RNS Number : 4387I
  API Group PLC
  19 November 2008

    19 November 2008

    *     Further improvement in Group results, representing a significant advance on last year and the prior six month period.

    *     Sales of �50.5m, 7% ahead of last year and 4% up at constant exchange rates.

    *     Operating profit before exceptional items �2.0m, compared to �0.2m loss for the same period last year.

    *     Profit before tax on continuing operations �4.8m (after exceptional gains of �4.1m) compared to a �1.4m loss last year and
earnings per share 3.2p (2007: 5.3p loss)

    *     Net cash flow from operating activities �4.6m (2007: �0.6m) supplemented by an additional �3.0m from sale of surplus land in

    *     Net debt reduced to �15.1m, representing gearing of 47%. This compares to �17.1m and 62% at 31 March 2008 and �23.0m and 116% at
30 September 2007.

    Commenting, API's Chief Executive Andrew Turner said:

    "This is the second consecutive six month period showing an improvement in the Group's trading performance, reflecting the cost
reduction measures implemented in prior periods and a recovery in both volumes and margins in our European businesses.  

    "So far the overall level of demand for the Group's products has remained steady in the face of the generally worsening economic
climate. However, conditions appear likely to deteriorate further in the near term which could adversely impact volumes. Whilst we expect
our second half year to be much more challenging, the Group is now stronger, both financially and operationally, and is better placed to
exploit market opportunities as and when they arise."


 Andrew Turner, Group Chief Executive Officer, API Group plc  01625 650334
 Chris Smith, Finance Director                                01625 650334
 Tim Spratt, Nicola Biles, Financial Dynamics                 020 7831 3113
 Nick Westlake, Numis Securities Limited                      020 7260 1000


    Trading Performance
    The Board is pleased to report an improvement in the Group's trading performance for the second successive six month period reflecting
the cost reduction measures implemented in prior periods and a recovery in both volumes and margins in our European businesses.  

    Group sales for the six months ending 30 September 2008 were �50.5m, 7% higher than the same period last year (�47.2m) and 4% ahead at
constant exchange rates. Growth in Europe more than compensated for lower sales in Asia Pacific and a decline in US sales on a local
currency basis.

    Reported operating profit, before exceptional items, was �2.0m compared with a prior year loss of �0.2m and a profit of �0.6m for the
previous six month period ended 31 March 2008. Improved results against last year were due to significant advances in Europe, partly offset
by weakness in the US and continuing difficulties with the Group's joint venture operation in China.  

    Net exceptional gains of �4.1m (2007: �0.2m loss) were predominantly related to the sale of surplus land assets in Shanghai after the
relocation of the manufacturing operations in China to a new, purpose-built site on the outskirts of Shanghai.  Sale proceeds have been
recognised on the basis of amounts received as of the date of this report with further amounts due in line with the Company's announcement
of 11 July 2008. Further information is provided in note 3 to the accounts.

    Profit before tax after exceptional items was �4.8m (2007: �1.4m loss) and net profit from continuing operations for the period was
�3.1m (2007: �1.7m loss). Basic earnings per share increased to 3.2p (2007: 5.3p loss). 

    Net financing costs of �1.3m (2007: �1.0m) include UK pension plan interest of �0.4m (2007: �0.3m credit). Reported net interest
includes a �0.3m revaluation gain on an interest rate derivative (2007: nil), reversing a charge taken in the prior period. Interest expense
was reduced by �0.1m to �1.2m as a result of lower average borrowings.

    The pension deficit, calculated in accordance with IAS19, was �3.2m, �0.3m lower than the reported figure at March 2008 of �3.5m (2007:
�6.1m). A fall in the value of scheme assets since March 2008 has been compensated by a larger reduction in calculated scheme liabilities,
primarily due to higher market value discount rate assumptions. During November, the company commenced formal consultation with active
members of its UK defined benefit pension plan, with a view to closing the scheme to future service accrual.

    Cash Flow and Borrowings
    Net cash flow from operating activities was �4.6m (2007: �0.6m) reflecting the stronger operating profit performance and improved
working capital control.

    Capital expenditure at �2.3m was similar to the level last year (�2.7m) with the majority relating to the relocation project in China.
The balance of expenditure on the Shanghai project is forecast at �0.5m and the final cost is expected to total �10.1m, �1.0m below the
original budget on a constant currency basis. At the balance sheet date, cash proceeds from the land sale in China amounted to �3.0m.

    The Group's net borrowings fell to �15.1m at 30 September 2008 compared with �17.1m at 31 March 2008 despite an upward revaluation of
non sterling-denominated debt by �1.1m. Net borrowings were �23.0m at the end of September 2007. Gearing was down to 47% compared to 62% at
31 March 2008 and 116% twelve months earlier.

    Throughout the period, the Group has continued to operate comfortably within its banking covenants.  

    Review of Operations

    External sales from European operations were 13% above the prior year at �34.7m and 11% ahead on a constant currency basis, whilst
operating profits, before exceptional items, improved to �3.4m from last year's break even result.

    In Laminates, sales recovered by 27% from the prior year low as a result of a particularly buoyant period for new product developments. 
 Projects utilising holographic finishes were particularly significant as well as API's recyclable laminate, Portabio. Margins improved due
to favourable sales mix and the benefit of productivity gains and rigorous measures to reduce and control costs.  
    Turnover in Foils was unchanged overall with the contribution from the new distribution operation in Italy and growth in Germany being
offset by a decline in the UK and lower external sales in security holographics. Nevertheless, profitability improved significantly due to
cost savings and the margin impact of exchange rates.

    North America
    US sales, at �11.0m, were marginally behind the same period last year (�11.1m) and 4% down at constant exchange rates with tough
economic conditions impacting most market segments. In addition, the US business faced rapidly increasing raw material and utility costs and
suffered a time lag in passing these through to customers. Operating profit for the half year declined by �0.2m to �0.4m (2007: �0.6m).

    Asia Pacific
    Asia Pacific sales for the six months to September 2008 were down 12% at �4.7m (2007: �5.3m). At constant exchange rates, the Asia
business saw sales fall 21%, predominantly due to the business in China. Quality, service and start up issues experienced during the
relocation project continued to impact the business during the period and manufacturing volumes were depressed for both domestic and export
markets. Lower sales, higher depreciation and other costs as well as the impact of a stronger currency on export margins all contributed to
a poor result although losses before exceptional items, at �0.9m, narrowed slightly from the previous six month period (2007: �0.2m profit).
 Since the completion of the relocation project, a new management team is now refocusing the business on growth and the restoration of
satisfactory levels of profitability.   

    Discontinued Operations
    The Group reported a loss from discontinued operations of �0.3m in the six months to 30 September 2008 (2007: �0.9m). The loss
principally represents legal fees incurred by the Group in defence of a claim of alleged warranty breaches in connection with a business
disposed in 2005. Further information is provided in the notes to the accounts.

    The Board is not recommending the payment of an interim dividend (2007: none)
    The Board was pleased to announce the appointment of Chris Smith as Group Finance Director with effect from 23 September 2008. The Group
will continue to strengthen its management team as it works to build on the recent improvement in trading performance and financial
condition achieved in the last twelve months.

    So far, with the exception of the US and one or two other markets, the general level of demand for the Group's products has remained
steady in the face of the generally worsening economic climate. However, conditions appear likely to deteriorate further in the near term
which could adversely impact volumes.  Prospects depend to some extent on the level of promotional activity maintained by customers and the
Group's ability to offset the higher utility and raw material prices in the second half of the year.   
    In the current environment, the Group's management will continue to focus on realising further cost reduction opportunities, restoring
profitability to the business in China and on generating cash to reduce the overall burden of debt.

    Whilst we face challenging market conditions, the operational and financial strength of the Group has been much improved in the last 12
months and the Board believes the Group is better placed to exploit market opportunities as they arise.
             for the six months ended 30 September 2008

                                            Unaudited       Unaudited               Audited
                                       6 months to 30  6 months to 30       18 months to 31
                                       September 2008       September                 March
                                                                 2007                  2008
                                 Note           �'000           �'000                 �'000

 Continuing operations
 Revenue                            1         50,454          47,159               143,783 
 Cost of sales                               (39,219)        (38,251)             (115,120)
 Gross profit                                 11,235           8,908                28,663 

 Other operating costs                        (9,201)         (9,114)              (28,255)

 Operating profit / (loss)          1          2,034            (206)                  408 
 before exceptional items

 Exceptional items                  3          4,052            (184)               (3,417)

 Operating profit / (loss) from                6,086            (390)               (3,009)
 continuing operations

 Finance revenue                    4            276             331                   292 
 Finance costs                      4         (1,610)         (1,303)               (4,418)
                                              (1,334)           (972)               (4,126)

 Profit / (loss) on continuing                 4,752          (1,362)               (7,135)
 activities before taxation

 Tax expense                        5         (1,628)           (345)                  407 
 Profit/ (loss) from continuing                3,124          (1,707)               (6,728)

 Discontinued operations
 Loss from discontinued             6           (293)           (929)               (1,130)

 Profit / (loss) for the period                2,831          (2,636)               (7,858)

 Profit attributable to                          911             126                   137 
 minority equity interest
 Profit / (loss) attributable                  1,920          (2,762)               (7,995)
 to equity holders of the
 Profit / (loss) for the period                2,831          (2,636)               (7,858)

 Earnings per share (pence)
 Basic earnings / (loss) per        7            3.2            (5.3)                (16.7)
 share from continuing
 Diluted earnings / (loss) per      7            3.1            (5.3)                (16.7)
 share from continuing
 Basic earnings / (loss) per        7            2.8            (8.0)                (19.5)
 share on profit / (loss) for
 the period
 Diluted earnings / (loss) per      7            2.7            (8.0)                (19.5)
 share on profit / (loss) for
 the period

    for the six months ended 30 September 2008

                                                             Unaudited        Unaudited             Audited
                                                           6 months to      6 months to        18 months to
                                                          30 September     30 September            31 March
                                                                  2008             2007                2008
                                                                 �'000            �'000               �'000

 Exchange differences on                                        1,916             (341)                489 
 retranslation of foreign
 Change in fair value of effective cash flow hedge               (130)               -                   - 
 (interest rate swap)
 Actuarial gains on defined                                       122            4,454               5,936 
 benefit pension plans
 Tax on items taken directly to                                   (34)          (1,420)             (1,852)
 or transferred from reserves

 Net income recognised directly                                 1,874            2,693               4,573 
 in equity

 Profit / (loss) for the period                                 2,831           (2,636)             (7,858)

 Total recognised income and                                    4,705               57              (3,285)
 expense for the period

 Attributable to:

 Equity holders of the parent                                   2,915              (22)             (3,734)
 Minority equity interest                                       1,790               79                 449 
                                                                4,705               57              (3,285)

    at 30 September 2008

                                          Unaudited          Unaudited          Audited
                                       30 September  30 September 2007    31 March 2008
                                 Note         �'000              �'000            �'000
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment              32,990             31,895           30,901 
 Intangible assets - goodwill                6,480              6,480            6,480 
 Deferred tax assets                         1,807              1,721            2,062 
                                            41,277             40,096           39,443 
 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables                19,466             17,761           17,440 
 Inventories                                11,687             11,798           11,760 
 Other financial assets -                       57                  -              108 
 forward currency hedging
 Cash and short-term deposits                2,753              2,103            2,131 
                                            33,963             31,662           31,439 

 Total assets                               75,240             71,758           70,882 

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                   19,397             19,483           18,762 
 Financial liabilities              9        5,026              7,662            6,794 
 Income tax payable                          1,877                411              588 
 Provisions                                     27                  5               83 
                                            26,327             27,561           26,227 
 Non-current liabilities
 Financial liabilities              9       13,031             17,485           13,041 
 Deferred tax liabilities                      256                639              363 
 Provisions                                     65                 77               70 
 Deficit on defined benefit                  3,184              6,147            3,482 
 pension plans
                                            16,536             24,348           16,956 

 Total liabilities                          42,863             51,909           43,183 

 Net assets                                 32,377             19,849           27,699 

 Called up share capital                     8,998              8,642            8,998 
 Share premium                               7,136                294            7,136 
 Other reserves                                298                298              298 
 Foreign exchange reserve                      849             (1,523)            (188)
 Retained earnings                           7,419              6,560            5,568 
 API Group shareholders' equity    10       24,700             14,271           21,812 

 Minority interest                 10        7,677              5,578            5,887 

 Total equity                               32,377             19,849           27,699 
    for the six months ended 30 September 2008

                                                  Unaudited             Unaudited          Audited
                                             6 months to 30        6 months to 30  18 months to 31
                                             September 2008             September
                                                                             2007            March
                                 Note                 �'000                 �'000            �'000

 Operating activities
 Group operating profit /                            6,086                  (390)          (3,009)
 Adjustments to reconcile group
 operating profit / (loss) to
 net cash flow from operating
 Depreciation of property,                           1,850                 1,831            5,498 
 plant and equipment
 Impairment of property, plant                           -                     -            1,881 
 and equipment
 Profit on disposal of                              (4,083)                 (258)            (263)
 property, plant and equipment
 Share-based payments                                  (26)                  161              300 
 Difference between pension                           (458)                 (484)          (1,489)
 contributions paid and amounts
 recognised in the income
 Decrease in inventories                               713                    12            1,611 
 Decrease in trade and other                           268                   892            1,211 
 Increase / (decrease) in trade                        657                  (685)          (4,118)
 and other payables
 Movement in provisions                                (61)                 (300)            (232)

 Cash generated from operations                      4,946                   779            1,390 
 Income taxes paid                                    (377)                 (160)            (359)
 Net cash flow from operating                        4,569                   619            1,031 

 Investing activities
 Interest received                                       -                    12              184 
 Purchase of property, plant                        (2,311)               (2,682)          (8,180)
 and equipment
 Sale of property, plant and                         3,320                   698              730 
 Cash flow relating to                                (232)                   54              984 
 discontinued operations
 Net cash flow from investing                          777                (1,918)          (6,282)

 Financing activities
 Interest paid                                      (1,772)               (1,229)          (3,280)
 Proceeds from share issues                              -                    80            7,278 
 New borrowings                                          -                   756            2,330 
 Repayment of borrowings                            (2,297)                    -           (3,459)
 Net cash flow from financing                       (4,069)                 (393)           2,869 

 Increase / (decrease) in cash                       1,277                (1,692)          (2,382)
 and cash equivalents
 Effect of exchange rates on                           112                   160               51 
 cash and cash equivalents
 Cash and cash equivalents at                        1,015                (1,763)           3,346 
 the beginning of the period

 Cash and cash equivalents at       8                2,404                (3,295)           1,015 
 the end of the period



    Primary reporting format - geographic segments:  At 30 September 2008, the Group is organised into three distinct independently managed
geographic segments, Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. The following table presents revenue and profit information for these

                                                                         Unaudited       Unaudited          Audited
                                                          6 months to 30 September  6 months to 30  18 months to 31
                                                                              2008       September            March
                                                                                              2007             2008
                                                                             �'000           �'000            �'000
                                                                        Continuing      Continuing       Continuing
 Total revenue by region
 Europe                                                                    36,092          32,235          100,113 
 North America                                                             11,502          11,222           33,796 
 Asia Pacific                                                               5,372           5,792           15,863 
                                                                           52,966          49,249          149,772 
 Inter-segmental sales
 Europe                                                                     1,349           1,493            4,353 
 North America                                                                495             130              513 
 Asia Pacific                                                                 668             467            1,123 
                                                                            2,512           2,090            5,989 
 External sales by region
 Europe                                                                    34,743          30,742           95,760 
 North America                                                             11,007          11,092           33,283 
 Asia Pacific                                                               4,704           5,325           14,740 
                                                                           50,454          47,159          143,783 

 Profit / (loss) from
 before exceptional items                                                   3,402              15            2,481 
 exceptional items                                                            (81)            (61)            (790)
                                                                            3,321             (46)           1,691 
 North America
 before exceptional items                                                     352             610            1,560 
 exceptional items                                                              -             258              297 
                                                                              352             868            1,857 
 Asia Pacific
 before exceptional items                                                    (859)            229             (289)
 exceptional items                                                          4,133               -              238 
                                                                            3,274             229              (51)
 Central costs
 before exceptional items                                                    (861)         (1,060)          (3,344)
 exceptional items                                                              -            (381)          (3,162)
                                                                             (861)         (1,441)          (6,506)

 Total profit / (loss) from operations before                               2,034            (206)             408 
 exceptional items
 Exceptional items                                                          4,052            (184)          (3,417)
 Operating profit / (loss) from continuing operations                       6,086            (390)          (3,009)



    Authorisation of interim financial statements
    The consolidated interim financial statements of API Group plc for the six months ended 30 September 2008 were authorised for issue in
accordance with a resolution of the directors on 18 November 2008. API Group plc is a public limited company incorporated in the United
Kingdom whose shares are publicly traded.

    Basis of preparation
    These consolidated interim financial statements are presented in sterling and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand (�'000)
except when otherwise indicated.

    The financial information contained in this interim statement is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and therefore does not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial
statements and should be read in conjunction with the Group's latest annual financial statements as at 31 March 2008 which were prepared in
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU. The audited annual financial statements for the eighteen
months ended 31 March 2008, which represent the statutory accounts for that period, and on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion,
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  

    Accounting policies
    The accounting policies adopted are consistent with the annual financial statements for the eighteen months ended 31 March 2008, which
were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU.


                                                            Unaudited             Unaudited          Audited
                                                       6 months to 30        6 months to 30  18 months to 31
                                                       September 2008             September            March
                                                                                       2007             2008
                                                                �'000                 �'000            �'000

 Exceptional items charged against operating profit /
 (loss) comprise
 Restructuring of UK operating                                   (81)                  (61)            (790)
 Charlotte factory closure                                         -                   258              297 
 Rationalisation of Group costs                                    -                  (381)          (1,281)
 Impairment of property, plant                                     -                     -           (1,881)
 and equipment
 Factory relocation - China                                    4,133                     -              238 
                                                               4,052                  (184)          (3,417)

Exceptional items are material items which derive from events or transactions that fall within the ordinary activities of the Group and
which need to be disclosed by virtue of their size or incidence.
Restructuring of UK operating businesses
These relate to employee redundancy, relocation and other one-off costs, in connection with business improvement initiated in late 2007.

Charlotte factory closure
The credits in the comparative figures relate to the sale of the Charlotte factory which was closed in a previous period.
Rationalisation of Group costs
These costs relate to the severance and other costs in respect of a number of senior executives who were made redundant in the period to 31
March 2008 as a consequence of the Group restructuring program initiated in late 2007.
Impairment of property, plant and equipment
In the period to 31 March 2008, as part of the review of Group costs, a provision was made in respect of the costs of a suspended IT
Factory relocation - China
During the period, the Group*s 51% subsidiary in China, Shanghai Shen Yong, received RMB 40 million (�3.0 million), representing the first
instalment of compensation receivable in respect of the former factory site in Shanghai. A second instalment of RMB 20 million (�1.5
million) was received after the balance sheet date and has been accrued in the results. The full net book value of the old site (�0.4
million) has been deducted from this amount. Further proceeds are due, but have not been accrued because of the uncertainty regarding the
amount of the final net proceeds. The amount in the period to 31 March 2008 related to a parcel of adjoining land previously sold for �0.5
million, net of initial relocation costs and dual running costs of �0.3 million.


                                        Unaudited             Unaudited       Audited
                                      6 months to        6 months to 30  18 months to
                                 30 September2008             September      31 March
                                                                   2007          2008
                                            �'000                 �'000         �'000
 Finance revenue
 Interest receivable on bank                   -                     6            33 
 and other short term deposits
 Gains arising on forward                     31                     -           259 
 foreign currency contracts
 Gain on interest rate swap                  245                     -             - 
 Finance credit in respect of                  -                   325             - 
 defined benefit pension plans
                                             276                   331           292 

 Finance costs
 Interest payable on bank loans           (1,208)               (1,303)       (3,556)
 and overdrafts
 Other interest payable                        -                     -           (92)
 Losses arising on forward                     -                     -          (433)
 foreign currency contracts
 Unrealised loss on interest                   -                     -          (260)
 rate swap
 Finance cost in respect of                 (402)                    -           (77)
 defined benefit pension plans
                                          (1,610)               (1,303)       (4,418)

                                            Unaudited                     Unaudited          Audited
                                       6 months to 30      6 months to 30 September  18 months to 31
                                       September 2008                          2007            March
                                                �'000                         �'000            �'000

 Current income tax
 Overseas tax                                 (1,508)                         (196)            (525)
 Total current income tax                     (1,508)                         (196)            (525)

 Deferred tax
 Origination and reversal of                    (120)                         (149)             932 
 temporary differences
 Total deferred tax                             (120)                         (149)             932 

 Total expense in the income                  (1,628)                         (345)             407 



                                            Unaudited                     Unaudited               Audited
                                       6 months to 30  6 months to 30 September2007  18 months to 31March
                                        September2008                                                2008
                                                �'000                         �'000                 �'000

 Loss on disposal of                            (293)                         (929)               (1,130)
 discontinued operations
 Total charge in the income                     (293)                         (929)               (1,130)

The loss on disposal of discontinued operations relates to a business divested by the Group in January 2005. The current period charge
relates to legal fees incurred in defending a claim in respect of alleged breach of warranties from the purchaser (see Note 11). The
comparative amounts include the write-off of deferred consideration of �750,000, previously held in other debtors, other settlement costs
payable to the purchaser and related legal fees.

                                            Unaudited         Unaudited               Audited
                                       6 months to 30       6 months to       18 months to 31
                                        September2008  30 September2007                 March
                                                �'000             �'000                 �'000

 Net profit / (loss)                           2,213            (1,833)               (6,865)
 attributable to equity holders
 of the parent company -
 continuing operations
 Loss attributable to equity                    (293)             (929)               (1,130)
 holders of the parent company
 - discontinued operations
 Net profit / (loss)                           1,920            (2,762)               (7,995)
 attributable to equity holders
 of the parent company

                                            Unaudited             Unaudited                Audited
                                       6 months to 30        6 months to 30  18 months to 31 March
                                      September  2008       September  2007                   2008
                                                   No                    No                     No

 Basic weighted average number            70,068,505            34,412,276             41,018,077 
 of ordinary shares
 Dilutive effect of employee               1,705,750                     -                      - 
 share options
 Diluted weighted average                 71,774,255            34,412,276             41,018,077 
 number of ordinary shares

                                            Unaudited                     Unaudited                Audited

                                       6 months to 30  6 months to 30 September2007  18 months to 31 March
                                        September2008                                                 2008
 Earnings per share                             pence                         pence                  pence

 Continuing operations
 Basic earnings / (loss) per                     3.2                          (5.3)                 (16.7)
 Diluted earnings / (loss) per                   3.1                          (5.3)                 (16.7)

 Discontinued operations
 Basic earnings / (loss) per                    (0.4)                         (2.7)                  (2.8)
 Diluted earnings / (loss) per                  (0.4)                         (2.7)                  (2.8)

 Basic earnings / (loss) per                     2.8                          (8.0)                 (19.5)
 Diluted earnings / (loss) per                   2.7                          (8.0)                 (19.5)

The weighted average number of shares excludes the shares owned by the API Group plc No.2 Employee Benefit Trust. 
In the comparative periods, as any dilution would have the effect of reducing the loss per share, the diluted weighted average number of
shares is equivalent to the basic weighted average number of shares.


                                      Unaudited         Unaudited        Audited
                               30 September2008  30 September2007  31 March 2008
                                          �'000             �'000          �'000
 Cash and short-term deposits            2,753             2,103          2,131 
 Bank overdrafts                          (349)           (5,398)        (1,116)
                                         2,404            (3,295)         1,015 

                                         Unaudited          Unaudited      Audited
                                 30 September 2008  30 September 2007     31 March
                                             �'000              �'000        �'000
     Bank overdrafts                          349              5,398        1,116 
     Current instalments on                 4,562              2,264        5,267 
 bank loans
     Forward currency hedging                  44                  -          295 
     Interest rate swap                        71                  -          116 
                                            5,026              7,662        6,794 

     Non-current instalments               12,972             17,485       12,897 
 due on bank loans
     Interest rate swap                        59                  -          144 
                                           13,031             17,485       13,041 


                                          Shareholders' equity  Minority interest                Total
                                                         �'000              �'000                �'000

 Balance at 1 October 2006                             17,967              5,438               23,405 
 Total recognised income and                           (4,001)                61               (3,940)
 expense for the period
 Share based payments                                      86                  -                   86 
 Balance at 31 March 2007                              14,052              5,499               19,551 
 Total recognised income and                              (22)                79                   57 
 expense for the period
 Exercise of employee share                                80                  -                   80 
 Share based payments                                     161                  -                  161 
 Balance at 30 September 2007                          14,271              5,578               19,849 
 Total recognised income and                              289                309                  598 
 expense for the period
 Issue of shares under open                             8,000                  -                8,000 
 Costs relating to shares                                (802)                 -                 (802)
 issued under open offer
 Share based payments                                      54                  -                   54 
 Balance at 31 March 2008                              21,812              5,887               27,699 
 Total recognised income and                            2,915              1,790                4,705 
 expense for the period
 Share based payments                                     (26)                 -                  (26)
 Balance at 30 September 2008                          24,701              7,677               32,378 

 The net assets per share attributable to API shareholders is as follows:
                                                     Unaudited              Unaudited          Audited
                                             30 September 2008           30 September                 
                                                                                 2007    31 March 2008

 Net assets attributable to API  (�'000)               24,701                 14,271           21,812 

 Number of shares in issue at      (no.)           70,068,505             34,511,292       70,068,505 
 period end

 Net assets per share            (pence)                  35.3                   41.4             31.1

As disclosed in the Annual Report and Accounts 2008, the Group has received a claim in respect of alleged breach of warranties from the
purchaser of a business disposed by the Group in 2005. The claimant has acknowledged that the maximum amount which it may recover in
connection with the material element of the claim is capped at �3.1 million plus interest and costs. Since March 2008, the Company has
continued to vigorously defend the claim. The Directors continue to consider that the Group has a strong basis upon which the claim can be
defended. Accordingly, no provision has been made in the accounts in respect of this claim.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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