RNS Number:3634L
Hot Group PLC
21 May 2003

                      HOT GROUP PLC (or 'the Group')

            Half Year Results for the period ended 28 February 2003

Hot Group plc, the online specialist recruitment company, announces its half
year results for the period ended 28 February 2003.

Key Points:

  * Trading broadly in line with expectations despite tough market conditions
  * Acquired PlanetRecruit in January, one of the top ten UK online
    recruitment companies
  * Enlarged Group now one of the top five UK online recruitment companies
  * Has network of over 10 niche and generalist recruitment websites
  * New product licence introduced which is accelerating transition to
  * Foundation in place to become a leading on and off-line recruitment
  * Appointment of Strand Partners as its new Nominated Adviser
  * Loss before exceptional items of #543,000 on turnover of #956,000

Tony Reeves, Chairman and Chief Executive of Hot Group, said:  "Our business
model of becoming a leading on and off-line recruitment company remains on
schedule. As one of the country's top five online recruitment agencies, we are
looking forward to the future and believe our business structure and product
offering will enable us to achieve our long term objectives."


Hot Group plc                                                 020 7000 9994
Tony Reeves, Chairman and Chief Executive
Steve Wright, Finance Director

St Brides Media & Finance Limited                             020 7242 4477
Hugo de Salis

Chairman's Statement


Trading was broadly in line with our expectations despite continuing general
economic uncertainty and fragile business confidence. Our strategy remains to
become a leading on and off-line recruitment company and we now believe that we
have a strong foundation from which to achieve this post the acquisition of
PlanetRecruit. The enlarged Group is now one of the top five UK online
recruitment companies which provides us with a critical mass from which to
further our ambitions.

We have witnessed tough market conditions and have incurred a higher level of
contract cancellations/bad debts, particularly in our online agency division
which is partly a result of agency liquidations.  However we have proactively
tried to counteract this with the launch of a new product licence, which is
having a major impact in the fortunes of the business, and is accelerating our
transition to profitability.  In addition, we are realising significant cost
savings having consolidated three offices into one large office in West London,
which will also provide us with capacity for expansion.

Group Development

During the period we continued to look for acquisition opportunities. In
January, we acquired PlanetRecruit, one of the top ten UK online recruitment
companies, which consolidates our position in this market and more importantly,
provides the Group with a far stronger product offering.  The integration of
PlanetRecruit has been accomplished quickly and efficiently with annualised cost
savings in excess of #400k secured within 90 days of the acquisition.

The technology platforms of the two companies have now been fully integrated and
the resultant new product, hotonline, was launched in March. This product, sold
on substantially improved licence terms, is now one of the UK's largest online
recruitment networks and comprises over 10 niche and generalist recruitment
websites, including the existing Jobtrack product.  Since its launch we are able
to clearly articulate and demonstrate the underlying product value, and through
a stronger pricing policy, are experiencing increased sales productivity, which
is reflected in higher margins and profitability.


In the 6 month period, which includes one month of the PlanetRecruit
acquisition, revenues achieved amount to #956k and losses before exceptional
items amount to #543k, of which #147k relates to goodwill amortisation.  At 28
February the Group's net overdraft was #58k, which is within the Group's
overdraft facility.  Additional funds for working capital have been secured
since 28 February.  The Group continues to closely monitor cash requirements and
further funds will be required in the short term prior to the Group turning
cash-flow positive.

Change of Adviser

The Group has today appointed Strand Partners as its Nominated Adviser with
immediate effect.

The Future

Although business confidence remains weak, we have grown substantially during
the period and secured our position as a leading player in the market. As a
result, I believe the Group is ideally positioned to produce considerably better
results in the future.  We are maintaining a cautious stance on the basis that
market conditions will remain challenging but stable for the remainder of this
year.  At the same time as keeping careful control over costs, the
infrastructure of the business continues to be developed so that the Group is
positioned to secure the longer-term prospects as the recruitment market
undergoes technology led change.

We remain alert to acquisition opportunities, particularly those that assist our
strategic objectives for widening our product range and show potential synergy
with our existing on-line capability and offerings.  We are very happy with the
direction of the Group, which we believe will ensure that the Group remains at
the cutting edge of the changes taking place within the recruitment business.

Anthony H Reeves

May 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the 6 months ending 28 February

                                                                                         6 months         16 months
                                                                                             ended            ended
                                                                                       28 February        31 August
                                                                                              2003             2002
                                                                               Note     (Unaudited)       (Audited)
                                                                                              #000             #000
     Continuing operations                                                                     876            1,592
     Acquisitions                                                                               80              268
     Discontinued operations                                                                     -              971
                                                                                               956            2,831
     Marketing and development costs                                                          (50)            (699)
     Administrative expenses                                                               (1,449)          (4,640)
     Operating loss                                                                                                
     Continuing operations                                                                   (568)          (1,805)
     Acquisitions                                                                               25            (416)
     Discontinued operations                                                                                  (287)
                                                                                             (543)          (2,508)
     Exceptional items                                                           2           (219)                0
     Loss on disposal of Strategies Division                                                     -          (2,198)
     Interest receivable                                                                         -               70
     Interest payable                                                                         (14)             (74)
     Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                             (776)          (4,710)
     Tax on loss on ordinary activities                                                          -                -
     Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                             (776)          (4,710)
     Minority interests                                                                          0               26
     Loss for the financial period attributable to                                                                 
                          members of hot group plc                                           (776)          (4,684)
     Loss per share (pence)                                                      3         (2.52p)         (31.24p)

  Consolidated Balance Sheet                                                                                          
  As at 28 February 2003                                                                                              
                                                                                          28 February        31 August
                                                                                                 2003             2002
                                                                                          (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                              Note               #000             #000
  Fixed Assets                                                                                                        
  Intangible Assets                                                                             7,468            5,255
  Tangible Assets                                                                                 181              104
                                                                                                7,649            5,359
  Current Assets                                                                                                      
  Debtors: amounts falling due within one year                                                  1,184              816
  Cash at bank and in hand                                                                         65              100
                                                                                                1,249              916
  Creditors:                         amounts falling due within one year                      (2,987)          (2,368)
  Net current liabilities                                                                     (1,738)          (1,452)
  Total assets less current liabilities                                                         5,911            3,907
  Creditors:                         amounts falling due after more than one year               (400)            (400)
  Provisions for liabilities and charges                                                        (210)            (210)
  Net assets                                                                                    5,301            3,297
  Equity capital and reserves                                                                                         
  Called up share capital                                                                       4,307            2,547
  Share premium                                                                                 8,258            7,238
  Other reserve                                                                                   619              619
  Profit and loss account                                                                     (7,883)          (7,107)
  Equity shareholders' funds                                                    4               5,301            3,297

  Consolidated Cash Flow Statement                                                                                    
  For the 6 months ended 28 February 2003                                                                             
                                                                                      6 months               16 months
                                                                                          ended                  ended
                                                                                    28 February              31 August
                                                               Note                 (Unaudited)              (Audited)
                                                                                           2003                   2002
                                                                            #000           #000       #000        #000
  Net cash outflow from operating activities                       5                     (1,241)               (1,246)
  Returns on investment and servicing of finance                                                                      
  Interest received                                                             -                       70            
  Interest paid                                                               (4)                     (64)            
  Net cash inflow (outflow) from returns on investments                                                               
  and servicing of finance                                                                   (4)                     6
  Capital expenditure                                                                                                 
  Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                  (82)                     (49)            
  Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                                                 (82)                  (49)
  Acquisitions and disposals                                                                                          
  Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                                           -                  (2,099)            
  Proceeds of disposal of Strategies Division                                   -                      713            
  Net cash (overdrafts) acquired with subsidiary undertakings                 163                     (80)            
  Net overdrafts disposed of with Strategies Division                           -                       50            
                                                                                             163               (1,416)
  Net cash outflow before financing                                                      (1,164)               (2,705)
  Repayment of loan                                                          (10)                        -            
  Issue (net of expenses) of ordinary share capital                         1,144                    2,550            
  Net cash inflow from financing                                                           1,134                 2,550
  Decrease in cash                                                    5b                    (30)                 (155)
Notes to the unaudited financial information

1) Basis of accounting  

The consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared under the
historical cost convention and in accordance with applicable United Kingdom
Accounting Standards. The accounting policies are the same as those set out in
the financial statements of the Group for the period ended 31 August 2002.

The interim financial statements are unaudited. Comparative figures for the 6
month period to 28 February 2002 have not been included because, in the opinion
of the Directors, a meaningful comparison is not possible given the change in
structure of the Group since 28 February 2002. The auditors' report on the
financial statements for the period ended 31 August 2002 was unqualified and did
not include a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2) Exceptional item 

The exceptional item represents the cost of the integration of PlanetRecruit, 
which was acquired during the period.

3) Loss per share                                                                                                
                                                                                              6 months      16 months
                                                                                                  ended         ended
                                                                                            28 February     31 August
                                                                                                   2003          2002
    Attributable loss (#000)                                                                      (776)       (4,684)
    Average number of ordinary shares in issue                                               30,777,365    14,994,525
    Basic loss per share (pence)                                                                (2.52p)      (31.24p)
    Fully diluted loss per share is the same as basic loss per share                                                 

4) Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders funds                                             
                                                                                          6 months     16 months
                                                                                              ended        ended
                                                                                        28 February    31 August
                                                                                               2003         2002
                                                                                               #000         #000
        Loss for the period                                                                   (776)      (4,684)
        New share capital subscribed (net of expenses)                                        2,780        7,590
        Write off of irrecoverable minority interest                                               -         (4)
                                                                                              2,004        2,902
        Opening equity shareholders' funds                                                    3,297          395
        Closing equity shareholders' funds                                                    5,301        3,297

5) Notes to the cash flow statement                                                                          
                                                                                         6 months         16 months
                                                                                             ended            ended
                                                                                       28 February        31 August
                                                                                              2003             2002
                                                                                       (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                                              #000             #000
      (a) Net cash outflow from operating activities                                                               
      Operating loss                                                                         (543)          (2,508)
      Exceptional items                                                                      (219)                -
      Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of fixed assets                                179              471
      Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets                                                  0               39
      Expense settled by issue of share capital                                                  -               10
      Decrease (increase) in debtors                                                         (232)              289
      Increase (decrease) in creditors                                                       (426)              243
      Increase in provisions for liabilities and charges                                                        210
      Net cashflow from operating activities                                               (1,241)          (1,246)

                                                                                       6 months     16 months
                                                                                           ended        ended
                                                                                     28 February    31 August
                                                                                            2003         2002
                                                                                            #000         #000
          (b) Reconciliation of net cash flow to net (debt) funds                                            
          Decrease in cash                                                                  (30)        (155)
          Decrease in debt financing                                                          10             
          Loans acquired with subsidiary companies                                             0        (537)
          Increase in net debt/decrease in net funds                                        (20)        (692)
          Net (debt) funds at beginning of period                                          (565)          127
          Net debt at end of period                                                        (585)        (565)

    c) Analysis of changes in net (debt) funds                                                                       
                                                             1 September    of subsidiary                28 February 
                                                                     2002    undertakings   Cash flows          2003 
                                                                     #000            #000         #000          #000 
    Cash at bank and in hand                                          100             163        (198)            65 
    Bank overdrafts                                                 (128)                            5         (123) 
                                                                     (28)             163        (193)          (58) 
    Debt due within one year                                        (137)                           10         (127) 
    Debt due after more than one year                               (400)                                      (400) 
                                                                    (565)             163        (183)         (585) 
(d) Major non-cash transactions

During the period the company issued 9,375,000 ordinary shares of 10p each at
16.5p per spare and #500,000 3% redeemable notes 2003 in part settlement of the
cost of acquisition of PlanetRecruit Limited. Depending upon the achievement of
a revenue performance target, the company will be required to issue up to a
further 3,125,000 ordinary shares of 10p each at 16.5p per share, which will
increase goodwill and shareholders' funds by the value of the shares issued. 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange