          5.15%             5.70%             5.65% 
The  rate of  increases in  pension and  the inflation rate assumptions 
have  been reduced by  0.5% with effect from  1 October 2011 to reflect 
the  change in the statutory  inflation measure from RPI  to CPI in the 
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Source: API Group PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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