provided operational results for the full year 2010, the Company's outlook on 
future production, costs, capital expenditures and exploration budget and an 
update on Chapada's production profile 
    2010 Operational Highlights 
      -  Fourth quarter production of 286,000 GEO, an increase of 7% from the 
         previous quarter and the third consecutive quarterly production 
      -  2010 production of 1,046,500 gold equivalent ounces (GEO), 
         in-line with previously stated guidance, and an increase from 2009 
      -  Cash costs for the full year 2010 were less than $125 per GEO (1), 
         after by-product credits, lower than previously stated guidance of 
         less than $175 per GEO. 
    Outlook Highlights 
      -  2011 production is expected to be in the range of 
         1.04 - 1.14 million GEO. 
      -  2012 production is expected to be in the range of 1.20-1.32 million 
         GEO, an increase of 27% versus 2010 levels as development projects 
         commence production. 
      -  Production will further increase in 2013 and is expected to be in 
         the range of 1.46 - 1.68 million GEO, an increase of approximately 
         60% versus 2010, as the Company's development projects continue to 
         achieve full production. 
      -  2014 production is targeted at more than 1.7 million GEO as 
         development projects achieve full production or any further 
         exploration successes and optimizations and expansions that are 
         presently underway are completed. This represents production growth 
         over four years of approximately 65% from 2010 production levels. 
         This production growth does not include additional production from 
         new projects, expansions and optimizations now under evaluation. 
"In 2010, we continued to focus on consistency and reliability in our 
operations to create a sustainable production platform with comparatively low 
cash costs. Production and costs after credits for 2010 were within expected 
ranges, a clear demonstration of the commitment toward, and achievement of, 
this objective. I am pleased with the accomplishments of the Company this year 
and look forward to delivering on industry-leading production growth over the 
next few years," commented Peter Marrone, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. 
"Planned production increases result from the start-up of development projects, 
for which construction decisions have already been made. In addition, the 
optimizations and expansions that are ongoing at our currently operating mines 
will further maximize value. Yamana is in a unique position as we deliver 
significant production growth, all of which is fully-funded from cash flow and 
available cash, and, at the same time, we expect to generate free cash flow 
throughout this growth phase and increase our cash balances. Yamana continues 
to execute on a superior organic growth profile and strategic initiatives which 
provide a compelling value proposition for investors over the next few years." 
Production and costs for 2010 were within previously provided guidance. For the 
full year ended December 31, 2010, total production for the Company was 
approximately 1,046,500 GEO consisting of 863,000 ounces of gold and 10,085,000 
ounces of silver which is represented on a gold equivalent basis. Production 
during Q4 2010 increased to approximately 286,000 GEO, an increase of 7% from 
Q3 2010. Chapada copper production for the year was 149 million pounds, with 40 
million pounds having been produced in Q4 2010. 
Production on a mine-by-mine basis for Q4 2010 and for the full year is 
summarized in the table below: 
            Preliminary Production (GEO)      Q4 2010         2010 
            Chapada                            37,000      135,648 
            El Penon                          114,000      428,134 
            Gualcamayo                         36,000      134,901 
            Jacobina                           34,000      122,443 
            Minera Florida                     32,000      105,556 
            Fazenda Brasileiro                 20,000       70,232 
            Alumbrera (12.5%)                  13,000       49,595 
            Total Production (GEO)            286,000    1,046,509 
            Total Copper (M lbs.)(Chapada)         40          149 
Production levels at most of the Company's operating mines were within expected 
ranges. A summary of certain details by mine follows: 
      -  El Penon production of more than 428,000 GEO exceeded guidance and 
         represents an increase of almost 9% versus 2009. 
      -  Jacobina produced at the high end of its estimated guidance range 
         reaching 122,443 ounces for the year, an increase of almost 10% 
         versus 2009. 
      -  Minera Florida produced 105,556 GEO, which was consistent with 
         guidance despite the disruption in operations for a period of time 
         after an earthquake in Chile early in 2010. 
      -  Chapada generally met expected production levels, achieving 
         135,648 gold ounces and 149 million pounds of copper for the year. 
      -  Gualcamayo production was throughout Q3, and a portion of Q4, of 
         2010 as the Company implemented plans for improvements in recovery 
         and increases in capacity to 1, 500 tonnes per hour, which were 
         completed by the middle of Q4, and should positively impact 2011 and 
Of note in Q4, 2010, December production from all mines reached a high of 
101,000 GEO, with Minera Florida and Gualcamayo achieving production levels of 
approximately 12,400 GEO and 14,100 ounces of gold, respectively. For Minera 
Florida, normalized quarterly production, before production increases resulting 
from the expansion which is in progress, should be just below Q4 production 
levels. For Gualcamayo, December production demonstrates the initial positive 
impact of the efforts undertaken for improvements in recovery and increases in 
capacity as noted above. 
Cash costs in Q4 2010 and for the full year of 2010, (excluding Alumbrera) are 
estimated to be below $50 and below $125 per GEO, respectively, better than 
previously provided cost guidance of below $175 per GEO. Cash costs are 
calculated after by-product credits. Co-product cash costs for the full year 
2010 are expected to be approximately $450 per GEO. 
Production in 2011 is expected to increase from 2010 as optimizations and 
expansions become effective and grades improve at several operations. 
Production in 2011 is targeted to be in the range of 1.04 to 1.14 million GEO, 
in line with previous guidance. 
Production in 2012 is expected to increase by 27% from 2010 levels to between 
1.2 to 1.33 million GEO as preliminary production is expected from the Minera 
Florida expansion and the Mercedes mine, as both projects advance to full 
production and capacity levels. C1 Santa Luz and Ernesto / Pau a Pique are also 
expected to start contributing to production by the end of 2012. 
Production in 2013 is expected to increase by 60% from 2010 levels to between 
1.46 and 1.68 million GEO, with new contributions expected from Pilar, and full 
year of production at Mercedes, C1 Santa Luz, and Ernesto/Pau a Pique. 
Planned production for 2014, with the completion of the four development 
projects and expansions, is expected to be more than 1.7 million GEO, although 
further guidance on production will be provided as the development of 
contributing projects further advances. 
Estimated production on a mine-by-mine basis for 2011-2012 is detailed below: 
    Estimated Production (GEO)                     2011E                2012E 
    Chapada                            130,000 - 140,000      125,000-140,000 
    El Penon                           420,000 - 440,000      420,000-450,000 
    Gualcamayo                         150,000 - 170,000      165,000-180,000 
    Jacobina                           120,000 - 135,000      130,000-145,000 
    Minera Florida                     115,000 - 130,000      140,000-155,000 
    Fazenda Brasileiro                   60,000 - 80,000        60,000-70,000 
    Alumbrera (12.5%)                    40,000 - 50,000        40,000-50,000 
    Development Projects                                      115,000-135,000 
    Total GEO                      1,035,000 - 1,145,000  1,195,000-1,325,000 
    Total Copper (M lbs)(Chapada)              145 - 160              140-160 
Silver production is expected to be close to nine million ounces in each of 
these years. Silver production is reported as a gold equivalent and included in 
the above forecasts at a ratio of 50:1. 
The realization of these expectations will partially depend on the successful 
startup and ramp up of the Company's current growth projects: Mercedes, Ernesto 
/ Pau a Pique, C1 Santa Luz and Pilar. The expected average annual production 
of these projects, once in full operation, is detailed below: 
                         Project          Expected Average 
                                          Annual Production 
                         Mercedes              120,000 
                   Ernesto / Pau a Pique       100,000 
                       C1 Santa Luz            100,000 
                           Pilar               120,000 
Equally, the Company is pursuing further optimizations and expansions of 
current and planned mines that would further increase production, all of which 
are being evaluated in 2011. These efforts focus on possible expansions at 
Pilar and Mercedes which would depend on resource increases which are pending. 
Production increases at Jacobina are also under evaluation as new discoveries 
of resources at higher grade are made. Finally, the Company is also advancing 
the Jeronimo project in Chile with a planned new reserve estimate mid 2011 and 
feasibility study by end of year. These optimizations, expansions and new 
projects would contribute to production above the current planned level 
beginning in 2014. 
Estimated cash costs for 2011 through 2013 are forecasted to be below $250 per 
GEO. Cash costs are calculated after base metal by-product credits. 
Capital expenditures for 2011 are expected to be approximately $640 million 
excluding capitalized exploration, of which $200 million is for sustaining 
capital. The 2011 sustaining capital includes approximately $50 million of 
spending on new initiatives relating to improvements in safety and environment, 
along with optimizations that will contribute to further efficiencies at all of 
the Company's operations. Development capital for 2011 includes the development 
of Pilar and the Gualcamayo expansion, for which construction decisions were 
made in mid 2010 and thereby supplements previously provided guidance. 
Development capital also includes construction for the first phase of 
development of Suruca, a project for which a pre-feasibility study was only 
recently completed, which will contribute to Chapada's gold production. These 
projects account for approximately $170 million in capital spending in 2011. 
Total development capital for each development project remains within 
expectations as noted in previous feasibility studies and guidance. 
The Company expects to spend approximately $85 million on exploration, a 
continuation of the successful 2010 program. Yamana's 2011 exploration program 
will continue to focus on increasing mineral reserves and mineral resources 
with its near-mine and regional exploration programs, as well as continuing to 
explore greenfield targets. 
    The following assumptions were used for budgeting purposes: 
    Metal Prices 
                           2011E    2012E    2013E 
    Gold US$ /ounce        1,225    1,300    1,300 
    Silver US$/ounce       24.50    26       26 
    Copper US$/lb          3.40     3.40     3.40 
                           2011E    2012E    2013E 
    Brazilian Real / US$   1.80     1.80     1.80 
    Argentine Peso / US$   4.00     4.50     4.70 
    Chilean Peso / US$     500.00   500.00   500.00 
                           2011E    2012E    2013E 
    Argentina              25%      15%      15% 
    Brazil                 7%       6%       6% 
    Chile                  3.5%     3.5%     3% 
New Chapada Production Plan - Suruca 
The Company recently completed a pre-feasibility study on its 100%-owned Suruca 
gold deposit. Suruca is located 6 kms northeast of the Company's Chapada mine 
in Goias State, Brazil. The Suruca pre-feasibility study was prepared on the 
basis of reviewing the merits of the Suruca project's development incorporating 
three distinct phases or components to the project. These are i) the processing 
of Suruca oxides via conventional heap leach processing (the "Oxides Phase"); 
ii) the production of additional gold from the Chapada ore following 
modifications to the Chapada processing plant ("Phase I Sulphides"); and iii) 
the processing of Suruca sulphides through new processing facilities to be 
added to the Chapada plant ("Phase II Sulphides"). 
This positive pre-feasibility supports the addition to mineral reserves for 
Chapada of approximately 1.05 million ounces of gold, 268,000 ounces from 
oxides and 784,000 ounces from sulphides. 
Total mineral resources and mineral reserves for Suruca are broken down as 
                        Indicated Mineral Resources (1)         Inferred 
    Ore      Cutoff  -------------------------------------------------------- 
                      Au (g/t)     kt      koz     Au (g/t)     kt      koz 
                                (x1000)  (x1000)             (x1000)  (x1000) 
    Oxide      0.2      0.48     19,247    298       0.39     3,755      47 
    Sulphide   0.3      0.50    132,114   2,127      0.39     5,423      68 
    Total               0.50    151,361   2,425      0.39     9,178     115 
    (1) Mineral resources are inclusive of mineral reserves. 
                    Probable Reserves       Contained Metal (oz) 
               Tonnes (tx1000)   Au (g/t)   Au (oz x 1,000) 
    Oxide      16,331            0.510      268 
    Sulphide   44,124            0.553      784 
    Total      60,455            0.541      1,052 
Mineral reserves for Suruca are classified in accordance with the 2005 CIM 
Definition Standards and are based on a gold price of $900 per ounce. 
The Oxides Phase and the Phase I Sulphides component of the project have a 
combined capex of approximately $100 million. These two phases of the project 
would provide total additional gold production to Chapada of approximately 
446,000 ounces at combined cash costs approximating $420 per ounce from this 
incremental production. This additional production would begin in 2013 and 
would result in pro-forma gold production levels from Chapada averaging 
approximately 146,000 ounces per year over the next six years (2011 to 2016). 
Chapada's pro-forma mine life with the addition of this new project would 
extend to 2028. 
The oxides would be produced using conventional heap leaching technology and 
would deliver in the order of 228,000 ounces of gold production. Approximately 
16.3 million tonnes of ore would be processed over five years achieving average 
annual gold production of approximately 46,000 gold ounces. The Phase I 
Sulphide component of the project would deliver total gold production of 
approximately 218,000 ounces over the Chapada mine life. This additional 
production would be the result of installing a CIL and gravity concentrator at 
the existing Chapada plant, which is expected to increase gold recovery by 
approximately 10%. 
The planned Chapada gold production for the next ten years, including all three 
phases of the project, based on the pre-feasibility production levels, is 
summarized as follows: 
    in 000s oz)    2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019  2020 
    Chapada Ore     139   131   101   104   94    87    79    55    68    70 
    Suruca Oxides                48    58   52    58    12 
     Sulphides                                          57   105   110   109 
    Total Gold 
     Production     139   131   149   162  146   146   148   160   178   179 
Subject to further feasibility work and formal board approval, the Company has 
included in its 2011-13 budget the capital required to advance the first two 
phases of the Suruca project. 
The Phase II Sulphides component of the project involves the addition of new 
processing facilities at the Chapada plant including the installation of a 
third mill and additional flotation cells. Further analysis and optimization of 
this phase of the project is underway as the Company would not be required to 
implement this part of the project until at least 2014 or 2015. Further, the 
Company believes that there is significant potential to further add to the 
current level of mineral reserves prior to finalizing the project design. 
Yamana will be hosting a presentation, providing insight into this outlook on 
Wednesday January 12, 2011 beginning at 9:00 am EST. The presentation will be 
webcast. To participate, logon at www.yamana.com. 
For further information on the audio webcast, please contact the Investor 
Relations Department or visit our website at www.yamana.com. 
Quality Assurance and Quality Control 
Yamana incorporates a rigorous Quality Assurance and Quality Control program 
for all of its mines and exploration projects which conforms to industry Best 
Practices as outlined by the CSE and National Instrument 43-101. This includes 
the use of independent third party laboratories and the use of professionally 
prepared standards and blanks and analysis of sample duplicates with a second 
independent laboratory. 
Qualified Person 
Greg Walker, P. Geo., Senior Manager Resources Estimation for Yamana Gold Inc. 
has reviewed and confirmed the scientific and technical information contained 
within this press release relating to Chapada's Suruca resources and serves as 
the Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. 
Evandro Cintra, P.Geo., Senior Vice President, Technical Services for Yamana 
Gold Inc has reviewed and confirmed the remainder of the scientific and 
technical information contained within this press release and serves as the 
Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. 
About Yamana 
Yamana is a Canadian-based gold producer with significant gold production, gold 
development stage properties, exploration properties, and land positions in 
Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Colombia. Yamana plans to continue to 
build on this base through existing operating mine expansions, throughput 
increases, development of new mines, the advancement of its exploration 
properties and by targeting other gold consolidation opportunities with a 
primary focus in the Americas. 
The Company has included certain non-GAAP measures including "Co-product cash 
costs per gold equivalent ounce", "Co-product cash costs per pound of copper," 
and "By-product cash costs per gold equivalent ounce," to supplement its 
financial statements, which are presented in accordance with Canadian GAAP. 
The Company believes that these measures, together with measures determined in 
accordance with Canadian GAAP, provide investors with an improved ability to 
evaluate the underlying performance of the Company. Non-GAAP measures do not 
have any standardized meaning prescribed under Canadian GAAP, and therefore 
they may not be comparable to similar measures employed by other companies. The 
data is intended to provide additional information and should not be considered 
in isolation or as a substitute for measures of performance prepared in 
accordance with Canadian GAAP. 
The Company has included cash costs per GEO and cash costs per pound of copper 
information because it understands that certain investors use this information 
to determine the Company's ability to generate earnings and cash flows for use 
in investing and other activites. The Company believes that conventional 
measures of performance prepared in accordance with Canadian GAAP do not fully 
illustrate the ability of its operating mines to generate cash flows. The 
meassures are not necessarily indicative of operating profit or cash flows from 
operations as determined under Canadian GAAP. Cash costs per GEO are calculated 
on a co-product and by-product basis. Cash costs on a co-product basis are 
computed by allocating operating cash costs separately to metals (gold anc 
copper) based on an estimated or assumed ratio. Cash costs on a by-product 
basis are computed by deducting copper by-product revenues from the calculation 
of cash costs of production per GEO. Cash costs per GEO and per pound of copper 
are calculated on a weighted average basis. 
contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States 
Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian 
securities legislation. Except for statements of historical fact relating to 
the Company, information contained herein constitutes forward-looking 
statements, including any information as to the Company's strategy, plans or 
future financial or operating performance. Forward-looking statements are 
characterized by words such as "plan," "expect", "budget", "target", "project", 
"intend," "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words, or 
statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur. 
Forward-looking statements are based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates 
of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made, and 
are inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other known 
and unknown factors that could cause actual events or results to differ 
materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. These 
factors include the Company's expectations in connection with the projects and 
exploration programs discussed herein being met, the impact of general business 
and economic conditions, global liquidity and credit availability on the timing 
of cash flows and the values of assets and liabilities based on projected 
future conditions, fluctuating metal prices (such as gold, copper, silver and 
zinc), currency exchange rates (such as the Brazilian Real, the Chilean Peso 
and the Argentine Peso versus the United States Dollar), possible variations in 
ore grade or recovery rates, changes in the Company's hedging program, changes 
in accounting policies, changes in the Company's corporate mineral resources, 
risk related to non-core mine dispositions, changes in project parametres as 
plans continue to be refined, changes in project development, construction, 
production and commissioning time frames, risk related to joint venture 
operations, the possibility of project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and 
expenses, higher prices for fuel, steel, power, labour and other consumables 
contributing to higher costs and general risks of the mining industry, failure 
of plant, equipment or processes to operate as anticipated, unexpected changes 
in mine life, final pricing for concentrate sales, unanticipated results of 
future studies, seasonality and unanticipated weather changes, costs and timing 
of the development of new deposits, success of exploration activities, 
permitting time lines, government regulation of mining operations, 
environmental risks, unanticipated reclamation expenses, title disputes or 
claims, limitations on insurance coverage and timing and possible outcome of 
pending litigation and labour disputes, as well as those risk factors discussed 
or referred to in the Company's annual Management's Discussion and Analysis and 
Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2009 filed with the 
securities regulatory authorities in all provinces of Canada and available at 
www.sedar.com, and the Company's Annual Report on Form 40-F filed with the 
United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Although the Company has 
attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events 
or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking 
statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results 
not to be anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that 
forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and 
future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such 
statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking 
statements if circumstances or management's estimates, assumptions or opinions 
should change, except as required by applicable law. The reader is cautioned 
not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The forward-looking 
information contained herein is presented for the purpose of assisting 
investors in understanding the Company's expected financial and operational 
performance and results as at and for the periods ended on the dates presented 
in the Company's plans and objectives and may not be appropriate for other 
This news release uses the terms "Measured", "Indicated" and "Inferred" Mineral 
Resources. United States investors are advised that while such terms are 
recognized and required by Canadian regulations, the United States Securities 
and Exchange Commission does not recognize them. "Inferred Mineral Resources" 
have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence, and as to their 
economic and legal feasibility. It cannot be assumed that all or any part of an 
Inferred Mineral Resource will ever be upgraded to a higher category. Under 
Canadian rules, estimates of Inferred Mineral Resources may not form the basis 
of feasibility or other economic studies. United States investors are cautioned 
not to assume that all or any part of Measured or Indicated Mineral Resources 
will ever be converted into Mineral Reserves. United States investors are also 
cautioned not to assume that all or any part of an Inferred Mineral Resource 
exists, or is economically or legally mineable. 
    All amounts are expressed in United States Dollars unless otherwise 
    indicated. 2010 production and costs exclude discontinued operations. 
    1. By product cash costs are Non-GAAP measures. A definition is provided 
       at the end of this press release. 
For further information: Lisa Doddridge, Vice President, Corporate 
Communications and Investor Relations, (416) 815-0220, Email: investor(at) 
yamana.com; or Linda Armstrong, Director, Investor Relations, (416) 815-0220, 
Email: investor(at)yamana.com, www.yamana.com; MEDIA INQUIRIES: Mansfield 
Communications Inc., Hugh Mansfield, (416) 599-0024 

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