Razor Energy Corp. (“Razor” or the “Company”) (TSXV: RZE) is pleased to provide a summary of its 2021 year-end reserves evaluation and an updated operational outlook.

The highlights and reserves summary below set forth Razor’s gross reserves at December 31, 2021, as evaluated by Sproule Associates Limited (“Sproule”), qualified reserves evaluators, in an independent report dated February 17, 2022 (the “Sproule Report”). The figures in the following tables have been prepared in accordance with the standards contained in the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook (the “COGEH”) and the reserve definitions contained in National Instrument 51-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities (“NI 51-101”). Additional reserve information as required under NI 51-101 will be included in the Company’s Annual Information Form which is anticipated to be filed on SEDAR on or before March 31, 2022.

Razor's 2021 annual audited consolidated financial statements have not been completed. Certain financial and operating information included in this news release is based on management's estimates only and are subject to audit and may be subject to change upon completion of the Company’s annual audited consolidated financial statements. See “Reader Advisories – Unaudited Financial Information”.


Razor experienced significant year-over-year reserves volume and value growth. The increases are primarily attributable to the acquisition of additional working interest in the Company’s existing non-operated position in Swan Hills Unit No. 1 announced August 12, 2021. This acquisition augmented holdings in the greater Swan Hills area which exhibit low decline, light oil production. Other primary factors which positively affected reserve volume and values included the reinvigoration of operated and non-operated well and pipeline reactivations and improving West Texas Intermediate (“WTI”) oil price throughout 2021.

Summary of Year over Year Reserves at December 31, 2021(1)  

  Before Tax NPV10% Reserves Volumes
Reserves Class   2021   2020 Change 2021 2020 Change
  (MM$) (MM$) (%) (Mboe) (Mboe) (%)
Developed Producing $89.1 $26.6 236 % 9,768 7,416 32 %
Developed Non-Producing $68.0 $49.2 38 % 4,704 4,468 5 %
Undeveloped $36.3 $19.8 83 % 1,721 1,641 5 %
Total Proved $193.4 $95.5 103 % 16,192 13,525 20 %
Total Probable $60.3 $37.7 60 % 4,892 3,793 29 %
Total Proved plus Probable $253.7 $133.2 90 % 21,085 17,319 22 %


(1)      This table summarizes the data contained in the Sproule Report and as a result may contain slightly different numbers due to rounding.

The Company continues to maintain considerable exposure to WTI oil price.

Razor’s Proved Developed reserve base, defined as Proved Developed Producing (“PDP”) plus Proved Developed Non-Producing (“PDNP”), has before tax NPV10 of $157.1 million from a volume of 14,472MBoe and is comprised of 67% light 410 API oil, 6% medium 250 API oil, 20% natural gas liquids and 7% natural gas. On a cumulative basis, this equates to 93% oil and liquids. Future Development Capital of $10.0 million is required to reactivate the PDNP, or “behind-pipe” production and reserves, in existing wells and convert them to PDP reserves.

Razor’s corporate annual base decline remains at 11%.

The Company’s Reserve Life Index1 is 6.2 years for PDP, 12.2 years for Total Proved and 13.4 years for Total Proved plus Probable reserves based on 2021 Q4 field-reported production of 4,307 boepd.

The Greater Swan Hills Area accounts for 68% of Razor’s PDP reserves with the greater Kaybob and South District areas at 21% and 11% respectively.


Sproule carried out an independent reserves evaluation effective December 31, 2021, which was prepared in accordance with definitions, standards and procedures contained in the COGEH and in NI 51-101. The reserves evaluation was based on Sproule forecast pricing and foreign exchange rates at December 31, 2021 as outlined herein.  

Reserves included herein are stated on a company gross basis (working interest before deduction of royalties without the inclusion of any royalty interest) unless otherwise noted.


Summary of Gross Oil and Gas Reserves at December 31, 2021(1), (2), (3), (4)

  Light and Medium Crude Oil Heavy Crude Oil Conventional Natural Gas Natural GasLiquids Barrels of Oil Equivalent
  Gross Gross Gross Gross Gross
  (Mbbl) (Mbbl) (MMcf) (Mbbl) (Mboe)
Developed Producing 6,929 240 5,552 1,674 9,768
Developed Non-Producing 3,205 169 973 1,168 4,704
Undeveloped 1,315 223 657 74 1,721
Total Proved 11,449 631 7,182 2,915 16,193
Probable 3,490 173 1,820 926 4,892
Total Proved plus Probable 14,939 804 9,002 3,841 21,085

Net Present Value of Future Net Revenue Before Income Taxes Discounted at (% per Year) (M$)

  0 % 5 % 10 % 15 % 20 %
Developed Producing -52,926   76,301   89,144   84,622   78,025  
Developed Non-Producing 119,270   87,807   67,995   54,650   45,177  
Undeveloped 52,990   43,732   36,273   30,272   25,401  
Total Proved 119,334   207,841   193,413   169,544   148,603  
Probable 142,085   87,780   60,273   44,350   34,198  
Total Proved plus Probable 261,419   295,621   253,686   213,894   182,801  


(1)      The tables summarize the data contained in the Sproule Report and as a result may contain slightly different numbers due to rounding.(2)      Gross reserves mean the total working interest (operating or non-operating) share of remaining recoverable reserves owned by Razor before deductions of royalties payable to others and without including any royalty interests owned by Razor.(3)      Based on Sproule's December 31, 2021 escalated price forecast. See “Summary of Pricing and Inflation Rate Assumptions – Forecast Prices and Costs”.(4)      The net present value of future net revenue attributable to the Company's reserves is stated without provision for interest costs and general and administrative costs, but after providing for estimated royalties, production costs, development costs, other income, future capital expenditures, well ADR and IWC costs. It should not be assumed that the undiscounted or discounted net present value of future net revenue attributable to the Company's reserves estimated by Sproule represent the fair market value of those reserves. Other assumptions and qualifications relating to costs, prices for future production and other matters are summarized herein. The recovery and reserve estimates of the Company's oil, NGL and natural gas reserves provided herein are estimates only and there is no guarantee that the estimated reserves will be recovered. Actual reserves may be greater than or less than the estimates provided herein.

Reconciliation of Company Gross Reserves by Principal Product Type (1), (2)   

1 “Reserve Life Index” does not have standardized meaning. See “Reader Advisories - Oil and Gas Metrics” contained in this news release.

The following table sets forth the reconciliation of the Company’s reserves at Forecast Prices and Costs:

  Light and Medium Crude Oil Heavy Oil
Factors Gross Proved Developed Producing (Mbbl) Gross Proved (Mbbl) Gross Proved + Probable (Mbbl) Gross Proved Developed Producing (Mbbl) Gross Proved (Mbbl) Gross Proved + Probable(Mbbl)
December 31, 2020 4,940   9,009   11,647   193   587   731  
Acquisitions 1,631   1,958   3,649   -   -   -  
Category Change -   -   -   -   -   -  
Disposition -   -   -   -   -   -  
Extensions/Infill Drilling -   -   -   -   -   -  
Economic Factors 869   1,924   1,941   23   34   43  
Technical Revision 245   (686 ) (1,542 ) 82   68   88  
Production (756 ) (756 )         (756 ) (58 ) (58 ) (58 )
December 31, 2021 6,929   11,449   14,939   240   631   804  
  Natural Gas Liquids Conventional Natural Gas
Factors Gross ProvedDeveloped Producing (Mbbl)   Gross Proved (Mbbl)   Gross Proved + Probable (Mbbl)   Gross Proved Developed Producing (MMcf)   Gross Proved (Mmcf)   Gross Proved + Probable(Mmcf)  
December 31, 2020 1,595   3,036   3,819   4,126   5,355   6,732  
Acquisitions 832   980   1,742   1,035   1,216   2,152  
Category Change -   -   -   -   -   -  
Disposition -   -   -   -   -   -  
Extensions/Infill Drilling -   -   -   -   -   -  
Economic Factors 177   310   458   1,111   1,219   1,484  
Technical Revision (733 ) (1,214 ) (1,981 ) 645   758   0  
Production (197 ) (197 ) (197    ) (855 ) (855 ) (855 )
December 31, 2021 1,674   2,915   3,841   5,552   7,183   9,003  
  Barrels of Oil Equivalent
Factors Gross Proved Developed Producing (Mboe)   Gross Proved (Mboe)   Gross Proved + Probable (Mboe)  
December 31, 2020 7,416   13,525   17,319  
Acquisitions 2,635   3,140   5,750  
Category Change -   -   -  
Disposition -   -   -  
Extensions/Infill Drilling -   -   -  
Economic Factors 1,253   2,470   2,689  
Technical Revision (297 ) (1,703 ) (3,434 )
Production (1,239 ) (1,239 ) (1,239  )
December 31, 2021 9,768   16,193   21,085  

Notes:(1)      The tables summarize the data contained in the Sproule Report and as a result may contain slightly different numbers due to rounding.

(2)      Conventional Natural Gas includes associated and non-associated gas.

Future Development Costs

The following table sets forth development costs deducted in the estimation of Razor’s future net revenue attributable to the reserve categories noted below:

  Forecast Prices and Costs (M$)
Year Total Proved Reserves Proved plus Probable
2022 34,272 50,700
2023 10,546 10,647
2024 0 0
Thereafter 2,550 2,550
Total Undiscounted 47,368 63,897
Total Discounted at 10% 43,966 60,139

The future development costs are estimates of capital expenditures required in the future for Razor to convert proved developed and undeveloped non-producing plus probable reserves to PDP reserves. The undiscounted future development costs are $47.4 million for proved reserves and $63.9 million for proved plus probable reserves, in each case based on forecast prices and costs.

Summary of Pricing and Inflation Rate Assumptions – Forecast Prices and Costs

The forecast cost and price assumptions assume increases in wellhead selling prices and include inflation with respect to future operating and capital costs. Crude oil and natural gas benchmark reference pricing, inflation and exchange rates utilized by Sproule at December 31, 2021 were as follows:

Year Exchange Rate(CAD/USD) WTI CushingOklahoma 40 API(USD/bbl) Canadian LightSweet 40 API(CAD/bbl) Hardisty Bow River25 API(CAD/bbl) Natural Gas AECO(CAD/mmbtu)
2022 0.80 73.00 86.25 69.58 3.88
2023 0.80 70.00 82.40 65.84 3.36
2024 0.80 68.00 79.80 63.24 3.02
2025 0.80 69.36 81.39 64.51 3.08
2026 0.80 70.75 83.02 65.80 3.14
2027 0.80 72.16 84.68 67.12 3.21
2028 0.80 73.61 86.38 68.46 3.27
2029 0.80 75.08 88.10 69.83 3.34
2030+ 0.80 +2.0%/yr. +2.0%/yr. +2.0%/yr. +2.0%/yr.


Razor continues to progress its reactivation program which commenced in Q1 2021. The Company anticipates bringing onstream primarily light oil and natural gas liquids from this program at similar declines to its existing reserve base. Once reactivated, the PDNP reserves from these wells will shift back to the PDP reserves category.

Concurrently, Razor’s subsidiary company, FutEra Power Corp. (“FutEra”), continues to advance construction of its 21 megawatt co-produced geothermal and natural gas hybrid power project in Swan Hills. FutEra anticipates delivering power to the grid by the third quarter of 2022.


Razor is a publicly traded junior oil and gas development and production company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, concentrated on acquiring, and subsequently enhancing, producing oil and gas properties primarily in Alberta. The Company is led by experienced management and a strong, committed Board of Directors, with a long-term vision of growth, focused on efficiency and cost control in all areas of the business. Razor currently trades on TSX Venture Exchange under the ticker “RZE”. www.razor-energy.com

Razor also has two active subsidiaries - FutEra and Blade Energy Services Corp. (“Blade”).

ABOUT FUTERAFutEra leverages Alberta’s resource industry innovation and experience to create transitional power and sustainable infrastructure solutions to commercial markets and communities, both in Canada and globally. Currently it is developing a 21 megawatt co-produced geothermal and natural gas hybrid power project in Swan Hills, Alberta.www.futerapower.com

ABOUT BLADEOperating in west central Alberta, Blade’s primary services include fluid hauling, road maintenance, earth works including well site reclamation and other oilfield services.www.blade-es.com

For additional information please contact:

Doug BaileyPresident and Chief Executive Officer OR Kevin BraunChief Financial Officer
Razor Energy Corp.800, 500-5th Ave SWCalgary, Alberta T2P 3L5Telephone: (403) 262-0242www.razor-energy.com


Forward-Looking Statements. Certain information included in this press release constitutes forward-looking information under applicable securities legislation. Forward-looking information typically contains statements with words such as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “plan”, “intend”, “estimate”, “propose”, “project” or similar words suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook. Forward-looking information in this press release may include but is not limited to: Razor’s business strategy, objectives, strength and focus; the ability of the Company to achieve drilling success consistent with management’s expectations; the timing for filing the Company’s Annual Information Form; estimated capital expenditures; the Company’s expectations and timing for the reactivation program; FutEra’s expectations and timing for completion of the power project in Swan Hills; and future development costs associated with oil and gas reserves. Statements relating to “reserves” are also deemed to be forward-looking statements, as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain estimates and assumptions, that the reserves described exist in the quantities predicted or estimated and that the reserves can be profitably produced in the future.

The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by Razor, including expectations and assumptions concerning the success of future drilling, development, completion and reactivation activities, the performance of existing wells, the performance of new wells, the availability and performance of facilities and pipelines, the geological characteristics of Razor's properties, the successful application of drilling, completion and seismic technology, prevailing weather and break-up conditions, commodity prices, price volatility, price differentials and the actual prices received for the Company’s products, royalty regimes and exchange rates, the application of regulatory and licensing requirements, the availability of capital, labour and services, the creditworthiness of industry partners and Razor’s ability to acquire additional assets.

Although Razor believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because Razor can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. These include, but are not limited to, risks associated with the oil and gas industry and geothermal electricity projects in general (e.g., operational risks in development, exploration and production; variability in geothermal resources; the uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses; and health, safety and environmental risks), constraint in the availability of services, electricity and commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations, changes in legislation affecting the oil and gas and geothermal industries, regulatory and political risks, adverse weather or break-up conditions and uncertainties resulting from potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures. These and other risks are set out in more detail in Razor’s annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2020 which is available on SEDAR at www.sedar.com.

The forward-looking information contained in this press release is made as of the date hereof and Razor undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking information contained in this press release is expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.

This press release contains future-oriented financial information and financial outlook information (collectively, “FOFI”) about Razor’s prospective results of operations, production, all of which are subject to the same assumptions, risk factors, limitations, and qualifications as set forth in the above paragraphs. FOFI contained in this document was approved by management as of the date of this document and was provided for the purpose of providing further information about Razor’s future business operations. Razor disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any FOFI contained in this document, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required pursuant to applicable law. Readers are cautioned that the FOFI contained in this document should not be used for purposes other than for which it is disclosed herein.

Oil and Gas Metrics. This press release contains a number of oil and gas metrics, including “future development costs” and “reserve life index” which do not have standardized meanings or standard methods of calculation and therefore such measures may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies. Such metrics have been included herein to provide readers with additional measures to evaluate the Company's performance; however, such measures are not reliable indicators of the future performance of the Company and future performance may not compare to the performance in previous periods. Future development costs are calculated as the sum of development capital plus the change in future development costs for the period. Reserve life index is calculated as total Company share reserves divided by annualizing 2021 Q4 field-reported production.

Boe Disclosure. The term barrels of oil equivalent (“boe”) may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A BOE conversion ratio of six thousand cubic feet of natural gas to barrels of oil equivalence is based on an energy equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. All BOE conversions in the report are derived from converting gas to oil in the ratio mix of six thousand cubic feet of gas to one barrel of oil.

Unaudited Financial Information. Certain financial and operating information included in this press release for the year ended December 31, 2021, are based on estimated unaudited financial results for the year then ended, and are subject to the same limitations as discussed under Forward-Looking Statements set out above. These estimated amounts may change upon the completion of audited financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021 and changes could be material.

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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