BUDAPEST (AFP)--Hungary resumed gas deliveries to Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina Monday after technical problems that had slowed supplies from Austria and Germany were resolved, gas transmission company FGSz said.

"The technical problems were solved by 3:00 pm (1400 GMT), so the contracted amount of gas supplies has been arriving in Hungary from Austria," said Janos Zsuga, Chief Executive of FGSz, a subsidiary of gas company MOL Nyrt. (MOL.BU).

"As a consequence, Hungary can resume its gas transmission to Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina," he added.

Austria had confirmed the delivery of 5.9 million cubic meters of gas to Hungary, FGSz said in a statement.

Of this amount, 4 million cubic meters were for Hungary's domestic use.

"The surplus amount has been delivered since 3:00 pm to Serbia (1.2 million cubic meters) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (700,000 cubic meters)," the statement added.

Earlier Monday, FGSz said it would suspend gas deliveries to the two countries as Hungary hadn't received sufficient gas from Austria due to technical problems on the pipeline.

Hungary and Germany, which receive Russian gas via Belarus, said Saturday they would jointly supply gas to Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, which have been badly affected by the suspension of deliveries of Russian gas caused by a pricing dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

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