RNS Number:4440Z
Irish Life & Permanent PLC
08 March 2006

                           IRISH LIFE & PERMANENT PLC

                            Preliminary Announcement

                          Year ended 31 December 2005


Statutory Basis (IFRS)

EU law requires that the consolidated financial statements of the group be
prepared in accordance with International Financial Accounting Standards
("IFRS") as adopted for use within the EU.

The statutory basis applies IFRS to all operations including the application of
IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts' to the group's life assurance operations. The group
has availed of the deferred transitional date in respect of IAS 39 'Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement', IAS 32 'Financial Instruments:
Disclosure and Presentation' and IFRS 4 'Insurance Contracts' and therefore has
not restated 2004 statutory comparatives for the impact of these IFRSs. IFRS 4
allows insurance contracts to continue to be accounted for under previous GAAP
as adjusted for any changes which results in more relevant and reliable
information. As a consequence of this the results for the group's insurance
contracts continue to be prepared under embedded value methodologies as
described below.

The pro-forma comparatives for 2004 have been prepared to show what the impact
of these IFRSs would have been had they been applied in 2004.

The statutory basis accounts are included on pages 28 to 35.

Embedded Value basis (EV)

The EV basis shows the results of the group's life assurance operations (both
insurance and investment contracts) prepared in accordance with the European
Embedded Value (EEV) Principles issued in May 2004 by the European Chief
Financial Officers' Forum. Life assurance operations were previously presented
in accordance with the Association of British Insurers' paper of December 2001
'Supplementary Reporting for Long Term Insurance Business (The Achieved Profits
Method)'. 2004 results have been restated to reflect the change in basis of
calculation to EEV.

The results of all other operations are prepared in accordance with IFRSs. 2004
results have been restated to reflect this. In order to provide more meaningful
comparison, this restatement also includes the main impacts of IAS 39 and IAS
32. The IASB has given a deferred transition date for these IFRSs under which
2004 results can continue to be reported on an ROI GAAP basis.

The group has focused on the EV basis, as it believes that EV is a more
realistic measure of the performance of life businesses than the statutory IFRS
basis. The EV basis is used throughout the group to assess performance, and it
is also the measure used by the investment community to assess the performance
of life businesses.

The EV basis results are included on pages 3 to 27.

                              Financial Highlights

                          Year ended 31 December 2005

                                                    2005             2004      Growth
EV Basis                                                                            %

Profit after tax                                   Euro475m            Euro427m          11

Total EPS                                       176 cent         158 cent          11

Operating profit before tax                        Euro420m            Euro387m           9

Operating EPS                                   135 cent          124cent           9

Statutory Basis 1

Profit after tax                                   Euro353m            Euro353m           -

EPS on continuing activities                    134 cent         132 cent           2

New loans issued                                 Euro9.8bln          Euro8.0bln          22

Lending book                                    Euro26.2bln         Euro21.1bln          24

Mortgage loan book (Ireland)                    Euro17.8bln         Euro14.5bln          22

Life new business
- APE                                              Euro388m            Euro310m          25
- PVNBP                                          Euro2,571m          Euro2,091m          23

Life and investment new business
- APE                                              Euro520m            Euro470m          11
- PVNBP                                          Euro3,890m          Euro3,692m           5

Final Dividend per share                       42.8 cent        38.5 cent          11

Total Dividend                                 60.5 cent        55.0 cent          10

1 The statutory comparative information is the pro-forma statutory information,
  which together with the statutory comparatives is disclosed on page 30.

Commenting on the results David Went, Group Chief Executive said:

"We're reporting another year of strong out-performance in our businesses for
2005. Each of our key business units performed strongly. The life business is
now leading the market in terms of distribution reach, efficiency and
innovation. The banking business posted a very strong lending figure for the
year while also successfully establishing itself as the destination of choice
for switching current account customers. The broader economy continues to
provide a perfect environment for our businesses and we're confident of posting
another successful performance in the current year."

                                    EV Basis

                         Commentary on Results EV basis

                    Consolidated Income Statement - EV Basis

                      For the year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                         2005             2004

                                                                           Eurom               Eurom

Operating profit on continuing operations

Insurance and investment business                                         222              192
Banking                                                                   148              139
Other                                                                     (4)                -
                                                                          366              331

Share of associate                                                         54               56
Operating profit before tax on continuing operations                      420              387

Short-term investment fluctuations                                         94               26

Effect of economic assumption changes                                      13               30

Other credits                                                               4               21
Profit before tax                                                         531              464

Taxation                                                                 (16)             (33)

Government levy                                                          (12)             (12)
Profit after tax before discontinued operations                           503              419

(Loss)/profit after tax on discontinued operations                       (26)               10
                                                                          477              429

Minority interest                                                         (2)              (2)
Total profit after tax                                                    475              427


The profit after tax before discontinued operations increased 20% to Euro503m from
Euro419m in 2004 principally reflecting strong life embedded value earnings and a
reduced life tax charge in the year.

At operating profit level earnings increased by 9% to Euro420m from Euro387m in 2004.
This growth principally reflects the increase of 16% in the contribution from
the group's life assurance activities driven by strong growth in new business
profits which were ahead 62% to Euro94m. Banking profits which were ahead 6% to
Euro148m from Euro139m in 2004 were negatively impacted by Euro7m in trading losses in
the first half of the year which arose on positions which, under IFRS, fall to
be mark to market. Excluding this item underlying pre-tax profits in the bank
were ahead 10%.

The post tax contribution from the group's holding in Allianz (Ireland), a
general insurance business, was Euro54m compared to Euro56m reported in 2004. This
reflects a strong underwriting result, which includes prior year reserve
releases, in continuing favourable market conditions and the impact of the good
investment markets which prevailed throughout the year.

The growth in investment markets in 2005 resulted in positive short term
investment fluctuations of Euro94m (2004: Euro26m). This principally reflects the
boost to unit-linked management fees as a result in the growth in policyholder
funds which have benefited from the strong investment markets in 2005.

The 2005 outcome also includes a positive impact of Euro13m arising from changes to
the economic assumptions used to calculate the life assurance embedded value
(2004: Euro30m). This principally reflects the impact of a reduction in the risk
discount rate used to compute the embedded value from 6.7% to 6.5% and which
reflected a reduction in euro gilt rates.

The taxation charge of Euro16m is made up of a Euro42m charge on life and banking
operating profits - giving an effective tax rate of 11% - offset by a deferred
tax credit of Euro26m principally related to the short term investment fluctuations
of Euro94m. This offset reflects the reinstatement of certain tax credits which
were not previously regarded as recoverable within the EV assumptions.

The bank levy charge of Euro12m which has been a feature of the group's tax charge
for the past three years will not recur going forward.

The 2005 outcome includes a loss after tax of Euro26m which was incurred on the
disposal of City of Westminster Assurance, the group's closed life assurance
business in the UK, which is reported below the line as a loss after tax on
discontinued operations. The sale of this company occurred on 2 June 2005 for a
consideration, after transaction costs, of Euro63m. The loss arising on the
disposal of Euro26m includes a profit of Euro2m arising in the period up to the date
of disposal.

The total profit after tax for the year ended 31 December 2005 was Euro475m, an 11%
increase on the 2004 outcome of Euro427m.

Banking Business

The results of the group's banking business for the year ended 31 December 2005
are set out below:
                                                                        2005              2004
                                                                          Eurom                Eurom
Net interest income                                                      377               349
Other income                                                              40                39
Trading income                                                           (4)                 6

                                                                         413               394

Administrative expenses                                                (255)             (245)
Impairment provisions                                                   (12)              (10)

Operating profit before tax and exceptional items                        146               139

Investment gains                                                          13                 -
Exceptional costs                                                       (11)                 -
                                                                         148               139

The operating profit before tax and exceptional items generated by the group's
banking business increased 5% to Euro146m from Euro139m in 2004. The 2005 outcome was
negatively impacted by trading losses of Euro7m which arose on positions marked to
market under IFRS. These positions were closed out in the first half of the
year. These losses could not be offset by Euro12m of gains which arose on the
closing out of interest rate positions on transition to IAS39 and which are
required to be amortised over three years. Excluding this negative item, the
underlying pre-tax operating profit in the bank was ahead 10%.

Net interest income rose 8% to Euro377m from Euro349m in 2004 driven by continued
strong growth in new lending and current account balances which offset the
impact of increased levels of wholesale funding on the net interest margin.

The net interest margin in 2005 was 1.29% which compares with a margin of 1.40%
in 2004. The principal reason for the reduction in margin was, as expected, the
requirement to fund the growth in new lending and associated 25% liquidity
requirement largely in the wholesale money markets.

Total loans and advances to customers at 31 December 2005 were Euro26.2bln, 24%
ahead of the outstanding balances of Euro21.1bln at 31 December 2004. Total gross
new lending at Euro9.8bln was 22% ahead of 2004 (Euro8.0bln) with the growth in
balances over the principal business lines as follows:

                                               2005                 2004               Growth
                                                 Eurom                   Eurom                    %

Mortgage lending Ireland*                    17,774               14,551                   22
Consumer finance                              1,617                1,381                   17
Commercial lending                            1,415                1,249                   13
                                             20,806               17,181                   21

Mortgage lending - UK (#Stg)*                 3,710                2,756                   35

Total lending (Eurom)                           26,220               21,090                   24

* Including securitised mortgages

The Irish mortgage market continued to be extremely buoyant in 2005. Total gross
new mortgages issued were Euro6.3bln, a 28% increase on the Euro5.0bln issued in 2004.
Irish residential mortgage balances outstanding increased by 22% to Euro17.8bln
compared to Euro14.6bln in 2004.

In the UK mortgage demand was also robust with Capital Home Loans, the group's
centralised mortgage lender, issuing Stg#1.4bln in gross new mortgages in 2005
which was 6% ahead of the Euro1.3bln issued in 2004. Mortgage balances outstanding
in the UK rose 35% to Stg#3.7bln from Stg#2.8bln at 31 December 2004.

New consumer finance loans, which largely relate to new car finance issued
through permanent tsb finance, were Euro959m, up 28% from Euro748m in 2004. The
consumer finance loan book increased 17% to Euro1.6bln from Euro1.4bln at 31 December
2004. New commercial loans issued were ahead 8% to Euro383m compared to Euro353m in
2004 and the commercial finance portfolio at 31 December 2005 was Euro1.4bln, up
13% compared to 2004 (Euro1.2bln).

Customer account balances increased 10% to Euro12.8bln from Euro11.6bln in 2004.

Other income at Euro40m compares to Euro39m in 2004 and reflects a modest level of
growth in current account and related fee income following on from the very
successful fee-free current account marketing strategy in which the bank engaged
in 2005. A total of 67,000 new current accounts were opened in the bank in 2005
leading to a 27% increase in current account balances which grew to Euro2.2bln.

Other income reported in the bank includes no contribution from bancassurance
sales, the earnings from which are included in the pre-tax profit reported in
the group's life assurance activities. Sales of life and pensions products in
2005 were Euro65m on an APE basis, an increase of 20% on 2004. Pre-tax operating
profits achieved on the bancassurance book of life business in 2005 were Euro46m,
up 26% on the 2004 level of Euro37m.

Trading income for 2005 was a negative Euro4m compared to a positive Euro6m achieved
in 2004. The 2005 outcome arose due to certain positions taken in financial
instruments which fall to be accounted on a mark to market basis under IFRS.
These positions were closed out in the first half of the year and generated
trading losses of Euro7m. These losses could not be offset by gains of Euro12m which
also arose in the first half of the year, and which reflected the closing of
certain interest rate positions as part of the transition of the balance sheet
to meet the hedging requirements of IAS39. Instead these gains fall to be
amortised to net interest income over three years. Accordingly the losses in the
first half can be regarded as non-recurring and were reduced by Euro3m of trading
profits in the second half of the year.

Administrative expenses increased 4% to Euro255m from Euro245m in 2004. Included in
the 2005 outcome is a charge of Euro3m in respect of the cost of employee share
options under IFRS2. Excluding this item cost growth of 3% compares favourably
with the level of underlying salary inflation within the Irish economy. Cost
management continues to be a key focus within the bank in 2006.

Impairment provisions against loans in 2005 were Euro12m compared to Euro10m in 2004
and reflect the very good credit quality which prevails within all of the
group's loan portfolios, where realised bad debt losses are insignificant.
Provisions held against the portfolios continue to be conservative,
notwithstanding the write back of general provisions necessitated by IAS39, with
reserves of Euro52m compared to an arrears of Euro38m at 31 December 2005.

Exceptional costs of Euro11m reflect the costs of a restructuring plan which is
presently underway in the bank. The objective of the plan is to improve the cost
efficiency and sales capability of the organisation. It is anticipated that the
restructuring plan will be completed in 2006 and that it will have a significant
positive impact on costs and revenues going forward.

Investment gains of Euro13m represent an uplift in the value of investment
properties which are held by the bank.

Insurance and Investment Business

The results of the group's insurance and investment business presented on an EV
basis for the year ended 31 December 2005 are set out below:
                                                                         2005             2004

                                                                           Eurom               Eurom

New business contribution                                                  94               58

Contribution from in-force business

Expected return
In-force                                                                   74               69
Net worth                                                                  20               19

Experience variances                                                       15               11
Assumption changes (net of development expenditure)                        19               35
                                                                          128              134
Operating profit before tax                                               222              192

The operating profit before tax on the group's life business was Euro222m in the
year ended 31 December 2005, a 16% increase on 2004. This reflects a 62%
increase in the new business contribution which improved to Euro94m from Euro58m in
2004 and which more than offset a 4% reduction in the contribution from the
in-force business which was principally due to a Euro16m reduction in the level of
assumption changes falling from Euro35m in 2004 to Euro19m in 2005.

The expected return on the in-force book increased 7% from Euro69m to Euro74m as the
growth in the book offset the reduction in the risk discount rate. The expected
return on net worth relates to earnings on shareholder assets including solvency
capital and is calculated by reference to the assumed long term returns on
equities and property combined with the actual earnings on short-term cash. The
return of Euro20m in 2005 is in line with 2004.

Experience variances were positive at Euro15m compared to Euro11m in 2004 with strong
risk experience achieved during the year on both mortality and morbidity.

The retail business successfully completed the Horizon project during 2005. The
core objective of this project was a fundamental redesign of the business
process to achieve operational efficiencies and leveraged use of this newer
technology. In the year ended 2005 development expenditure of Euro8m (2004: Euro4m) on
the project was written off against assumption changes as additional synergy
gains arising from the deployment of the technology and the migration of
policies from older systems were realised during the year. The capitalised
impact of these synergy gains, a positive Euro8m in 2005 (2004: Euro4m), has been
recognised as a positive change in operating assumptions.

The other operating assumption changes (excluding Horizon impacts) of Euro19m in
2005 principally relate to continued sustained improvements in morbidity
experience and improved cost efficiencies within the business. These
improvements have been capitalised within the embedded value. The operating
assumption changes in 2004 of Euro35m principally related to the capitalisation of
improved mortality experience.

The assumptions underlying the embedded value continue to be prudent.

New Business

The new business contribution for the year ended 31 December 2005 increased 62%
to Euro94m from Euro58m in 2004. The principal reason for this significant uplift in
new business contribution was a 25% increase in life new business sales
(excluding ILIM) to Euro388m on an APE basis in 2005 combined with improved new
business margins and a favourable product mix.

Overall new business margins, excluding ILIM, were 20.4% compared to 14.9% in
2004. Including ILIM new business margins were 18.1% (2004: 12.4%) made up as
                                                                2005                        2004
                                                                   %                           %

Life                                                            20.4                        14.9

Investment (ILIM)                                               11.4                         7.6

                                                                18.1                        12.4

A number of factors including a favourable product mix, improved pricing on
protection products and lower unit selling costs all combined to drive life
margins in excess of 20% compared to the group's target of 17%. The increase in
investment margins is largely due to the mix of business as 2004 sales included
a number of very large low margin mandates.

APE sales in the group's principal life businesses are summarised below:

                                             2005                 2004                    Growth
                                               Eurom                   Eurom                         %

Retail Life                                   238                  178                        34
Corporate Life                                130                  111                        17
Irish Life International                       20                   21                       (5)

                                              388                  310                        25
Investment (ILIM)                             132                  160                      (18)

                                              520                  470                        11

APE sales are calculated as annual value of regular premiums plus 10% of the
value of single premiums

When calculated on the basis of present value of new business premiums ("PVNBP")
margins improved from 1.6% in 2004 to 2.4% in 2005 which is broadly the same
order as the improvement under the APE basis.

The PVNBP margin is as follows:
                                                                2005                        2004
                                                                   %                           %

Life                                                             3.1                         2.2

Investment (ILIM)                                                1.1                         0.8

                                                                 2.4                         1.6

PVNBP sales in each of the group's principal life businesses are set out below:

                                              2005                 2004                  Growth
                                                Eurom                   Eurom                       %

Retail Life                                  1,602                1,207                      33
Corporate Life                                 772                  678                      14
Irish Life International                       197                  206                     (4)

                                             2,571                2,091                      23
Investment (ILIM)                            1,319                1,601                    (18)

                                             3,890                3,692                       5

PVNBP sales are calculated as total single premiums plus the discounted value of
regular premiums expected to be received over the term of the contracts

Retail Life

In a very favourable environment, retail sales increased 34% on an APE basis
(33% on the PVPBP basis) to Euro238m from Euro178m in 2004.

Sales were strongly ahead across all product lines and distribution channels
with growth in investment (up 29%) pensions (up 36%) and protection products (up
26%) being particularly strong. The group believes that this strong sales
performance has improved its overall market share position in 2005.

A notable milestone in the retail business in 2005 was the completion of the
Horizon project. This project, which commenced in 2002, was an unqualified
success and has led to significant efficiency improvements across the whole of
the retail business.

Corporate Life

Market conditions continued to be very favourable for the group's corporate life
business in 2005 with continued strong growth in employment and salaries in the
Irish economy. New business sales on an APE basis were ahead 17% to Euro130m from
Euro111m in 2004 (PVNBP growth was 14%). The business achieved particularly good
growth in risk products together with strong growth in defined contribution
increments and additional voluntary contributions.

Investment Management

In 2005 ILIM were confirmed as the top performing pension fund manager in
Ireland over the previous three years. On foot of this investment performance
ILIM generated inflows of Euro1.3bln in 2005. This compares to gross inflows of
Euro1.6bln in 2004 which included a number of very large mandates. As a result of
the strong new business inflows and good investment performance funds under
management grew 24% to Euro26.4bln from Euro21.3bln at 31 December 2004.

Capital and Liquidity

The group's capital and liquidity position continued to be strong. The Tier 1
total capital ratio at 31 December 2005 was 12.6% (31 December 2004: 11.2%)
while the liquidity ratio within the group's banking business was 26% (31
December 2004: 25%). The solvency margin in Irish Life Assurance plc, the
group's principal life business was covered 1.7 times by available assets (31
December 2004: 1.7 times).


The directors have proposed a final dividend of 42.8 cent per share. Subject to
shareholder approval the dividend will be paid on 31 May 2006 to shareholders on
the register as at 28 April 2006. The ex-dividend date is 26 April 2006. The
final dividend will bring the total dividend for the year to 60.5 cent, an
increase of 10% on the 2004 total dividend of 55.0 cent per share. The dividend
is covered 2.9 times by total profit (2.2 times at the operating profit level)
and represents an approximate yield of 3.2% on the basis of the share price at
the beginning of March 2005.

For further information contact:

Name             Telephone No.     Mobile No.          Email address

Barry Walsh      353 1 7042678     087 681 8157        barry.walsh@irishlife.ie
David McCarthy   353 1 8563050     087 256 7292        david.mccarthy@irishlife.ie

Ray Gordon       353 1 6788330     087 241 7373        ray@mrpakinman.ie

Consolidated Income Statement - EV basis
Year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                 Notes       2005          2004
                                                                               Eurom            Eurom
Operating profit on continuing operations
     Insurance & investment business                                          222           192
     Banking                                                                  148           139
     Other                                                                    (4)             -
                                                                              366           331
     Share of associate                                                        54            56

Operating profit before tax on continuing operations               1          420           387

Short-term investment fluctuations                                             94            26
Effect of economic assumption changes                                          13            30
Other credits                                                      2            4            21

Profit before tax                                                             531           464

Taxation                                                           5         (28)          (45)

Profit for the year on continuing operations                                  503           419

(Loss)/profit after tax on discontinued operations                 3         (26)            10

(Loss)/profit for the year                                                    477           429

Attributable to
     Equityholders                                                            475           427
     Minority interest                                                          2             2
                                                                              477           429

Earnings per share including own shares held for the benefit of
life assurance policyholders (cent)                                13       175.7         158.4

Operating earnings per share including own shares held for the
benefit of life assurance policyholders (cent)                     13       135.4         124.2

Consolidated Balance Sheet - EV basis
As at 31 December 2005

                                                                                2005         2004
                                                                     Notes        Eurom           Eurom
   Cash and other receivables                                                    299          243
   Investments                                                                23,966       20,436
   Loans and receivables to banks                                              6,421        4,508
   Loans and receivables to customers                                 11      26,340       21,133
   Interest in associated undertaking                                            167          136
   Reinsurance assets                                                          2,023        1,738
   Shareholder value of in-force business                                      1,103          940
   Net post retirement benefit asset                                              71           66
   Goodwill and other intangible assets                                          258          251
   Property and equipment                                                        404          318
   Other debtors                                                                 426          353

   Total assets                                                               61,478       50,122

   Customer accounts                                                          12,808       11,597
   Deposits by bank                                                            2,281        1,249
   Debt securities in issue                                                   15,226       10,879
   Non-recourse funding                                                        2,232        2,193
   Derivative liabilities                                                        221          131
   Insurance contract liabilities                                              4,082        4,148
   Investment contract liabilities                                            19,806       15,895
   Outstanding insurance and investment claims                                   110          115
   Net post retirement benefit liability                                         158          172
   Deferred Taxation                                                              25            -
   Other liabilities                                                             404          453
   Subordinated liabilities                                                    1,385          951

   Total liabilities                                                          58,738       47,783

   Share capital                                                                  87           86
   Share premium                                                                  74           52
   Profit and loss account                                                       749          536
   Non-distributable reserves                                                  1,691        1,594
   Capital reserves                                                              203          125
   Own shares held for the benefit of life assurance policyholders              (76)         (64)
   Shareholders' equity                                                7       2,728        2,329
   Minority interest                                                              12           10

   Total equity                                                                2,740        2,339

   Total liabilities and equity                                               61,478       50,122

Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense - EV Basis

Year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                            2005            2004
                                                                              Eurom              Eurom

   Revaluation of property & equipment                                        71               -

   Deferred tax                                                            (12 )               -

   Net amount recognised directly in equity                                   59               -

   Profit for the year                                                       477             429

   Total recognised income and expense for the year                          536             429

   Attributable to
   Equityholders                                                             534             427
   Minority interest                                                           2               2

                                                                             536             429

Consolidated Reconciliation of Shareholders Equity - EV Basis

Year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                            2005            2004
                                                                              Eurom              Eurom

   Shareholders' equity at 1 January (restated)                            2,329           2,053

   Income and expenses attributable to equityholders                         534             427

   Movement in cost of own shares held for the benefit of                   (12)            (10)
   life assurance policyholders

   Dividends paid                                                          (152)           (142)

   Issue of share capital                                                     23               1

   Change in share based payment reserves                                      6               -

   Shareholders' equity at 31 December                                     2,728           2,329

Basis of Preparation

Earnings generated by the group's life assurance operations are prepared in
accordance with the European Embedded Value (EEV) Principles issued in May 2004
by the European Chief Financial Officers' Forum. For businesses other than life
assurance the results have been prepared based on the requirements of the IFRS
issued by the IASB and adopted by the EU.

IFRS 4 brings into force phase 1 of the International Accounting Standard
Board's ("IASB") insurance accounting project. In view of the phased
implementation of IFRS for insurance business, the group believes that
shareholders will continue to place considerable reliance on embedded value
information relating to the life assurance business. The statutory financial
information includes insurance contracts written in the life assurance business
based on embedded value earnings calculated using the EEV principles developed
by the European CFO forum. The methodology produces an Embedded Value (EV) as a
measure of the consolidated value of shareholders' interests in the business
covered by the EEV Principles. The EV basis financial information extends these
principles to investment contracts written in the life assurance business.

The group's results were previously prepared on an ROI GAAP basis under which
life assurance operations were presented in accordance with the Association of
British Insurers' paper of December 2001 'Supplementary Reporting for Long Term
Insurance Business (The Achieved Profits Method)'.

The results for 2004 were restated in July 2005 to reflect the new reporting
basis, copies of these restatements are available from the group's website (
www.irishlifepermanent.ie). These restatements do not constitute the company's
statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2004 which were prepared under

For all business other than that specifically referred to below, the statements
incorporate the same values and earnings included in the primary financial
statements, determined using the IFRS bases. The statements also reclassify and
summarise the information included in the primary financial statements and
restate policyholders' liabilities in respect of own shares consistent with the
recognition of the asset.

This section sets out the methodology used to produce the EV basis information.
The Directors acknowledge their responsibility for the preparation of the
supplementary information.

In accordance with IFRS 1, First Time Adoption of International Financial
Reporting Standards, in arriving at the underlying preliminary IFRS information
that forms the starting point for the supplementary information, no adjustments
have been made for any changes in estimates made at the time of approval of the
ROI GAAP statutory financial statements on which the IFRS financial information
is based.

The life assurance results have been prepared in conjunction with the Group's
consulting actuaries - Watson Wyatt Limited.

Covered Business

The EEV Principles are applied to value "covered business" as defined by the
Principles. This includes individual and group life assurance and investment
contracts, pensions and annuity business written in Irish Life Assurance plc,
Irish Life International Limited and City of Westminster Assurance Company
Limited up to the date of its disposal, and the investment management business
written in Irish Life Investment Managers.

All business other than the covered business is included in the supplementary
information on the same basis as that applied to the business in the primary
financial statements.

Under EV, the same valuation approach is applied to both insurance and
investment contracts within the covered business.

Embedded Value

Embedded Value (EV) is the present value of shareholders' interests in the
earnings distributable from assets allocated to the covered business after
sufficient allowance is made according to the EEV Principles for the aggregate
risks in the covered business. The EV consists of the following components:

   *free surplus allocated to the covered business

   *required capital, less the cost of holding required capital

   *present value of future shareholder cash flows from in-force covered
    business (PVIF), including an appropriate deduction for the time value of
    financial options and guarantees.

The value of future new business is excluded from the EV.

The cost of holding required capital is defined as the difference between the
amount of the required capital and the present value of future releases,
allowing for future investment returns, of that capital.

Free Surplus and Required Capital

Free surplus is defined as the market value of assets in the covered business
less supervisory liabilities less required capital. It is the market value of
any capital and surplus allocated to, but not required to support, the in-force
covered business at the valuation date.

The level of required capital reflects the amount of assets attributed to the
covered business in excess of that required to back regulatory liabilities whose
distribution to shareholders is restricted. The EEV Principles require this
level to be at least the level of solvency capital at which the local
supervisory authority is empowered to take action and any further amount that
may be encumbered by local supervisory restrictions. In light of this the
Directors have set the level of required capital to be 150% of the regulatory
minimum solvency margin requirement at the valuation date, including the
additional margin required under the Solvency 1 rules. The Directors consider
this to be a conservative level of capital to manage the covered business,
allowing for the supervisory basis for calculating liabilities, the insurance
and operational risks inherent in the underlying products and the methods used
to value financial options and guarantees included in those products.

New Business

New business premiums reflect income arising from the sale of new contracts
during the reporting period. Increases to premiums that are generated by
policyholders at their discretion are included in new business as they occur.
Increases to renewal premiums on group pension contracts are treated as new
business premiums.

The new business contribution is the present value of future shareholder
cashflows arising from the new business premiums written in the period less a
deduction if relevant for the time value of financial options and guarantees.
The contribution makes full allowance for the associated amount of required
capital and includes the value of expected renewals on new contracts.

The EEV Principles require a measure of the present value of future new business
premiums (PVNBP) to be calculated and expressed at the point of sale. The PVNBP
is equivalent to the total single premiums plus the discounted value of regular
premiums expected to be received over the term of the contracts using the same
economic and operating assumptions used for calculating the new business
contribution. The new business margin reported under EEV is defined as the ratio
of the new business contribution to PVNBP.

Projection Assumptions

Projections of future shareholder cash flows expected to emerge from covered
business are determined using realistic assumptions for each component of cash
flow and for each policy group. Future economic and investment return
assumptions are based on period end conditions. The assumed discount and
inflation rates are consistent with the investment return assumptions.

The assumptions for demographic elements, including mortality, morbidity,
persistency and expense experiences, reflect recent operating experiences and
are reviewed annually. Allowance is made for future improvements in annuitant
mortality based on experience and externally published data. Favourable changes
in operating experience are not anticipated until the improvement in experience
has been observed.

All costs relating to the covered business are allocated to that business. The
expense assumptions used for the projections therefore include the full cost of
servicing the business. The costs include future depreciation charges in respect
of certain property and equipment included in the free surplus. Certain group
costs allocated to the life company are not included within the cash flow
projections and are accounted for on an annual basis in the other group results.

Risk Discount Rate

The risk discount rate is a combination of a base risk-free rate and a risk
margin, which reflects the residual risks inherent in the covered business,
after taking account of prudential margins in the supervisory liabilities, the
required capital and the specific allowance for financial options and

The Group has adopted a bottom-up approach to the determination of the risk
discount rate. Each element of risk is assessed in turn and a cost is reflected
as an addition to the base risk-free discount rate. The risk discount rate
derived in this way reflects the risk of volatility associated with the cash
flows in the embedded value model.

The key assumptions are set out in note 15.

The market risk margin neutralises the effect of assuming future investment
returns in excess of the base risk-free rate.

The non-market risk margin is based on an estimate of the impact of each of the
following risks - mismatch risk, credit risk, demographic risks including
mortality, morbidity, persistency and expense risks, operational risk and
liquidity risk.

An allowance is made for the diversification effect in that each of the risks is
not expected to occur simultaneously. Financial options and guarantees are
explicitly valued using a market-consistent approach and no further risk
allowance is included for these in the risk discount rate. The non-market risk
margin was determined by the Directors following a review of the estimates
emerging from the above exercise.

Financial Options and Guarantees

Under the EEV Principles an allowance for the time value of financial options
and guarantees ("FOG") is required where a financial option exists which is
exercisable at the discretion of the policyholder. The time value of an option
reflects the additional value inherent in the option due to the potential for
the option to increase in value prior to its expiry date, usually due to
movements in the market value of assets. The value of an option based on market
conditions at the date of the valuation is referred to as the intrinsic value.

Allowance is made for the intrinsic value of FOGs in the supervisory liabilities
and the cost is reflected in the PVIF. An explicit deduction is made to the PVIF
to allow for the impact of future variability of investment returns on the cost
of FOGs (time value). The time value of FOGs is calculated using stochastic
models calibrated on a market consistent basis.

The main financial options and guarantees and the assumptions used to value them
are described in note 15.

Service Companies

All services relating to the covered business are charged on a cost recovery


The projections include on a discounted basis all tax that is expected to be
paid under current legislation, including tax that would arise if surplus assets
within the covered business were eventually to be distributed.

Analysis of Profit

The profit from the covered business is analysed into three main components:

*   New business contribution

The contribution from new business written in the period is calculated as at the
point of sale using assumptions applicable at the start of the period. This is
then rolled forward to the end of the financial period using the risk discount
rate applicable at the start of the reporting period.

*   Profit from existing in-force business

The profit from existing business is calculated using opening assumptions and

Interest at the risk discount rate on the value of in-force business allowing
for the timing of cash-flows ("expected return");

Experience variances: when calculating embedded values it is necessary to make
assumptions regarding future experiences including persistency (how long
policies will stay in force), risk (mortality and morbidity), future expenses
and taxation. Actual experience may differ from these assumptions. The impact of
the difference between actual and assumed experience for the period is reported
as experience variances;

Operating assumption changes: the assumptions on which embedded values are
calculated are reviewed regularly. Where it is considered appropriate in the
light of current or expected experience to change any assumptions regarding
expected future experience, the impact on total value of in-force business of
any such change is reported as an "operating assumption change".

*   Expected investment return

The expected investment earnings on the net assets attributable to shareholders
are calculated using the future investment return assumed at the start of the
period with the exception of cash returns which is based on the actual return

Two further items make up the total profit arising from the covered business:

*   Short term investment fluctuations

This is the impact on the EV of differences between the actual investment return
and the expected investment return assumptions assumed at the start of the

*   Effect of economic assumption changes

This is the impact on the EV of changes in external economic conditions
including the effect changes in interest rates have on risk discount rates and
future investment return assumptions.

Notes to the 2005 EV basis financial information

Year ended 31 December 2005

1.  Operating Profit before tax
                                                                              2005       2004
                                                                                Eurom         Eurom
    Insurance & investment business
        New business contribution                                               94         58
        Profit from existing business
        - Expected return                                                       74         69
        - Experience variances                                                  15         11
        - Operating assumption changes                                          27         39
        Development expenditure                                                (8)        (4)
        Expected investment return                                              20         19
        Operating profit before tax                                            222        192

        Net interest income                                                    377        349
        Non-interest income                                                     40         39
        Trading Income                                                         (4)          6
                                                                               413        394
        Administrative expenses including depreciation                       (255)      (245)
        Impairment losses on loans and receivables                            (12)       (10)
                                                                               146        139
        Investment return                                                       13          -
        Restructuring costs                                                   (11)          -
        Operating profit before tax                                            148        139

    Other activities
        Non-interest income                                                     46         48
        Administrative expenses including depreciation                        (50)       (48)
        Operating loss before tax                                              (4)          -

    Share of associate                                                          54         56

    Total operating profit                                                     420        387

2.  Other Charges/Credits

(a) Disposal of property and equipment

In 2005 the group disposed of a number of properties occupied by the group and
realised a profit before tax of Euro4m (2004: Euro2m).

(b) Sale of Irish Estates Management

In December 2004 the group disposed of its property management subsidiary Irish
Estates Management Limited, the results for 2004 include Euro19m profit arising on
this disposal.

3.  Discontinued Operations

On 2 June 2005 the group disposed of its UK life assurance subsidiary City of
Westminster Assurance Company Limited. The net proceeds were Euro63m, this compares
to a carrying value at date of disposal of Euro91m. The results for the period to
disposal (a profit of Euro2m) together with the loss on disposal are shown in the
income statement as discontinued operations. 2004 results have also been
reclassified to discontinued operations.

4.  Life and investment new business

    Life business (continuing operations)
                                                                                 2005       2004
                                                                                   Eurom         Eurom
            Present value of new business premiums (PVNBP)

            Single premium                                                      1,313      1,029
            Regular premium                                                       255        207
            Regular premium capitalisation factor                                 4.9        5.1

            PVNBP                                                               2,571      2,091

            Annual Premium Equivalent (APE)                                       388        310

            New business contribution                                              79         46

            New business margin
            PVNBP                                                                3.1%       2.2%
            APE                                                                 20.4%      14.9%


            Present value of new business premiums (PVNBP)                      1,319      1,601

            Annual Premium Equivalent (APE)                                       132        160

            New business contribution                                              15         12

            New business margin
            PVNBP                                                                1.1%       0.8%

            APE                                                                 11.4%       7.6%

    Total new business

            Present value of new business premiums (PVNBP)                      3,890      3,692

            Annual Premium Equivalent (APE)                                       520        470

            New business contribution                                              94         58

            New business margin
            PVNBP                                                                2.4%       1.6%
            APE                                                                 18.1%      12.4%

5.  Taxation
                                                                               2005          2004
                                                                                 Eurom            Eurom
        Life operations
        Operating profit                                                       (16)          (15)
        Short term investment fluctuations                                       31            18
        Economic assumptions                                                    (5)          (10)
                                                                                 10           (7)
        Operating profit                                                       (26)          (25)
        Other operations                                                          -             -
        Taxation on the disposal of property and equipment                        -           (1)
                                                                               (16)          (33)
        Government levy on financial institutions                              (12)          (12)
                                                                               (28)          (45)

6.   Analysis of profit after tax on continuing activities
                                                                         Year to 31 December 2005
                                                                        Gross         Tax       Net
                                                                           Eurom          Eurom        Eurom
          Operating profit
          Insurance and investment business                               222        (16)       206
          Banking                                                         148        (26)       122
          Other                                                           (4)           -       (4)
          Share of associate                                               54           -        54
                                                                          420        (42)       378
          Short term investment fluctuations                               94          31       125
          Effect of economic assumption changes                            13         (5)         8
          Other credits/charges                                             4           0         4
          Government levy on financial institutions                         -        (12)      (12)
                                                                          531        (28)       503

7.   Shareholders' Equity
                                                                              2005             2004
                                                                                Eurom               Eurom

          Insurance and investment business                                  1,853            1,689

          Banking                                                              561              350

          Other activities                                                      37               30

          Associate Undertakings                                               167              136

          Goodwill                                                             198              198

                                                                             2,816            2,403

          Minority interest                                                   (12)             (10)

          Deduction in respect of own shares held for the benefit             (76)             (64)
          of life assurance policyholders

          Shareholders' equity                                               2,728            2,329

7.   Shareholders' Equity continued

Investment and insurance assets are analysed as follows
                                                                           2005               2004
                                                                             Eurom                 Eurom
   Property                                                                  80                 93
   Equities                                                                  10                 11
   Debt securities                                                            4                 20
   Deposits                                                                 613                528
   Other assets and liabilities                                              43                 97
                                                                            750                749
   Shareholders' value of in-force business                               1,103                940
                                                                          1,853              1,689

Analysis of movement in shareholders equity attributable to investment and
insurance business

                                                                      Year ended 31 December 2005
                                                                  Net Worth         VIF       Total
                                                                         Eurom          Eurom          Eurom
    Shareholders' equity as at 1 January 2005                           749         940       1,689
    Operating profit after tax on continuing operations                  84         122         206
    Short term investment fluctuations                                   30          95         125
    Effect of economic assumption changes                               (3)          11           8
    Other credits                                                         3                       3
    Profit after tax on discontinued operations                          41        (67)        (26)
    Exchange rate movements                                             (2)           2           -
    Capital movements                                                 (152)           -       (152)
    Shareholders' equity as at 31 December 2005                         750       1,103       1,853

The shareholders' equity as at 31 December 2005 (2004) includes required capital
of Euro535m (Euro488m) within the net worth. The shareholders' value of in-force is
net of a deduction of Euro123m (Euro112m) in respect of the cost of maintaining the
required capital and net of a deduction of Euro35m(Euro30m) in respect of time value
of financial option and guarantee costs.

Analysis of insurance and investment operating profit after tax

                                                                     Year ended 31 December 2005
                                                                   Net Worth         VIF       Total
                                                                          Eurom          Eurom          Eurom
     New business contribution                                         (118)         196          78
     Profit from existing business
     - Expected return                                                   148        (77)          71
     - Experience variances                                               24         (8)          16
     - Operating assumption changes                                       21           9          30
     - Development expenditure                                           (7)                     (7)
     - Expected investment return                                         16           2          18

     Operating profit after tax                                           84         122         206

8.  Interest receivable and similar income
                                                                                     2005      2004
                                                                                       Eurom        Eurom
        Loans and receivables to customers                                            771       629
        Loans and receivables to banks                                                113       103
        Debt securities and other fixed income securities                              89        54
        Lease and instalment finance                                                   67        62
                                                                                    1,040       848
        Inter-group charges eliminated on consolidation                               (8)       (5)
                                                                                    1,032       843

9.   Management expenses
                                                                                    2005       2004
                                                                                      Eurom         Eurom

         Administrative expenses                                                     470        428
         Depreciation                                                                 25         30
         Software amortisation                                                        15         10
                                                                                     510        468

     Analysed as follows
         Banking operations
         Operational                                                                 255        245
         Restructuring costs                                                          11          -
         Life and investment operations
         Administrative                                                              186        171
         Development expenditure                                                       8          4
         Other operations (includes corporate costs)                                  50         48
                                                                                     510        468

10.   Provision for impairment of loans and receivables
                                                                                    2005      2004
                                                                                      Eurom        Eurom

           At 1 January                                                               46        43
           Charged against income statement                                           12        10
           Amounts written off                                                       (6)       (7)
           At 31 December                                                             52        46

           At 31 December
           Specific                                                                   32        29
           Collective                                                                 20        17
                                                                                      52        46

11.  Loans and receivables
                                                                                   2005        2004
                                                                                     Eurom          Eurom

        Residential mortgage loans                                               23,188      18,460
        Commercial mortgage loans                                                 1,415       1,249
        Finance lease, instalment finance and term loans                          1,617       1,381
                                                                                 26,220      21,090
        Money market funds                                                          150           8
        Deferred fees, discounts and fair value adjustments                         155         164
                                                                                 26,525      21,262
        Inter-group loans and receivables                                         (185)       (129)
                                                                                 26,340      21,133

12.  Funds Under Management
                                                                                   2005        2004
                                                                                     Eurom          Eurom

        Funds managed on behalf of unit-linked policyholders                     20,264      16,383
        Funds managed on behalf of non-linked policyholders                       2,379       2,587
                                                                                 22,643      18,970
        Off-balance sheet funds                                                   3,791       2,370
                                                                                 26,434      21,340

13. Earnings per share

As permitted under Irish Legislation the group's life assurance subsidiary
holds shares in Irish Life & Permanent plc for the benefit of policyholders.
Under accounting standards these are now required to be deducted from the
total number of shares in issue when calculating EPS.  In view of the fact
that Irish Life & Permanent plc does not hold the shares for its own benefit,
EPS based on a weighted average number of shares in issue is disclosed. The   
calculation is set out below:

                                                                               2005               2004
        Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking
        for dividend excluding own shares held for the benefit of       262,813,871        262,998,704
        life assurance policyholders

        Weighted average ordinary shares held for the benefit of          7,524,588          6,614,727
        life assurance policyholders

        Weighted average ordinary shares in issue and ranking
        for dividend including own shares held for the benefit of      270,338,459        269,613,431
        life assurance policyholders

        Profit for the year                                                  Euro475m              Euro427m

        EPS including own shares held for the benefit of                175.7 cent         158.4 cent
        life assurance policyholders

        Operating profit after tax for the year                              Euro366m              Euro335m

        Operating EPS including own shares held for the benefit of      135.4 cent         124.2 cent
        life assurance policyholders

 14 Reconciliation of Shareholders equity on Statutory basis to EV basis

(a) As at 31 December 2005
                                                                           Net worth    VIF  Total
                                                                                  Eurom     Eurom     Eurom

       Statutory shareholders' equity excluding minority interest as at        1,529    546  2,075
       31 December 2005

       Change insurance shareholder value of in-force to post tax                 89   (89)      -
       Shareholder value of in-force on investment contracts                       -    681    681
       Changes in presentation of cost of FOGs                                    24   (24)      -
       Deferred front end fees on investment contracts                           153      -    153
       Deferred acquisition costs on investment contracts                      (176)      -  (176)
       Restatement of investment liabilities to regulatory basis                (72)      -   (72)
       Unwind own shares statutory adjustment                                     62      -     62
       Change in the basis of deferred tax provisioning                            7   (14)    (7)
       Deferred tax on above adjustments                                          12      -     12

       EV basis shareholders' equity excluding minority interest as at 31      1,628  1,100  2,728
       December 2005

(b) As at 1 January 2005

                                                                            Net worth   VIF  Total
                                                                                   Eurom    Eurom     Eurom

       Statutory shareholders' equity excluding minority interest as at 1       1,258   525  1,783
       January 2005

       Change insurance shareholder value of in-force to post tax                  96  (96)      -
       Shareholder value of in-force on investment contracts                        -   544    544
       Changes in presentation of cost of FOGs                                     19  (19)      -
       Deferred front end fees on investment contracts                            196     -    196
       Deferred acquisition costs on investment contracts                       (176)     -  (176)
       Restatement of investment liabilities to regulatory basis                 (88)     -   (88)
       Unwind own shares statutory adjustment                                      34     -     34
       Change in the basis of deferred tax provisioning                            44  (16)     28
       Deferred tax on above adjustments                                            8     -      8

       EV basis shareholders' equity excluding minority interest as at 1        1,391   938  2,329
       January 2005

All of the above adjustments relate to the application of IFRS 4 including the
tax implications with the exception of the own share adjustment. The own share
adjustment reverses the mis-match which arises under IFRS where own shares held
on behalf of policyholders are marked to market in policyholder liabilities but
it is not permitted to mark to market the matching asset.

15. EV Assumptions

    Principal economic assumptions

    The assumed future pre-tax returns on fixed interest securities are set by reference to gross
    redemption yields available in the market at the end of the reporting period. The risk free rate
    of return used for the risk discount rate is based on the yield available for the effective
    duration of the future cash-flows underlying the PVIF. The corresponding return on equities and
    property is equal to the risk free rate assumption plus the appropriate risk premium. An asset
    mix based on the assets held at the valuation date within policyholder funds has been assumed
    within the projections.

                                          31 December            31 December            31 December
                                                 2005                   2004                   2003

   Equity risk premium                           3.0%                   3.0%                   3.0%

   Property risk premium                         2.0%                   2.0%                   2.0%

   Risk free rate                                3.2%                   3.5%                   4.2%

   Non market risk margin                        2.1%                   2.1%                   2.1%

   Market risk margin                            1.2%                   1.1%                   1.0%

   Risk discount rate                            6.5%                   6.7%                   7.3%

   Investment return

   - Fixed interest                       2.5% - 3.6%            2.5% - 4.2%            3.0% - 4.9%

   - Equities                                    6.2%                   6.5%                   7.2%

   - Property                                    5.2%                   5.5%                   6.2%

   Expense inflation                             3.6%                   3.6%                   4.0%

   Other assumptions

  The assumed future mortality and morbidity assumptions are based on published tables of rates,
  adjusted by analyses of recent operating experience. Persistency assumptions are set by
  reference to recent operating experience.

  The management expenses attributable to life assurance business have been analysed between
  expenses relating to the acquisition of new business and the maintenance of business in-force.
  No allowance has been made for future productivity improvements in the expense assumptions.

  Projected tax has been determined assuming current tax legislation and rates. Deferred tax on
  the release of the retained surplus in the Life Business is allowed for in the PVIF

  EV results are computed on a before and after tax basis.
  Treatment of financial options and guarantees (FOGs)

  The main options and guarantees for which FOG costs have been determined are

  (a)  Investment guarantees on certain unit-linked funds, where the unit returns to policyholders
       are smoothed subject to a minimum guaranteed return (in the majority of cases the minimum
       guaranteed change in unit price is 0%, usually representing a minimum return of the
       original premium). An additional management charge is levied on policyholders investing in
       these funds, compared to similar unit-linked funds without this investment guarantee. This
       extra charge is allowed for in calculating the time value of FOG cost;

  (b)  Guaranteed Annuity Rates on a small number of products;

  (c)  Return of Premium death guarantees on certain unit-linked single premium products;

  (d)  Guaranteed benefits for policies in the closed with-profit fund.

  The main asset classes relating to products with options and guarantees are European and
  International equities, Property, and government bonds of various durations.

  The Deloitte's TSM Streamline Market Consistent model is used to derive the cost of FOGs. The
  model is calibrated to the yield curve and to the market prices of equity options. Ten years of
  historical weekly data are used to derive the correlation between the returns of different asset

  The model uses the difference between two inverse Gaussian distributions to model the returns on
  each asset class. This allows the model to produce fat-tailed distributions, and provides a good
  fit to historical asset return distributions.

  Statistics relating to the model used as at 31 December 2005 are set out in the following table:

                                                    10-Year Return                 20-Year Return

                                                 Mean 1         StDev 2          Mean            StDev
       European Assets (euro)

       Bonds                                      3.4%            2.1%           3.7%             3.3%

       Equities, Property                         3.4%           21.7%           3.7%            22.8%

       UK Assets (Sterling)

       Bonds                                      4.1%            2.6%           4.1%             5.8%

       Equities                                   4.1%           19.8%           4.1%            22.2%

       1.     The Market Consistent nature of the model means that that all asset classes earn the
              risk free rate. No value is added by investing in riskier assets with a higher expected
              rate of return. The Means quoted above reflect this.

       2.     Standard Deviations are calculated by accumulating a unit investment for n years in each
              simulation, taking the natural logarithm of the result, calculating the variance of this
              statistic, dividing by n and taking the square root. The results are comparable to
              implied volatilities quoted in investment markets.

16. Sensitivity calculations

    A number of sensitivities have been produced on alternative assumption sets
    to reflect the sensitivity of the continuing operations embedded value and
    the continuing operations new business contribution to changes in key
    assumptions. The details of each sensitivity are set out below:

            -     1% variation in discount rate - a one percentage point
            increase/decrease in the risk margin has been assumed in each case
            (meaning a 1% increase in the risk margin at end 2005 would result
            in a 4.3% risk margin and a 7.5% risk discount rate).

            -     1% increase in equity/property yields - a one percentage point
            increase in the equity/property assumed investment returns,
            excluding any related changes to risk discount rates or valuation
            bases, has been assumed (meaning a 1% increase in equity returns
            would increase assumed total equity returns from 6.2% to 7.2%).

            -     10% variation in equity/property values - a ten percentage
            point increase/decrease in the market value of equity/property
            assets, including any related changes to valuation reserves and life
            shareholder net assets. Therefore this sensitivity includes the
            effect on the life net worth.

  *      10% decrease in maintenance expenses, excluding any related changes
    to valuation expense bases and to potentially reviewable policy fees
    (meaning a 10% reduction on a base assumption of Euro10 per annum would result
    in a Euro9 per annum expense assumption).

            -     10% improvement in assumed persistency rates, incorporating a
            10% reduction in lapse, surrender and premium cessation assumptions
            (meaning a 10% reduction on a base assumption of 7% would result in
            a 6.3% lapse assumption).

  *      5% decrease in both mortality and morbidity rates, excluding any
    related changes to valuation bases or potentially reviewable risk charging
    bases (meaning if base experienced mortality is 90% of a standard mortality
    table then for this sensitivity the assumption is set to 85.5% of the
    standard table).

    The sensitivities allow for any material impact on the cost of financial
    options and guarantees caused by the changed assumption.

(a) Economic Assumptions
                                                              As issued           1% higher risk           1% lower risk
                                                                     EV            discount rate           discount rate
                                                                     Eurom                       Eurom                      Eurom
Effect on embedded value at 31 December 2005                      1,853                     (98)                     111
Effect on 2005 new business contribution                             94                     (17)                      19

(b) Market Sensitivities - equity/property yields

                                                            As issued         1% higher equity/
                                                                   EV           property yields
                                                                   Eurom                        Eurom
Effect on embedded value at 31 December 2005                    1,853                        48
Effect on 2005 new business contribution                           94                         6

(c) Market Sensitivities - equity/property values
                                                                                    10% increase            10% increase
                                                              As issued       in equity/property      in equity/property
                                                                     EV                   values                  values
                                                                     Eurom                       Eurom                      Eurom
Effect on embedded value at 31 December 2005                      1,853                       81                    (84)

(d) Operational Assumptions
                                                                               10%     10% improvement       5% decrease
                                                                       decrease in          in assumed      in mortality
                                                          As issued    maintenance         persistency       & morbidity
                                                                 EV       expenses               rates             rates
                                                                 Eurom             Eurom                  Eurom                Eurom
Effect on embedded value at 31 December 2005                  1,853             40                  57                14
Effect on 2005 new business contribution                         94              6                  11                 2

                                Statutory Basis

Commentary on Statutory Results

As outlined in the basis of preparation note on page 29, the group has availed
of the exemption granted by the IASB not to restate 2004 comparatives for IAS32,
IAS39 and IFRS4. The statutory results for the year to 31 December 2004 do not
therefore reflect the impact of applying these IFRS. These IFRS which cover
insurance business and loans and advances have a fundamental impact on the
results of the group as a result of which the 2004 statutory results are not
directly comparable with 2005.

Statutory profits after tax on continuing activities for the year to 31 December
2005 are Euro352m, a reduction of 14% on the 2004 level of Euro413m.

The group has previously published pro-forma results which restated 2004 results
assuming that IAS39 and IFRS4 had been implemented in 2004. These restatements
are available on the group's website. To enable a more meaningful comparison
between the 2005 to 2004 results, the pro-forma income statement has also been
included in the 2005 accounts.

The EV information set out on pages 3 to 27 employs embedded value methodology
for all of the group's insurance and investment business. The statutory results
include embedded value for insurance contracts only. Banking and other
businesses are accounted for under the same basis in both statutory and EV

On a pro-forma basis the statutory profit (after tax) on continuing activities
for the year ended 2005 was Euro352m, a Euro4m uplift on the 2004 outcome of Euro348m.
The 2005 outcome includes a charge of Euro28m in respect of the uplift in the value
of shares held for the benefit of policyholders reflecting the increase in value
of Irish Life & Permanent shares during 2005 which increases policyholder
liabilities but under IFRS the corresponding increase in the asset cannot be
recognised. The corresponding charge in 2004 was Euro6m. In addition the 2005
outcome includes a charge of Euro13m in respect of properties held within the life
assurance fund to reflect increases in the value of properties occupied by the
shareholder. Under IFRS the corresponding increase in the value of the assets is
taken directly to reserves. Adjusting for these two items the underlying
statutory profit (after tax on continuing operations) on a pro-forma basis
increased by 11%.

The underlying growth in the statutory after tax profit on continuing operations
reflects strong new business growth in both the banking and life businesses,
combined with good growth in investment markets and tight cost control. In the
bank total loan balances outstanding increased 24% to Euro26.2bln (2004: Euro21.1bln)
with total new loans issued of Euro9.8bln (2004: Euro8.0bln). The principal driver of
this growth was a 22% increase in residential mortgages outstanding in Ireland
which grew to Euro17.8bln from Euro14.6bln in 2004. This growth in assets combined
with growth of 27% in current account balances outstanding which increased to
Euro2.2bln from Euro1.7bln was the principal reason for the 7% increase in net
interest income which grew to Euro366m from Euro341m in 2004.

In the life business new business issued (including fund flows into ILIM) on an
APE basis increased by 25% to Euro388m (2004: Euro310m). Gross inflows into ILIM were
Euro1.3bln compared to Euro1.6bln in 2004. The strong growth in insurance new business
is reflected in the 10% growth in premiums on insurance contracts which
increased to Euro484m from Euro442m in 2004 and a change in shareholders' value of
in-force business of Euro76m which was significantly ahead of 2004 (Euro28m). The
growth experienced on the life business investment contracts served to depress
the reported growth in statutory basis pro-forma profits due to the manner in
which revenues and sales costs are treated under IFRS.

Administrative expenses increased 10% to Euro470m from Euro428m in 2004. The 2005
costs included Euro11m in restructuring changes in the bank, Euro8m development costs
in the life business (2004: Euro4m) and the cost of employee share options of Euro6m
(2004: Euro1m). Adjusting for these items the underlying level of cost growth was

Lastly the post-tax profits achieved in Allianz, a general insurance business in
which the group has a 30% interest, were Euro54m, slightly down on the 2004 level
of Euro56m.

                                STATUTORY BASIS

Basis of Preparation

EU law requires that the consolidated financial statements of the group, for the
year ended 31 December 2005, be prepared in accordance with International
Financial Accounting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the EU.

IFRS 4 brings into force phase 1 of the International Accounting Standard
Board's ("IASB") insurance accounting project. In view of the phased
implementation of IFRS for insurance business, the group believes that
shareholders will continue to place considerable reliance on embedded value
information relating to the life assurance business. The statutory financial
information includes insurance contracts written in the life assurance business
based on embedded value earnings calculated using the EEV principles developed
by the European CFO forum. The EV basis financial information on pages 3 to 27
extends these principles to investment contracts written in the life assurance

2004 comparative basis

The 2004 comparative financial information on pages 30 to 35 is prepared under
the reporting basis for statutory comparatives under IFRS for the 2004 financial
year. This basis reflects all standards with the exception of IAS 32, IAS 39 and
IFRS 4 where transitional concessions have been permitted by the IASB. These
concessions allow the group to continue to report comparatives for areas covered
by these standards on a ROI GAAP basis for 2004 only including the reporting of
life assurance operations in accordance with the EEV Principles issued in May
2004 by the European Chief Financial Officers' Forum. Life assurance operations
were previously presented in accordance with the Association of British
Insurers' paper of December 2001 'Supplementary Reporting for Long Term
Insurance Business (The Achieved Profits Method). These transitional concessions
include the accounting policies for loans and advances, debt securities,
derivatives and life insurance.

In addition the comparative income statement and balance sheet figures have also
been shown on a pro-forma basis to provide more meaningful comparative
information by showing 2004 financial information including the impact on the
financial information of the recognition and measurement principles of IAS 32,
IAS 39 and IFRS 4, with the exception of the income statement impact of
derivative hedge accounting where the necessary documentation was not in place
prior to the standard being agreed in late 2004.

In preparing the 2004 comparative information the group has adjusted amounts
previously reported in financial statements under ROI GAAP. The impact of the
transition from ROI GAAP to IFRS at 31 December 2004 is set out and explained in
the "Transition to IFRS - Restatement of 2004 Financial Information" document
published on 21 July 2005. This document also sets out and explains the impact
of the adoption of IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4 on shareholders equity at 1 January

Estimates and assumptions

Certain amounts recorded include estimates and assumptions made by management
about insurance liability reserves, investment valuations, interest rates,
demographic and other factors. Actual results may differ from the estimates
made. Where estimates had been made under ROI GAAP, consistent estimates (after
adjustments to reflect any difference in accounting policies) have been made on
transition to IFRS. Judgements affecting the group's balance sheet have not been
revisited with the benefit of hindsight.

Consolidated Income Statement - Statutory Basis
Year ended 31 December 2005
                                                                  2005                  2004
                                                                              Statutory     Pro-forma
                                                                        Eurom            Eurom            Eurom
   Interest receivable                                               1,032           843           843
   Interest payable                                                  (666)         (502)         (502)
                                                                       366           341           341
   Fees and commission income                                           63            60            60
   Fees and commission expenses                                       (73)         (114)          (67)
   Net trading income                                                  (4)             6             6
   Premiums on insurance contracts                                     484         3,557           442
   Reinsurers share of premiums on insurance contracts               (159)             -         (138)
   Investment return                                                 3,527         1,701         1,694
   Fees from investment contracts and fund management                  218            15           167
   Change in shareholders' value of in-force business                   76           154            28
   Profit on the sale of property and equipment                          4             2             2
   Other income                                                          -            10             7
   Operating income                                                  4,502         5,732         2,542

   Claims on insurance contracts                                     (383)       (1,234)         (375)
   Reinsurers share of claims on insurance contracts                   108             -            91
   Change in insurance contract liabilities                          (419)       (3,582)         (155)
   Change in reinsurer's share of insurance contracts liabilities      231             -           122
   Change in investment contract liabilities                       (3,134)             -       (1,387)
   Administrative expenses                                           (470)         (408)         (428)
   Depreciation and amortisation
   Property and equipment                                             (25)          (30)          (30)
   Intangible assets - software                                       (15)          (10)          (10)
   Investment expenses                                                (16)          (10)          (10)
   Impairment losses on loans and advances                            (12)           (9)          (10)
   Operating expenses                                              (4,135)       (5,283)       (2,192)

   Operating profit                                                    367           449           350

   Share of operating profits of associated undertakings                54            56            56
   Profit on the disposal of Irish Estates Management Limited            -            19            19

   Profit before taxation on continuing activities                     421           524           425
   Taxation                                                           (69)         (111)          (77)
   Profit for the year on continuing activities                        352           413           348
   Profit from discontinued activities                                   1             8             7
   Profit for the year                                                 353           421           355
   Attributable to
   Equityholders                                                       353           419           353
   Minority interest                                                     -             2             2
                                                                       353           421           355

   Earnings per share (basic)                                         Cent          Cent          Cent
   Continuing activities                                             133.9         156.3         131.6
   Discontinued activities                                             0.4           3.0           2.7
                                                                     134.3         159.3         134.3
   Earnings per share (diluted)
   Continuing activities                                             132.9         155.3         130.8
   Discontinued activities                                             0.4           3.0           2.6
                                                                     133.3         158.3         133.4

Consolidated Balance Sheet - Statutory Basis
As at 31 December 2005
                                                         2005                         2004
                                                                          Statutory       Pro-forma
                                                                  Eurom                Eurom              Eurom
   Cash and balances with central banks                          162               176             176
   Items in course of collection                                 137                67              67
   Financial Assets
   - Debt securities                                           8,530             8,371           8,388
   - Equity shares                                            12,782            10,134          10,123
   - Derivative assets                                           355               117             189
   - Loans and receivables to customers                       26,340            20,911          21,133
   - Loans and receivables to banks                            6,421             4,508           4,508
   Investment properties                                       2,300             1,736           1,736
   Reinsurance assets                                          2,023             1,444           1,738
   Prepayments and accrued income                                341               325             256
   Interest in associated undertakings                           167               136             136
   Property and equipment                                        404               318             318
   Shareholder value of -inforce business                        546             1,144             525
   Goodwill and other intangible assets                          258               251             251
   Deferred acquisition costs                                    182                 -             182
   Net post retirement benefit asset                              71                66              66
   Other assets                                                   85                91              97

   Total assets                                               61,104            49,795          49,889

   Financial liabilities
   - Deposits by banks                                         2,281             1,250           1,249
   - Customer accounts                                        12,808            11,587          11,597
   - Debt securities in issue                                 15,226            10,928          10,879
   - Non-recourse funding                                      2,232             2,193           2,193
   - Derivative liabilities                                      221                 2             131
   - Investment contract liabilities                          19,798                 -          15,860
   Insurance contract liabilities                              4,082            19,803           4,148
   Outstanding insurance and investment claims                   110               115             115
   Accruals and deferred income                                  167               240             240
   Other liabilities                                             203               168             169
   Current tax liabilities                                        34                44              44
   Deferred tax liabilities                                      157               212             147
   Net post retirement benefit liability                         158               172             172
   Deferred front end fees                                       159                 -             203
   Subordinated liabilities                                    1,385               934             951

                                                              59,021            47,648          48,098
   Share capital                                                  87                86              86
   Share premium                                                  74                52              52
   Profit and loss account                                       673               344             472
   Non-distributable reserves                                  1,038             1,529           1,048
   Other reserves                                                203               125             125
   Equity excluding minority interest                          2,075             2,136           1,783
   Minority interest                                               8                11               8
   Total equity including minority interest                    2,083             2,147           1,791

   Total liabilities and equity                               61,104            49,795          49,889

Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense - Statutory Basis
Year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                   Notes            2005          2004
                                                                                      Eurom            Eurom

   Revaluation of property & equipment                                                86             4

   Deferred Tax                                                                     (12)             -

   Net amount recognised directly in equity                                           74             4

   Profit for the year                                                               353           421

   Total recognised income and expense for the year                                  427           425

   Transition adjustment at 1 January 2005 arising from                2           (356)             -
   IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 4

   Total recognised income and expense for the period                                 71           425
   including transition adjustment

   Attributable to :
   Equityholders                                                                      74           423
   Minority interest                                                                 (3)             2

   Total recognised income and expense for the period                                 71           425
   including transition adjustment

Consolidated Condensed Statutory Cashflow Statement
Year ended 31 December 2005

                                                                                  2005            2004
                                                                                    Eurom              Eurom

   Net cashflow (outflow) / inflow from operating activities                     (323)             345

   Investing activities
   Purchase of property and equipment                                             (35)            (27)
   Sale of property and equipment                                                   15              11
   Purchase of intangible assets                                                  (24)            (38)
   Sale of Irish Estates Management Limited                                          -              21
   Sale of City of Westminster Assurance Company Limited                            63               -
   Dividends received from associated undertaking                                   23              16
                                                                                    42            (17)

   Financing activities
   Issue of ordinary share capital                                                  23               1
   Issue of new subordinated liabilities                                           392             144
   Interest paid on subordinated liabilities                                      (48)            (41)
   Equity dividends paid                                                         (152)           (142)
                                                                                   215            (38)

   Tax paid                                                                       (74)            (88)

   (Decrease) / increase in cash                                                 (140)             202

   Analysis of changes in cash and cash equivalents

   Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                                          694             492
   Net cashflow before the effect of exchange translation adjustments            (140)             202
   Effect of exchange translation adjustments                                        1               -
   Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December                                        556             694

Notes to the Preliminary Announcement - Statutory Basis

Year ended 31 December 2005

1.   Amendments to previously published 2004 restatements

The group published preliminary 2004 IFRS restatements in July 2005. These
restatements were subject to change because of the possibility of subsequent
revision or changes to the standards or the guidance on their application. In
particular the calculation and presentation of taxation for life assurance
business remained under discussion by the industry. These discussions have given
rise to a different interpretation creating a change in the 2004 restatements,
the net impact of the change is as follows:

                                                  Statutory                         Pro-forma
                                             As previously     Revised        As previously  Revised
                                                 Published                        published
                                                        Eurom          Eurom                   Eurom       Eurom

Profit for the year                                    395         421                  355      355

Equity at end of year                                2,179       2,147                1,837    1,791

2.   Reconciliation of Opening Shareholders Equity

As outlined in the basis of preparation note the group adopted IAS 32, IAS 39
and IFRS 4 with  effect from 1 January 2005. The impact of opening
shareholders equity of these changes is as follows


     Shareholders' equity at 31 December 2004                                                   2,136

     IAS 39
     Impairment provisions                                                                         50
     Effective yield                                                                               77
     Fair value adjustments                                                                         3

     IFRS 4
     Deferred acquisition costs                                                                   182
     Deferred front end fees                                                                    (203)
     Shareholders' value of in-force business                                                   (619)
     Other reserve changes                                                                         67
     Deferred Tax                                                                                  87
     Minority share of IFRS adjustments                                                             3

     Shareholders' equity at 1 January 2005                                                     1,783

3.   Discontinued Activities

On 2 June 2005 the group disposed of its UK life assurance subsidiary City of
Westminster Assurance Company Limited. The proceeds net of costs were Euro63m, the
profit after tax for the period up to the date of disposal was Euro3m, the loss on
disposal was Euro2m.

4.  Earnings per share

                                                                     2005           2004
                                                                           Statutory    Pro-forma
(a) Basic EPS

    Weighted average ordinary shares in issue                 262,813,871  262,998,704  262,998,704
    and ranking for dividend

    Profit for the year attributable to equityholders
    Continuing operations                                           Euro352m        Euro411m        Euro346m
    Discontinued operations                                           Euro1m          Euro8m          Euro7m
    Total                                                           Euro353m        Euro419m        Euro353m

    EPS (Cent)
    Continuing operations                                           133.9        156.3        131.6
    Discontinued operations                                           0.4          3.0          2.7
    Total                                                           134.3        159.3        134.3

(b) Fully diluted EPS

    Weighted average of potential dilutive ordinary shares
    arising from the group's share option schemes               2,071,187    1,597,711    1,597,711

    Weighted average number of ordinary shares                264,885,058  264,596,415  264,596,415
    used in the calculation of fully diluted EPS

    Fully diluted EPS (Cent)
    Continuing operations                                           132.9        155.3        130.8
    Discontinued operations                                           0.4          3.0          2.6
    Total                                                           133.3        158.3        133.4

5.  The financial information contained within the preliminary announcement does
not constitute the group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December
2005. The statutory accounts for 2005 will be finalised on the basis of the
financial information presented by the directors in the preliminary
announcement and together with the auditors' report thereon will be delivered to
the Register of Companies following the company's annual general meeting

8 March, 2006

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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