RNS Number : 9275U
  API Group PLC
  21 May 2008

    21 May 2008

    *     18 month reporting period reflecting change in year end to 31 March.

    *     Group sales of £143.8m and operating profit before goodwill and exceptional items of £0.4m for the 18 months to 31 March 2008. 
Sales for 12 months to 31 March 2008 declined 7.8% to £93.4m and operating profit before exceptional items fell £0.6m to £0.4m.

    *     Operating profit before exceptionals for the last 6 months of £0.6m compared to loss of £0.2m in the previous half year.

    *     £2.4m of annualised savings achieved from overhead cost reduction programme, well ahead of original target of £1.0m. 

    *     Good progress in Europe as a result of lower costs and growth in foils and holographics. Lower demand experienced in the US.

    *     Relocation of Chinese manufacturing to new, purpose-built facility substantially complete although results hit by costs and
disruption to supplies.

    *     Pre-tax loss on continuing operations for the 18 month period of £7.1m (£1.8m loss for 12 months to 30 September 2006) after
charging exceptional costs of £3.4m for restructuring and asset impairments. Basic loss per share from continuing operations of 16.7p (8.9p

    *     Net debt reduced by £5.9m from September 2007 peak of £23.0m, primarily as a result of £7.2m net proceeds raised in January's
successful Open Offer to shareholders.  Further debt reduction anticipated in 2008/09 following the provisional agreement for disposal of
surplus property in China. 
    *     Continued focus on costs and debt reduction in the year ahead, as well as product and sales development.  

    Commenting, API's Non-Executive Chairman Richard Wright said:

    "During the last six months of the reporting period we have started to see evidence of a turnaround in API's trading performance. The
management team has been strengthened, the Group's financial position is much improved and the cost base is significantly lower going into
the new financial year.  As yet we have not experienced any significant downturn in demand, outside of the USA, in spite of the adverse
macro economic factors.

    Overall, the significant changes at API over the last 18 months, and especially in the last half year, have led to a much leaner and
more competitive business. The Board believes the Group will continue to make progress and is well placed to deliver improved returns to


 Andrew Turner, Group Chief Executive Officer, API Group plc   01625 650334

 Tim Spratt, Nicola Biles, Financial Dynamics                 020 7831 3113
 Nick Westlake, Numis Securities Limited                      020 7260 1000

    These results cover the 18 months to 31 March 2008, reflecting the change in the year end from the previous date of 30 September. The
period under review was a difficult and challenging one for API although the Board is pleased with the progress that the Group has made
since the interim results at the end of September 2007. Specifically, during the last six months we have strengthened the management team,
improved our financial position and reduced the cost base which the Group is carrying into the new financial year. 

    As previously announced, our shareholders overwhelmingly supported the Open Offer which raised net proceeds of £7.2m in January 2008 in
order to strengthen the Company's balance sheet. The raising of new equity occurred simultaneously with the renegotiation of the Group's
main lending facility and the combined re-financing package provides adequate working capital for the Group's foreseeable requirements and
sufficient flexibility to support a turnaround in financial performance. Also in January 2008, the admission of the Company's shares to AIM
will enable the Group to maintain a cost of compliance which is more appropriate to its current size and resources.  

    Results Summary

    Sales from continuing operations for the 18 months ended 31 March 2008 were £143.8m.  Sales for the 12 months to 31 March 2008 were
£93.4m, down 7.8% on the prior year, reflecting contract losses in Laminates, weak demand in the US and operational difficulties in China,
partially offset by steady growth in our European Foils and Holographics businesses.  

    Operating profit before exceptional items was £0.4m for both the 18 months and 12 months ended 31 March 2008 compared with £1.0m for
the 12 months to 31 March 2007. On year-to-year comparatives, the improvement in trading in Europe and reduced central costs were offset by
declines in the US and Asia Pacific and especially one-off costs in China associated with the relocation to the new factory. 

    After two loss-making six month periods at the operating level, the last half year has seen a return to overall profitability due to a
much improved financial performance in Europe, reduced overhead costs and improved productivity partly countered by lower sales in the US
and stock write-downs, costs and disruption caused by the factory relocation in China.  

    After charging exceptional items of £3.4m and net finance costs of £4.1m, the loss before tax for continuing operations for the 18
months to 31 March 2008 was £7.1m (loss of £1.8m in year to 30 September 2006). Exceptional items for the period included restructuring
expenses of £2.0m and a non-cash asset impairment charge of £1.9m relating to a suspended IT project.  Basic loss per share from
continuing operations for the 18 month period was 16.7p per share.

    Net borrowings at 31 March 2008 were £17.1m representing gearing of 62%. Compared to the position at the last interim results in
September 2007, net borrowings were down £5.9m from a peak of £23.0m and gearing of 116%. The improvement in net borrowings primarily
reflects the net receipt of £7.2m from the Open Offer. 

    Following the relocation of the Group's operations in Shanghai to their new site on the outskirts of the city, provisional agreement has
been reached with a branch of the local government to sell the vacated property. Net proceeds will initially be used to repay loans raised
to finance the new factory investment project and return the Chinese business to a debt-free position.


    In view of the continuing need to reduce debt and reinvest in the business, the Board is not recommending the payment of a dividend.  


    The Board was strengthened by the appointment of Andrew Turner as Group Chief Executive with effect from 15 October 2007. After leading
the Group's re-financing, Andrew has already made significant progress in reducing corporate and operating costs and driving performance

    Andrew Robertson resigned as Group Finance Director on 20 March 2008 and recruitment of a replacement is underway. In the interim
period, the Group is benefitting from the services of a well-qualified acting Chief Financial Officer, Richard Scully.  

    On 30 April 2008, Brian Birkenhead and Martin O'Connell stepped down as Non-Executive Directors in line with a decision to reduce the
size of the Board. Brian and Martin have served the Board with distinction since their appointments and the Board would like to express its
thanks for the significant contributions which they have made and to wish them well for the future.

    Going forward, the composition of the Board will be more appropriate for a company of API's size and resources, whilst allowing us to
maintain our commitment to high standards of corporate governance.

    Employees, Customers and Suppliers

    After the challenges of the past 18 months, API's employees have renewed their focus on performance and results. Their hard work and
commitment is evident in the recent progress we have made in our businesses. On behalf of the Board and shareholders, I would like to thank
them for their continuing contribution.  

    The Board would also like to convey its appreciation to API's customers and suppliers, who have remained loyal trading partners through
recent difficult times. 


    The successful Open Offer and renegotiated banking facilities have restored the Group's liquidity and strengthened the balance sheet. We
expect to make further progress in improving gearing in the coming 12 months through strong cash generation from the businesses and disposal
of surplus assets.  

    General demand for the Group's products remains good and, outside of the US, there are no signs yet of an adverse impact from macro
economic factors. Whilst there is much work to be done in re-stabilising our business in China after the relocation to its new facility, the
majority of our businesses are carrying positive momentum into the new financial year. The recent overhead reduction programme has lowered
the cost base by £2.4m on an annualised basis and ongoing performance improvement initiatives are expected to deliver further benefits. 

    Overall, the significant changes to the Group over the last 18 months, and especially in the last half year, have led to a much leaner
and more competitive business. The Board believes the Group will continue to make progress and is well placed to deliver improved returns to

Richard Wright
Non-Executive Chairman

    Good progress has been made in the last six months in addressing the Group's financial problems, streamlining the business and starting
to turn around the performance of our operations in Europe.  

    The re-financing which was completed in January 2008 has re-established the cash and covenant headroom which management needs to operate
the business, as well as significantly reducing the overall level of Group debt. Debt will reduce further in 2008/09 when consideration is
received from the sale of the Group's surplus land asset in Shanghai, China. 
    In November 2007, the management team launched an overhead cost reduction programme with an initial savings target of £1m per annum.
The programme has now been concluded with the achievement of annualised savings of approximately £2.4m.
    A review of centrally-controlled costs, including Group functions, shared service costs and central initiatives billed to operating
units, yielded savings of approximately £1.5m per annum, the majority effective from January 2008 with the balance completing progressively
during the remainder of the first quarter of 2008. In addition, streamlining of our UK operations has yielded a reduction of 24 people from
our indirect labour headcount and a further 9 staff have been transferred from indirect to direct labour to provide additional production
capacity. The saving in overhead costs associated with the business units is approximately £0.9m per annum, effective April 2008.  Total
restructuring cost in relation to the November 2007 programme amounted to £1.2m out of total restructuring costs of £2.0m for the 18 month
    Group Results
    Group sales for the 18 months to 31 March 2008 were £143.8m and operating profit before exceptional items was £0.4m. On a 12 month
comparative basis to 31 March, Group sales reduced by 7.8% to £93.4m (6.8% reduction at constant exchange rates). This decline was due
primarily to contract losses in the European Laminates business at the end of the prior year and lower sales from operations in the US and
China. Operating profit for the 12 months was down £0.6m to £0.4m after a doubling of profits in Europe to £2.0m and a £0.6m reduction
in central costs were neutralised by declines in Asia Pacific and the US. The last six months were particularly strong in Europe although
the gains were partly offset by costs associated with the relocation of the operation in Shanghai and a particularly weak period of trading
in the US.  The last six month's operating profit before exceptionals was £0.6m compared to a loss of £0.2m in the previous half year. 
    External sales from our European operations were £95.8m for the 18 month period with an operating profit before exceptional items of
£2.5m. In the year to 31 March 2008, European operating profits increased by £1.0m compared to the prior year to £2.0m on sales down 4.3%
to £62.6m. On 12 month comparatives, Foils and Holographics grew by a combined 11% and operating profit advanced 13% despite significant
operational problems in Holographics in the first half of the year. Volume growth was driven by advances in security holographics and by
sales from our Continental distribution units, including the newly-established operation in Italy. Laminates returned to profit despite a
15% fall in sales, responding to contract losses at the beginning of 2007 with a deep restructuring programme and significant cost and
efficiency gains. The major part of the improvement in performance in Europe occurred in the last three months aided by a strong recovery in
Holographics, a significant new product line developed between our Laminates and Holographics businesses and tighter control of costs.  
    North America
    US sales for the 18 months were £33.3m with operating profit before exceptional items of £1.6m. On a 12 month basis US sales declined
by 14% and operating profit declined by 44% against strong prior year comparatives. The impact of exchange rates was more pronounced in the
US than other regions and on a constant currency basis sales and operating profit declined by 9% and 40% respectively year on year. The last
six months were particularly difficult as the businesses suffered the effects of a general slow down in market activity and certain
customers in the greeting card sector moving manufacturing to the Far East.  
    Asia Pacific
    18 months sales in Asia Pacific were £14.7m with an operating loss before exceptional items of £0.3m. Results in Asia Pacific suffered
from general disruption to trading associated with the relocation project in China. By the end of April 2008, relocation of the China foils
business to its new 300,000 square foot facility in the Jiading industrial zone of Shanghai was substantially complete and management was
focusing on re-stabilising production and establishing normal service levels to customers.  Results in the last 6 months in China were
disproportionally impacted by adjustments arising from a thorough balance sheet review.  Underlying profitability also declined due to the
impact on export margins of exchange rates and the new VAT regime, general cost inflation and competitive conditions in the home market.
    Looking forward, we are encouraged by demand for the Group's products, the skills, commitment and teamwork of our global workforce and
the loyalty of our customer base.  
    Faced with strong inflationary pressure on raw material and utility prices, we will continue to bear down on costs through improved
utilisation of key manufacturing assets across the Group, efficiency improvement programmes focused especially on waste, an energetic
purchasing function and an ongoing review of headcount and overhead expenses.  In addition, further steps are likely to be required to raise
selling prices if the current rate of increase in input costs persists. 
    The Group continues to invest in research and development to enhance the performance of its products and to bring new finishes and
effects, as well as environmentally-friendly packaging options, to brand owners. A number of exciting and profit-enhancing innovations are
in the pipeline, some of which leverage technical synergies between the Group's businesses in standard foils, holographic foils and
    Directionally, we remain committed to the strategy of building on API's global position in the foils market, whilst concentrating for
the foreseeable future on efficient execution, profit growth and improvement in the Group's overall financial condition. 

    Andrew Turner
    Group Chief Executive


    The Financial Results are presented for the 18 months to 31 March 2008. The comparatives are for the year ended 30 September 2006. In
order to make a more meaningful comparison, the Financial Review also includes certain unaudited pro forma financial information for the
year to 31 March 2008 for comparison with the 12 months to 31 March 2007. 

                                      18 months to 31  12 months to    12 months to    12 months to  
                                           March 2008    30 September       31 March    31 March 2007
                                          (unaudited)            2006            2008     (unaudited)
                                                £'000           £'000     (unaudited)           £'000
 Revenue                                      143,783         101,979          93,391         101,253

 Operating profit before                          408             994             437             988
 exceptional items
 Exceptional items                            (3,417)           (863)         (2,616)         (1,221)
 Operating profit / (loss) from               (3,009)             131         (2,179)           (233)
 continuing operations

    Revenue and Operating Profit

    Revenue from continuing operations for the 18 months to 31 March was £143.8m. For the 12 months to March 2008, revenue from continuing
operations was down 7.8% to £93.4m including 1.0% due to the effect of exchange rate movements. Revenue in Europe fell by 4.3%. On a local
currency basis, sales in the US and China reduced by 9% and 14% respectively. 

    Operating profit before exceptional items for the 18 months to 31 March 2008 was £0.4m. For the 12 months to March 2008, operating
profit before exceptional items was down £0.6m to £0.4m.  Gross profit reduced by £1.4m, though gross margins were maintained at 20.4% of
sales as the volume reduction was offset by improved mix of work and a proportionate reduction in direct labour costs. The loss of gross
profit was partly offset by a reduction in other operating costs of £0.8m. 

    Exceptional items for the 18 months to 31 March were £3.4m, with a net cash impact in the period of £1.5m. Redundancy and
restructuring costs included £0.8m relating to the retrenchment of the Laminates business implemented during the 6 months to March 2007 and
£1.2m relating to the Group cost reduction programme initiated in the last calendar quarter of 2007. Exceptional items also include an
impairment of £1.9m against a previous investment in a Group-wide IT project.  The system has so far been implemented in two European
locations but the project has been suspended. The Board has taken the view that there will be no further implementation in the foreseeable
future, requiring a full provision against the value of 'construction in progress' relating to business units where implementation has been
shelved. These exceptional costs are partly offset by a gain on the sale of a surplus property asset in Charlotte, US of £0.3m and a net
credit of £0.2m in relation to the relocation of the Shanghai factory.

                                      18 months to 31  12 months to    12 months to    12 months to  
                                           March 2008    30 September       31 March    31 March 2007
                                          (unaudited)            2006            2008     (unaudited)
                                                £'000           £'000     (unaudited)           £'000
 Net finance costs                            (4,126)         (1,924)         (2,873)         (2,468)

 Loss on continuing activities                (7,135)         (1,793)         (5,052)         (2,701)
 before taxation

 Tax credit / (expense)                           407           (735)             783           (670)

 Loss from continuing                         (6,728)         (2,528)         (4,269)         (3,371)
 Loss from discontinued                       (1,130)           (230)         (1,130)           (127)
 Loss for the period                          (7,858)         (2,758)         (5,399)         (3,498)

 Basic Loss per share                         (16.7p)          (8.9p)          (9.7p)         (11.6p)
 (continuing operations)

    Finance costs

    Net finance costs in the 18 months ended 31 March 2008 were £4.1m, including £0.1m relating to the pension fund (£0.3m for 12 months
to 30 September 2006). For the 12 months to 31 March 2008, finance costs increased by £0.4m to £2.9m including £0.3m amortisation of
costs associated with bank refinancing. In addition, finance costs included realised and unrealised net exchange losses of £0.2m (2006 nil)
arising on forward foreign currency contracts and an unrealised loss on an interest rate swap of £0.3m (2006 nil).  These exchange and
interest rate losses have been reported within interest costs as they do not meet the requirements for hedge accounting under IFRS. 


    For the 18 months to 31 March 2008, the Group reported a loss before discontinued operations and taxation of £7.1m and an after tax
loss from continuing operations of £6.7m.  The tax credit comprised a tax charge attributable to overseas operations of £0.5m (year to
September 2006 £0.6m) and a deferred tax gain of £0.9m (£0.1m loss). Deferred tax in the period includes recognition of a deferred tax
asset of £0.9m relating to carried forward tax losses in the US. In addition, further US Federal tax losses carried forward at 31 March
2008 amount to $12.2m ($11.8m) which are available for offset against future taxable profits in the US. 

    At 31 March 2008 the Group had UK capital allowances of £27.3m (£26.9m) available to offset against future taxable profits at the rate
of 25.0% per annum on a reducing balance basis and tax losses arising in the UK of £5.7m (£2.0m) available for offset against future
taxable profits. Deferred tax assets in respect of UK tax losses and deferred capital allowances have not been recognised.  

    Discontinued operations

    The Group made a loss from discontinued operations of £1.1m in the 18 months ended 31 March 2008 comprising a £0.75m write-off of
deferred consideration relating to the disposal of the Converted Products division in January 2005 and £0.35m in legal and settlement costs
connected with disputes arising from various business disposals. 

    Adjusted earnings per share 

    Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were 16.7p for the 18 months to 31 March 2008 and a loss per share of 9.7p for the
12 months ended 31 March 2008 (11.6p 12 months ended 31 March 2007).  

                                      18 months to 31  12 months to    12 months to    12 months to  
                                           March 2008    30 September       31 March    31 March 2007
                                          (unaudited)            2006            2008     (unaudited)
                                                £'000           £'000     (unaudited)           £'000
 EBITDA after exceptional items                 4,370           3,358           3,497           3,020
 Working Capital Movements                    (1,528)         (2,806)             362         (1,451)
 Pension contributions above                  (1,489)           (835)           (981)           (911)
 the amounts recognised in the
 income statement
 Income Taxes paid                              (359)           (656)            (93)           (628)
 Other movements                                   37             109            (49)             132
 Net Cash Flow from operating                   1,031           (830)           2,736             162
 Other selected cash flow
 Purchase of property, plant                  (8,180)         (6,140)         (4,533)         (7,106)
 and equipment
 Interest paid                                (3,280)         (2,047)         (2,319)         (2,186)
 Proceeds from share issues                     7,278              53           7,278               -

 Net Debt                                      17,149          15,523          17,149          20,824

    Cash Flow and Borrowings

    Net cash inflow from operating activities was £1.0m for the 18 month period. EBITDA after exceptional items was £4.4m, offset by an
increase in working capital of £1.5m and additional pension contributions of £1.5m. For the 12 month period to 31 March 2008, net cash
inflow from operating activities increased by £2.5m to £2.7m. EBITDA after the cash impact of exceptional items increased from £3.0m to
£3.5m. Working capital reduced by £0.4m largely due to lower inventory levels. 

    Capital expenditure was £8.2m in the 18 months to 31 March 2008, compared to depreciation of £5.5m, and included £5.3m expenditure on
the new facility in China. At the year end, outstanding spend on the China project scheduled for completion in 2008/09 amounted to £3.5m.
Elsewhere in the Group, capital expenditure in the coming year is expected be well below depreciation as management focuses on efficiency
improvements and better utilisation of existing assets.

    Cash interest expense was £3.3m for the 18 months and on an annual basis increased from £2.2m to £2.3m for the 12 months ending 31
March 2008. Net receipts from the share issue completed in January 2008 amounted to £7.2m.  

    Net debt (financial liabilities excluding the fair value of derivatives less cash) increased by £1.6m to £17.1m at 31 March 2008.
However, good progress has been made in reducing debt by £5.9m from a peak of £23.0m at 30 September 2007. 

    The ratio of net debt to earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation was 4.9 times at 31 March 2008, substantially reduced
from 10.0 times (based on 12 month trailing EBITDA after exceptional items) at the last interim accounts on 30 September 2007.  The Group
was within banking covenants and the Directors have agreed a plan for improving its debt cover in the next 12 months based on improved
operational performance and disposal of surplus assets.


    At 31 March 2008 the Group's IAS19 gross pension liability was £3.5m (2006 £10.9m) with a net liability of £2.5m (2006 £7.6m) after
accounting for a deferred tax asset of £1.0m (2006 £3.3m). The main UK defined benefit scheme is the API Group plc Pension and Life
Assurance Fund. The IAS19 liability has been calculated using a discount rate of 6.5% (2006 5.1%).  

    API Group plc

 for the eighteen months ended
 31 March 2008

                                            18 months to 31     12 months to 30 September 2006
                                                 March 2008
                                 Note                 £'000                              £'000

 Continuing operations
                                   1               143,783                            101,979 
 Cost of sales                                    (115,120)                           (80,656)
 Gross profit                                                                                 
                                                    28,663                             21,323 

 Other operating costs                             (28,255)                           (20,329)

 Operating profit before                                                                      
 exceptional items                                                                            
                                   1                   408                                994 

 Exceptional items                                                                            
                                   3                (3,417)                              (863)
 Operating (loss) / profit from                                                               
 continuing operations                              (3,009)                               131 

 Finance revenue                                                                              
                                   4                   292                                 85 
 Finance costs                                                                                
                                   4                (4,418)                            (2,009)
                                                    (4,126)                            (1,924)

 Loss on continuing activities                                                                
 before taxation                                    (7,135)                            (1,793)
 Taxation                          5                   407                               (735)
 Loss from continuing                                                                         
 operations                                         (6,728)                            (2,528)

 Discontinued operations
 Loss from discontinued            6                (1,130)                              (230)

 Loss for the period                                (7,858)                            (2,758)

 Attributable to:
 Profit attributable to                                                                       
 minority equity interests                             137                                695 
 Loss attributable to equity                        (7,995)                            (3,453)
 holders of the parent
 Total loss for the period                          (7,858)                            (2,758)

 Earnings per ordinary share
 Basic loss per share from         7                 (16.7)                              (8.9)
 continuing operations
 Diluted loss per share from       7                 (16.7)                              (8.9)
 continuing operations
 Basic loss per share on loss      7                 (19.5)                              (9.5)
 for the period
 Diluted loss per share on loss    7                 (19.5)                              (9.5)
 for the period

    API Group plc
 for the eighteen months ended
 31 March 2008

                                         18 months to 31     12 months to 30 September
                                              March 2008                          2006
                                                   £'000                         £'000

 Exchange differences on                            489                          (972)
 retranslation of foreign
 Actuarial gains / (losses) on                    5,936                        (1,311)
 defined benefit pension plans
 Tax on actuarial gains /                        (1,852)                          393 
 (losses) on defined benefit
 pension plans

 Net income / (expense)                           4,573                        (1,890)
 recognised directly in equity
 Loss for the period                             (7,858)                       (2,758)

 Total recognised income and                     (3,285)                       (4,648)
 expense relating to the period

 Attributable to:
 Equity holders of the parent                    (3,734)                       (5,176)
 Minority equity interests                          449                           528 
                                                 (3,285)                       (4,648)

    API Group plc
 at 31 March 2008

                                              31 March 2008        30 September 2006
                                 Note                 £'000                    £'000
 Non-current assets
 Property plant and equipment                       30,901                   30,500 
 Intangible assets                                   6,480                    6,480 
 Deferred tax assets                                 2,062                    3,263 
                                                    39,443                   40,243 
 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables                        17,440                   20,112 
 Inventories                                        11,760                   13,195 
 Other financial assets                                108                        - 
 Cash                                                2,131                    4,909 
                                                    31,439                   38,216 

 Total assets                                       70,882                   78,459 

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                           18,762                   22,306 
 Financial liabilities              8                6,794                    1,758 
 Income tax payable                                    588                      379 
 Provisions                                             83                      306 
                                                    26,227                   24,749 
 Non-current liabilities
 Financial liabilities              8               13,041                   18,674 
 Deferred tax liabilities                              363                      659 
 Provisions                                             70                       93 
 Defined benefit pension plan                        3,482                   10,879 
                                                    16,956                   30,305 

 Total liabilities                                  43,183                   55,054 

 Net assets                                         27,699                   23,405 

 Called up share capital                             8,998                    8,612 
 Share premium                                       7,136                      244 
 Other reserves                                        298                      298 
 Foreign exchange reserve                             (188)                    (366)
 Retained earnings                                   5,568                    9,179 
 Total shareholders' equity         9               21,812                   17,967 
 Minority interest in equity        9                5,887                    5,438 
 Total equity                                       27,699                   23,405 

 API Group plc
 for the eighteen months ended
 31 March 2008
                                            18 months to 31          12 months to 30
                                                 March 2008           September 2006
                                                      £'000                    £'000
 Operating activities
 Group operating (loss) /                           (3,009)                     131 

 Adjustment to reconcile group
 operating (loss) / profit to
 net cash flow from operating

 Operating loss from                     -                                     (230)
 discontinued operations
 Depreciation of property,                           5,498                    3,457 
 plant and equipment
 Impairment of property, plant                       1,881                        - 
 and equipment
 Profit on disposal of                                (263)                     (22)
 property, plant & equipment
 Share-based payments                                  300                      131 
 Difference between pension                         (1,489)                    (835)
 contributions paid and amounts
 recognised in the income
 Decrease / (increase) in                            1,611                     (870)
 Decrease / (increase) in trade                      1,211                     (523)
 and other receivables
 Decrease in trade and other                        (4,118)                  (1,120)
 Movement in provisions                               (232)                    (293)

 Cash generated from / (used                         1,390                     (174)
 in) operations
 Income taxes paid                                    (359)                    (656)
 Net cash flow from operating                        1,031                     (830)

 Investing activities
 Interest received                                     184                       85 
 Purchase of property, plant                        (8,180)                  (6,140)
 and equipment
 Sale of property, plant and                           730                      244 
 Payments to acquire                     -                                        - 
 Sale of subsidiary                                    984                        - 
 Net cash flow from investing                       (6,282)                  (5,811)

 Financing activities
 Interest paid                                      (3,280)                  (2,047)
 Dividends paid to minority              -                                     (487)
 Proceeds from share issues                          7,278                       53 
 New borrowings                                      2,330                    1,956 
 Repayment of borrowings                            (3,459)                       - 
 Net cash flow from financing                        2,869                     (525)

 Decrease in cash and cash                          (2,382)                  (7,166)
 Effect of exchange rates on                            51                      116 
 cash and cash equivalents
 Cash and cash equivalents at                        3,346                   10,396 
 the beginning of the period
 Cash and cash equivalents at                        1,015                    3,346 
 the end of the period
    API Group plc
    Notes to the Financial Statements

    Primary reporting format - geographic segments:  At 31 March 2008, the Group is organised into three distinct independently managed
geographic segments, Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. The following table presents revenue and profit information for these

                                         18 months to 31          12 months to 30          12 months to 30          12 months to 30
                                              March 2008           September 2006           September 2006           September 2006
                                                   £'000                    £'000                    £'000                    £'000
                                    Continuing and Total               Continuing             Discontinued                    Total
 By Geographical segment                                                                                                           
 Total revenue by origin
 Europe                                         100,113                   68,367                        -                   68,367 
 North America                                   33,796                   25,958                      129                   26,087 
 Asia Pacific                                    15,863                   12,775                        -                   12,775 
                                                149,772                  107,100                      129                  107,229 
 Inter-segmental sales
 Europe                                           4,353                    3,115                        -                    3,115 
 North America                                      513                      494                        -                      494 
 Asia Pacific                                     1,123                    1,512                        -                    1,512 
                                                  5,989                    5,121                        -                    5,121 
 External sales by origin
 Europe                                          95,760                   65,252                        -                   65,252 
 North America                                   33,283                   25,464                      129                   25,593 
 Asia Pacific                                    14,740                   11,263                        -                   11,263 
                                                143,783                  101,979                      129                  102,108 
 External sales by destination
 UK                                              50,527                   34,398                       14                   34,412 
 Continental Europe                              42,351                   25,467                        -                   25,467 
 Americas                                        30,953                   25,769                      106                   25,875 
 Asia Pacific                                    17,002                   12,681                        9                   12,690 
 Africa                                           2,950                    3,664                        -                    3,664 
                                                143,783                  101,979                      129                  102,108 

 Profit / (loss) from
 before exceptional items                         2,481                      205                        -                      205 
 exceptional items                                 (790)                    (597)                       -                     (597)
                                                  1,691                     (392)                       -                     (392)
 North America
 before exceptional items                         1,560                    1,521                      (53)                   1,468 
 exceptional items                                  297                     (242)                    (177)                    (419)
                                                  1,857                    1,279                     (230)                   1,049 
 Asia Pacific
 before exceptional items                          (289)                   1,276                        -                    1,276 
 exceptional items                                  238                        -                        -        - 
                                                    (51)                   1,276                        -                    1,276 
 Central costs
 before exceptional items                        (3,344)                  (2,008)                       -                   (2,008)
 exceptional items                               (3,162)                     (24)                       -                      (24)
                                                 (6,506)                  (2,032)                       -                   (2,032)

 Total loss from operations                         408                      994                      (53)                     941 
 before exceptional items
 Exceptional items                               (3,417)                    (863)                    (177)                  (1,040)
 Total loss from operations                      (3,009)                     131                     (230)                     (99)


    The preliminary announcement figures for the 18 months ended 31 March 2008 are to be formally approved by the board on 22 May 2008 and
are therefore unaudited. However, the directors are not aware of any matter that would give rise to an unmodified audit report. The
comparative figures for the year ended 30 September 2006 are an abridged version of the Group's statutory accounts which carry an unmodified
audit report and do not contain a statement under S237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The Group's audited statutory accounts for the
18 months ended 31 March 2008 will be filed in due course with the Registrar of Companies. The Group's audited accounts for the year ended
30 September 2006 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  

    The Annual Report and Accounts for the 18 months ended 31 March 2008 will be posted to shareholders by 6 June 2008 prior to the Annual
General Meeting on 30 June 2008. Copies of he Annual Report and Accounts will be available to members of the public from 10 June 2008 at the
Group's registered office at Second Avenue, Poynton Industrial Estate, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1ND. 


                                         18 months to 31             12 months to 30
                                              March 2008              September 2006
                                                   £'000                       £'000
 Exceptional items charged
 against operating (loss) /
 profit comprise
 Restructuring of UK operating                     (790)                       (597)
 Charlotte factory closure                          297                        (242)
 Rationalisation of Group costs                  (1,281)                        (24)
 Impairment of fixed assets                      (1,881)                          - 
 Factory relocation - China                         238                           - 
                                                 (3,417)                       (863)

    Exceptional items are material items which derive from events or transactions that fall within the ordinary activities of the Group and
which need to be disclosed by virtue of their size or incidence.

    Restructuring of UK operating businesses

    These relate to employee redundancy, relocation and other one-off costs. In the eighteen months to 31 March 2008, this related largely
to redundancy and other costs associated with business improvement measures within the UK businesses.

    Charlotte factory closure

    In the year ended 30 September 2006, provision was made in respect of the estimated closure costs of the Charlotte factory in the United
States. In the eighteen months to 31 March 2008, these costs were utilised and the factory site was sold, realising a gain on disposal.

    Rationalisation of Group costs

    These costs relate to the severance and other related costs in respect of a number of senior executives who were made redundant during
the period. The costs include compensation for loss of office paid to the former Chief Executive and the former Group Finance Director.

    Impairment of fixed assets

    As part of the review of Group costs, the project to install Oracle IT systems throughout the Group was suspended. As there will be no
further implementation of the system for the foreseeable future, capitalised costs incurred to date relating to businesses where Oracle has
not yet been installed have been fully impaired.

    Factory Relocation - China

    During the period, the Group's subsidiary in China, Shanghai Shen Yong received compensation for sale of a parcel of land acquired by
the local authorities as a first stage of a full relocation of the Shanghai factory. This compensation was £541,000 net of costs incurred
as a direct result of the compulsory acquisition.  Offset against this amount is £303,000 in relation to initial relocation costs,
including dual running costs, of the new facility.


                                         18 months to 31     12 months to 30 September 2006
                                              March 2008
                                                   £'000                              £'000
 Finance revenue
 Interest receivable on bank                         33                                 85 
 and other short term deposits
 Gains arising on forward                           259                                  - 
 foreign currency contracts
                                                    292                                 85 

 Finance costs
 Interest payable on bank loans                   3,556                              1,698 
 and overdrafts
 Other interest payable                              92                                  - 
 Losses arising on forward                          433                                  - 
 foreign currency contracts
                                                    260                                  - 
 Unrealised loss on interest
 rate swap
                                                     77                                311 
 Finance cost in respect of
 defined benefit pension plan
                                                  4,418                              2,009 

                                                         18 months to 31       12 months to 30
                                                              March 2008        September 2006
                                                                   £'000                 £'000

 Current income tax
 Foreign tax                                                       (525)                 (613)
 Total current income tax                                          (525)                 (613)

 Deferred tax
 Origination and reversal of temporary differences                  932                  (402)
 Adjustment to previous year                          -                                   280 
 Total deferred tax                                                 932                  (122)

 Total credit / (charge) in the income statement                    407                  (735)

                                                         18 months to 31       12 months to 30
                                                              March 2008        September 2006
                                                                   £'000                 £'000

 Revenue                                              -                                   129 
 Expenses                                             -                                  (359)
   -                          (230)
 Loss on disposal of discontinued operations                     (1,130)                 -    
 Total charge in the income statement                            (1,130)                 (230)

    The loss on disposal of discontinued operations relates to the sale of the Converted Products Division in January 2005. At 30 September
2006, £2,000,000 was held in other debtors in respect of deferred consideration. Only £1,250,000 of this deferred consideration was paid
on the due date. Following settlement of a number of disputes with the purchaser, the remaining amount of £750,000 has been written off,
together with other settlement costs payable to the purchaser and related legal fees. A claim in respect of alleged breach of warranties
from the purchaser is still outstanding. Details of this are included in note 10.

    Discontinued operations in the prior period represents the results of Chromagem, a subsidiary which ceased trading.

                                                            18 months to 31       12 months to 30
                                                                 March 2008        September 2006
                                                                      £'000                 £'000

 Net loss attributable to equity holders of the                     (6,865)               (3,223)
 parent company - continuing operations
 Loss attributable to equity holders of the parent                  (1,130)                 (230)
 company - discontinued operations
 Net loss attributable to equity holders of the                     (7,995)               (3,453)
 parent company

                                                       18 months to 31 March 2008  12 months to 30 September 2006
                                                                           number                          number

 Basic and diluted weighted average number of                         41,018,077                      36,198,528 
 ordinary shares

                                                       18 months to 31 March 2008  12 months to 30 September 2006
 Earnings per share                                                         pence                           pence

 Continuing operations
 Basic loss per share                                                                                            
                                                                           (16.7)                           (8.9)
 Diluted loss per share                                                                                          
                                                                           (16.7)                           (8.9)

 Discontinued operations
 Basic loss per share                                                                                            
                                                                            (2.8)                           (0.6)
 Diluted loss per share                                                                                          
                                                                            (2.8)                           (0.6)

 Basic loss per share                                                                                            
                                                                           (19.5)                           (9.5)
 Diluted loss per share                                                    (19.5)                           (9.5)

    The weighted average number of shares excludes the shares owned by the API Group plc No.2 Employee Benefit Trust.  

    The weighted average number of shares reflects the bonus element of the shares issued as a result of the open offer implied by the
discount of 10% on the market price immediately prior to admission of the new shares. The comparative figures have also been adjusted to
reflect this bonus element.


                                    18 months to 31 March 2008  12 months to 30 September 2006
                                                         £'000                           £'000
 Bank overdrafts                                        1,116                           1,563 
 Current instalments on bank                            5,267                             195 
 Forward currency hedging                                 295                               - 
 Interest rate swap                                       116                               - 
                                                        6,794                           1,758 

 Non-current instalments due on                        12,897                          18,674 
 bank loans
 Interest rate swap                                        144                               -
                                                       13,041                          18,674 

                                                   Shareholders' equity  Minority interest  Total equity
                                                                  £'000              £'000         £'000

 Balance at 1 October 2005                                                                              
                                                                22,959              5,460        28,419 
 Total recognised income and                                                                            
 expense for the period                                         (5,176)               528        (4,648)
 Exercise of employee share options                                 53     -                         53 
 Share based payment                                               131     -                        131 
 Dividends                                           -                               (550)         (550)
 Balance at 30 September 2006                                   17,967              5,438        23,405 
 Total recognised income and                                                                            
 expense for the period                                         (3,734)               449        (3,285)
 Exercise of employee share options                                 80     -                         80 
 Issue of shares under open                                                                             
 offer                                                           8,000    -                       8,000 
 Costs relating to the shares issued under open                   (802)    -                       (802)
 Share based payment                                               301     -                        301 
 Balance at 31 March 2008                                       21,812              5,887        27,699 


    During the period, the Group received a claim in respect of alleged breach of warranties in connection with the sale of the Converted
Products Division in January 2005. The purchaser has acknowledged that the maximum amount which it may recover in connection with the
material element of the claim is capped at £3.1 million plus interest and costs. The Directors believe that the Group has a strong basis
upon which the claim can be defended. Accordingly, no provision has been made in the accounts in respect of this claim.


    The financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Standards (IFRS).  

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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