RNS Number : 1363Q

Anglo-Eastern Plantations PLC

27 August 2014

27 August2014

Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc

("AEP", "Group" or "Company")

Announcement of interim results for six months ended 30 June 2014

Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc, and its subsidiaries are a major producer of palm oil and rubber with plantations across Indonesia and Malaysia amounting to some 127,794 hectares, has today released its results for the six months ended 30 June 2014.

Financial Highlights

                                               2014                  2013                2013 
                                           6 months              6 months           12 months 
                                              to 30                 to 30               to 31 
                                               June                  June                 Dec 
                                                $ m                   $ m                 $ m 
                                        (unaudited)            (unaudited           (audited) 
                                                              & restated) 
  Revenue                                     130.0                  83.5               201.9 
  Profit before tax 
  - before biological asset ("BA") 
   adjustment                                  43.2                  15.8                59.7 
  - after BA adjustment                        66.3                  18.3               153.4 
  EPS, after BA adjustment                103.66cts              21.11cts           235.95cts 
  Total Net Assets                            552.0                 463.2               494.0 


  Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc 
  Dato' John Lim Ewe Chuan           020 7216 4621 
  Charles Stanley Securities 
  Russell Cook / Karri Vuori         020 7149 6000 

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to present the interim results for the Company for the six months to 30 June 2014. The Group performance improved significantly compared to last year due to improved Crude Palm Oil ("CPO") prices, higher Fresh Fruit Bunches ("FFB") production and increased purchase of external crops by the mills.

Despite the relatively good performance in the first half the Board emphasises that challenging times are ahead for the Group and the palm oil industry in general. Of late CPO price has weakened mainly due to the prospect of a record soybean production in North and South America on the back of favourable weather expectations and increased planting acreage.

Demand remains soft as top buyers in India and China purchase a greater proportion of soybean as the price differential between the two edible oils continues to narrow. The spread was about $98 per metric tonne on 4 July 2014 down from an average of $244/mt on the same date in 2013. Pressure on the CPO price is exacerbated further by a good supply of sunflower oil in the market at very competitive prices. A slowly deflating energy market due to the poor infrastructure for oil distribution and biodiesel blending in some developing countries has also undermined earlier widely held expectations for biodiesel to absorb surplus CPO.

Operational and financial performance

For the six months ended 30 June 2014, revenue was $130.0 million, an increase of 56% (1H 2013: $83.5 million). Gross margins for the period increased from 25% to 35% reflecting a 6% increase in average CPO price in the first half of 2014 compared to the same period in the previous year. This was on top of 20% weakening of Indonesian Rupiah against the US Dollar for the same period.

The Group benefited from a $23.1 million revaluation of its biological assets ("BA valuation") (1H 2013: $2.5 million). With this contribution operating profits for the period increased by 259% to $63.9 million (1H 2013: $17.8 million) while profit before tax was $66.3 million, 262% higher than the $18.3 million achieved for the same period in 2013.

The resulting earnings per share for the period were up 391% at 103.66cts (1H 2013: 21.11cts).

During the first six months of 2014 the CPO price averaged at $895/mt compared to $847/mt for 1H 2013. FFB production for the first six months of 2014 was 393,900mt, 17% higher compared to 335,900mt for 1H 2013. Bought-in crops for the same period was 310,900mt, 62% higher than last year of 191,900mt due to better prices offered for external crops.

The Group's balance sheet remains strong and cash flow remains healthy even after our capital expenditure necessary to maintain immature trees and new planting.

The BA valuation is determined using discounted cash flow over the expected 20-year economic life of the assets. Among the assumption used in the valuation includes the 10-year average CPO price. The BA valuation increased by $23.1 million for 30 June 2014 was due primarily to the increase in the 10-year average CPO price from $700/mt to $725/mt.

As at 30 June 2014 the Group's total cash balance was $115.8 million (1H 2013: $98.7 million) with total borrowings of $35.0 million (1H 2013: $35.0 million), giving a net cash position of $80.8 million, compared to $63.7million as at 30 June 2013.

Operating costs

The operating costs for the Indonesian operations were higher in 1H 2014 compared to the same period in 2013 mainly due to the increase in wages, fertilisers, fuel and general upkeep of plantations. Higher operating costs were also partly attributed to 13% increase in matured areas.

 Production and Sales 
                                          2014           2013              2013 
                                      6 months       6 months              Year 
                                    to 30 June     to 30 June    to 31 December 
                                   (unaudited)    (unaudited)         (audited) 
                                            mt             mt                mt 
  Oil palm production 
  - all estates                        393,900        335,900           787,500 
  - bought-in or processed for 
   third parties                       310,900        191,900           496,600 
  Saleable CPO                         141,700        109,900           262,600 
  Saleable palm kernels                 33,100         25,400            61,500 
  Oil palm sales 
  CPO                                  145,000        108,700           253,200 
  Palm kernels                          31,600         24,900            60,800 
  FFB sold outside                      37,300         12,300            54,300 
  Rubber production                        480            450             1,049 

The Group's five mills processed a total of 667,500mt in FFB for the 1H 2014, a 29% increase compared to 515,500mt for the same period last year.

Internal crop production was higher by 17% in line with an increase in matured plantations in the Bengkulu and Central Kalimantan.

Bought-in crops were 62% higher than last year due to additional sources of FFB supplies and improved pricing.

Capital outlay is required to improve road conditions in Bengkulu, easing the FFB transportation especially during rainy season. Significant capital expenditure is expected in the replanting of 1,029ha of old palms in North Sumatra.

Commodity prices

CPO price was fairly strong for the 1H 2014 and hit a high of $993/mt in March 2014. The average CPO price for 1H 2014 was $895/mt (1H 2013: $847/mt). The higher CPO price in the first three months of 2014 was due to initial concerns over dry weather that hit Peninsular Malaysia and parts of Indonesia which delayed the ripening of fruits.

Rubber price averaged $1,823/mt, 30% lower than 2013 (1H 2013: $2,599/mt).


The Group's planted areas at 30 June 2014 comprised:

                                Total    Mature    Immature 
                                   ha        ha          ha 
  North Sumatra                19,249    17,702       1,547 
  Bengkulu                     18,819    17,717       1,102 
  Riau                          4,873     4,873           - 
  South Sumatra                 3,969       159       3,810 
  Kalimantan                   10,391     4,651       5,740 
  Bangka                          307         -         307 
  Plasma                          734       510         224 
                             --------  --------  ---------- 
  Indonesia                    58,342    45,612      12,730 
  Malaysia                      3,695     3,379         316 
                             --------  --------  ---------- 
  Total : 30 June 2014         62,037    48,991      13,046 
                             --------  --------  ---------- 
  Total : 31 December 2013     61,099    43,236      17,863 
                             --------  --------  ---------- 
  Total : 30 June 2013         59,715    43,483      16,232 
                             --------  --------  ---------- 

The Group's new planting for the first six months ended 30 June 2014 totalled 941ha. The slow rate of new planting is due to protracted land compensation negotiations.

The Group is optimistic that planting will pick up in the second half of 2014. The Group's total landholding comprises some 127,794ha, of which the planted area stands around 62,037ha (1H 2013: 59,715ha).

The biogas purification equipment and biomass plant for the mill in North Sumatra are in final stages of testing and commissioning in early Q3 2014. This mill will enhance the treatment of the effluent and at the same time mitigate the emission of biogas. Under this project, the empty fruit bunches will be processed into dried long fibres for export.

The earthworks for the construction of the 45mt/hr palm oil mill in Central Kalimantan are 85% completed while civil and mechanical works is progressing as scheduled with the mill expected to be completed and operational in Q2 2015.


As in previous years no interim dividend has been declared. A final dividend of 3.0 pence per share in respect of the year to 31 December 2013 was paid on 17 June 2014.


It has been reported in the Public Ledger that many buyers of refined palm oil in China struggled for funding as the country crackdown on commodity financing in the face of slowing domestic demand. This may lead to lower CPO imports as a result of tighter access to credit. However, the industry believe CPO price is expected to be resilient due to concerns on weaker FFB production in Malaysia and parts of Indonesia in the fourth quarter of 2014 due to a prolonged dry spell in the first three months of the year. Parts of some growing areas in Malaysia and Indonesia received less than 50 millimetres of rain in January and February, the driest period since 1997. El Nino weather phenomenon is also forecasted this year and if materialises could induce droughts which would curb production and yield.

The Board remains cautiously confident of reporting a satisfactory level of profitability. Cash generation is expected to remain strong and the Board looks forward to reporting further progress in its next Interim Management Statement.

Principal risks and uncertainties

The directors do not consider that the principal risks and uncertainties have changed since the publication of the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2013.

A more detailed explanation of the risks relevant to the Group is on pages 18 to 20 and from pages 78 to 83 of the 2013 annual report which is available at www.angloeastern.co.uk.

Following the conclusion of the discussions with the Financial Reporting Council ("FRC") regarding the use of current market data to estimate notional rent for the use of land in its discounted cash flow for the determination of biological assets, details of which were set out in the 2013 Annual Report and Accounts, the Group has adopted a notional rent equivalent to 9% of the value of planted land in valuing its biological asset and resulted in the accounts for the period ended 30 June 2013 being restated. The details of the restatement are disclosed in Note 2 - Prior period restatement on page 15.

Madam Lim Siew Kim


27 August 2014

Responsibility Statements

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

a) The unaudited interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS34: Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union;

b) The Chairman's statement includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (an indication of important events during the first six months and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); and

c) The interim financial statements include a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (material related party transactions in the six months ended 30 June 2014 and any material changes in the related party transactions described in the last Annual Report) of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom Financial Services Authority.

By order of the Board

Dato' John Lim Ewe Chuan

27 August 2014

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

                                                2014                                     2013                                    2013 
                                         6 months to 30 June                      6 months to 30 June                     Year to 31 December 
                                             (unaudited)                        (unaudited & restated)                         (audited) 
                              ---------------------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
                       Notes        Result                                   Result                                  Result 
   Continuing                       before                                   before                                  before 
   operations                           BA            BA                         BA            BA                        BA            BA 
                                adjustment    adjustment        Total    adjustment    adjustment       Total    adjustment    adjustment        Total 
                                      $000          $000         $000          $000          $000        $000          $000          $000         $000 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------               ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Revenue                          130,006             -      130,006        83,528             -      83,528       201,917             -      201,917 
  Cost of sales                   (84,892)             -     (84,892)      (62,408)             -    (62,408)     (133,400)             -    (133,400) 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Gross profit                      45,114             -       45,114        21,120             -      21,120        68,517             -       68,517 
   Biological asset 
    movement (BA 
    adjustment)                          -        23,103       23,103             -         2,503       2,503             -        93,661       93,661 
   expenses                        (4,300)             -      (4,300)       (5,795)             -     (5,795)       (8,898)             -      (8,898) 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Operating profit                  40,814        23,103       63,917        15,325         2,503      17,828        59,619        93,661      153,280 
  Exchange loss                        413             -          413         (512)             -       (512)       (2,781)             -      (2,781) 
  Finance income                     2,942             -        2,942         1,763             -       1,763         4,676             -        4,676 
  Finance expense          4       (1,003)             -      (1,003)         (784)             -       (784)       (1,774)             -      (1,774) 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Profit before tax        5        43,166        23,103       66,269        15,792         2,503      18,295        59,740        93,661      153,401 
  Tax expense              6      (11,918)       (5,776)     (17,694)       (5,926)         (626)     (6,552)      (16,178)      (23,415)     (39,593) 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Profit for the 
   period                           31,248        17,327       48,575         9,866         1,877      11,743        43,562        70,246      113,808 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
  Attributable to: 
  - Owners of the 
   parent                           25,879        15,209       41,088         6,859         1,509       8,368        35,950        57,571       93,521 
  - Non-controlling 
   interests                         5,369         2,118        7,487         3,007           368       3,375         7,612        12,675       20,287 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
                                    31,248        17,327       48,575         9,866         1,877      11,743        43,562        70,246      113,808 
-------------------  -------  ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------- 
 Earnings per share 
  for profit 
  to the owners of 
  parent during the 
  - basic                  8                                103.66cts                                21.11cts                                235.95cts 
  - diluted                8                                103.54cts                                21.09cts                                235.67cts 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                               2014                      2013              2013 
                                                           6 months                  6 months              Year 
                                                         to 30 June                to 30 June    to 31 December 
                                                        (unaudited)    (unaudited & restated)         (audited) 
                                                               $000                      $000              $000 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 
  Profit for the period                                      48,575                    11,743           113,808 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 
  Other comprehensive income 
 Items may be reclassified to profit or loss 
  in subsequent periods: 
         Profit / (Loss) on exchange translation of 
          foreign operations                                 12,403                  (13,845)         (112,824) 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 
 Net other comprehensive income may be reclassified 
  to profit or loss in subsequent periods                    12,403                  (13,845)         (112,824) 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 
 Items not to be reclassified to profit or 
  loss in subsequent periods: 
         Unrealised (loss) / gain on revaluation of 
          the estates                                         (704)                   (3,057)            31,807 
         Deferred tax on revaluation                            177                       765           (7,951) 
         Remeasurements of retirement benefit plan                -                   (1,414)               278 
         Deferred tax on retirement benefit                       -                         -              (71) 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 
 Net other comprehensive (expense) / income 
  not being reclassified to profit or loss in 
  subsequent periods                                          (527)                   (3,706)            24,063 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 
 Total other comprehensive income / (expenses) 
  for the period, net of tax                                 11,876                  (17,551)          (88,761) 
  Total comprehensive income / (expenses) for 
   the period                                                60,451                   (5,808)            25,047 
  Attributable to: 
  - Owners of the parent                                     50,718                   (6,396)            21,508 
  - Non-controlling interests                                 9,733                       588             3,539 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                             60,451                   (5,808)            25,047 
----------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------------------  ---------------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

                                                               2014                      2013                 2013 
                                                      as at 30 June             as at 30 June    as at 31 December 
                                            Notes       (unaudited)    (unaudited & restated)            (audited) 
                                                               $000                      $000                 $000 
 -------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
  Non-current assets 
  Biological assets                                         304,156                   215,117              265,835 
  Property, plant and equipment                             224,030                   210,865              213,342 
  Receivables                                                 5,857                     5,216                5,649 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
                                                            534,043                   431,198              484,826 
 -------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
  Current assets 
  Inventories                                                 9,817                     6,987                8,448 
  Tax receivables                                             9,333                     9,427                8,464 
  Trade and other receivables                                10,261                    12,181                7,271 
  Cash and cash equivalents                                 115,831                    98,671               98,738 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
                                                            145,242                   127,266              122,921 
 -------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
  Current liabilities 
  Loans and borrowings                                        (196)                      (29)                 (84) 
  Trade and other payables                                 (18,990)                  (14,710)             (15,331) 
  Tax liabilities                                           (7,845)                   (2,794)              (4,988) 
  Dividend payables                                            (20)                   (1,784)                    - 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
                                                           (27,051)                  (19,317)             (20,403) 
 -------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
  Net current assets                                        118,191                   107,949              102,518 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
  Non-current liabilities 
  Loans and borrowings                                     (34,813)                  (35,010)             (34,937) 
  Deferred tax liabilities                                 (61,787)                  (35,894)             (55,298) 
  Retirement benefits - net liabilities                     (3,593)                   (5,091)              (3,099) 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
                                                          (100,193)                  (75,995)             (93,334) 
 -------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
  Net assets                                                552,041                   463,152              494,010 
--------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
                                                                   2014                      2013                 2013 
                                                          as at 30 June             as at 30 June    as at 31 December 
                                                Notes       (unaudited)    (unaudited & restated)            (audited) 
                                                                   $000                      $000                 $000 
  Issued capital and reserves attributable 
  owners of the parent 
  Share capital                                                  15,504                    15,504               15,504 
  Treasury shares                                               (1,171)                   (1,171)              (1,171) 
  Share premium reserve                                          23,935                    23,935               23,935 
  Share capital redemption reserve                                1,087                     1,087                1,087 
  Revaluation reserves                                           56,297                    34,632               56,767 
  Exchange reserves                                           (171,007)                 (100,194)            (181,107) 
  Retained earnings                                             532,121                   406,349              493,031 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
                                                                456,766                   380,142              408,046 
  Non-controlling interests                                      95,275                    83,010               85,964 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 
  Total equity                                                  552,041                   463,152              494,010 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------------------------  ------------------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                                                                                                              Attributable to owners of the parent 
                                                                                                   capital                      Foreign 
                                                                Share    Treasury      Share    redemption    Revaluation      exchange    Retained                  Non-controlling          Total 
                                                              capital      shares    premium       reserve        reserve       reserve    earnings         Total          interests         equity 
                                                                 $000        $000       $000          $000           $000          $000        $000          $000               $000           $000 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------------  ------------- 
  Balance at 31 December 
   2012                                                        15,504     (1,171)     23,935         1,087         36,799      (88,838)     401,006       388,322             83,043        471,365 
  Items of other comprehensive 
   *    Unrealised gain on revaluation of estates, net of 
  tax                                                               -           -          -             -         20,062             -           -        20,062              3,794         23,856 
  -Disposal of land                                                                                                  (94)             -          94             -                  -              - 
   *    Remeasurement of retirement benefit plan, net of t 
  ax                                                                -           -          -             -              -             -         194           194                 13            207 
 Loss on exchange translation 
  of foreign operations                                             -           -          -             -              -      (92,269)           -      (92,269)           (20,555)      (112,824) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income / (expenses)                                               -           -          -             -         19,968      (92,269)         288      (72,013)           (16,748)       (88,761) 
  Profit for year                                                   -           -          -             -              -             -      93,521        93,521             20,287        113,808 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  and expenses for the year                                         -           -          -             -         19,968      (92,269)      93,809        21,508              3,539         25,047 
  Dividends paid                                                    -           -          -             -              -             -     (1,784)       (1,784)              (618)        (2,402) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------------  ------------- 
  Balance at 31 December 
   2013                                                        15,504     (1,171)     23,935         1,087         56,767     (181,107)     493,031       408,046             85,964        494,010 
 Items of other comprehensive 
   *    Unrealised loss on revaluation of estates, net of 
  tax                                                               -           -          -             -          (470)             -           -         (470)               (57)          (527) 
   *    Gain on exchange translation of foreign operations          -           -          -             -              -        10,100           -        10,100              2,303         12,403 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  (expenses) / income                                               -           -          -             -          (470)        10,100           -         9,630              2,246         11,876 
  Profit for period                                                 -           -          -             -              -             -      41,088        41,088              7,487         48,575 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  and expenses for the period                                       -           -          -             -          (470)        10,100      41,088        50,718              9,733         60,451 
 Dividend paid                                                      -           -          -             -              -             -     (1,998)       (1,998)              (422)        (2,420) 
  Balance at 30 June 2014                                      15,504     (1,171)     23,935         1,087         56,297     (171,007)     532,121       456,766             95,275        552,041 
----------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------------  ------------  ----------  ------------  -----------------  ------------- 
  Balance at 31 December 
   2012                                                       15,504    (1,171)    23,935    1,087     36,799     (88,838)    401,006     388,322     83,043      471,365 
 Items of other comprehensive 
   *    Unrealised loss on revaluation of estates, net of 
  tax                                                              -          -         -        -    (2,167)            -          -     (2,167)      (125)      (2,292) 
   *    Remeasurement of retirement benefit plan, net of t 
  ax                                                               -          -         -        -          -            -    (1,241)     (1,241)      (173)      (1,414) 
   *    Loss on exchange translation of foreign operations         -          -         -        -          -     (11,356)          -    (11,356)    (2,489)     (13,845) 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ----------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  expenses                                                         -          -         -        -    (2,167)     (11,356)    (1,241)    (14,764)    (2,787)     (17,551) 
  Profit for period as restated                                    -          -         -        -          -            -      8,368       8,368      3,375       11,743 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ----------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  and expenses for the period                                      -          -         -        -    (2,167)     (11,356)      7,127     (6,396)        588      (5,808) 
  Dividends payable                                                -          -         -        -          -            -    (1,784)     (1,784)      (621)      (2,405) 
  Balance at 30 June 2013 
   as restated                                                15,504    (1,171)    23,935    1,087     34,632    (100,194)    406,349     380,142     83,010      463,152 
----------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  --------  -------  ---------  -----------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ----------- 

Condensed Consolidated Statement Cash Flows

                                              2014            2013              2013 
                                          6 months        6 months              Year 
                                        to 30 June      to 30 June    to 31 December 
                                       (unaudited)     & restated)         (audited) 
                                              $000            $000              $000 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
  Cash flows from operating 
  Profit before tax                         66,269          18,295           153,401 
  Adjustments for: 
    BA adjustment                         (23,103)         (2,503)          (93,661) 
    Loss / (Profit) on disposal 
     of tangible fixed assets                    2              91             (319) 
    Depreciation                             3,107           4,143             6,406 
    Retirement benefit provisions              418             550             1,325 
    Net finance income                     (1,939)           (979)           (2,902) 
    Unrealised (gain) / loss 
     in foreign exchange                     (413)             512             2,781 
    Tangible fixed assets written 
     off                                         6              31                97 
 Operating cash flow before 
  changes in working capital                44,347          20,140            67,128 
    Increase in inventories                (1,145)         (1,089)           (3,591) 
    (Increase) / Decrease in 
     trade and other receivables           (3,628)         (4,430)             2,456 
    Increase / (Decrease) in 
     trade and other payables                3,312           (529)             2,400 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
  Cash inflow from operations               42,886          14,092            68,393 
    Interest paid                          (1,003)           (784)           (1,774) 
    Retirement benefit paid                    (6)            (52)             (244) 
    Overseas tax paid                     (10,309)        (15,113)          (23,981) 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Net cash flow from / (used 
  in) operations                            31,568         (1,857)            42,394 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
  Investing activities 
  Property, plant and equipment 
    - purchase                            (17,589)        (23,583)          (49,938) 
    - sale                                      34              87               641 
  Interest received                          2,942           1,763             4,676 
  Net cash used in investing 
   activities                             (14,613)        (21,733)          (44,621) 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
  Financing activities 
  Dividends paid by Company                (1,998)               -           (1,784) 
 Drawdown of long term loans                     -          10,000            10,000 
 Finance lease repayment                      (12)            (36)              (30) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling 
  interests                                  (398)           (621)             (618) 
 Net cash (used in) / from 
  financing activities                     (2,408)           9,343             7,568 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
 Increase / (Decrease) in 
  cash and cash equivalents                 14,547        (14,247)             5,341 
  Cash and cash equivalents 
  At beginning of period                    98,738         116,250           116,250 
  Foreign exchange                           2,546         (3,332)          (22,853) 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
  At end of period                         115,831          98,671            98,738 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
  Cash at end of period                    115,831          98,671            98,738 
-----------------------------------  -------------  --------------  ---------------- 

Notes to the interim statements

   1.         Basis of preparation of interim financial statements 

These interim consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34,"Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union. They do not include all disclosures that would otherwise be required in a complete set of financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the 2013 Annual Report. The financial information for the half years ended 30 June 2014 and 30 June 2013 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434(3) of the Companies Act 2006 and has been neither audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued by the Auditing Practices Board.

Basis of preparation

The annual financial statements of Anglo-Eastern Plantations Plc are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European Union. The comparative financial information for the year ended 31 December 2013 included within this report does not constitute the full statutory accounts for that period. The statutory Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2013 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. The Independent Auditors' Report on the Annual Report and Financial Statements for 2013 was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis, and did not contain a statement under 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Changes in accounting standards

The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation are followed in these condensed consolidated financial statements as were applied in the Group's latest annual audited financial statements except for the following new standards that have come into effect from the previous reporting date:

   --      IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements 
   --      IFRS 11 Joint Arrangements 
   --      IFRS 12 Disclosures of Interest in Other Entities 
   --      IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements 
   --      IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures 
   --      IAS 32 Amendments - Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities 
   --      IAS 36 Amendments - Recoverable Amounts Disclosures for Non-financial Assets 
   --      IFRIC 21 Levies 

None of the new standards, interpretations and amendments above have had a material effect on the Group's reporting.

After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue operations for the foreseeable future. For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

   2.         Prior period restatement 

Following the conclusion of the discussions with the Financial Reporting Council ("FRC") regarding the use of current market data to estimate notional rent for the use of land in its discounted cash flow for the determination of biological assets, details of which were set out in the 2013 Annual Report and Accounts, the Group has adopted a notional rent equivalent to 9% of the value of planted land in valuing its biological asset and resulted in the accounts for the period ended 30 June 2013 being restated. The effect of the restatements is summarised in the following page.

                                                                       6 months 
     The impact of these prior period adjustments:                   to 30 June 
                                                                    & restated) 
      After Biological Assets                              $000            $000 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------- 
     Profit for the period before restatement                            22,317 
     Effect of change in restatement: 
         Biological asset revaluation movement         (14,098) 
         Tax expense                                      3,524 
     Profit for the period after restatement                             11,743 
     Other comprehensive expenses for the 
      period before restatement                                        (18,573) 
     Effect of change in restatement: 
          Profit on exchange translation of 
           foreign operations                                             1,022 
     Other comprehensive expenses for the 
      period after restatement                                         (17,551) 

The effect of these prior period adjustments had a negative impact on the earnings per share of 25.03cts for the period to 30 June 2013.

The following table summarises the impact of these prior period adjustments on the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position:

                                     Biological             tax     Exchange     Retained    Non-controlling 
                                         assets     liabilities      reserve     earnings           interest 
                                           $000            $000         $000         $000               $000 
    Balance as reported 30 
     June 2013                          265,487        (48,486)    (102,827)      442,449             87,321 
    Effect of restatement during 
     the year                          (50,370)          12,592        2,633     (36,100)            (4,311) 
    Restated balance as at 
     30 June 2013                       215,117        (35,894)    (100,194)      406,349             83,010 
                                   ------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ----------------- 
   3.           Foreign exchange 
                                               2014           2013              2013 
                                           6 months       6 months              Year 
                                         to 30 June     to 30 June    to 31 December 
                                        (unaudited)    (unaudited)         (audited) 
             Average exchange rates 
             Rp : $                          11,725          9,732            10,445 
             $ : GBP                           1.67           1.54              1.56 
             RM : $                            3.27           3.07              3.15 
             Closing exchange rates 
             Rp : $                          11,855          9,925            12,170 
             $ : GBP                           1.71           1.52              1.66 
             RM : $                            3.21           3.16              3.28 
   4.         Finance costs 
                                2014           2013              2013 
                            6 months       6 months              Year 
                          to 30 June     to 30 June    to 31 December 
                         (unaudited)    (unaudited)         (audited) 
                                $000           $000              $000 
             Payable           1,003            784             1,774 
                       -------------  -------------  ---------------- 
   5.    Segment information 
                               North                  South                                           Total 
                             Sumatra    Bengkulu    Sumatra       Riau    Bangka    Kalimantan    Indonesia    Malaysia         UK       Total 
                                $000        $000       $000       $000      $000          $000         $000        $000       $000        $000 
   6 months to 30 June 2014 
       Total sales 
        (all external)        48,753      53,335         38     21,787         -         3,002      126,915       2,215          -     129,130 
       Other income              283         373          -        220         -             -          876           -          -         876 
                          ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------------  -----------  ---------- 
       Total revenue          49,036      53,708         38     22,007         -         3,002      127,791       2,215          -     130,006 
                          ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
       Profit / (loss) 
        tax                   17,056      18,182      (167)      8,848      (21)         (728)       43,170         531      (535)      43,166 
       BA Movement                                                                                                                      23,103 
      Profit for the 
       before tax per 
       income statement                                                                                                                 66,269 
       Depreciation          (1,092)     (1,045)      (203)      (272)      (16)         (354)      (2,982)       (125)          -     (3,107) 
        transactions           2,806     (1,704)      (197)      (490)         -         (921)        (506)         476         30           - 
       Income tax            (7,289)     (3,722)    (1,581)    (2,095)       (7)       (2,653)     (17,347)        (66)      (281)    (17,694) 
       Total Assets          214,804     155,588     70,765     80,644    13,283       109,770      644,854      29,996      4,435     679,285 
        Assets               165,229     126,071     68,839     39,477    13,193        97,695      510,504      22,346      1,193     534,043 
        Assets - 
        Additions              3,298       1,615      2,466        605       420         9,138       17,542          47          -      17,589 
     6 months to 30 June 2013 (unaudited & 
       Total sales 
        (all external)        40,378      25,727          2     14,481         -           680       81,268       1,842          -      83,110 
       Other income              413        (31)          -         34         -             2          418           -          -         418 
       Total revenue          40,791      25,696          2     14,515         -           682       81,686       1,842          -      83,528 
                          ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
       Profit / (loss) 
        tax                   12,110       1,879      (292)      4,374      (10)       (1,271)       16,790       (284)      (714)      15,792 
       BA Movement                                                                                                                       2,503 
      Profit for the 
       before tax per 
       income statement                                                                                                                 18,295 
       Depreciation          (1,378)     (1,653)      (236)      (502)      (15)         (230)      (4,014)       (129)          -     (4,143) 
        transactions             664       (858)       (84)      (252)         -         (457)        (987)         957         30           - 
       Income tax            (6,771)     (2,202)      2,071    (1,216)       107           787      (7,224)         892      (220)     (6,552) 
       Total Assets          176,750     144,251     50,404     65,872    11,260        84,184      532,721      19,196      6,547     558,464 
        Assets               129,532     124,531     48,113     37,974    10,662        67,136      417,948      11,887      1,363     431,198 
        Assets - 
        Additions              4,738       3,120      6,180        625       488         8,262       23,413         170          -      23,583 
                               North                  South                                           Total 
                             Sumatra    Bengkulu    Sumatra       Riau    Bangka    Kalimantan    Indonesia    Malaysia         UK       Total 
                                $000        $000       $000       $000      $000          $000         $000        $000       $000        $000 
    Year to 31 December 2013 (audited) 
      Total sales 
       revenue (all 
       external)              93,261      63,019         18     38,166         -         2,516      196,980       4,318          2     201,300 
      Other income               827         112          6         91         -         (419)          617           -          -         617 
                          ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------------  -----------  ---------- 
      Total revenue           94,088      63,131         24     38,257         -         2,097      197,597       4,318          2     201,917 
                          ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
      Profit / (loss) 
       tax                    33,879      15,700      (443)     19,017         1       (6,633)       61,521         206    (1,987)      59,740 
      BA Movement                                                                                                                       93,661 
     Profit for the 
     before tax per 
         statement                                                                                                                     153,401 
      Depreciation           (2,248)     (2,268)      (475)      (585)      (32)         (540)      (6,148)       (258)          -     (6,406) 
       Transactions            2,821     (2,236)      (242)      (656)         -       (1,512)      (1,825)         845        980           - 
      Income tax            (24,567)     (8,086)      (554)    (6,542)        79         (288)     (39,958)         585      (220)    (39,593) 
      Total Assets           195,447     148,268     59,285     67,739    12,744        89,882      573,365      29,720      4,662     607,747 
      Non-Current Assets     153,524     122,485     57,673     38,726    12,462        76,259      461,129      22,334      1,363     484,826 
      Non-Current Assets 
       Additions              13,164       5,952     10,172      1,513     1,069        17,828       49,698         240          -      49,938 

In the 6 months to 30 June 2014, revenues from 4 customers of the Indonesian segment represent approximately $87.7m of the Group's total revenues. In year 2013, revenues from 4 customers of the Indonesian segment represent approximately $110.1m of the Group's total revenues. An analysis of these revenues is provided below:

                                       2014                   2013                2013 
                                   6 months               6 months                Year 
                                 to 30 June             to 30 June      to 31 December 
                                (unaudited)            (unaudited)           (audited) 
                              $m          %           $m         %        $m         % 
     Major Customers 
     Customer 1             28.9       22.2         14.6      17.4      31.4      15.6 
     Customer 2             21.3       16.4         13.7      16.3      30.5      15.1 
     Customer 3             19.6       15.2          9.4      11.3      25.6      12.7 
     Customer 4             17.9       13.7          8.1       9.6      22.6      11.1 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------  --------  -------- 
     Total                  87.7       67.5         45.8      54.6     110.1      54.5 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------  --------  -------- 
   6.         Tax 
                                     2014            2013              2013 
                                 6 months        6 months              Year 
                               to 30 June      to 30 June    to 31 December 
                              (unaudited)     & restated)         (audited) 
                                     $000            $000              $000 
  Foreign corporation tax 
   - current year                  12,415           6,090            17,804 
  Foreign corporation tax 
   - prior year                         -               -              (61) 
  Deferred tax adjustment 
   - current year                   5,279             462            22,143 
  Deferred tax adjustment 
   - prior year                         -               -             (293) 
                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                                   17,694           6,552            39,593 
                            -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
   7.         Dividend 

The final and only dividend in respect of 2013, amounting to 3.0p per share, or $1,997,614 was paid on 17 June 2014 (2012: 4.5cts per share, or $1,783,637, paid on 5 July 2013). As in previous years no interim dividend has been declared.

   8.         Earnings per ordinary share (EPS) 
                                                            2014            2013              2013 
                                                        6 months        6 months              Year 
                                                      to 30 June      to 30 June    to 31 December 
                                                     (unaudited)     & restated)         (audited) 
           Profit for the period attributable 
            to owners of the Company before 
            BA adjustment                                 25,879           6,859            35,950 
            Net BA adjustment                             15,209           1,509            57,571 
                                                   -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
            Earnings used in basic and 
             diluted EPS                                  41,088           8,368            93,521 
                                                   -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                                                          Number          Number            Number 
                                                            '000            '000              '000 
            Weighted average number of 
             shares in issue in period 
            - used in basic EPS                           39,636          39,636            39,636 
           - dilutive effect of outstanding 
            share options                                     48              48                48 
                                                   -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
            - used in diluted EPS                         39,684          39,684            39,684 
                                                   -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
                   Shares in issue at period end          39,976          39,976            39,976 
          Less: Treasury shares                            (340)           (340)             (340) 
                                                   -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
          Shares in issue at period end 
           excluding treasury shares                      39,636          39,636            39,636 
                                                   -------------  --------------  ---------------- 
          Basic EPS before BA adjustment                65.29cts        17.30cts          90.70cts 
          Basic EPS after BA adjustment                103.66cts        21.11cts         235.95cts 
          Dilutive EPS before BA adjustment             65.21cts        17.28cts          90.59cts 
          Dilutive EPS after BA adjustment             103.54cts        21.09cts         235.67cts 
   9.         Fair value measurement of financial instruments 

IAS 34 requires that interim financial statements include certain of the disclosures about fair value of financial instruments set out in IFRS 13 and IFRS 7. These disclosures include the classification of fair values within a three-level hierarchy. The three levels are defined based on the observability of significant inputs to the measurement, as follows:

-- Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

-- Level 2 - inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly;

   --        Level 3 - unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. 

The following tables show the Levels within the hierarchy of Group's assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis at 30 June 2014, 30 June 2013 and 30 December 2013:

                             Level 1    Level    Level 3      Total 
    30 June 2014                $000     $000       $000       $000 
----------------------  ------------  -------  ---------  --------- 
    Biological assets              -        -    304,156    304,156 
    Land                           -        -    153,756    153,756 
                             Level 1    Level    Level 3      Total 
    30 June 2013                $000     $000       $000       $000 
----------------------  ------------  -------  ---------  --------- 
    Biological assets              -        -    215,117    215,117 
    Land                           -        -    143,792    143,792 
                             Level 1    Level    Level 3      Total 
    31 December 2013            $000     $000       $000       $000 
----------------------  ------------  -------  ---------  --------- 
    Biological assets              -        -    265,835    265,835 
    Land                           -        -    149,871    149,871 

There were no items classified under Level 1 and Level 2 and thus no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2 during the periods.

The methodology used for biological asset valuations is using discounted cash flow ("DCF") over the expected 20-year economic life of the asset. The assumption applied in the valuation were, inter alia, an assumed CPO selling price of $725/mt (30 June 2013 and 31 December 2013: $700/mt), discount rate of 15.8% (30 June 2013: 17.5%, 31 December 2013: 15.8%) and notional rent equivalent to 9% (30 June 2013 and 31 December 2013: 9%) of the value of planted land. The discount rates were determined by the Directors based on their assessment of various risks including financial, business and country risk of where the plantations are located as well as taking into account the Company's weighted average cost of capital. The CPO price is taken to be the 10-year average (30 June 2013 and 31 December 2013: 10-year average) rounded to the nearest $25 based on historical widely-quoted commodity price for CPO and represents the Directors' best estimate of the price sustainable over the longer term. An inflation rate of 5% (30 June 2013 and 31 December 2013: 5%) was applied to the second to sixth years of the DCF. The notional rent charge is based on key capital market and property indicators in the countries and regions of operations.

There were no changes in valuation techniques during the periods.

The significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurement of biological assets and its relationship to fair value are exhibited below:

   unobservable inputs      Relationship of unobservable inputs 
                            to fair value 
  CPO selling price       The higher the CPO selling price, the 
                           higher the fair value 
  Discount rate           The higher the discount rate, the lower 
                           the fair value 
  Notional rent           The higher the notional rent, the lower 
                           the fair value 

For the six months ended 30 June 2014, the directors are of the opinion the fair value movements of the land are insignificant as compared to the land value at 31 December 2013 and therefore the land value at 31 December 2013 is adopted as fair value of land at 30 June 2014 except for the adjustment of exchange differences. The fair values of the land at 31 December 2013 for five major companies in Indonesia and a Malaysia company are derived using the sale comparison approach. Although there is observable market data, there is a significant degree of judgement in determining the adjustments required in deriving at the final land valuation. Sale prices of comparable land in similar location are adjusted for differences in key attributes such as location, legal title, land area, land type and topography. The valuation model is based on price per hectare. The growth rates per hectare obtained by comparing the current valuation against the valuation undertaken in year 2011 were then applied to the 2011 land value of the remaining companies in the same geographical location to derive year 2013 fair value of land. Unplantable land was excluded in this exercise since it has zero value.

The fair value of the following financial assets and liabilities approximate their carrying amount:

   --        Non-current receivables 
   --        Trade and other receivables 
   --        Cash and cash equivalents 
   --        Borrowings 
   --        Trade and other payables 
   10.        Report and financial information 

Copies of the interim report for the Group for the period ended 30 June 2014 are available on the AEP website at www.angloeastern.co.uk.

This information is provided by RNS

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