Sony Corporation

Sony Corporation ("Sony") resolved at a meeting of the Executive Board held
today to separate and transfer the operation of Network Application & Contents
Service Sector F Project to a newly established company, FeliCa Networks, Inc.
("FeliCa Networks") on January 7, 2004.

FeliCa Networks will become a joint venture company of Sony and NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
in late January 2004 through the issuance of new shares.

1. Purpose of the separation

Sony began developing FeliCa in 1988, and business use of the technology became
widespread following the deployment of the technology in Hong Kong transport
systems in 1997. FeliCa is now used in JR East's Suica(R) system, as well as in
a number of transport systems around the world. Other applications include the
"Edy" electronic money service, the "eLIO" online credit service and various
company/organizational ID security systems. At present, 38 million cards using
FeliCa chips have been issued worldwide.

This new company will develop the technology for a new IC chip, tentatively
named "mobile FeliCa IC", that will integrate mobile phones with the FeliCa
technology. This new company will then implement production and sales licensing
agreements with chip manufacturers, and work to create a platform whereby
content providers can offer mobile services that feature both flexibility and
security. The mobile FeliCa IC and service platform will be developed in an open
environment and provided to the widest possible range of mobile
telecommunications operators and content providers.

Through the operations of this new company, Sony aims to strengthen the market
and also create new technological opportunities within the mobile phone sector.
At the same time, they will energetically promote the FeliCa technology service
platform in order to become a pillar of the rapidly emerging world of
contactless IC services.

2. Overview of the separation

(1) Schedule of the separation

November 28, 2003 Executive Board meeting to approve separation plan

January 7, 2004 Date of separation

January 7, 2004 Registration of separation

*Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1 of Article 374-6 of the Commercial Code,
Sony shall perform the separation without approval of the separation agreement
by its shareholders.

(2) Method of the separation

1. Method

Sony will separate a part of its business and the new company, FeliCa Networks
will take over the separated part of the business.

2. Reason for adopting this method

This method was chosen because it was determined to be the most efficient means
by which to transfer the relevant business.

(3) Allocation of shares

The new company will issue 85,000 shares of common stock, and will allocate all
of them to Sony.

(4) Rights and obligations to be taken over by the new company

The following items (i) and (ii) are taken over by the new company.

(i) Assets (excluding intellectual property rights) relating to the business to
be separated and transferred, which are considered necessary for the new company
to operate.

(ii) Contracts and agreements which are considered necessary for the new company
to operate, and any and all of the assets (excluding the assets specified in
item (i), if any), liabilities, rights and responsibilities under such contracts
and agreements.

Regarding intellectual property rights related to the business to be separated
and transferred, which are owned and separately designated by Sony, Sony grants
to the new company a license, subject to the terms and conditions separately
agreed upon by Sony and the new company.

(5) Prospects of paying debt obligations

Based on the projected financial statement as of January 7, 2004, both Sony and
the new company have significantly more assets than liabilities. Additionally,
both companies are expected not to post any significant revenue declines or long
term consecutive losses from their operations after the separation that are
serious enough to affect their financial capability to pay their respective debt
obligations. Therefore, Sony believes that both Sony and the new company can pay
the debt obligations that will come due after the separation.

(6) Newly Appointed Directors of the new company

The newly appointed directors and corporate auditors of the company established
by the separation are as follows:

Representative Director: Soichi Kawachi

Director: Yoji Tanii, Masayuki Nozoe, Nobuyuki Ooneda, Naoto Terakawa

Statutory Auditor : Hiromi Matsumoto, Yoshiki Matsuyama

3. Summary of parties

(1)    Trade name             Sony Corporation               FeliCa Networks, Inc.
                             (Separate Company)                  (New Company)
(2)    Field of       Manufacture and sale of          Mobile FeliCa IC chip development
 business              electronic and electrical        and production/sales licensing,
                       machines and equipment           Operation of Mobile FeliCa
                                                        service platform
(3)    Date of        May 7, 1946                      January 7, 2004
(4)    Location of    7-35, Kitashinagawa 6-chome,     11-1, Kitashinagawa 1-chome,
 head office           Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo              Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
(5)    Representative Nobuyuki Idei,                   Souichi Kawachi,
                      Representative Corporate         Representative Director
                       Executive Officer
(6)    Share capital YEN480,261 million                YEN10 million
(7)    Total number of
 shares issued and    929,488,030 shares               85,000 shares
(8)    Shareholders' YEN1,849,256 million              YEN79 million
(9)    Total assets  YEN3,663,008 million              YEN79 million
(10)    Date of       March 31                         March 31
(11)    Number of                                      about 50
 employees             17,730
(12)    Major         Affiliated manufacturing and     Mobile telecommunications
 customers             sales companies inside and       operators and content providers
                       outside Japan
(13)    Major         1 Moxley &                       Sony Corporation         100%
 shareholders and      Co.                       12.8%
 voting rights ratios 2 Japan Trustee Services Bank,
                       Ltd. (Trust
                       Account)                   5.0%
                      3 The Chase Manhattan Bank,
                      N. A.
                       London                     3.4%
                      4 The Master Trust Bank of Japan,
                       Ltd. (Trust
                       Account)                   2.9%
                      5 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
                       Corporation                1.3%
(14)    Main banks    Sumitomo Mitsui Banking          Sumitomo Mitsui Banking
                       Corporation, The Bank of Tokyo-  Corporation and others
                       Mitsubishi, Ltd. and others

(Note) The summary of Sony is as of September 30, 2003, while the summary of
FeliCa Networks, Inc. is what is forecast to be the case as of January 7, 2004.

(15) Business results for the three most recent years (unit: millions of yen)

                                                      Sony Corporation
                                                     (Separate Company)
Fiscal year ended on                       2001/3/31         2002/3/31         2003/3/31
Net sales                                  3,007,584         2,644,195         2,526,264
Operating income (loss)                       50,458           (52,994)         (136,644)
Ordinary income (loss)                        81,502            (6,122)          (29,525)
Net income (loss)                             45,002            29,635            (4,868)
Net income (loss) per share (yen)              49.18             32.22             (5.46)
Dividends per share (yen)                         25                25                25
Shareholders' equity per share
 (yen)                                      2,021.33          2,024.10          1,968.62

4. Description of the business to be separated

(1) Business of the Network Application & Contents Service Sector F Project

Mobile FeliCa IC chip development and production/sales licensing

Operation of FeliCa service platform

(2) Assets and liabilities of the business to be separated (forecast for January
7, 2004)

(unit: millions of yen)

           Assets                   Liabilities
                79                           0

5. Circumstances after separation

(1) Trade name Sony Corporation

(2) Field of business Manufacture and sale of electronic and electrical machines
and equipment

(3) Location of head office 7-35, Kitashinagawa 6-chome, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo

(4) Representative Nobuyuki Idei, Representative Corporate Executive Officer

(5) Share capital This separation will not effect the amount of Sony's share

(6) Total assets This separation will not have a material effect on Sony's total

(7) Date of settlement March 31

(8) Effect on business results This separation will not have a material effect
on Sony's business results.


Sony Corporation
Corporate Communications
TEL: 03-5448-2200