


Investment Company Act file number 811-21972

Name of Fund: BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)

Fund Address: 100 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington, DE 19809

Name and address of agent for service: John M. Perlowski, Chief Executive Officer, BlackRock
Credit Allocation Income Trust IV, 55 East 52 nd Street, New York, NY 10055

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (800) 882-0052, Option 4

Date of fiscal year end: 10/31/2011

Date of reporting period: 04/30/2011

Item 1 – Report to Stockholders

April 30, 2011

Semi-Annual Report (Unaudited)

} BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)

} BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)

} BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)

} BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)

} BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)

Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value

Table of Contents    
Dear Shareholder   3  
Semi-Annual Report:    
Fund Summaries   4  
The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging   14  
Derivative Financial Instruments   15  
Financial Statements:    
Schedules of Investments   16  
Statements of Assets and Liabilities   48  
Statements of Operations   49  
Statements of Changes in Net Assets   50  
Statements of Cash Flows   53  
Financial Highlights   54  
Notes to Financial Statements   59  
Officers and Directors   70  
Additional Information   71  




Dear Shareholder

Time and again, we have seen how various global events and developing trends can have significant influence on financial markets. I hope you find
that the following review of recent market conditions provides additional perspective on the performance of your investments as you read this
shareholder report.

Over the past 12 months, we have seen a sluggish, stimulus-driven economic recovery at long last gain real traction, accelerate, and transition into a
consumption-driven expansion. For the most part, 2010 was plagued with widely fluctuating economic data, but as the year drew to a close, it became
clear that cyclical stimulus had beaten out structural problems as economic data releases generally became more positive and financial markets showed
signs of continuing improvement. Although the sovereign debt crisis in Europe and high inflation in developing markets that troubled the global economy
in 2010 remain challenges today, overall investor confidence has improved considerably. During the first four months of 2011, that confidence was shaken
by political turmoil in the Middle East/North Africa region, soaring prices of oil and other commodities, tremendous natural disasters in Japan and a
change in the ratings outlook for US debt. However, strong corporate earnings prevailed and financial markets resumed their course while the global
economy continued to garner strength.

Equity markets experienced uneven growth and high volatility in 2010, but ended the year with gains. Following a strong start to 2011, the series of confi-
dence-shaking events brought spurts of heightened volatility to markets worldwide, but was not enough to derail the bull market. Overall, global equities
posted strong returns over the past 12 months. Emerging market equities, which had outperformed developed markets earlier in the period, fell prey to
heightened inflationary pressures and underperformed developed markets later in the period. In the United States, strong corporate earnings and positive
signals from the labor market were sources of encouragement for equity investors, although the housing market did not budge from its slump. Early in
2011, the US Federal Reserve announced that it would continue its Treasury purchase program (“QE2”) through to completion and keep interest rates low
for an extended period. This compelled investors to continue buying riskier assets, furthering the trend of small cap stocks outperforming large caps.

While fixed income markets saw yields trend lower (pushing bond prices higher) through most of 2010, the abrupt reversal in investor sentiment and risk
tolerance in the fourth quarter drove yields sharply upward. Global credit markets were surprisingly resilient in the face of recent headwinds and yields
regained relative stability as the period came to a close. Yield curves globally remained steep by historical standards and higher-risk sectors continued
to outperform higher-quality assets. The tax-exempt municipal market enjoyed a powerful rally during the period of low yields in 2010, but when that
trend reversed, the market was dealt an additional blow as it became evident that the Build America Bond program would not be extended. Meanwhile,
municipal finance troubles raised credit concerns among investors and tax-exempt mutual funds experienced heavy outflows, resulting in wider spreads
and falling prices. The new year brought relief from these headwinds and a steady rebound in the tax-exempt municipal market.

Cash investments, as represented by the 3-month Treasury bill, returned only a fraction over 0% for the 12-month period as short-term interest rates
remained low. Yields on money market securities remain near all-time lows.

Risk Assets Rallied on Growing Investor Confidence: Total Returns as of April 30, 2011   6-month   12-month  
US large cap equities (S&P 500 ® Index)   16.36%   17.22%  
US small cap equities (Russell 2000 ® Index)   23.73   22.20  
International equities (MSCI Europe, Australasia, Far East Index)   12.71   19.18  
Emerging market equities (MSCI Emerging Markets Index)   9.74   20.67  
3-month Treasury bill (BofA Merrill Lynch 3-Month Treasury Bill Index)   0.09   0.17  
US Treasury securities (BofA Merrill Lynch 10-Year US Treasury Index)   (3.85)   6.37  
US investment grade bonds (Barclays Capital US Aggregate Bond Index)   0.02   5.36  
Tax-exempt municipal bonds (Barclays Capital Municipal Bond Index)   (1.68)   2.20  
US high yield bonds (Barclays Capital US Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index)   6.18   13.32  
Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Index performance shown for illustrative purposes only. You cannot invest directly in an index.    


While no one can peer into a crystal ball and eliminate the uncertainties presented by the economic landscape and financial markets, BlackRock can
offer investors the next best thing: partnership with the world’s largest asset management firm that delivers consistent long-term investment results with
fewer surprises. For additional market perspective and investment insight, visit www.blackrock.com/shareholdermagazine , where you’ll find the most
recent issue of our award-winning Shareholder® magazine, as well as its quarterly companion newsletter, Shareholder Perspectives . As always, we thank
you for entrusting BlackRock with your investments, and we look forward to your continued partnership in the months and years ahead.



Fund Summary as of April 30, 2011 BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc.

Fund Overview

BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc.’s (PSW) (the “Fund”) primary investment objective is to provide holders of common shares (“Common
Shareholders”) with high current income. The secondary investment objective of the Fund is to provide Common Shareholders with capital appreciation.
Fund seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its assets in credit-related securities,
but not limited to, investment grade corporate bonds, high yield bonds (commonly referred to as “junk” bonds), bank loans, preferred
securities or convertible
bonds or derivatives with economic characteristics similar to these credit-related securities. The Fund may invest directly
in such securities or synthetically
through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the Fund returned (0.82)%
based on market price and 3.73% based on net asset value (“NAV”).
For the same period, the closed-end Lipper Corporate Debt Funds
(BBB-Rated) category posted an average return of (0.45)% based on
market price and 2.46% based on NAV. All returns reflect reinvestment
of dividends. The Fund's discount to NAV, which widened during the
period, accounts for the difference between performance based on
price and performance based on NAV. The following discussion relates
to performance based on NAV.

What factors influenced performance?
The primary driver of the Fund’s positive performance was its allocation
to high yield corporate credit, as the sector broadly rallied during the
period on improving fundamentals and continued signs of economic
recovery in the United States. Also contributing positively was the
Fund’s allocation and security selection within investment grade corpo-
rate credit. In particular, an allocation to capital securities, including
trust preferreds and hybrid securities, had a positive impact due to a
technical rally in that space sparked by the favorable outcome of finan-
cial regulatory reform. Within the industrials sector, the Fund’s prefer-
ence for media cable and media non-cable as well as wireless names
boosted returns as these industries performed well during the period.
The Fund also benefited from reducing its portfolio duration (sensitivity
to interest rates) in the first half of the period, as interest rates rose fol-
lowing the announcement from the US Federal Reserve that it would
implement a second round of quantitative easing.

Conversely, the Fund’s shorter duration bias hurt performance in the
later half of the period when interest rates turned lower on rising oil
prices and the disastrous earthquake in Japan. In addition, as the yield
curve steepened near the end of 2010 and into early 2011, the Fund’s
yield curve-flattening bias (fewer holdings of short-dated bonds in favor
of longer-dated bonds) detracted from performance. Lastly, the Fund’s
financials and utilities holdings had a negative impact as both sectors
underperformed for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
During the six-month period, the Fund increased exposure to high yield
corporate credit in order to position itself to benefit from the positive
effects of an accommodative monetary policy fueling an economic
recovery and improving corporate fundamentals.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
The Fund maintained diversified exposure across investment grade
and high yield corporate credits with a quality bias toward lower-quality
investment grade issues. The Fund ended the period with a smaller
allocation to financials in favor of the industrials and utilities sectors,
and a relatively short duration bias.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These
views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.



BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc.

Fund Information    
Symbol on New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”)   PSW  
Initial Offering Date   August 1, 2003  
Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2011 ($9.28) 1   6.40%  
Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.0495  
Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.5940  
Leverage as of April 30, 2011 3   25%  
1 Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance does not guarantee future results.  
2 The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.    
3 Represents reverse repurchase agreements as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund (including any assets attributable to any borrowings)  
minus the sum of liabilities (other than borrowings representing financial leverage). For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks  
of Leveraging on page 14.    


The table below summarizes the changes in the Fund’s market price and NAV per share:

  4/30/11   10/31/10   Change   High   Low  
Market Price   $ 9.28   $ 9.67   (4.03)%   $ 9.89   $ 8.52  
Net Asset Value   $10.79   $10.75   0.37%   $10.85   $10.24  


The following charts show the portfolio composition and credit quality allocations of the Fund’s long-term investments:

Portfolio Composition      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
Corporate Bonds   77%   69%  
Preferred Securities   20   16  
U.S. Treasury Obligations   1   14  
Asset Backed Securities   1    
Taxable Municipal Bonds   1   1  


Credit Quality Allocations 4      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
AAA 5   1%   14%  
AA/Aa   12   10  
A   22   23  
BBB/Baa   40   38  
BB/Ba   14   12  
B   7   1  
CCC/Caa   2    
Not Rated   2   2  
4 Using the higher of Standard & Poor’s (“S&P’s”) or Moody’s Investors Service  
(“Moody’s”) ratings.      
5 Includes US Treasury obligations that are deemed AAA by the investment advisor.  




Fund Summary as of April 30, 2011 BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc.

Fund Overview

BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc.’s (PSY) (the “Fund”) primary investment objective is to provide common shareholders with
current income.
The secondary investment objective of the Fund is to provide Common Shareholders with capital appreciation. The Fund
seeks to achieve its investment objec
tives by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its assets in credit-related
securities, including, but not limited to, investment grade corpo
rate bonds, high yield bonds (commonly referred to as “junk” bonds),
bank loans, preferred securities or convertible bonds or derivatives with economic
characteristics similar to these credit-related
securities. The Fund may invest directly in such securities or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the Fund returned 0.29%
based on market price and 3.73% based on NAV. For the same period,
the closed-end Lipper Corporate Debt Funds (BBB-Rated) category
posted an average return of (0.45)% based on market price and 2.46%
based on NAV. All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends. The Fund's
discount to NAV, which widened during the period, accounts for the dif-
ference between performance based on price and performance based
on NAV. The following discussion relates to performance based on NAV.

What factors influenced performance?
The primary driver of the Fund’s positive performance was its allocation
to high yield corporate credit, as the sector broadly rallied during the
period on improving fundamentals and continued signs of economic
recovery in the United States. Also contributing positively was the
Fund’s allocation and security selection within investment grade corpo-
rate credit. In particular, an allocation to capital securities, including
trust preferreds and hybrid securities, had a positive impact due to a
technical rally in that space sparked by the favorable outcome of finan-
cial regulatory reform. Within the industrials sector, the Fund’s prefer-
ence for media cable and media non-cable as well as wireless names
boosted returns as these industries performed well during the period.
The Fund also benefited from reducing its portfolio duration (sensitivity
to interest rates) in the first half of the period, as interest rates rose fol-
lowing the announcement from the US Federal Reserve that it would
implement a second round of quantitative easing.

Conversely, the Fund’s shorter duration bias hurt performance in the
later half of the period when interest rates turned lower on rising oil
prices and the disastrous earthquake in Japan. In addition, as the yield
curve steepened near the end of 2010 and into early 2011, the Fund’s
yield curve-flattening bias (fewer holdings of short-dated bonds in favor
of longer-dated bonds) detracted from performance. Lastly, the Fund’s
financials and utilities holdings had a negative impact as both sectors
underperformed for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
During the six-month period, the Fund increased exposure to high yield
corporate credit in order to position itself to benefit from the positive
effects of an accommodative monetary policy fueling an economic
recovery and improving corporate fundamentals.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
The Fund maintained diversified exposure across investment grade and
high yield corporate credits with a quality bias toward lower-quality
investment grade issues. The Fund ended the period with a smaller allo-
cation to financials in favor of the industrials and utilities sectors, and a
relatively short duration bias.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These
views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.



BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc.

Fund Information    
Symbol on NYSE   PSY  
Initial Offering Date   March 28, 2003  
Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2011 ($10.08) 1   6.37%  
Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.0535  
Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.6420  
Leverage as of April 30, 2011 3   25%  
1 Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance does not guarantee future results.  
2 The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.    
3 Represents reverse repurchase agreements as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund (including any assets attributable to any borrowings)  
minus the sum of liabilities (other than borrowings representing financial leverage). For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks  
of Leveraging on page 14.    


The table below summarizes the changes in the Fund’s market price and NAV per share:

  4/30/11   10/31/10   Change   High   Low  
Market Price   $10.08   $10.39   (2.98)%   $10.60   $ 9.23  
Net Asset Value   $11.63   $11.59   0.35%   $11.70   $11.01  


The following charts show the portfolio composition and credit quality allocations of the Fund’s long-term investments:

Portfolio Composition      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
Corporate Bonds   76%   64%  
Preferred Securities   21   19  
U.S. Treasury Obligations   1   16  
Taxable Municipal Bonds   1   1  
Asset Backed Securities   1    


Credit Quality Allocations 4      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
AAA 5   1%   16%  
AA/Aa   9   7  
A   23   21  
BBB/Baa   41   42  
BB/Ba   16   12  
B   7   1  
CCC/Caa   2    
Not Rated   1   1  
4 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.      
5 Includes US Treasury obligations that are deemed AAA by the investment advisor.  




Fund Summary as of April 30, 2011 BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III

Fund Overview

BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III’s (BPP) (the “Fund”) investment objective is to provide high current income consistent with capital preserva-
tion. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its assets in credit-related securities,
including, but not limited to, investment grade corporate bonds, high yield bonds (commonly referred to as “junk” bonds), bank loans, preferred securities or
convertible bonds or derivatives with economic characteristics similar to these credit-related securities. The Fund may invest directly in such securities or
synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the Fund returned (1.30)%
based on market price and 3.95% based on NAV. For the same period,
the closed-end Lipper Corporate Debt Funds (BBB-Rated) category
posted an average return of (0.45)% based on market price and 2.46%
based on NAV. All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends. The Fund's
discount to NAV, which widened during the period, accounts for the dif-
ference between performance based on price and performance based
on NAV. The following discussion relates to performance based on NAV.

What factors influenced performance?
The primary driver of the Fund’s positive performance was its allocation
to high yield corporate credit, as the sector broadly rallied during the
period on improving fundamentals and continued signs of economic
recovery in the United States. Also contributing positively was the
Fund’s allocation and security selection within investment grade corpo-
rate credit. In particular, an allocation to capital securities, including
trust preferreds and hybrid securities, had a positive impact due to a
technical rally in that space sparked by the favorable outcome of finan-
cial regulatory reform. Within the industrials sector, the Fund’s prefer-
ence for media cable and media non-cable as well as wireless names
boosted returns as these industries performed well during the period.
The Fund also benefited from reducing its portfolio duration (sensitivity
to interest rates) in the first half of the period, as interest rates rose fol-
lowing the announcement from the US Federal Reserve that it would
implement a second round of quantitative easing.

Conversely, the Fund’s shorter duration bias hurt performance in the
later half of the period when interest rates turned lower on rising oil
prices and the disastrous earthquake in Japan. In addition, as the yield
curve steepened near the end of 2010 and into early 2011, the Fund’s
yield curve-flattening bias (fewer holdings of short-dated bonds in favor
of longer-dated bonds) detracted from performance. Lastly, the Fund’s
financials and utilities holdings had a negative impact as both sectors
underperformed for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
During the six-month period, the Fund increased exposure to high yield
corporate credit in order to position itself to benefit from the positive
effects of an accommodative monetary policy fueling an economic
recovery and improving corporate fundamentals.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
The Fund maintained diversified exposure across investment grade and
high yield corporate credits with a quality bias toward lower-quality
investment grade issues. The Fund ended the period with a smaller
allocation to financials in favor of the industrials and utilities sectors,
and a relatively short duration bias.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These
views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.



BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III

Fund Information    
Symbol on NYSE   BPP  
Initial Offering Date   February 28, 2003  
Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2011 ($10.74) 1   6.03%  
Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.054  
Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.648  
Leverage as of April 30, 2011 3   19%  
1 Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance does not guarantee future results.  
2 The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.    
3 Represents reverse repurchase agreements as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund (including any assets attributable to any borrowings)  
minus the sum of liabilities (other than borrowings representing financial leverage). For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks  
of Leveraging on page 14.    


The table below summarizes the changes in the Fund’s market price and NAV per share:

  4/30/11   10/31/10   Change   High   Low  
Market Price   $10.74   $11.23   (4.36)%   $11.31   $10.01  
Net Asset Value   $12.50   $12.41   0.73%   $12.50   $11.79  


The following charts show the portfolio composition and credit quality allocations of the Fund’s long-term investments:

Portfolio Composition      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
Corporate Bonds   78%   72%  
Preferred Securities   20   18  
Taxable Municipal Bonds   1   1  
U.S. Treasury Obligations   1   9  


Credit Quality Allocations 4      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
AAA 5   1%   9%  
AA/Aa   10   8  
A   18   26  
BBB/Baa   43   40  
BB/Ba   16   14  
B   9   1  
CCC/Caa   2   1  
Not Rated   1   1  
4 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.      
5 Includes US Treasury obligations that are deemed AAA by the investment advisor.  




Fund Summary as of April 30, 2011 BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV

Fund Overview

BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV’s (BTZ) (the “Fund”) investment objective is to provide current income, current gains and capital appreciation.
The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing, under normal market conditions, at least 80% of its assets in credit-related securities,
including, but not limited to, investment grade corporate bonds, high yield bonds (commonly referred to as “junk” bonds), bank loans, preferred securities
or convertible bonds or derivatives with economic characteristics similar to these credit-related securities. The Fund may invest directly in such securities
or synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objective will be achieved.

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the Fund returned (1.74)%
based on market price and 3.15% based on NAV. For the same period,
the closed-end Lipper Corporate Debt Funds (BBB-Rated) category
posted an average return of (0.45)% based on market price and 2.46%
based on NAV. All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends. The Fund's
discount to NAV, which widened during the period, accounts for the dif-
ference between performance based on price and performance based
on NAV. The following discussion relates to performance based on NAV.

What factors influenced performance?
The primary driver of the Fund’s positive performance was its allocation
to high yield corporate credit, as the sector broadly rallied during the
period on improving fundamentals and continued signs of economic
recovery in the United States. Also contributing positively was the
Fund’s allocation and security selection within investment grade corpo-
rate credit. In particular, an allocation to capital securities, including
trust preferreds and hybrid securities, had a positive impact due to a
technical rally in that space sparked by the favorable outcome of finan-
cial regulatory reform. Within the industrials sector, the Fund’s prefer-
ence for media cable and media non-cable as well as wireless names
boosted returns as these industries performed well during the period.
The Fund also benefited from reducing its portfolio duration (sensitivity
to interest rates) in the first half of the period, as interest rates rose fol-
lowing the announcement from the US Federal Reserve that it would
implement a second round of quantitative easing.

Conversely, the Fund’s shorter duration bias hurt performance in the
later half of the period when interest rates turned lower on rising oil
prices and the disastrous earthquake in Japan. In addition, as the yield
curve steepened near the end of 2010 and into early 2011, the Fund’s
yield curve-flattening bias (fewer holdings of short-dated bonds in favor
of longer-dated bonds) detracted from performance. Lastly, the Fund’s
financials and utilities holdings had a negative impact as both sectors
underperformed for the six-month period.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
During the six-month period, the Fund increased exposure to high yield
corporate credit in order to position itself to benefit from the positive
effects of an accommodative monetary policy fueling an economic
recovery and improving corporate fundamentals.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
The Fund maintained diversified exposure across investment grade
and high yield corporate credits with a quality bias toward lower-quality
investment grade issues. The Fund ended the period with a smaller
allocation to financials in favor of the industrials and utilities sectors,
and a relatively short duration bias.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These
views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

10   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV

Fund Information    
Symbol on NYSE   BTZ  
Initial Offering Date   December 27, 2006  
Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2011 ($12.36) 1   6.70%  
Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.069  
Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.828  
Leverage as of April 30, 2011 3   21%  
1 Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance does not guarantee future results.  
2 The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.    
3 Represents reverse repurchase agreements as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund (including any assets attributable to any borrowings)  
minus the sum of liabilities (other than borrowings representing financial leverage). For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks  
of Leveraging on page 14.    


The table below summarizes the changes in the Fund’s market price and NAV per share:

  4/30/11   10/31/10   Change   High   Low  
Market Price   $12.36   $13.02   (5.07)%   $13.20   $11.66  
Net Asset Value   $14.41   $14.46   (0.35)%   $14.56   $13.69  


The following charts show the portfolio composition of the Fund’s long-term investments and credit quality allocations of the Fund’s long-term investments:

Portfolio Composition      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
Corporate Bonds   73%   64%  
Preferred Securities   22   19  
U.S. Treasury Obligations   2   15  
Taxable Municipal Bonds   2   2  
Asset Backed Securities   1    


Credit Quality Allocations 4      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
AA/Aa   7%   11%  
A   26   22  
BBB/Baa   40   44  
BB/Ba   15   19  
B   7   2  
CCC/Caa   2    
Not Rated   3   2  
4 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.      


SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   11  


Fund Summary as of April 30, 2011 BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust

Fund Overview

BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust’s (BGT) (the “Fund”) primary investment objective is to provide a high level of current income. The Fund’s secondary
investment objective is to seek the preservation of capital. The Fund seeks to achieve its investment objectives by investing primarily, under normal condi-
tions, at least 80% of its assets in floating and variable rate instruments of US and non-US issuers, including a substantial portion of its assets in global
floating and variable rate securities including senior secured floating rate loans made to corporate and other business entities. Under normal market condi-
tions, the Fund expects that the average effective duration of its portfolio will be no more than 1.5 years. The Fund may invest directly in such securities or
synthetically through the use of derivatives.

No assurance can be given that the Fund’s investment objectives will be achieved.

Portfolio Management Commentary

How did the Fund perform?
For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the Fund returned 12.37%
based on market price and 6.49% based on NAV. For the same period,
the closed-end Lipper Loan Participation Funds category posted an
average return of 11.45% based on market price and 6.56% based on
NAV. All returns reflect reinvestment of dividends. The Fund's premium
to NAV, which widened during the period, accounts for the difference
between performance based on price and performance based on NAV.
The following discussion relates to performance based on NAV.

What factors influenced performance?
The main driver of positive performance for the period was the Fund’s
allocation (approximately 10% of the portfolio) to high yield bonds, as
the asset class outperformed Floating Rate Loan Interests (bank loans).
In addition, the Fund maintained its level of leverage at or above the
Lipper category average, which benefited the Fund’s performance rela-
tive to its peer group competitors that do not employ leverage, as would
be expected when markets are advancing.

As a matter of investment style, the Fund holds a considerable alloca-
tion to foreign bonds (approximately 30% of the portfolio). Many of
those non-US issuers have investment grade credit quality ratings,
such as Gazprom (Russia), which underperformed the Fund’s high
yield bond holdings.

The Fund uses foreign currency exchange contracts to manage currency
risk in the portfolio. The net effect of the contracts duing the period
was negative.

Describe recent portfolio activity.
During the six-month period, the Fund decreased its exposure to higher-
quality high yield credits and increased exposure to high yield credits
with mid-range quality ratings as the economy gradually expanded and
a robust new-issue market provided greater access to attractive oppor-
tunities. Relative to its competitors, the Fund continues to maintain a
bias towards higher-quality and more liquid borrowers, sectors and loan
structures, particularly as loan prices generally are approaching par.

Describe Fund positioning at period end.
At period end, the Fund held 85% of its total portfolio in bank loans
and 15% in fixed-rate bonds, primarily high yield, with the remainder
invested in a mix of convertible bonds, preferred securities, equities and
cash. The Fund ended the period with leverage at approximately 31% of
its total managed assets.

The views expressed reflect the opinions of BlackRock as of the date of this report and are subject to change based on changes in market, economic or other conditions. These
views are not intended to be a forecast of future events and are no guarantee of future results.

12   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust

Fund Information    
Symbol on NYSE   BGT  
Initial Offering Date   August 30, 2004  
Yield on Closing Market Price as of April 30, 2011 ($15.65) 1   5.94%  
Current Monthly Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.0775  
Current Annualized Distribution per Common Share 2   $0.9300  
Leverage as of April 30, 2011 3   31%  
1 Yield on closing market price is calculated by dividing the current annualized distribution per share by the closing market price. Past performance does not guarantee future results.  
2 The distribution rate is not constant and is subject to change.    
3 Represents the loan outstanding as a percentage of total managed assets, which is the total assets of the Fund (including any assets attributable to any borrowings) minus the sum  
of liabilities (other than borrowings representing financial leverage). For a discussion of leveraging techniques utilized by the Fund, please see The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging  
on page 14.    


The table below summarizes the changes in the Fund’s market price and NAV per share:

  4/30/11   10/31/10   Change   High   Low  
Market Price   $15.65   $14.52   7.78%   $17.00   $14.04  
Net Asset Value   $14.79   $14.48   2.14%   $14.80   $14.35  


The following charts show the portfolio composition of the Fund’s long-term investments and credit quality allocations of the Fund’s long-term investments
excluding common stocks and floating rate loan interests:

Portfolio Composition      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
Floating Rate Loan Interests   85%   79%  
Corporate Bonds   11   16  
Foreign Agency Obligations   2   4  
Other Interests   1   1  
Asset Backed Securities   1    


Credit Quality Allocations 4      
  4/30/11   10/31/10  
AA/Aa   3%    
A   9   4%  
BBB/Baa   10   21  
BB/Ba   21   23  
B   37   29  
CCC/Caa     1  
Not Rated   20   22 5  
4 Using the higher of S&P’s or Moody’s ratings.      
5 The investment advisor has deemed certain of these non-rated securities to be of  
investment grade quality. As of October 31, 2010, the market value of these securi-  
ties was $606,918 representing 1% of the Fund's long-term investments.    


SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   13  


The Benefits and Risks of Leveraging

The Funds may utilize leverage to seek to enhance the yield and NAV of their
common shares (“Common Shares”). However, these objectives cannot be
achieved in all interest rate environments.

The Funds may utilize leverage by borrowing through a credit facility or
entering into reverse repurchase agreements. PSW, PSY, BPP, BTZ and BGT
had auction market preferred shares (“Preferred Shares”) issuances out-
standing during the six-month period ended April 30, 2011. In general, the
concept of leveraging is based on the premise that the cost of assets to
be obtained from leverage, which will be based on short-term interest
rates, will normally be lower than the income earned by each Fund on
its longer-term portfolio investments. To the extent that the total assets of
each Fund (including the assets obtained from leverage) are invested in
higher-yielding portfolio investments, each Fund’s Common Shareholders
will benefit from the incremental net income.

The interest earned on securities purchased with the proceeds from lever-
age is paid to Common Shareholders in the form of dividends, and the
value of these portfolio holdings is reflected in the per share NAV of each
Fund’s Common Shares. However, in order to benefit Common Shareholders,
the yield curve must be positively sloped; that is, short-term interest rates
must be lower than long-term interest rates. If the yield curve becomes
negatively sloped, meaning short-term interest rates exceed long-term
interest rates, income to Common Shareholders will be lower than if the
Funds had not used leverage.

To illustrate these concepts, assume a Fund’s capitalization is $100 million
and it borrows an additional $30 million, creating a total value of $130 mil-
lion available for investment in long-term securities. If prevailing short-term
interest rates are 3% and long-term interest rates are 6%, the yield curve
has a strongly positive slope. In this case, the Fund pays borrowing cost and
interest expense on the $30 million of borrowings based on the lower short-
term interest rates. At the same time, the securities purchased by the Fund
with assets received from the borrowings earn income based on long-term
interest rates. In this case, the borrowing cost and interest expense of the
borrowings is significantly lower than the income earned on the Fund’s
long-term investments, and therefore the Common Shareholders are the
beneficiaries of the incremental net income.

If short-term interest rates rise, narrowing the differential between short-
term and long-term interest rates, the incremental net income pickup on
the Common Shares will be reduced or eliminated completely. Furthermore,
if prevailing short-term interest rates rise above long-term interest rates of
6%, the yield curve has a negative slope. In this case, the Fund pays divi-
dends on the higher short-term interest rates whereas the Fund’s total
portfolio earns income based on lower long-term interest rates.

Furthermore, the value of a Fund’s portfolio investments generally varies
inversely with the direction of long-term interest rates, although other factors
can influence the value of portfolio investments. In contrast, the redemption
value of the Funds’ borrowings does not fluctuate in relation to interest
rates. As a result, changes in interest rates can influence each Fund’s NAV
positively or negatively in addition to the impact on Fund performance from
leverage and borrowings discussed above.

The use of leverage may enhance opportunities for increased income to the
Funds and Common Shareholders, but as described above, it also creates
risks as short or long-term interest rates fluctuate. Leverage also will gener-
ally cause greater changes in the Funds’ NAVs, market prices and dividend
rates than comparable portfolios without leverage. If the income derived
from securities purchased with assets received from leverage exceeds the
cost of leverage, each Fund’s net income will be greater than if leverage had
not been used. Conversely, if the income from the securities purchased is
not sufficient to cover the cost of leverage, each Fund’s net income will be
less than if leverage had not been used, and therefore the amount available
for distribution to Common Shareholders will be reduced. Each Fund may be
required to sell portfolio securities at inopportune times or at distressed
values in order to comply with regulatory requirements applicable to the use
of leverage or as required by the terms of leverage instruments which may
cause a Fund to incur losses. The use of leverage may limit each Fund’s abil-
ity to invest in certain types of securities or use certain types of hedging
strategies. Each Fund will incur expenses in connection with the use of
leverage, all of which are borne by Common Shareholders and may reduce
income to the Common Shares.

Under the Investment Company Act of 1940, each Fund is permitted to bor-
row up to 33 1 / 3 % of its total managed assets. Under normal circumstances,
each Fund anticipates that the total economic leverage from reverse repur-
chase agreements and credit facility borrowings will not exceed 33 1 / 3 % of its
total managed assets at the time such leverage is incurred. As of April 30,
2011, the Funds had economic leverage from reverse repurchase agree-
ments and/or credit facility borrowings as a percentage of their total man-
aged assets as follows:

  Percent of  
PSW   25%  
PSY   25%  
BPP   19%  
BTZ   21%  
BGT   31%  


14   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Derivative Financial Instruments

The Funds may invest in various derivative financial instruments, including
financial futures contracts, swaps, options and foreign currency exchange
contracts, as specified in Note 2 of the Notes to Financial Statements,
which may constitute forms of economic leverage. Such instruments are
used to obtain exposure to a market without owning or taking physical cus-
tody of securities or to hedge market, equity, credit, foreign currency
exchange rate, interest rate and/or other risks. Such derivative financial
instruments involve risks, including the imperfect correlation between the
value of a derivative instrument and the underlying asset, possible default
of the counterparty to the transaction or illiquidity of the derivative instru -
ment. The Funds’ ability to use a derivative instrument successfully
depends on the investment advisor’s ability to predict pertinent market
movements accurately, which cannot be assured. The use of derivative
financial instruments may result in losses greater than if they had not been
used, may require a Fund to sell or purchase portfolio investments at inop-
portune times or for distressed values, may limit the amount of apprecia-
tion a Fund can realize on an investment, may result in lower dividends
paid to shareholders or may cause a Fund to hold an investment that it
might otherwise sell. The Funds’ investments in these instruments are dis-
cussed in detail in the Notes to Financial Statements.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   15  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)
Schedule of Investments
April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Asset-Backed Securities   (000)   Value  
Atrium CDO Corp., Series 5A, Class A4,      
2.83%, 7/20/20 (a)(b)   $ 650   $ 542,750  
SLM Student Loan Trust, Series 2004-B, Class A2,      
0.51%, 6/15/21 (b)   573   558,562  
Total Asset-Backed Securities — 1.0%     1,101,312  
Corporate Bonds      
Aerospace & Defense — 1.8%      
BE Aerospace, Inc., 8.50%, 7/01/18   560   624,400  
Bombardier, Inc., 7.75%, 3/15/20 (a)   720   801,900  
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (a):      
6.88%, 3/15/18   90   94,725  
7.13%, 3/15/21   90   94,725  
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.,      
10.00%, 6/01/17 (a)   342   375,345  
Airlines — 0.9%      
American Airlines Pass-Through Trust, Series 2011-1,      
Class A, 5.25%, 7/31/22   325   315,250  
Continental Airlines Pass-Through Certificates,      
Series 2009-2, Class B, 9.25%, 5/10/17   356   375,789  
Delta Air Lines, Inc., Series 02G1, 6.72%, 7/02/24   294   297,722  
Auto Components — 0.7%      
Icahn Enterprises LP:      
7.75%, 1/15/16   200   206,000  
8.00%, 1/15/18   500   516,250  
Beverages — 0.5%      
Constellation Brands, Inc., 7.25%, 5/15/17   460   501,400  
Building Products — 0.5%      
Building Materials Corp. of America (a):      
7.00%, 2/15/20   85   88,613  
6.75%, 5/01/21   270   273,712  
Nortek, Inc., 10.00%, 12/01/18 (a)   220   235,400  
Capital Markets — 4.1%      
Ameriprise Financial, Inc., 5.30%, 3/15/20   750   810,774  
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., 6.25%, 2/01/41 (c)   1,050   1,077,214  
Macquarie Bank Ltd., 6.63%, 4/07/21 (a)(c)   525   543,407  
Morgan Stanley, 5.75%, 1/25/21 (c)   1,025   1,066,167  
UBS AG (c):      
2.25%, 1/28/14   375   379,631  
5.88%, 7/15/16   650   714,591  
Chemicals — 0.4%      
CF Industries, Inc., 7.13%, 5/01/20   250   286,250  
Omnova Solutions, Inc., 7.88%, 11/01/18 (a)   170   174,250  
Commercial Banks — 8.4%      
Amsouth Bank, 4.85%, 4/01/13   200   203,739  
Associated Banc-Corp., 5.13%, 3/28/16   515   524,774  
BNP Paribas, 3.60%, 2/23/16 (c)   1,020   1,037,168  
Branch Banking & Trust Co. (b):      
1.00%, 9/13/16   250   241,091  
1.00%, 5/23/17   150   140,613  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Commercial Banks (concluded)        
CIT Group, Inc., 6.63%, 4/01/18 (a)   $ 378   $ 406,034  
City National Corp., 5.25%, 9/15/20     550   560,534  
Comerica, Inc., 3.00%, 9/16/15     550   553,027  
Credit Agricole SA, 8.38%, 10/29/49 (a)(b)(c)(d)     350   382,375  
Discover Bank, 8.70%, 11/18/19     300   368,905  
Fifth Third Bamcorp, 3.63%, 1/25/16     650   659,479  
HSBC Holdings Plc, 5.10%, 4/05/21 (c)     1,300   1,338,016  
KeyCorp, 5.10%, 3/24/21     180   184,359  
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 4.88%, 1/21/16     200   209,937  
Regions Financial Corp.:        
4.88%, 4/26/13     600   610,877  
5.75%, 6/15/15     460   473,800  
SVB Financial Group, 5.38%, 9/15/20     550   546,967  
Societe Generale, 5.20%, 4/15/21 (a)     700   706,093  
SunTrust Banks, Inc., 3.60%, 4/15/16     200   202,578  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 3.8%        
Aviation Capital Group Corp. (a):        
7.13%, 10/15/20 (c)     2,200   2,280,823  
6.75%, 4/06/21     550   554,306  
Casella Waste Systems, Inc., 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)     149   152,352  
Clean Harbors, Inc., 7.63%, 8/15/16     306   327,420  
Corrections Corp. of America, 7.75%, 6/01/17     775   848,625  
Mobile Mini, Inc., 7.88%, 12/01/20 (a)     65   69,063  
Communications Equipment — 1.2%        
Avaya, Inc.:        
9.75%, 11/01/15     200   206,500  
7.00%, 4/01/19 (a)     125   123,750  
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., 6.88%, 1/15/20   700   761,250  
CC Holdings GS V LLC, 7.75%, 5/01/17 (a)     220   243,100  
Construction Materials — 0.2%        
Inversiones CMPC SA, 4.75%, 1/19/18 (a)     200   197,334  
Consumer Finance — 5.6%        
American Express Credit Corp., 2.75%, 9/15/15 (c)     1,400   1,395,572  
Capital One Bank USA NA, 8.80%, 7/15/19     775   992,535  
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, 7.00%, 4/15/15     100   109,829  
Inmarsat Finance Plc, 7.38%, 12/01/17 (a)     520   549,900  
SLM Corp., 6.25%, 1/25/16     3,050   3,234,049  
Containers & Packaging — 1.5%        
Ball Corp.:        
7.13%, 9/01/16     400   436,000  
6.75%, 9/15/20     505   531,512  
Bemis Co., Inc., 6.80%, 8/01/19     200   230,622  
Crown Americas LLC, 6.25%, 2/01/21 (a)     200   205,500  
Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc., 6.75%, 12/01/14   135   137,869  
Rock-Tenn Co., 9.25%, 3/15/16     75   81,750  
Diversified Financial Services — 6.0%        
Ally Financial, Inc.:        
4.50%, 2/11/14     225   227,250  
8.30%, 2/12/15     390   438,750  
8.00%, 11/01/31     470   529,925  
Bank of America Corp., 3.63%, 3/17/16     1,175   1,180,968  
Citigroup, Inc., 4.59%, 12/15/15     225   238,108  
General Electric Capital Corp., 5.30%, 2/11/21 (c)     1,125   1,167,338  
Moody’s Corp., 6.06%, 9/07/17     2,500   2,575,147  


  Portfolio Abbreviations          
To simplify the listings of portfolio holdings in the Schedules of   CAD   Canadian Dollar   GO   General Obligation Bonds  
Investments, the names of many of the securities have been   CHF   Swiss Franc   LIBOR   London InterBank Offered Rate  
abbreviated according to the following list:   EUR   Euro   RB   Revenue Bonds  
    FKA   Formerly Known As   USD   US Dollar  
    GBP   British Pound      
See Notes to Financial Statements.          
16   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT     APRIL 30, 2011      


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Diversified Financial Services (concluded)      
Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. (a):      
6.88%, 2/15/21   $ 155   $ 159,844  
8.25%, 2/15/21   190   193,088  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 4.7%      
AT&T, Inc., 6.30%, 1/15/38   1,000   1,054,861  
Level 3 Financing, Inc.:      
8.75%, 2/15/17   390   403,650  
10.00%, 2/01/18   130   140,400  
9.38%, 4/01/19 (a)   210   223,125  
Qwest Corp., 8.38%, 5/01/16   390   463,125  
Telecom Italia Capital SA, 6.18%, 6/18/14   225   245,394  
Telefonica Emisiones SAU, 5.46%, 2/16/21   310   321,752  
Verizon Communications, Inc.:      
1.95%, 3/28/14 (c)   875   882,521  
7.35%, 4/01/39   925   1,107,538  
Windstream Corp., 7.88%, 11/01/17   400   432,000  
Electric Utilities — 1.0%      
Progress Energy, Inc., 7.00%, 10/30/31   1,000   1,166,797  
Electronic Equipment, Instruments      
& Components — 0.8%      
Jabil Circuit, Inc., 8.25%, 3/15/18   200   229,500  
NXP BV, 3.05%, 10/15/13 (b)   700   696,500  
Energy Equipment & Services — 0.9%      
Ensco Plc, 4.70%, 3/15/21   460   464,427  
Frac Tech Services LLC, 7.13%, 11/15/18 (a)   85   90,525  
Key Energy Service, Inc., 6.75%, 3/01/21   175   179,812  
MEG Energy Corp., 6.50%, 3/15/21 (a)   225   230,906  
Food & Staples Retailing — 2.5%      
CVS Caremark Corp., 6.30%, 6/01/62 (b)   800   792,000  
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 6.20%, 4/15/38   1,825   2,017,103  
Food Products — 1.0%      
Blue Merger Sub, Inc., 7.63%, 2/15/19 (a)   100   102,375  
Kraft Foods, Inc.:      
6.50%, 8/11/17   385   446,565  
6.13%, 8/23/18   390   442,247  
Smithfield Foods, Inc., 10.00%, 7/15/14   86   101,910  
Gas Utilities — 0.1%      
Targa Resources Partners LP, 6.88%, 2/01/21 (a)   115   114,425  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 1.5%      
Boston Scientific Corp.:      
4.50%, 1/15/15   51   53,492  
6.40%, 6/15/16   45   50,412  
5.13%, 1/12/17   181   190,419  
7.38%, 1/15/40   690   798,000  
Fresenius US Finance II, Inc., 9.00%, 7/15/15 (a)   500   573,125  
Health Care Providers & Services — 2.7%      
Aetna, Inc., 6.75%, 12/15/37   800   910,806  
Aviv Healthcare Properties LP, 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)   105   110,775  
HCA, Inc.:      
8.50%, 4/15/19   125   138,750  
7.25%, 9/15/20   195   209,625  
Tenet Healthcare Corp.:      
10.00%, 5/01/18   350   406,000  
8.88%, 7/01/19   250   282,500  
UnitedHealth Group, Inc., 6.88%, 2/15/38   800   919,714  
Household Durables — 0.3%      
Cemex Espana Luxembourg, 9.25%, 5/12/20 (a)   365   373,212  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
IT Services — 0.5%        
First Data Corp. (a):        
7.38%, 6/15/19   $ 170   $ 173,187  
8.25%, 1/15/21     40   39,800  
12.63%, 1/15/21     275   301,469  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 0.7%      
AES Corp., 9.75%, 4/15/16     235   272,012  
Energy Future Intermediate Holding Co. LLC,        
10.00%, 12/01/20     345   370,903  
NRG Energy, Inc., 8.25%, 9/01/20     115   121,038  
Insurance — 7.0%        
The Allstate Corp., 7.45%, 5/16/19     900   1,084,129  
American International Group, Inc.,        
6.40%, 12/15/20 (c)(d)     410   448,547  
Aon Corp., 5.00%, 9/30/20 (c)     1,600   1,642,432  
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd.,        
7.25%, 12/31/49 (a)(b)(d)     138   138,609  
Forethough Financial Group, 8.63%, 4/15/21 (a)     250   251,894  
Genworth Financial, Inc., 7.63%, 9/24/21     225   231,090  
Lincoln National Corp., 6.25%, 2/15/20 (c)     800   898,462  
Manulife Financial Corp., 4.90%, 9/17/20 (c)     1,000   1,001,433  
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance,        
6.06%, 3/30/40 (a)(c)     900   967,536  
Principal Financial Group, Inc., 8.88%, 5/15/19     225   288,098  
Prudential Financial, Inc., 6.63%, 12/01/37 (c)     800   892,352  
Life Sciences Tools & Services — 1.9%        
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 8.00%, 9/15/16     865   962,312  
Life Technologies Corp., 6.00%, 3/01/20     1,000   1,095,219  
Machinery — 1.1%        
Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co., Ltd.,        
9.50%, 4/15/14     800   963,298  
Navistar International Corp., 8.25%, 11/01/21     230   256,450  
Media — 8.2%        
CSC Holdings LLC:        
8.50%, 6/15/15     400   436,500  
8.63%, 2/15/19     275   316,938  
Cengage Learning Acquisitions, Inc.,        
10.50%, 1/15/15 (a)     365   375,037  
Comcast Corp., 6.30%, 11/15/17     800   919,931  
Cox Communications, Inc., 8.38%, 3/01/39 (a)     800   1,056,769  
DISH DBS Corp., 7.00%, 10/01/13     450   486,000  
DirectTV Holdings LLC, 5.00%, 3/01/21     600   615,563  
Gannett Co., Inc., 9.38%, 11/15/17     450   506,250  
Intelsat Bermuda Ltd. (e):        
11.50%, 2/04/17 (a)     60   65,700  
11.50%, 2/04/17     90   98,550  
Kabel BW Erste Beteiligungs GmbH,        
7.50%, 3/15/19 (a)     230   235,750  
News America, Inc., 6.15%, 3/01/37     950   970,810  
Time Warner Cable, Inc., 6.75%, 6/15/39     925   1,005,415  
Time Warner, Inc., 7.70%, 5/01/32     950   1,145,338  
UPC Germany GmbH, 8.13%, 12/01/17 (a)     240   253,800  
Virgin Media Secured Finance Plc, 6.50%, 1/15/18     600   657,000  
Metals & Mining — 2.0%        
Alcoa, Inc., 5.40%, 4/15/21     580   588,913  
Freeport-McMoRan Corp., 7.13%, 11/01/27     700   744,669  
JMC Steel Group, 8.25%, 3/15/18 (a)     75   78,563  
Novelis, Inc., 8.75%, 12/15/20     240   268,200  
Teck Resources Ltd., 10.75%, 5/15/19     400   511,520  
United States Steel Corp., 7.38%, 4/01/20     40   42,200  


See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   17  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Multi-Utilities — 1.5%      
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.:      
5.95%, 2/01/17   $ 750   $ 825,322  
6.50%, 5/01/18   775   877,166  
Multiline Retail — 1.3%      
Dollar General Corp., 10.63%, 7/15/15   750   802,500  
JC Penney Co., Inc., 5.65%, 6/01/20   700   698,250  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 7.6%      
Anadarko Petroleum Corp.:      
5.95%, 9/15/16   289   322,810  
6.38%, 9/15/17   10   11,295  
BP Capital Markets Plc (c):      
3.88%, 3/10/15   350   367,096  
3.20%, 3/11/16   425   428,451  
Buckeye Partners LP, 4.88%, 2/01/21   225   228,908  
Chesapeake Energy Corp., 6.13%, 2/15/21   770   795,025  
Consol Energy, Inc., 6.38%, 3/01/21 (a)   195   195,975  
Copano Energy LLC, 7.13%, 4/01/21   130   133,250  
Denbury Resources, Inc., 6.38%, 8/15/21   135   139,050  
Enbridge Energy Partners LP, 9.88%, 3/01/19   475   627,478  
Energy XXI Gulf Coast, Inc., 7.75%, 6/15/19 (a)   240   245,400  
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 6.65%, 4/15/18   1,000   1,160,801  
Forest Oil Corp., 7.25%, 6/15/19   105   109,200  
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 6.85%, 2/15/20   1,000   1,164,871  
Linn Energy LLC, 7.75%, 2/01/21 (a)   245   262,456  
Marathon Petroleum Corp., 3.50%, 3/01/16 (a)   325   329,307  
ONEOK Partners LP, 8.63%, 3/01/19   800   1,018,774  
Oasis Petroleum, Inc., 7.25%, 2/01/19 (a)   90   90,900  
Petrobras International Finance Co., 3.88%, 1/27/16   350   354,822  
Range Resources Corp., 6.75%, 8/01/20   200   214,000  
SM Energy Co., 6.63%, 2/15/19 (a)   115   118,738  
SandRidge Energy, Inc., 7.50%, 3/15/21 (a)   170   178,925  
Paper & Forest Products — 2.5%      
Georgia-Pacific LLC, 8.25%, 5/01/16 (a)   785   890,975  
International Paper Co.:      
7.50%, 8/15/21   775   925,046  
7.30%, 11/15/39   800   913,506  
Pharmaceuticals — 7.6%      
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 5.88%, 11/15/36   892   981,919  
GlaxoSmithKline Capital, Inc., 6.38%, 5/15/38 (c)   1,690   1,933,384  
Merck & Co., Inc. (c):      
6.50%, 12/01/33   475   565,756  
6.55%, 9/15/37   1,504   1,788,824  
Pfizer, Inc., 7.20%, 3/15/39   2,500   3,157,112  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 1.9%      
AvalonBay Communities, Inc., 6.10%, 3/15/20   800   903,629  
ERP Operating LP, 5.75%, 6/15/17   800   896,113  
HCP, Inc., 5.38%, 2/01/21   250   259,864  
Real Estate Management & Development — 0.1%      
Realogy Corp., 7.88%, 2/15/19 (a)   160   161,600  
Road & Rail — 1.6%      
Asciano Finance Ltd., 5.00%, 4/07/18 (a)   200   203,493  
Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 8.25%, 1/15/19   155   164,687  
Florida East Coast Railway Corp., 8.13%, 2/01/17 (a)   40   42,400  
The Hertz Corp., 6.75%, 4/15/19 (a)   207   211,140  
Norfolk Southern Corp., 6.00%, 3/15/2105   1,200   1,180,291  


Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 0.6%      
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 7.75%, 8/01/20   $ 190   $ 198,075  
KLA-Tencor Corp., 6.90%, 5/01/18   461   521,613  
Specialty Retail — 1.1%      
AutoNation, Inc., 6.75%, 4/15/18   445   466,137  
Best Buy Co., Inc., 5.50%, 3/15/21   350   352,088  
Claire’s Escrow Corp., 8.88%, 3/15/19 (a)   125   121,563  
Limited Brands, Inc., 7.00%, 5/01/20   230   243,800  
Tobacco — 1.4%      
Altria Group, Inc., 10.20%, 2/06/39   1,050   1,537,096  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 2.5%      
American Tower Corp., 4.50%, 1/15/18   450   444,673  
Cricket Communications, Inc., 7.75%, 5/15/16   155   165,463  
Crown Castle Towers LLC (a):      
5.50%, 1/15/17   275   293,290  
6.11%, 1/15/40   300   324,682  
Digicel Group Ltd., 8.25%, 9/01/17 (a)   125   132,500  
Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA (a):      
7.25%, 4/01/19   50   50,844  
7.25%, 4/01/21   140   142,100  
Nextel Communications, Inc., Series E,      
6.88%, 10/31/13   195   196,950  
SBA Tower Trust, 5.10%, 4/15/42 (a)   1,000   1,025,000  
Total Corporate Bonds — 102.2%     113,826,317  
Preferred Securities      
Capital Trusts      
Capital Markets — 4.7%      
Ameriprise Financial, Inc., 7.52%, 6/01/66 (b)   500   535,625  
State Street Capital Trust III, 8.25% (b)(d)   725   725,819  
State Street Capital Trust IV, 1.31%, 6/01/67 (b)   4,740   3,968,959  
Commercial Banks — 4.1%      
ABN AMRO North America Holding Preferred Capital      
Repackaging Trust I, 6.52% (a)(b)(d)   800   760,000  
BNP Paribas, 7.20% (a)(b)(c)(d)   300   297,000  
Barclays Bank Plc (a)(b)(d):      
5.93%, 9/29/49 (c)   425   405,875  
7.43%, 12/15/49   150   155,700  
Credit Agricole SA, 6.64% (a)(b)(c)(d)   350   322,805  
Dresdner Funding Trust I, 8.15%, 6/30/31 (a)   530   519,400  
M&T Capital Trust II, 8.28%, 6/01/27   910   929,258  
National City Preferred Capital Trust I, 12.00% (b)(d)   300   336,261  
USB Capital XIII Trust, 6.63%, 12/15/39   825   880,877  
Diversified Financial Services — 2.7%      
ING Capital Funding Trust III, 8.44% (b)(d)   400   386,006  
JPMorgan Chase Capital XXIII, 1.31%, 5/15/77 (b)   3,085   2,593,692  
Electric Utilities — 0.5%      
PPL Capital Funding, 6.70%, 3/30/67 (b)   500   496,875  
Insurance — 7.6%      
AXA SA, 6.38% (a)(b)(d)   1,000   921,250  
Ace Capital Trust II, 9.70%, 4/01/30   500   652,505  
The Allstate Corp., 6.50%, 5/15/67 (b)   500   516,250  
Chubb Corp., 6.38%, 3/29/67 (b)(c)   500   535,000  
Farmers Exchange Capital, 7.05%, 7/15/28 (a)   500   503,883  
Great-West Life & Annuity Insurance Co.,      
7.15%, 5/16/46 (a)(b)(c)   500   515,000  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
18   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Capital Trusts   (000)   Value  
Insurance (concluded)      
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc., 10.75%, 6/15/88 (a)(b)   $ 500   $ 680,000  
Lincoln National Corp., 7.00%, 5/17/66 (b)   500   516,900  
MetLife, Inc., 6.40%, 12/15/66   500   500,018  
Reinsurance Group of America, 6.75%, 12/15/65 (b)   700   689,757  
Swiss Re Capital I LP, 6.85% (a)(b)(d)   450   447,195  
ZFS Finance (USA) (a)(b):      
Trust II, 6.45%, 12/15/65   1,800   1,885,500  
Trust IV, 5.88%, 5/09/32   146   145,553  
Multi-Utilities — 0.9%      
Dominion Resources Capital Trust I, 7.83%, 12/01/27   500   514,550  
Dominion Resources, Inc., 7.50%, 6/30/66 (b)   500   530,000  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 1.3%      
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 8.38%, 8/01/66 (b)   825   896,156  
TransCanada PipeLines Ltd., 6.35%, 5/15/67 (b)   500   509,289  
Total Capital Trusts — 21.8%     24,272,958  
Preferred Stocks   Shares    
Auto Components — 0.1%      
Dana Holding Corp., 4.00% (a)   1,000   156,125  
Commercial Banks — 0.9%      
SG Preferred Capital II, 6.30%   1,000   968,750  
Thrifts & Mortgage Finance — 0.0%      
Fannie Mae, 8.25% (f)   3,000   6,120  
Freddie Mac, Series Z, 8.38% (f)   3,000   6,060  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 2.8%      
Centaur Funding Corp., 9.08%   2,720   3,054,900  
Total Preferred Stocks — 3.8%     4,191,955  
Trust Preferreds      
Diversified Financial Services — 0.5%      
GMAC Capital Trust I, Series 2, 8.13%, 2/15/40 (b)   566   587,994  
Total Trust Preferreds — 0.5%     587,994  
Total Preferred Securities — 26.1%     29,052,907  
Taxable Municipal Bonds   (000)    
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, RB,      
Build America Bonds, 6.55%, 11/15/31   $ 800   838,744  
State of California, GO, Build America Bonds,      
7.35%, 11/01/39   205   227,478  
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds — 1.0%     1,066,222  
U.S. Treasury Obligations      
U.S. Treasury Notes:      
3.63%, 2/15/21   528   542,356  
4.75%, 2/15/41   600   633,937  
Total U.S. Treasury Obligations — 1.0%     1,176,293  
Total Long-Term Investments      
(Cost — $140,161,026) — 131.3%     146,223,051  


Short-Term Securities   Shares   Value  
BlackRock Liquidity Funds, TempFund,      
Institutional Class, 0.10% (g)(h)   183,531   $ 183,531  
Total Short-Term Securities      
(Cost — $183,531) — 0.2%     183,531  
Options Purchased   Contracts    
Over-the-Counter Put Options — 0.1%      
S&P 500 Index, Strike Price USD 1,250.00,      
Expires 9/17/11, Broker Credit Suisse International   28   69,440  
Total Options Purchased      
(Cost — $135,240) — 0.1%     69,440  
Total Investments Before Options Written      
(Cost — $140,479,797) — 131.6%     146,476,022  
Options Written   (000)    
Over-the-Counter Call Swaptions — (0.1)%      
Pay a fixed rate of 4.03% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,      
Broker UBS AG   $ 1,800   (77,823)  
Over-the-Counter Put Swaptions — (0.1)%      
Receive a fixed rate of 4.03% and pay a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,      
Broker UBS AG   1,800   (50,348)  
Sold credit default protection on Dow Jones CDX      
North America Investment Grade Series 16,      
Strike Price $120.00, Expires 9/21/11,      
Broker Credit Suisse International   35,000   (25,652)  
Total Options Written      
(Premiums Received — $255,600) — (0.2)%     (153,823)  
Total Investments, Net of Options Written      
(Cost — $140,735,397*) — 131.4%     146,322,199  
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (31.4)%     (35,006,196)  
Net Assets — 100.0%     $111,316,003  

* The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of April 30,

2011, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were as follows:

Aggregate cost   $ 140,381,755  
Gross unrealized appreciation   $     6,636,174  
Gross unrealized depreciation   (541,907)  
Net unrealized appreciation   $     6,094,267  

(a) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933.

These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified
institutional investors.
(b) Variable rate security. Rate shown is as of report date.
(c) All or a portion of security has been pledged as collateral in connection with open
reverse repurchase agreements.
(d) Security is perpetual in nature and has no stated maturity date.
(e) Represents a payment-in-kind security which may pay interest/dividends in
additional par/shares.
(f) Non-income producing security.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   19  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)
Schedule of Investments (continued)

(g) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund during the  
  period, for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as  
  amended, were as follows:            
    Shares       Shares    
    Held at       Held at    
    October 31,   Net     April 30,    
  Affiliate   2010   Activity     2011   Income  
  BlackRock Liquidity              
  Funds, TempFund,              
  Institutional Class   5,884,098   (5,700,567)   183,531   $ 1,655  
(h) Represents the current yield as of report date.        
  For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s industry classifications refer to any one  
  or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized  
  market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management.  
  These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine  
  such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.        
  Reverse repurchase agreements outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:  
  Interest   Trade   Maturity     Net Closing   Face  
  Counterparty   Rate   Date   Date     Amount   Amount  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/24/11   9/30/20   $ 1,541,593   $ 1,540,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/24/11   10/15/20     2,158,230   2,156,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/24/11   9/15/37     1,689,986   1,688,240  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/24/11   5/15/38     1,844,006   1,842,100  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/24/11   3/15/39     3,040,642   3,037,500  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/24/11   4/01/39     1,078,717   1,077,625  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/24/11   3/30/40     916,697   915,750  
  Credit Suisse              
  (USA) LLC   0.40%   1/26/11   1/25/21     987,615   986,563  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/27/11   12/15/37     896,898   896,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/27/11   1/15/38     977,229   976,250  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/27/11   2/15/38     864,876   864,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/03/11   12/01/37     816,758   816,000  
  Credit Suisse              
  (USA) LLC   0.40%   2/07/11   3/15/20     751,701   751,000  
  Credit Suisse              
  (USA) LLC   0.40%   2/08/11   3/29/37     513,473   513,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/11/11   2/15/20     846,714   846,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/11/11   9/17/20     950,802   950,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/11/11   2/11/21     789,062   788,700  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/11/11   12/01/33     525,318   524,875  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/23/11   2/23/16     974,799   974,100  
  Credit Suisse              
  (USA) LLC   0.45%   3/02/11   12/15/20     418,519   418,200  
  Deutsche Bank              
  Securities, Inc.   0.40%   3/03/11   12/15/15     226,276   226,125  
  Credit Suisse              
  (USA) LLC   0.40%   3/04/11   2/01/41     999,467   998,813  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   3/07/11   5/16/19     1,050,471   1,049,850  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   3/28/11   3/28/14     833,738   833,438  
  Deutsche Bank              
  Securities, Inc.   0.40%   3/30/11   9/15/15     1,323,485   1,323,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   3/31/11   11/15/36     934,231   933,924  
  Credit Suisse              
  (USA) LLC   0.35%   4/07/11   4/05/21     1,251,554   1,251,250  
  Credit Suisse              
  (USA) LLC   0.35%   4/11/11   3/17/16     1,110,227   1,110,000  


  Reverse repurchase agreements outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows  
    Interest   Trade   Maturity   Net Closing   Face  
  Counterparty   Rate   Date   Date   Amount   Amount  
  Credit Suisse            
  (USA) LLC   0.35%   4/12/11   1/28/14   $ 363,352   $ 363,281  
  Credit Suisse            
  (USA) LLC   0.35%   4/12/11   7/15/16   677,757   677,625  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.40%   4/13/11   5/16/46   487,853   487,750  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   4/13/11   2/11/21   292,261   291,900  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   4/13/11   9/16/15   519,026   518,925  
  Capital Inc.   0.35%   4/14/11   10/29/49   358,375   358,313  
  Capital Inc.   0.35%   4/14/11   12/31/49   312,867   312,813  
  Deutsche Bank AG   0.38%   4/18/11   4/15/21   673,850   673,750  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   4/18/11   4/15/38   1,916,533   1,916,250  
  Deutsche Bank            
  Securities, Inc.   0.35%   4/21/11   4/07/21   511,930   511,874  
  Deutsche Bank            
  Securities, Inc.   0.35%   4/21/11   12/31/49   643,881   643,812  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.35%   4/29/11   3/10/15   350,010   350,000  
  UBS Securities LLC   0.35%   4/29/11   3/11/16   408,013   408,000  
  Total         $37,828,792   $37,802,596  


  Financial futures contracts purchased as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:  
          Notional                        Unrealized  
  Contracts Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value                       Appreciation  
  73   2-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June    
    Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $15,916,123                           $ 80,002  


  Financial futures contracts sold as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:    
          Notional   Unrealized  
  Contracts Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value   Depreciation  
  56   5-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
    Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $ 6,574,284                          $ (59,966)  
  73   10-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
    Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   8,666,225   (177,041)  
  23   Long-Term U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
    Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011   2,763,011   (51,614)  
  24   Ultra U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
    Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011   2,959,242   (61,758)  
  Total           $ (350,379)  


Credit default swaps on single-name issuer — sold protection outstanding as of
April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Receive       Issuer   Notional    
  Fixed   Counter-     Credit   Amount   Unrealized  
Issuer   Rate   party   Expiration   Rating 1   (000) 2   Appreciation  
MetLife, Inc.   1.00%   Deutsche          
    Bank AG   3/20/18   A–   USD 200   $ 5,210  

1 Using S&P’s rating of the underlying securities.
2 The maximum potential amount the Fund may pay should a negative event take
place as defined under the terms of agreement.

See Notes to Financial Statements.    
20   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)
Schedule of Investments (concluded)

Credit default swaps on traded indexes — sold protection outstanding as of April 30,
2011 were as follows:

  Receive         Notional    
  Fixed   Counter-     Credit   Amount   Unrealized  
Index   Rate   party   Expiration   Rating 1   (000) 2   Appreciation  
Index     Deutsche          
Series 15   1.00%   Bank AG   6/20/16   A   EUR 1,900   $ 2,644  

1 Using S&P’s rating of the underlying securities.
2 The maximum potential amount the Fund may pay should a negative event take
place as defined under the terms of agreement.

Interest rate swaps outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

Fixed   Floating   Counter-   Expiration   Amount   Unrealized  
Rate   Rate   party   Date   (000)   Depreciation  
0.98% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   3/30/13   USD   13,900   $ (63,910)  
4.34% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   4/14/41   USD   400   (11,982)  
4.38% (a)   3-month   Goldman Sachs          
  LIBOR   International   4/14/41   USD   600   (21,744)  
4.35% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Deutsche Bank AG   4/15/41   USD   700   (22,509)  
Total             $ (120,145)  

(a) Pays a fixed interest rate and receives floating rate.

Fair Value Measurements — Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of
investments and derivative financial instruments. These inputs are summarized in
three broad levels for financial statement purposes as follows:
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets
and liabilities
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices for
similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical
or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than
quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest
rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and
default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the
circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the
Fund’s own assumptions used in determining the fair value of investments and
derivative financial instruments)
The inputs or methodologies used for valuing securities are not necessarily an
indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information
about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial
instruments and other significant accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the
Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the inputs used as of April 30, 2011 in determining
the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments and derivative financial instruments:

  Investments in Securities    
Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Securities     $ 558,562    $542,750   $ 1,101,312  
Bonds     113,826,317     113,826,317  
Securities   $ 600,174   28,452,733     29,052,907  
Bonds     1,066,222     1,066,222  
U.S Treasury          
Obligations     1,176,293     1,176,293  
Securities   183,531       183,531  
Total   $ 783,705   $145,080,127 $   542,750   $146,406,582  


Derivative Financial Instruments 1

Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
contracts     —    $69,440   $ 69,440  
Interest rate          
contracts   $ 80,002       80,002  
contracts     $ 7,854     7,854  
Interest rate          
contracts   (350,379)   (248,316)     (598,695)  
contracts       (25,652)   (25,652)  
Total   $ (270,377)   $ (240,462)  $   43,788   $ (467,051)  

1 Derivative financial instruments are swaps, financial futures contracts, and
options. Financial futures contracts and swaps are valued at the unrealized
appreciation/depreciation on the instrument and options are shown at value.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   21  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)
Schedule of Investments
April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Asset-Backed Securities     (000)   Value  
Atrium CDO Corp., Series 5A, Class A4,        
2.83%, 7/20/20 (a)(b)   $ 2,650   $ 2,212,750  
SLM Student Loan Trust, Series 2004-B,        
Class A2, 0.51%, 6/15/21 (b)     2,410   2,350,616  
Total Asset-Backed Securities — 1.0%       4,563,366  
Corporate Bonds        
Aerospace & Defense — 1.8%        
BE Aerospace, Inc., 8.50%, 7/01/18     2,500   2,787,500  
Bombardier, Inc., 7.75%, 3/15/20 (a)     3,205   3,569,569  
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (a):        
6.88%, 3/15/18     360   378,900  
7.13%, 3/15/21     380   399,950  
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.,        
10.00%, 6/01/17 (a)     1,254   1,376,265  
Airlines — 0.9%        
American Airlines Pass-Through Trust, Series 2011-1,      
Class A, 5.25%, 7/31/22     1,410   1,367,700  
Continental Airlines Pass-Through Certificates,        
Series 2009-2, Class B, 9.25%, 5/10/17     1,544   1,628,418  
Delta Air Lines, Inc., Series 02G1, 6.72%, 7/02/24   1,146   1,160,620  
Auto Components — 0.6%        
Icahn Enterprises LP:        
7.75%, 1/15/16     880   906,400  
8.00%, 1/15/18     2,000   2,065,000  
Beverages — 0.4%        
Constellation Brands, Inc., 7.25%, 5/15/17     1,970   2,147,300  
Building Products — 0.5%        
Building Materials Corp. of America (a):        
7.00%, 2/15/20     375   390,938  
6.75%, 5/01/21     1,160   1,175,950  
Nortek, Inc., 10.00%, 12/01/18 (a)     700   749,000  
Capital Markets — 4.0%        
Ameriprise Financial, Inc., 5.30%, 3/15/20     3,250   3,513,354  
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., 6.25%, 2/01/41 (c)   4,450   4,565,335  
Macquarie Bank Ltd., 6.63%, 4/07/21 (a)(c)     2,075   2,147,749  
Morgan Stanley, 5.75%, 1/25/21 (c)     3,915   4,072,238  
UBS AG:        
2.25%, 1/28/14     1,627   1,647,092  
5.88%, 7/15/16 (c)     2,800   3,078,239  
Chemicals — 0.4%        
CF Industries, Inc., 7.13%, 5/01/20     1,125   1,288,125  
Omnova Solutions, Inc., 7.88%, 11/01/18 (a)     735   753,375  
Commercial Banks — 7.5%        
Amsouth Bank, 4.85%, 4/01/13     1,050   1,069,629  
Associated Banc-Corp., 5.13%, 3/28/16     2,200   2,241,752  
BNP Paribas, 3.60%, 2/23/16 (c)     4,380   4,453,720  
Branch Banking & Trust Co. (b)(c):        
1.00%, 9/13/16     1,100   1,060,799  
1.00%, 5/23/17     675   632,761  
CIT Group, Inc., 6.63%, 4/01/18 (a)     1,617   1,736,923  
City National Corp., 5.25%, 9/15/20     2,350   2,395,007  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Commercial Banks (concluded)        
Comerica, Inc., 3.00%, 9/16/15 (c)   $ 2,300   $ 2,312,659  
Credit Agricole SA, 8.38%, 10/29/49 (a)(b)(c)(d)   1,475   1,611,437  
Discover Bank, 8.70%, 11/18/19     1,200   1,475,618  
Fifth Third Bamcorp, 3.63%, 1/25/16     2,775   2,815,468  
HSBC Holdings Plc, 5.10%, 4/05/21 (c)     1,625   1,672,520  
KeyCorp, 5.10%, 3/24/21     780   798,889  
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 4.88%, 1/21/16 (c)     925   970,959  
Regions Financial Corp.:        
4.88%, 4/26/13     2,525   2,570,776  
5.75%, 6/15/15     1,800   1,854,000  
SVB Financial Group, 5.38%, 9/15/20     2,300   2,287,315  
Societe Generale, 5.20%, 4/15/21 (a)(c)     2,850   2,874,809  
SunTrust Banks, Inc., 3.60%, 4/15/16     825   835,636  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 3.8%        
Aviation Capital Group Corp. (a):        
7.13%, 10/15/20     9,300   9,641,660  
6.75%, 4/06/21     2,325   2,343,205  
Casella Waste Systems, Inc., 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)   621   634,972  
Clean Harbors, Inc., 7.63%, 8/15/16     1,314   1,405,980  
Corrections Corp. of America, 7.75%, 6/01/17     3,375   3,695,625  
Mobile Mini, Inc., 7.88%, 12/01/20 (a)     275   292,188  
Communications Equipment — 1.2%        
Avaya, Inc.:        
9.75%, 11/01/15     900   929,250  
7.00%, 4/01/19 (a)     500   495,000  
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., 6.88%, 1/15/20   2,965   3,224,437  
CC Holdings GS V LLC, 7.75%, 5/01/17 (a)     935   1,033,175  
Construction Materials — 0.2%        
Inversiones CMPC SA, 4.75%, 1/19/18 (a)     825   814,001  
Consumer Finance — 5.7%        
American Express Credit Corp., 2.75%, 9/15/15   5,850   5,831,497  
Capital One Bank USA NA, 8.80%, 7/15/19     3,325   4,258,294  
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, 7.00%, 4/15/15     400   439,315  
Inmarsat Finance Plc, 7.38%, 12/01/17 (a)     2,135   2,257,763  
SLM Corp., 6.25%, 1/25/16     13,300   14,102,575  
Containers & Packaging — 1.3%        
Ball Corp.:        
7.13%, 9/01/16     1,750   1,907,500  
6.75%, 9/15/20     2,210   2,326,025  
Crown Americas LLC, 6.25%, 2/01/21 (a)     825   847,687  
Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc., 6.75%, 12/01/14   570   582,113  
Rock-Tenn Co., 9.25%, 3/15/16     325   354,250  
Diversified Financial Services — 5.0%        
Ally Financial, Inc.:        
4.50%, 2/11/14     1,775   1,792,750  
8.30%, 2/12/15     1,230   1,383,750  
8.00%, 11/01/31     1,730   1,950,575  
Bank of America Corp., 3.63%, 3/17/16 (c)     5,000   5,025,395  
Citigroup, Inc., 4.59%, 12/15/15 (c)     975   1,031,802  
General Electric Capital Corp., 5.30%, 2/11/21 (c)   4,600   4,773,116  
Moody’s Corp., 6.06%, 9/07/17     6,000   6,180,354  
Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. (a):        
6.88%, 2/15/21     660   680,625  
8.25%, 2/15/21     815   828,244  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
22   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 5.0%      
AT&T, Inc., 6.30%, 1/15/38   $ 4,000   $ 4,219,444  
Level 3 Financing, Inc.:      
8.75%, 2/15/17   1,630   1,687,050  
10.00%, 2/01/18   560   604,800  
9.38%, 4/01/19 (a)   910   966,875  
Qwest Corp., 8.38%, 5/01/16   2,795   3,319,063  
Telecom Italia Capital SA, 6.18%, 6/18/14   975   1,063,374  
Telefonica Emisiones SAU, 5.46%, 2/16/21 (c)   1,360   1,411,556  
Verizon Communications, Inc.:      
1.95%, 3/28/14   3,650   3,681,375  
7.35%, 4/01/39 (c)   4,025   4,819,286  
Windstream Corp., 7.88%, 11/01/17   1,900   2,052,000  
Electric Utilities — 1.0%      
Progress Energy, Inc., 7.00%, 10/30/31   4,000   4,667,188  
Electronic Equipment, Instruments      
& Components — 0.8%      
Jabil Circuit, Inc., 8.25%, 3/15/18   800   918,000  
NXP BV, 3.05%, 10/15/13 (b)   2,950   2,935,250  
Energy Equipment & Services — 0.9%      
Ensco Plc, 4.70%, 3/15/21   1,965   1,983,909  
Frac Tech Services LLC, 7.13%, 11/15/18 (a)   370   394,050  
Key Energy Service, Inc., 6.75%, 3/01/21   745   765,487  
MEG Energy Corp., 6.50%, 3/15/21 (a)   955   980,069  
Food & Staples Retailing — 2.1%      
CVS Caremark Corp., 6.30%, 6/01/62 (b)   3,650   3,613,500  
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.:      
5.25%, 9/01/35   2,500   2,480,245  
6.20%, 4/15/38   3,375   3,730,259  
Food Products — 1.0%      
Blue Merger Sub, Inc., 7.63%, 2/15/19 (a)   430   440,213  
Kraft Foods, Inc.:      
6.50%, 8/11/17   1,665   1,931,247  
6.13%, 8/23/18   1,660   1,882,385  
Smithfield Foods, Inc., 10.00%, 7/15/14   374   443,190  
Gas Utilities — 0.1%      
Targa Resources Partners LP, 6.88%, 2/01/21 (a)   495   492,525  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 1.5%      
Boston Scientific Corp.:      
4.50%, 1/15/15   215   225,506  
6.40%, 6/15/16   187   209,490  
5.13%, 1/12/17   761   800,603  
7.38%, 1/15/40   2,935   3,394,389  
Fresenius US Finance II, Inc., 9.00%, 7/15/15 (a)   2,250   2,579,063  
Health Care Providers & Services — 3.3%      
Aetna, Inc., 6.75%, 12/15/37   3,400   3,870,924  
Aviv Healthcare Properties LP, 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)   460   485,300  
HCA, Inc.:      
8.50%, 4/15/19   545   604,950  
7.25%, 9/15/20   3,435   3,692,625  
Tenet Healthcare Corp.:      
10.00%, 5/01/18   1,530   1,774,800  
8.88%, 7/01/19   1,125   1,271,250  
UnitedHealth Group, Inc., 6.88%, 2/15/38   3,400   3,908,786  


Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Household Durables — 0.3%      
Cemex Espana Luxembourg, 9.25%, 5/12/20 (a)    $1,462   $ 1,494,895  
IT Services — 0.5%      
First Data Corp. (a):      
7.38%, 6/15/19   725   738,594  
8.25%, 1/15/21   190   189,050  
12.63%, 1/15/21   1,185   1,299,056  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 0.7%      
AES Corp., 9.75%, 4/15/16   985   1,140,138  
Energy Future Intermediate Holding Co. LLC,      
10.00%, 12/01/20   1,475   1,585,743  
NRG Energy, Inc., 8.25%, 9/01/20   490   515,725  
Insurance — 7.1%      
The Allstate Corp., 7.45%, 5/16/19   5,600   6,745,693  
American International Group, Inc., 6.40%, 12/15/20 (c)   1,690   1,848,890  
Aon Corp., 5.00%, 9/30/20 (c)   4,600   4,721,992  
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd.,      
7.25%, 12/31/49 (a)(b)(d)   677   679,986  
Forethough Financial Group, 8.63%, 4/15/21 (a)   1,000   1,007,574  
Genworth Financial, Inc., 7.63%, 9/24/21   970   996,256  
Lincoln National Corp., 6.25%, 2/15/20 (c)   3,400   3,818,465  
Manulife Financial Corp., 4.90%, 9/17/20   4,700   4,706,735  
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance, 6.06%, 3/30/40 (a)   3,800   4,085,152  
Principal Financial Group, Inc., 8.88%, 5/15/19   980   1,254,825  
Prudential Financial, Inc., 6.63%, 12/01/37 (c)   3,400   3,792,496  
Life Sciences Tools & Services — 1.9%      
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 8.00%, 9/15/16   3,825   4,255,312  
Life Technologies Corp., 6.00%, 3/01/20   4,200   4,599,920  
Machinery — 1.1%      
Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co., Ltd., 9.50%, 4/15/14   3,400   4,094,018  
Navistar International Corp., 8.25%, 11/01/21   980   1,092,700  
Media — 8.3%      
CSC Holdings LLC:      
8.50%, 6/15/15   1,500   1,636,875  
8.63%, 2/15/19   1,200   1,383,000  
Cengage Learning Acquisitions, Inc., 10.50%, 1/15/15 (a)   1,720   1,767,300  
Comcast Corp., 6.30%, 11/15/17   3,400   3,909,708  
Cox Communications, Inc., 8.38%, 3/01/39 (a)   3,400   4,491,267  
DISH DBS Corp., 7.00%, 10/01/13   1,750   1,890,000  
DirectTV Holdings LLC, 5.00%, 3/01/21   2,575   2,641,793  
Gannett Co., Inc., 9.38%, 11/15/17   1,800   2,025,000  
Intelsat Bermuda Ltd. (e):      
11.50%, 2/04/17 (a)   280   306,600  
11.50%, 2/04/17   420   459,900  
Kabel BW Erste Beteiligungs GmbH, 7.50%, 3/15/19 (a)   1,040   1,066,000  
News America, Inc., 6.15%, 3/01/37   4,200   4,292,001  
Time Warner Cable, Inc., 6.75%, 6/15/39   4,050   4,402,087  
Time Warner, Inc., 7.70%, 5/01/32   4,150   5,003,319  
UPC Germany GmbH, 8.13%, 12/01/17 (a)   1,030   1,089,225  
Virgin Media Secured Finance Plc, 6.50%, 1/15/18   2,675   2,929,125  
Metals & Mining — 2.0%      
Alcoa, Inc., 5.40%, 4/15/21   2,455   2,492,728  
Freeport-McMoRan Corp., 7.13%, 11/01/27   2,900   3,085,058  
JMC Steel Group, 8.25%, 3/15/18 (a)   315   329,963  
Novelis, Inc., 8.75%, 12/15/20   1,035   1,156,612  
Teck Resources Ltd., 10.75%, 5/15/19   1,750   2,237,900  
United States Steel Corp., 7.38%, 4/01/20   200   211,000  


See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   23  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Multi-Utilities — 1.5%        
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.:        
5.95%, 2/01/17   $ 3,150   $ 3,466,351  
6.50%, 5/01/18     3,350   3,791,621  
Multiline Retail — 2.1%        
Dollar General Corp., 10.63%, 7/15/15     3,275   3,504,250  
JC Penney Co., Inc., 5.65%, 6/01/20     6,300   6,284,250  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 7.7%        
Anadarko Petroleum Corp.:        
5.95%, 9/15/16     1,175   1,312,462  
6.38%, 9/15/17     23   25,978  
BP Capital Markets Plc:        
3.88%, 3/10/15     1,500   1,573,267  
3.20%, 3/11/16 (c)     1,875   1,890,227  
Buckeye Partners LP, 4.88%, 2/01/21     1,000   1,017,369  
Chesapeake Energy Corp., 6.13%, 2/15/21     3,445   3,556,962  
Consol Energy, Inc., 6.38%, 3/01/21 (a)     835   839,175  
Copano Energy LLC, 7.13%, 4/01/21     560   574,000  
Denbury Resources, Inc., 6.38%, 8/15/21     575   592,250  
Enbridge Energy Partners LP, 9.88%, 3/01/19     2,100   2,774,115  
Energy XXI Gulf Coast, Inc., 7.75%, 6/15/19 (a)   1,025   1,048,063  
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 6.65%, 4/15/18   4,200   4,875,364  
Forest Oil Corp., 7.25%, 6/15/19     445   462,800  
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 6.85%, 2/15/20   4,200   4,892,458  
Linn Energy LLC, 7.75%, 2/01/21 (a)     1,050   1,124,812  
Marathon Petroleum Corp., 3.50%, 3/01/16 (a)     1,375   1,393,223  
ONEOK Partners LP, 8.63%, 3/01/19     3,400   4,329,788  
Oasis Petroleum, Inc., 7.25%, 2/01/19 (a)     380   383,800  
Petrobras International Finance Co., 3.88%, 1/27/16   1,475   1,495,323  
Range Resources Corp., 6.75%, 8/01/20     855   914,850  
SM Energy Co., 6.63%, 2/15/19 (a)     480   495,600  
SandRidge Energy, Inc., 7.50%, 3/15/21 (a)     720   757,800  
Paper & Forest Products — 2.5%        
Georgia-Pacific LLC, 8.25%, 5/01/16 (a)     3,400   3,859,000  
International Paper Co.:        
7.50%, 8/15/21     3,325   3,968,746  
7.30%, 11/15/39     3,400   3,882,399  
Pharmaceuticals — 5.6%        
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 5.88%, 11/15/36 (c)     2,214   2,437,184  
GlaxoSmithKline Capital, Inc., 6.38%, 5/15/38     7,250   8,294,102  
Merck & Co., Inc.:        
6.50%, 12/01/33 (c)     2,070   2,465,505  
6.55%, 9/15/37     4,572   5,437,836  
Pfizer, Inc., 7.20%, 3/15/39     6,250   7,892,781  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 1.8%        
AvalonBay Communities, Inc., 6.10%, 3/15/20     3,400   3,840,422  
ERP Operating LP, 5.75%, 6/15/17     3,405   3,814,084  
HCP, Inc., 5.38%, 2/01/21     1,025   1,065,442  
Real Estate Management & Development — 0.1%      
Realogy Corp., 7.88%, 2/15/19 (a)     670   676,700  
Road & Rail — 1.6%        
Asciano Finance Ltd., 5.00%, 4/07/18 (a)     900   915,717  
Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 8.25%, 1/15/19     650   690,625  
Florida East Coast Railway Corp., 8.13%, 2/01/17 (a)   200   212,000  
The Hertz Corp., 6.75%, 4/15/19 (a)     933   951,660  
Norfolk Southern Corp., 6.00%, 3/15/2105     5,000   4,917,880  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 0.6%      
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 7.75%, 8/01/20   $ 775   $ 807,938  
KLA-Tencor Corp., 6.90%, 5/01/18     1,928   2,181,495  
Specialty Retail — 1.0%        
AutoNation, Inc., 6.75%, 4/15/18     1,965   2,058,337  
Best Buy Co., Inc., 5.50%, 3/15/21     1,300   1,307,756  
Claire’s Escrow Corp., 8.88%, 3/15/19 (a)     530   515,425  
Limted Brands, Inc., 7.00%, 5/01/20     980   1,038,800  
Tobacco — 1.3%        
Altria Group, Inc., 10.20%, 2/06/39     4,400   6,441,164  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 2.4%        
American Tower Corp., 4.50%, 1/15/18     1,925   1,902,212  
Cricket Communications, Inc., 7.75%, 5/15/16     670   715,225  
Crown Castle Towers LLC (a):        
5.50%, 1/15/17     1,175   1,253,148  
6.11%, 1/15/40     1,300   1,406,958  
Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA (a):        
7.25%, 4/01/19     190   193,206  
7.25%, 4/01/21     620   629,300  
Nextel Communications, Inc., Series E, 6.88%, 10/31/13   840   848,400  
SBA Tower Trust, 5.10%, 4/15/42 (a)     4,225   4,330,625  
Total Corporate Bonds — 99.1%       470,000,749  
Preferred Securities        
Capital Trusts        
Capital Markets — 4.4%        
Ameriprise Financial, Inc., 7.52%, 6/01/66 (b)     2,500   2,678,125  
State Street Capital Trust III, 8.25% (b)(d)     2,920   2,923,300  
State Street Capital Trust IV, 1.31%, 6/01/67 (b)   18,235   15,268,767  
Commercial Banks — 7.2%        
BNP Paribas, 7.20% (a)(b)(c)(d)     1,500   1,485,000  
Bank One Capital III, 8.75%, 9/01/30     2,000   2,551,106  
Barclays Bank Plc, 7.43% (a)(b)(c)(d)     650   674,700  
Credit Agricole SA, 6.64% (a)(b)(c)(d)     1,475   1,360,392  
Dresdner Funding Trust I, 8.15%, 6/30/31 (a)     2,240   2,195,200  
HSBC Capital Funding LP/Jersey Channel Islands,      
10.18% (a)(b)(d)     4,835   6,527,250  
M&T Capital Trust II, 8.28%, 6/01/27     3,630   3,706,818  
National City Preferred Capital Trust I, 12.00% (b)(d)   1,100   1,232,957  
NationsBank Capital Trust III, 0.84%, 1/15/27 (b)   13,470   10,793,673  
USB Capital XIII Trust, 6.63%, 12/15/39     3,500   3,737,055  
Diversified Financial Services — 1.9%        
ING Capital Funding Trust III, 8.44% (b)(d)     1,800   1,737,029  
JPMorgan Chase Capital XXIII, 1.31%, 5/15/77 (b)   8,775   7,377,520  
Electric Utilities — 0.7%        
PPL Capital Funding, 6.70%, 3/30/67 (b)     3,000   2,981,250  
Insurance — 8.7%        
AXA SA, 6.38% (a)(b)(d)     3,000   2,763,750  
Ace Capital Trust II, 9.70%, 4/01/30     2,500   3,262,525  
The Allstate Corp., 6.50%, 5/15/67 (b)     5,000   5,162,500  
American General Capital II, 8.50%, 7/01/30     100   113,000  
Aon Corp., 8.21%, 1/01/27     2,500   2,825,267  
Chubb Corp., 6.38%, 3/29/67 (b)(c)     2,000   2,140,000  
Farmers Exchange Capital, 7.05%, 7/15/28 (a)     2,500   2,519,415  
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc., 10.75%, 6/15/88 (a)(b)   2,925   3,978,000  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
24   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Capital Trusts     (000)   Value  
Insurance (concluded)        
Lincoln National Corp., 7.00%, 5/17/66 (b)   $ 3,350   $ 3,463,230  
MetLife, Inc., 6.40%, 12/15/66     3,325   3,325,120  
Nationwide Life Global Funding I, 6.75%, 5/15/67   3,500   3,307,500  
Principal Life Insurance Co., 8.00%, 3/01/44 (a)   2,500   2,743,693  
Reinsurance Group of America, 6.75%, 12/15/65 (b)   3,000   2,956,101  
Swiss Re Solutions Holding Corp., 7.75%, 6/15/30 (c)   2,000   2,340,700  
ZFS Finance (USA) Trust IV, 5.88%, 5/09/32 (a)(b)   379   377,840  
Multi-Utilities — 1.4%        
Dominion Resources Capital Trust I, 7.83%, 12/01/27   2,500   2,572,750  
Dominion Resources, Inc., 7.50%, 6/30/66 (b)     3,900   4,134,000  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 1.3%        
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 8.38%, 8/01/66 (b)   2,000   2,172,500  
TransCanada PipeLines Ltd., 6.35%, 5/15/67 (b)   4,000   4,074,312  
Road & Rail — 0.8%        
BNSF Funding Trust I, 6.61%, 12/15/55 (b)     3,750   3,895,312  
Total Capital Trusts — 26.4%       125,357,657  
Preferred Stocks     Shares    
Auto Components — 0.1%        
Dana Holding Corp., 4.00% (a)     4,000   624,500  
Commercial Banks — 0.4%        
SG Preferred Capital II, 6.30%     2,000   1,937,500  
Thrifts & Mortgage Finance — 0.0%        
Fannie Mae, 8.25% (f)     14,000   28,560  
Freddie Mac, Series Z, 8.38% (f)     14,000   28,280  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 0.6%        
Centaur Funding Corp., 9.08%     2,423   2,721,332  
Total Preferred Stocks — 1.1%       5,340,172  
Trust Preferreds        
Diversified Financial Services — 0.5%        
GMAC Capital Trust I, Series 2, 8.13%, 2/15/40 (b)   2,335   2,424,924  
Total Trust Preferreds — 0.5%       2,424,924  
Total Preferred Securities — 28.0%       133,122,753  
Taxable Municipal Bonds     (000)    
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, RB,        
Build America Bonds, 6.55%, 11/15/31   $ 3,450   3,617,083  
State of California, GO, Build America Bonds,        
7.35%, 11/01/39     870   965,396  
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds — 1.0%       4,582,479  
U.S. Treasury Obligations        
U.S. Treasury Notes:        
3.63%, 2/15/21     2,265   2,326,581  
4.75%, 2/15/41     2,500   2,641,405  
Total U.S. Treasury Obligations — 1.0%       4,967,986  
Total Long-Term Investments        
(Cost — $595,648,591) — 130.1%       617,237,333  


Short-Term Securities     Shares   Value  
BlackRock Liquidity Funds, TempFund,        
Institutional Class, 0.10% (g)(h)     2,023,400   $ 2,023,400  
Total Short-Term Securities        
(Cost — $2,023,400) — 0.4%       2,023,400  
Options Purchased     Contracts    
Over-the-Counter Put Options — 0.1%        
S&P 500 Index, Strike Price USD 1,250.00,        
Expires 9/17/11, Broker Credit        
Suisse International     118   292,640  
Total Options Purchased        
(Cost — $569,940) — 0.1%       292,640  
Total Investments Before Options Written        
(Cost — $598,241,931) — 130.6%       619,553,373  
Options Written     (000)    
Over-the-Counter Call Swaptions — (0.1)%        
Pay a fixed rate of 4.03% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,        
Broker UBS AG   $ 7,700   (332,911)  
Over-the-Counter Put Swaptions — 0.0%        
Receive a fixed rate of 4.03% and pay a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,        
Broker UBS AG     7,700   (215,379)  
Sold credit default protection on Dow Jones CDX        
North America Investment Grade Series 16,        
Strike Price $120.00, Expires 9/21/11,        
Broker Credit Suisse International     148,000   (108,469)  
Total Options Written        
(Premiums Received — $1,087,200) — (0.1)%       (656,759)  
Total Investments, Net of Options Written        
(Cost — $599,329,131*) — 130.5%       618,896,614  
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (30.5)%       (144,511,018)  
Net Assets — 100.0%       $474,385,596  

* The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of April 30,

2011, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were as follows:

Aggregate cost   $ 597,853,769  
Gross unrealized appreciation   $   26,189,295  
Gross unrealized depreciation   (4,489,691)  
Net unrealized appreciation   $   21,699,604  

(a) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933.

These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified
institutional investors.
(b) Variable rate security. Rate shown is as of report date.
(c) All or a portion of security has been pledged as collateral in connection with open
reverse repurchase agreements.
(d) Security is perpetual in nature and has no stated maturity date.
(e) Represents a payment-in-kind security which may pay interest/dividends in
additional par/shares.
(f) Non-income producing security.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   25  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)
Schedule of Investments (continued)

(g) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund during the
period, for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended, were as follows:

  Shares     Shares    
  Held at     Held at    
  October 31,   Net   April 30,    
Affiliate   2010   Activity   2011   Income  
BlackRock Liquidity          
Funds, TempFund,          
Institutional Class   1,483,567   539,833   2,023,400   $ 6,501  

(h) Represents the current yield as of report date.

For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s industry classifications refer to any one
or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized
market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management.
These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine
such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.
Reverse repurchase agreements outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Interest   Trade Maturity   Net Closing   Face  
Counterparty   Rate   Date   Date   Amount   Amount  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   11/02/01   3/05/15    $4,363,359 $   4,359,000  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.38%      11/02/03       12/01/37   2,041,895   2,040,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/03/04   2/11/21   1,105,737   1,104,000  
BNP Paribas            
Securities   0.39%   11/01/05   3/10/15   1,538,915   1,537,000  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities, Inc.   0.40%   11/01/05   5/16/19   6,580,558   6,572,160  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   11/02/07   3/15/20   3,431,199   3,428,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.20%   11/04/07   4/05/21   1,564,280   1,564,063  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.45%   11/03/09   1/28/14   1,558,904   1,557,853  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%      11/02/10       12/01/33   2,304,844   2,302,875  
UBS Securities LLC   0.40%      11/02/10        2/15/20   1,727,043   1,725,490  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/03/10   2/01/41   4,229,865   4,227,500  
Warburg Pincus   0.38%   2/16/11   3/15/39   7,055,620   7,051,250  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.40%   3/03/11   12/15/15   980,528   979,875  
Capital Inc.   0.40%   3/04/11   9/16/15   2,197,867   2,196,500  
Capital Inc.   0.40%   3/04/11   2/16/21   1,309,814   1,309,000  
Capital Inc.   0.40%   3/04/11   3/29/47   2,121,319   2,120,000  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.40%   3/29/11   12/01/37   1,484,561   1,484,000  
Capital Inc.   0.35%   4/14/11   10/29/49   1,510,296   1,510,031  
Capital Inc.   0.35%   4/14/11   12/31/49   1,318,512   1,318,281  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.38%   4/18/11   4/15/21   2,743,530   2,743,125  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.35%   4/21/11   12/31/49   1,365,146   1,365,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   4/21/11   4/15/38   3,544,161   3,543,750  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.40%   4/25/11   1/21/16   927,385   927,313  

Reverse repurchase agreements outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows

  Interest   Trade Maturity   Net Closing   Face  
Counterparty   Rate   Date   Date   Amount   Amount  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.35%   4/28/11   3/17/16    $2,040,079   $ 2,040,000  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.35%   4/28/11   9/30/20   4,485,174   4,485,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/02/11   2/15/20   3,598,536   3,595,500  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/02/11   1/25/21   3,757,655   3,754,485  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/02/11   2/11/21   3,299,936   3,298,200  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   11/04/11   7/15/16   2,878,588   2,878,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   11/04/11   9/13/16   970,198   970,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%         11/01/12       12/31/49   6,039,035   6,031,662  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/12   5/15/38   8,111,282   8,101,875  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   11/04/12   5/23/17   600,023   599,906  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%        11/04/12        11/15/36   2,283,631   2,283,187  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   11/04/12   9/29/49   649,314   649,187  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   11/04/13   4/07/21   2,023,499   2,023,125  
UBS Securities LLC   0.40%         11/04/13        10/15/20   9,460,097   9,458,100  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/02/16   3/15/39   703,120   698,750  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/02/17   6/15/30   2,105,643   2,104,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/03/17   3/17/16   2,836,377   2,835,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/02/23   2/23/16   4,185,902   4,182,900  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/26   9/01/35   2,402,432   2,400,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/26   9/15/37   5,286,011   5,280,660  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/27   9/01/20   4,481,239   4,476,750  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%         11/01/27         12/15/37   3,811,819   3,808,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/27   1/15/38   3,923,931   3,920,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/27   2/15/38   3,799,056   3,795,250  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/27   4/01/39   4,703,900   4,699,188  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   11/01/27   3/30/40   3,846,603   3,842,750  
UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   11/03/28   3/28/14   3,477,876   3,476,625  
UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   11/03/31   3/11/16   1,806,219   1,805,625  
Total       $154,572,513          $154,459,791  

Foreign currency exchange contracts as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

Currency   Currency     Settlement   Unrealized  
Purchased   Sold   Counterparty   Date   Appreciation  
EUR 472,000   USD 686,128   UBS AG   7/27/11   $ 11,307  

Financial futures contracts purchased as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional        Unrealized  
Contracts Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value       Appreciation  
212   2-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June    
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $46,232,966       $ 221,534  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
26   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)
Schedule of Investments (concluded)

Financial futures contracts sold as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional   Unrealized  
Contracts Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value   Depreciation  
237   5-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $27,823,308         $ (253,786)  
328   10-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   38,900,454   (833,671)  
128   Long-Term U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011   15,318,757   (345,243)  
97   Ultra U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011   11,954,329   (255,546)  
Total           $(1,688,246)  

Credit default swaps on single-name issuer — sold protection outstanding as of
April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Receive       Issuer   Notional    
  Fixed   Counter-     Credit   Amount   Unrealized  
Issuer   Rate   party   Expiration   Rating 1   (000) 2   Appreciation  
MetLife, Inc.   1.00%   Deutsche          
    Bank AG   3/20/18   A–   USD 900   $ 23,446  

1 Using S&P’s rating of the underlying securities.
2 The maximum potential amount the Fund may pay should a negative event take
place as defined under the terms of agreement.

Credit default swaps on traded indexes — sold protection outstanding as of April 30,
2011 were as follows:

  Receive         Notional    
  Fixed   Counter-     Credit   Amount   Unrealized  
Index   Rate   party   Expiration   Rating 3   (000) 4   Appreciation  
Index     Deutsche          
Series 15   1.00%   Bank AG   6/20/16   A   EUR 8,100   $ 11,272  

3 Using S&P’s rating of the underlying securities.
4 The maximum potential amount the Fund may pay should a negative event take
place as defined under the terms of agreement.

Interest rate swaps outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

Fixed   Floating   Counter-   Expiration   Amount   Unrealized  
Rate   Rate   party   Date   (000)   Depreciation  
0.98% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   3/30/13   USD   59,200   $ (272,191)  
4.34% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   4/14/41   USD   1,700   (50,922)  
4.38% (a)   3-month   Goldman Sachs          
  LIBOR   International   4/14/41   USD   2,400   (86,978)  
4.35% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Deutsche Bank AG   4/15/41   USD   3,000   (96,469)  
Total             $ (506,560)  
(a) Pays a fixed interest rate and receives floating rate.        

Fair Value Measurements — Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of
investments and derivative financial instruments. These inputs are summarized in
three broad levels for financial statement purposes as follows:
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets
and liabilities
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices for
similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical
or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than
quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest
rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and
default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the
circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the
Fund’s own assumptions used in determining the fair value of investments and
derivative financial instruments)

The inputs or methodologies used for valuing securities are not necessarily an
indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information
about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial
instruments and other significant accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the
Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the inputs used as of April 30, 2011 in determining
the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments and derivative financial instruments:

  Investments in Securities    
Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Securities     $ 2,350,616   $ 2,212,750   $ 4,563,366  
Bonds     470,000,749     470,000,749  
Securities   $2,481,764   130,640,989     133,122,753  
Bonds     4,582,479     4,582,479  
U.S Treasury          
Obligations     4,967,986     4,967,986  
Securities   2,023,400       2,023,400  
Total   $4,505,164   $612,542,819   $ 2,212,750   $619,260,733  


Derivative Financial Instruments 1

Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Interest rate          
contracts   $ 221,534       $ 221,534  
contracts   $   34,718     34,718  
contracts     292,640     292,640  
contracts     11,307     11,307  
Interest rate          
contracts   (1,688,246)         (1,054,850)     (2,743,096)  
contracts     $   (108,469)   (108,469)  
Total   $ (1,466,712) $   (716,185)  $   (108,469)   $ (2,291,366)  

1 Derivative financial instruments are swaps, financial futures contracts,
foreign currency exchange contracts and options. Financial futures contracts,
foreign currency exchange contracts and swaps are valued at the unrealized
appreciation/depreciation on the instrument and options are shown at value.

See Notes to Financial Statements.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   27  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)
Schedule of Investments
April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Asset-Backed Securities   (000)   Value  
Atrium CDO Corp., Series 5A, Class A4,      
2.83%, 7/20/20 (a)(b)   $ 1,300   $ 1,085,500  
Total Asset-Backed Securities — 0.5%     1,085,500  
Corporate Bonds      
Aerospace & Defense — 1.7%      
BE Aerospace, Inc., 8.50%, 7/01/18   1,215   1,354,725  
Bombardier, Inc., 7.75%, 3/15/20 (a)   1,405   1,564,819  
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (a):      
6.88%, 3/15/18   180   189,450  
7.13%, 3/15/21   190   199,975  
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc.,      
10.00%, 6/01/17 (a)   570   625,575  
Airlines — 0.9%      
American Airlines Pass-Through Trust, Series 2011-1,      
Class A, 5.25%, 7/31/22   640   620,800  
Continental Airlines Pass-Through Certificates,      
Series 2009-2, Class B, 9.25%, 5/10/17   736   776,630  
Delta Air Lines, Inc., Series 02G1, 6.72%, 7/02/24   588   595,444  
Auto Components — 0.6%      
Icahn Enterprises LP:      
7.75%, 1/15/16   420   432,600  
8.00%, 1/15/18   1,000   1,032,500  
Beverages — 0.5%      
Constellation Brands, Inc., 7.25%, 5/15/17   955   1,040,950  
Building Products — 0.3%      
Building Materials Corp. of America (a):      
7.00%, 2/15/20   180   187,650  
6.75%, 5/01/21   570   577,837  
Capital Markets — 2.4%      
Ameriprise Financial, Inc., 5.30%, 3/15/20   1,500   1,621,548  
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., 6.25%, 2/01/41 (c)   2,150   2,205,724  
Macquarie Bank Ltd., 6.63%, 4/07/21 (a)   975   1,009,184  
UBS AG, 2.25%, 1/28/14 (c)   775   784,570  
Chemicals — 0.4%      
CF Industries, Inc., 7.13%, 5/01/20   525   601,125  
Omnova Solutions, Inc., 7.88%, 11/01/18 (a)   355   363,875  
Commercial Banks — 7.9%      
Amsouth Bank, 4.85%, 4/01/13   525   534,814  
Associated Banc-Corp., 5.13%, 3/28/16   1,070   1,090,306  
BNP Paribas, 3.60%, 2/23/16   2,100   2,135,345  
Branch Banking & Trust Co. (b):      
1.00%, 9/13/16   550   530,400  
1.00%, 5/23/17   325   304,663  
CIT Group, Inc., 6.63%, 4/01/18 (a)   782   839,996  
Credit Agricole SA, 8.38% (a)(b)(c)(d)   725   792,063  
Discover Bank, 8.70%, 11/18/19   550   676,325  
Fifth Third Bamcorp, 3.63%, 1/25/16   1,350   1,369,687  
HSBC Holdings Plc, 5.10%, 4/05/21 (c)   2,700   2,778,956  
KeyCorp, 5.10%, 3/24/21   390   399,445  
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 4.88%, 1/21/16   475   498,600  
RESPARCS Funding LP I, 8.00% (d)(e)(f)   4,000   2,380,000  
Regions Financial Corp.:      
4.88%, 4/26/13   1,225   1,247,208  
5.75%, 6/15/15   850   875,500  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Commercial Banks (concluded)        
Societe Generale, 5.20%, 4/15/21 (a)(c)   $ 1,375   $ 1,386,969  
SunTrust Banks, Inc., 3.60%, 4/15/16     400   405,157  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 3.8%        
Aviation Capital Group Corp. (a):        
7.13%, 10/15/20     4,500   4,665,319  
6.75%, 4/06/21     1,125   1,133,809  
Casella Waste Systems, Inc., 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)     296   302,660  
Clean Harbors, Inc., 7.63%, 8/15/16     630   674,100  
Corrections Corp. of America, 7.75%, 6/01/17     1,600   1,752,000  
Mobile Mini, Inc., 7.88%, 12/01/20 (a)     135   143,438  
Communications Equipment — 1.2%        
Avaya, Inc.:        
9.75%, 11/01/15     400   413,000  
7.00%, 4/01/19 (a)     225   222,750  
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., 6.88%, 1/15/20   1,450   1,576,875  
CC Holdings GS V LLC, 7.75%, 5/01/17 (a)     440   486,200  
Construction Materials — 0.2%        
Inversiones CMPC SA, 4.75%, 1/19/18 (a)     400   394,667  
Consumer Finance — 5.6%        
American Express Credit Corp., 2.75%, 9/15/15 (c)     2,900   2,890,827  
Capital One Bank USA NA, 8.80%, 7/15/19     1,625   2,081,121  
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, 7.00%, 4/15/15     300   329,487  
Inmarsat Finance Plc, 7.38%, 12/01/17 (a)     1,020   1,078,650  
SLM Corp., 6.25%, 1/25/16     6,275   6,653,659  
Containers & Packaging — 1.3%        
Ball Corp.:        
7.13%, 9/01/16     850   926,500  
6.75%, 9/15/20     1,070   1,126,175  
Crown Americas LLC, 6.25%, 2/01/21 (a)     400   411,000  
Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc., 6.75%, 12/01/14   270   275,737  
Rock-Tenn Co., 9.25%, 3/15/16     150   163,500  
Diversified Financial Services — 4.3%        
Ally Financial, Inc.:        
4.50%, 2/11/14     400   404,000  
8.30%, 2/12/15     780   877,500  
8.00%, 11/01/31     1,060   1,195,150  
Bank of America Corp., 3.63%, 3/17/16 (c)     2,450   2,462,444  
Citigroup, Inc., 4.59%, 12/15/15     475   502,673  
General Electric Capital Corp., 5.30%, 2/11/21 (c)     2,225   2,308,736  
Moody’s Corp., 6.06%, 9/07/17     1,500   1,545,088  
Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. (a):        
6.88%, 2/15/21     320   330,000  
8.25%, 2/15/21     390   396,337  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 5.1%        
AT&T, Inc., 6.30%, 1/15/38 (c)     2,000   2,109,722  
Level 3 Financing, Inc.:        
8.75%, 2/15/17     870   900,450  
10.00%, 2/01/18     280   302,400  
9.38%, 4/01/19 (a)     430   456,875  
Qwest Corp., 8.38%, 5/01/16     1,360   1,615,000  
Telecom Italia Capital SA, 6.18%, 6/18/14     500   545,320  
Telefonica Emisiones SAU, 5.46%, 2/16/21     660   685,020  
Verizon Communications, Inc. (c):        
1.95%, 3/28/14     1,775   1,790,258  
7.35%, 4/01/39     1,950   2,334,809  
Windstream Corp., 7.88%, 11/01/17     900   972,000  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
28   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Electric Utilities — 1.0%        
Progress Energy, Inc., 7.00%, 10/30/31   $ 2,000   $ 2,333,594  
Electronic Equipment, Instruments        
& Components — 0.8%        
Jabil Circuit, Inc., 8.25%, 3/15/18     400   459,000  
NXP BV, 3.05%, 10/15/13 (b)     1,450   1,442,750  
Energy Equipment & Services — 0.9%        
Ensco Plc, 4.70%, 3/15/21     960   969,238  
Frac Tech Services LLC, 7.13%, 11/15/18 (a)     185   197,025  
Key Energy Service, Inc., 6.75%, 3/01/21     360   369,900  
MEG Energy Corp., 6.50%, 3/15/21 (a)     465   477,206  
Food & Staples Retailing — 2.0%        
CVS Caremark Corp., 6.30%, 6/01/62 (b)     1,650   1,633,500  
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.:        
5.25%, 9/01/35     1,850   1,835,381  
6.20%, 4/15/38 (c)     1,075   1,188,157  
Food Products — 1.0%        
Blue Merger Sub, Inc., 7.63%, 2/15/19 (a)     210   214,987  
Kraft Foods, Inc.:        
6.50%, 8/11/17     800   927,926  
6.13%, 8/23/18     800   907,174  
Smithfield Foods, Inc., 10.00%, 7/15/14     187   221,595  
Gas Utilities — 0.1%        
Targa Resources Partners LP, 6.88%, 2/01/21 (a)     240   238,800  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 1.5%        
Boston Scientific Corp.:        
4.50%, 1/15/15     106   111,180  
6.40%, 6/15/16     92   103,065  
5.13%, 1/12/17     375   394,515  
7.38%, 1/15/40     1,425   1,648,042  
Fresenius US Finance II, Inc., 9.00%, 7/15/15 (a)     1,000   1,146,250  
Health Care Providers & Services — 3.3%        
Aetna, Inc., 6.75%, 12/15/37     1,725   1,963,925  
Aviv Healthcare Properties LP, 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)     220   232,100  
HCA, Inc.:        
8.50%, 4/15/19     240   266,400  
7.25%, 9/15/20     1,645   1,768,375  
Tenet Healthcare Corp.:        
10.00%, 5/01/18     745   864,200  
8.88%, 7/01/19     550   621,500  
UnitedHealth Group, Inc., 6.88%, 2/15/38     1,725   1,983,134  
Household Durables — 0.3%        
Cemex Espana Luxembourg, 9.25%, 5/12/20 (a)     723   739,268  
IT Services — 0.5%        
First Data Corp. (a):        
7.38%, 6/15/19     355   361,656  
8.25%, 1/15/21     90   89,550  
12.63%, 1/15/21     580   635,825  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 0.7%      
AES Corp., 9.75%, 4/15/16     480   555,600  
Energy Future Intermediate Holding Co. LLC,        
10.00%, 12/01/20     720   774,058  
NRG Energy, Inc., 8.25%, 9/01/20     240   252,600  


Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Insurance — 3.8%      
American International Group, Inc., 6.40%, 12/15/20 $   810   $ 886,155  
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd., 7.25% (a)(b)(d)   337   338,486  
Forethough Financial Group, 8.63%, 4/15/21 (a)   525   528,976  
Genworth Financial, Inc., 7.63%, 9/24/21   480   492,993  
Lincoln National Corp., 6.25%, 2/15/20   1,725   1,937,309  
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance,      
6.06%, 3/30/40 (a)(c)   1,800   1,935,072  
Principal Financial Group, Inc., 8.88%, 5/15/19   475   608,206  
Prudential Financial, Inc., 6.63%, 12/01/37   1,725   1,924,134  
Life Sciences Tools & Services — 1.8%      
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 8.00%, 9/15/16   1,830   2,035,875  
Life Technologies Corp., 6.00%, 3/01/20   2,000   2,190,438  
Machinery — 1.3%      
AGY Holding Corp., 11.00%, 11/15/14   390   379,275  
Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co., Ltd., 9.50%, 4/15/14   1,725   2,077,112  
Navistar International Corp., 8.25%, 11/01/21   475   529,625  
Media — 8.7%      
CMP Susquehanna Corp., 3.44%, 5/15/14 (a)(f)   9   6,787  
CSC Holdings LLC:      
8.50%, 6/15/15   800   873,000  
8.63%, 2/15/19   580   668,450  
Comcast Corp., 6.30%, 11/15/17   1,725   1,983,602  
Cox Communications, Inc., 8.38%, 3/01/39 (a)   1,725   2,278,658  
DISH DBS Corp., 7.00%, 10/01/13   850   918,000  
DirectTV Holdings LLC, 5.00%, 3/01/21   1,250   1,282,424  
Gannett Co., Inc., 9.38%, 11/15/17   900   1,012,500  
Intelsat Bermuda Ltd. (g):      
11.50%, 2/04/17 (a)   130   142,350  
11.50%, 2/04/17   200   219,000  
Kabel BW Erste Beteiligungs GmbH, 7.50%, 3/15/19 (a)   500   512,500  
The New York Times Co., 6.63%, 12/15/16   1,725   1,746,562  
News America, Inc., 6.15%, 3/01/37   2,000   2,043,810  
Time Warner Cable, Inc., 6.75%, 6/15/39   1,950   2,119,523  
Time Warner, Inc., 7.70%, 5/01/32   2,000   2,411,238  
UPC Germany GmbH, 8.13%, 12/01/17 (a)   505   534,037  
Virgin Media Secured Finance Plc, 6.50%, 1/15/18   1,300   1,423,500  
Metals & Mining — 2.0%      
Alcoa, Inc., 5.40%, 4/15/21   1,190   1,208,288  
Freeport-McMoRan Corp., 7.13%, 11/01/27   1,400   1,489,338  
JMC Steel Group, 8.25%, 3/15/18 (a)   150   157,125  
Novelis, Inc., 8.75%, 12/15/20   500   558,750  
Teck Resources Ltd., 10.75%, 5/15/19   850   1,086,980  
United States Steel Corp., 7.38%, 4/01/20   95   100,225  
Multi-Utilities — 1.5%      
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.:      
5.95%, 2/01/17   1,500   1,650,644  
6.50%, 5/01/18   1,600   1,810,923  
Multiline Retail — 1.3%      
Dollar General Corp., 10.63%, 7/15/15   1,550   1,658,500  
JC Penney Co., Inc., 5.65%, 6/01/20   1,400   1,396,500  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 7.6%      
Anadarko Petroleum Corp.:      
5.95%, 9/15/16   497   555,144  
6.38%, 9/15/17   12   13,554  


See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   29  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels (concluded)        
BP Capital Markets Plc:        
3.88%, 3/10/15   $ 700   $ 734,191  
3.20%, 3/11/16     925   932,512  
Buckeye Partners LP, 4.88%, 2/01/21     475   483,250  
Chesapeake Energy Corp., 6.13%, 2/15/21     1,690   1,744,925  
Consol Energy, Inc., 6.38%, 3/01/21 (a)     410   412,050  
Copano Energy LLC, 7.13%, 4/01/21     270   276,750  
Denbury Resources, Inc., 6.38%, 8/15/21     280   288,400  
Enbridge Energy Partners LP, 9.88%, 3/01/19     1,000   1,321,007  
Energy XXI Gulf Coast, Inc., 7.75%, 6/15/19 (a)     500   511,250  
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 6.65%, 4/15/18     2,000   2,321,602  
Forest Oil Corp., 7.25%, 6/15/19     215   223,600  
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 6.85%, 2/15/20     2,000   2,329,742  
Linn Energy LLC, 7.75%, 2/01/21 (a)     510   546,337  
Marathon Petroleum Corp., 3.50%, 3/01/16 (a)     650   658,614  
ONEOK Partners LP, 8.63%, 3/01/19     1,725   2,196,731  
Oasis Petroleum, Inc., 7.25%, 2/01/19 (a)     185   186,850  
Petrobras International Finance Co., 3.88%, 1/27/16   700   709,645  
Range Resources Corp., 6.75%, 8/01/20     415   444,050  
SM Energy Co., 6.63%, 2/15/19 (a)     235   242,637  
SandRidge Energy, Inc., 7.50%, 3/15/21 (a)     350   368,375  
Paper & Forest Products — 3.0%        
Georgia-Pacific LLC, 8.25%, 5/01/16 (a)     1,635   1,855,725  
International Paper Co.:        
7.50%, 8/15/21     1,625   1,939,613  
8.70%, 6/15/38     900   1,170,386  
7.30%, 11/15/39     1,725   1,969,747  
Pharmaceuticals — 5.0%        
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 5.88%, 11/15/36 (c)     883   972,012  
GlaxoSmithKline Capital, Inc., 6.38%, 5/15/38     3,460   3,958,287  
Merck & Co., Inc. (c):        
6.50%, 12/01/33     990   1,179,154  
6.55%, 9/15/37     1,979   2,353,779  
Pfizer, Inc., 7.20%, 3/15/39     2,500   3,157,113  
Professional Services — 0.0%        
FTI Consulting, Inc., 7.75%, 10/01/16     100   105,000  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 1.9%        
AvalonBay Communities, Inc., 6.10%, 3/15/20     1,725   1,948,450  
ERP Operating LP, 5.75%, 6/15/17     1,715   1,921,043  
HCP, Inc., 5.38%, 2/01/21     500   519,728  
Road & Rail — 1.7%        
Asciano Finance Ltd., 5.00%, 4/07/18 (a)     425   432,422  
Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 8.25%, 1/15/19     314   333,625  
Florida East Coast Railway Corp., 8.13%, 2/01/17 (a)   80   84,800  
The Hertz Corp., 6.75%, 4/15/19 (a)     518   528,360  
Norfolk Southern Corp., 6.00%, 3/15/2105 (c)     2,500   2,458,940  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 0.6%      
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 7.75%, 8/01/20     400   417,000  
KLA-Tencor Corp., 6.90%, 5/01/18     918   1,038,700  
Specialty Retail — 0.9%        
AutoNation, Inc., 6.75%, 4/15/18     940   984,650  
Best Buy Co., Inc., 5.50%, 3/15/21     650   653,878  
Limited Brands, Inc., 7.00%, 5/01/20     470   498,200  


Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Tobacco — 1.4%      
Altria Group, Inc., 10.20%, 2/06/39   $ 2,150   $ 3,147,387  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 2.6%      
American Tower Corp., 4.50%, 1/15/18   925   914,050  
Cricket Communications, Inc., 7.75%, 5/15/16   325   346,937  
Crown Castle Towers LLC (a):      
5.50%, 1/15/17   575   613,243  
6.11%, 1/15/40   625   676,422  
Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA (a):      
7.25%, 4/01/19   150   152,531  
7.25%, 4/01/21   300   304,500  
Nextel Communications, Inc., Series E,      
6.88%, 10/31/13   395   398,950  
SBA Tower Trust, 5.10%, 4/15/42 (a)   2,500   2,562,500  
Total Corporate Bonds — 93.4%     215,648,365  
Preferred Securities      
Capital Trusts      
Capital Markets — 4.1%      
State Street Capital Trust III, 8.25% (b)(d)   1,385   1,386,565  
State Street Capital Trust IV, 1.31%, 6/01/67 (b)   9,675   8,101,197  
Commercial Banks — 7.1%      
ABN AMRO North America Holding Preferred Capital      
Repackaging Trust I, 6.52% (a)(b)(d)   1,650   1,567,500  
BNP Paribas, 7.20% (a)(b)(d)   700   693,000  
Barclays Bank Plc (a)(b)(d):      
5.93%, 9/29/49   1,700   1,623,500  
7.43%, 12/15/49   325   337,350  
CBA Capital Trust I, 5.81% (a)(c)(d)   2,000   2,052,500  
Credit Agricole SA, 6.64% (a)(b)(c)(d)   725   668,668  
Dresdner Funding Trust I, 8.15%, 6/30/31 (a)   1,095   1,073,100  
FCB/NC Capital Trust I, 8.05%, 3/01/28   1,100   1,101,109  
NBP Capital Trust III, 7.38% (d)   2,000   1,850,000  
National City Preferred Capital Trust I, 12.00% (b)(d)   600   672,522  
USB Capital XIII Trust, 6.63%, 12/15/39   1,725   1,841,834  
Westpac Capital Trust IV, 5.26% (a)(b)(d)   3,000   2,917,500  
Diversified Financial Services — 5.3%      
ING Capital Funding Trust III, 8.44% (b)(d)   850   820,264  
JPMorgan Chase Capital XXI, Series U,      
1.24%, 1/15/87 (b)   7,125   6,107,913  
JPMorgan Chase Capital XXIII, 1.31%, 5/15/77 (b)   6,190   5,204,199  
Electric Utilities — 0.4%      
PPL Capital Funding, 6.70%, 3/30/67 (b)   900   894,374  
Insurance — 3.6%      
AXA SA, 6.38% (a)(b)(d)   900   829,125  
The Allstate Corp., 6.50%, 5/15/67 (b)   900   929,250  
American General Capital II, 8.50%, 7/01/30   100   113,000  
Chubb Corp., 6.38%, 3/29/67 (b)   900   963,000  
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc., 10.75%, 6/15/88 (a)(b)   900   1,224,000  
Lincoln National Corp., 7.00%, 5/17/66 (b)   900   930,420  
MetLife, Inc., 6.40%, 12/15/66   900   900,032  
Reinsurance Group of America, 6.75%, 12/15/65 (b)   1,300   1,280,977  
Swiss Re Capital I LP, 6.85% (a)(b)(d)   1,000   993,766  
ZFS Finance (USA) Trust IV, 5.88%, 5/09/32 (a)(b)   190   189,419  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
30   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Capital Trusts   (000)   Value  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 0.4%      
TransCanada PipeLines Ltd., 6.35%, 5/15/67 (b)   $ 900   $ 916,720  
Total Capital Trusts — 20.9%     48,182,805  
Preferred Stocks   Shares    
Commercial Banks — 0.4%      
SG Preferred Capital II, 6.30%   1,000   968,750  
Insurance — 2.4%      
Prudential Plc, 6.50% (d)   6,000,000   5,640,000  
Media — 0.0%      
CMP Susquehanna Radio Holdings Corp.,      
6.30% (a)(b)(d)   2,052   21  
Total Preferred Stocks — 2.8%     6,608,771  
Trust Preferreds      
Diversified Financial Services — 0.5%      
GMAC Capital Trust I, Series 2, 8.13%, 2/15/40 (b)   1,061   1,101,483  
Total Trust Preferreds — 0.5%     1,101,483  
Total Preferred Securities — 24.2%     55,893,058  
Taxable Municipal Bonds   (000)    
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, RB,      
Build America Bonds, 6.55%, 11/15/31   $ 1,675   1,756,121  
State of California, GO, Build America Bonds,      
7.35%, 11/01/39   425   471,601  
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds — 0.9%     2,227,722  
U.S. Treasury Obligations      
U.S. Treasury Notes (c):      
3.63%, 2/15/21   1,090   1,119,635  
4.75%, 2/15/41   1,200   1,267,875  
Total U.S. Treasury Obligations — 1.0%     2,387,510  
Warrants (h)   Shares    
Media — 0.0%      
CMP Susquehanna Radio Holdings Corp.      
(Expires 3/26/19) (a)   2,345    
Total Warrants — 0.0%      
Total Long-Term Investments      
(Cost — $268,777,557) — 120.0%     277,242,155  


Short-Term Securities   Shares   Value  
BlackRock Liquidity Funds, TempFund,      
Institutional Class, 0.10% (i)(j)   1,547,481   $ 1,547,481  
Total Short-Term Securities      
(Cost — $1,547,481) —0.7%     1,547,481  
Options Purchased   Contracts    
Over-the-Counter Dual Binary Options — 0.0%      
Receive 1.00% of notional amount at expiration date      
if 30 year swap is below or at 4.30% and 5 year      
swap is above or at 2.38% based on ISDAFIX,      
Expires 6/23/11, Broker Goldman Sachs Bank USA   22,700,000   29,692  
Over-the-Counter Put Options — 0.1%      
S&P 500 Index, Strike Price USD 1,250.00,      
Expires 9/17/11, Broker Credit Suisse International   58   143,840  
Over-the-Counter Put Swaptions — 0.0%      
Pay a fixed rate of 2.85% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 6/24/11,      
Broker Citibank NA   $ 3,700   2,564  
Total Options Purchased      
(Cost — $339,793) — 0.1%     176,096  
Total Investments Before Options Written      
(Cost — $270,664,831) — 120.8%     278,965,732  
Options Written      
Over-the-Counter Call Swaptions — (0.2)%      
Pay a fixed rate of 4.03% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,      
Broker UBS AG   3,700   (159,970)  
Pay a fixed rate of 4.75% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 3/24/14,      
Broker Citibank NA   5,000   (314,738)  
Over-the-Counter Put Swaptions — (0.2)%      
Receive a fixed rate of 4.03% and pay a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,      
Broker UBS AG   3,700   (103,493)  
Receive a fixed rate of 4.75% and pay a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 3/24/14,      
Broker Citibank NA   5,000   (261,611)  
Sold credit default protection on Dow Jones CDX      
North America Investment Grade Series 16,      
Strike Price $120.00, Expires 9/21/11,      
Broker Credit Suisse International   72,000   (52,769)  
Total Options Written      
(Premiums Received — $1,110,600) — (0.4)%     (892,581)  
Total Investments, Net of Options Written      
(Cost — $271,775,431*) — 120.4%     278,073,151  
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (20.4)%     (47,165,129)  
Net Assets — 100.0%     $ 230,908,022  


See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   31  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)
Schedule of Investments (continued)

* The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of April 30,
2011, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were as follows:

Aggregate cost   $ 270,204,198  
Gross unrealized appreciation   $   12,291,763  
Gross unrealized depreciation   (3,530,229)  
Net unrealized appreciation   $     8,761,534  

(a) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933.

These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified
institutional investors.
(b) Variable rate security. Rate shown is as of report date.
(c) All or a portion of security has been pledged as collateral in connection with open
reverse repurchase agreements.
(d) Security is perpetual in nature and has no stated maturity date.
(e) Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default of interest payments.
(f) Non-income producing security.
(g) Represents a payment-in-kind security which may pay interest/dividends in
additional par/shares.
(h) Warrants entitle the Fund to purchase a predetermined number of shares of
common stock and are non-income producing. The purchase price and number
of shares are subject to adjustment under certain conditions until the expiration
date, if any.
(i) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund during the
period, for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended, were as follows:

  Shares Held at     Shares Held at    
  October 31,   Net   April 30,    
Affiliate   2010   Activity   2011   Income  
BlackRock Liquidity          
Funds, TempFund,          
Institutional Class   34,466,527   (32,919,046)   1,547,481   $ 7,230  

(j) Represents the current yield as of report date.

For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s industry classifications refer to any one
or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized
market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management.
These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine
such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.
Reverse repurchase agreements outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Interest   Trade   Maturity   Net Closing   Face  
Counterparty   Rate   Date   Date   Amount   Amount  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   12/09/10   5/15/38   $ 3,790,213   $ 3,784,159  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   12/09/10   2/06/39   2,858,422   2,853,856  
UBS Securities LLC   0.40%   12/30/10   3/15/20   1,503,646   1,501,594  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/10/11   2/15/20   1,787,486   1,785,375  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/27/11   9/01/35   1,777,800   1,776,000  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/27/11   1/15/38   1,954,458   1,952,500  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   1/27/11   4/01/39   2,274,028   2,271,750  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   2/01/11   3/05/15   2,181,179   2,179,000  


Reverse repurchase agreements outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows

  Interest   Trade   Maturity   Net Closing   Face  
Counterparty   Rate   Date   Date   Amount   Amount  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   2/07/11   3/30/40   $ 1,814,292   $ 1,812,600  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/10/11   3/15/39   2,983,799   2,981,250  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/11/11   2/11/21   1,602,064   1,601,300  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/11/11   12/01/33   1,094,874   1,093,950  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/11/11   9/15/37   2,198,545   2,196,690  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   2/23/11   2/23/16   2,006,940   2,005,500  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   3/04/11   2/01/41   2,036,242   2,034,975  
UBS Securities LLC   0.38%   3/10/11   12/01/37   1,777,744   1,776,750  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.40%   3/30/11   9/15/15   2,741,505   2,740,500  
UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   3/31/11   2/11/21   535,364   534,600  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/07/11   4/05/21   2,599,382   2,598,750  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/11/11   1/28/14   742,151   742,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/12/11   11/15/36   910,771   910,594  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/12/11   12/31/49   1,982,885   1,982,500  
UBS Securities LLC   0.37%   4/13/11   3/28/14   1,689,242   1,688,912  
Capital Inc.   0.35%   4/14/11   10/29/49   742,349   742,219  
Capital Inc.   0.35%   4/14/11   12/31/49   648,082   647,969  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.38%   4/18/11   4/15/21   1,323,633   1,323,438  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.38%   4/18/11   4/15/38   1,102,038   1,101,875  
Deutsche Bank            
Securities Inc.   0.35%   4/21/11   3/17/16   2,364,503   2,364,250  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.04%   4/29/11   5/02/11   2,394,433   2,394,424  
Total         $53,418,070   $53,379,280  

Financial futures contracts purchased as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional   Unrealized  
Contracts        Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value   Appreciation  
102   2-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $22,244,163   $ 106,587  
11   Long-Term U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011   $ 1,311,350   34,775  
Total           $ 141,362  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
32   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)
Schedule of Investments (concluded)

Financial futures contracts sold as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional   Unrealized  
Contracts Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value   Depreciation  
115   5-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $13,500,761        $ (123,145)  
25   10-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011     $2,970,311   (58,204)  
46   Ultra U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011     $5,674,213   (116,037)  
Total           $ (297,386)  

Credit default swaps on single-name issuer — buy protection outstanding as of
April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Pay     Notional    
  Fixed       Expiration         Amount     Unrealized  
Issuer   Rate   Counterparty   Date   (000)   Depreciation  
The New York            
Times Co.   1.00%   Barclays Bank Plc   12/20/16 $   1,725   $ (1,969)  

Credit default swaps on single-name issuer — sold protection outstanding as of
April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Receive       Issuer   Notional    
  Fixed   Counter-     Credit   Amount   Unrealized  
Issuer   Rate   party   Expiration   Rating 1   (000) 2   Appreciation  
MetLife, Inc.   1.00%   Deutsche          
    Bank AG   3/20/18   A–   $ 425   $ 11,072  

1 Using S&P’s rating of the underlying securities.
2 The maximum potential amount the Fund may pay should a negative event take
place as defined under the terms of agreement.

Interest rate swaps outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional   Unrealized  
Fixed   Floating   Counter-   Expiration   Amount   Appreciation  
Rate   Rate   party   Date   (000)            (Depreciation)  
0.98% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   3/30/13   USD   28,800   $ (132,416)  
2.32% (b)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   3/28/16   USD   2,000   19,120  
4.34% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   4/14/41   USD   800   (23,964)  
4.38% (a)   3-month   Goldman Sachs          
  LIBOR   International   4/14/41   USD   1,200   (43,489)  
4.35% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Deutsche Bank AG   4/15/41   USD   1,500   (48,235)  
Total             $ (228,984)  

(a) Pays a fixed interest rate and receives floating rate.
(b) Pays floating interest rate and receives fixed rate.

Fair Value Measurements — Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of
investments and derivative financial instruments. These inputs are summarized in
three broad levels for financial statement purposes as follows:
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets
and liabilities
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices
for similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for iden-
tical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other
than quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as
interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit
risks and default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the
circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the
Fund’s own assumptions used in determining the fair value of investments and
derivative financial instruments)

The inputs or methodologies used for valuing securities are not necessarily an
indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information
about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial
instruments and other significant accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the
Notes to Financial Statements.

The following tables summarize the inputs used as of April 30, 2011 in determining
the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments and derivative financial instruments:

  Investments in Securities    
Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Securities       $ 1,085,500   $ 1,085,500  
Bonds     $215,641,578   6,787   215,648,365  
Securities   $1,101,483   54,791,554   $ 21   55,893,058  
Bonds     2,227,722     2,227,722  
U.S Treasury          
Obligations     2,387,510     2,387,510  
Securities   1,547,481       1,547,481  
Total   $2,648,964   $275,048,364   $ 1,092,308   $278,789,636  


Derivative Financial Instruments 1

Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Interest rate          
contracts   $ 141,362   $ 21,684    $29,692   $ 192,738  
contracts     11,072     11,072  
contracts     143,840     143,840  
Interest rate          
contracts   (297,386)   (1,087,916)     (1,385,302)  
contracts     (1,969)   (52,769)   (54,738)  
Total   $ (156,024)   $ (913,289)  $   (23,077)   $ (1,092,390)  

1 Derivative financial instruments are swaps, financial futures contracts, and
options. Financial futures contracts and swaps are valued at the unrealized
appreciation/depreciation on the instrument and options are shown at value.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   33  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)
Schedule of Investments
April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Asset-Backed Securities   (000)   Value  
Atrium CDO Corp., Series 5A, Class A4,      
2.83%, 7/20/20 (a)(b)   $ 4,400   $ 3,674,000  
SLM Student Loan Trust, Series 2004-B,      
Class A2, 0.51%, 6/15/21 (b)   4,438   4,328,856  
Total Asset-Backed Securities — 1.1%     8,002,856  
Corporate Bonds      
Aerospace & Defense — 1.7%      
BE Aerospace, Inc., 8.50%, 7/01/18   3,575   3,986,125  
Bombardier, Inc., 7.75%, 3/15/20 (a)   4,500   5,011,875  
Huntington Ingalls Industries, Inc. (a):      
6.88%, 3/15/18   580   610,450  
7.13%, 3/15/21   600   631,500  
Kratos Defense & Security Solutions Inc.,      
10.00%, 6/01/17 (a)   2,052   2,252,070  
Airlines — 0.9%      
American Airlines Pass-Through Trust, Series 2011-1,      
Class A, 5.25%, 7/31/22   2,425   2,352,250  
Continental Airlines Pass-Through Certificates,      
Series 2009-2, Class B, 9.25%, 5/10/17   2,113   2,229,680  
Delta Air Lines, Inc., Series 02G1, 6.72%, 7/02/24   2,205   2,232,916  
Auto Components — 0.6%      
Icahn Enterprises LP:      
7.75%, 1/15/16   1,700   1,751,000  
8.00%, 1/15/18   2,500   2,581,250  
Beverages — 0.5%      
Constellation Brands, Inc., 7.25%, 5/15/17   3,230   3,520,700  
Building Products — 0.5%      
Building Materials Corp. of America (a):      
7.00%, 2/15/20   790   823,575  
6.75%, 5/01/21   1,930   1,956,538  
Nortek, Inc., 10.00%, 12/01/18 (a)   1,100   1,177,000  
Capital Markets — 3.9%      
Ameriprise Financial, Inc., 5.30%, 3/15/20 (c)   4,500   4,864,644  
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (c):      
7.50%, 2/15/19   6,850   8,134,266  
6.25%, 2/01/41   7,350   7,540,497  
Macquarie Bank Ltd., 6.63%, 4/07/21 (a)(c)   3,950   4,088,487  
UBS AG (c):      
2.25%, 1/28/14   2,678   2,711,071  
5.88%, 7/15/16   1,575   1,731,509  
Chemicals — 0.5%      
CF Industries, Inc., 7.13%, 5/01/20   1,850   2,118,250  
Omnova Solutions, Inc., 7.88%, 11/01/18 (a)   1,220   1,250,500  
Commercial Banks — 6.5%      
Amsouth Bank, 4.85%, 4/01/13   1,800   1,833,649  
Associated Banc-Corp., 5.13%, 3/28/16   3,645   3,714,175  
BNP Paribas, 3.60%, 2/23/16 (c)   7,250   7,372,025  
Branch Banking & Trust Co. (b)(c):      
1.00%, 9/13/16   1,850   1,784,071  
1.00%, 5/23/17   1,100   1,031,165  
CIT Group, Inc., 6.63%, 4/01/18 (a)   2,673   2,871,240  
Credit Agricole SA, 8.38%, 10/29/49 (a)(b)(c)(d)   2,450   2,676,625  
Discover Bank, 8.70%, 11/18/19   1,950   2,397,880  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Commercial Banks (concluded)        
Fifth Third Bamcorp, 3.63%, 1/25/16   $ 4,600   $ 4,667,082  
HSBC Holdings Plc, 5.10%, 4/05/21 (c)     3,500   3,602,350  
KeyCorp, 5.10%, 3/24/21     1,300   1,331,482  
Lloyds TSB Bank Plc, 4.88%, 1/21/16     1,525   1,600,770  
Regions Financial Corp.:        
4.88%, 4/26/13     4,150   4,225,235  
5.75%, 6/15/15     3,000   3,090,000  
Societe Generale, 5.20%, 4/15/21 (a)(c)     4,825   4,867,002  
SunTrust Banks, Inc., 3.60%, 4/15/16     1,300   1,316,760  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 3.8%        
Aviation Capital Group Corp. (a):        
7.13%, 10/15/20     15,000   15,551,064  
6.75%, 4/06/21     3,850   3,880,145  
Casella Waste Systems, Inc., 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)     1,031   1,054,198  
Clean Harbors, Inc., 7.63%, 8/15/16     2,250   2,407,500  
Corrections Corp. of America, 7.75%, 6/01/17     4,835   5,294,325  
Mobile Mini, Inc., 7.88%, 12/01/20 (a)     455   483,438  
Communications Equipment — 1.1%        
Avaya, Inc.:        
9.75%, 11/01/15     1,400   1,445,500  
7.00%, 4/01/19 (a)     850   841,500  
Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., 6.88%, 1/15/20   3,580   3,893,250  
CC Holdings GS V LLC, 7.75%, 5/01/17 (a)     1,725   1,906,125  
Construction Materials — 0.2%        
Inversiones CMPC SA, 4.75%, 1/19/18 (a)     1,375   1,356,669  
Consumer Finance — 4.8%        
American Express Credit Corp., 2.75%, 9/15/15     9,850   9,818,844  
Capital One Bank USA NA, 8.80%, 7/15/19     3,950   5,058,726  
Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC, 7.00%, 4/15/15     820   900,596  
Inmarsat Finance Plc, 7.38%, 12/01/17 (a)     2,975   3,146,063  
SLM Corp., 6.25%, 1/25/16     16,175   17,151,064  
Containers & Packaging — 1.3%        
Ball Corp.:        
7.13%, 9/01/16     2,000   2,180,000  
6.75%, 9/15/20     3,575   3,762,687  
Crown Americas LLC, 6.25%, 2/01/21 (a)     1,350   1,387,125  
Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc.,        
6.75%, 12/01/14     1,110   1,133,588  
Rock-Tenn Co., 9.25%, 3/15/16     800   872,000  
Diversified Financial Services — 5.3%        
Ally Financial, Inc.:        
4.50%, 2/11/14     1,500   1,515,000  
8.30%, 2/12/15     2,890   3,251,250  
8.00%, 11/01/31     3,100   3,495,250  
Bank of America Corp., 3.63%, 3/17/16 (c)     8,625   8,668,807  
Citigroup, Inc., 4.59%, 12/15/15 (c)     1,575   1,666,756  
General Electric Capital Corp., 5.30%, 2/11/21 (c)     7,775   8,067,604  
Moody’s Corp., 6.06%, 9/07/17     10,000   10,300,590  
Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc. (a):        
6.88%, 2/15/21     1,095   1,129,219  
8.25%, 2/15/21     1,345   1,366,856  
Stan IV Ltd., 2.48%, 7/20/11 (b)     283   280,170  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 4.8%        
AT&T, Inc., 6.30%, 1/15/38     5,000   5,274,305  
Level 3 Financing, Inc.:        
8.75%, 2/15/17     2,910   3,011,850  
10.00%, 2/01/18     930   1,004,400  
9.38%, 4/01/19 (a)     1,500   1,593,750  


See Notes to Financial Statements.

34   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Diversified Telecommunication Services (concluded)      
Qwest Corp., 8.38%, 5/01/16   $ 3,285   $ 3,900,937  
Telecom Italia Capital SA, 6.18%, 6/18/14   1,650   1,799,556  
Telefonica Emisiones SAU, 5.46%, 2/16/21   2,250   2,335,295  
Verizon Communications, Inc. (c):      
1.95%, 3/28/14   8,525   8,598,281  
7.35%, 4/01/39   4,700   5,627,489  
Windstream Corp., 7.88%, 11/01/17   2,700   2,916,000  
Electric Utilities — 0.8%      
Progress Energy, Inc., 7.00%, 10/30/31   5,000   5,833,985  
Electronic Equipment, Instruments      
& Components — 1.0%      
Jabil Circuit, Inc., 8.25%, 3/15/18   2,000   2,295,000  
NXP BV, 3.05%, 10/15/13 (b)   4,900   4,875,500  
Energy Equipment & Services — 1.3%      
Ensco Plc, 4.70%, 3/15/21   3,255   3,286,323  
Frac Tech Services LLC, 7.13%, 11/15/18 (a)   615   654,975  
Hornbeck Offshore Services, Inc., Series B,      
6.13%, 12/01/14   2,695   2,721,950  
Key Energy Service, Inc., 6.75%, 3/01/21   1,240   1,274,100  
MEG Energy Corp., 6.50%, 3/15/21 (a)   1,580   1,621,475  
Food & Staples Retailing — 1.5%      
CVS Caremark Corp., 6.30%, 6/01/62 (b)   2,900   2,871,000  
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (c):      
5.25%, 9/01/35   2,650   2,629,060  
6.20%, 4/15/38   5,225   5,774,994  
Food Products — 0.8%      
Blue Merger Sub, Inc., 7.63%, 2/15/19 (a)   710   726,863  
Kraft Foods, Inc.:      
6.50%, 8/11/17   1,985   2,302,417  
6.13%, 8/23/18   1,990   2,256,594  
Smithfield Foods, Inc., 10.00%, 7/15/14   668   791,580  
Gas Utilities — 0.1%      
Targa Resources Partners LP, 6.88%, 2/01/21 (a)   820   815,900  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 1.7%      
Boston Scientific Corp.:      
4.50%, 1/15/15   380   398,569  
6.40%, 6/15/16   327   366,328  
5.13%, 1/12/17   1,341   1,410,787  
7.38%, 1/15/40   4,950   5,724,779  
Fresenius US Finance II, Inc., 9.00%, 7/15/15 (a)   4,250   4,871,563  
Health Care Providers & Services — 2.7%      
Aetna, Inc., 6.75%, 12/15/37 (c)   4,075   4,639,416  
Aviv Healthcare Properties LP, 7.75%, 2/15/19 (a)   765   807,075  
HCA, Inc.:      
8.50%, 4/15/19   600   666,000  
7.25%, 9/15/20   4,590   4,934,250  
Tenet Healthcare Corp.:      
10.00%, 5/01/18   2,175   2,523,000  
8.88%, 7/01/19   1,825   2,062,250  
UnitedHealth Group, Inc., 6.88%, 2/15/38 (c)   4,075   4,684,795  
Household Durables — 0.7%      
Cemex Espana Luxembourg, 9.25%, 5/12/20 (a)   4,947   5,058,307  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
IT Services — 0.5%        
First Data Corp. (a):        
7.38%, 6/15/19   $ 1,205   $ 1,227,594  
8.25%, 1/15/21     310   308,450  
12.63%, 1/15/21     1,960   2,148,650  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 0.7%      
AES Corp., 9.75%, 4/15/16     1,620   1,875,150  
Energy Future Intermediate Holding Co. LLC,        
10.00%, 12/01/20     2,460   2,644,697  
NRG Energy, Inc., 8.25%, 9/01/20     815   857,787  
Insurance — 3.2%        
American International Group, Inc., 6.40%, 12/15/20 (c)   2,800   3,063,250  
Dai-ichi Life Insurance Co., Ltd., 7.25% (a)(b)(d)     1,116   1,120,921  
Forethough Financial Group, 8.63%, 4/15/21 (a)     1,625   1,637,308  
Genworth Financial, Inc., 7.63%, 9/24/21     1,615   1,658,715  
Lincoln National Corp., 6.25%, 2/15/20 (c)     4,075   4,576,543  
Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance,        
6.06%, 3/30/40 (a)(c)     5,500   5,912,720  
Principal Financial Group, Inc., 8.88%, 5/15/19     1,145   1,466,097  
Prudential Financial, Inc., 6.63%, 12/01/37 (c)     4,075   4,545,418  
Life Sciences Tools & Services — 1.5%        
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 8.00%, 9/15/16     5,480   6,096,500  
Life Technologies Corp., 6.00%, 3/01/20     4,800   5,257,051  
Machinery — 0.9%        
Ingersoll-Rand Global Holding Co., Ltd., 9.50%, 4/15/14   4,075   4,906,801  
Navistar International Corp., 8.25%, 11/01/21     1,515   1,689,225  
Media — 6.8%        
CSC Holdings LLC:        
8.50%, 6/15/15     2,300   2,509,875  
8.63%, 2/15/19     1,950   2,247,375  
Cengage Learning Acquisitions, Inc., 10.50%, 1/15/15 (a)   2,575   2,645,812  
Comcast Corp., 6.30%, 11/15/17     4,075   4,685,900  
Cox Communications, Inc., 8.38%, 3/01/39 (a)     4,075   5,382,916  
DISH DBS Corp., 7.00%, 10/01/13     1,950   2,106,000  
DirectTV Holdings LLC, 5.00%, 3/01/21     4,150   4,257,647  
Gannett Co., Inc., 9.38%, 11/15/17     3,100   3,487,500  
Intelsat Bermuda Ltd. (e):        
11.50%, 2/04/17     690   755,550  
11.50%, 2/04/17 (a)     460   503,700  
Kabel BW Erste Beteiligungs GmbH, 7.50%, 3/15/19 (a)   1,760   1,804,000  
News America, Inc., 6.15%, 3/01/37     4,850   4,956,239  
Time Warner Cable, Inc., 6.75%, 6/15/39     4,675   5,081,421  
Time Warner, Inc., 7.70%, 5/01/32     4,900   5,907,533  
UPC Germany GmbH, 8.13%, 12/01/17 (a)     1,225   1,295,438  
Virgin Media Secured Finance Plc, 6.50%, 1/15/18   3,175   3,476,625  
Metals & Mining — 1.8%        
Alcoa, Inc., 5.40%, 4/15/21     4,090   4,152,855  
Freeport-McMoRan Corp., 7.13%, 11/01/27     3,500   3,723,346  
JMC Steel Group, 8.25%, 3/15/18 (a)     530   555,175  
Novelis, Inc., 8.75%, 12/15/20     1,710   1,910,925  
Teck Resources Ltd., 10.75%, 5/15/19     2,000   2,557,600  
United States Steel Corp., 7.38%, 4/01/20     290   305,950  
Multiline Retail — 2.3%        
Dollar General Corp., 10.63%, 7/15/15     4,225   4,520,750  
JC Penney Co., Inc., 5.65%, 6/01/20     12,400   12,369,000  


See Notes to Financial Statements

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   35  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds   (000)   Value  
Multi-Utilities — 2.5%      
CenterPoint Energy, Inc.:      
5.95%, 2/01/17   $ 3,600   $ 3,961,544  
6.50%, 5/01/18   3,950   4,470,717  
Dominion Resources, Inc., 8.88%, 1/15/19 (c)   8,000   10,286,800  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 6.9%      
Anadarko Petroluem Corp.:      
5.95%, 9/15/16   1,686   1,883,243  
6.38%, 9/15/17   52   58,732  
BP Capital Markets Plc (c):      
5.25%, 11/07/13   2,100   2,276,629  
3.88%, 3/10/15   3,085   3,235,687  
Buckeye Partners LP, 4.88%, 2/01/21   1,650   1,678,659  
Chesapeake Energy Corp., 6.13%, 2/15/21   5,745   5,931,712  
Consol Energy, Inc., 6.38%, 3/01/21 (a)   1,385   1,391,925  
Copano Energy LLC, 7.13%, 4/01/21   930   953,250  
Denbury Resources, Inc., 6.38%, 8/15/21   955   983,650  
Enbridge Energy Partners LP, 9.88%, 3/01/19   2,425   3,203,442  
Energy XXI Gulf Coast, Inc., 7.75%, 6/15/19 (a)   1,700   1,738,250  
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 6.65%, 4/15/18   4,800   5,571,845  
Forest Oil Corp., 7.25%, 6/15/19   735   764,400  
Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP, 6.85%, 2/15/20   4,800   5,591,381  
Linn Energy LLC, 7.75%, 2/01/21 (a)   1,740   1,863,975  
Marathon Petroleum Corp., 3.50%, 3/01/16 (a)   2,250   2,279,819  
ONEOK Partners LP, 8.63%, 3/01/19   4,075   5,189,378  
Oasis Petroleum, Inc., 7.25%, 2/01/19 (a)   625   631,250  
Petrobras International Finance Co., 3.88%, 1/27/16   2,425   2,458,412  
Range Resources Corp., 6.75%, 8/01/20   1,415   1,514,050  
SM Energy Co., 6.63%, 2/15/19 (a)   795   820,838  
SandRidge Energy, Inc., 7.50%, 3/15/21 (a)   1,200   1,263,000  
Paper & Forest Products — 2.4%      
Georgia-Pacific LLC, 8.25%, 5/01/16 (a)   3,955   4,488,925  
International Paper Co.:      
7.50%, 8/15/21   3,950   4,714,752  
8.70%, 6/15/38   3,100   4,031,330  
7.30%, 11/15/39   4,075   4,653,169  
Pharmaceuticals — 5.3%      
Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 5.88%, 11/15/36 (c)   3,549   3,906,761  
GlaxoSmithKline Capital, Inc., 6.38%, 5/15/38   10,100   11,554,541  
Merck & Co., Inc. (c):      
6.50%, 12/01/33   2,885   3,436,223  
6.55%, 9/15/37   6,945   8,260,230  
Pfizer, Inc., 7.20%, 3/15/39   10,000   12,628,450  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 1.5%      
AvalonBay Communities, Inc., 6.10%, 3/15/20   4,075   4,602,859  
ERP Operating LP, 5.75%, 6/15/17   4,080   4,570,179  
HCP, Inc., 5.38%, 2/01/21   1,675   1,741,089  
Real Estate Management & Development — 0.1%      
Realogy Corp., 7.88%, 2/15/19 (a)   1,105   1,116,050  
Road & Rail — 1.7%      
Asciano Finance Ltd., 5.00%, 4/07/18 (a)   1,475   1,500,758  
Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 8.25%, 1/15/19   1,080   1,147,500  
Florida East Coast Railway Corp., 8.13%, 2/01/17 (a)   320   339,200  
The Hertz Corp., 6.75%, 4/15/19 (a)   1,554   1,585,080  
Norfolk Southern Corp., 6.00%, 3/15/2105 (c)   8,500   8,360,396  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 0.5%      
Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., 7.75%, 8/01/20   $ 1,300   $ 1,355,250  
KLA-Tencor Corp., 6.90%, 5/01/18     2,208   2,498,310  
Specialty Retail — 1.0%        
AutoNation, Inc., 6.75%, 4/15/18     2,775   2,906,812  
Best Buy Co., Inc., 5.50%, 3/15/21     2,450   2,464,617  
Claire’s Escrow Corp., 8.88%, 3/15/19 (a)     880   855,800  
Limited Brands, Inc., 7.00%, 5/01/20     1,370   1,452,200  
Tobacco — 2.9%        
Altria Group, Inc.:        
9.70%, 11/10/18     4,075   5,425,769  
9.25%, 8/06/19     3,950   5,199,361  
10.20%, 2/06/39     7,400   10,832,867  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 2.3%        
American Tower Corp., 4.50%, 1/15/18     3,200   3,162,118  
Cricket Communications, Inc., 7.75%, 5/15/16     780   832,650  
Crown Castle Towers LLC (a):        
5.50%, 1/15/17     1,975   2,106,355  
6.11%, 1/15/40     2,330   2,521,701  
Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA (a):        
7.25%, 4/01/19     320   325,400  
7.25%, 4/01/21     1,020   1,035,300  
Nextel Communications, Inc., Series E,        
6.88%, 10/31/13     1,040   1,050,400  
SBA Tower Trust, 5.10%, 4/15/42 (a)     6,250   6,406,250  
Total Corporate Bonds — 91.8%       685,407,520  
Preferred Securities        
Capital Trusts        
Capital Markets — 3.5%        
Credit Suisse Guernsey Ltd., 5.86% (b)(d)     1,050   1,023,750  
State Street Capital Trust III, 8.25% (b)(d)     1,740   1,741,966  
State Street Capital Trust IV, 1.31%, 6/01/67 (b)     28,195   23,608,604  
Commercial Banks — 7.8%        
ABN AMRO North America Holding Preferred Capital        
Repackaging Trust I, 6.52% (a)(b)(d)     5,600   5,320,000  
BB&T Capital Trust IV, 6.82%, 6/12/77 (b)     15,300   15,529,500  
BNP Paribas, 7.20% (a)(b)(c)(d)     2,500   2,475,000  
Barclays Bank Plc, 7.43% (a)(b)(d)     1,100   1,141,800  
CBA Capital Trust II, 6.02% (a)(b)(c)(d)     5,000   5,062,850  
Credit Agricole SA, 6.64% (a)(b)(c)(d)     2,450   2,259,635  
Dresdner Funding Trust I, 8.15%, 6/30/31 (a)     3,715   3,640,700  
HSBC Capital Funding LP/Jersey Channel Islands,        
10.18% (a)(b)(c)(d)     7,000   9,450,000  
National City Preferred Capital Trust I, 12.00% (b)(d)   3,713   4,161,791  
Standard Chartered Bank, 7.01% (a)(b)(d)     5,000   4,885,250  
USB Capital XIII Trust, 6.63%, 12/15/39     4,100   4,377,693  
Diversified Financial Services — 4.2%        
ING Capital Funding Trust III, 8.44% (b)(d)     2,950   2,846,797  
JPMorgan Chase Capital XXI, Series U,        
1.24%, 1/15/87 (b)     12,875   11,037,107  
JPMorgan Chase Capital XXIII, 1.31%, 5/15/77 (b)     20,695   17,399,176  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
36   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Schedule of Investments (continued)
BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Capital Trusts   (000)   Value  
Electric Utilities — 0.5%      
PPL Capital Funding, 6.70%, 3/30/67 (b)   $ 3,900   $ 3,875,625  
Insurance — 6.6%      
AXA SA, 6.46% (a)(b)(d)   6,000   5,467,500  
Ace Capital Trust II, 9.70%, 4/01/30   4,000   5,220,040  
The Allstate Corp., 6.50%, 5/15/67 (b)   4,000   4,130,000  
American General Capital II, 8.50%, 7/01/30   300   339,000  
Aon Corp., 8.21%, 1/01/27   4,000   4,520,428  
Chubb Corp., 6.38%, 3/29/67 (b)(c)   4,000   4,280,000  
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc., 10.75%, 6/15/88 (a)(b)   4,000   5,440,000  
Lincoln National Corp., 7.00%, 5/17/66 (b)   4,255   4,398,819  
MetLife, Inc., 6.40%, 12/15/66   4,550   4,550,164  
Reinsurance Group of America, 6.75%, 12/15/65 (b)   7,000   6,897,569  
Swiss Re Capital I LP, 6.85% (a)(b)(d)   3,000   2,981,298  
ZFS Finance (USA) Trust IV, 5.88%, 5/09/32 (a)(b)   599   597,167  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 1.2%      
Enterprise Products Operating LLC, 8.38%, 8/01/66 (b)   4,500   4,888,125  
TransCanada PipeLines Ltd., 6.35%, 5/15/67 (b)   4,000   4,074,312  
Total Capital Trusts — 23.8%     177,621,666  
Preferred Stocks   Shares    
Auto Components — 0.1%      
Dana Holding Corp., 4.00%   7,000   1,092,875  
Commercial Banks — 0.4%      
SG Preferred Capital II, 6.30%   3,000   2,906,250  
Thrifts & Mortgage Finance — 0.0%      
Fannie Mae, 8.25% (f)   23,000   46,920  
Freddie Mac, Series Z, 8.38% (f)   23,000   46,460  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 1.1%      
Sovereign Real Estate Investment Corp., 12.00%   7,000   8,050,000  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 1.5%      
Centaur Funding Corp., 9.08%   10,000   11,231,250  
Total Preferred Stocks — 3.1%     23,373,755  
Trust Preferreds   (000)    
Diversified Financial Services — 0.5%      
GMAC Capital Trust I, Series 2, 8.13%, 2/15/40 (b)   $ 3,518   3,652,572  
Total Trust Preferreds — 0.5%     3,652,572  
Total Preferred Securities — 27.4%     204,647,993  
Taxable Municipal Bonds      
City of Chicago Illinois, RB, Build America Bonds,      
6.85%, 1/01/38   5,000   5,033,400  
Metropolitan Transportation Authority, RB,      
Build America Bonds, 6.55%, 11/15/31   4,075   4,272,352  
State of California, GO, Build America Bonds,      
7.35%, 11/01/39   2,050   2,274,783  
Total Taxable Municipal Bonds — 1.6%     11,580,535  


U.S. Treasury Obligations   (000)   Value  
U.S. Treasury Bonds, 4.75%, 2/15/41   $ 4,200   $ 4,437,560  
U.S. Treasury Notes, 3.63%, 2/15/21   12,755   13,101,783  
Total U.S. Treasury Obligations — 2.3%     17,539,343  
Total Long-Term Investments      
(Cost — $902,567,319) — 124.2%     927,178,247  
Short-Term Securities   Shares    
BlackRock Liquidity Funds, TempFund,      
Institutional Class, 0.10% (g)(h)   500   500  
Total Short-Term Securities      
(Cost — $500) — 0.0%     500  
Options Purchased   Contracts    
Over-the-Counter Dual Binary Options — 0.0%      
Receive 1.00% of notional amount at expiration date      
if 30 year swap is below or at 4.30% and 5 year      
swap is above or at 2.38% based on ISDAFIX,      
Expires 6/23/11, Broker Goldman Sachs Bank USA   77,300,000   101,109  
Over-the-Counter Put Options — 0.1%      
S&P 500 Index, Strike Price USD 1,250.00,      
Expires 9/17/11, Broker Credit Suisse International   196   486,080  
Over-the-Counter Put Swaptions — 0.0%      
Pay a fixed rate of 2.85% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 6/24/11,      
Broker Citibank NA   $ 12,600   8,732  
Total Options Purchased      
(Cost — $1,149,820) — 0.1%     595,921  
Total Investments Before Options Written      
(Cost — $903,717,639) — 124.3%     927,774,668  
Options Written      
Over-the-Counter Call Swaptions — (0.2)%      
Pay a fixed rate of 4.06% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,      
Broker Deutsche Bank AG   13,000   (581,981)  
Pay a fixed rate of 4.75% and receive a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 3/24/14,      
Broker Citibank NA   17,000   (1,070,108)  
Over-the-Counter Put Swaptions — (0.2)%      
Receive a fixed rate of 4.06% and pay a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 4/16/12,      
Broker Deutsche Bank AG   13,000   (350,604)  
Receive a fixed rate of 4.75% and pay a floating rate      
based on 3-month LIBOR, Expires 3/24/14,      
Broker Citibank NA   17,000   (889,477)  


See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   37  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Options Written   (000)   Value  
Over-the-Counter Put Swaptions (concluded)      
Sold credit default protection on Dow Jones CDX      
North America Investment Grade Series 16,      
Strike Price $120.00, Expires 9/21/11,      
Broker Credit Suisse International   $ 245,000   $ (179,561)  
Total Options Written      
(Premiums Received — $3,805,700) — (0.4)%     (3,071,731)  
Total Investments, Net of Options Written      
(Cost — $907,523,339*) — 123.9%     924,702,937  
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (23.9)%     (177,968,157)  
Net Assets — 100.0%     $746,734,780  

* The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of April 30,

2011, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were as follows:

Aggregate cost   $ 903,051,992  
Gross unrealized appreciation   $   35,104,745  
Gross unrealized depreciation   (10,382,069)  
Net unrealized depreciation   $   24,722,676  

(a) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933.

These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified
institutional investors.
(b) Variable rate security. Rate shown is as of report date.
(c) All or a portion of security has been pledged as collateral in connection with open
reverse repurchase agreements.
(d) Security is perpetual in nature and has no stated maturity date.
(e) Represents a payment-in-kind security which may pay interest/dividends in
additional par/shares.
(f) Non-income producing security.
(g) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund during the
period, for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended, were as follows:

  Shares Held at     Shares Held at    
  October 31,   Net   April 30,    
Affiliate   2010   Activity   2011   Income  
BlackRock Liquidity          
Funds, TempFund,          
Institutional Class   26,924,664   (26,924,164)   500   $ 22,209  

(h) Represents the current yield as of report date.

For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s industry classifications refer to any one
or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized
market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management.
These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine
such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Reverse repurchase agreements outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Interest   Trade       Maturity   Net Closing   Face  
Counterparty   Rate   Date   Date   Amount   Amount  
BNP Paribas   0.39%   1/05/11   Open   $ 3,164,938   $ 3,161,000  
Deutsche Bank AG   0.40%   1/05/11   Open   10,304,350   10,291,200  
UBS AG   0.38%   1/05/11   Open   23,767,301   23,752,256  
Deutsche Bank AG   0.25%   1/07/11   Open   2,178,783   2,177,044  
UBS AG   0.38%   1/27/11   Open   5,480,991   5,475,500  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   1/31/11   Open   2,094,541   2,092,500  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   2/01/11   Open   7,417,410   7,410,000  
UBS AG   0.38%   2/02/11   Open   2,865,689   2,863,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   2/04/11   Open   2,503,418   2,501,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   2/07/11   Open   3,527,667   3,524,500  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.40%   2/08/11   Open   4,107,781   4,104,000  
UBS AG   0.38%   2/10/11   Open   10,747,719   10,738,498  
UBS AG   0.38%   2/11/11   Open   15,219,029   15,206,188  
UBS AG   0.38%   2/23/11   Open   6,928,720   6,923,750  
UBS AG   0.38%   2/28/11   Open   1,187,234   1,186,500  
Deutsche Bank AG   0.40%   3/03/11   Open   1,583,930   1,582,875  
UBS AG   0.38%   3/09/11   Open   7,476,034   7,471,775  
UBS AG   0.38%   3/10/11   Open   6,986,406   6,982,500  
UBS AG   0.38%   3/17/11   Open   8,154,582   8,150,625  
UBS AG   0.37%   3/28/11   Open   8,122,983   8,120,062  
UBS AG   0.40%   3/28/11   Open   4,433,285   4,431,562  
UBS AG   0.37%   3/31/11   Open   4,856,597   4,855,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/07/11   Open   9,137,220   9,135,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/11/11   Open   3,358,685   3,358,000  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/12/11   Open   9,900,643   9,898,718  
Credit Suisse            
(USA) LLC   0.35%   4/13/11   Open   8,193,732   8,192,219  
Capital Inc.   0.35%   4/14/11   Open   4,698,697   4,697,875  
Deutsche Bank AG   0.38%   4/18/11   Open   5,477,132   5,476,323  
UBS AG   0.38%   4/18/11   Open   5,487,061   5,486,250  
Deutsche Bank AG   0.35%   4/20/11   Open   4,401,471   4,401,000  
Deutsche Bank AG   0.35%   4/28/11   Open   1,669,548   1,669,500  
UBS AG   0.35%   4/28/11   Open   5,234,650   5,234,500  
Total         $200,668,247 $200,550,720  

Financial futures contracts purchased as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional   Unrealized  
Contracts         Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value   Appreciation  
333   2-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $72,620,649   $ 347,976  
25   Long-Term U.S.   Chicago Board   June      
  Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011   $ 2,980,341   79,034  
Total           $ 427,010  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
38   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)
Schedule of Investments (concluded)

Financial futures contracts sold as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional   Unrealized  
Contracts Issue   Exchange   Expiration   Value   Depreciation  
392   5-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June        
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011    $46,019,986    $(419,764)  
65   10-Year U.S.   Chicago Board   June        
  Treasury Note   of Trade   2011   $ 7,721,870     (152,270)  
139   Ultra U.S.   Chicago Board   June        
  Treasury Bond   of Trade   2011   $17,157,057     (339,568)  
Total           $ (911,602)  

Credit default swaps on single-name issuer — sold protection outstanding as of
April 30, 2011 were as follows:

  Receive       Issuer   Notional    
  Fixed   Counter-     Credit   Amount   Unrealized  
Issuer   Rate   party   Expiration   Rating 1   (000) 2   Appreciation  
MetLife, Inc.   1.00%   Deutsche          
    Bank AG   3/20/18   A–   $ 1,500   $ 39,077  

1 Using S&P’s rating of the underlying securities.
2 The maximum potential amount the Fund may pay should a negative event take
place as defined under the terms of agreement.

Interest rate swaps outstanding as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

        Notional   Unrealized  
Fixed   Floating   Counter-   Expiration   Amount   Appreciation  
Rate   Rate   party   Date   (000)           (Depreciation)  
0.98% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   3/30/13   USD   98,100   $ (451,046)  
2.32% (b)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   3/28/16   USD   6,900   65,964  
4.34% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Citibank NA   4/14/41   USD   2,800   (83,872)  
4.38% (a)   3-month   Goldman Sachs          
  LIBOR   International   4/14/41   USD   4,000   (144,964)  
4.35% (a)   3-month            
  LIBOR   Deutsche Bank AG   4/15/41   USD   5,000   (160,782)  
Total             $ (774,700)  

(a) Pays a fixed interest rate and receives floating rate.
(b) Pays floating interest rate and receives fixed rate.

  Fair Value Measurements — Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of  
  investments and derivative financial instruments. These inputs are summarized in  
  three broad levels for financial statement purposes as follows:  
  Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets  
  and liabilities  
  Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices for  
  similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical  
  or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than  
  quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest  
  rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and  
  default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)  
  Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the  
  circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the  
  Fund’s own assumptions used in determining the fair value of investments and  
  derivative financial instruments)  
  The inputs or methodologies used for valuing securities are not necessarily an  
  indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information  
  about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial  
  instruments and other significant accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the  
  Notes to Financial Statements.  

The following tables summarize the inputs used as of April 30, 2011 in determining

the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments and derivative financial instruments:

  Investments in Securities    
Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Securities     $ 4,328,856   $ 3,674,000   $ 8,002,856  
Bonds     685,127,350   280,170   685,407,520  
Securities   $3,745,952   200,902,041     204,647,993  
Bonds     11,580,535     11,580,535  
U.S Treasury          
Obligations     17,539,343     17,539,343  
Securities   500       500  
Total   $3,746,452   $919,478,125   $ 3,954,170   $927,178,747  


Derivative Financial Instruments 1

Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Interest rate          
contracts   $ 427,010   $ 74,696   $ 101,109   $ 602,815  
contracts     39,077     39,077  
contracts     486,080     486,080  
Interest rate          
contracts   (911,602)   (3,732,834)     (4,644,436)  
contracts       (179,561)   (179,561)  
Total   $ (484,592)   $ (3,132,981)   $ (78,452)   $ (3,696,025)  

1 Derivative financial instruments are swaps, financial futures contracts and
options. Swaps and financial futures contracts are valued at the unrealized
appreciation/depreciation on the instrument and options are shown at value.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   39  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments
April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Asset-Backed Securities     (000)   Value  
ARES CLO Funds, Series 2005-10A, Class B,        
0.70%, 9/18/17 (a)(b)   USD   1,000   $ 864,250  
Ballyrock CDO Ltd., Series 2006-1A, Class B,        
0.66%, 8/28/19 (a)(b)     1,000   850,000  
Canaras Summit CLO Ltd., Series 2007-1A, Class B,        
0.79%, 6/19/21 (a)(b)     930   772,932  
Centurion CDO 9 Ltd., Series 2005-9A, Class B,        
1.07%, 7/17/19 (a)(b)     800   632,032  
Chatham Light CLO Ltd., Series 2005-2A, Class A2,        
0.71%, 8/03/19 (a)(b)     1,000   897,500  
Flagship CLO, Series 2006-1A, Class B,        
0.66%, 9/20/19 (a)(b)     1,196   998,660  
Franklin CLO Ltd., Series 6A, Class B,        
0.76%, 8/09/19 (a)(b)     1,180   1,019,284  
Gannett Peak CLO Ltd., Series 2006-1X, Class A2,        
0.66%, 10/27/20     715   604,175  
Greyrock CDO Ltd., Series 2005-1X, Class A2L,        
0.73%, 11/15/17     1,495   1,302,444  
Landmark CDO Ltd., Series 2006-8A, Class B,        
0.66%, 10/19/20 (a)(b)     1,335   1,132,320  
MAPS CLO Fund LLC, Series 2005-1A, Class C,        
1.25%, 12/21/17 (a)(b)     705   607,358  
Portola CLO Ltd., Series 2007-1X, Class B1,        
1.76%, 11/15/21     950   855,000  
T2 Income Fund CLO Ltd., Series 2007-1A, Class B,        
0.90%, 7/15/19 (a)(b)     815   726,010  
Total Asset-Backed Securities — 3.2%       11,261,965  
Common Stocks (c)     Shares    
Construction & Engineering — 0.0%        
USI United Subcontractors Common     7,645   160,535  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 0.2%        
BLB Worldwide Holdings, Inc.     50,832   546,444  
Metals & Mining — 0.1%        
Euramax International     1,135   360,426  
Paper & Forest Products — 0.1%        
Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd. (a)     62,685   204,721  
Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd.     55,255   180,455  
Software — 0.2%        
Bankruptcy Management Solutions, Inc.     2,947   10,329  
HMH Holdings/EduMedia   115,632   578,160  
Total Common Stocks — 0.6%       2,041,070  
Corporate Bonds     (000)    
Airlines — 0.2%        
Air Canada, 9.25%, 8/01/15 (a)   USD   590   610,650  
Auto Components — 0.9%        
Icahn Enterprises LP, 7.75%, 1/15/16     3,175   3,270,250  
Beverages — 0.6%        
Central European Distribution Corp., 2.62%, 5/15/14   EUR   1,500   2,043,987  
Building Products — 0.3%        
Grohe Holding GmbH, 5.17%, 9/15/17     700   1,039,347  
Capital Markets — 0.2%        
E*Trade Financial Corp., 3.37%, 8/31/19 (a)(d)(e)   USD   439   689,230  
Chemicals — 0.2%        
OXEA Finance/Cy SCA, 9.50%, 7/15/17 (a)     715   788,288  


Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Commercial Banks — 3.4%        
CIT Group, Inc., 7.00%, 5/01/17   USD   4,425   $ 4,460,953  
VTB Capital SA:        
6.47%, 3/04/15     3,000   3,202,800  
6.88%, 5/29/18     3,940   4,235,500  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 0.3%        
AWAS Aviation Capital Ltd., 7.00%, 10/15/16 (a)     1,070   1,091,449  
Containers & Packaging — 0.9%        
Ardagh Packaging Finance Plc, 7.38%, 10/15/17 (a)   EUR   400   611,715  
GCL Holdings, 9.38%, 4/15/18 (a)     329   497,093  
Smurfit Kappa Acquisitions (a):        
7.25%, 11/15/17     655   1,008,959  
7.75%, 11/15/19     620   964,229  
Diversified Financial Services — 0.9%        
Ally Financial, Inc., 2.51%, 12/01/14 (b)   USD   2,700   2,656,973  
Reynolds Group Issuer, Inc., 6.88%, 2/15/21 (a)     490   505,312  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 0.2%        
ITC Deltacom, Inc., 10.50%, 4/01/16     530   588,300  
Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 0.2%      
CDW LLC, 8.00%, 12/15/18 (a)     630   670,950  
Energy Equipment & Services — 0.0%        
Compagnie Generale de Geophysique-Veritas:        
7.50%, 5/15/15     6   6,135  
7.75%, 5/15/17     45   47,475  
Food Products — 0.1%        
Smithfield Foods, Inc., 10.00%, 7/15/14     315   373,275  
Health Care Providers & Services — 0.4%        
HCA, Inc., 7.25%, 9/15/20     1,230   1,322,250  
Tenet Healthcare Corp.:        
9.00%, 5/01/15     95   103,550  
10.00%, 5/01/18     35   40,600  
Household Durables — 0.5%        
Beazer Homes USA, Inc., 12.00%, 10/15/17     1,500   1,730,625  
Berkline/BenchCraft, LLC, 4.50%, 11/03/12 (c)(f)     400    
IT Services — 0.3%        
First Data Corp., 7.38%, 6/15/19 (a)     940   957,625  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 1.8%      
AES Ironwood LLC, 8.86%, 11/30/25     77   77,496  
Calpine Construction Finance Co. LP, 8.00%, 6/01/16 (a)   105   114,975  
Energy Future Holdings Corp., 10.00%, 1/15/20     1,000   1,070,080  
Energy Future Intermediate Holding Co. LLC,        
10.00%, 12/01/20     2,350   2,526,438  
NRG Energy, Inc., 7.63%, 1/15/18 (a)     2,500   2,625,000  
Machinery — 1.2%        
KION Fiance SA, 5.53%, 4/15/18   EUR   3,000   4,332,304  
Media — 3.3%        
CCH II LLC, 13.50%, 11/30/16   USD   224   269,668  
Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc.:        
9.25%, 12/15/17     501   556,736  
Series B, 9.25%, 12/15/17     1,704   1,895,700  
Kabel BW Erste Beteiligungs GmbH, 5.39%, 3/15/18   EUR   2,000   3,006,735  
UPC Germany GmbH, 8.13%, 12/01/17 (a)   USD   2,500   2,643,750  
Virgin Media Secured Finance Plc, 7.00%, 1/15/18   GBP   847   1,520,895  
Ziggo Finance BV, 6.13%, 11/15/17 (a)   EUR   1,005   1,503,442  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
40   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Corporate Bonds     (000)   Value  
Metals & Mining — 1.0%        
FMG Resources August 2006 Property Ltd.,        
7.00%, 11/01/15 (a)   USD   1,055   $ 1,113,025  
Foundation PA Coal Co., 7.25%, 8/01/14     505   515,100  
New World Resources NV, 7.88%, 5/01/18   EUR   285   444,289  
Novelis, Inc., 8.38%, 12/15/17   USD   1,170   1,292,850  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 3.6%        
Coffeyville Resources LLC, 9.00%, 4/01/15 (a)     342   372,780  
KazmunaiGaz Finance Sub BV, 8.38%, 7/02/13     1,500   1,666,875  
Morgan Stanley Bank AG for OAO Gazprom,        
9.63%, 3/01/13     7,230   8,203,881  
Petroleos de Venezuela SA, 5.25%, 4/12/17     4,000   2,460,000  
Paper & Forest Products — 0.3%        
Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd., 11.00%, 7/29/15 (a)(g)     519   526,742  
Verso Paper Holdings LLC, Series B,        
4.05%, 8/01/14 (b)     450   436,500  
Pharmaceuticals — 0.3%        
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International,        
6.50%, 7/15/16 (a)     845   843,416  
Transportation Infrastructure — 0.4%        
Aguila 3 SA, 7.88%, 1/31/18 (a)   CHF   1,100   1,319,380  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 0.9%        
Cricket Communications, Inc., 7.75%, 5/15/16   USD   1,950   2,081,625  
iPCS, Inc., 2.43%, 5/01/13 (b)     1,155   1,117,463  
Total Corporate Bonds — 22.4%       78,054,665  
Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)        
Aerospace & Defense — 2.8%        
DynCorp International, Term Loan, 6.25%, 4/11/16     1,365   1,372,774  
Hawker Beechcraft Acquisition Co., LLC:        
Letter of Credit Linked Deposit, 2.31%, 3/26/14     85   74,453  
Term Loan, 2.21% – 2.31%, 3/26/14     1,409   1,239,007  
SI Organization, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.50%, 11/03/16     2,319   2,319,187  
Scitor Corp., Term Loan B, 5.00%, 1/21/17     1,696   1,695,750  
TransDigm, Inc., Term Loan (First Lien), 4.00%, 2/14/17     1,995   2,014,627  
Wesco Aircraft Hardware Corp., Term Loan B,        
4.25%, 4/07/17     1,225   1,236,739  
Airlines — 1.2%        
Delta Air Lines, Inc., Term Loan B, 5.50%, 4/20/17     4,250   4,194,219  
Auto Components — 0.3%        
GPX International Tire Corp., Tranche B Term Loan (c)(f):        
8.37%, 3/30/12     274    
12.00%, 4/11/12     4    
UCI International, Inc., Term Loan, 5.50%, 7/04/17     948   955,917  
Beverages — 0.1%        
Le-Nature’s, Inc., Tranche B Term Loan,        
9.50%, 3/01/11 (c)(f)     1,000   380,000  
Biotechnology — 0.2%        
Grifols SA, Term Loan B, 6.00%, 6/04/16     710   716,435  
Building Products — 3.3%        
Armstrong World Industries, Inc., Term Loan B,        
4.00%, 3/10/18     1,400   1,408,050  
CPG International I, Inc., Term Loan B, 6.00%, 2/03/17     2,145   2,148,646  


Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)     (000)   Value  
Building Products (concluded)        
Goodman Global, Inc., Initial Term Loan (First Lien),        
5.75%, 10/06/16   USD   5,970   $ 6,013,808  
Momentive Performance Materials (Blitz 06-103 GmbH):        
Tranche B-1 Term Loan, 3.75%, 12/04/13     584   579,056  
Tranche B-2B Term Loan, 4.65%, 12/04/13   EUR   819   1,185,172  
United Subcontractors, Inc., Term Loan (First Lien),        
1.81%, 6/30/15   USD   179   161,251  
Capital Markets — 1.8%        
American Capital Ltd., Term Loan B, 7.50%, 12/31/13     624   625,284  
HarbourVest Partners, Term Loan (First Lien),        
6.25%, 11/10/16     2,370   2,381,379  
Marsico Parent Co., LLC, Term Loan, 5.31%, 12/15/14     371   294,728  
Nuveen Investments, Inc., (First Lien):        
Extended Term Loan, 5.77% – 5.81%, 5/13/17     1,773   1,777,179  
Non-Extended Term Loan, 3.27% – 3.31%, 11/13/14   1,175   1,139,889  
Chemicals — 7.9%        
AZ Chem US, Inc., Term Loan, 4.75%, 11/21/16     1,242   1,249,021  
American Rock Salt Co., LLC, Term Loan B,        
5.50%, 4/11/17     1,200   1,209,000  
Brenntag Holding GmbH & Co. KG:        
Acquisition Facility 1, 1.06% – 3.50%, 1/20/14     414   686,119  
Acquisition Facility 1, 3.71% – 3.95%, 1/20/14     232   231,700  
Acquisition Facility 2, 4.68% – 4.75%, 1/20/14   EUR   267   397,809  
Facility 2 (Second Lien), 6.43%, 7/17/15   USD   1,000   1,004,500  
Facility B2, 3.71% – 3.81%, 1/20/14     1,332   1,331,552  
Term Loan B, 5.13%, 11/24/37   EUR   414   614,508  
Chemtura Corp., Term Facility, 5.50%, 8/01/16   USD   1,800   1,814,251  
Gentek, Inc., Term Loan B, 5.00%, 10/06/15     2,189   2,194,472  
Ineos US Finance LLC, Senior Credit Term A2 Facility,        
7.00%, 12/17/12     98   101,428  
MacDermid, Inc., Tranche C Term Loan,        
3.40%, 12/15/13   EUR   1,436   2,073,372  
Nexeo Solutions LLC, Term Loan B, 5.00%, 8/31/17   USD   1,400   1,405,834  
PQ Corp. (FKA Niagara Acquisition, Inc.), Original Term        
Facility (First Lien), 3.47% – 3.53%, 7/30/14     1,681   1,635,643  
Rockwood Specialties Group, Inc., Term Loan B,        
3.75%, 2/01/18     2,200   2,220,625  
Styron Sarl, Term Loan, 6.00%, 6/17/16     3,092   3,119,926  
Tronox Worldwide LLC, Exit Term Loan, 7.00%, 12/24/15     3,192   3,220,594  
Univar, Inc., Term Loan B, 5.00%, 6/30/17     2,993   3,013,340  
Commercial Banks — 1.1%        
CIT Group, Inc., Tranche 3 Term Loan, 6.25%, 1/20/12     3,854   3,907,388  
Commercial Services & Supplies — 3.0%        
AWAS Finance Luxembourg Sarl, Loan, 7.75%, 6/10/16     630   645,339  
Altegrity, Inc. (FKA US Investigations Services, Inc.),        
Tranche D Term Loan, 7.75%, 2/21/15     2,134   2,145,878  
Delos Aircraft, Inc., Term Loan 2, 7.00%, 3/17/16     2,175   2,183,156  
Diversey, Inc. (FKA Johnson Diversey, Inc.), Tranche B        
Dollar Term Loan, 4.00%, 11/24/15     941   943,897  
Protection One, Inc., Term Loan, 6.00%, 4/26/16     804   805,392  
Quad/Graphics, Inc., Term Loan, 5.50%, 4/20/16     720   719,262  
Synagro Technologies, Inc., Term Loan (First Lien),        
2.22% – 2.23%, 4/02/14     1,941   1,829,177  
Volume Services America, Inc. (Centerplate),        
Term Loan B, 10.50% – 10.75%, 8/24/16     1,219   1,228,017  
Communications Equipment — 1.6%        
Avaya, Inc., Term Loan B:        
3.06%, 10/24/14     1,284   1,242,482  
4.81%, 10/24/17     2,012   1,966,777  
CommScope, Inc., Term Loan B, 5.00%, 1/03/18     2,300   2,322,041  


See Notes to Financial Statements.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   41  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)     (000)   Value  
Construction & Engineering — 0.7%        
Brand Energy & Infrastructure Services, Inc. (FR Brand        
Acquisition Corp.), Synthetic Letter of Credit,        
Term Loan (First Lien), 0.19%, 2/07/14   USD   500   $ 486,875  
Safway Services, LLC, First Out Tranche Loan,        
9.00%, 12/18/17     2,100   2,100,000  
Consumer Finance — 1.1%        
Springleaf Financial Funding Co. (FKA AGFS        
Funding Co.), Term Loan, 7.25%, 4/21/15     4,000   4,002,784  
Containers & Packaging — 1.0%        
Graham Packaging Co., LP:        
Term Loan C, 6.75%, 4/05/14     715   720,424  
Term Loan D, 6.00%, 8/09/16     1,393   1,403,665  
Smurfit Kappa Acquisitions (JSG):        
Term B1, 4.21% – 4.39%, 7/16/14   EUR   458   679,889  
Term Loan Facility C1, 4.34% – 4.72%, 7/16/15     453   672,100  
Diversified Consumer Services — 2.8%        
Coinmach Laundry Corp., Delayed Draw Term Loan,        
3.26%, 11/14/14   USD   490   466,701  
Coinmach Service Corp., Term Loan,        
3.24% – 3.31%, 11/14/14     2,241   2,100,864  
Laureate Education:        
Closing Date Term Loan, 3.52%, 8/17/14     1,388   1,377,211  
Delayed Draw Term Loan, 3.52%, 8/15/14     208   206,205  
Series A New Term Loan, 7.00%, 8/15/14     3,089   3,096,757  
ServiceMaster Co.:        
Closing Date Term Loan, 2.75% – 2.81%, 7/24/14     2,505   2,462,544  
Delayed Draw Term Loan, 2.72%, 7/24/14     249   245,233  
Diversified Financial Services — 2.1%        
Reynolds Group Holdings, Inc., Term Loan B,        
6.88%, 2/09/18   EUR   5,000   7,368,722  
Diversified Telecommunication Services — 3.5%        
Hawaiian Telcom Communications, Inc., Term Loan,        
9.00%, 10/28/15   USD   1,814   1,852,222  
Integra Telecom Holdings, Inc., Term Loan,        
9.25%, 4/15/15     2,010   2,013,591  
Level 3 Financing, Inc.:        
Add on Term Loan, 11.50%, 3/13/14     325   346,938  
Tranche A Incremental Term Loan, 2.53%, 3/13/14     2,550   2,508,960  
US Telepacific Corp., Term Loan B, 5.75%, 2/18/17     1,925   1,928,609  
Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA, Term Loan B,        
5.69%, 11/18/17   EUR   2,500   3,703,942  
Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components — 1.4%      
CDW LLC (FKA CDW Corp.):        
Extended Term Loan B, 4.50%, 7/15/17   USD   1,115   1,115,165  
Non-Extended Term Loan, 3.97%, 10/10/14     1,612   1,609,365  
Flextronics International Ltd., Closing Date Loan B,        
2.49%, 10/01/12     2,221   2,206,883  
Energy Equipment & Services — 1.8%        
MEG Energy Corp., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 3/14/18     6,100   6,150,831  
Food & Staples Retailing — 3.5%        
AB Acquisitions UK Topco 2 Ltd. (FKA Alliance Boots),        
Facility B1, 3.59%, 7/09/15   GBP   4,525   7,293,791  
Advance Pierre Foods, Term Loan (Second Lien),        
11.25%, 7/29/17   USD   1,400   1,422,750  
Pilot Travel Centers LLC, Term Loan B, 4.25%, 3/25/18     1,800   1,809,643  
U.S. Foodservice, Inc., Term Loan B, 2.71%, 7/03/14     1,886   1,821,167  


Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)     (000)   Value  
Food Products — 6.5%        
Advance Pierre Foods, Term Loan (Second Lien),      
7.00%, 9/29/16   USD   2,159   $ 2,170,846  
Birds Eye Iglo Group Ltd. (Liberator Midco Ltd.):        
Sterling Tranche Loan (Mezzanine),        
11.36%, 11/02/15   GBP   439   741,510  
Term Loan B, 5.61%, 4/30/16   EUR   3,000   4,457,136  
CII Investment, LLC (FKA Cloverhill):        
Delayed Draw Term Loan,        
1.00% – 8.50%, 10/14/14   USD   329   325,863  
Term Loan A, 8.25% – 8.50%, 10/14/14     928   913,598  
Term Loan B, 8.25% – 8.50%, 10/14/14     1,128   1,116,797  
Del Monte Corp., Term Loan B, 4.50%, 2/01/18   8,600   8,634,882  
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Inc., Term B Facility,      
5.50%, 9/14/16     898   908,972  
Michaels Stores, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.25%, 2/28/18   1,297   1,306,927  
Pinnacle Foods Finance LLC, Tranche D Term Loan,      
6.00%, 4/02/14     1,468   1,486,084  
Solvest, Ltd. (Dole):        
Tranche B-1 Term Loan, 5.50%, 3/02/17     148   149,289  
Tranche C-1 Term Loan, 5.00%, 3/02/17     369   372,369  
Health Care Equipment & Supplies — 0.7%        
Biomet, Inc., Euro Term Loan, 4.13% – 4.15%, 3/25/15     EUR   991   1,462,693  
DJO Finance LLC (FKA ReAble Therapeutics        
Finance LLC), Term Loan, 3.21%, 5/20/14   USD   907   902,310  
Health Care Providers & Services — 4.4%        
CHS/Community Health Systems, Inc.:        
Extended Term Loan, 3.81%, 1/25/17     67   65,672  
Non-Extended Delayed Draw Term Loan,        
2.56%, 7/25/14     102   99,168  
Non-Extended Term Loan, 2.56%, 7/25/14     1,977   1,926,980  
ConvaTec Ltd., Dollar Term Loan, 5.75%, 12/20/16   1,222   1,225,375  
DaVita, Inc., Tranche B Term Loan, 4.50%, 10/20/16   1,895   1,911,028  
Emergency Medical Services Corp., Term Loan B,      
5.50%, 4/14/18     2,200   2,212,650  
Harden Healthcare, Inc.:        
Tranche A Additional Term Loan, 7.75%, 3/02/15   1,531   1,500,414  
Tranche A Term Loan, 8.50%, 2/22/15     879   861,699  
inVentiv Health, Inc. (FKA Ventive Health, Inc.):        
Term Loan, 4.75%, 8/14/16     2,062   2,071,384  
Term Loan B2, 4.75%, 8/04/16     532   533,164  
Renal Advantage Holdings, Inc., Tranche B Term Loan,      
5.75%, 11/12/16     1,496   1,511,212  
Vanguard Health Holding Co. II, LLC (Vanguard Health      
Systems, Inc.), Initial Term Loan, 5.00%, 1/29/16   1,558   1,561,905  
Health Care Technology — 1.0%        
IMS Health, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.50%, 2/26/16   2,569   2,582,526  
MedAssets, Inc., Term Loan B, 5.25%, 11/15/16   1,022   1,030,713  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 8.1%        
Ameristar Casinos, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 3/29/18   1,950   1,966,713  
BLB Worldwide Holdings, Inc. (Wembley, Inc.),        
Loan (Exit), 8.50%, 11/05/15     1,421   1,427,608  
Dunkin’ Brands, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.25%, 11/23/17   2,293   2,309,466  
Gateway Casinos & Entertainment, Ltd., Term Loan B,      
6.50%, 10/20/15   CAD   4,429   4,716,048  
Harrah’s Operating Co., Inc.:        
Term Loan B-2, 3.30%, 1/28/15   USD   1,000   936,250  
Term Loan B-3, 3.24%, 1/28/15     7,488   7,017,164  
Term Loan B-4, 9.50%, 10/31/16     658   697,175  
OSI Restaurant Partners, LLC, Pre-Funded RC Loan,      
2.52%, 6/14/13     32   31,524  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
42   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)     (000)   Value  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure (concluded)        
SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment, Inc. (FKA SW        
Acquisitions Co., Inc.), Term Loan B, 4.00%, 8/16/17 USD   1,976   $ 1,989,243  
Six Flags Theme Parks, Inc., Tranche B Term Loan        
(First Lien), 5.25%, 6/30/16     2,225   2,238,770  
Universal City Development Partners Ltd., Term Loan,        
5.50%, 11/06/14     402   404,348  
VML US Finance LLC (FKA Venetian Macau):        
New Project Term Loan, 4.72%, 5/27/13     150   150,397  
Term B Delayed Draw Project Loan, 4.72%, 5/25/12   1,638   1,638,545  
Term B Funded Project Loan, 4.72%, 5/27/13     2,685   2,686,260  
Household Durables — 0.4%        
Berkline/Benchcraft, LLC, Term Loan,        
4.04%, 11/03/11 (c)(f)     133   6,656  
Visant Corp. (FKA Jostens), Term Loan,        
5.25%, 12/22/16     1,321   1,326,119  
Household Products — 0.4%        
Armored Auto Group, Inc. (Viking Acquisition, Inc.),        
Term Loan B, 6.00%, 11/05/16     1,576   1,568,170  
IT Services — 4.7%        
Amadeus IT Group SA/Amadeus Verwaltungs GmbH        
(WAM Acquisition):        
Term B3 Facility, 4.47%, 6/30/13   EUR   615   908,818  
Term B4 Facility, 4.47%, 6/30/13   USD   317   468,906  
Term C3 Facility, 4.97%, 6/30/14     615   908,817  
Term C4 Facility, 4.97%, 6/30/14     314   463,391  
Ceridian Corp., US Term Loan, 3.21%, 11/09/14     1,867   1,828,967  
First Data Corp.:        
Initial Tranche B-1 Term Loan, 2.96%, 9/24/14     4,434   4,207,566  
Initial Tranche B-2 Term Loan, 2.96%, 9/24/14     833   790,483  
Initial Tranche B-3 Term Loan, 2.96%, 9/24/14     2,921   2,771,716  
TransUnion LLC, Replacement Term Loan,        
4.75%, 2/03/18     2,860   2,876,848  
Travelex Plc:        
Tranche B5, 2.93%, 10/31/13     637   633,629  
Tranche C5, 3.43%, 10/31/14     632   628,211  
Independent Power Producers & Energy Traders — 2.6%      
Calpine Corp., Term Loan B, 4.50%, 3/04/18     5,525   5,573,310  
Texas Competitive Electric Holdings Co., LLC (TXU):        
Initial Tranche B-1 Term Loan,        
3.73% – 3.75%, 10/10/14     2,439   2,077,111  
Initial Tranche B-2 Term Loan,        
3.73% – 3.75%, 10/10/14     624   531,261  
Initial Tranche B-3 Term Loan, 3.73%, 10/10/14     1,099   935,397  
Industrial Conglomerates — 1.1%        
Sequa Corp., Term Loan, 3.50% – 3.56%, 12/03/14     1,497   1,484,139  
Tomkins Plc, Term Loan B, 4.25%, 9/29/16     2,194   2,212,961  
Insurance — 0.6%        
CNO Financial Group, Inc., Term Loan, 7.50%, 9/30/16     2,058   2,073,771  
Internet & Catalog Retail — 0.2%        
FTD Group, Inc., Tranche B Term Loan, 6.75%, 8/26/14     536   537,258  
Machinery — 0.3%        
Navistar Financial Corp., Term Loan B, 4.56%, 12/16/12   1,020   1,017,702  
Marine — 0.3%        
Horizon Lines, LLC:        
Revolving Loan, 0.50% – 8.00%, 8/08/12     676   657,461  
Term Loan, 6.06%, 8/08/12     317   312,544  


Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)     (000)   Value  
Media — 22.8%        
Acosta, Inc., Term Loan, 4.75%, 2/03/18   USD   2,550   $ 2,564,874  
Affinion Group, Inc., Tranche B Term Loan,        
5.00%, 10/09/16     2,379   2,380,489  
Amsterdamse Beheer — En Consultingmaatschappij BV        
(Casema), Kabelcom Term Loan Facility B,        
3.95%, 9/12/14   EUR   619   915,395  
Atlantic Broadband Finance, LLC, Term Loan B,        
4.00%, 3/09/16   USD   973   978,081  
Bresnan Telecommunications Co. LLC, Term Loan,        
4.50%, 11/30/17     3,066   3,087,908  
Cengage Learning Acquisitions, Inc. (Thomson Learning):        
Term Loan, 2.46%, 7/03/14     3,731   3,586,883  
Tranche 1 Incremental Term Loan, 7.50%, 7/03/14     1,127   1,132,555  
Charter Communications Operating, LLC:        
Term Loan B, 7.25%, 3/06/14     522   529,516  
Term Loan C, 3.56%, 9/06/16     1,131   1,133,952  
Clarke American Corp., Term Facility,        
2.71% – 2.81%, 6/30/14     1,086   1,039,351  
Clear Channel Communications, Inc., Term Loan B,        
3.92%, 1/21/16     2,385   2,123,313  
Echostar DBS Corp., Bridge Loan, 0.00%, 1/31/19     3,545   4  
Getty Images, Inc., Initial Term Loan, 5.25%, 10/29/16     2,587   2,611,253  
HMH Publishing Co., Ltd., Tranche A Term Loan,        
6.03%, 6/12/14     1,927   1,869,286  
Hubbard Radio LLC, Term Loan (Second Lien),        
5.25%, 4/12/17     1,100   1,111,000  
Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA (FKA Intel Jackson        
Holdings Ltd.), Tranche B Term Loan, 5.25%, 3/07/18     8,250   8,323,475  
Interactive Data Corp., Term Loan, 4.75%, 2/08/18     3,400   3,417,510  
Kabel Deutschland GmbH:        
Facility A1 (Consent and Roll), 3.46%, 6/01/12   EUR   3,913   5,795,805  
Mezzanine, 5.21%, 12/31/16     1,000   1,486,542  
Knology, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 8/31/17   USD   1,147   1,151,069  
Lavena Holding 3 GmbH (Prosiebensat.1 Media AG):        
Facility B1, 3.68%, 6/28/15   EUR   304   414,050  
Facility C1, 3.93%, 6/30/16     608   828,100  
Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico, Ltd., Initial Term        
Facility, 2.31%, 6/17/14   USD   1,444   1,429,313  
MCNA Cable Holdings LLC (OneLink Communications),        
Loan, 6.97%, 3/01/13     901   847,079  
Mediacom Illinois, LLC (FKA Mediacom Communications,      
LLC), Tranche D Term Loan, 5.50%, 3/31/17     2,224   2,225,546  
Newsday, LLC:        
Fixed Rate Term Loan, 10.50%, 8/01/13     1,500   1,595,625  
Floating Rate Term Loan, 6.53%, 8/01/13     1,250   1,267,188  
Nielsen Finance LLC, Dollar Term Loan:        
Class A Dollar, 2.23%, 8/09/13     65   65,032  
Class B, 3.98%, 5/01/16     2,258   2,263,735  
Sinclair Television Group, Inc., Term Loan B,        
4.00%, 10/29/15     845   847,011  
Springer Science+Business Media SA, Facility A1,        
6.75%, 7/01/16   EUR   3,200   4,763,379  
Sunshine Acquisition Ltd. (FKA HIT Entertainment),        
Term Facility, 5.56%, 6/01/12   USD   1,965   1,940,912  
Telesat Canada:        
Delayed Draw Term Loan, 3.22%, 10/31/14     375   374,573  
Term Loan B, 3.22%, 10/31/14     4,368   4,360,720  
UPC Broadband Holding BV, Term U, 4.96%, 12/31/17   EUR   2,036   2,994,083  
Univision Communications, Inc., Extended Term Loan        
(First Lien), 4.46%, 3/29/17     2,452   2,395,370  
Virgin Media Investment Holdings Ltd., Facility B,        
4.57%, 12/31/15   GBP   1,822   3,046,986  
Weather Channel, Term Loan B, 4.25%, 2/01/17   USD   2,843   2,868,341  


See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   43  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)     (000)   Value  
Metals & Mining — 2.8%        
Novelis Corp., Term Loan, 4.00%, 11/29/16   USD   3,491   $ 3,522,891  
Walter Energy, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 2/04/18     6,100   6,148,800  
Multi-Utilities — 0.0%        
Mach Gen, LLC, Synthetic Letter of Credit Loan        
(First Lien), 2.31%, 2/22/13     69   63,926  
Multiline Retail — 2.0%        
Hema Holding BV:        
Facility B, 2.99%, 7/06/15   EUR   172   251,635  
Facility C, 3.74%, 7/05/16     172   251,636  
Facility D, 5.99%, 1/01/17     3,800   5,543,945  
The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc., Term Loan,        
4.31%, 4/06/13   USD   796   796,463  
Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels — 1.4%        
Alpha Natural Resources, Inc., Bridge Loan,        
5.25%, 1/12/28     4,700    
EquiPower Resources Holdings, LLC, Term Facility B,        
5.75%, 1/04/18     1,975   1,989,813  
Obsidian Natural Gas Trust, Term Loan,        
7.00%, 11/30/15     2,831   2,901,579  
Paper & Forest Products — 0.1%        
Verso Paper Finance Holdings LLC, Term Loan,        
6.55% – 7.30%, 2/01/13 (g)     398   358,378  
Personal Products — 0.4%        
NBTY, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.25%, 10/01/17     1,397   1,405,228  
Pharmaceuticals — 1.4%        
Axcan Intermediate Holdings, Inc., Term Loan,        
5.50%, 1/25/17     2,693   2,687,360  
Warner Chilcott Corp.:        
Term Loan B1, 4.25%, 3/17/18     960   966,901  
Term Loan B2, 4.25%, 3/17/18     480   483,450  
Term Loan B3, 4.25%, 3/17/18     660   664,744  
Professional Services — 1.0%        
Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 8/01/17   1,800   1,818,900  
Fifth Third Processing Solutions, LLC, Term Loan B        
(First Lien), 5.50%, 10/21/16     1,610   1,622,240  
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) — 1.0%        
iStar Financial, Inc., Term Loan A, 5.00%, 6/28/13     3,479   3,450,408  
Real Estate Management & Development — 1.8%        
Pivotal Promontory, LLC, Term Loan (Second Lien),        
3.25%, 8/31/11 (c)(f)     750   1  
Realogy Corp.:        
Term Loan B, 4.56%, 10/16/16     6,019   5,648,213  
Term Loan C, 4.64%, 10/16/16     509   477,494  
Semiconductors & Semiconductor Equipment — 0.5%        
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., Extended Maturity        
Term Loan, 4.49%, 12/01/16     564   564,410  
Microsemi Corp., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 10/25/17     1,097   1,086,605  
Software — 0.5%        
Bankruptcy Management Solutions, Inc.:        
Facility (Second Lien), 8.30%, 8/20/15     249   14,955  
Term Loan B, 7.50%, 8/20/14     719   280,550  


Floating Rate Loan Interests (b)     (000)   Value  
Software (concluded)        
Rovi Corp., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 2/07/18   USD   1,000   $ 1,007,500  
Vertafore, Inc., Term Loan B, 5.25%, 7/31/16     343   344,602  
Specialty Retail — 3.9%        
Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp., Term Loan B,        
6.25%, 2/18/17     1,072   1,069,930  
General Nutrition Centers, Inc., Term Loan B,        
4.25%, 2/15/18     2,625   2,633,203  
J. Crew Group, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.75%, 2/01/18     1,395   1,392,001  
Jo-Ann Stores, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.75%, 3/10/18     900   899,438  
Matalan Finance Plc, Term Facility, 5.62%, 3/24/16   GBP   1,201   1,989,631  
Michaels Stores, Inc., Term Loan B-1,        
2.56% – 2.63%, 10/31/13   USD   820   811,749  
Petco Animal Supplies, Inc., Term Loan B,        
4.50%, 11/24/17     2,732   2,754,601  
Toys ‘R’ US, Inc., Term Loan B, 6.00%, 8/17/16     1,975   1,988,231  
Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods — 1.3%        
Phillips-Van Heusen Corp., Term Loan B,        
3.92%, 5/04/16   EUR   3,037   4,542,519  
Wireless Telecommunication Services — 2.2%        
Digicel International Finance Ltd., US Term Loan        
(Non-Rollover), 2.81%, 3/30/12   USD   3,044   2,998,229  
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc., Term Loan B, 4.00%, 3/31/18     2,244   2,242,265  
Vodafone Americas Finance 2 Inc., Initial Loan,        
6.88%, 7/30/15 (g)     2,329   2,399,377  
Total Floating Rate Loan Interests — 115.6%       403,442,875  
Foreign Agency Obligations        
Argentina Bonos:        
0.68%, 8/03/12 (b)     2,500   2,417,121  
7.00%, 10/03/15     2,000   1,897,945  
Colombia Government International Bond,        
3.86%, 3/17/13 (b)     840   859,740  
Uruguay Government International Bond,        
6.88%, 1/19/16   EUR   950   1,533,731  
Total Foreign Agency Obligations — 1.9%       6,708,537  
Other Interests (h)   (000)    
Auto Components — 0.9%        
Delphi Debtor-in-Possession Holding Co. LLP,        
Class B Membership Interests (c)     —(i)   2,937,364  
Lear Corp. Escrow (c)   USD   500   13,750  
Diversified Financial Services — 0.3%        
J.G. Wentworth LLC, Preferred Equity Interests (c)(j)     1   1,202,481  
Health Care Providers & Services — 0.0%        
Critical Care Systems International, Inc. (c)     1   95  
Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure — 0.0%        
Wembley Contigent (c)     2   12,000  
Household Durables — 0.0%        
Berkline Benchcraft Equity LLC (c)     6    
Total Other Interests — 1.2%       4,165,690  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
44   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments (continued)
(Percentages shown are based on Net Assets)

Warrants (k)   Shares   Value  
Chemicals — 0.0%      
British Vita Holdings Co. (Non-Expiring) (a)   166   $ 49,174  
Media — 0.0%      
New Vision Holdings LLC:      
(Expires 9/30/14)   3,424   34  
(Expires 9/30/14)   19,023   190  
Software — 0.0%      
Bankruptcy Management Solutions, Inc.      
(Expires 9/29/17)   251   3  
HMH Holdings/EduMedia (Expires 3/09/17)   21,894    
Total Warrants — 0.0%     49,401  
Total Long-Term Investments      
(Cost — $494,186,706) — 144.9%     505,724,203  
Short-Term Securities      
BlackRock Liquidity Funds, TempFund,      
Institutional Class, 0.10% (l)(m)   4,289,208   4,289,208  
Total Short-Term Securities      
(Cost — $4,289,208) — 1.2%     4,289,208  
Options Purchased   Contracts    
Over-the-Counter Call Options — 0.0%      
Marsico Parent Superholdco LLC,      
Strike Price USD 942.86, Expires 12/21/19,      
Broker Goldman Sachs Bank USA   26    
Total Options Purchased      
(Cost — $25,422) — 0.0%      
Total Investments (Cost — $498,501,336*) — 146.1%     510,013,411  
Liabilities in Excess of Other Assets — (46.1)%     (160,866,221)  
Net Assets — 100.0%     $349,147,190  

* The cost and unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments as of April 30,

2011, as computed for federal income tax purposes, were as follows:

Aggregate cost   $ 495,744,368  
Gross unrealized appreciation   $   21,127,077  
Gross unrealized depreciation   (6,858,034)  
Net unrealized appreciation   $   14,269,043  

(a) Security exempt from registration under Rule 144A of the Securities Act of 1933.

These securities may be resold in transactions exempt from registration to qualified
institutional investors.
(b) Variable rate security. Rate shown is as of report date.
(c) Non-income producing security.
(d) Convertible security.
(e) Represents a zero-coupon bond. Rate shown reflects the current yield as of
report date.
(f) Issuer filed for bankruptcy and/or is in default of interest payments.
(g) Represents a payment-in-kind security which may pay interest/dividends in
additional par/shares.
(h) Other interests represent beneficial interest in liquidation trusts and other reorgani-
zation entities and are non-income producing.
(i) Amount is less than $1,000.
(j) The investment is held by a wholly owned taxable subsidiary of the Fund.
(k) Warrants entitle the Fund to purchase a predetermined number of shares of com-
mon stock and are non-income producing. The purchase price and number of
shares are subject to adjustment under certain conditions until the expiration date,
if any.
(l) Investments in companies considered to be an affiliate of the Fund during the
period, for purposes of Section 2(a)(3) of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended, were as follows:

  Shares Held at     Shares Held at    
  October 31,   Net   April 30,    
Affiliate   2010   Activity   2011   Income  
BlackRock Liquidity          
Funds, TempFund,          
Institutional Class   8,770,511   (4,481,303)   4,289,208    $3,856  

(m) Represents the current yield as of report date.

For Fund compliance purposes, the Fund’s industry classifications refer to any one
or more of the industry sub-classifications used by one or more widely recognized
market indexes or rating group indexes, and/or as defined by Fund management.
These definitions may not apply for purposes of this report, which may combine
such industry sub-classifications for reporting ease.

Foreign currency exchange contracts as of April 30, 2011 were as follows:

Currency   Currency     Settlement   Unrealized  
Purchased     Sold   Counterparty   Date   Depreciation  
USD   4,493,817   CAD   4,345,000   BNP Paribas SA   7/07/11   $ (91,423)  
USD   1,196,323   CHF   1,099,500   Citibank NA   7/07/11   (75,299)  
USD           13,115,303   GBP   8,031,500   Deutsche      
        Bank AG   7/07/11   (288,738)  
USD   668,551   GBP   408,000   Royal Bank      
        of Scotland Plc   7/07/11   (12,374)  
USD             62,410,712   EUR                 42,933,500   UBS AG   7/27/11   (1,027,233)  
Total             $ (1,495,067)  

Fair Value Measurements — Various inputs are used in determining the fair value of
investments and derivative financial instruments. These inputs are summarized in
three broad levels for financial statement purposes as follows:
Level 1 — price quotations in active markets/exchanges for identical assets
and liabilities
Level 2 — other observable inputs (including, but not limited to: quoted prices for
similar assets or liabilities in markets that are active, quoted prices for identical
or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active, inputs other than
quoted prices that are observable for the assets or liabilities (such as interest
rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, loss severities, credit risks and
default rates) or other market-corroborated inputs)
Level 3 — unobservable inputs based on the best information available in the
circumstances, to the extent observable inputs are not available (including the
Fund’s own assumptions used in determining the fair value of investments and
derivative financial instruments)

The inputs or methodologies used for valuing securities are not necessarily an
indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For information
about the Fund’s policy regarding valuation of investments and derivative financial
instruments and other significant accounting policies, please refer to Note 1 of the
Notes to Financial Statements.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   45  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments (continued)

The following tables summarize the inputs used as of April 30, 2011 in determining
the fair valuation of the Fund’s investments and derivative financial instruments:

Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
Securities     $ 4,127,544   $ 7,134,421   $ 11,261,965  
Stocks   $ 180,455   1,121,920   738,695   2,041,070  
Bonds     74,550,837   3,503,828   78,054,665  
Rate Loan          
Interests     358,301,963   45,140,912   403,442,875  
Foreign Agency          
Obligations     2,393,471   4,315,066   6,708,537  
Interests       4,165,690   4,165,690  
Warrants     49,174   227   49,401  
Securities   4,289,208       4,289,208  
Unfunded Loan          
Commitments     3,001     3,001  
Unfunded Loan          
Commitments     (37,048)   (1,470)   (38,518)  
Total   $ 4,469,663   $440,510,862   $ 64,997,369   $509,977,894  


Derivative Financial Instruments 1

Valuation Inputs   Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total  
contracts     $ (1,495,067)     $ (1,495,067)  

1 Derivative financial instruments are foreign currency exchange contracts and
options. Foreign currency exchange contracts are shown at the unrealized
appreciation/depreciation on the instrument and options are shown at value.

See Notes to Financial Statements.    
46   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)
Schedule of Investments (concluded)

The following tables are a reconciliation of Level 3 investments for which significant unobservable inputs were used in determining fair value:

                Unfunded   Unfunded      
        Floating   Foreign       Loan   Loan      
  Asset-Backed         Common     Corporate   Rate Loan   Agency   Other        Preferred      Commitments    Commitments      
  Securities   Stocks   Bonds   Interests   Obligations   Interests   Securities   Assets   Liabilities          Warrants            Total  
Balance as of                        
October 31, 2010     $ 595,520   $ 61,912   $64,699,477        $ 4,228,067   $ 5,533,239   $ 85,828   $ 160,394     $ 227   $ 75,364,664  
Accrued discounts/                        
premiums   $ 25,883     101,940   194,272   105,249             427,344  
Realized gain (loss)     (153,348)   (1,019,809)   (4,389,264)     1,982,049   136,990         (3,443,382)  
Change in unrealized                        
depreciation 1   (61,912)   592,392   1,155,437   6,299,025   (18,250)   (539,552)   (31,032)   (160,394)   $ (1,470)     7,234,244  
Purchases   6,613,650     3,334,116   21,737,671     16,479           31,701,916  
Sales     (452,581)   (129,768)   (27,996,629)     (2,826,525)   (191,786)         (31,597,289)  
Transfer In 2   556,800   156,712     6,598,512               7,312,024  
Transfer Out 2         (22,002,152)               (22,002,152)  
Balance as of                        
April 30, 2011   $7,134,421   $ 738,695   $3,503,828   $45,140,912         $ 4,315,066           $ 4,165,690       $ (1,470)   $ 227   $ 64,997,369  

1 Included in the related net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation in the Statements of Operations. The change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments
still held at April 30, 2011 was $1,246,867.
2 The Fund’s policy is to recognize transfers in and transfers out as of the beginning of the period of the event or the change in circumstances that caused the transfer.

The following table is a reconciliation of Level 3 derivative financial instruments for
which significant unobservable inputs were used to determine fair value:

Credit Contracts
Balance, as of October 31, 2010   $ 19,172  
Accrued discounts/premiums    
Net realized gain (loss)    
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation    
Issuances 3    
Settlements 4   (19,172)  
Transfers in 5    
Transfers out 5    
Balance, as of April 30, 2011    

3 Issuances represent upfront cash received on certain derivative financial
4 Settlements represent periodic contractual cash flows and/or cash flows to
terminate certain derivative financial instruments.
5 The Fund’s policy is to recognize transfers in and transfers out as of the
beginning of the period of the event or the change in circumstances that
caused the transfer.

A reconciliation of Level 3 investments and derivatives is presented when the Fund
had a significant amount of Level 3 investments and derivatives at the beginning
and/or end of the period in relation to net assets.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   47  


Statements of Assets and Liabilities            
  BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock  
  Credit   Credit   Credit   Credit   Floating  
  Allocation   Allocation   Allocation   Allocation   Rate  
  Income   Income   Income   Income   Income  
  Trust I, Inc.   Trust II, Inc.   Trust III   Trust IV   Trust  
April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)   (PSW)   (PSY)   (BPP)   (BTZ)   (BGT)  
Investments at value — unaffiliated 1   $ 146,292,491   $ 617,529,973   $ 277,418,251   $ 927,774,168   $ 505,724,203  
Investments at value — affiliated 2   183,531   2,023,400   1,547,481   500   4,289,208  
Unrealized appreciation on swaps   7,854   34,718   30,192   105,041    
Unrealized appreciation on unfunded loan commitments           3,001  
Unrealized appreciation on foreign currency exchange contracts     11,307        
Foreign currency at value 3   427     532   49   2,166,169  
Cash pledged as collateral for swaps         3,599,943    
Cash pledged as collateral for financial futures contracts   370,000   1,464,000   340,000   1,070,000    
Interest receivable   2,203,035   9,738,952   4,095,153   14,158,949   3,319,026  
Investments sold receivable   637,270   4,426,382   2,122,322   4,846,123   20,722,327  
Swaps receivable   168,276   32,676   308,616   166,473    
Dividends receivable   4,623   17,412   8,603   552,697   1,704  
Options written receivable       9,360   914,040    
Swap premiums paid       135,616      
Commitment fees receivable           7,596  
Prepaid expenses   16,086   46,009   34,632   99,977   130,609  
Other assets     122,779   56,614   137,046   107,640  
Total assets   149,883,593   635,447,608   286,107,372   953,425,006   536,471,483  
Reverse repurchase agreements   37,802,596   154,459,791   53,379,280   200,550,720    
Loan payable           157,000,000  
Options written at value 4   153,823   656,759   892,581   3,071,731    
Unrealized depreciation on unfunded loan commitments           38,518  
Unrealized depreciation on foreign currency exchange contracts           1,495,067  
Unrealized depreciation on swaps   120,145   506,560   250,073   840,664    
Bank overdraft     1,290,593     111,208   197,668  
Swap premiums received   172,223   736,849   24,030   84,749    
Investments purchased payable   120,988   2,526,058   181,364   610,327   27,675,927  
Investment advisory fees payable   73,483   310,100   151,862   507,395   272,790  
Margin variation payable   34,219   147,048   32,351   102,281    
Income dividends payable   26,419   129,505   42,214   283,683    
Interest expense payable   26,196   112,722   38,790   117,527   121,459  
Swaps payable   23,205   96,666   50,122   162,600    
Officer’s and Directors’ fees payable   1,200   89,361   57,183   145,251   111,479  
Other affiliates payable       1,788      
Deferred income           175,075  
Other accrued expenses payable   13,093     97,712   102,090   236,310  
Total liabilities   38,567,590   161,062,012   55,199,350   206,690,226   187,324,293  
Net Assets   $ 111,316,003   $ 474,385,596   $ 230,908,022   $ 746,734,780   $ 349,147,190  
Net Assets Consist of            
Paid-in capital 5,6,7   $ 236,754,281   $ 937,350,272   $ 422,218,171   $1,123,084,063   $ 428,397,626  
Undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income   297,823   675,221   240,381   (550,386)   7,873,237  
Accumulated net realized loss   (131,451,449)   (483,443,229)   (199,693,618)   (399,369,686)   (96,669,997)  
Net unrealized appreciation/depreciation   5,715,348   19,803,332   8,143,088   23,570,789   9,546,324  
Net Assets   $ 111,316,003   $ 474,385,596   $ 230,908,022   $ 746,734,780   $ 349,147,190  
Net asset value   $ 10.79   $ 11.63   $ 12.50   $ 14.41   $ 14.79  
1 Investments at cost — unaffiliated   $ 140,296,266   $ 596,218,531   $ 269,117,350   $ 903,717,139   $ 494,212,128  
2 Investments at cost — affiliated   $ 183,531   $ 2,023,400   $ 1,547,481   $ 500   $ 4,289,208  
3 Foreign currency at cost   $ 413     $ 459   $ 43   $ 2,140,480  
4 Premiums received   $ 255,600   $ 1,087,200   $ 1,110,600   $ 3,805,700    
5 Common Shares par value per share   $ 0.10   $ 0.10   $ 0.001   $ 0.001   $ 0.001  
6 Common Shares outstanding   10,311,941   40,807,418   18,467,785   51,828,157   23,603,223  
7 Common Shares authorized   199,994,540   199,978,000   unlimited   unlimited   unlimited  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
48   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Statements of Operations            
  BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock  
  Credit   Credit   Credit   Credit   Floating  
  Allocation   Allocation   Allocation   Allocation   Rate  
  Income   Income   Income   Income   Income  
  Trust I, Inc.   Trust II, Inc.   Trust III   Trust IV   Trust  
Six Months Ended April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)   (PSW)   (PSY)   (BPP)   (BTZ)   (BGT)  
Investment Income            
Interest   $ 3,810,133   $ 16,552,308   $ 7,228,830   $ 24,109,606   $ 14,406,696  
Dividends — unaffiliated   141,392   150,707   18,255   931,620    
Income — affiliated   1,655   6,501   7,230   24,430   8,675  
Foreign taxes withheld   (1,331)   (5,814)   (2,813)   (8,558)    
Facility and other fees           257,180  
Total income   3,951,849   16,703,702   7,251,502   25,057,098   14,672,551  
Investment advisory   415,013   1,836,317   879,467   2,945,801   1,733,011  
Professional   35,608   139,117   43,204   134,308   172,509  
Transfer agent   18,811   47,970   6,043   8,041   11,476  
Accounting services   11,289   46,336   27,491   58,134   29,001  
Custodian   6,093   18,012   10,807   21,827   77,110  
Printing   5,782   24,257   34,617   73,036   31,706  
Officer and Directors   5,746   26,109   13,874   38,905   19,275  
Registration   4,691   6,972   4,908   8,399   4,766  
Commissions for Preferred Shares   2,942   26,109   5,299   26,813   4,139  
Borrowing costs 1           176,322  
Miscellaneous   20,066   28,254   22,542   46,416   42,749  
Total expenses excluding interest expense   526,041   2,199,453   1,048,252   3,361,680   2,302,064  
Interest expense   42,365   144,983   56,169   158,730   610,537  
Total expenses   568,406   2,344,436   1,104,421   3,520,410   2,912,601  
Less fees waived by advisor   (647)   (2,820)   (2,875)   (9,161)   (232,918)  
Total expenses after fees waived   567,759   2,341,616   1,101,546   3,511,249   2,679,683  
Net investment income   3,384,090   14,362,086   6,149,956   21,545,849   11,992,868  
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss)            
Net realized gain (loss) from:            
Investments   906,682   1,429,985   922,503   3,417,614   1,510,459  
Financial futures contracts   (52,177)   (48,097)   (122,670)   (635,711)    
Swaps   37,489   151,887   92,590   369,357   1,581  
Foreign currency transactions   73   128       (8,593,007)  
  892,067   1,533,903   892,423   3,151,260   (7,080,967)  
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on:            
Investments   (283,666)   959,182   1,123,909   (3,986,997)   13,307,760  
Financial futures contracts   (273,121)   (1,401,049)   (116,626)   (712,327)    
Swaps   (112,291)   (471,842)   (219,881)   (735,623)   (19,172)  
Foreign currency transactions   (19)   3   32   2   4,045,018  
Options written   101,777   430,441   218,019   733,969    
Unfunded loan commitments           (153,204)  
  (567,320)   (483,265)   1,005,453   (4,700,976)   17,180,402  
Total realized and unrealized gain (loss)   324,747   1,050,638   1,897,876   (1,549,716)   10,099,435  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders From            
Net investment income   (61,138)   (504,314)   (23,469)   (646,135)   (90,614)  
Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations   $ 3,647,699   $ 14,908,410   $ 8,024,363   $ 19,349,998   $ 22,001,689  

1 See Note 8 of the Notes to the Financial Statements for details of short-term borrowings.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   49  


Statements of Changes in Net Assets          
  BlackRock Credit Allocation   BlackRock Credit Allocation  
  Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)   Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)  
  Six Months     Six Months    
  Ended     Ended    
  April 30,   Year Ended   April 30,   Year Ended  
  2011   October 31,   2011   October 31,  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders:   (Unaudited)   2010   (Unaudited)   2010  
Net investment income   $ 3,384,090   $ 6,504,548   $ 14,362,086   $ 29,526,710  
Net realized gain (loss)   892,067   (3,995,338)   1,533,903   (33,383,348)  
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation   (567,320)   20,132,597   (483,265)   104,507,204  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders from net investment income   (61,138)   (611,907)   (504,314)   (2,578,803)  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   3,647,699   22,029,900   14,908,410   98,071,763  
Dividends and Distributions to Common Shareholders From          
Net investment income   (3,139,986)   (6,360,087)   (13,507,256)   (29,029,600)  
Tax return of capital     (909,831)     (5,350,650)  
Decrease in net assets resulting from dividends and distributions          
to shareholders   (3,139,986)   (7,269,918)   (13,507,256)   (34,380,250)  
Net Assets          
Total increase in net assets   507,713   14,759,982   1,401,154   63,691,513  
Beginning of period   110,808,290   96,048,308   472,984,442   409,292,929  
End of period   $ 111,316,003   $ 110,808,290   $ 474,385,596   $ 472,984,442  
Undistributed net investment income   $ 297,823   $ 114,857   $ 675,221   $ 324,705  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
50   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Statements of Changes in Net Assets (continued)          
  BlackRock Credit Allocation   BlackRock Credit Allocation  
  Income Trust III (BPP)   Income Trust IV (BTZ)  
  Six Months     Six Months    
  Ended     Ended    
  April 30,   Year Ended   April 30,   Year Ended  
  2011   October 31,   2011   October 31,  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders:   (Unaudited)   2010   (Unaudited)   2010  
Net investment income   $ 6,149,956   $ 13,514,214   $ 21,545,849   $ 44,282,613  
Net realized gain (loss)   892,423   (12,773,618)   3,151,260   712,631  
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation   1,005,453   39,939,765   (4,700,976)   109,629,309  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders from net investment income   (23,469)   (202,609)   (646,135)   (3,511,929)  
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations   8,024,363   40,477,752   19,349,998   151,112,624  
Dividends and Distributions to Common Shareholders From          
Net investment income   (6,214,410)   (14,081,286)   (21,975,138)   (41,824,719)  
Tax return of capital     (1,431,653)     (14,927,112)  
Decrease in net assets resulting from dividends and distributions          
to shareholders   (6,214,410)   (15,512,939)   (21,975,138)   (56,751,831)  
Net Assets          
Total increase (decrease) in net assets   1,809,953   24,964,813   (2,625,140)   94,360,793  
Beginning of period   229,098,069   204,133,256   749,359,920   654,999,127  
End of period   $ 230,908,022   $ 229,098,069   $ 746,734,780   $ 749,359,920  
Undistributed (distributions in excess of) net investment income   $ 240,381   $ 328,304   $ (550,386)   $ 525,038  


See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   51  


Statements of Changes in Net Assets (concluded)      
  Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)  
  Six Months    
  April 30,   Year Ended  
  2011   October 31,  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders:   (Unaudited)   2010  
Net investment income   $ 11,992,868   $ 22,931,750  
Net realized loss   (7,080,967)   (7,990,225)  
Net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation   17,180,402   33,559,226  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders from net investment income   (90,614)   (893,902)  
Net increase in net assets applicable resulting from operations   22,001,689   47,606,849  
Dividends to Shareholders From      
Net investment income   (14,673,950)   (19,496,826)  
Capital Share Transactions      
Reinvestment of common dividends   383,316   453,913  
Net Assets      
Total increase in net assets   7,711,055   28,563,936  
Beginning of period   341,436,135   312,872,199  
End of period   $ 349,147,190   $ 341,436,135  
Undistributed net investment income   $ 7,873,237   $ 10,644,933  


See Notes to Financial Statements.    
52   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Statements of Cash Flows          
  BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock   BlackRock  
  Credit   Credit   Credit   Floating  
  Allocation   Allocation   Allocation   Rate  
  Income   Income   Income   Income  
  Trust I, Inc.   Trust II, Inc.   Trust III   Trust  
Six Months Ended April 30, 2011 (Unaudited)   (PSW)   (PSY)   (BPP)   (BGT)  
Cash Provided by/Used for Operating Activities          
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations, excluding dividends to Preferred Shareholders   $ 3,708,837   $ 15,412,724   $ 8,047,832   $ 22,092,303  
Adjustments to reconcile net increase in net assets resulting from operations to net cash          
provided by operating activities:          
(Increase) in interest receivable   (92,565)   (526,847)   (378,757)   (78,130)  
(Increase) decrease in swap receivable   (168,276)   (32,403)   (308,616)   6,730  
(Increase) decrease in other assets   167,003   1,223,544   (2,210)   239,458  
Decrease in commitment fees receivable         2,186  
Increase in dividends receivable   (4,623)   (17,412)     (14)  
Decrease in margin variation receivable   8,063   14,375   8,625    
Decrease in reverse repurchase agreements receivable     2,015,000      
(Increase) decrease in dividend receivable     283   (8,395)    
Increase in cash pledged as collateral for financial futures contracts   (320,000)   (1,404,000)   (300,000)    
Decrease in cash pledged as collateral for swaps         100,000  
Decrease in deferred income payable         (21,279)  
Increase (decrease) in investment advisory fees payable   (6,213)   (24,496)   (11,823)   36,985  
Increase in interest expense and fees payable   25,085   112,695   38,790   57,258  
Decrease in other affiliates payable   (968)   (4,048)   (68)   (2,636)  
Decrease in other accrued expenses payable   (21,595)   (54,739)   (324)   (85,313)  
Increase in margin variation payable   34,219   147,048   32,351    
Increase in swaps payable   23,205   96,666   50,122    
Increase in Officer's and Directors' fees payable   940   3,114   1,100   6,221  
Net periodic and termination payments of swaps   208,225   890,170   (166,634)    
Net realized and unrealized loss on investments   (634,270)   (2,462,152)   (1,989,922)   (18,692,502)  
Amortization of premium and accretion of discount on investments   110,650   532,666   224,788   (1,833,537)  
Premiums received from options written   255,600   1,087,200   1,101,240    
Proceeds from sales of long-term investments   52,172,009   211,826,953   82,637,861   255,942,556  
Purchases of long-term investments   (49,422,039)   (196,912,390)   (98,590,554)   (305,388,975)  
Net proceeds from sales (purchases) of short-term securities   5,700,567   (539,833)   32,919,046   4,481,303  
Cash provided by/used for operating activities   11,743,854   31,384,118   23,304,452   (43,137,386)  
Cash Provided by/Used for Financing Activities          
Cash payments on Preferred Shares   (40,250,000)   (169,025,000)   (70,425,000)   (58,800,000)  
Cash receipts from borrowings   44,151,589   224,318,191   79,227,024   264,000,000  
Cash payments on borrowings   (12,431,493)   (73,868,400)   (25,847,744)   (145,000,000)  
Cash dividends paid   (3,144,663)   (13,528,726)   (6,232,919)   (14,290,634)  
Cash dividends paid to Preferred Shareholders   (70,242)   (570,776)   (25,813)   (102,862)  
Increase (decrease) in custodian bank payable     1,290,593     (526,912)  
Cash provided by/used for financing activities   (11,744,809)   (31,384,118)   (23,304,452)   45,279,592  
Cash Impact from Foreign Exchange Fluctuations          
Cash impact from foreign exchange fluctuations   (19)     32   23,963  
Net increase (decrease) in cash   (974)     32   2,166,169  
Cash and foreign currency at beginning of period   1,401     500    
Cash and foreign currency at end of period   $ 427     $ 532   $ 2,166,169  
Cash Flow Information          
Cash paid during the period for interest   $ 17,280   $ 32,288   $ 17,379   $ 553,279  
Noncash Financing Activities          
Capital shares issued in reinvestment of dividends paid to shareholders         $ 383,316  

A Statement of Cash Flows is presented when a Fund had a significant amount of borrowing during the period, based on the average borrowing outstanding in relation to average

total assets.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   53  


Financial Highlights       BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (PSW)  
  Six Months              
  April 30, 2011     Year Ended October 31,      
  (Unaudited)   2010   2009   2008     2007   2006  
Per Share Operating Performance                
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 10.75   $ 9.31   $ 7.43   $ 19.54   $ 22.25   $ 22.36  
Net investment income 1   0.33   0.63   0.86   1.70     2.01   2.14  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   0.02   1.58   2.06   (12.06)     (2.41)   0.07  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders from net investment income   (0.01)   (0.06)   (0.08)   (0.48)     (0.71)   (0.63)  
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations   0.34   2.15   2.84   (10.84)     (1.11)   1.58  
Dividends and distributions to Common Shareholders from:                
Net investment income   (0.30) 2   (0.62)   (0.83)   (1.22)     (1.18)   (1.69)  
Tax return of capital     (0.09)   (0.13)   (0.05)     (0.42)    
Total dividends and distributions   (0.30)   (0.71)   (0.96)   (1.27)     (1.60)   (1.69)  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 10.79   $ 10.75   $ 9.31   $ 7.43   $ 19.54   $ 22.25  
Market price, end of period   $ 9.28   $ 9.67   $ 8.24   $ 7.00   $ 17.29   $ 21.26  
Total Investment Return 3                
Based on net asset value   3.73% 4   24.77% 5   46.46%   (58.09)%     (5.03)%   7.97%  
Based on market price   (0.82)% 4   26.81%   37.59%   (55.38)%     (12.05)%   9.69%  
Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders                
Total expenses 6   1.05% 7   1.16%   1.61%   2.00%     1.32%   1.29%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly 6   1.05% 7   1.14%   1.59%   2.00%     1.32%   1.29%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly                
and excluding interest expense 6   0.97% 7   1.13%   1.44%   1.48%     1.29%   1.29%  
Net investment income 6   6.25% 7   6.28%   12.45%   10.79%     9.38%   9.70%  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders   0.11% 7   0.59%   1.09%   3.03%     3.29%   2.84%  
Net investment income to Common Shareholders   6.13% 7   5.69%   11.36%   7.76%     6.09%   6.86%  
Supplemental Data                
Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders, end of period (000)   $ 111,316   $ 110,808   $ 96,048   $ 76,430   $ 201,155   $ 228,734  
Preferred Shares outstanding at $25,000 liquidation preference,                
end of period (000)     $ 40,250   $ 40,250   $ 68,250   $ 136,500   $ 136,500  
Borrowings outstanding, end of period (000)   $ 37,803   $ 6,083   $ 4,972   $ 4,024   $ 590    
Average borrowings outstanding, during the period (000)   $ 21,772   $ 5,269   $ 5,321   $ 25,692   $ 2,690    
Portfolio turnover   36%   66%   36%   119%     88%   19%  
Asset coverage per Preferred Share at $25,000 liquidation preference,                
end of period     $ 93,831   $ 84,663   $ 53,009   $ 61,846   $ 66,907  
Asset coverage, end of period per $1,000   $ 3,945              

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 A portion of the dividends from net investment income may be deemed a tax return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.
3 Total investment returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or lesser than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns.
Where applicable, total investment returns exclude the effects of any sales charges and include the reinvestment of dividends and distributions.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Includes proceeds from a settlement of litigation which impacted the Fund. Not including these proceeds the Fund’s total return would have been 24.54%.
6 Do not reflect the effect of dividends to Preferred Shareholders.
7 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.


Financial Highlights       BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (PSY)  
  Six Months              
  April 30, 2011     Year Ended October 31,      
  (Unaudited)   2010   2009   2008     2007   2006  
Per Share Operating Performance                
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 11.59   $ 10.03   $ 7.96   $ 19.93   $ 22.36   $ 22.26  
Net investment income 1   0.35   0.72   1.11   1.73     2.02   2.03  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   0.03   1.74   2.17   (11.84)     (2.35)   0.32  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders from net investment income   (0.01)   (0.06)   (0.09)   (0.49)     (0.73)   (0.65)  
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations   0.37   2.40   3.19   (10.60)     (1.06)   1.70  
Dividends and distributions to Common Shareholders from:                
Net investment income   (0.33) 2   (0.71)   (1.12)   (1.15)     (1.16)   (1.51)  
Tax return of capital     (0.13)   (0.00) 3   (0.22)     (0.21)   (0.09)  
Total dividends and distributions   (0.33)   (0.84)   (1.12)   (1.37)     (1.37)   (1.60)  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 11.63   $ 11.59   $ 10.03   $ 7.96   $ 19.93   $ 22.36  
Market price, end of period   $ 10.08   $ 10.39   $ 8.90   $ 8.10   $ 16.94   $ 20.12  
Total Investment Return 4                
Based on net asset value   3.73% 5   25.70% 6   48.36%   (55.71)%     (4.35)%   8.77%  
Based on market price   0.29% 5   26.99%   29.37%   (46.97)%     (9.65)%   2.77%  
Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders                
Total expenses 7   1.01% 8   1.04%   1.41%   1.90%     1.27%   1.23%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly 7   1.01% 8   1.03%   1.41%   1.90%     1.27%   1.23%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly and                
excluding interest expense 7   0.95% 8   1.02%   1.33%   1.40%     1.23%   1.23%  
Net investment income 7   6.21% 8   6.66%   15.05%   10.71%     9.29%   9.26%  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders   0.22% 8   0.58%   1.19%   3.04%     3.34%   2.96%  
Net investment income to Common Shareholders   5.99% 8   6.08%   13.86%   7.67%     5.95%   6.30%  
Supplemental Data                
Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders, end of period (000)   $ 474,386   $ 472,984   $ 409,293   $ 323,132   $ 809,411   $ 907,897  
Preferred Shares outstanding at $25,000 liquidation preference,                
end of period (000)     $ 169,025   $ 169,025   $ 275,000   $ 550,000   $ 550,000  
Borrowings outstanding, end of period (000)   $ 154,160   $ 4,020   $ 9,511   $ 54,369        
Average borrowings outstanding, during the period (000)   $ 84,960   $ 13,407   $ 15,842   $ 94,908   $ 14,375    
Portfolio turnover   33%   73%   16%   120%     81%   18%  
Asset coverage per Preferred Share at $25,000 liquidation preference,                
end of period     $ 94,968   $ 85,547   $ 54,408   $ 61,817   $ 66,294  
Asset coverage, end of period per $1,000   $ 4,071              

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 A portion of the dividends from net investment income may be deemed a tax return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.
3 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
4 Total investment returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or lesser than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns.
Where applicable, total investment returns exclude the effects of any sales charges and include the reinvestment of dividends and distributions.
5 Aggregate total investment return.
6 Includes proceeds from a settlement of litigation which impacted the Fund. Not including these proceeds the Fund’s total return would have been 25.37%.
7 Do not reflect the effect of dividends to Preferred Shareholders.
8 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   55  


Financial Highlights         BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust III (BPP)  
  Six Months       Period          
  Ended       January 1,          
    April 30,       2008 to    
  2011   Year Ended October 31, October 31,   Year Ended December 31,
  (Unaudited)   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006     2005  
Per Share Operating Performance                  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 12.41   $ 11.05   $ 8.77   $ 19.47   $ 24.52   $ 24.43   $ 25.88  
Net investment income   0.33 1   0.73 1   1.09 1   1.48 1   2.05   2.05     2.11  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   0.10   1.48   2.40   (10.74)   (4.72)   0.62     (0.82)  
Dividends and distributions to Preferred Shareholders from:                  
Net investment income   (0.00) 2   (0.01)   (0.03)   (0.31)   (0.62)   (0.46)     (0.26)  
Net realized gain             (0.12)     (0.13)  
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations   0.43   2.20   3.46   (9.57)   (3.29)   2.09     0.90  
Dividends and distributions to Common Shareholders from:                  
Net investment income   (0.34) 3   (0.76)   (0.95)   (0.83)   (1.59)   (1.58)     (1.74)  
Net realized gain           (0.02)   (0.42)     (0.61)  
Tax return of capital     (0.08)   (0.23)   (0.30)   (0.15)        
Total dividends and distributions   (0.34)   (0.84)   (1.18)   (1.13)   (1.76)   (2.00)     (2.35)  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 12.50   $ 12.41   $ 11.05   $ 8.77   $ 19.47   $ 24.52   $ 24.43  
Market price, end of period   $ 10.74   $ 11.23   $ 9.94   $ 8.51   $ 17.31   $ 26.31   $ 24.20  
Total Investment Return 4                  
Based on net asset value   3.95% 5   21.52%   47.16%   (51.22)% 5   (13.86)%   8.89%     3.81%  
Based on market price   (1.30)% 5   22.25%   36.42%   (46.76)% 5   (28.62)%   17.98%     4.83%  
Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders                
Total expenses 6   0.99% 7   1.09%   1.66%   1.96% 7   1.46%   1.62%     1.51%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly 6   0.98% 7   1.08%   1.64%   1.96% 7   1.45%   1.62%     1.51%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly                  
and excluding interest expense 6   0.93% 7   1.07%   1.39%   1.39% 7   1.24%   1.25%     1.22%  
Net investment income 6   5.49% 7   6.31%   13.08%   10.53% 7   8.90%   8.46%     8.37%  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders   0.02% 7   0.10%   0.38%   2.19% 7   2.70%   1.89%     1.27%  
Net investment income to Common Shareholders   5.47% 7   6.21%   12.70%   8.34% 7   6.20%   6.58%     7.10%  
Supplemental Data                  
Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders,                  
end of period (000)   $ 230,908   $ 229,098   $ 204,133   $ 161,311   $ 358,017   $ 449,995   $ 447,190  
Preferred Shares outstanding at $25,000 liquidation                  
preference, end of period (000)     $ 70,425   $ 70,425   $ 110,400   $ 220,800   $ 220,800   $ 220,800  
Borrowings outstanding, end of period (000)   $ 53,379     $ 13,235   $ 44,281          
Average borrowings outstanding, during the period (000)   $ 40,235   $ 2,121   $ 16,330   $ 51,995   $ 903   $ 1,303   $ 2,904  
Portfolio turnover   32%   67%   16%   121%   97%   91%     77%  
Asset coverage per Preferred Share at $25,000 liquidation                  
preference, end of period     $ 106,328   $ 97,465   $ 61,540   $ 65,554   $ 75,965   $ 75,642  
Asset coverage, end of period per $1,000   $ 5,326                

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 A portion of the dividends from net investment income may be deemed a tax return of capital or net realized gain at fiscal year end.
4 Total investment returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or lesser than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns.
Where applicable, total investment returns exclude the effects of any sales charges and include the reinvestment of dividends and distributions.
5 Aggregate total investment return.
6 Do not reflect the effect of dividends to Preferred Shareholders.
7 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.    
56   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Financial Highlights     BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV (BTZ)  
  Six Months          Period  
  Ended       December 27,  
    April 30,     2006 1 to  
  2011   Year Ended October 31,   October 31,  
  (Unaudited)   2010   2009   2008   2007  
Per Share Operating Performance            
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 14.46   $ 12.64   $ 10.59   $ 21.39   $ 23.88 2  
Net investment income   0.42 3   0.85 3   0.99 3   1.33 3   1.25  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   (0.04)   2.14   2.54   (10.06)   (1.86)  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders from net investment income   (0.01)   (0.07)   (0.07)   (0.33)   (0.31)  
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations   0.37   2.92   3.46   (9.06)   (0.92)  
Dividends and distributions to Common Shareholders from:            
Net investment income   (0.42)   (0.81)   (0.93)   (0.90)   (0.93)  
Tax return of capital     (0.29)   (0.48)   (0.84)   (0.47)  
Total dividends and distributions   (0.42)   (1.10)   (1.41)   (1.74)   (1.40)  
Capital charge with respect to issuance of:            
Common Shares           (0.04)  
Preferred Shares           (0.13)  
Total capital charges           (0.17)  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 14.41   $ 14.46   $ 12.64   $ 10.59   $ 21.39  
Market price, end of period   $ 12.36   $ 13.02   $ 10.96   $ 9.36   $ 18.65  
Total Investment Return 4            
Based on net asset value   3.15% 5   25.16%   41.06%   (44.27)%   (4.42)% 5  
Based on market price   (1.74)% 5   29.98%   38.38%   (43.51)%   (20.34)% 5  
Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders            
Total expenses 6   0.97% 7   1.12%   1.60%   1.65%   1.90% 7  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly 6   0.96% 7   1.11%   1.58%   1.65%   1.88% 7  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly and excluding interest expense 6   0.92% 7   1.07%   1.24%   1.21%   1.04% 7  
Net investment income 6   5.91% 7   6.33%   9.93%   7.63%   6.50% 7  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders   0.18% 7   0.50%   0.74%   1.89%   1.64% 7  
Net investment income to Common Shareholders   5.73% 7   5.83%   9.19%   5.74%   4.86% 7  
Supplemental Data            
Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders, end of period (000)   $ 746,735   $ 749,360   $ 654,999   $ 548,612   $ 1,108,534  
Preferred Shares outstanding at $25,000 liquidation preference, end of period (000)     $ 231,000   $ 231,000   $ 231,000   $ 462,000  
Borrowings outstanding, end of period (000)   $ 200,551     $ 61,576   $ 223,512   $ 88,291  
Average borrowings outstanding, during the period (000)   $ 113,922   $ 63,660   $ 76,521   $ 107,377   $ 96,468  
Portfolio turnover   37%   64%   30%   126%   35%  
Asset coverage per Preferred Share at $25,000 liquidation preference, end of period     $ 106,104   $ 95,892   $ 84,384   $ 89,737  
Asset coverage, end of period per $1,000   $ 4,723          

1 Commencement of operations.
2 Net asset value, beginning of period, reflects a deduction of $1.12 per share sales charge from initial offering price of $25.00 per share.
3 Based on average shares outstanding.
4 Total investment returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or lesser than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns.
Where applicable, total investment returns exclude the effects of any sales charges and include the reinvestment of dividends and distributions.
5 Aggregate total investment return.
6 Do not reflect the effect of dividends to Preferred Shareholders.
7 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.      
SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   57  


Financial Highlights         BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (BGT)  
  Six Months       Period          
  Ended       January 1,          
  April 30,       2008 to          
  2011   Year Ended October 31,   October 31,   Year Ended December 31,  
  (Unaudited)   2010   2009   2008   2007   2006     2005  
Per Share Operating Performance                  
Net asset value, beginning of period   $ 14.48   $ 13.29   $ 11.24   $ 17.71   $ 19.11   $ 19.13   $ 19.21  
Net investment income   0.50 1   0.97 1   0.98 1   1.42 1   2.03   1.99     1.64  
Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)   0.43   1.09   2.72   (6.62)   (1.39)   (0.06)     (0.17)  
Dividends and distributions to Preferred Shareholders from:                  
Net investment income   (0.00) 2   (0.04)   (0.04)   (0.24)   (0.54)   (0.48)     (0.33)  
Net realized gain             (0.01)     (0.00) 2  
Net increase (decrease) from investment operations   0.93   2.02   3.66   (5.44)   0.10   1.44     1.14  
Dividends and distributions to Common Shareholders from:                  
Net investment income   (0.62)   (0.83)   (1.19)   (1.03)   (1.14)   (1.44)     (1.22)  
Net realized gain             (0.02)     (0.00) 2  
Tax return of capital       (0.42)     (0.36)        
Total dividends and distributions   (0.62)   (0.83)   (1.61)   (1.03)   (1.50)   (1.46)     (1.22)  
Net asset value, end of period   $ 14.79   $ 14.48   $ 13.29   $ 11.24   $ 17.71   $ 19.11   $ 19.13  
Market price, end of period   $ 15.65   $ 14.52   $ 12.58   $ 9.63   $ 15.78   $ 19.27   $ 17.16  
Total Investment Return 3                  
Based on net asset value   6.49% 4   15.55%   39.51%   (31.62)% 4   0.98%   7.93%     6.63%  
Based on market price   12.37% 4   22.41%   54.14%   (34.24)% 4   (10.92)%   21.31%     (1.34)%  
Ratios to Average Net Assets Applicable to Common Shareholders                
Total expenses 5   1.70% 6   1.43%   1.96%   2.22% 6   1.67%   1.75%     1.56%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly 5   1.56% 6   1.25%   1.68%   1.89% 6   1.33%   1.43%     1.23%  
Total expenses after fees waived and paid indirectly                  
and excluding interest expense 5   1.21% 6   1.15%   1.24%   1.21% 6   1.16%   1.19%     1.15%  
Net investment income 5   6.99% 6   7.01%   8.92%   10.56% 6   10.83%   10.38%     8.52%  
Dividends to Preferred Shareholders   0.05% 6   0.27%   0.38%   1.75% 6   2.88%   2.51%     1.71%  
Net investment income to Common Shareholders   6.94% 6   6.74%   8.54%   8.81% 6   7.95%   7.87%     6.81%  
Supplemental Data                  
Net assets applicable to Common Shareholders,                  
end of period (000)   $ 349,146   $ 341,436   $ 312,872   $ 264,590   $ 417,086   $ 449,065   $ 449,219  
Preferred Shares outstanding at $25,000 liquidation                  
preference, end of period (000)     $ 58,800   $ 58,800   $ 58,800   $ 243,450   $ 243,450   $ 243,450  
Borrowings outstanding, end of period (000)   $ 157,000   $ 38,000   $ 14,000   $ 123,150     $ 26,108      
Average borrowings outstanding, during the period (000)   $ 96,174   $ 24,321   $ 53,156   $ 71,780   $ 10,524   $ 19,562   $ 10,722  
Portfolio turnover   54%   87%   42%   25%   41%   50%     46%  
Asset coverage per Preferred Share at $25,000                  
liquidation preference, end of period     $ 170,174   $ 158,029   $ 137,505   $ 67,849   $ 73,810   $ 71,139  
Asset coverage, end of period per $1,000   $ 3,224                

1 Based on average shares outstanding.
2 Amount is less than $(0.01) per share.
3 Total investment returns based on market price, which can be significantly greater or lesser than the net asset value, may result in substantially different returns.
Where applicable, total investment returns exclude the effects of any sales charges and include the reinvestment of dividends and distributions.
4 Aggregate total investment return.
5 Do not reflect the effect of dividends to Preferred Shareholders.
6 Annualized.

See Notes to Financial Statements.    
58   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Notes to Financial Statements (Unaudited)

1. Organization and Significant Accounting Policies:

BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust I, Inc. (“PSW”) and BlackRock
Credit Allocation Income Trust II, Inc. (“PSY”) are registered as diversified,
closed-end management investment companies under the Investment
Company Act of 1940, as amended (the “1940 Act”). BlackRock Credit
Allocation Income Trust III (“BPP”), BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust
IV (“BTZ”) and BlackRock Floating Rate Income Trust (“BGT”) are registered
as non-diversified, closed-end management investment companies under
the 1940 Act. PSW and PSY are organized as Maryland corporations. BPP,
BTZ and BGT are organized as Delaware statutory trusts. PSW, PSY, BPP, BTZ
and BGT are collectively referred to as the “Funds” or individually as the
“Fund.” The Funds’ financial statements are prepared in conformity with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America
(“US GAAP”), which may require management to make estimates and
assumptions that affect the reported amounts and disclosure in the finan-
cial statements. Actual results could differ from these estimates. The Board
of Directors and Board of Trustees of the Funds, as applicable, are referred
to throughout this report as the “Board of Directors” or the “Board.” The
Funds determine and make available for publication the net asset values
of their Common Shares on a daily basis.

The following is a summary of significant accounting policies followed by
the Funds:

Valuation: US GAAP defines fair value as the price the Funds would receive
to sell an asset or pay to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction
between market participants at the measurement date. The Funds fair value
their financial instruments at market value using independent dealers or
pricing services under policies approved by the Board. Floating rate
loan interests are valued at the mean of the bid prices from one or more
brokers or dealers as obtained from a pricing service. In determining the
value of a particular investment, pricing services may use certain informa-
tion with respect to transactions in such investments, quotations from
dealers, pricing matrixes, market transactions in comparable investments,
various relationships observed in the market between investments and
calculated yield measures. Financial futures contracts traded on exchanges
are valued at their last sale price. Swap agreements are valued utilizing
quotes received daily by the Funds’ pricing service or through brokers,
which are derived using daily swap curves and models that incorporate a
number of market data factors, such as discounted cash flows and trades
and values of the underlying reference instruments. Investments in open-
end investment companies are valued at net asset value each business
day. Short-term securities with remaining maturities of 60 days or less may
be valued at amortized cost, which approximates fair value.

Equity investments traded on a recognized securities exchange or the
NASDAQ Global Market System (“NASDAQ”) are valued at the last reported
sale price that day or the NASDAQ official closing price, if applicable. For
equity investments traded on more than one exchange, the last reported
sale price on the exchange where the stock is primarily traded is used.
Equity investments traded on a recognized exchange for which there were
no sales on that day are valued at the last available bid (long positions)
or ask (short positions) price. If no bid or ask price is available, the prior
day’s price will be used, unless it is determined that such prior day’s price
no longer reflects the fair value of the security.

Securities and other assets and liabilities denominated in foreign curren-
cies are translated into US dollars using exchange rates determined as of
the close of business on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). Foreign
currency exchange contracts are valued at the mean between the bid and
ask prices and are determined as of the close of business on the NYSE.
Interpolated values are derived when the settlement date of the contract
is an interim date for which quotations are not available.

Exchange-traded options are valued at the mean between the last bid and
ask prices at the close of the options market in which the options trade. An
exchange-traded option for which there is no mean price is valued at the
last bid (long positions) or ask (short positions) price. If no bid or ask price
is available, the prior day’s price will be used, unless it is determined that
the prior day’s price no longer reflects the fair value of the option. Over-the-
counter (“OTC”) options and swaptions are valued by an independent
pricing service using a mathematical model which incorporates a number
of market data factors, such as the trades and prices of the underlying

In the event that application of these methods of valuation results in a
price for an investment which is deemed not to be representative of the
market value of such investment or is not available, the investment will be
valued in accordance with a policy approved by the Board as reflecting
fair value (“Fair Value Assets”). When determining the price for Fair Value
Assets, the investment advisor and/or the sub-advisor seeks to determine
the price that each Fund might reasonably expect to receive from the cur-
rent sale of that asset in an arm’s-length transaction. Fair value determina-
tions shall be based upon all available factors that the investment advisor
and/or sub-advisor deems relevant. The pricing of all Fair Value Assets is
subsequently reported to the Board or a committee thereof.

Generally, trading in foreign instruments is substantially completed
each day at various times prior to the close of business on the NYSE.
Occasionally, events affecting the values of such instruments may occur
between the foreign market close and the close of business on the NYSE
that may not be reflected in the computation of each Fund’s net assets.
If events (for example, a company announcement, market volatility or a
natural disaster) occur during such periods that are expected to materially
affect the value of such instruments, those instruments may be Fair Value
Assets and be valued at their fair value, as determined in good faith by
the investment advisor using a pricing service and/or policies approved
by the Board. Each business day, the Funds use a pricing service to assist
with the valuation of certain foreign exchange-traded equity securities
and foreign exchange-traded and OTC options (the “Systematic Fair Value
Price”). Using current market factors, the Systematic Fair Value Price is
designed to value such foreign securities and foreign options at fair value
as of the close of business on the NYSE, which follows the close of the
local markets.

Foreign Currency Transactions: The Funds’ books and records are main-
tained in US dollars. Purchases and sales of investment securities are
recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the date the transactions
are entered into. Generally, when the US dollar rises in value against a
foreign currency, the Funds’ investments denominated in that currency will

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   59  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

lose value because its currency is worth fewer US dollars; the opposite
effect occurs if the US dollar falls in relative value.

The Funds report realized currency gains (losses) on foreign currency
related transactions as components of net realized gain (loss) for financial
reporting purposes, whereas such components are treated as ordinary
income for federal income tax purposes.

Zero-Coupon Bonds: The Funds may invest in zero-coupon bonds, which
are normally issued at a significant discount from face value and do not
provide for periodic interest payments. Zero-coupon bonds may experience
greater volatility in market value than similar maturity debt obligations
which provide for regular interest payments.

Capital Trusts: The Funds may invest in capital trusts. These securities are
typically issued by corporations, generally in the form of interest-bearing
notes with preferred securities characteristics, or by an affiliated business
trust of a corporation, generally in the form of beneficial interests in
subordinated debentures or similarly structured securities. The securities
can be structured as either fixed or adjustable coupon securities that can
have either a perpetual or stated maturity date. Dividends can be deferred
without creating an event of default or acceleration, although maturity
cannot take place unless all cumulative payment obligations have been
met. The deferral of payments does not affect the purchase or sale of
these securities in the open market. Payments on these securities are
treated as interest rather than dividends for federal income tax purposes.
These securities generally are rated below that of the issuing company’s
senior debt securities.

Preferred Stock: The Funds may invest in preferred stocks. Preferred stock
has a preference over common stock in liquidation (and generally in receiv-
ing dividends as well) but is subordinated to the liabilities of the issuer in
all respects. As a general rule, the market value of preferred stock with a
fixed dividend rate and no conversion element varies inversely with interest
rates and perceived credit risk, while the market price of convertible pre-
ferred stock generally also reflects some element of conversion value.
Because preferred stock is junior to debt securities and other obligations
of the issuer, deterioration in the credit quality of the issuer will cause
greater changes in the value of a preferred stock than in a more senior
debt security with similar stated yield characteristics. Unlike interest pay-
ments on debt securities, preferred stock dividends are payable only if
declared by the issuer’s board of directors. Preferred stock also may be
subject to optional or mandatory redemption provisions.

Floating Rate Loan Interests: The Funds may invest in floating rate loan
interests. The floating rate loan interests the Funds hold are typically
issued to companies (the “borrower”) by banks, other financial institutions,
and privately and publicly offered corporations (the “lender”). Floating rate
loan interests are generally non-investment grade, often involve borrowers
whose financial condition is troubled or uncertain and companies that
are highly levered. The Funds may invest in obligations of borrowers who
are in bankruptcy proceedings. Floating rate loan interests may include
fully funded term loans or revolving lines of credit. Floating rate loan
interests are typically senior in the corporate capital structure of the
borrower. Floating rate loan interests generally pay interest at rates that
are periodically determined by reference to a base lending rate plus a
premium. The base lending rates are generally the lending rate offered by
one or more European banks, such as LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offered
Rate), the prime rate offered by one or more US banks or the certificate of
deposit rate. Floating rate loan interests may involve foreign borrowers, and
investments may be denominated in foreign currencies. The Funds consider
these investments to be investments in debt securities for purposes of
their investment policies.

When a Fund buys a floating rate loan interest it may receive a facility
fee and when it sells a floating rate loan interest it may pay a facility fee.
On an ongoing basis, the Funds may receive a commitment fee based on
the undrawn portion of the underlying line of credit amount of a floating
rate loan interest. The Funds earn and/or pays facility and other fees on
floating rate loan interests, which are shown as facility and other fees in
the Statements of Operations. Facility and commitment fees are typically
amortized to income over the term of the loan or term of the commitment,
respectively. Consent and amendment fees are recorded to income as
earned. Prepayment penalty fees, which may be received by the Funds
upon the prepayment of a floating rate loan interest by a borrower, are
recorded as realized gains. The Funds may invest in multiple series or
tranches of a loan. A different series or tranche may have varying terms
and carry different associated risks.

Floating rate loan interests are usually freely callable at the borrower’s
option. The Funds may invest in such loans in the form of participations
in loans (“Participations”) or assignments (“Assignments”) of all or a
portion of loans from third parties. Participations typically will result in the
Funds having a contractual relationship only with the lender, not with the
borrower. The Funds will have the right to receive payments of principal,
interest and any fees to which it is entitled only from the lender selling the
Participation and only upon receipt by the lender of the payments from the
borrower. In connection with purchasing Participations, the Funds generally
will have no right to enforce compliance by the borrower with the terms of
the loan agreement, nor any rights of offset against the borrower, and the
Funds may not benefit directly from any collateral supporting the loan
in which it has purchased the Participation. As a result, the Funds will
assume the credit risk of both the borrower and the lender that is selling
the Participation. The Funds’ investment in loan participation interests
involves the risk of insolvency of the financial intermediaries who are
parties to the transactions. In the event of the insolvency of the lender
selling the Participation, the Funds may be treated as general creditors of
the lender and may not benefit from any offset between the lender and
the borrower. Assignments typically result in the Funds having a direct
contractual relationship with the borrower, and the Funds may enforce
compliance by the borrower with the terms of the loan agreement.

Reverse Repurchase Agreements: The Funds may enter into reverse
repurchase agreements with qualified third party broker-dealers. In a
reverse repurchase agreement, the Funds sell securities to a bank or
broker-dealer and agrees to repurchase the same securities at a mutually
agreed upon date and price. Certain agreements have no stated maturity
and can be terminated by either party at any time. Interest on the value of

60   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

the reverse repurchase agreements issued and outstanding is based upon
competitive market rates determined at the time of issuance. The Funds
may utilize reverse repurchase agreements when it is anticipated that the
interest income to be earned from the investment of the proceeds of the
transaction is greater than the interest expense of the transaction. Reverse
repurchase agreements involve leverage risk and also the risk that the
market value of the securities that the Funds are obligated to repurchase
under the agreement may decline below the repurchase price. In the event
the buyer of securities under a reverse repurchase agreement files for
bankruptcy or becomes insolvent, the Funds’ use of the proceeds of the
agreement may be restricted while the other party, or its trustee or receiver,
determines whether or not to enforce the Funds’ obligation to repurchase
the securities.

Defensive Positions: PSW, PSY, BPP and BTZ Fund may vary its investment
policies for temporary defensive purposes during periods in which the
investment advisor believes that conditions in the securities markets or
other economic, financial or political conditions warrant. Under such
conditions, the Funds for temporary defensive purposes may invest up to
100% of its total assets in, as applicable and described in each Fund’s
prospectus, US government securities, certificates of deposit, repurchase
agreements that involve purchases of debt securities, bankers’ acceptances
and other bank obligations, commercial paper, money market funds and/or
other debt securities deemed by the investment advisor to be consistent
with a defensive posture, or may hold its assets in cash.

Segregation and Collateralization: In cases in which the 1940 Act and
the interpretive positions of the Securities and Exchange Commission
(“SEC”) require that the Funds either deliver collateral or segregate assets
in connection with certain investments (e.g., financial futures contracts,
foreign currency exchange contracts and swaps), or certain borrowings
(e.g., reverse repurchase agreements and loan payable), the Funds will,
consistent with SEC rules and/or certain interpretive letters issued by the
SEC, segregate collateral or designate on their books and records cash or
other liquid securities having a market value at least equal to the amount
that would otherwise be required to be physically segregated. Furthermore,
based on requirements and agreements with certain exchanges and third
party broker-dealers, each party has requirements to deliver/deposit
securities as collateral for certain investments.

Investment Transactions and Investment Income: For financial reporting
purposes, investment transactions are recorded on the dates the trans-
actions are entered into (the trade dates). Realized gains and losses on
investment transactions are determined on the identified cost basis.
Dividend income is recorded on the ex-dividend dates. Dividends from
foreign securities where the ex-dividend date may have passed are
subsequently recorded when the Funds are informed of the ex-dividend
date. Under the applicable foreign tax laws, a withholding tax at various
rates may be imposed on capital gains, dividends and interest. Upon
notification from issuers, some of the dividend income received from a
real estate investment trust may be redesignated as a reduction of cost
of the related investment and/or realized gain. Interest income, including
amortization and accretion of premiums and discounts on debt securities,
is recognized on the accrual basis.

Dividends and Distributions: Dividends from net investment income are
declared and paid daily. Distributions of capital gains are recorded on
the ex-dividend dates. If the total dividends and distributions made in any
tax year exceeds net investment income and accumulated realized capital
gains, a portion of the total distribution may be treated as a tax return of
capital. The amount and timing of dividends and distributions are deter-
mined in accordance with federal income tax regulations, which may differ
from US GAAP. Dividends and distributions to Preferred Shareholders were
accrued and determined as described in Note 6.

Income Taxes: It is each Fund’s policy to comply with the requirements of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, applicable to regulated
investment companies and to distribute substantially all of its taxable
income to its shareholders. Therefore, no federal income tax provision
is required.

BGT has a wholly owned taxable subsidiary organized as a limited liability
company (the “Taxable Subsidiary”) which holds one of the investments
listed in the Schedule of Investments. The Taxable Subsidiary enables the
Fund to hold an investment that is organized as an operating partnership
while still satisfying Regulated Investment Company tax requirements.
Income earned on the investment held by the Taxable Subsidiary is
taxable to such subsidiary. An income tax provision for all income,
including realized and unrealized gains, if any, of the Taxable Subsidiary is
reflected in the value of the investment held by the Taxable Subsidiary.

Each Fund files US federal and various state and local tax returns. No
income tax returns are currently under examination. The statute of limita-
tions on PSW’s and PSY’s US federal tax returns remains open for the four
years ended October 31, 2010. The statute of limitations on BPP’s and
BGT’s US federal tax returns remains open for the year ended December
31, 2007, the period ended October 31, 2008 and the two years ended
October 31, 2010. The statute of limitations on BTZ’s US Federal tax
returns remains open for the three years ended October 31, 2010 and
the period ended October 31, 2007. The statutes of limitations on the
Funds’ state and local tax returns may remain open for an additional year
depending upon the jurisdiction. There are no uncertain tax positions that
require recognition of a tax liability.

Deferred Compensation and BlackRock Closed-End Share Equivalent
Investment Plan: Under the deferred compensation plan approved by each
Fund’s Board, independent Directors (“Independent Directors”) may defer
a portion of their annual complex-wide compensation. Deferred amounts
earn an approximate return as though equivalent dollar amounts had been
invested in common shares of certain other BlackRock Closed-End Funds
selected by the Independent Directors. This has approximately the same
economic effect for the Independent Directors as if the Independent
Directors had invested the deferred amounts directly in certain other
BlackRock Closed-End Funds.

The deferred compensation plan is not funded and obligations there-under
represent general unsecured claims against the general assets of each
Fund. Each Fund may, however, elect to invest in common shares of certain
other BlackRock Closed-End Funds selected by the Independent Directors

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   61  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

in order to match its deferred compensation obligations. Investments to
cover each Fund’s deferred compensation liability, if any, are included in
other assets in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Dividends and
distributions from the BlackRock Closed-End Fund investments under the
plan are included in income — affiliated in the Statements of Operations.

Other: Expenses directly related to the Funds are charged to that Fund.
Other operating expenses shared by several funds are pro rated among
those funds on the basis of relative net assets or other appropriate
methods. The Funds have an arrangement with the custodian whereby
fees may be reduced by credits earned on uninvested cash balances,
which if applicable are shown as fees paid indirectly in the Statements
of Operations. The custodian imposes fees on overdrawn cash balances,
which can be offset by accumulated credits earned or may result in
additional custody charges.

2. Derivative Financial Instruments:

The Funds engage in various portfolio investment strategies using derivative
contracts both to increase the returns of the Funds and to economically
hedge, or protect, their exposure to certain risks such as credit risk, equity
risk, interest rate risk, foreign currency exchange rate risk or other risk
(commodity price risk and inflation risk). These contracts may be trans-
acted on an exchange or OTC.

Losses may arise if the value of the contract decreases due to an unfavor-
able change in the market rates or values of the underlying instrument or
if the counterparty does not perform under the contract. The Funds’ maxi-
mum risk of loss from counterparty credit risk on OTC derivatives is gener-
ally the aggregate unrealized gain netted against any collateral pledged
by/posted to the counterparty. For OTC options purchased, the Funds
bear the risk of loss in the amount of the premiums paid plus the positive
change in market values net of any collateral received on the options
should the counterparty fail to perform under the contracts. Options written
by the Funds do not give rise to counterparty credit risk, as options written
obligate the Funds to perform and not the counterparty. Counterparty
risk related to exchange-traded financial futures contracts and options is
deemed to be minimal due to the protection against defaults provided by
the exchange on which these contracts trade.

The Funds may mitigate counterparty risk by procuring collateral and
through netting provisions included within an International Swaps and
Derivatives Association, Inc. (“ISDA”) Master Agreement implemented
between a Fund and each of its respective counterparties. The ISDA Master
Agreement allows each Fund to offset with each separate counterparty
certain derivative financial instrument’s payables and/or receivables
with collateral held. The amount of collateral moved to/from applicable
counterparties is generally based upon minimum transfer amounts of up
to $500,000. To the extent amounts due to the Funds from their counter-
parties are not fully collateralized contractually or otherwise, the Funds
bear the risk of loss from counterparty non-performance. See Note 1
“Segregation and Collateralization” for information with respect to collateral
practices. In addition, the Funds manage counterparty risk by entering
into agreements only with counterparties that it believes have the financial
resources to honor their obligations and by monitoring the financial stability
of those counterparties.

Certain ISDA Master Agreements allow counterparties to OTC derivatives to
terminate derivative contracts prior to maturity in the event the Funds’ net
assets decline by a stated percentage or the Funds fail to meet the terms
of its ISDA Master Agreements, which would cause the Funds to accelerate
payment of any net liability owed to the counterparty.

Financial Futures Contracts: The Funds purchase or sell financial futures
contracts and options on financial futures contracts to gain exposure to,
or economically hedge against, changes in interest rates (interest rate risk),
changes in the value of equity securities (equity risk) or foreign currencies
(foreign currency exchange rate risk). Financial futures contracts are agree-
ments between the Funds and the counterparty to buy or sell a specific
quantity of an underlying instrument at a specified price and at a specified
date. Depending on the terms of the particular contract, futures contracts
are settled either through physical delivery of the underlying instrument on
the settlement date of by payment of a cash settlement amount on settle-
ment date. Pursuant to the contract, the Funds agree to receive from or
pay to the broker an amount of cash equal to the daily fluctuation in value
of the contract. Such receipts or payments are known as margin variation
and are recorded by the Funds as unrealized appreciation or depreciation.
When the contract is closed, the Funds record a realized gain or loss
equal to the difference between the value of the contract at the time it
was opened and the value at the time it was closed. The use of financial
futures contracts involves the risk of an imperfect correlation in the move-
ments in the price of financial futures contracts, interest rates and the
underlying assets.

Foreign Currency Exchange Contracts: The Funds enter into foreign cur-
rency exchange contracts as an economic hedge against either specific
transactions or portfolio instruments or to obtain exposure to foreign cur-
rencies (foreign currency exchange rate risk). A foreign currency exchange
contract is an agreement between two parties to buy and sell a currency at
a set exchange rate on a future date. Foreign currency exchange contracts,
when used by the Funds, help to manage the overall exposure to the cur-
rencies, in which some of the investments held by the Funds are denomi-
nated. The contract is marked-to-market daily and the change in market
value is recorded by the Funds as an unrealized gain or loss. When the
contract is closed, the Funds record a realized gain or loss equal to the
difference between the value at the time it was opened and the value at
the time it was closed. The use of foreign currency exchange contracts
involves the risk that the value of a foreign currency exchange contract
changes unfavorably due to movements in the value of the referenced for-
eign currencies and the risk that a counterparty to the contract does not
perform its obligations under the agreement.

Options: The Funds purchase and write call and put options to increase
or decrease their exposure to underlying instruments (including equity
risk, interest rate risk and/or commodity price risk) and/or, in the case of
options written, to generate gains from options premiums. A call option
gives the purchaser of the option the right (but not the obligation) to
buy, and obligates the seller to sell (when the option is exercised), the
underlying instrument at the exercise price at any time or at a specified
time during the option period. A put option gives the holder the right to sell
and obligates the writer to buy the underlying instrument at the exercise

62   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

price at any time or at a specified time during the option period. When the
Funds purchase (writes) an option, an amount equal to the premium paid
(received) by the Funds is reflected as an asset (liability). The amount of
the asset (liability) is subsequently marked-to-market to reflect the current
market value of the option purchased (written). When an instrument is pur-
chased or sold through an exercise of an option, the related premium paid
(or received) is added to (or deducted from) the basis of the instrument
acquired or deducted from (or added to) the proceeds of the instrument
sold. When an option expires (or the Funds enter into a closing transac-
tion), the Funds realize a gain or loss on the option to the extent of the
premiums received or paid (or gain or loss to the extent the cost of the
closing transaction exceeds the premiums received or paid). When the
Funds write a call option, such option is “covered,” meaning that the Funds
holds the underlying instrument subject to being called by the option
counterparty. When the Funds write a put option, such option is covered
by cash in an amount sufficient to cover the obligation.

In purchasing and writing options, the Funds bear the risk of an unfavor-
able change in the value of the underlying instrument or the risk that the
Funds may not be able to enter into a closing transaction due to an illiquid
market. Exercise of a written option could result in the Funds purchasing or
selling a security at a price different from the current market value.

Swaps: The Funds enter into swap agreements, in which the Funds
and a counterparty agree to make periodic net payments on a specified
notional amount. These periodic payments received or made by the Funds
are recorded in the Statements of Operations as realized gains or losses,
respectively. Any upfront fees paid are recorded as assets and any upfront
fees received are recorded as liabilities and amortized over the term
of the swap. Swaps are marked-to-market daily and changes in value are
recorded as unrealized appreciation (depreciation). When the swap is ter-
minated, the Funds will record a realized gain or loss equal to the differ-
ence between the proceeds from (or cost of) the closing transaction and
the Funds’ basis in the contract, if any. Generally, the basis of the contracts
is the premium received or paid. Swap transactions involve, to varying
degrees, elements of interest rate, credit and market risk in excess of the
amounts recognized in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. Such risks
involve the possibility that there will be no liquid market for these
agreements, that the counterparty to the agreements may default on its
obligation to perform or disagree as to the meaning of the contractual
terms in the agreements, and that there may be unfavorable changes in
interest rates and/or market values associated with these transactions.

Credit default swaps — The Funds enter into credit default swaps to
manage their exposure to the market or certain sectors of the market,
to reduce its risk exposure to defaults of corporate and/or sovereign
issuers or to create exposure to corporate and/or sovereign issuers to
which they are not otherwise exposed (credit risk). The Funds enter into
credit default swap agreements to provide a measure of protection
against the default of an issuer (as buyer of protection) and/or gain
credit exposure to an issuer to which it is not otherwise exposed (as
seller of protection). The Funds may either buy or sell (write) credit
default swaps on single-name issuers (corporate or sovereign), a
combination or basket of single-name issuers or traded indexes.
Credit default swaps on single-name issuers are agreements in which
the buyer pays fixed periodic payments to the seller in consideration
for a guarantee from the seller to make a specific payment should a
negative credit event take place with respect to the referenced entity
(e.g., bankruptcy, failure to pay, obligation accelerators, repudiation,
moratorium or restructuring). Credit default swaps on traded indexes
are agreements in which the buyer pays fixed periodic payments to the
seller in consideration for a guarantee from the seller to make a spe-
cific payment should a write-down, principal or interest shortfall or
default of all or individual underlying securities included in the index
occurs. As a buyer, if an underlying credit event occurs, the Funds will
either receive from the seller an amount equal to the notional amount
of the swap and deliver the referenced security or underlying securities
comprising the index or receive a net settlement of cash equal to the
notional amount of the swap less the recovery value of the security or
underlying securities comprising the index. As a seller (writer), if an
underlying credit event occurs, the Funds will either pay the buyer an
amount equal to the notional amount of the swap and take delivery of
the referenced security or underlying securities comprising the index or
pay a net settlement of cash equal to the notional amount of the swap
less the recovery value of the security or underlying securities
comprising the index.

Derivative Financial Instruments Categorized by Risk Exposure:            
  Fair Values of Derivative Financial Instruments as of April 30, 2011
  Asset Derivatives
      PSW   PSY   BPP   BTZ  
  Statements of Assets            
  and Liabilities Location       Value      
Equity contracts   Investments at value-unaffiliated*   $ 69,440   $ 292,640   $ 143,840   $ 486,080  
Foreign currency exchange contracts   Unrealized appreciation on            
  foreign currency contracts       11,307      
Interest rate contracts   Net unrealized appreciation/depreciation**;          
  Investments at value-unaffililated*     80,002   221,534   192,738   602,815  
Credit contracts   Unrealized appreciation on swaps;            
  Investments at value-unaffiliated*     7,854   34,718   11,072   39,077  
Total     $ 157,296   $ 560,199   $ 347,650   $1,127,972  

* Includes options purchased at value as reported in the Schedule of Investments.
** Includes cumulative appreciation/depreciation on financial futures contracts as reported in the Schedules of Investments. Only the current day's margin variation
is reported within the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   63  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Liability Derivatives
    PSW   PSY   BPP   BTZ   BGT  
  Statements of Assets            
  and Liabilities Location       Value      
Foreign currency exchange contracts   Unrealized depreciation on            
  foreign currency contracts           $1,495,067  
Interest rate contracts   Net unrealized appreciation/            
  depreciation*; Unrealized depreciation            
  on swaps; Options written at value   $ 598,695   $2,743,096   $1,385,302   $4,644,436    
Credit contracts   Unrealized depreciation on swaps;            
  Options written at value   25,652   108,469   54,738   179,561    
Total     $ 624,347   $2,851,565   $1,440,040   $4,823,997   $1,495,067  


The Effect of Derivative Financial Instruments in the Statements of Operations
Six Months Ended April 30, 2011
Net Realized Gain (Loss) From
    PSW   PSY   BPP   BTZ   BGT  
Interest rate contracts:              
Financial futures contracts   $ (52,177)   $ (48,097)   $ (122,670)   $ (635,711)    
Options**         (18,020)   (61,430)    
Swaps     (11,899)   (50,387)   14,205   46,508    
Foreign currency exchange contracts:              
Foreign currency exchange contracts             $(8,337,398)  
Credit contracts:              
Swaps     49,388   202,274   78,385   322,849   1,581  
Total   $ (14,688)   $ 103,790   $ (48,100)   $ (327,784)   $(8,335,817)  


Net Change in Unrealized Appreciation/Depreciation on
  PSW   PSY   BPP   BTZ   BGT  
Interest rate contracts:            
Financial futures contracts   $ (273,121)  $ (1,401,049)    $(116,626) $   (712,327)    
Swaps   (120,143)   (506,560)   (228,984)   (774,700)    
Options**   1,428   6,110   (15,810)   (61,770)    
Foreign currency exchange contracts:            
Foreign currency exchange contracts     11,307       $ 4,432,900  
Credit contracts:            
Swaps   7,852   34,718   9,103   39,077   (19,172)  
Options**   100,349   424,331   206,431   702,440    
Equity contracts:            
Financial futures contracts            
Options**   (65,800)   (277,300)   (136,300)   (460,600)    
Total   $ (349,435) $ (1,708,443) $   (282,186) $ (1,267,880)   $ 4,413,728  

* Includes cumulative appreciation/depreciation on financial futures contracts as reported in the Schedules of Investments. Only the current day's margin variation is reported within
the Statements of Assets and Liabilities.
** Options purchased are included in the net realized gain (loss) from investments and net change in unrealized appreciation/depreciation on investments.

64   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the average quarterly balance of outstanding derivative financial instruments was as follows:

  PSW         PSY   BPP     BTZ   BGT  
Financial futures contracts:              
Average number of contracts purchased   51   106   62     200    
Average number of contracts sold   145   662   118     418    
Average notional value of contracts purchased   $10,930,322   $23,116,483   $12,469,701   $   40,429,764    
Average notional value of contracts sold   $17,364,690   $79,179,936   $14,092,133   $   49,943,008    
Foreign currency exchange contracts:              
Average number of contracts — US dollars purchased     1         7  
Average number of contracts — US dollars sold             1  
Average US dollar amounts purchased     $ 348,717         $82,244,485  
Average US dollar amounts sold             $ 407,204  
Average number of option contracts purchased   14   59   11,350,029     38,650,098   26  
Average number of option contracts written              
Average notional value of option contracts purchased   $ 1,750,000   $ 7,375,000   $14,975,000     $   50,900,000   $ 24,514  
Average notional value of option contracts written              
Average number of swaption contracts purchased       1     1    
Average number of swaption contracts written   2   2   3     3    
Average notional value of swaption contracts purchased       $ 1,850,000   $ 6,300,000    
Average notional value of swaption contracts written   $19,300,000   $81,700,000   $44,700,000      $152,500,000    
Credit default swaps:              
Average number of contracts — buy protection       1        
Average number of contracts — sell protection   2   2   2     2    
Average notional value — buy protection       $ 1,725,000        
Average notional value — sell protection   $ 1,857,095   $ 7,961,167   $ 962,500   $ 3,212,500    
Interest rate swaps:              
Average number of contracts — pays fixed rate   2   2   2     2    
Average number of contracts — receives fixed rate       1     1    
Average notional value — pays fixed rate   $ 7,800,000   $33,150,000   $16,150,000       $54,950,000    
Average notional value — receives fixed rate       $ 1,000,000   $ 3,450,000    


3. Investment Advisory Agreement and Other Transactions
with Affiliates:

As of April 30, 2011, the PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (“PNC”), Bank
of America Corporation (“BAC”) and Barclays Bank PLC (“Barclays”) were
the largest stockholders of BlackRock, Inc. (“BlackRock”). Due to the own-
ership structure, PNC is an affiliate of the Funds for 1940 Act purposes, but
BAC and Barclays are not.

Each Fund entered into an Investment Advisory Agreement with BlackRock
Advisors, LLC (the “Manager”), the Funds’ investment advisor, an indirect,
wholly owned subsidiary of BlackRock, to provide investment advisory and
administration services. The Manager is responsible for the management
of each Fund’s portfolio and provides the necessary personnel, facilities,
equipment and certain other services necessary to the operations of each
Fund. For such services, each Fund pays the Manager a monthly fee at the
following annual rates of each Fund’s average daily (weekly for BPP, BTZ
and BGT) net assets (including any assets attributable to borrowings or to
the proceeds from the issuance of Preferred Shares) as follows:

PSW   0.60%  
PSY   0.60%  
BPP   0.65%  
BTZ   0.65%  
BGT   0.75%  


Average daily net assets is the average daily value of each Fund’s total
assets minus the sum of its accured liabilities (other than borrowings
representing financial leverage). Average weekly net assets is the average
weekly value of each Fund’s total assets minus the sum of its liabilities
(other than borrowings representing financial leverage).

The Manager has voluntarily agreed to waive a portion of the investment
advisory fees or other expenses on BGT as a percentage of its average
weekly net assets (including any assets attributable to borrowings or to
the proceeds from the issuance of Preferred Shares) minus the sum of
liabilities (other than borrowings representing financial leverage) as follows:
0.10% for the period September 1, 2010 to August 31, 2011 and 0.05%
for the period September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2012. For the six months
ended April 30, 2011, the Manager waived $231,540, which is included in
fees waived by advisor in the Statements of Operations

The Manager voluntarily agreed to waive its advisory fees by the amount
of investment advisory fees each Fund pays to the Manager indirectly
through its investment in affiliated money market funds, however the
Manager does not waive its investment advisory fees by the amount of
investment advisory fees paid through each Fund’s investment in other
affiliated investment companies, if any. These amounts are included in
fees waived by advisor in the Statements of Operations. For the six months
ended April 30, 2011, the amounts waived were as follows:

PSW   $ 647  
PSY   $2,820  
BPP   $2,875  
BTZ   $9,161  
BGT   $1,378  


The Manager entered into a sub-advisory agreement with BlackRock
Financial Management, Inc. (“BFM”), an affiliate of the Manager. The
Manager pays BFM for services it provides, a monthly fee that is a percent-
age of the investment advisory fees paid by each Fund to the Manager.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   65  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

For the period November 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010, the Funds
reimbursed the Manager for certain accounting services, which are
included in accounting services in the Statements of Operations. The
reimbursements were as follows:

PSW   $ 228  
PSY   $ 1,017  
BPP   $ 2,822  
BTZ   $ 1,330  
BGT   $ 751  


Effective January 1, 2011, the Funds no longer reimburse the Manager for
accounting services.

Certain officers and/or directors of the Funds are officers and/or directors
of BlackRock or its affiliates. The Funds reimburse the Manager for com-
pensation paid to the Funds’ Chief Compliance Officer.

4. Investments:

Purchases and sales of investments including paydowns and payups,
excluding short-term securities and US government securities for the six
months ended April 30, 2011, were as follows:

  Purchases   Sales  
PSW   $ 47,156,602   $ 31,671,600  
PSY   $188,482,250   $116,485,696  
BPP   $ 93,411,240   $ 60,110,630  
BTZ   $299,454,602   $179,835,272  
BGT   $299,338,045   $261,226,217  


Purchases and sales of US government securities for the six months ended
April 30, 2011, were as follows:

  Purchases   Sales  
PSW   $ 2,251,185   $ 21,137,679  
PSY   $ 10,386,258   $ 99,767,639  
BPP   $ 4,943,014   $ 24,571,673  
BTZ   $ 26,010,380   $147,075,351  


5. Commitments:

The Funds may invest in floating rate loan interests. In connection with
these investments, the Funds may also enter into unfunded loan commit-
ments (“commitments”). Commitments may obligate the Funds to furnish
temporary financing to a borrower until permanent financing can be
arranged. In connection with these commitments, the Funds earn a com-
mitment fee, typically set as a percentage of the commitment amount.
Such fee income, which is classified in the Statements of Operations as
facility and other fees, is recognized ratably over the commitment period.
Unfunded loan commitments are marked-to-market daily, and any unreal-
ized appreciation or depreciation is included in the Statements of Assets of

Liabilities and Statements of Operations. As of April 30, 2011, BGT had the
following unfunded loan commitments:

  Unfunded   Value of   Unrealized  
  Loan   Underlying   Appreciation  
Borrower   Commitment   Loan   (Depreciation)  
CII Investments, LLC (FKA Cloverhill),        
Delayed Draw Term Loan   $ 146,972   $ 145,502   $ (1,470)  
Delta Air Lines, Inc., Term Loan B   $2,700,000   $2,667,600   $ (32,400)  
Horizon Lines, LLC   $ 169,014   $ 164,366   $ (4,648)  
inVentiv Health, Inc.        
(FKA Ventive Health, Inc.)   $1,066,667   $1,069,668   $ 3,001  


6. Concentration, Market and Credit Risk:

PSW, PSY, BPP and BTZ invest a significant portion of each of their assets
in securities in the financials sector and BGT invests a significant portion of
its assets in the media sector. Please see the Schedules of Investments for
these securities. Changes in economic conditions affecting the financials
and media sectors would have a greater impact on the Funds and could
affect the value, income and/or liquidity of positions in such securities.

In the normal course of business, the Funds invest in securities and
enter into transactions where risks exist due to fluctuations in the market
(market risk) or failure of the issuer of a security to meet all its obligations
(issuer credit risk). The value of securities held by the Funds may decline
in response to certain events, including those directly involving the issuers
whose securities are owned by the Funds; conditions affecting the general
economy; overall market changes; local, regional or global political,
social or economic instability; and currency and interest rate and price
fluctuations. Similar to issuer credit risk, the Funds may be exposed to
counterparty credit risk, or the risk that an entity with which the Funds have
unsettled or open transactions may fail to or be unable to perform on its
commitments. The Funds manage counterparty credit risk by entering into
transactions only with counterparties that they believe have the financial
resources to honor their obligations and by monitoring the financial stability
of those counterparties. Financial assets, which potentially expose the
Funds to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks, consist principally of
financial instruments and receivables due from counterparties. The extent
of the Funds’ exposure to market, issuer and counterparty credit risks with
respect to these financial assets is generally approximated by their value
recorded in the Funds’ Statements of Assets and Liabilities, less any
collateral held by the Funds.

7. Capital Share Transactions:

PSW and PSY are each authorized to issue 200 million of $0.10 par value
shares, all of which were initially classified as Common Shares. Each Board
is authorized, however, to reclassify any unissued shares without approval
of Common Shareholders. The Boards of PSW and PSY reclassified 5,460
and 22,000 unissued Common Shares as $0.10 par value Preferred
Shares, respectively, none of which are outstanding. There are an unlimited
number of $0.001 par value shares authorized for BPP, BTZ and BGT, which
may be issued as either Common Shares or Preferred Shares.

66   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

Common Shares

As of April 30, 2011, the shares owned by an affiliate of the Manager of
the Funds were as follows:

PSW   8,323  
PSY   8,661  
BTZ   4,817  
BGT   8,239  


For the six months ended April 30, 2011, shares issued and outstanding
increased by the following amounts as a result of dividend reinvestment:

  Six Months    
  Ended   Year Ended  
  April 30,   October 31,  
  2011   2010  
BGT   $25,807   $32,177  


Shares issued and outstanding for the six months ended April 30, 2011
and the year ended October 31, 2010 remained constant for PSW, PSY,
BPP and BTZ, respectively.

Preferred Shares

The Preferred Shares were redeemable at the option of each Fund, in
whole or in part, on any dividend payment date at their liquidation prefer-
ence per share plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends whether or not
declared. The Preferred Shares were also subject to mandatory redemption
at their liquidation preference plus any accumulated and unpaid dividends,
whether or not declared, if certain requirements relating to the composition
of the assets and liabilities of a Fund, as set forth in each Fund’s Articles
Supplementary/Statement of Preferences and/or Certificate of Designation
(the “Governing Instrument”) were not satisfied.

The holders of Preferred Shares had voting rights equal to the holders of
Common Shares (one vote per share) and would vote together with holders
of Common Shares (one vote per share) as a single class. However, the
holders of Preferred Shares, voting as a separate class, were also entitled
to elect two Directors for each Fund. In addition, the 1940 Act requires that
along with approval by shareholders that might otherwise be required, the
approval of the holders of a majority of any outstanding Preferred Shares,
voting separately as a class would be required to (a) adopt any plan of
reorganization that would adversely affect the Preferred Shares, (b) change
a Fund’s sub-classification as a closed-end investment company or change
its fundamental investment restrictions or (c) change its business so as to
cease to be an investment company.

Dividends on seven-day and 28-day Preferred Shares were cumulative
at a rate which is reset every seven or 28 days, respectively, based on the
results of an auction. If the Preferred Shares failed to clear the auction on
an auction date, each Fund was required to pay the maximum applicable
rate on the Preferred Shares to holders of such shares for successive divi-
dend periods until such time as the shares were successfully auctioned.

The maximum applicable rate on the Preferred Shares at the last auction
date was as follows: for PSW, PSY and BGT, the higher of 125% times or
1.25% plus the Telerate/BBA LIBOR rate; or BPP 150% of the interest
equivalent of the 30-day commercial paper rate and for BTZ, the higher of
150% times or 1.25% plus the Telerate/BBA LIBOR rate. The low, high and
average dividend rates for the six months ended April 30, 2011, were as

  Series   Low   High   Average  
PSW   M7   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%  
  T7   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%  
PSY   M7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  T7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  W7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  TH7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  F7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  W28   1.50%   1.51%   1.51%  
  TH28   1.50%   1.52%   1.51%  
BPP   T7   0.30%   0.32%   0.31%  
  W7   0.32%   0.33%   0.32%  
  R7   0.30%   0.38%   0.33%  
BTZ   T7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  W7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  R7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
  F7   1.50%   1.51%   1.50%  
BGT   T7   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%  
  W7   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%  
  R7   1.50%   1.50%   1.50%  


Since February 13, 2008, the Preferred Shares of the Funds failed to clear
any of their auctions. As a result, the Preferred Shares dividend rates were
reset to the maximum applicable rate, which ranged from 0.35% to 1.94%.
A failed auction is not an event of default for the Funds but it has a nega-
tive impact on the liquidity of Preferred Shares. A failed auction occurs
when there are more sellers of a Fund’s auction rate preferred shares
than buyers.

The Funds paid commissions of 0.15% on the aggregate principal amount
of all shares that failed to clear their auctions and 0.25% on the aggregate
principal amount of all shares that successfully cleared their auctions.
Certain broker dealers had individually agreed to reduce commissions for
failed auctions.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   67  


Notes to Financial Statements (continued)

During the six months ended April 30, 2011, the Funds announced the
following redemptions of Preferred Shares at a price of $25,000 per share
plus any accrued and unpaid dividends through the redemption date:

    Redemption   Shares   Aggregate  
  Series   Date   Redeemed   Principle  
PSW   M7   12/07/10   805   $20,125,000  
  T7   12/08/10   805   $20,125,000  
PSY   M7   1/04/11   861   $21,525,000  
  T7   1/05/11   861   $21,525,000  
  W7   1/06/11   861   $21,525,000  
  R7   1/07/11   861   $21,525,000  
  F7   1/10/11   861   $21,525,000  
  W28   1/13/11   1,228   $30,700,000  
  R28   1/28/11   1,228   $30,700,000  
BPP   T7   12/08/10   939   $23,475,000  
  W7   12/09/10   939   $23,475,000  
  R7   12/10/10   939   $23,475,000  
BTZ   T7   1/05/11   2,310   $57,750,000  
  W7   1/06/11   2,310   $57,750,000  
  R7   1/07/11   2,310   $57,750,000  
  F7   1/10/11   2,310   $57,750,000  
BGT   T7   12/08/10   784   $19,600,000  
  W7   12/09/10   784   $19,600,000  
  R7   12/10/10   784   $19,600,000  


All of the Funds, except BGT, financed the Preferred Share redemptions
with cash received from reverse repurchase agreements. BGT financed the
Preferred Share redemption with cash received from a loan.

8. Borrowings:

BGT entered into a senior committed secured, 364-day revolving line of
credit and a separate security agreement (the “SSB Agreement”) with State
Street Bank and Trust Company (“SSB”). The SSB Agreement provides the
Fund with a maximum commitment of $172.2 million. The Fund has
granted a security interest in substantially all of its assets to SSB.

Advances are made by SSB to the Fund, at the Fund’s option of (a) the
higher of (i) 0.8% above the Fed Effective Rate and (ii) 0.8% above the
Overnight LIBOR or (b) 0.8% above 7-day, 30-day, 60-day or 90-day LIBOR.
In addition, the Fund pays a facility fee and a commitment fee based upon
SSB’s total commitment to the Fund. The fees associated with each of the
agreements are included in the Statements of Operations as borrowing
costs. Advances to the Fund as of April 30, 2011 are shown in the
Statements of Assets and Liabilities as loan payable. The SSB Agreement
was renewed for 364 days under substantially the same terms effective
March 3, 2011. The commitment amount was increased from $134 million
to $172.2 million. For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the daily
weighted average interest rate was 1.14%.

BGT may not declare dividends or make other distributions on shares or
purchase any such shares if, at the time of the declaration, distribution
or purchase, asset coverage with respect to the outstanding short-term
borrowings is less than 300%.

For the six months ended April 30, 2011, the daily weighted average inter-
est rates for Funds with reverse repurchase agreements were as follows:

PSW   0.39%  
PSY   0.17%  
BPP   0.35%  
BTZ   0.37%  


68   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Notes to Financial Statements (concluded)

9. Income Tax Information:

As of October 31, 2010, the Funds had capital loss carryforwards available to offset future realized capital gains through the indicated expiration dates:

Expires October 31,   PSW       PSY   BPP   BTZ   BGT  
2011   $ 1,276,621          
2012   10,243,141   $ 62,733,648        
2013   5,058,900   17,911,331        
2014   8,481,628   12,145,117        
2015   6,724,694   19,582,978   $ 18,184,893   $ 49,741,712   $ 3,268,804  
2016   40,232,230   140,413,242   58,197,929   113,355,213   24,616,531  
2017   55,825,534   194,970,854   108,996,120   223,939,227   45,385,443  
2018   4,498,024   37,285,625   15,245,888   15,223,841   16,526,601  
Total   $ 132,340,772   $ 485,042,795   $ 200,624,830   $ 402,259,993   $ 89,797,379  


Under the recently enacted Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010, capital losses incurred by the Funds after October 31, 2011 will not
be subject to expiration. In addition, these losses must be utilized prior to the losses incurred in pre-enactment taxable years.

10. Subsequent Events:

Management’s evaluation of the impact of all subsequent events on the
Funds’ financial statements was completed through the date the financial
statements were issued and the following items were noted:

Each Fund will pay a net investment income dividend on May 31, 2011 to
Common Shareholders of record on May 16, 2011 as follows:

  Per Share  
PSW   $0.0495  
PSY   $0.0535  
BPP   $0.0540  
BTZ   $0.0690  
BGT   $0.0775  


Each Fund will pay a net investment income dividend on June 30, 2011 to
Common Shareholders of record on June 15, 2011 as follows:

  Per Share  
PSW   $0.0495  
PSY   $0.0535  
BPP   $0.0540  
BTZ   $0.0690  
BGT   $0.0775  


SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   69  


Officers and Directors

Richard E. Cavanagh, Chair of the Board and Director
Karen P. Robards, Vice Chair of the Board,
Chair of the Audit Committee and Director
Michael Castellano, Director and Member of the Audit Committee
Richard S. Davis, Director
Frank J. Fabozzi, Director and Member of the Audit Committee
Kathleen F. Feldstein, Director
James T. Flynn, Director and Member of the Audit Committee
Henry Gabbay, Director
Jerrold B. Harris, Director
R. Glenn Hubbard, Director
W. Carl Kester, Director and Member of the Audit Committee
John M. Perlowski, President and Chief Executive Officer
Anne Ackerley, Vice President
Brendan Kyne, Vice President
Neal Andrews, Chief Financial Officer
Jay Fife, Treasurer
Brian Kindelan, Chief Compliance Officer
Ira P. Shapiro, Secretary

Investment Advisor
BlackRock Advisors, LLC
Wilmington, DE 19809

BlackRock Financial Management, Inc.
New York, NY 10022

State Street Bank and Trust Company
Boston, MA 02111

Transfer Agent
Common Shares
Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
Canton, MA 02021

Accounting Agent
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Princeton, NJ 08540

Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Princeton, NJ 08540

Legal Counsel
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
New York, NY 10036

Address of the Funds
100 Bellevue Parkway
Wilmington, DE 19809

Effective November 10, 2010, Ira P. Shapiro became Secretary of the Funds.

Effective February 11, 2011, John M. Perlowski became President and Chief Executive Officer of the Funds.

Effective April 14, 2011, Michael Castellano became a Director of the Funds and a Member of the Audit Committee.

PSW, PSY, BPP and BTZ are managed by a team of investment professionals.
Effective June 1, 2011, Jeffrey Cucunato, Mitchell S. Garfin, CFA and Stephan Bassas
are the Funds’ co-portfolio managers responsible for the day-to-day management of
each Fund’s portfolio and the selection of their investments.

70   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Additional Information

Dividend Policy

The Funds’ dividend policy is to distribute all or a portion of their net
investment income to their shareholders on a monthly basis. In order to
provide shareholders with a more stable level of dividend distributions, the
Funds may at times pay out less than the entire amount of net investment
income earned in any particular month and may at times in any particular
month pay out such accumulated but undistributed income in addition to
net investment income earned in that month. As a result, the dividends paid
by the Funds for any particular month may be more or less than the
amount of net investment income earned by the Funds during such month.
The Funds’ current accumulated but undistributed net investment income, if
any, is disclosed in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities, which com-
prises part of the financial information included in this report.

General Information

On July 29, 2010, the Manager announced that a derivative complaint
had been filed by shareholders of PSY and BTZ on July 27, 2010 in the
Supreme Court of the State of New York, New York County. The complaint
names the Manager, BlackRock, Inc. and certain of the directors, officers
and portfolio managers of PSY and BTZ as defendants. The complaint
alleges, among other things, that the parties named in the complaint
breached fiduciary duties owed to PSY and BTZ and their Common
Shareholders by redeeming auction-market preferred shares, auction
rate preferred securities, auction preferred shares and auction rate securi-
ties (collectively, “AMPS”) at their liquidation preference. The complaint
seeks unspecified damages for losses purportedly suffered by PSY and
BTZ as a result of the prior redemptions and injunctive relief preventing
PSY and BTZ from redeeming AMPS at their liquidation preference in the
future. The Manager, BlackRock, Inc. and the other parties named in the
complaint believe that the claims asserted in the complaint are without
merit and intend to vigorously defend themselves in the litigation.

On November 15, 2010, the Manager announced the intention to redeem
all of the outstanding AMPS issued by five of its taxable closed-end funds:
PSW, PSY, BPP, BTZ, and BGT. All such outstanding AMPS were subsequently
redeemed. The redemptions encompass all remaining taxable AMPS issued
by BlackRock closed-end funds and total approximately $569 million. The
AMPS were redeemed with available cash or proceeds from reverse repur-
chase agreement financing or a credit facility on a fund-by-fund basis and,
in each case, the refinancing resulted in a lower cost of financing for each
fund under then-existing market conditions.

In exchange for the shareholder plaintiff's agreement to withdraw a
previously filed motion for preliminary injunction enjoining any further
redemptions of AMPS, each of these funds agreed to provide the plaintiffs
in those actions with 30 days prior notice of any additional redemptions.

On November 24, 2010, the Manager announced that counsel for the
plaintiffs filed a motion for a preliminary injunction enjoining PSY and BTZ
from redeeming outstanding AMPS pending final resolution of the underly-
ing shareholder derivative suit. The Manager announced that it intends to
vigorously oppose the motion and completed the redemption of AMPS by
PSY and BTZ as previously announced, although the redemption dates for
BTZ and PSY were conditioned upon the absence of any legal impediments
to completing the redemptions as scheduled.

The Funds do not make available copies of their Statements of Additional
Information because the Funds’ shares are not continuously offered, which
means that the Statement of Additional Information of each Fund has not
been updated after completion of the respective Fund’s offerings and the
information contained in each Fund’s Statement of Additional Information
may have become outdated.

During the period, there were no material changes in the Funds’ investment
objectives or policies or to the Funds’ charter or by-laws that would delay or
prevent a change of control of the Funds that were not approved by share-
holders or in the principal risk factors associated with investment in the
Funds. Other than as disclosed on page 70, there have been no changes in
the persons who are primarily responsible for the day-to-day management
of the Funds’ portfolio.

Quarterly performance, semi-annual and annual reports and other informa-
tion regarding the Funds may be found on BlackRock’s website, which can
be accessed at http://www.blackrock.com. This reference to BlackRock’s
website is intended to allow investors public access to information regard-
ing the Funds and does not, and is not intended to, incorporate BlackRock’s
website into this report.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   71  


Additional Information (continued)

General Information (concluded)

Electronic Delivery

Electronic copies of most financial reports are available on the Funds’ web-
sites or shareholders can sign up for e-mail notifications of quarterly state-
ments, annual and semi-annual reports by enrolling in the Funds’ electronic
delivery program.

Shareholders Who Hold Accounts with Investment Advisors, Banks
or Brokerages:

Please contact your financial advisor to enroll. Please note that not all
investment advisors, banks or brokerages may offer this service.


The Funds will mail only one copy of shareholder documents, including
annual and semi-annual reports and proxy statements, to shareholders
with multiple accounts at the same address. This practice is commonly
called “householding” and is intended to reduce expenses and eliminate
duplicate mailings of shareholder documents. Mailings of your shareholder
documents may be householded indefinitely unless you instruct us other-
wise. If you do not want the mailing of these documents to be combined
with those for other members of your household, please contact the Funds
at (800) 441-7762.

Availability of Quarterly Schedule of Investments

Each Fund files its complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC for
the first and third quarters of each fiscal year on Form N-Q. Each Fund’s
Forms N-Q are available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov and

may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in
Washington, DC. Information on how to access documents on the SEC’s
website without charge may be obtained by calling (800) SEC-0330. Each
Fund’s Forms N-Q may also be obtained upon request and without charge
by calling (800) 441-7762.

Availability of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures

A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to
determine how to vote proxies relating to portfolio securities is available
(1) without charge, upon request, by calling (800) 441-7762;
(2) at http://www.blackrock.com; and (3) on the SEC’s website at

Availability of Proxy Voting Record

Information about how each Fund voted proxies relating to securities
held in each Fund’s portfolio during the most recent 12-month period
ended June 30 is available upon request and without charge (1) at
http://www.blackrock.com or by calling (800) 441-7762 and (2) on
the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov.

Availability of Fund Updates

BlackRock will update performance and certain other data for the Funds
on a monthly basis on its website in the “Closed-end Funds” section of
http://www.blackrock.com. Investors and others are advised to periodically
check the website for updated performance information and the release of
other material information about the Funds.

72   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


Additional Information (continued)

Section 19(a) Notices

These reported amounts and sources of distributions are estimates and are not being provided for tax reporting purposes. The actual amounts and sources
for tax reporting purposes will depend upon each Fund’s investment experience during the year and may be subject to changes based on the tax regula-
tions. Each Fund will provide a Form 1099-DIV each calendar year that will explain the character of these dividends and distributions for federal income
tax purposes.

April 30, 2011                  
  Total Cumulative Distributions     % Breakdown of the Total Cumulative  
  for the Fiscal Year     Distributions for the Fiscal Year
    Net Realized              
  Net   Capital     Total Per   Net   Net Realized     Total Per  
  Investment   Gains   Return of   Common   Investment   Capital   Return of   Common  
  Income   Short Term   Capital   Share   Income   Gains   Capital   Share  
PSW   $0.304500       $0.304500   100%     0%   100%  
PSY.   $0.331000       $0.331000   100%     0%   100%  
BPP   $0.329431     $0.007069   $0.336500   98%     2%   100%  
BTZ   $0.392446     $0.031554   $0.424000   93%     7%   100%  
BGT   $0.162336     $0.807664   $0.970000   17%     83%   100%  


PSW, PSY, BPP and BTZ Fund estimates that it has distributed more than the amount of earned income and net realized gains; therefore, a portion of the
distribution may be a return of capital. A return of capital may occur, for example, when some or all of the shareholder’s investment in a Fund is returned to
the shareholder. A return of capital does not necessarily reflect a Fund’s investment performance and should not be confused with ‘yield’ or ‘income’.

SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011   73  


Additional Information (concluded)

BlackRock Privacy Principles

BlackRock is committed to maintaining the privacy of its current and former
fund investors and individual clients (collectively, “Clients”) and to safe-
guarding their non-public personal information. The following information is
provided to help you understand what personal information BlackRock col-
lects, how we protect that information and why in certain cases we share
such information with select parties.

If you are located in a jurisdiction where specific laws, rules or regulations
require BlackRock to provide you with additional or different privacy-related
rights beyond what is set forth below, then BlackRock will comply with those
specific laws, rules or regulations.

BlackRock obtains or verifies personal non-public information from and
about you from different sources, including the following: (i) information we
receive from you or, if applicable, your financial intermediary, on applica-
tions, forms or other documents; (ii) information about your transactions
with us, our affiliates, or others; (iii) information we receive from a consumer
reporting agency; and (iv) from visits to our websites.

BlackRock does not sell or disclose to non-affiliated third parties any non-
public personal information about its Clients, except as permitted by law
or as is necessary to respond to regulatory requests or to service Client
accounts. These non-affiliated third parties are required to protect the
confidentiality and security of this information and to use it only for its
intended purpose.

We may share information with our affiliates to service your account or to
provide you with information about other BlackRock products or services
that may be of interest to you. In addition, BlackRock restricts access
to non-public personal information about its Clients to those BlackRock
employees with a legitimate business need for the information. BlackRock
maintains physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that are designed
to protect the non-public personal information of its Clients, including pro-
cedures relating to the proper storage and disposal of such information.

74   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT   APRIL 30, 2011  


This report is transmitted to shareholders only. It is not a prospectus. Past performance results shown in this report should not be

considered a representation of future performance. The Funds leverage their Common Shares, which creates risk for Common

Shareholders, including the likelihood of greater volatility of net asset value and market price of Common Shares, and the risk that

fluctuations in short-term interest rates may reduce the Common Shares’ yield. Statements and other information herein are as dated

and are subject to change.

Item 2 – Code of Ethics – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 3 – Audit Committee Financial Expert – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 4 – Principal Accountant Fees and Services – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 5 – Audit Committee of Listed Registrants – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 6 – Investments
(a) The registrant’s Schedule of Investments is included as part of the Report to
Stockholders filed under Item 1 of this Form.
(b) Not Applicable due to no such divestments during the semi-annual period covered since
the previous Form N-CSR filing.

Item 7 – Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies and Procedures for Closed-End Management
Investment Companies – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

Item 8 – Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies
(a) Not Applicable to this semi-annual report
(b) As of the date of this filing, there have been no changes in any of the portfolio managers
identified in the most recent annual report on Form N-CSR.

Item 9 – Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management Investment Company and
Affiliated Purchasers – Not Applicable

Item 10 – Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders – There have been no material
changes to these procedures.

Item 11 – Controls and Procedures

(a) – The registrant’s principal executive and principal financial officers, or persons
performing similar functions, have concluded that the registrant’s disclosure controls and
procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
amended (the “1940 Act”)) are effective as of a date within 90 days of the filing of this
report based on the evaluation of these controls and procedures required by Rule 30a-3(b)
under the 1940 Act and Rule 13a-15(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as

(b) – There were no changes in the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting (as
defined in Rule 30a-3(d) under the 1940 Act) that occurred during the second fiscal quarter
of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to
materially affect, the registrant’s internal control over financial reporting.

Item 12 – Exhibits attached hereto

(a)(1) – Code of Ethics – Not Applicable to this semi-annual report

(a)(2) – Certifications – Attached hereto

(a)(3) – Not Applicable

(b) – Certifications – Attached hereto

12(c) – Notices to the registrant’s common shareholders in accordance with 1940 Act Section 19(a)
and Rule 19a-1 1

1 The Fund has received exemptive relief from the Securities and Exchange Commission permitting it
to make periodic distributions of long-term capital gains with respect to its outstanding common
stock as frequently as twelve times each year, and as frequently as distributions are specified by or in
accordance with the terms of its outstanding preferred stock. This relief is conditioned, in part, on an
undertaking by the Fund to make the disclosures to the holders of the Fund’s common shares, in
addition to the information required by Section 19(a) of the 1940 Act and Rule 19a-1 thereunder. The
Fund is likewise obligated to file with the SEC the information contained in any such notice to
shareholders and, in that regard, has attached hereto copies of each such notice made during the

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by
the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV

By: /S/ John M. Perlowski
John M. Perlowski
Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of
BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV

Date: July 5, 2011

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment
Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf
of the registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.

By: /S/ John M. Perlowski
John M. Perlowski
Chief Executive Officer (principal executive officer) of
BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV

Date: July 5, 2011

By: /S/ Neal J. Andrews
Neal J. Andrews
Chief Financial Officer (principal financial officer) of
BlackRock Credit Allocation Income Trust IV

Date: July 5, 2011

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