RNS No 5495j
8th June 1998



Particulars of the Loan Notes

The #100,000,000 Floating Rate Guaranteed Unsecured 
Loan Notes 2002 of the Offeror will be created by a 
resolution of the Board of the Offeror or a duly authorised 
committee thereof and will be constituted by a Loan Note 
Instrument (the "Loan Note Instrument") executed as a deed 
by the Offeror and Lucent.  The issue of the Loan Notes is 
conditional on the Offer becoming or being declared 
unconditional in all respects. The Loan Note Instrument will 
contain provisions, inter alia, to the following effect:

1.     The Loan Notes will be issued by the Offeror in 
       amount and integral multiples of #1 in nominal 
       amount and will constitute unsecured obligations of 
       the Offeror. The Loan Note Instrument will not 
       contain any restrictions on borrowing, disposals or 
       charging of assets by the Offeror. If valid 
       elections for the Loan Note Alternative would not 
       result in at least #1 million in nominal value of 
       Loan Notes being issued, no Loan Notes will be 
       issued unless the Board of the Offeror otherwise 

2.     Payment of principal and interest on the Loan Notes 
       and all obligations of the Offeror under the Loan 
       Note Instrument will be unconditionally guaranteed 
       by Lucent (the "Guarantor") as provided in the Loan 
       Note Instrument.

3.     Interest on the Loan Notes will be payable (subject 
       to any requirement to deduct tax therefrom) 
       semi-annually in arrears on 30 June and 31 December 
       in each year or, if such a day is not a business 
       day, on the immediately preceding business day 
       ("Interest Payment Dates") except that the first 
       payment of interest on the Loan Notes will be made 
       on 31 December, 1998, in respect of the period from 
       and including the date of issue of the relevant 
       Loan Notes up to but excluding 31 December, 1998. 
       The period from and including the date of first 
       issue of the Loan Notes up to but excluding 31 
       December, 1998 and the period from and including 
       that or any subsequent Interest Payment Date up to 
       but excluding the next following Interest Payment 
       Date is herein called an Interest Period.

4.       (a)  The rate of interest on the Loan Notes for 
              each Interest Period will be the rate per 
              annum which is  one half of one per cent. 
              below LIBOR. For these purposes, LIBOR 

              (i)    the rate per annum of the offered 
                     quotation for six-month sterling 
                     deposits which appears on Telerate 
                     Page 3750 soon after 11.00am on the 
                     first business day of the relevant 
                     Interest Period; or

              (ii)   if no such offered quotation appears 
                     on Telerate Page 3750 at or about 
                     such time (or there is then no such 
                     Telerate Page 3750), the arithmetic 
                     mean (rounded upwards, if necessary, 
                     to four decimal places) of the 
                     offered quotations for six-month 
                     sterling deposits which appear on 
                     the Reuters Screen "LIBO" page (or 
                     such other page(s) as may replace 
                     the "LIBO" page for the purpose of 
                     displaying offered rates of leading 
                     reference banks in London for 
                     inter-bank sterling deposits) soon 
                     after 11.00am providing the rate as 
                     at 11.00am on the first business 
                     day of the relevant Interest Period; 

              (iii)  if no such offered quotation 
                     appears on the Telerate Page 3750 
                     (or there is then no such Telerate 
                     Page 3750) and no such offered 
                     quotations appear on the Reuters 
                     Screen "LIBO" page or such 
                     replacement page(s) as aforesaid 
                     (or there is then no such "LIBO" 
                     page nor any replacement therefor), 
                     such rate at which National 
                     Westminster Bank plc (or, failing 
                     which, such other London clearing 
                     bank as the Offeror may select for 
                     this purpose) is offering six-month 
                     sterling deposits to prime banks in 
                     the London inter-bank market at or 
                     about 11.00am on the first business 
                     day of the relevant Interest Period.

       For the purposes of this definition, "Telerate Page 
       3750" means the display designated as "Page 3750" 
       on the Telerate Service (or such other page as may 
       replace Page 3750 on that service or such other 
       service as may be nominated by the British Bankers' 
       Association as the information vendor for the 
       purpose of displaying British Bankers' Association 
       Interest Settlement Rates for sterling deposits).

       (b)    If a rate of interest cannot be established 
              in accordance with the provisions of 
              sub-paragraph (a) above for any Interest 
              Period, the rate of interest on the Loan 
              Notes for that Interest Period shall be the 
              same as that applicable to the Loan Notes 
              during the previous Interest Period, unless 
              such prime bank in the London inter-bank 
              market as the Offeror shall reasonably 
              select for the purpose shall have been 
              prepared to offer a rate as aforesaid, in 
              which case the rate of interest for the 
              relevant Interest Period shall be 
              determined on the basis of the rate so 

5.     Each instalment of interest shall be calculated on 
       the basis of a 365 day year and the number of days 
       elapsed in the relevant Interest Period.

6.     A holder of Loan Notes (a "Noteholder") may require 
       the Offeror to repay the whole or any part (being 
       #500 nominal or any integral multiple thereof) of 
       the principal amount of his/her holding of Loan 
       Notes at par, together with accrued interest 
       (subject to any requirement to deduct tax 
       therefrom) up to but excluding the date of 
       repayment, on any Interest Payment Date, from and 
       including 31 December, 1998 and thereafter on any 
       Interest Payment Date falling prior to 30 June, 
       2002 by giving not less than 30 days' prior notice 
       in writing to the Offeror accompanied by the 
       certificate(s) for all the Loan Notes to be repaid 
       and a notice of redemption.

7.     If, at any time, the principal amount of all Loan 
       Notes outstanding equals or is less than #500,000 
       or 10 per cent, of the total nominal amount of Loan 
       Notes issued in connection with the Offer, the 
       Offeror shall be entitled on giving the remaining 
       Noteholders not less than 30 days' notice in 
       writing expiring on any Interest Payment Date 
       after 30 June, 2000 to redeem all (but not some 
       only) of the Loan Notes at par together with 
       accrued interest (subject to any requirement to 
       deduct tax) up to but excluding the date of 

8.     The Offeror will have the right to redeem the Loan 
       Notes at par on any Interest Payment Date after 30 
       June, 2000 on 30 days' written notice if interest 
       payable under the Loan Notes is reasonably expected 
       by the Offeror to fall to be treated as a 
       distribution for corporation tax purposes.

9.     Any Loan Notes not previously repaid, redeemed or 
       purchased will be repaid in full at par on 30 June, 
       2002, together with accrued interest (subject to 
       any requirement to deduct tax) up to but excluding 
       that date.

10.    Each Noteholder will be entitled to require all or 
       part of the Loan Notes held by that Noteholder to 
       be repaid at par together with accrued interest 
       (subject to any requirement to deduct any tax) if:

       (a)    any principal or interest on any of the 
              Loan Notes held by that Noteholder is not 
              paid in full within 30 days after the due 
              date for payment; or

       (b)    an order is made or an effective resolution 
              is passed for the winding-up or dissolution 
              of the Offeror or the Guarantor (other than 
              for the purposes of a reconstruction, 
              amalgamation, merger or members' voluntary 
              winding-up in the case of the Offeror, on 
              terms previously approved by extraordinary 
              resolution (as defined in the Loan Note 
              Instrument) and, in the case of the 
              Guarantor, not involving insolvency); or

       (c)    an encumbrancer takes possession of, or a 
              trustee, receiver, administrator or similar 
              officer is appointed or an administration 
              order is made in respect of, the whole or 
              substantially the whole of the undertaking 
              or property of the Offeror or the 
              Guarantor and such person has not been paid 
              out or discharged within 30 days.

11.    The Offeror may at any time purchase any Loan Notes 
       at any price by tender (available to all 
       Noteholders alike), private treaty or otherwise by 
       agreement with the relevant Noteholder(s).

12.    Any Loan Notes repaid, redeemed or purchased by the 
       Offeror, the Guarantor or any subsidiary of the 
       Guarantor will be cancelled and will not be 
       available for re-issue.

13.    The Loan Notes will be evidenced by certificates 
       and will be registered and transferable in amounts 
       or integral multiples of #500, provided that 
       transfers of Loan Notes will not be registered 
       during the 14 days immediately preceding an 
       Interest Payment Date or while the register of 
       Noteholders is closed.

14.    The Noteholders will have power by extraordinary 
       resolution of the Noteholders passed in accordance 
       with the provisions of the Loan Note Instrument or 
       by resolution in writing signed by holders of not 
       less than 75 per cent. by value of the outstanding 
       Loan Notes, inter alia, to sanction any abrogation, 
       modification or compromise or arrangement in respect 
       of their rights against the Offeror and/or the 
       Guarantor and to assent to any amendment of the 
       provisions of the Loan Note Instrument. The Offeror 
       may, with the consent of its financial advisers, 
       amend the provisions of the Loan Note Instrument, 
       without such sanction or consent, if such amendment 
       is of a formal, minor or technical nature or to 
       correct a manifest error.  Any wholly owned UK 
       subsidiary of the Guarantor may be substituted for 
       the Offeror as principal obligor in respect of the 
       Loan Notes without the sanction or consent of the 
       Noteholders provided that the Notes continue to be 
       guaranteed on an unconditional basis by the 
       Guarantor and provided that to the extent that such 
       substitution results in a disposal by any 
       Noteholders for the purposes of UK taxation, the 
       Offeror will hold such Noteholders indemnified in 
       respect of any UK taxation suffered in consequence 
       of such disposal.

15.    No application has been made or is intended to be 
       made to any stock exchange for the Loan Notes to be 
       listed or otherwise traded.

16.    The Loan Notes and the Loan Note Instrument will be 
       governed by and construed in accordance with English 


Financial and Other Information on the Offer

1. Bases and Sources

       (i)    Unless otherwise stated, financial 
              information concerning Lucent and SDX has 
              been derived from the published annual 
              report and accounts and interim and 
              quarterly statements of the relevant 
              company for the relevant periods.

       (ii)   The value of the Offer is based on 
              approximately 35.5 million SDX shares in 
              issue, together with approximately 2.6 
              million SDX shares subject to options under 
              the SDX Share Option Schemes.

       (iii)  The closing middle market price of SDX 
              shares is derived from the London Stock 
              Exchange Daily Official List for the 
              relevant date.

2. Financial Effects of Acceptance of the Offer

The following tables show, for illustrative purposes only 
and on the bases and assumptions set out in the notes 
below, the financial effects of acceptance on capital value 
and income for a holder of one SDX share if the Offer 
becomes or is declared unconditional in all respects.

A.       Increase in Capital Value

                         As at 7 May 98   As at 2 January 98            
                             (p)                 (p)

Cash consideration     (i)  326.0               326.0
Market value of        (ii) 295.5         (iii) 202.5
one SDX share            __________          __________
Increase in                  30.5               123.5
capital value
This represents an           10.3%               61.0%
increase of

B.       Effect on Income

                         As at 5 June 98

Income from            (iv) 18.55
cash consideration     
Dividend income from   (v)   3.25
one SDX share             ________      
Increase in income          15.30
This represents an         470.8%  
increase of


       (i)    Cash consideration inclusive of 1.0p (net) 
              interim dividend for the financial year 
              ending 31 October, 1998.

       (ii)   Based on the middle market quotation of an 
              SDX share of 295.5p as derived from the 
              London Stock Exchange Daily Official List at 
              the close of business on 7 May, 1998, the 
              last business day prior to the announcement 
              on 8 May, 1998 that SDX had received an 
              approach which might or might not develop 
              into an offer being made for SDX.

       (iii)  Based on the middle market quotation of an 
              SDX share of 202.5p as derived from the 
              London Stock Exchange Daily Official List at 
              the close of business on 2 January, 1998.

       (iv)   The income from the cash consideration has 
              been calculated on the assumption that the 
              cash including the 1.0 p (net) interim 
              dividend for the financial year ending 31 
              October, 1998 is re-invested to yield 5.69 
              per cent. per annum, being the gross yield 
              shown by the FTSE Actuaries average gross 
              redemption yield for medium coupon British 
              Government securities of five to fifteen 
              years on 5 June, 1998, the last business 
              day prior to this announcement, as 
              published in the Financial Times on 6 June, 

       (v)    The gross dividend income from one SDX 
              share is based on the aggregate dividends 
              of 2.6p (net) per SDX share being the total 
              of the 1.6p (net) final dividend for the 
              financial year ended 31 October, 1997 and 
              the 1.0p (net) interim dividend for the 
              financial year ending 31 October, 1998, 
              together, in each case, with an associated 
              tax credit at 20/80th of the amount paid.

       (vi)   No account has been taken of the Loan Note 
              Alternative or of any liability to 



The following definitions apply throughout this 
announcement unless the context requires otherwise:

"Board" or "Boards"         the Boards of Lucent and/or 
                            the Offeror and/or SDX as 
                            the context requires.

"City Code"                 The City Code on Takeovers 
                            and Mergers.

"Companies Act"             the Companies Act 1985 (as 

"Dresdner Kleinwort Benson" Kleinwort Benson Securities 

"Form of Acceptance"        the Form of Acceptance and 
                            authority relating to the 
                            Offer accompanying the 
                            Offer Document.

"LIBOR"                     London Interbank Offered 
                            Rate for six month sterling 
                            deposits as more 
                            particularly defined in 
                            paragraph 4 (a) of Appendix 

"Loan Note Alternative"     the alternative whereby SDX 
                            shareholders (other than 
                            certain overseas 
                            shareholders) validly 
                            accepting the Offer may 
                            elect to receive Loan Notes 
                            in lieu of all or part of 
                            the cash consideration to 
                            which they would otherwise 
                            have been entitled under 
                            the Offer.

"Loan Notes"                the floating rate 
                            guaranteed unsecured loan 
                            notes 2002 of the Offeror.

"Lucent"                    Lucent Technologies Inc.

"Lucent Group"              Lucent and its subsidiaries 
                            and subsidiary 

"Morgan Stanley"            Morgan Stanley & Co. 

"NYSE"                      The New York Stock 

"Offer"                     the recommended offer to 
                            be made by Morgan Stanley 
                            on behalf of Lucent or one 
                            of its wholly owned 
                            subsidiaries to acquire all 
                            of the SDX shares, 
                            including where the context 
                            so requires, any subsequent 
                            revision, variation, 
                            extension or renewal of such 
                            offer, and subject to the 
                            conditions set out herein.

"Offer Document"            the document to be 
                            dispatched to SDX 
                            shareholders containing the 
                            full terms and conditions 
                            of the Offer.

"Offeror"                   Lucent or the wholly owned 
                            subsidiary of Lucent on 
                            whose behalf the Offer is 

"Panel"                     The Panel on Takeovers and 

"SDX"                       SDX Business Systems plc.

"SDX Group"                 SDX and its subsidiaries 
                            and subsidiary undertakings.

"SDX Share Option Schemes"  the existing share option 
                            schemes of SDX, comprising 
                            the SDX Business Systems 
                            Discretionary Share Option 
                            Scheme, the SDX Business 
                            Systems Savings Related 
                            Share Option Scheme and 
                            the outstanding options 
                            granted between 1995 and 
                            1996 to certain employees 
                            of the SDX Group to 
                            subscribe SDX shares.

"SDX shares"                the ordinary shares of 
                            nominal value of 5p each in 
                            the capital of SDX on the 
                            date hereof and any further 
                            such shares which are 
                            unconditionally allotted or 
                            issued prior to the date on 
                            which the Offer closes (or 
                            such earlier date, not 
                            being earlier than the date 
                            on which the Offer becomes 
                            or is declared unconditional 
                            as to acceptances or, if 
                            later, the first closing 
                            date of the Offer, as 
                            Lucent may, subject to the 
                            provisions of the City 
                            Code, decide).

"UK" or "United Kingdom"    the United Kingdom of Great 
                            Britain and Northern 

"US"                        the United States of 
                            America, its territories 
                            and possessions, any state 
                            of the United States and 
                            the District of Columbia.

"Wider Lucent Group"        the Lucent Group and any 
                            company, joint venture or 
                            partnership or firm in 
                            which any member of the 
                            Lucent Group may be 
                            interested, directly or 
                            indirectly, in 20 per cent. 
                            or more of the equity 

"Wider SDX Group"           the SDX Group and any 
                            company, joint venture or 
                            partnership or firm in 
                            which any member of the SDX 
                            Group may be interested, 
                            directly or indirectly, in 
                            20 per cent. or more of the 
                            equity capital.

For the purposes of this announcement, "subsidiary" and 
"subsidiary undertaking" have the respective meanings given 
by the Companies Act.



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