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Cann American Corporation (CE)

Cann American Corporation (CE) (CNNA)

Closed February 17 4:00PM

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CNNA Discussion

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Ecomike Ecomike 10 hours ago
It is not what I consider entertaining, just boring common low life bashing with no skills as we approach a huge chase for the last cheap shares day
Mr79 Mr79 11 hours ago
Is this the week we get good news?
Mr79 Mr79 1 day ago
🤣 1
Mr79 Mr79 2 days ago
Teddytropics Teddytropics 2 days ago
I agree, I'm having fun here while we wait for the good times..
👍️ 1
Lime Time Lime Time 2 days ago
I really hope this Hilo guy can get my bids filled at .0003 .0004 and .0006.

It would be greatly appreciated. But as it seems, the effort is not making anybody sell. What a dufus, pea sized brain. Doesn't know how this OTC stock stuff works.

Soon it will get Pink Current again 🚀
👍️ 4 👎️ 1 💥 1 💯 1 💸 1 🥰 1
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 2 days ago
We haven't traded a single share in a few days. Really strange.
That's because people are starting to figure out that CNNA is a scam and won't be able to get SEC current with missing financials from 2016, 2017 and that it hasn't filed a financial statement since October 2022.

CNNA is a dark and defunct dead stock - not to mention the history of its management perpetrating penny stock scams in the past.

There's a reason this junk is in expert market.

CNNA must be SEC registered and current in order for the SEC/FINRA to process any corporate actions such as a name change or reverse merger.

This is what Google AI has to say about missing financials from eight years ago and trying to get SEC current:

No, a company generally cannot become SEC registered if it is missing financial statements from eight years ago, as the SEC requires recent and complete financial information to be included in a registration statement, meaning significantly outdated financials would likely prevent a company from successfully registering with the agency.
Material omissions:
Missing financial data from a significant period, like eight years, would be considered a material omission and could lead to rejection of the registration statement.


FINRA Rule 6490, has evolved since it was enacted over two years ago. For some time, FINRA has required that issuers provide expansive disclosures and supporting documentation not only for the corporate change subject to the notice but for the company’s entire corporate history from inception.

These disclosures are required of both SEC reporting and non-reporting issuers if they undertake corporate actions including reverse mergers. Compliance with Rule 6490's requirements is a minor task for companies going public by filing a registration statement with the SEC. Companies filing registration statements rarely have difficulties obtaining DTC eligibility unlike reverse merger issuers.

The public filings of companies who register with the SEC contain most of the supporting documentation required by Rule 6490.

It is no surprise that compliance with the requirements of Rule 6490 is less burdensome for companies going public using a registration statement because these companies have fewer corporate changes in their company history than companies engaging in reverse mergers. This is especially true for reverse merger issuers who undergo multiple changes of control and periods of inactivity.

The Problem with Reverse Mergers & Disclosure under Rule 6490

For companies that engage in reverse mergers as part of their going public transaction, compliance with Rule 6490's requirements can be impossible particularly when custodianship or receivership actions have been used by shell brokers to create public shells after years of inactivity. These companies may have multiple corporate actions related to prior changes of control and often have sketchy corporate histories. Some have even been hijacked through custodianship or receivership actions. In these circumstances, documents may be unavailable or if provided to FINRA, it could potentially result in FINRA referring the matter to the SEC’s Division of Enforcement.

These companies are almost always plagued with incomplete or fraudulent corporate records which make it extremely difficult for the post-reverse merger company to comply with FINRA Rule 6490. As a result, these companies may never get FINRA approval of the contemplated corporate action.

Rule 6490 Disclosures

Issuers must provide a cover letter disclosing the full corporate history for the issuer itemizing all material facts including every corporate change that has occurred from inception to present day.

Triggers for Review under FINRA RULE 6490

A FINRA review will be triggered if any of the five factors set forth in Rule 6490 are thought to be present:

• FINRA believes the forms are incomplete, inaccurate or filed without the appropriate corporate authority;

• The issuer is not current in its reporting obligations with the Securities and Exchange Commission;

• Persons involved in or related to the corporate action are the subject of pending or settled regulatory action or are under investigation by a regulatory body or are the subject of a pending criminal action related to fraud or securities law violations;

• Persons related to the corporate action are likely involved in fraudulent activities involving securities or may pose a threat to investors;

• There is significant uncertainty in the settlement and clearance process for the issuer’s securities.

Any company contemplating going public using a reverse merger must consider the potential impact Rule 6490 could have on its future corporate actions. Rule 6490 provides one more compelling reason why private companies seeking to go public should do so using a registration statement instead of a reverse merger.
💀 1 💤 1
Motor-goater Motor-goater 2 days ago
Nope Shitty
It’s the game. Play or be played. Nobody is mad he’s here. Hi-ho can stay as long as he likes.
👍️ 1 😍 1
Lime Time Lime Time 2 days ago
CNNA will get back to current again.

He has no clue how this OTC stock stuff works, but holds grudges against those that have exposed him.

I'm buying this, so please continue the bear talk so I can load it up.
👍️ 1 👎️ 1 💸 1 😍 1 🤣 1
drugmanrx drugmanrx 2 days ago
He/she is nothing more then the comedic entertainment during intermission.

Hi-Lo lives in 9-of-10 posters heads, rent free.
👍️ 1
Lime Time Lime Time 2 days ago
It was 3m bidding at .0007 and ask 300,000 at .0045

We haven't traded a single share in a few days. Really strange.
Squirrely_McShitty Squirrely_McShitty 2 days ago
What does the bid, as it is, sit at?
Squirrely_McShitty Squirrely_McShitty 2 days ago
Hi-Lo lives in 9-of-10 posters heads, rent free.

He owns this board. He owns the conversation. He plays the tune you dance to.

It's pathetic.
Teddytropics Teddytropics 3 days ago
Are you sure?

Because none of it adds up..

To the best of my knowledge, two of the people you continually mention, aren't even in the company..?

Makes you wonder?

Kind of?

Maybe? Just a little?

Mr79 Mr79 3 days ago
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 3 days ago
Everything I'm posting is is concerning this CNNA scam.
Teddytropics Teddytropics 3 days ago
Mr Lo-2Hi he is talking about CNNA.

Have you figured what stock you are talking about?

Wondering for me and anyone else who has been following this stock.

No one else seems to know what you talking about?

I understand your perspective is unique and your own..

It just doesn't seem to be the same one we are observing..

Different people etc.

This tickers name is CNNA. Cann American Corp. Expert Market.
👎️ 1
Lime Time Lime Time 3 days ago
I will buy .0006s bring it
👎️ 1 💸 1
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 3 days ago
Doesn't bear fruit by August, I may be selling to you at .0006.

.0006 coming soon.

The fruit here withered and dried up long ago. All that's left is the worm who idiotically wants his bid filled on a Mark Miller and Jason Black scam stock in expert market with missing financials since 2022 and missing financials going all the way back to 2016 and 2017.

What an ignorant moron.
Squirrely_McShitty Squirrely_McShitty 3 days ago
Well, good luck on that. You're one of the few good ones out there.

Doesn't bear fruit by August, I may be selling to you at .0006.
Squirrely_McShitty Squirrely_McShitty 3 days ago
This hasn't been abandoned. It can exist forever and is a perfect ticker with low float for a future reverse merger play.

Yup. Just got to wait and hope someone buys it. Could be five or 10 years (assuming our system has that much stability left in it), but some company could buy it somewhere down the road. No guarantees, but yeah, the float is low.
Lime Time Lime Time 3 days ago
I'm hoping this hi-lo guy fills my bid at .0006

And I think he will 🚀
👎️ 1 💸 1 😂 1
Squirrely_McShitty Squirrely_McShitty 3 days ago
Lots of shares available at $.0045, I bet. Go get 'em.
Mr79 Mr79 3 days ago
Mr79 Mr79 5 days ago
🎯 1 👍️ 1
Motor-goater Motor-goater 5 days ago
Mr79 Mr79 5 days ago
👍️ 2
Mr79 Mr79 6 days ago
👍️ 3 😀 2
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
It takes two years up to date of audited FINs to EDGAR, or two years of unaudited FINs to OTCIQ to exit Expert Market.

Post documentation proving that what you are saying is true. You can't.

CNNA is missing financials from 2016 and 2017 (not to mention missing financials since 2022).

Here is what Google AI has to say concerning missing financials to get SEC current and out of expert market (to have the SEC/FINRA approve the company's corporate actions):

No, a company generally cannot become "SEC current" (meaning fully compliant with SEC filing requirements) if it is missing financial reports from 8 years prior; the SEC requires companies to file all necessary periodic reports, including financial statements, in a timely manner, and significant missing information from past years would prevent a company from being considered current, even if they are filing recent reports on time.

Key points to consider:
Timely Filing Requirement:
The SEC expects companies to file all required reports within specified deadlines, including historical financial statements, to maintain current status.

Potential Consequences:
If a company is missing significant financial reports from previous years, they could face penalties, delisting from exchanges, and legal issues for non-compliance.
So everything you have been saying concerning the matter is a lie.

This dumpster fire of a stock from known and documented scamming management is permanently stuck in expert market.

But we already know your difficulty with the truth:
Motor-goater Motor-goater 6 days ago
No you are a liar. We all know and it’s literally hilarious to watch you act so smart. If you are going to bash a company you might do some real DD. Think about the missing financials you’ve been obsessing over. You know the ones they will never be able to get. Yes start there. Corporate documents
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
The company was reinstated to active years ago.
It's in expert market with a withdrawn Form 10 registration statement you liar.
Lime Time Lime Time 6 days ago
Try harder. Nobody is selling. I want my bids to fill 🚀

It takes two years up to date of audited FINs to EDGAR, or two years of unaudited FINs to OTCIQ to exit Expert Market. Both take it out of EM regardless of missing filings from previous years or from previous management. Stop spreading misinformation multiple times daily; your pea sized brain can't comprehend how the OTC rules work. There is also a Form C to EDGAR that will bring this Pink Current. Form 1/S would be the worst case scenario, but that would also take this off EM.

So many options are available. All those mentioned above are still on the plate.

This hasn't been abandoned. It can exist forever and is a perfect ticker with low float for a future reverse merger play.
👎️ 1 💸 1
Motor-goater Motor-goater 6 days ago
No. Not the case. You have been blatantly lying. The company was reinstated to active years ago. Not the first time that’s been brought up and it’s an easy find. That point alone takes out every single thing you’ve posted. Why keep spreading misinformation?
If we are a waste of time… move on. We certainly could do without your daily BS.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
Say a company has terminated its status and is not operating for a couple years then reinstates company to active…. So for the 2 yrs the company was terminated and inactive, it has to provide financials? Hmmmm
I never said that. That's what a Form 15 covers but many companies like CNNA never recover from withdrawing their SEC registration, especially if they are in expert market with missing financials.

Plus your scenario is also irrelevant here since CNNA isn't getting reinstated.

Replying to all the lying pumpers here is getting tiring especially you and the malaria guy in particular. You are both a waste of time.

You're just grasping at straws to try to avoid rationalizing the inevitable.

You've been had by this company's scamming management and I'm proving it with documentation.

Enjoy your losses since this is never getting out of expert market.

End of conversation.
Motor-goater Motor-goater 6 days ago
You must have a pretty large short position…. You are ruthless about nothing.
No one pumping! We like the company….
👍️ 1
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
The lie is that you are saying you aren't defending them among other things.

Plus a person like you who says they never lie is a lie in itself.

CNNA is dying a slow death in expert market because it will never be able to get out.

Again, where are the missing CNNA financials since 2022?

Where are the missing CNNA financials for 2016 and 2017?

Where's Pink Limited?

Where's Pink Current?

Where's CNNA's SEC Form 10 registration statement approval?

Where are CNNA's SEC/FINRA corporate action approvals?

Why hasn't the CEO communicated to shareholders in ages?


CNNA has had no financial statements since 2022 and the missing financial statements from 2016 and 2017.

All the missing financials make CNNA a delinquent ticker with the SEC because CNNA continues to violate FINRA Rule 6490 which means there's an SEC freeze on any Form 10 Registration Statement approval. There's also a current freeze on any SEC /FINRA corporate action approval such as a merger.

It's also impossible for CNNA to go back that many years (especially 2016 and 2017) to balance the books.

That makes CNNA a dead ticker because the company will never get anything approved by the SEC/FINRA - EVER - because of all of its missing financial statements and continued violation of FINRA Rule 6490. No wonder this scam is in Expert Market. It can only continue to do measly trades on Expert Market as it whithers away into eventual delinsting.

Pumpers here bought into a scam.
Motor-goater Motor-goater 6 days ago
Say a company has terminated its status and is not operating for a couple years then reinstates company to active…. So for the 2 yrs the company was terminated and inactive, it has to provide financials? Hmmmm
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
Whichever stock you are talking about, if they have missing financials let them try to get a Form 10 or corporate actions approved now and see what happens.

You are feverishly defending scam stocks.
Teddytropics Teddytropics 6 days ago
I don't care..

Nobody cares...

Just u.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 6 days ago
I may get things wrong once in a while but one thing I never do is lie.

I'm not confused and you are lying.

Please point out a lie with

Jason Black is allowed by the SEC to be a CEO, and allowed by the SEC to be involved with CNNA is a simple fact.

Mark Miller was found guilty of a crime and Banned from being involved with any companies, that too is a simple fact.

SEC currently views Jason Black as innocent other wise they would have sanctioned him like they did Miller, no matter what false narratives you try to push, that is simply reality.

or this
drugmanrx drugmanrx 6 days ago
That stock example I provided IS NOT in the expert market that is missing 9 years of filings.

Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
You are confused, I defend nobody.
I'm not confused and you are lying.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
9 years of missing filings and trading.
Again, for the upteenth time - being SEC delinquent because of missing financials doesn't mean the stock can't trade. It will just be stuck in expert market and trade in measly volume (primarily to Canadians who can trade the stock) until it gets delisted.

CNNA is an expert market, SEC delinquent scam.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 6 days ago
You are confused, I defend nobody.

I simply point out reality.

Jason Black is allowed by the SEC to be a CEO, and allowed by the SEC to be involved with CNNA is a simple fact.

Mark Miller was found guilty of a crime and Banned from being involved with any companies, that too is a simple fact.

SEC currently views Jason Black as innocent other wise they would have sanctioned him like they did Miller, no matter what false narratives you try to push, that is simply reality.


"Kiss your investment bye-bye."

My investment is worth over 2X of what I purchased it for even more then that as I have taken some profit off the table.

That my friend is also reality
Motor-goater Motor-goater 6 days ago
Ok. You know constantly posting about this nonsense just gives more credibility and visibility to the bulls. Right.
Motor-goater Motor-goater 6 days ago
This references a BLOG come on HOE we’ve been down this road.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 6 days ago
FINRA Rule 6490, which governs how companies process company-related actions, was approved in 2010

CNNA did this in 2020 missing financials from 2016 and 2017

"Capital Change=shs decreased by 1 for 10 split. Ex-date=11/13/2020. Pay date=11/13/2020"

And Finra accepted it.


It's also impossible for CNNA to go back that many years (especially 2016 and 2017) to balance the books.

Ok, so explain to us how this company is trading

09/22/2010 Attorney Letter with Respect to Current Information 06/30/2010
Next filing 09/13/2021 Annual Report 09/30/2019

9 years of missing filings and trading.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
The three amigos MO is to scam their shareholders and your MO is to defend those scammers.

Vehemently defending a scam that is in expert market and another with a yield sign from a group of documented scammers says a lot about you.

The Form 10 has been pumped here for years and management submitted it on 05/31/2023 and it was quickly withdrawn on 08/10/2023 after the SEC looked at it and told them it was a no go.

It didn't pass muster and never will.

Kiss your investment bye-bye.
drugmanrx drugmanrx 6 days ago
Has the SEC banned Jason Black from being a CEO of any company or banned him from being involved with any company? NO!

Why not?

They did that to Mark Miller, your obsession.

Yet here Jason Black with the approval of the SEC is allowed to be CEO of SAPX and work with CNNA, why is that?
👍️ 1
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 6 days ago
Where are the missing CNNA financials since 2022?

Where are the missing CNNA financials for 2016 and 2017?

Where's Pink Limited?

Where's Pink Current?

Where's CNNA's SEC Form 10 registration statement approval?

Where are CNNA's SEC/FINRA corporate action approvals?

Why hasn't the CEO communicated to shareholders in ages?

CNNA has had no financial statements since 2022 and the missing financial statements from 2016 and 2017.

All the missing financials make CNNA a delinquent ticker with the SEC because CNNA continues to violate FINRA Rule 6490 which means there's an SEC freeze on any Form 10 Registration Statement approval. There's also a freeze on any SEC /FINRA corporate action approval such as a merger.

It's also impossible for CNNA to go back that many years (especially 2016 and 2017) to balance the books.

That makes CNNA a dead ticker because the company will never get anything approved by the SEC/FINRA - EVER - because of all of its missing financial statements and continued violation of FINRA Rule 6490. No wonder this scam is in Expert Market. It can only continue to do measly trades on Expert Market as it whithers away into eventual delinsting.

Pumpers here bought into a scam.

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