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NioCorp Developments Ltd

NioCorp Developments Ltd (NB)

Closed February 10 4:00PM

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wagner wagner 42 minutes ago
Mining development takes years, every one knows that. Exim stage 2 should play out 2025 to higher value.
If building starts we are not a million $ company anymore, but a billion dollars company 👀👀👀👀😘🤨🤨💯👀👀👀
bar1080 bar1080 4 hours ago
You've been camped here for bazillions of pump posts so your gullibility is already well established. Adios for a few more months.
th6565 th6565 5 hours ago
I am not that dumb to be scammed. I will be out from here if no financing by 2026.
shajandr shajandr 5 hours ago
Non-viable, non-commercializable mineral rights generally don't get financed and don't become operating mines. They remain low-cost mineral rights that get leased to unknown, low-quality entities for low lease terms - just like Elk Creek. They are used by the low-tier lessees as a story to use to raise funds from unsophisticated investors and sell them shares, while the low-tier insiders gett paid and live well whilst often also self-dealing, like MARK SMITH did and does with tricks like risk-free, high-interest bridge loans made to the company and free stock grants, all while being well-paid salarywise and full benefits and, most fun of all, a virtually unlimited expense account - including travel and entertainment.

Being a pennyscam CEO is a great gig! All you need is a cheap, non-viable business CONcept you can tout and fool ignorant, unsophisticated pennyvestors into buying shares and giving you their money, directly via PPs or indirectly by retail purchases on the open market. Then, just gett them to hold onto the depreciating shares while you dilute and gett more munny to pay yourself.

It's a real good gig. There are tons of non-viable businesses and non-commercializable mineral rights around that can be acquired cheaply because they are worth little to nothing as a base for a profitable business. Like Elk Creek.

Winning - a viable, profitable business - is nott a goal because it is nott possible. The goal is to keep the scam running - for years and years - and keep printing and selling shares. That is the game. And that is the game with Niocorp Developments. The years tick by and the goalposts keep getting moved back and back, all the while printing and selling shares - because THAT is the name of this game.

Welcome to Pennyscamland!!!

Truth and Transparency Truth and Transparency 6 hours ago
Sad, I would have never imagined the share price would be at a decade low with dilution nearly tripled and the mine still not financed by now. I certainly would have never imagined Mark Smith making such an awful business deal with GXII. I sure hope they hire someone that has better negotiating ability than Mark Smith to broker any future deals and contracts.
Demolition Man Demolition Man 7 hours ago
What a Super Blow Blowout. Next week should be interesting with these tariffs. Let’s see how the market reacts to this news. One would think a billionaire like let’s say ( Elon Musk) would step up and invest in NioCorp. Not a fan of begging the US government for cash with plenty of strings attached. Let’s go Elon and Trump help us out!!
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Truth and Transparency Truth and Transparency 11 hours ago
According to news releases from Niocorp management, they are looking at recycling. Who really knows WTF is going on, but after a decade, they need to start doing something besides talking.
th6565 th6565 12 hours ago
No, thank you.

I am a quite independent old age(90) person serving as my own money manager for some times.

Actually on NB / NIOBW investments here there are no risks involved for me at all the ways I have set up now.
👍️ 1
bar1080 bar1080 12 hours ago
You should read my IHUB Info for the facts. Click below:
th6565 th6565 12 hours ago
Did you ever win large chunk of $$$ from investing on penny stock? I did.
bar1080 bar1080 12 hours ago
Money lost in a dumb investment is gone_forever. Buy quality and diversify.
th6565 th6565 13 hours ago
I just can not stop thinking long life of the mine!

This investments could benefit generations of our families.
wagner wagner 14 hours ago

Once financed 

This will become a gold mine

Real earnings and verticals can surprise 
bar1080 bar1080 14 hours ago
Can Battery Recycling Break China's Stranglehold on Rare_Earth_Metals?

"But there could be a way to source lithium and other key energy transition metals in a way that is not only better for local communities, but more sustainable for the world in general – recycling lithium-ion batteries. A new study from Stanford University shows that on an industrial scale, battery recycling is at least 58% less environmentally harmful than mining new lithium. The Stanford researchers determined that the recycling process for lithium-ion batteries emits less than half the greenhouse gases of conventional mining and refinement processes, and uses just a quarter of the water and energy required to mine new metals."
PutzMueler PutzMueler 15 hours ago
Well if MP Materials with 163,000,000 share outstanding and revenue way under 70,000,000, we should be at 10 x $24.00 in 3 years.


👍️ 2
ColdDarkHole ColdDarkHole 16 hours ago
Ooo shit $24? We will be lucky to see $10 this year.
ge11 ge11 1 day ago
👍️ 3
Demolition Man Demolition Man 1 day ago
No offense but waiting til 2029 for a pathetic “Real” share price of $2.40 a share is beyond horrible and almost criminal. NioCorp hit a share price of $1.60 or $16.60 on just a Fox News appearance and now you think a goal of $2.40 a share is a solid price point once in full production in 4-5 years???Literally, a high yield savings account would have made us more money with a decade+ of holding our money hostage. If your numbers are correct we hired the worst management team in the mining business. I’m hoping we get $24.00 a share on FOMO, off-take agreements and the EXIM funding that comes through in 2025.

Btw, I do appreciate all the time and effort you put into DD for this company. IMO, You are more qualified and smarter than almost everyone on the $NB BOD and management team. Thanks again for all you do👍
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shajandr shajandr 1 day ago
th6565 th6565 2 days ago
I am here(NB) long haul now, looking beyond 3/17/28 NIOBW expiring date. It is very fascinating there is 50/50 chance $100,000 seed money could be turned into $10/ $20 millions through NIOBW.
th6565 th6565 2 days ago
There is new innovation of niobium silicon alloys by others, but I am quite sure US will catch up soon enough, for super hypersonic airplanes or advanced missiles.
PutzMueler PutzMueler 2 days ago
With Chico’s prediction and NCT’s discount rate, Mark may call in all of the Wants @ over $18.00 and with any luck for T&T NioCorp shareholder get that kick in the Nutz we have all been waiting for. 🎯

But that’s with oxides, let’s go Alloys
Let’s go NioCorp Technologies UK
wagner wagner 2 days ago
Looks like there is still space....




hopping for more.... 

Material news

And loans from any sources 
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th6565 th6565 2 days ago
Numbers will be suddenly erupted once EXIM loan is finally approved. If that happens, most retail shareholders shall have little time responding unfortunately.

For now I see Chico 237 conservative estimates of $27.5 pps assuming 200 million shares outstanding, the best guides.
NorCalTommy NorCalTommy 2 days ago
Hi Chico! Always great to hear from you our friend... I sure hope we get much better per Share price than you conservatively predict... to wait until '28 or '29 to get $24 out of this stock would really be disheartening...... Even tho the greasy SPAC evangelists (MaxZ and Skiluk) predicted that this mine would be worth $20-$30 even before production..... I believe (and sure the hell hope) that the anal-ysts are sophisticated enough to place 'forward-looking' revenue/EBITDA and NPV projections (albeit with healthy discounting , i.e., discounted by let's say 40% to account for the fact that it is not producing yet.... ) these forward looking projections should have NB significantly higher (****contingent upon procuring financing****) than your projections.
I would love for the greasy SPAC-le cheerleader twins (SKILUC and MAD MAX-Z) to come out from under their little desks and defend some of those projections they used to slick talk everyone into voting for the GX SPAC merger.... I believe they were part of GX's lobbying team..... or why would they have disappeared like a fart in the wind as soon as the SPAC exploded????? hmmmmm..... scratching head....
But thanks again for your prediction CHICO! I do respect your opinion!

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th6565 th6565 2 days ago
Yes, I want to exercise warrants before it expires. When NB pps reach $10.3 anything over would be my profits from NIOBW.

For now I carry no costs on NIOBW as it has been paid by profits from LWLG. NB shares bought last 3 months would become handy helping out my dream here.

My recent buys of NB started at $1.45 and up.
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Nebraskan Nebraskan 2 days ago
Truth and Transparency Truth and Transparency 2 days ago
You crack me up. Love how you only post the common shares. Why don’t you post the Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding! Nebraskan, you are a full on fraud.
Nebraskan Nebraskan 2 days ago
As of February 7, 2025, the registrant had 46,818,119 Common Shares outstanding.
PutzMueler PutzMueler 2 days ago
Even before that, right now Musk is being tutored by 4 -1 = 3 young studs who are scouring through financial data, and while there they found excess in the word warrant. They removed the R’s and one A, changing the dynamics while allowing it to remain a word, but shortens any sentence it is in, making it a smaller carbon foot print.
Also realizing no regulations required in wanting to exercise.

TH6565 warrants to exercise becomes
TH6565 wants to exercise

Less dilution too.
DakotaBoy DakotaBoy 2 days ago
Niobium has strong potential as a key element for the future due to its unique properties and growing applications in various advanced technologies. Here’s why it could play a major role:

1. Superconductors & Energy Efficiency
• Niobium is a critical material for superconductors, which are used in MRI machines, quantum computing, and particle accelerators.
• High-temperature superconducting wires made with niobium could revolutionize energy grids, reducing power loss and enabling more efficient electricity transmission.

2. Next-Gen Batteries & Energy Storage
• Niobium is being explored as an alternative to lithium in fast-charging, longer-lasting batteries.
• Niobium-based anodes in batteries could improve charging speed, durability, and safety, making them ideal for electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energy storage.

3. Aerospace & Hypersonic Applications
• Niobium alloys are used in rocket engines, jet turbines, and spacecraft due to their high strength and heat resistance.
• It is a key material in future hypersonic vehicles that require extreme durability under high temperatures.

4. Green Energy & Hydrogen Economy
• Niobium is being tested for hydrogen storage materials, which could accelerate the adoption of clean hydrogen energy.
• It is used in wind turbines and solar panels, improving their durability and efficiency.

5. Structural & Automotive Advancements
• Niobium-steel alloys make vehicles, bridges, and buildings lighter, stronger, and more resistant to corrosion.
• Using niobium in EV frames can reduce weight and improve energy efficiency.

Challenges & Availability
• Niobium is relatively rare, with most of the world’s supply coming from Brazil.
• Its mining and processing need to scale up sustainably to meet future demand.

Verdict: Is Niobium the Element of the Future?

Yes, niobium has strong potential to be a future-defining material, especially in energy storage, superconductors, aerospace, and green technologies. While it may not replace lithium or rare earth metals entirely, its unique properties make it a crucial element for next-gen innovations.
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monocle monocle 2 days ago
Yes, in my opinion. 3 years until they expire and they are no where close to even breaking ground let alone generating revenue.
th6565 th6565 2 days ago
Do you mean NIOBW are” those have little chance of ever being exercised”?
stark12 stark12 2 days ago
Thank you! If we wind up producing scandium-aluminum alloy, that opens up different pricing for scandium.
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monocle monocle 2 days ago
According to 10q there are 50,752,150 class a and b shares outstanding plus 33,430,00 options and warrants. About half of those have little chance of ever being exercised though imo.

Still, close to 700,000,000 pre-split before equity financing.
👍️ 2 😓 1
monocle monocle 2 days ago
New 10q out. Niocorp was very actively using the original Yorkville agreement last quarter. I don't recall seeing any filings? Anyway every few weeks they tapped it to the tune of 1.2 million shares over the last quarter.
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ColdDarkHole ColdDarkHole 2 days ago
Below 2.00 by end of March if nothing else hits the newsroom.
Prudent Capitalist Prudent Capitalist 2 days ago
Thank you, Chico!
PutzMueler PutzMueler 2 days ago
A beautiful hammer to hit him over the head with, and to end the week, and if next week is like last week then Dan D’s , 20 day moving average is in play.

jeunke22 jeunke22 2 days ago
Thanks Chico for your perseverance and your excellent and professional insights and constructive contributions over time.
This new NPV is no doubt spectacular. Given our experiences over the years we have become a bit insensitive to forecasts. It’s good to know however that in theory the projects economic value has only increased.

Lets not forget the 65% share increase past month
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bernice bernice 2 days ago
Hey Mister Intransparency.
Be thankful for being in the red ??
I see green at the end of day, lol.

Truth and Transparency Truth and Transparency 3 days ago
Right, we have been shovel ready for the past eight (8) years. Be careful, if your show any frustrations over the years of incompetence, you’ll be labeled as a bad actor. We just need to smile and be thankful for being in the red after a decade in an investment and the endless dilution.
The_Gman The_Gman 3 days ago
Interesting new technology for titanium and niobium processing
Cleaning up critical minerals and materials production, using microwave plasma
With technology developed at MIT, 6K is helping to bring critical materials production back to the U.S. without toxic byproducts.
Zach Winn | MIT News
Publication Date:February 7, 2025

The push to bring manufacturing back to the U.S. is running up against an unfortunate truth: The processes for making many critical materials today create toxic byproducts and other environmental hazards. That’s true for commonly used industrial metals like nickel and titanium, as well as specialty minerals, materials, and coatings that go into batteries, advanced electronics, and defense applications.

Now 6K, founded by former MIT research scientist Kamal Hadidi, is using a new production process to bring critical materials production back to America without the toxic byproducts.
👍️ 1
chico237 chico237 3 days ago
Still Here.... Waiting with many... I updated my SPECULATIONS for NioCorp's financial estimates based on current market prices for critical minerals, we'll use the latest available data as of February 7, 2025. The prices for each mineral are as follows:

Niobium: Approximately $45 per kilogram.
Neodymium/Praseodymium: Approximately $90 per kilogram.
Terbium: Approximately $650 per kilogram.
Dysprosium: Approximately $450 per kilogram.
Titanium (TiCl4): Approximately $4,500 per ton.
Scandium: Approximately $2,500 per kilogram.

THE FOLLOWING SPECULATIONS & ESTIMATES ARE ALL MY OPINION OF WHAT NIOCORP "MIGHT" BE CAPABLE OF PRODUCING -(Should they achieve the Funds to complete that "Early as Possible 2024 F.S., Obtain remaining contracts for the last 25% of Niobium Oxide, 100% of Titanium Production, 90% of Scandium Production, & 100% of REE's, or Final Debt/Equity Finance via EXIM, DoD, DoE, or other interested entities. )

1. Updated Revenue Estimates (Annual)

Niobium (5,000 tons/year):
5,000 tons/year × 1,000 kg/ton × $45/kg = $225 million/year.

Neodymium/Praseodymium (600 tons/year):
600 tons/year × 1,000 kg/ton × $90/kg = $54 million/year.

Terbium (24 tons/year):
24 tons/year × 1,000 kg/ton × $650/kg = $15.6 million/year.

Dysprosium (120 tons/year):
120 tons/year × 1,000 kg/ton × $450/kg = $54 million/year.

Titanium (TiCl4) (12,000 tons/year):
12,000 tons/year × $4,500/ton = $54 million/year.

Scandium (30 tons/year):
30 tons/year × 1,000 kg/ton × $2,500/kg = $75 million/year. (NOTE: ONLY CALCULATING for 30 tons out of 110T available until market or stockpiles allow)
Total Revenue Estimate:

$225M (Niobium) + $54M (Neodymium/Praseodymium) + $15.6M (Terbium) + $54M (Dysprosium) + $54M (Titanium) + $75M (Scandium) = $477.6 million/year.

2. Operating Costs (OPEX) & Capital Expenditures (CAPEX)
Assuming 25% of revenue for operating costs:
25% of $477.6 million = $119.4 million/year.

Remains at the previous estimate of $1.8 billion for the project’s initial capital expenditures. (COULD BE LESS!)

3. NPV Calculation (with 36-year mine life)
Discount rate:
10% (standard for these types of projects).
Pre-Tax NPV:
With the reduced scandium sales, the pre-tax NPV will likely be closer to $3.5-4.5 billion.
Post-Tax NPV:

Considering 45X tax credits and Nebraska credits:
The post-tax NPV could rise to $5.5-6.5 billion.
4. Share Price Estimates (for different shares outstanding)

For 50 million shares outstanding:
Post-Tax NPV of $5.5 billion ÷ 50M shares = $110/share.

For 200 million shares outstanding:
Post-Tax NPV of $5.5 billion ÷ 200M shares = $27.50/share.

Niocorp's Elk Creek Project is "Standing Tall" & IS PART OF THE CRITICAL MINERAL & RARE EARTH SOLUTION!!! ....see for yourself...

Still standing by my $24/share once in production call.... Maybe 2028 or 2029 now??? Waiting with many still.... as a Skeleton in my front row seat for the 2025 Season! LET'S GET THIS DONE TEAM NIOCORP!
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ColdDarkHole ColdDarkHole 3 days ago
LMAO blah blah blah.

millions of non loan shark dollars awarded/loaned with at least a hope of construction starting = price up past spacfuck.

Loan shark can-kick money and zero news= turd

We can make a list of alllll the stuff that has been discussed and mentioned and missed and not happened. This has been a complete piece of shit for at least 10 years. Not much to debate.

I just wanna go back to the good old days when eggs were a 1.00 and allll we needed was that damn air permit. 🤪
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Prudent Capitalist Prudent Capitalist 3 days ago
Interesting. Your posting history would indicate otherwise. The German loan guarantee was explained in writing at the time tied to the Thyssenkrupp offtake agreement, but as has been discussed here many times, and as pointed out by Putz this am, there is a huge difference between a loan guarantee and a guaranteed loan. I have better things to do than go back and pull the documents on that together for you. I have no idea what documents you would be referring to with regard to any failed financing. As I stated it has been explained many times. Have you not ever attended a town hall or other meetings with management in Nebraska? Have you not ever attended or listened in on one of the webinars, etc.? SMFH
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Truth and Transparency Truth and Transparency 3 days ago
I certainly do NOT want this project to fail. Where is the documentation to substantiate why the German government loan guarantee and why imminent financing failed.

To add to our misery, Mark and his team executed a horrible business deal with GXII. Please specify anything I’ve stated as inaccurate.
Prudent Capitalist Prudent Capitalist 3 days ago
I responded factually to your inaccurate statements quoted after my post with a complete explanation. What government loan program? Are you referring to the German govt. loan guarantee in connection with the Thyssenkrupp offtake agreement? We all understand how desperately you want this project to fail. SMFH
LCP77 LCP77 3 days ago
46,588,000 issued and outstanding now. I think it was 28,000,000 ish reverse split adjusted pre GXII merger. 465,880,000 shares out on pre consolodation terms. Mind boggling.
Truth and Transparency Truth and Transparency 3 days ago
Hmmmmmmm, You care to share anything you have in writing? I can not find a record of anything in writing or a transcript regarding either the failure of imminent financing or why the due diligence process that RPM Global provided for the project financing of the German government loan program never resulted in any financing.

There’s been a hell of a lot of money spent, with zero substantial financing under their.

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