25 August 2010 
Admiral announces another record half-year profit and continued strong growth. 
Profit before tax at  GBP126.9 million was 21% ahead of H1 2009, whilst turnover 
rose 33% to  GBP720.5 million.  The Board is declaring a record interim dividend 
payment of 32.6p per share. 
H1 2010 Highlights 
  * Group profit before tax up 21% at  GBP126.9 million (H1 2009:  GBP105.3 million) 
  *  Interim dividend up 18% at 32.6p per share (2009 interim: 27.7p) 
  * Group turnover* up 33% at  GBP720.5 million (H1 2009:  GBP540.1 million) 
  * Group net revenue up 22% at  GBP296.4 million (H1 2009:  GBP243.1 million) 
  * Group customers up 23% to 2.37 million from 1.92 million at 30 June 2009 
  * UK ancillary income per vehicle increased 5% to  GBP74.50 (H1 2009:  GBP70.80) 
  * Non-UK car insurance turnover up 51% to  GBP37.1 million and customers up 53% 
    to 154,100 
  * Balumba, the Spanish car insurance operation, made a profit for the first 
    time (of EUR25,000) 
  * LeLynx.fr and Chiarezza.it, the French and Italian price comparison sites 
    launched in early 2010 
  * Employee Share Scheme - over  GBP6 million of shares will be distributed to 
    over 4,000 staff based on the H1 2010 result 
* Turnover is defined as total premiums written (including  co-insurers' share) 
and other revenue 
Comment from Henry Engelhardt, Group Chief Executive 
"2010 is shaping up to be a year of great opportunity and I'm extremely proud of 
how everyone at Admiral has stepped up to the challenge. Their hard work has 
resulted in a decent set of numbers: turnover was up by a third, profits have 
grown by over 20% and we will soon be paying a record dividend. 
"The UK car insurance business continues to be the driving force behind our 
success and in the first half of 2010 we shifted up yet another gear. We 
increased premium rates by around 14% in the first half and increased customer 
numbers by 23% year-on-year.  The combined effect was an increase in total 
premiums written of 37%. These results demonstrate the strength of our UK model, 
which combines competitive prices with great service. 
"Of course there are challenges; our operations outside the UK and the Confused 
price comparison business are not as strong.  Yes, Balumba, our insurance 
operation in Spain, made its first half-yearly profit (EUR25,000), but it still 
has work to do as an underwriter to build a sustainable, profitable, growing 
business.  In sum we now insure more than 150,000 vehicles outside the UK 
covering four countries. In the first part of next year we plan to launch an 
insurance operation in France as the final part of our five-year strategic plan. 
We also have three fledgling price comparison businesses outside the UK, two of 
which launched this year. 
"All in all we're pleased with the numbers for the first half of 2010. As a 
result, every member of staff will receive  GBP1,500 of free shares in the Group, 
worth over  GBP6 million in total." 
Comment from Alastair Lyons, Group Chairman 
"With a further advance in first half profits we are delighted once again to be 
able to declare an increase in our interim dividend, up 18% to 32.6 pence per 
ordinary share.  This represents 97% of after-tax earnings for the first six 
months of 2010, testament to the strength of Admiral's business model of strong 
growth, profitability and a high return on capital." 
Interim dividend 
The interim dividend of 32.6p per share will be paid on 20 October 2010.  The 
ex-dividend date is 6 October 2010, the record date 8 October 2010. 
Management presentation 
Analysts and investors will be able to access the Admiral Group management 
presentation which commences at 9.00am on Wednesday 25 August 2010 by dialling 
+44 (0)20 3059 5754 and using participant password "Admiral".  A copy of the 
presentation slides will be available at www.admiralgroup.co.uk. 
A pdf version of this interim results announcement is also available at 
Business Review 
Group financial highlights and key performance indicators 
                       H1 2008   H1 2009 | H1 2010 |       FY 2009 
                                         |         | 
                                         |         | 
                                         |         | 
 Turnover               GBP463.4m    GBP540.1m |  GBP720.5m |      GBP1,077.4m 
                                         |         | 
 Net revenue            GBP204.0m    GBP243.1m |  GBP296.4m |        GBP507.5m 
                                         |         | 
 Number of customers     1.63m     1.92m |   2.37m |         2.08m 
                                         |         | 
 Loss ratio              65.0%     67.0% |   67.8% |         69.0% 
                                         |         | 
 Expense ratio           20.8%     22.0% |   21.5% |         23.1% 
                                         |         | 
 Combined ratio          85.8%     89.0% |   89.3% |         92.1% 
                                         |         | 
 Profit before tax      GBP100.3m    GBP105.3m |  GBP126.9m |        GBP215.8m 
                                         |         | 
 Earnings per share      27.3p     28.5p |   33.7p |         59.0p 
Turnover comprises total premiums written and other revenue 
Driven predominantly by the UK Car Insurance business, the Group has seen 
significant growth in the first half of 2010.  Turnover grew by over 33% to  GBP721 
million, whilst the number of customers served across the Group increased by 
23% to nearly 2.4 million. 
Profit also grew strongly, rising at the pre-tax level by 21% to  GBP126.9 
million.  Earnings per share rose 18% to 33.7p. 
Total premiums written outside the UK rose to  GBP34 million (50% higher than H1 
'09) and the number of customers grew at a similar rate (to 154,100).  Balumba, 
the Group's Spanish car insurer made its first half-yearly profit, and whilst 
the result was less than  GBP0.1 million, this is an encouraging step. 
Two new price comparison businesses were launched in the first half of the 
year:  Based in Paris, LeLynx.fr began trading in January and Chiarezza.it 
launched the following month in Milan. 
The main highlights of the first half of the year however were in the UK Car 
Insurance business.  These (set out in more detail below) included:  a 23% 
increase in vehicles insured, a 37% rise in total premiums written, material 
increases in premium rates and increasing ancillary profit (both in total and 
per vehicle). 
The proposed dividend for the first half of the year of 32.6p represents 97% of 
post-tax profits and is 18% higher than the interim 2009 dividend. 
UK Car Insurance - Financial Performance 
Non-GAAP(*1) format income statement 
  GBPm                              H1 2008   H1 2009 | H1 2010 |     FY 2009 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 Turnover(*2)                      407.2     470.1 |   639.4 |       939.1 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
 Total premiums written(*3)        350.1     404.6 |   555.8 |       804.7 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 Net insurance premium revenue                     |         | 
                                    73.5      94.6 |   117.2 |       199.1 
                                                   |         | 
 Investment income                   8.9       5.7 |     3.2 |         7.5 
                                                   |         | 
 Net insurance claims             (48.0)    (63.6) |  (81.0) |     (138.7) 
                                                   |         | 
 Net insurance expenses           (10.9)    (14.2) |  (16.1) |      (30.3) 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 Underwriting profit                23.5      22.5 |    23.3 |        37.6 
                                                   |         | 
 Profit commission                  14.3      22.7 |    36.9 |        54.2 
                                                   |         | 
 Net ancillary income               44.1      51.5 |    65.5 |       106.3 
                                                   |         | 
 Other revenues                      4.1       4.5 |     5.8 |         8.8 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 UK Car Insurance profit            86.0     101.2 |   131.5 |       206.9 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
*1 GAAP = Generally Accepted Accounting Practice 
*2 Turnover (a non-GAAP measure) comprises total premiums written and other 
*3 Total premiums written (non-GAAP) includes premium underwritten by 
Key performance indicators 
                                     H1 2008   H1 2009 | H1 2010 |     FY 2009 
                                                       |         | 
                                                       |         | 
                                                       |         | 
 Reported loss ratio                   62.0%     64.2% |   65.9% |       66.9% 
                                                       |         | 
 Reported expense ratio                18.1%     17.9% |   17.0% |       18.0% 
                                                       |         | 
 Reported combined ratio               80.1%     82.1% |   82.9% |       84.9% 
                                                       |         | 
                                                       |         | 
                                                       |         | 
 Written basis expense ratio           17.2%     16.7% |   14.6% |       16.9% 
                                                       |         | 
                                                       |         | 
                                                       |         | 
 Claims reserve releases               GBP18.4m     GBP18.4m |   GBP17.3m |       GBP31.3m 
                                                       |         | 
 Releases as % of premium              25.0%     19.4% |   14.8% |       15.7% 
                                                       |         | 
 Profit commission as % of premium                     |         | 
                                       19.4%     24.0% |   31.5% |       27.2% 
                                                       |         | 
 Vehicles insured at year-end          1.48m     1.73m |   2.12m |       1.86m 
                                                       |         | 
 Ancillary income per vehicle           GBP71.1      GBP70.8 |    GBP74.5 |        GBP72.0 
UK Car Insurance - Co-insurance and Reinsurance 
Admiral retains a net 27.5% of UK premiums in 2010 (in line with 2009).  45% of 
total UK premium is underwritten by the Munich Re Group (specifically Great 
Lakes Reinsurance (UK) Plc) under a long-term co-insurance agreement (running 
until at least the end of 2016), whilst 27.5% is proportionally reinsured to 
Hannover Re (10.0%) New Re (10.0%) and Swiss Re (7.5%). 
The nature of the co-insurance is such that 45% of all motor premium and claims 
for the current year accrues directly to Great Lakes and does not appear in the 
Group's income statement.  Similarly, Great Lakes reimburses the Group for its 
proportional share of expenses incurred in acquiring and administering the motor 
The profit commission terms in all the agreements allow Admiral to participate 
to a large extent in the profitability of the total underwriting, and the most 
recent reinsurance contracts allow for a significant proportion of the profit to 
be remitted back to Admiral. 
UK Car Insurance Financial Performance 
The core UK business grew significantly in the first half of the year, ending 
with 2.12 million vehicles insured - 23% higher than a year earlier and 14% up 
on the end of December 2009.  As a result of rising rates, total premiums 
written increased by the faster rate of 37% to  GBP556 million. 
Although estimations of the extent vary, it seems clear that market prices are 
increasing as car insurers react to very poor results and reported increases in 
losses arising from bodily injury claims.  Admiral's rates in the first half of 
the year increased by around 14%, making rates around 22% higher than a year 
earlier.  The continued development in price comparison as a distribution 
channel (we estimate around 17% year-on-year growth) accounts for the majority 
of the growth in the first half of the year. 
The market combined ratio for 2009 was the worst result (122%) since the late 
1990's.  Based on external actuarial projections, Admiral's combined ratio for 
the 2009 accident year is estimated at 91% - over 30 points better than the 
market, with the outperformance split evenly between the loss and expense ratio 
A number of insurers have reported an unexpected surge in bodily injury claims 
costs as a key reason for the worsening results.  Admiral's claims experience 
over the past 18 months has not included any unusual trends in bodily injury or 
damage claims.  Claims frequency overall has continued a long-term downward 
trend, though bodily injury frequency being relatively flat has led to these 
claims constituting a larger proportion of the total than historically. 
Admiral's reported loss ratio for the first half of 2010 is 65.9% (H1 '09: 
64.2%), improved by positive prior year development of around 14.8% or  GBP17.3 
million (H1 '09: 19.4%,  GBP18.4 million).  The loss ratio with the effect of prior 
year movements excluded, improved to 80.6% in H1 2010 compared to 83.6% in H1 
Admiral's policy is initially to reserve conservatively, above independent 
actuarial projections of the ultimate outcomes.  This results in a significant 
margin being held in reserves to allow for unforeseen adverse development in 
open claims and creates a position whereby Admiral makes above industry average 
reserve releases. 
In determining the quantum of releases from prior years, we seek to maintain a 
consistent level of prudence in reserves, taken together with 'reserves' of 
profit commission based on actuarial projections of ultimate loss ratios that 
are yet to be recognised at the balance sheet date. 
The expense ratio (on both a reported and written basis) improved in the first 
half of 2010.  This was partly a benefit of increasing average premiums, but 
also due to continued focus on cost control through the business.  For 
reference, Admiral's written basis expense ratio for the current period was 
around 15%, compared to 29% for the market in 2009. 
Admiral's UK underwriting result was broadly flat at around  GBP23 million in H1 
'10 compared to H1 '09, reflecting a slightly higher reported combined ratio and 
lower investment income offset by a significant (24%) increase in net earned 
Profit commission income from co-insurance and reinsurance partners continues to 
develop as a significant contributor to profit.  In H1 '10 profit commission 
(all of which was earned on premium earned in prior years) amounted to  GBP36.9 
million, or 31.5% of earned premium.  This compares favourably to  GBP22.7 million 
in H1 '09 (24.0% of premium).  The increasing contribution is due to the 
materially more favourable commission terms on more recent underwriting years. 
Ancillary profit also grew in the first half of the year - both in total (to 
 GBP65.5 million, up 27%) and per vehicle (to  GBP74.5 from  GBP72.0 in 2009 as a 
whole).  There were no notable changes in the component parts, and the 
improvement was largely due to increased margins on certain products. 
The strong performance across the core business led to a significant 30% 
increase in pre-tax profit to  GBP131.5 million ( GBP101.2 million in H1 '09). 
Price Comparison - Financial Performance 
Non-GAAP format income statement 
  GBPm                        H1 2008   H1 2009 | H1 2010 |     FY 2009 
                                             |         | 
                                             |         | 
                                             |         | 
 Revenue:                                    |         | 
                                             |         | 
 Motor                        29.8      31.3 |    29.9 |        62.2 
                                             |         | 
 Other                         6.8       8.9 |     8.1 |        18.3 
                         --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
 Total                        36.6      40.2 |    38.0 |        80.5 
                                             |         | 
                                             |         | 
                                             |         | 
 Operating expenses         (21.0)    (29.2) |  (30.9) |      (55.6) 
                         --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                             |         | 
                                             |         | 
 Operating profit             15.6      11.0 |     7.1 |        24.9 
                                             |         | 
                                             |         | 
                                             |         | 
 Confused.com (UK)            15.6      11.0 |     8.8 |        25.7 
                                             |         | 
 Non-UK Price Comparison         -         - |   (1.7) |       (0.8) 
UK Price Comparison - Confused.com 
As the results suggest, Confused endured a tough start to 2010, with falls in 
revenue, profit and margin. 
The key factor behind the disappointing results was an unsuccessful TV 
advertising campaign which ran during the first half of the year.  Success in 
price comparison depends heavily on marketing (predominantly TV), with consumers 
responding to the best campaign.  Confused moved from being the leading price 
comparison site for car insurance (by market share) in 2009 to being second in 
H1 '10. 
Revenue at Confused in H1 '10 reduced by around 10% to  GBP36.6 million (from  GBP40.2 
million in the first half of 2009), whilst pre-tax profit fell by around 20% to 
 GBP8.8 million.  The operating margin also fell to around 25%.  Non-car insurance 
revenue was stable in H1 '10 compared to H1 '09 as a proportion of total 
Confused has responded quickly, pulling back on TV spend in the middle of 2010 
in advance of rolling out a new campaign in the second half of the year.  There 
is also increased focus on cost control in the business. 
Non-UK Price Comparison - Rastreator.com, LeLynx.fr and Chiarezza.it 
Total revenue from price comparison operations outside the UK continues to grow, 
albeit as would be expected on a modest scale in the Group context.  H1 '10 
revenue reached around  GBP1.4 million compared to practically nothing in the first 
half of 2009, whilst operating losses from the three combined businesses 
totalled  GBP1.7 million in the first half of the year. 
Rastreator.com had a positive start to 2010, and continues to grow the number of 
visitors to the site, quotes generated and revenue earned.  Rastreator also 
added home insurance to its offering late in the period, and now offers car, 
motorcycle and household comparison services. 
Two highlights of the first half of 2010 were the successful, on-time and 
under-budget launches of two new European price comparison businesses: 
LeLynx.fr, our French aggregator is based in Paris and began trading in January, 
advertising on TV for the first time in June.  The following month, 
Chiarezza.it, our Italian price comparison site launched in Milan. 
As should be expected, the results for these two brand new businesses are not 
yet significant. 
Non-UK Car Insurance - Financial Performance 
Non-GAAP format income statement 
  GBPm                              H1 2008   H1 2009 | H1 2010 |     FY 2009 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 Turnover                           14.7      24.5 |    37.1 |        47.2 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
 Total premiums written             13.0      22.6 |    34.0 |        43.0 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 Net insurance premium revenue                     |         | 
                                     3.5       5.9 |     8.1 |        12.8 
                                                   |         | 
 Investment income                   0.2       0.1 |     0.1 |         0.2 
                                                   |         | 
 Net insurance claims              (4.5)     (6.5) |   (7.8) |      (13.0) 
                                                   |         | 
 Net insurance expenses            (2.7)     (5.2) |   (7.1) |      (13.0) 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 Underwriting result               (3.5)     (5.7) |   (6.7) |      (13.0) 
                                                   |         | 
 Net ancillary income                1.3       1.4 |     2.4 |         3.3 
                                                   |         | 
 Other revenues                      0.1       0.2 |     0.2 |         0.2 
                               --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
 Non-UK Car Insurance result       (2.1)     (4.1) |   (4.1) |       (9.5) 
                                                   |         | 
                                                   |         | 
Note - Pre-launch costs excluded 
Key Performance Indicators 
|H1 2010             Balumba AdmiralDirekt  ConTe Elephant Auto   Total| 
|                                                                      | 
|                                                                      | 
|                                                                      | 
|Total premiums ( GBPm)    10.6           8.6   12.6           2.2    34.0| 
|                                                                      | 
|Vehicles insured     61,400        31,300 57,900         3,500 154,100| 
|                                                                      | 
|Result ( GBPm)               -         (1.6)  (1.7)         (0.8)   (4.1)| 
 H1 2009 
 Total premiums ( GBPm)     8.1          11.4    3.1             -    22.6 
 Vehicles insured     48,100        37,500 14,900             - 100,500 
 Result ( GBPm)           (1.0)         (2.2)  (0.9)             -   (4.1) 
 FY 2009 
 Total premiums ( GBPm)    17.8          14.0   11.1           0.1    43.0 
 Vehicles insured     50,300        35,000 35,500           200 121,000 
 Result ( GBPm)           (1.3)         (5.2)  (2.4)         (0.6)   (9.5) 
Note - Pre-launch costs excluded 
Non-UK Co-insurance and Reinsurance 
The risk sharing model that has been a feature of the UK business since 2000 is 
also used in Europe and the USA.  As well as providing the capital for the 
majority of the underwriting, in return for a share of future profits, our 
co-insurance and reinsurance partners bear their proportional share of the 
post-launch expenses as well as the underwriting in all non-UK operations. 
The arrangements in each market in Europe are similar and involve Admiral 
retaining 35% of the risks, the majority share of 65% being underwritten by 
Munich Re. 
In the USA, Admiral's US insurer retains one third of the risks generated from 
January 2010, with the remaining two thirds split equally between Hannover Re 
and Munich Re.  Both reinsurers bear their proportional share of expenses and 
underwriting, subject to certain caps on the reinsurers' total exposures. 
All contracts have profit commission terms that allow Admiral to receive a 
proportion of the profit earned on the underwriting once the business reaches 
cumulative profitability. 
The contracts in place for Germany, Italy and the USA include proportional 
sharing of ancillary profits. 
Non-UK Car Insurance Financial Performance 
The Group now has four operational car insurance businesses trading outside the 
UK - three in mainland Europe and one in Virginia in the US.  Balumba (Spain), 
the oldest, having launched in October 2006, achieved its first half-yearly 
profit in H1 '10, and although the result was less than  GBP0.1 million, this is a 
significant and encouraging milestone in our international plans. 
Total premium written outside the UK rose by 50% to  GBP34.0 million from  GBP22.6 
million in H1 '09.  The number of vehicles insured rose at a similar rate, to 
over 154,000 from 100,500 a year earlier (and grew 27% compared to 31 December 
In total, the four businesses made a loss of  GBP4.1 million, which is in line with 
the first half of 2009.  To put this result into context, it equates to only 3% 
of the profits in our UK car insurance business and demonstrates our cautious 
approach to expansion. 
Balumba (Spain) 
Balumba continued to grow its customer base in the first half of the year and 
ended with 61,400 vehicles insured - 28% more than a year earlier, and 22% above 
31 December 2009.  Excluding currency effects, total premiums written grew by 
around one third to  GBP10.6 million. 
As noted, Balumba made a small profit in the first half of the year, with a net 
underwriting loss of  GBP2.1 million being slightly more than offset by ancillary 
profits.  Ancillary profit remains strong, with over EUR80 per vehicle being 
earned over the period (up over 10% on H1 '09). 
There continues to be significant focus on the loss ratio, and whilst bad 
weather has contributed to the 2010 year loss ratio being higher than 2009 at 
the same (very early) point in time, management are satisfied with developments 
in this area, hence the decision to continue to grow the business. 
Balumba - loss ratio development triangle 
                       Underwriting year 
                   2007   2008   2009   2010 
 After 6 months    149%   108%    79%    95% 
 After 18 months   136%   108%    91%      - 
 After 30 months   134%   110%      -      - 
 After 42 months   133%      -      -      - 
The focus in Spain remains on continuing to grow the portfolio at an acceptable 
acquisition cost, whilst remaining focussed on achieving an acceptable loss 
AdmiralDirekt (Germany) 
Having experienced a very tough year in 2009, management pulled back on new 
business acquisition in Germany by raising rates substantially before the busy 
season in Q4 2009.  This has led to a 25% fall in premiums written, to  GBP8.6 
million, from  GBP11.4 million.  The number of cars insured has also fallen, by 
17% to 31,300. 
One effect of this has been to significantly rebalance the portfolio in favour 
of renewal business, which tends to bring a notably better loss ratio.  This is 
seen in the loss ratio development below. 
AdmiralDirekt - loss ratio development triangle 
                   Underwriting year 
                   2008   2009   2010 
 After 6 months    118%   124%    85% 
 After 18 months   134%   104%      - 
 After 30 months   124%      -      - 
The lower customer count and associated net premium revenue, combined with a 
significantly better combined ratio (largely loss ratio driven) have meant 
AdmiralDirekt made a smaller loss of ÂGBP1.6 million in H1 '10, compared to  GBP2.2 
million in the first half of 2009. 
Management's current focus is to continue developing a low cost operation, 
whilst striving to further improve the loss ratio. 
ConTe (Italy) 
ConTe has grown significantly over the period, reaching almost 58,000 vehicles 
insured at the end of June 2010 - 63% more than at the 2009 year-end and making 
the business nearly four times bigger than at the end of June 2009.  At the same 
time ConTe has (in line with the Italian market) increased its premium rates 
significantly (around 22% in cumulative terms over the past two years), which 
should further benefit the loss ratio. 
ConTe's loss ratio development below shows that for the 2008 and 2009 years, 
initial reserving did not fully reflect the outcomes, with notable late claims 
reporting an important factor.  Management have made significant changes to 
estimating techniques for claims incurred but not reported (IBNR), and the loss 
ratio recorded for 2010 below includes a significantly greater allowance for 
this element. 
ConTe - loss ratio development triangle 
                   Underwriting year 
                   2008   2009   2010 
 After 6 months       -    59%    83% 
 After 18 months    98%   103%      - 
 After 30 months   121%      -      - 
The substantial increase in the size of the business, combined with a focus on 
cost control have contributed to a positive expense ratio for the period - 
around 50% on a written basis (the best of all the non-UK operations). 
ConTe made a loss of  GBP1.7 million in the period. 
Elephant Auto (USA) 
Having only started advertising at the start of 2010, Elephant's results are not 
yet significant, with only 3,500 cars insured at the end of June, and just over 
 GBP2 million in written premiums.  The loss ratio for the 2010 year at the end of 
June appeared to be developing satisfactorily (at 70%), albeit on very small 
earned premium. 
Elephant currently underwrites in Virginia only, though is actively researching 
expansion into another state. 
The Group plans to launch a French car insurer in early 2011.  Further 
information on this launch will be provided in the 2010 Annual Report. 
Other Group Items 
  GBPm                           H1 2008   H1 2009 | H1 2010 |     FY 2009 
                                                |         | 
                                                |         | 
                                                |         | 
 Gladiator operating profit       1.5       1.4 |     1.5 |         2.4 
                                                |         | 
 Group net interest income        3.5       1.1 |     0.3 |         1.1 
                                                |         | 
 Share scheme charges           (3.0)     (3.4) |   (7.5) |       (9.2) 
                                                |         | 
 Expansion costs                (0.4)     (1.0) |   (0.9) |       (2.0) 
                                                |         | 
 Other central overhead         (0.8)     (0.8) |   (1.0) |       (1.7) 
Gladiator is the Group's commercial vehicle insurance broker offering van 
insurance and associated products. 
Non GAAP income statement and key performance indicators 
  GBPm                 H1 2008   H1 2009 | H1 2010 |     FY 2009 
                                      |         | 
                                      |         | 
                                      |         | 
 Revenue                4.9       5.3 |     6.0 |        10.6 
                                      |         | 
 Expenses             (3.4)     (3.9) |   (4.5) |       (8.2) 
                  --------------------+---------+   ---------- 
                                      |         | 
                                      |         | 
 Operating profit       1.5       1.4 |     1.5 |         2.4 
                                      |         | 
                                      |         | 
                                      |         | 
 Operating margin       31%       26% |     25% |         23% 
                                      |         | 
 Customer numbers    75,800    89,400 |  95,500 |      93,400 
The business has delivered stable profits over the past few periods, achieving a 
result of  GBP1.5 million in H1 '10 on modestly higher revenue and customer 
numbers.  The operating margin was also in line with H1 '09. 
Other income statement items 
Other notable items in the income statement are: 
  * Significantly increased share scheme charges ( GBP7.5 million in H1 '10 v  GBP3.4 
    million in H1 '09) - reflects a number of factors including: increased staff 
    numbers, a higher share price driving higher accounting charges on recent 
    schemes and higher vesting assumptions 
  * Net interest income - continued substantial fall in interest income, 
    reflecting significantly lower cash returns available 
Investments and Cash 
Investment strategy 
There has been no notable change in the Group's investment strategy, though 
there has been a continued move into fixed-term cash deposits and away from 
money market funds in order to generate some additional return without 
materially altering risk.  A large proportion of our funds continue to be highly 
The key element of Group-wide investment strategy is capital preservation, with 
additional priorities focussing on low volatility in returns and high levels of 
Cash and investments analysis 
                                           30 June 2010 
                                                          Non-UK Car 
                  UK Car Insurance Price Comparison        Insurance Other Total 
                                 GBPm                GBPm                GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
Liquidity money              233.5                -             27.6     - 261.1 
market funds 
Long-term cash               249.0                -              3.9  39.0 291.9 
Cash                         102.5              7.3             23.0  32.6 165.4 
Total                        585.0              7.3             54.5  71.6 718.4 
                                           30 June 2009 
                                                          Non-UK Car 
                  UK Car Insurance Price Comparison        Insurance Other Total 
                                 GBPm                GBPm                GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
Liquidity money              324.3                -             25.0  41.0 390.3 
market funds 
Long-term cash               100.0                -                -     - 100.0 
Cash                          52.6             15.0             17.6  11.0  96.2 
Total                        476.9             15.0             42.6  52.0 586.5 
                                         31 December 2009 
                                                          Non-UK Car 
                  UK Car Insurance Price Comparison        Insurance Other Total 
                                 GBPm                GBPm                GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
Liquidity money              208.5                -             29.2     - 237.7 
market funds 
Long-term cash               178.5                -              5.0     - 183.5 
Short-term cash                  -                -                -  20.0  20.0 
Cash                         112.9              9.0             21.3  48.6 191.8 
Total                        499.9              9.0             55.5  68.6 633.0 
As experienced in 2009, the Group's investment strategy will inevitably generate 
very low investment returns when benchmark interest rates are also very low. 
Across the Group in H1 '10, total investment and interest income amounted to 
 GBP3.6 million, compared to  GBP6.9 million in the first half of last year.  The 
annualised rate of return on sterling funds was around 1%. 
Cash inflow continues to be strong, and the Group continues to be able to 
distribute the vast majority of post-tax profits as dividends.  There is no 
Other financial items 
The taxation charge reported in the income statement is  GBP36.9 million (H1 '09: 
 GBP29.9 million), which equates to 29.1% (H1 '09: 28.4%) of profit before tax. 
Earnings per share 
Basic earnings per share increased by 18% to 33.7p from 28.5p.  This rate of 
growth is below the rate of growth in pre-tax profit (21%) in part due to 
increased issued share capital and part to the higher effective tax rate noted 
The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 32.6p.  This comprises a 
15.1p normal element (based on 45% of post-tax profit for the period) plus a 
17.5p special distribution, and represents an increase of 18% on the interim 
dividend paid in respect of 2009.  The Group's approach to dividends is to 
distribute available surplus funds, after taking account of required solvency, 
provision for expansion plans and a margin for contingencies. 
The payment date is 20 October 2010, ex-dividend date 6 October and record date 
8 October. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group's operations remain 
consistent with those disclosed in the 2009 Annual Report. 
Condensed consolidated income statement 
                                            6 months ended        Year ended 
                                            30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 
                                               2010    2009 
                                       Note       GBPm       GBPm                GBPm 
 Insurance premium revenue              3     244.1   178.9            386.4 
 Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers  3   (118.8)  (78.4)          (174.5) 
 Net insurance premium revenue                125.3   100.5            211.9 
 Other revenue                          4     130.6   113.0            232.6 
 Profit commission                      5      36.9    22.7             54.2 
 Investment and interest income         6       3.6     6.9              8.8 
 Net revenue                                  296.4   243.1            507.5 
 Insurance claims and claims handling 
   expenses                                 (174.1) (129.4)          (283.1) 
 Insurance claims and claims handling 
   expenses recovered from reinsurers          85.2    59.2            131.4 
 Net insurance claims                        (88.9)  (70.2)          (151.7) 
 Expenses                               7    (73.1)  (64.2)          (130.8) 
 Share scheme charges                   20    (7.5)   (3.4)            (9.2) 
 Total expenses                             (169.5) (137.8)          (291.7) 
 Profit before tax                            126.9   105.3            215.8 
 Taxation expense                       8    (36.9)  (29.9)           (58.9) 
 Profit after tax                              90.0    75.4            156.9 
 Profit after tax attributable to: 
 Equity holders of the parent                  90.3    75.4            156.9 
 Non-controlling interests                    (0.3)       -                - 
                                               90.0    75.4            156.9 
 Earnings per share: 
 Basic                                  9     33.7p   28.5p            59.0p 
 Diluted                                9     33.7p   28.4p            59.0p 
|Dividends paid (total)                 10     78.3    69.6            142.4| 
|                                                                           | 
|Dividends paid (per share)             10    29.8p   26.5p            54.2p| 
Condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income 
                                         6 months ended        Year ended 
                                         30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 
                                            2010    2009 
                                               GBPm       GBPm                GBPm 
Profit for the period                       90.0    75.4            156.9 
Other comprehensive income 
Exchange differences on translation 
  of foreign operations                    (2.6)   (6.5)            (5.3) 
Other comprehensive income for the 
  period, net of income tax                (2.6)   (6.5)            (5.3) 
Total comprehensive income for the          87.4    68.9            151.6 
Condensed consolidated statement of financial position 
                                                             As at: 
                                                30 June 30 June 31 December 2009 
                                                   2010    2009 
                                          Note        GBPm       GBPm                GBPm 
Property, plant and equipment              11      11.7    11.5             12.1 
Intangible assets                          12      79.1    78.2             77.0 
Reinsurance assets                         14     283.0   195.7            212.9 
Financial assets                           13     827.7   688.2            630.9 
Deferred tax                               17       1.2       -                - 
Trade and other receivables                15      45.9    36.2             32.7 
Cash and cash equivalents                  16     165.4    96.2            211.8 
Total assets                                    1,414.0 1,106.0          1,177.4 
Share capital                              20       0.3     0.3              0.3 
Share premium account                              13.1    13.1             13.1 
Other reserves                                      2.4     3.8              5.0 
Retained earnings                                 306.3   264.4            281.8 
 Total equity attributable to equity 
holders of the parent                             322.1   281.6            300.2 
Non-controlling interests                           0.3       -              0.6 
Total equity                                      322.4   281.6            300.8 
Insurance contracts                        14     643.8   491.2            532.9 
Deferred tax                               17         -    12.2              5.7 
Trade and other payables                   18     407.8   293.1            306.8 
Current tax liabilities                            40.0    27.9             31.2 
Total liabilities                               1,091.6   824.4            876.6 
Total equity and total liabilities              1,414.0 1,106.0          1,177.4 
 Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows 
                                           6 months ended             Year ended 
                                      30 June 2010 30 June 2009 31 December 2009 
                                                 GBPm            GBPm                GBPm 
Profit after tax                              90.0         75.4            156.9 
Adjustments for non-cash items: 
- Depreciation                                 2.5          2.4              5.1 
- Amortisation of software                     1.0          0.8              2.2 
- Change in unrealised gains on                                              0.2 
investments                                  (1.7)        (1.0) 
 -Other gains and losses                       0.3            -              2.9 
- Share scheme charge                          9.9          6.4             13.7 
Change in gross insurance contract           110.9         51.6             93.4 
Change in reinsurance assets                (70.2)       (25.1)           (42.3) 
 Change in trade and other 
receivables, including from                 (80.5)       (33.3)           (41.1) 
 Change in trade and other 
payables, including tax and social           101.1         22.6             36.5 
Taxation expense                              36.9         29.9             58.9 
 Cash flows from operating 
activities, before movements in              200.2        129.7            286.4 
Net cash flow into investments held        (130.5)       (78.5)           (10.5) 
at fair value 
 Cash flows from operating 
activities, net of movements in               69.7         51.2            275.9 
Taxation payments                           (32.2)       (18.1)           (49.1) 
Net cash flow from operating                  37.5         33.1            226.8 
Cash flows from investing 
 Purchases of property, plant and 
equipment  and software                      (2.9)        (5.7)           (11.8) 
 Proceeds from the disposals of 
property, plant, equipment and 
software                                         -          0.2                - 
Net cash used in investing                   (2.9)        (5.5)           (11.8) 
Cash flows from financing 
Capital element of new finance               (0.1)          0.7              1.4 
Repayment of finance lease                       -        (0.3)            (1.2) 
Equity dividends paid                       (78.3)       (69.6)          (142.4) 
Net cash used in financing                  (78.4)       (69.2)          (142.2) 
 Net decrease in cash and cash 
equivalents                                 (43.8)       (41.6)             72.8 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1               211.8        144.3            144.3 
Effects of changes in foreign                (2.6)        (6.5)            (5.3) 
exchange rates 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
of period                          16        165.4         96.2            211.8 
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity 
                                Share    Foreign   Retained 
                      Share   premium   exchange profit and   Minority     Total 
                    capital   account    reserve       loss   interest    equity 
                          GBPm         GBPm          GBPm          GBPm          GBPm         GBPm 
At 1 January 2009       0.3      13.1       10.3      251.8          -     275.5 
Profit for the            -         -          -       75.4          -      75.4 
Currency                  -         -      (6.5)          -          -     (6.5) 
income for the 
period                    -         -      (6.5)       75.4          -      68.9 
Transactions with 
Dividends                 -         -          -     (69.6)          -    (69.6) 
Share scheme              -         -          -        6.4          -       6.4 
 Deferred tax 
credit on share           -         -          -        0.4 
scheme charge                                                        -       0.4 
transactions with 
equity-holders            -         -          -     (62.8)          -    (62.8) 
As at 30 June           0.3      13.1        3.8      264.4          -     281.6 
At 1 January 2009       0.3      13.1       10.3      251.8          -     275.5 
Profit for the            -         -          -      156.9          -     156.9 
Currency                  -         -      (5.3)          -          -     (5.3) 
income for    the 
period                    -         -      (5.3)      156.9          -     151.6 
Transactions with 
Dividends                 -         -          -    (142.4)          -   (142.4) 
Share scheme              -         -          -       13.7          -      13.7 
 Deferred tax                                                        - 
credit on share 
scheme charge             -         -          -        1.8                  1.8 
 Sale of non                                                       0.6 
interest                  -         -          -          -                  0.6 
transactions with 
equity-holders            -         -          -    (126.9)        0.6   (126.3) 
As at 31 December       0.3      13.1        5.0      281.8        0.6     300.8 
Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity (continued) 
                                 Share    Foreign   Retained 
                       Share   premium   exchange profit and   Minority    Total 
                     capital   account    reserve       loss   interest   equity 
                           GBPm         GBPm          GBPm          GBPm          GBPm        GBPm 
At 1 January 2010        0.3      13.1        5.0      281.8        0.6    300.8 
Profit for the             -         -          -       90.3      (0.3)     90.0 
Currency                   -         -      (2.6)          -          -    (2.6) 
income for the 
period                     -         -      (2.6)       90.3      (0.3)     87.4 
Transactions with 
Dividends                  -         -          -     (78.3)          -   (78.3) 
Share scheme               -         -          -        9.9          -      9.9 
 Deferred tax 
credit on share            -         -          - 
scheme charge                                            2.6          -      2.6 
transactions with 
equity-holders             -         -          -     (65.8)          -   (65.8) 
As at 30 June            0.3      13.1        2.4      306.3        0.3    322.4 
Notes to the condensed interim financial statements 
1. General information and basis of preparation 
Admiral Group plc is a Company incorporated in England and Wales.  Its 
registered office is at Capital Tower, Greyfriars Road, Cardiff CF10 3AZ and its 
shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. 
The condensed interim financial statements comprise the results and balances of 
the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) for the six-month period ended 30 
June 2010 and the comparative periods for the 6-month period ended 30 June 2009 
and the year ended 31 December 2009.  This condensed set of financial statements 
has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as 
adopted by the EU. As required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the 
Financial Services Authority, the condensed set of financial statements has been 
prepared applying the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in 
the preparation of the company's published consolidated financial statements for 
the year ended 31 December 2009. 
The financial statements of the Company's subsidiaries are consolidated in the 
Group financial statements.  In accordance with IAS 24, transactions or balances 
between Group companies that have been eliminated on consolidation are not 
reported as related party transactions. 
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2009 are not 
the company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have 
been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered to the registrar of 
companies. The report of the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include 
a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of 
emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement 
under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The accounts have been prepared on a going concern basis.  In considering the 
appropriateness of this assumption, the Board have reviewed the Group's 
projections for the next twelve months and beyond, including cash flow forecasts 
and regulatory capital surpluses.  The Group has no debt. 
Accounting policies 
The condensed set of interim financial statements have been prepared applying 
the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in the preparation of 
the company's published consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 
December 2009. A number of other IFRS and interpretations have been endorsed by 
the EU in the period to 1 June 2010 and although they have been adopted by the 
Group, none of them has had a material impact on the Group's financial 
Critical accounting judgements and estimates 
The Group's 2009 annual report provides full details of significant judgements 
and estimates used in the application of the Group's accounting policies. There 
have been no significant changes to these judgements and estimates during the 
Estimation techniques used in calculation of claims provisions 
Estimation techniques are used in the calculation of the provisions for claims 
outstanding, which represents a projection of the ultimate cost of settling 
claims that have occurred prior to the balance sheet date and remain unsettled 
at the balance sheet date. 
The key area where these techniques are used relates to the ultimate cost of 
reported claims.  A secondary area relates to the emergence of claims that 
occurred prior to the balance sheet date, but had not been reported at that 
The estimates of the ultimate cost of reported claims are based on the setting 
of claim provisions on a case-by-case basis. 
These provisions are compared with projected ultimate costs using a variety of 
different projection techniques (including incurred and paid chain ladder and an 
average cost of claim approach) to allow an actuarial assessment of their likely 
accuracy and to include allowance for unreported claims. 
The most significant sensitivity in the use of the projection techniques arises 
from any future step change in claims costs, which would cause future claim cost 
inflation to deviate from historic trends.  This is most likely to arise from a 
change in the regulatory or judicial regime that leads to an increase in awards 
or legal costs for bodily injury claims that is significantly above or below the 
historical trend. 
The claims provisions are subject to independent review by the Group's actuarial 
Refer to note 14 for an analysis on the changes in estimates of claims 
provisions for each underwriting year. 
2.     Operating segments 
The Group has four reportable segments, as described below. These segments 
represent the principal split of business that is regularly reported to the 
Group's Board of Directors, which is considered to be the Group's chief 
operating decision maker in line with IFRS 8, operating segments. 
UK Car Insurance 
The segment consists of the underwriting of car insurance and the generation of 
ancillary income in the UK. The Directors consider the results of these 
activities to be reportable as one segment as the activities carried out in 
generating the income are not independent of each other and are performed as one 
business. This mirrors the approach taken in management reporting. 
Price Comparison 
The segment relates to the Group's price comparison websites Confused.com in the 
UK, Rastreator.com in Spain, LeLynx.fr in France and Chiarezza.it in Italy. 
LeLynx and Chiarezza launched in early 2010, and are therefore included in this 
Price Comparison segment for the first time in 2010. 
Non-UK Car Insurance 
The segment consists of the underwriting of car insurance and the generation of 
ancillary income outside of the UK. It specifically covers the Group operations; 
Balumba.es in Spain, AdmiralDirekt.de in Germany, ConTe.it in Italy and Elephant 
Auto in Virginia, USA.  None of these operations are reportable on an individual 
basis, based on the threshold requirements in IFRS 8. 
The 'Other' segment is designed to be comprised all other operating segments 
that do not meet the threshold requirements for individual reporting. Currently 
there is only one such segment, the Gladiator commercial van insurance broking 
operation, and so it is the results and balances of this operation that comprise 
the 'other' segment. 
Taxes are not allocated across the segments and, as with the corporate 
activities, are included in the reconciliation to the Consolidated Income 
Statement and Consolidated Statement of Financial Position. 
Segment income, results and other information 
An analysis of the Group's revenue and results for the period ended 30 June 
2010, by reportable segment are shown below.  The accounting policies of the 
reportable segments are consistent with those presented in note 3 for the Group. 
                                                                    30 June 2010 
                      UK Car        Price Non-UK Car                     Segment 
                   Insurance   Comparison  Insurance Other Eliminations    total 
                           GBPm            GBPm          GBPm     GBPm                     GBPm 
Turnover*              639.4         38.0       37.1   6.0            -    720.5 
 Net insurance 
premium revenue        117.2            -        8.1     -            -    125.3 
 Other revenue 
and profit 
commission             120.3         38.0        3.1   6.0            -    167.4 
and interest 
income                   3.2            -        0.1     -            -      3.3 
Net revenue            240.7         38.0       11.3   6.0            -    296.0 
Net   insurance 
claims                (81.0)            -      (7.8)     -            -   (88.8) 
Expenses              (28.2)       (30.9)      (7.6) (4.5)            -   (71.2) 
profit / 
(loss) before 
tax                    131.5          7.1      (4.1)   1.5            -    136.0 
Other central revenue and expenses, including share scheme charges         (9.4) 
income                                                                       0.3 
Consolidated profit before tax                                             126.9 
Taxation expense                                                          (36.9) 
Consolidated profit after tax                                               90.0 
segment assets       1,319.6         18.9      104.4  15.5      (111.8)  1,346.6 
Unallocated assets and liabilities                                          67.4 
Consolidated assets                                                      1,414.0 
*Turnover is a non-GAAP measure and consists of total premiums written 
(including co-insurers share) and other revenue. 
Revenue and results for the corresponding reportable segments for the period 
ended 30 June 2009 are shown below. 
                                                                    30 June 2009 
                      UK Car        Price Non-UK Car                     Segment 
                   Insurance   Comparison  Insurance Other Eliminations    total 
                           GBPm            GBPm          GBPm     GBPm                     GBPm 
Turnover               470.1         40.2       24.5   5.3            -    540.1 
 Net insurance 
premium revenue         94.6            -        5.9     -            -    100.5 
 Other revenue 
and profit 
commission              88.3         40.2        1.9   5.3            -    135.7 
and interest 
income                   5.7            -        0.1     -            -      5.8 
Net revenue            188.6         40.2        7.9   5.3            -    242.0 
Net insurance 
claims                (63.6)            -      (6.6)     -            -   (70.2) 
Expenses              (23.8)       (29.2)      (5.4) (3.9)            -   (62.3) 
profit / 
(loss) before 
tax                    101.2         11.0      (4.1)   1.4            -    109.5 
Other central revenue and expenses, including share scheme charges         (5.3) 
income                                                                       1.1 
Consolidated profit before tax                                             105.3 
Taxation expense                                                          (29.9) 
Consolidated profit after tax                                               75.4 
segment assets       1,019.5         29.4       86.7  10.1       (89.6)  1,056.1 
Unallocated assets and liabilities                                          49.9 
Consolidated assets                                                      1,106.0 
Revenue and results for the corresponding reportable segments for the year ended 
31 December 2009 are shown below. 
Segment revenues 
The UK and Non-UK Car Insurance reportable segments derive all insurance premium 
income from external policyholders. Revenue within these segments is not derived 
from an individual policyholder that represents 10% or more of the Group's total 
The total of Price Comparison revenues from transactions with other reportable 
segments is  GBP7.3 million (H1 '09:  GBP6.7 million). These amounts have not been 
eliminated in order to avoid distorting expense and combined ratios which are 
key indicators of insurance business. There are no other transactions between 
reportable segments. 
Revenues from external customers for products and services is consistent with 
the split of reportable segment revenues as shown above. 
Information about geographical locations 
All material revenues from external customers, and net assets attributed to a 
foreign country are shown within the Non-UK Car Insurance reportable segment 
shown above. 
3.     Net insurance premium revenue 
                                                         30      30       31 
                                                       June    June December 
                                                       2010    2009     2009 
                                                          GBPm       GBPm        GBPm 
Total motor insurance premiums before co- insurance   589.8   427.1    847.7 
Group gross premiums written after co-insurance       335.1   222.2    439.9 
Outwards reinsurance premiums                       (172.9) (105.0)  (207.4) 
Net insurance premiums written                        162.2   117.2    232.5 
Change in gross unearned premium provision           (91.0)  (43.3)   (53.5) 
Change in reinsurers' share of unearned premium 
  provision                                            54.1    26.6     32.9 
Net insurance premium revenue                         125.3   100.5    211.9 
The Group's share of the UK, Spanish, German and Italian private motor insurance 
business was underwritten by Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited (AIGL) and 
Admiral Insurance Company Limited (AICL). 
The Group's share of the US motor insurance business was written by Elephant 
Insurance Company, registered in Virginia, USA. 
All contracts are short-term in duration, lasting for 10 or 12 months. 
4.     Other revenue 
                               30      30         31 
                             June    June   December 
                             2010    2009       2009 
                                GBPm       GBPm          GBPm 
 Ancillary revenue           80.6    62.8      129.5 
 Price Comparison revenue    38.0    40.2       80.6 
 Other revenues              12.0    10.0       22.5 
 Total other revenue        130.6   113.0      232.6 
Ancillary revenue is primarily made up of commissions and fees earned on sales 
of insurance products (underwritten by external parties) and services 
complementing the motor policy. 
5.     Profit commission 
                         30     30         31 
                       June   June   December 
                       2010   2009       2009 
                          GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Underwriting year: 
 2004 & prior           0.4    0.7        0.4 
 2005                 (0.5)    1.9        1.4 
 2006                 (0.5)    3.1        4.2 
 2007                   7.6   12.5       33.1 
 2008                  18.4    4.2       13.5 
 2009                  11.5    0.3        1.6 
 2010                     -      -          - 
                       36.9   22.7       54.2 
6.     Investment and interest income 
                                          30     30         31 
                                        June   June   December 
                                        2010   2009       2009 
                                           GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Net investment return                   3.3    5.8        7.7 
 Interest receivable                     0.3    1.1        1.1 
 Total investment and interest income    3.6    6.9        8.8 
7.     Expenses 
                                  30 June 2010            30 June 2009 
                         Insurance Other Total   Insurance Other Total 
                         contracts               contracts 
                                 GBPm     GBPm     GBPm           GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
Acquisition of insurance 
  contracts                   10.1     -  10.1         8.2     -   8.2 
Administration and 
  marketing costs             13.1  49.9  63.0        11.2  44.8  56.0 
                        ----------------------- ---------------------- 
Sub-total                     23.2  49.9  73.1        19.4  44.8  64.2 
Share scheme charges             -   7.5   7.5           -   3.4   3.4 
                        ----------------------- ---------------------- 
Total expenses                23.2  57.4  80.6        19.4  48.2  67.6 
                                                   31 December 2009 
                                          Insurance   Other   Total 
                                                  GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
 Acquisition of insurance contracts            17.3       -    17.3 
 Administration and marketing costs            26.0    87.5   113.5 
 Sub-total                                     43.3    87.5   130.8 
 Share scheme charges                             -     9.2     9.2 
 Total expenses                                43.3    96.7   140.0 
The  GBP13.1 million (H1 '09:  GBP11.2 million Full year 2009:  GBP26.0 million) 
administration and marketing costs allocated to insurance contracts is 
principally made up of salary costs. 
Analysis of other administration and marketing costs: 
                                        30        30         31 
                                      June      June   December 
                                      2010      2009       2009 
                                         GBPm         GBPm          GBPm 
 Ancillary sales expenses             12.6       9.9       20.0 
 Confused.com operating expenses      30.9      29.2       55.6 
 Other expenses                        6.4       5.7       11.9 
 Total                                49.9      44.8       87.5 
The gross amount of expenses, before recoveries from co-insurers and reinsurers 
is  GBP157.8 million (H1 '09:  GBP125.9 million; Full year 2009:  GBP265.0 million). 
This amount can be reconciled to the total expenses and share scheme charges 
above of  GBP80.6 million (H1 '09:  GBP67.6 million; Full year 2009:  GBP140.0 million) 
as follows: 
                                                        30        30        31 
                                                      June      June  December 
                                                      2010      2009      2009 
                                                         GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
Gross expenses                                       157.8     125.9     265.0 
Co-insurer share of expenses                        (46.4)    (37.7)    (80.6) 
Expenses, net of co-insurer share                    111.4      88.2     184.4 
Adjustment for deferral of acquisition costs         (4.1)     (2.5)     (6.1) 
Expenses, net of co-insurer share (earned basis)     107.3      85.7     178.3 
Reinsurer share of expenses (earned basis)          (26.7)    (18.1)    (38.3) 
Total expenses and share scheme charges               80.6      67.6     140.0 
Reconciliation of expenses related to insurance contracts to reported expense 
                                             30      30         31 
                                           June    June   December 
                                           2010    2009       2009 
                                              GBPm       GBPm          GBPm 
 Insurance contract expenses from above    23.2    19.4       43.3 
 Add:  claims handling expenses             3.8     2.8        5.5 
 Adjusted expenses                         27.0    22.2       48.8 
 Net insurance premium revenue            125.3   100.5      211.9 
 Reported expense ratio                   21.5%   22.0%      23.0% 
8.     Taxation 
                                                           30   30       31 
                                                         June June December 
                                                         2010 2009     2009 
                                                            GBPm    GBPm        GBPm 
UK Corporation tax 
 Current charge at 28% (comparative periods, 28.5%)      40.9 27.6     63.0 
Over provision relating to prior periods - 
  corporation tax                                         0.1    -    (1.2) 
Current tax charge                                       41.0 27.6     61.8 
Deferred tax 
Current period deferred taxation movement               (4.1)  2.3    (2.8) 
Over provision relating to prior periods - deferred tax     -    -    (0.1) 
Total tax charge per income statement                    36.9 29.9     58.9 
Factors affecting the tax charge are: 
                                                               30    30       31 
                                                             June  June December 
                                                             2010  2009     2009 
                                                                GBPm     GBPm        GBPm 
Profit before taxation                                      126.9 105.3    215.8 
 Corporation tax thereon at 28% (comparative    periods 
28.5%)                                                       35.5  29.5     60.4 
 Adjustments relating to prior periods                        0.1     -    (1.2) 
 Other differences                                            1.3   0.4    (0.3) 
Tax charge for the period as above                           36.9  29.9     58.9 
The planned reductions in UK corporation tax rates will impact the current and 
deferred tax charge of the Group in the future.  As the initial 1% reduction was 
not substantively enacted at the balance sheet date, deferred tax balances have 
been measured at a rate of 28%. 
9.     Earnings per share 
                                                     30          30          31 
                                                   June        June    December 
                                                   2010        2009        2009 
                                                      GBPm           GBPm           GBPm 
Profit for the period after taxation               90.0        75.4       156.9 
Weighted average number of shares - basic   267,070,286 265,074,506 265,712,457 
Earnings per share - basic                        33.7p       28.5p       59.0p 
Weighted average number of shares - diluted 267,434,687 265,524,506 266,062,457 
Earnings per share - diluted                      33.7p       28.4p       59.0p 
10.    Dividends 
Dividends were declared and paid as follows: 
                                                      30     30         31 
                                                    June   June   December 
                                                    2010   2009       2009 
                                                       GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 March 2009  (26.5p per share, paid May 2009)          -   69.6       69.6 
 August 2009 (27.7p per share, paid October 2009)      -      -       72.8 
 March 2010  (29.8p per share, paid April 2010)     78.3      -          - 
 Total dividends                                    78.3   69.6      142.4 
The dividend declared in March 2009 represented the final dividend paid in 
respect of the 2008 financial year (August 2009 - interim payment for 2009). 
The dividend declared in March 2010 was the second interim dividend paid in 
respect of the 2009 financial year. 
11.    Property, plant and equipment 
                    Improvements to     Computer       Office    Furniture Total 
                    short leasehold    equipment    equipment and fittings 
                                  GBPm            GBPm            GBPm            GBPm     GBPm 
  At 1 January 2009             4.0         16.8          6.8          2.4  30.0 
  Additions                     0.2          2.1          0.4          0.3   3.0 
  Disposals                       -        (0.1)            -            - (0.1) 
  At 30 June 2009               4.2         18.8          7.2          2.7  32.9 
  At 1 January 2009             1.9         11.1          4.2          1.8  19.0 
  Charge for the                0.4          1.4          0.5          0.1   2.4 
  Disposals                       -            -            -            -     - 
At 30 June 2009                 2.3         12.5          4.7          1.9  21.4 
Net book amount 
At 30 June 2009                 1.9          6.3          2.5          0.8  11.5 
   At 1 January 2009       4.0    16.8     6.8   2.4    30.0 
   Additions               1.2     3.6     1.0   0.8     6.6 
   Disposals             (0.2)   (0.3)   (0.1)     -   (0.6) 
   At 31 December 2009     5.0    20.1     7.7   3.2    36.0 
   At 1 January 2009       1.9    11.1     4.2   1.8    19.0 
   Charge for the year     0.9     2.7     1.1   0.4     5.1 
   Disposals                 -   (0.1)   (0.1)     -   (0.2) 
 At 31 December 2009       2.8    13.7     5.2   2.2    23.9 
 Net book amount 
 At 31 December 2009       2.2     6.4     2.5   1.0    12.1 
   At 1 January 2010     5.0   20.1   7.7   3.2   36.0 
   Additions             0.3    1.2   0.4   0.2    2.1 
   Disposals               -      -     -     -      - 
   At 30 June 2010       5.3   21.3   8.1   3.4   38.1 
   At 1 January 2010     2.8   13.7   5.2   2.2   23.9 
   Charge for the year   0.5    1.3   0.5   0.2    2.5 
   Disposals               -      -     -     -      - 
 At 30 June 2010         3.3   15.0   5.7   2.4   26.4 
 Net book amount 
 At 30 June 2010         2.0    6.3   2.4   1.0   11.7 
The net book value of assets held under finance leases is as follows: 
                        30     30         31 
                      June   June   December 
                      2010   2009       2009 
                         GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Computer equipment    1.3    1.7        1.6 
12.    Intangible assets 
                    Goodwill Deferred acquisition costs Software  Total 
                           GBPm                          GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
Carrying amount: 
At 1 January 2009       62.3                        8.4      5.0   75.7 
Additions                  -                        6.3      2.7    9.0 
Amortisation charge        -                      (5.6)    (0.8)  (6.4) 
Disposals                  -                          -    (0.1)  (0.1) 
At 30 June 2009         62.3                        9.1      6.8   78.2 
At 1 January 2009       62.3                        8.4      5.0   75.7 
Additions                  -                        8.6      5.2   13.8 
Amortisation charge        -                      (7.6)    (2.3)  (9.9) 
Disposals                  -                          -    (2.6)  (2.6) 
At 31 December 2009     62.3                        9.4      5.3   77.0 
Additions                  -                       13.2      0.9   14.1 
Amortisation charge        -                     (10.8)    (1.0) (11.8) 
Disposals                  -                          -    (0.2)  (0.2) 
At 30 June 2010         62.3                       11.8      5.0   79.1 
Goodwill relates to the acquisition of Group subsidiary EUI Limited (formerly 
Admiral Insurance Services Limited) in November 1999. It is allocated solely to 
the UK Car Insurance segment. As described in the accounting policies within the 
2009 annual report, the amortisation of this asset ceased on transition to IFRS 
on 1 January 2004. All annual impairment reviews since the transition date have 
indicated that the estimated recoverable value of the asset is greater than the 
carrying amount and therefore no impairment losses have been recognised. No 
evidence has arisen during the 6 month period to 30 June 2010 to suggest that an 
interim impairment review is required. 
13.    Financial instruments 
The Group's financial instruments can be analysed as follows: 
                                                               30    30       31 
                                                             June  June December 
                                                             2010  2009     2009 
                                                                GBPm     GBPm        GBPm 
Investments held at fair value                              261.1 390.3    237.7 
Held to maturity deposits with credit institutions          291.9 100.0    183.5 
Receivables - amounts owed by policyholders                 274.7 197.9    209.7 
 Total financial assets as per consolidated balance sheet 
                                                            827.7 688.2    630.9 
Trade and other receivables                                  45.9  36.2     32.7 
Cash and cash equivalents                                   165.4  96.2    211.8 
                                                          1,039.0 820.6    875.4 
Financial liabilities: 
Trade and other payables                                    407.8 293.1    306.8 
All receivables from policyholders are due within 12 months of the balance sheet 
All investments held at fair value are invested in AAA-rated money market 
liquidity funds.  These funds target a 7-day LIBID return with capital security 
and low volatility and continue to achieve these goals. 
14.    Reinsurance assets and insurance contract liabilities 
A)     Analysis of recognised amounts: 
                                                       30      30         31 
                                                     June    June   December 
                                                     2010    2009       2009 
                                                        GBPm       GBPm          GBPm 
 Claims outstanding                                 345.3   292.8      323.5 
 Unearned premium provision                         298.5   198.4      209.4 
 Total gross insurance liabilities                  643.8   491.2      532.9 
 Recoverable from reinsurers: 
 Claims outstanding                                 131.3   103.8      114.1 
 Unearned premium provision                         151.7    91.9       98.8 
 Total reinsurers' share of insurance liabilities   283.0   195.7      212.9 
 Claims outstanding                                 214.0   189.0      209.4 
 Unearned premium provision                         146.8   106.5      110.6 
 Total insurance liabilities - net                  360.8   295.5      320.0 
B)     Analysis of net claims reserve releases: 
The following table analyses the impact of movements in prior year claims 
provisions, in terms of their net value, and their impact on the reported loss 
ratio.  This data is presented on an underwriting year basis. 
                                              Six months ended 
                                30 31 December 2008    30 31 December 2009    30 
                              June                   June                   June 
                              2008                   2009                   2010 
                                 GBPm                GBPm     GBPm                GBPm     GBPm 
Underwriting year: 
2000                             -              0.4     -              0.4     - 
2001                             -              0.5   0.5                -     - 
2002                             -                -   0.3                -     - 
2003                           1.4              0.9   0.7              0.6     - 
2004                           2.9              3.5 (0.6)            (1.0)   0.8 
2005                           7.1              3.9   2.4            (0.6) (0.9) 
2006                           4.9              5.6   5.1              2.8 (1.0) 
2007                           2.1              4.8   4.4              7.2   2.7 
2008                             -                -   5.6              3.6   9.4 
2009                             -                -     -                -   6.3 
Total net release             18.4             19.6  18.4             13.0  17.3 
Net insurance premium         77.0             92.8 100.5            111.4 125.3 
Release as % of net premium  23.8%            21.1% 18.3%            11.7% 13.8% 
                                         Financial year ended 31 December 
                                        2005    2006    2007    2008    2009 
                                           GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm       GBPm 
 Underwriting year: 
 2000                                    0.4     1.1     0.7     0.4     0.4 
 2001                                    5.0     1.9     1.5     0.5     0.5 
 2002                                    5.2     2.3     1.3       -     0.3 
 2003                                    4.6     5.1     3.2     2.3     1.2 
 2004                                    2.1     7.9     7.6     6.4   (1.6) 
 2005                                      -     2.6    12.6    11.0     1.8 
 2006                                      -       -     2.6    10.5     7.9 
 2007                                      -       -       -     6.9    11.6 
 2008                                      -       -       -       -     9.2 
 Total net release                      17.3    20.9    29.5    38.0    31.3 
 Net insurance premium revenue         139.5   145.0   142.2   169.8   211.9 
 Release as % of net premium revenue   12.4%   14.4%   20.7%   22.4%   14.8% 
C)     Reconciliation of movement in net claims reserve: 
                                             30       30         31 
                                           June     June   December 
                                           2010     2009       2009 
                                              GBPm        GBPm          GBPm 
 Net claims reserve at start of period    209.4    178.5      178.5 
 Net claims incurred                       85.0     67.4      146.2 
 Net claims paid                         (80.4)   (56.9)    (115.3) 
 Net claims reserve at end of period      214.0    189.0      209.4 
D)     Reconciliation of movement in net unearned premium provision: 
                                                       30      30       31 
                                                     June    June December 
                                                     2010    2009     2009 
                                                        GBPm       GBPm        GBPm 
Net unearned premium provision at start of period   110.6    90.5     90.5 
Written in the period                               162.2   117.2    232.5 
Earned in the period                              (126.0) (101.2)  (212.4) 
Net unearned premium provision at end of period     146.8   106.5    110.6 
15.    Trade and other receivables 
                                       30     30         31 
                                     June   June   December 
                                     2010   2009       2009 
                                        GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Trade receivables                   42.7   32.4       32.5 
 Prepayments and accrued income       3.2    3.8        0.2 
 Total trade and other receivables   45.9   36.2       32.7 
16.    Cash and cash equivalents 
                                      30     30         31 
                                    June   June   December 
                                    2010   2009       2009 
                                       GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Cash at bank and in hand          165.4   96.2      191.8 
 Cash on short term deposit            -      -       20.0 
 Total cash and cash equivalents   165.4   96.2      211.8 
Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with 
banks, and other short-term deposits with original maturities of three months or 
17.    Deferred tax 
                                                        30    30       31 
                                                      June  June December 
                                                      2010  2009     2009 
                                                         GBPm     GBPm        GBPm 
Liability brought forward at start of period           5.7  10.3     10.3 
Movement in period - through income statement        (4.3)   2.3    (2.9) 
Movement in period - through equity                  (2.6) (0.4)    (1.7) 
(Asset) / liability carried forward at end of period (1.2)  12.2      5.7 
The net balance provided at the end of the period is analysed as follows: 
                                                        30      30         31 
                                                      June    June   December 
                                                      2010    2009       2009 
                                                         GBPm       GBPm          GBPm 
 Tax treatment of share scheme charges               (5.0)   (2.2)      (4.4) 
 Capital allowances                                  (1.5)       -      (1.6) 
 Other differences                                   (1.4)   (0.1)      (0.6) 
 Unremitted overseas income                            6.7    14.5       12.3 
 Deferred tax (asset) / liability at end of period   (1.2)    12.2        5.7 
The amount of deferred tax (expense) / income recognised in the income statement 
for each of the temporary differences reported above is: 
 Amounts (charged) / credited to income or expense      30      30         31 
                                                      June    June   December 
                                                      2010    2009       2009 
                                                         GBPm       GBPm          GBPm 
 Tax treatment of share scheme charges               (2.0)   (0.6)        0.3 
 Capital allowances                                    0.1       -        1.6 
 Other differences                                     0.6       -        0.5 
 Unremitted overseas income                            5.6   (1.7)        0.5 
 Net deferred tax credited / (charged) to income       4.3   (2.3)        2.9 
18.    Trade and other payables 
                                                     30      30         31 
                                                   June    June   December 
                                                   2010    2009       2009 
                                                      GBPm       GBPm          GBPm 
 Trade payables                                    10.8     6.6       10.7 
 Amounts owed to co-insurers and reinsurers       218.2   157.8      154.4 
 Finance leases due within 12 months                0.3     0.5        0.3 
 Finance leases due after 12 months                   -     0.1        0.1 
 Other taxation and social security liabilities    19.0    10.7       10.9 
 Other payables                                    44.3    28.9       29.1 
 Accruals and deferred income (see below)         115.2    88.5      101.3 
 Total trade and other payables                   407.8   293.1      306.8 
Analysis of accruals and deferred income: 
                                                        30     30         31 
                                                      June   June   December 
                                                      2010   2009       2009 
                                                         GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Premium receivable in advance of policy inception    66.3   50.6       53.9 
 Accrued expenses                                     45.7   33.8       35.3 
 Deferred income                                       3.2    4.1       12.1 
 Total accruals and deferred income as above         115.2   88.5      101.3 
19.    Obligations under finance leases 
                                 At 30 June 2010|                At 30 June 2009 
 Analysis of          Minimum Interest Principal|     Minimum Interest Principal 
finance lease           lease                   |       lease 
liabilities:         payments                   |    payments 
                            GBPm        GBPm         GBPm|           GBPm        GBPm         GBPm 
Less than one             0.3        -       0.3|         0.5        -       0.5 
year                                            | 
Between one and                                 | 
five                                            | 
  years                     -        -         -|         0.1        -       0.1 
                          0.3        -       0.3|         0.6        -       0.6 
                                                        At 31 December 2009 
                              Minimum lease payments   Interest   Principal 
                                                   GBPm          GBPm           GBPm 
 Less than one year                              0.3          -         0.3 
 Between one and five years                      0.1          -         0.1 
                                                 0.4          -         0.4 
All leases are on a fixed repayment basis and no arrangements have been entered 
into for contingent rental payments. 
The fair value of the Group's lease obligations approximates to their carrying 
20.    Share capital 
                                         30     30         31 
                                       June   June   December 
                                       2010   2009       2009 
                                          GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 500,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1p    0.5    0.5        0.5 
 Issued, called up and fully paid: 
 266,121,510 ordinary shares of 0.1p      -    0.3          - 
 266,477,291 ordinary shares of 0.1p      -      -        0.3 
 268,267,222 ordinary shares of 0.1p    0.3      -          - 
                                        0.3    0.3        0.3 
During the first half of 2010, 1,809,931 new ordinary shares of 0.1p were issued 
to the trusts administering the Group's share schemes. 
309,931 of these were issued to the Admiral Group Share Incentive Plan (SIP) 
Trust for the purposes of this share scheme.  These shares are entitled to 
receive dividends. 
1,500,000 shares were issued to the Admiral Group Employee Benefit Trust for the 
purposes of the Admiral Group Senior Executive Restricted Share Plan (also known 
as the Discretionary Free Share Scheme or DFSS).  The Trustees have waived the 
right to dividend payments, other than to the extent of 0.001p per share, unless 
and to the extent otherwise directed by the Company from time to time.  Rights 
to dividends have now been waived on a total of 3,914,948 ordinary shares in 
Staff share schemes: 
Analysis of share scheme costs (per income statement): 
                                30     30         31 
                              June   June   December 
                              2010   2009       2009 
                                 GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 SIP charge                    2.3    1.5        3.6 
 DFSS charge                   5.2    1.9        5.6 
 Total share scheme charges    7.5    3.4        9.2 
The share scheme charges reported above are net of the co-insurance share and 
therefore differ from the gross credit to reserves reported in the statement of 
changes in equity ( GBP9.9 million). 
The consolidated cashflow statement also shows the gross charge in the 
reconciliation between 'profit after tax' and 'cashflows from operating 
activities'.  The co-insurance share of the charge is included in the 'change in 
trade and other payables' line. 
Number of free share awards committed at 30 June 2010: 
                                  Awards outstanding          Vesting 
                                                 (*)             date 
 SIP H1 07 scheme                            353,444   September 2010 
 SIP H2 07 scheme                            337,770       March 2011 
 SIP H1 08 scheme                            352,732   September 2011 
 SIP H2 08 scheme                            477,432       March 2012 
 SIP H1 09 scheme                            396,200   September 2012 
 SIP H2 09 scheme                            377,641       March 2013 
 SIP H1 10 scheme                            364,401   September 2013 
 DFSS 2007 scheme - 2(nd) Award               26,350    December 2010 
 DFSS 2008 scheme - 1(st) Award            1,305,681       April 2011 
 DFSS 2008 scheme - 2(nd) Award               87,202    November 2011 
 DFSS 2009 scheme - 1(st) Award            1,311,344       April 2012 
 DFSS 2009 scheme - 2(nd) Award              126,740      August 2012 
 DFSS 2010 scheme - 1(st) Award            1,483,894       April 2013 
 Total awards committed                    7,000,831 
* - being the maximum number of awards expected to be made before accounting for 
expected staff attrition. 
During the six months ended 30 June 2010, awards under the SIP H2 06 scheme and 
the DFSS 2007 (1(st) award) scheme vested. The total number of awards vesting 
for each scheme is as follows: 
Number of free share awards vesting during the six months ended 30 June 2010: 
                                    Original Awards   Awards vested 
 SIP H2 06 scheme                           277,387         234,352 
 DFSS 2007 scheme 1(st) award             1,210,781       1,067,414 
21.    Financial commitments 
The Group was committed to total minimum obligations under operating leases on 
land and buildings as follows: 
                                30     30         31 
                              June   June   December 
 Operating leases expiring:   2010   2009       2009 
                                 GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Within one years              0.2      -          - 
 Within two to five years     13.0    3.6        4.1 
 Over five years              18.8   31.9       31.6 
 Total commitments            32.0   35.5       35.7 
Operating lease payments represent rentals payable by the Group for its office 
In addition, the Group had contracted to spend the following on property, plant 
and equipment at the end of each period: 
                               30     30         31 
                             June   June   December 
                             2010   2009       2009 
                                GBPm      GBPm          GBPm 
 Expenditure contracted to      -      -          - 
22.    Related party transactions 
There were no related party transactions occurring during the six months ended 
30 June 2010 that require disclosure.  Details relating to the remuneration and 
shareholdings of key management personnel were set out in the remuneration 
report of the 2009 Annual Report.  Key management personnel are able to obtain 
discounted motor insurance at the same rates as all other Group staff, typically 
at a reduction of 15%. 
The Board considers that only the Board of Directors of Admiral Group plc are 
key management personnel. 
Responsibility statement of the directors in respect of the half-yearly 
financial report 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
  *  the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
    with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the EU 
  * the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
    required by: 
         a)    DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an 
indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of 
the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial 
statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the 
remaining six months of the year; and 
         b)    DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being 
related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the 
current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position 
or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
By order of the Board, 
 Henry Engelhardt          Kevin Chidwick 
 Chief Executive Officer   Finance Director 
 23 August 2010            23 August 2010 
Independent review report to Admiral Group plc 
We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial 
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 
2010 which comprises the Condensed consolidated income statement, the Condensed 
consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the Condensed consolidated 
statement of financial position, Condensed consolidated statement of cashflows, 
the Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity and the related 
explanatory notes.  We have read the other information contained in the 
half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent 
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed 
set of financial statements. 
This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our 
engagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the Disclosure 
and Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of the UK's Financial Services Authority 
("the UK FSA").  Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the 
company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no 
other purpose.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or 
assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for 
this report, or for the conclusions we have reached. 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved 
by, the directors.  The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly 
financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FSA. 
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the Group are 
prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU.  The condensed set of 
financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been 
prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the 
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed 
set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review 
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information 
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing 
Practices Board for use in the UK.  A review of interim financial information 
consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and 
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures.  A 
review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with 
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not 
enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant 
matters that might be identified in an audit.  Accordingly, we do not express an 
audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe 
that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial 
report for the six months ended 30 June 2010 is not prepared, in all material 
respects, in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU and the DTR of the UK 
Chris Moulder 
for and on behalf of KPMG Audit Plc 
Chartered Accountants 
Marlborough House 
Fitzalan Court 
Fitzalan Road 
CF24 0TE 
24 August 2010 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
All reproduction for further distribution is prohibited. 
Source: Admiral Group PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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