3 years ago
Would you consider this a run up? No News Yet.
I am guessing some people are loading up for expected India drug announcements, volume has been good on canadian exchange
Quiet on US side
Lots of info coming out to show that IV is effective, the DOD emails pretty much make fauci a lying bureaucrat who has been compromised, and our govt health shut it down, so much for govt trying to help their people
If Mountain Valley is successful with IV in India they can go alot of places quickly with this, just need that Approval
3 years ago
Maybe alot of that selling is done because the volume the past week has been on the buy side.
In past they would have 2-3 days of buy to move price then start the selling, Today over million shares traded in first hour and just over 70% are buys, that looks like a positive sign.
They have been working on and finished project in India, they set up a company to make product over there, just waiting for official word from India Health that its a go. My opinion is Problem is big pharma doesnt want any progress on anything associated with i-vermectin so politics and big pharme money are holding up public release.
So many covid cures and early treatment are being slow walked by authorities so big pharma can sell experimental mrna vax drug, really sad how compromised our health system has become
3 years ago
Expecting a run before pull back, expecting some India news, that is what I am betting on,
This is one of my hype stocks, one where people are waiting for some news for it to move, with no real revenues they rely on the hype, hope, sizzle. They have possibilities so this may be fun
i dont think dennis or anyone else would start selling until after news, even though too many shares are out there many sales have occurred in past yr so a lower average price may give holders some time
I also think the risk is low at this level
3 years ago
This may start waking up, better volume today with a tick up
Shareholder Update had lots of clues on positive developments, maybe he cannot confirm some items however they are moving forward with two main items.
1 Moving forward with more trials on cancer, so to me that means they dont have any negative issues to hold back further work. I view this as positive.
2 moving forward on setting up supply for India as he basically says they expect India Health approval. probably does not have anything official but said the testing/trials are finished so he knows the results and says they will commercialize in India, I view that as positive.
I think we will see a reversal here and expect more news that will support this price level.
Will have to hope He has cash to fund actions and does not dilute this stock until later, after all the confirming news
4 years ago
Watchin the Ivermectin train picking up more passengers.
Dr. Ozaki, The chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Association, recently led an emergency press conference on August 13, Dr. Haruo Ozaki to say they will use ivermectin to help with their increase in covid positive people because he has seen in other countries that it helps.
As More issues with mass vax come out, the voice for early treatment is getting stronger. Look for Florida to Not threaten anyone for Ivermectin.
MV needs to work harder to make some noise, needs the PR & results he has been promising from India so that the selling slows down and potentially waits until this price is higher.
4 years ago
News will carry this one for the next two months. I understand what you are saying and agree if this was a typical manufacturing company with no ability to have a break through event. Logic would not buy this, I would not look at this one and would agree they are releasing shares, as well as the block trading appears to be non retail. Since I have bot in I have been looking at the canadian exchange trading instead of this OTC version. I thought I was buying in near the bottom of the selling, so I find I am buying more at the lower price.
My confidence is high this will turn up with news instead of fundamentals.
For me this is a short term play, 2-3 months, to see how much the good news will carry this one. I think this is an easy double from here. Lots of covid/medical stock have had big runs. This one is starting to catch some press. Then we will see if the ceo can run a company and justify the value.
4 years ago
Good question, I think most of shares sold recently, that took this from the high of $2 to now were debt holders and shareholders.
Shareholders who exercised cheap warrants, showing below news and people who bought in the private placement in Dec.
news release dated January 11, 2021 and up to February 11, 2021 , 26,421,592 additional warrants were exercised for gross proceeds of approximately $9,247,557 , for combined total gross proceeds of approximately $10,641,456 .
Insiders have about 4% with options to increase that.
Latest round of options were for $2.04
Some companies take on debt to finance operations, this one appears to sell shares to finance operations.
Good news is they have cash to fund the studies and do business in India, Brazil, South Africa
Next is execution of trials and publishing results
4 years ago
They need PR Firm? to better publicize their patents and pipeline of products?
The share structure does not bother me, 328 mil outstanding, add few options.
If their India deals start generating revenue then 3-370 mil shares will not look bad especially if the mgmt is holding 10+% of the stock, good incentive, but still the number of shares will not be bad in big picture -IF THEY DELIVER REVENUE.
This we will learn in next two months. Then its buy more or dump it.
This guy can be looked at with skepticism but maybe he was just practicing before. Now he actually has something, patented tech.
He is actually putting other people to work on this in the company so its not a one man show. If it was just him I may be worried or not here, but there are other people with incentive to perform and make things happen.
One of the few benefits Small companies have is throwing around lots of shares to get things done. Again as long as the revenue is coming we will be all good.
At .60 I see minimal risk with this and easily going over the 300 mil market cap if the expected news is good, so I am betting on a double within 60 days, thats my investment