RNS No 2594k
4th December 1997

                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
                Strong growth from Logistics Operations
Christian Salvesen PLC, the logistics and food services company, today
announces its interim results.

Performance of Continuing                1997      1996
            Logistics                 #235.8m   #232.3m
            Food Services              #28.3m    #32.2m
       Operating profit                                
            Logistics                  #20.9m    #19.7m
            Food Services               #2.5m     #6.6m
Performance including Discontinued                     
       Profit before taxation          #47.6m    #51.6m
       Earnings per share              10.46p    12.30p
       Earnings per share                              
  (excluding exceptionals)             10.73p    12.03p
Dividend (1996 excluding 17p             3.9p      3.8p

*     Logistics  operating  profits  increased  11%,  excluding   the
      impact of currency.  Logistics margins were up from 8.5% to 8.9%.

*     UK Logistics has performed particularly well with operating
      profits 14.1% ahead at #17 million with strong growth in
      Industrial, UK Temperature Control Network and Consumer.

*     Continuing expansion in Industrial Logistics into  new   sectors
      was  achieved with three year contracts for The Mail and Mail on
      Sunday and SPTyres, along with new business from Vauxhall and

*     Operating profits in Continental Europe Logistics 5.7% ahead
      of  last year at #3.7 million excluding negative currency impact of
      #0.8 million.  Expansion into Spain and Italy progressing well.

*     Food  Services profits reduced by #4.1 million after poorest
      processing season for 15 years.

*     Demerger of Aggreko successfully completed 29 September 1997.

*     Interim Dividend up 2.6% to 3.9 pence.

Chairman, Jonathan Fry, said:

"With the exception of Food Services, these results were satisfactory.
In particular we saw an encouraging rise in operating profits from
Logistics, the key to our future.

"The priority of the company will now be the development of a high
quality pan-European network of logistics services for both industrial
and food/consumer customers.  With a strong management team, excellent
technology and a broad and prestigious customer base in place, I
believe we are well placed to pursue this strategy."


Edward Roderick
Chief Executive

Christian Salvesen PLC   Tel: 0171 353 9203 (until 3pm)
                              01604 666 2640 (thereafter)

Jonathon Brill/John Kiely
Lowe Bell Financial      Tel: 0171 353 9203

                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
                         CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

As your new Chairman, I am pleased to report that all the strategic
measures proposed to you a year ago have now been carried through.
Aggreko has been demerged and shareholders have received #150 million
of special dividends.  In addition, the USA logistics operations have
been sold.

These results, for the half year to 30 September 1997, are the final
figures including Aggreko, which has now been demerged.  They are at
first sight disappointing with an 11% fall in earnings per share
before exceptional items.  However, excluding the effects of currency
and a downturn in Food Services, impacted by poor harvests, operating
profits are up, and operating profit from Logistics - the key to our
future - rose 11% on like for like exchange rates.  The dividend has
been increased from 3.8 pence to 3.9 pence, of which 2.45 pence is
deemed to be in respect of the ongoing business.

The priority of the company will now be the development of a high
quality pan-European network of logistics services for both industrial
and food/consumer customers.  There is no doubt that this is an
attractive market to serve.  The large manufacturers and retailers of
Europe are now viewing it as a single market in terms of their supply
chain.  Products are being manufactured at strategically placed
locations in Europe and distributed from these to the national markets
of the EU.  Many companies will not wish to carry out this
distribution themselves, having resolved that their core skills lie
elsewhere, in selling, in production or in marketing.  This presents
Christian Salvesen with an excellent strategic opportunity, and we
intend to grasp it, obtaining an increasing share of what will be a
strongly growing market.

In order to achieve this, there is much to be done.  Both our
Industrial and Food /Consumer businesses have a strong home base in
the UK;  both have made a start on developing a presence in
Continental Europe, the latter having progressed further than the
former.  Linking Europe together in distribution terms is not an easy
task;  national and regional orientation in the logistics business is
still very prevalent;  trans-border co-operation and affiliation
require changes of attitude.  Attempts to date to develop across the
whole market have led to problems for many companies including, in the
past, our own.

Our strategy is a bold one, to develop with speed a continent-wide set
of networks, employing a mixture of joint venture, acquisition and
organic development.  We have made an encouraging start.  Although the
massive changes to the company concluded only weeks ago have meant
some dislocation, our logistics operations are, as I have said, making
progress, with profits showing, at constant exchange rates, a good
upward momentum.

We are now well placed to pursue our strategy.  We have a strong
management team, excellent technology (particularly and crucially in
IT) and a broad and prestigious customer base.  We are confident that
these are the right ingredients for building shareholder value.  We
will deploy them to the full.

As to the immediate future, although difficulties in Food Services
remain, the growth achieved in Logistics is being maintained.

Jonathan Fry
Chairman                                4 December 1997

                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC

This six month period will be the last for Christian Salvesen as a
business services company comprising the three divisions of Logistics,
Food Services and Aggreko.  The business achieved good growth across
all sectors other than Food Services.  Currency movements have,
however, reduced Operating Profits by #2.6 million.

The Logistics business continued to perform well and we saw strong
underlying growth across all divisions.  Industrial Logistics and the
Temperature Controlled Network within Food/Consumer UK have performed
particularly well as they benefited from last year's business wins.

Food Services, meanwhile, was impacted by the poor weather, high stock
levels in the industry and the strong pound.  We have taken remedial
action to stabilise the position, but market conditions remain

Aggreko turned in another good performance in its last six months as
part of the Group with profits up 3.0% to #24.4 million.

Capital expenditure, which totalled #38 million, was focused
principally on Industrial Logistics, a project for Unilever in The
Netherlands with #20.4 million on Aggreko's fleet.


The division performed strongly with both sales and operating profits
ahead in the UK.

During the period we saw an encouraging level of new business wins
totalling #20 million in annualised sales.  These include major
contracts with Vauxhall for its aftermarket business as well as
significantly increased volumes for Mobil following its joint venture
in lubricants with BP.

Continuing expansion into new sectors was achieved with three-year
contracts won in September for Associated Newspapers (The Daily Mail)
and SP Tyres for their Dunlop brand.

In Europe, development opportunities are being studied in both Germany
and France.  In Portugal, we have continued to trade well, encouraged
by the recognition from the Ford Motor Company that Lisbon was the
best performing depot in Europe.

Our associate company, Wohlfarth, improved its operating profit in the
period after excluding the profit on the sale of a tanker business
(#0.5 million) in 1996.

In the UK, we have experienced planning delays in the construction of
our new facilities at Rowley, near Birmingham, and Thatcham in London
and these will not now be completed until mid-1998.  Temporary
premises have been rented to accommodate the business which will be
routed through these facilities.


In Food/Consumer Logistics in the UK, business has been won, contracts
renewed and the problems at Elstree tackled.

The Temperature Controlled Network is making good progress and
continuing to build on its successful launch last year.  We have
gained both new customers and additional volume .  Meanwhile, at
Elstree, working with our customer, Sainsbury, we have made
considerable progress in resolving our operating difficulties, and as
a result, made a small loss in the period.  We anticipate that this
improving trend will be maintained during the second half.

Our contract at Warrington for Kwik Save has been extended for a
further three years and we have created new capacity at our Rugby
distribution centre to cope with increased chilled food volumes for
Marks & Spencer.  In retail support services activities, we have
expanded activities with the implementation of the first phase of the
contract to operate six strategically sited tray wash units for Chep

We have continued to expand our services to consumer product retailers
with increases in volumes of clothing and housewares being supplied to
Marks & Spencer.  In addition, we have agreed a contract with House of
Fraser to operate a new and much larger distribution centre in Milton
Keynes.  This will expand business volumes dramatically with existing
product from the current site in Northampton being supplemented by
additional volumes currently delivered direct to stores.

Continental Europe

On the continent, trading was generally satisfactory during the first
half with clear signs that consumer spending is beginning to pick up.
Profits were ahead of last year, excluding the impact of currency

Looking at individual countries, all businesses performed in line with
expectations.  In particular, The Netherlands and Spain performed
well, with the latter starting from a low base.  We also continued to
progress towards profitability in Germany.

There have been a number of new business wins during the period. We
are to take over a warehouse at Hanover in Germany for an ice cream
manufacturer and considerable new business has been won for the
growing chill network in Benelux.  In France, new business has been
obtained from Carrefour and Auchan and a major extension of the Go
Sport warehouse near Amiens was opened in September.  Significant
projects with Iglo Ola (Unilever in The Netherlands) and Galbani
(Groupe Danone in Italy) are progressing well and are on schedule to
open in the second half of 1998/99.


Following a good harvest in 1996 we entered this year with high stock
levels and declining average selling prices.  So far, the season has
proved to be a very difficult one with poor yields resulting in a
reduction in our pea tonnage of over 45% on last year's volume.  This
is the lowest processed tonnage for 15 years.

Good progress has been made in the development of our non-vegetable
activities with business gains from Birds Eye Wall's, H J Heinz and
Spillers and the renewal of our United States Air Force contract.

In addition, an investment is being made in a state of the art
vegetable mixing plant at our central repacking facility at Easton.
This is due for completion in the second half of this financial year,
and will provide the opportunity to develop better our added value

The increasing availability of fresh produce, coupled with strong
competition from mainland Europe for frozen vegetables, which has been
assisted by the exchange rate, has resulted in a very poor first half
year for Tendafrost, our wholesale operation.


In its last six months as part of the Christian Salvesen Group,
Aggreko continued to make good progress.  Despite the strength of
sterling adversely impacting the translation of overseas profits by
#1.5 million and the absence of last year's exceptional contribution
from the Atlanta Olympics, trading profits are 3.0% ahead at #24.4

In North America, which in profit terms is Aggreko's largest market,
the business continued to develop on a broad front.  The
environmentally friendly "Green Power" generators introduced last year
have proved to be extremely popular, and in many applications have set
a new industrial standard.  Utilisation of Oil Free Compressors
continued at a high level throughout the six months and, on the
temperature control front, several new applications were developed.

With a significant proportion of the European generator fleet having
been deployed in Sri Lanka during the summer months, attention in the
UK and Mainland Europe was focused on developing the temperature
control business.  Revenues in the six months were substantially ahead
of the same period last year, and further fleet will be introduced to
meet this growing market.

In the Rest of the World, demand for Aggreko's specialist services
continued to grow.  Although the contract in Sri Lanka will be
completed by the end of the year, several new contracts have been
secured in Australasia and in the Middle East a new depot has been
established in Saudi Arabia.


I  firmly  believe  that as a result of the demerger shareholders  now
have  two  strong and independent companies ready to deliver a  bright
future.   With our focused Logistics business we expect to be able  to
maintain strong growth on a consistent basis.

Edward Roderick
Chief Executive                                   4 December 1997
                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
                     GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
               FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 1997

UNAUDITED                     Before                                       
                         exceptional  Exceptional   Total for the      Year
                                                      half year       ended
                               items        items     ended 30           31
                                                      September       March
                                1997         1997    1997     1996     1997
                                  #m           #m      #m       #m       #m
Continuing operations          264.1            -   264.1    264.5    534.9
Discontinued operations         91.1            -    91.1    116.8    212.9
                            --------   ----------    ----    -----    -----
Total turnover                 355.2            -   355.2    381.3    747.8
                            --------    ---------    ----   ------   ------
Operating profit                                -                          
Continuing operations           23.2            -    23.2     25.7     41.7
Income from associated                                                     
  undertakings                   0.2            -     0.2      0.6      0.5
Discontinued operations         24.6            -    24.6     27.4     45.0
                           ---------    ---------    ----    -----    -----
Total operating profit          48.0            -    48.0     53.7     87.2
Continuing operations:                                                     
Bid defence costs                  -            -       -     (0.8)    (1.0)
Discontinued operations:                                                   
Surpluses in respect of                                                    
  businesses sold                  -         15.5    15.5      1.6      5.8
Demerger costs                     -         (8.4)   (8.4)       -        -
                            --------    ---------    ----    -----    -----
Profit on ordinary                                                         
  activities before                                                        
  interest                      48.0          7.1    55.1     54.5     92.0
Net interest payable            (7.5)           -    (7.5)    (2.9)    (6.1)
                           ---------    ---------    ----    -----    -----
Profit on ordinary                                                         
  activities before                                                        
  taxation                      40.5          7.1    47.6     51.6     85.9
Tax on profit on                                                           
  ordinary activities
  - UK                          (3.8)         0.9    (2.9)    (7.1)   (15.1)
  - Overseas                    (8.7)        (8.7)  (17.4)    (8.6)   (14.2)
                           ---------    ---------  ------    -----   ------
Profit for the                                                             
  financial period              28.0         (0.7)   27.3     35.9     56.6
Dividends on ordinary                                                      
  shares  - Cash               (10.3)           -   (10.3)   (61.1)  (174.4)
  - In specie on                                                           
  demerger                         -        (87.3)  (87.3)       -        -
                          ----------   ----------  ------    -----   ------
Transfer from reserves                                                     
  for the  financial                                                       
  period                        17.7        (88.0)  (70.3)   (25.2)  (117.8)
                               =====        =====   =====    =====    =====
Earnings per share                                                         
On published earnings                               10.46p   12.30p    19.4p
Adjustment for                                                             
  exceptional items                                  0.27p   (0.27)p    0.4p
                                                   ------   ------   ------
Excluding exceptional                                                      
  items                                             10.73p   12.03p    19.8p
                                                   ------    -----   ------
Dividend per                                                               
  ordinary share*                                    3.90p   20.80p   60.15p
                                                    -----   ------   ------

*   includes  enhanced interim and special dividends: September  1996,
17p, March 1997, 51p.

                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
                          GROUP BALANCE SHEET
                                    30 September  30 September    31 March
                                            1997          1996        1997
As at 30 September 1997                       #m            #m          #m
Fixed assets                                                              
Tangible assets                            259.0         460.6       444.2
Investments                                  1.7           1.4         1.5
                                         -------       -------     -------
                                           260.7         462.0       445.7
                                         -------       -------     -------
Current assets                                                            
Stocks                                      34.0          57.2        49.5
Debtors                                    123.1         176.2       152.9
Corporation tax recoverable                 24.9             -        35.2
Investments                                  0.1           3.5         0.6
Cash at bank and in hand                    26.3          58.3        61.9
                                         -------       -------     -------
                                           208.4         295.2       300.1
Current Liabilities                                                       
Amounts falling due within                                                
  one year
Borrowings                                  (7.0)        (20.2)      (61.1)
Corporation tax                             (5.6)        (29.9)      (49.2)
Ordinary dividends                         (10.3)        (61.3)      (14.0)
Other creditors                           (134.1)       (195.5)     (160.7)
                                        --------      --------    --------
Net current assets/(liabilities)            51.4         (11.7)       15.1
                                        --------      --------    --------
Total assets less current                                                 
  liabilities                              312.1         450.3       460.8
Long term liabilities                                                     
Amounts falling due beyond                                                
  one year
Borrowings                                (133.6)       (110.9)     (219.7)
Other creditors                            (21.0)        (22.2)      (22.5)
Provisions for liabilities                  (7.9)         (9.1)      (17.4)
  and charges
                                       ---------      --------    --------
Total net assets                           149.6         308.1       201.2
                                           =====         =====       =====
Capital and reserves                                                      
Called up share capital                     74.6          73.0        73.3
Share premium account                       42.8          32.9        34.5
Capital redemption reserve                   3.5           3.5         3.5
Goodwill reserve                           (80.9)        (93.2)      (93.2)
Profit and loss account                    109.6         291.9       183.1
                                        --------      --------    --------
Shareholders' funds                        149.6         308.1       201.2
                                           =====         =====       =====
                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
                        GROUP CASH FLOW SUMMARY
UNAUDITED                                                         Year
                                          Half year ended        ended
                                                30         30       31
                                         September  September    March
                                              1997       1996     1997
for the half year ended                                               
  30 September 1997                             #m         #m       #m
Operating profit                              48.0       53.7     87.2
Depreciation charges                          32.7       35.3     71.2
Increase in working capital                  (16.6)     (10.5)   (14.8)
Demerger costs                                (2.3)         -        -
Other items not involving the                  0.8       (2.1)     3.0
movement of cash
                                          --------   --------  -------
Cash flow from operating activities           62.6       76.4    146.6
Net cash outflow from returns on                                      
 investments and servicing of finance         (7.8)      (2.8)    (6.0)
Tax paid                                     (52.9)      (8.4)   (28.2)
Capital expenditure and                                               
  financial investment                       (36.1)     (45.5)   (83.8)
Disposal of businesses                        62.7          -      1.1
Equity dividends paid                        (14.0)     (15.0)  (175.4)
                                          --------   --------  -------
Cash inflow/(outflow) before use of                                   
  liquid resources and financing              14.5        4.7   (145.7)
Management of liquid resources                 7.0      (23.4)    18.5
Issue of ordinary share capital                9.6        0.5      2.4
Increase in debt                               2.5       16.6     99.4
                                           -------   --------  -------
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                           
  in the period                               33.6       (1.6)   (25.4)
                                             =====      =====    =====

                                         Half year ended    Year ended
                                              30         30   31 March
                                       September  September

Reconciliation of net cash flow to          1997       1996       1997
movement in net debt                          #m         #m         #m
Increase/(decrease) in cash                 33.6       (1.6)     (25.4)
Cash inflow from increase in debt           (2.5)     (16.6)     (99.4)
Cash (inflow)/outflow from                                            
  (decrease)/increase in liquid                                       
  resources                                 (7.0)      23.4      (18.5)
                                        --------   --------   --------
Changes in net debt resulting                                         
  from cash flows                           24.1        5.2     (143.3)
Demerger of Aggreko                         81.0          -          -
Translation difference                      (1.0)         -       (0.5)
                                        --------   --------   --------
Movement in net debt in the period         104.1        5.2     (143.8)
Opening net debt                          (218.3)     (74.5)     (74.5)
                                        --------   --------   --------
Closing net debt                          (114.2)     (69.3)    (218.3)
                                           =====      =====      =====
                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
UNAUDITED                                 Half year ended         Year
                                               30         30  31 March
                                        September  September
                                             1997       1996      1997
                                               #m         #m        #m
Statement of total recognised gains                                   
and losses
Profit for the financial period              27.3       35.9      56.6
Exchange translation effect on                                        
  foreign currency net investments           (3.2)      (8.2)    (24.4)
                                         --------   -------- ---------
Total recognised gains and                                            
  losses for the period                      24.1       27.7      32.2
                                            =====      =====     =====
Movement in shareholders' funds                                       
Profit for the financial period              27.3       35.9      56.6
Dividends - Cash                            (10.3)     (61.1)   (174.4)
          -  In specie on demerger          (87.3)         -         -
                                          -------  ---------   -------
                                            (70.3)     (25.2)   (117.8)
Goodwill on demerger                         12.3          -         -
Other recognised gains and                                            
  losses for the period                      (3.2)      (8.2)    (24.4)
Shares issued                                 9.6        0.6       2.5
                                         --------   --------  --------
Net decrease in shareholders'                                         
  funds for the period                      (51.6)     (32.8)   (139.7)
Shareholders' funds at 31 March 1997        201.2      340.9     340.9
                                         --------    -------   -------
Shareholders' funds at                                                
  30 September 1997                         149.6      308.1     201.2
                                            =====      =====     =====

                             At                                 At 30
                        1 April    Cash            Exchange    September
                           1997    Flow Demerger   Movements      1997
Analysis of net debt         #m      #m       #m         #m         #m
Cash at bank                                                          
in hand                    64.3   (12.4)    (6.8)      (0.5)      44.6
Overdrafts                (90.4)   46.0      3.9        0.1      (40.4)
                         ------  ------  -------   --------   --------
                          (26.1)   33.6     (2.9)      (0.4)       4.2
                         ------  ------  -------    -------    -------
Liquid resources                                                      
Short term deposits        28.4    (6.5)    (0.5)      (0.8)      20.6
Current asset               0.6    (0.5)       -          -        0.1
                        -------  ------  -------    -------    -------
                           29.0    (7.0)    (0.5)      (0.8)      20.7
                         ------  ------  -------    -------    -------
Debt due within                                                       
  one year                 (1.5)   (4.0)       -          -       (5.5)
Debt due after                                                        
  one year               (219.7)    1.5     84.4        0.2     (133.6)
                         ------   -----  -------    -------    -------
                         (221.2)   (2.5)    84.4        0.2     (139.1)
                         ------   -----  -------     ------   --------
Total net debt           (218.3)   24.1     81.0       (1.0)    (114.2)
                          =====    ====     ====       ====      =====
                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
UNAUDITED                  Turnover             Operating profit before
                                                   exceptional items
                                         Year                         Year
                   Half year ended      ended    Half year ended     ended
                         30        30      31         30         30     31
                  September September   March  September  September  March
Turnover and           1997      1996    1997       1997       1996   1997
Operating Profit         #m        #m      #m         #m         #m     #m
  by class of                                                             
Food/Consumer         165.6     167.3   342.8       13.3       12.6   22.7
Industrial             70.2      65.0   134.1        7.6        7.1   15.0
                   --------  --------   -----   --------   --------  -----
Total                 235.8     232.3   476.9       20.9       19.7   37.7
Food Services          28.3      32.2    58.0        2.5        6.6    6.8
                   --------  --------   -----   --------   --------  -----
  operations          264.1     264.5   534.9       23.4       26.3   44.5
                   --------  --------   -----   --------   --------  -----
Aggreko                88.2      93.1   166.9       24.4       23.7   38.4
  Salvesen Inc          2.9      23.7    46.0        0.2        3.7    6.6
                  ---------  --------    ----   --------  ---------  -----
Demerged and                                                              
  operations           91.1     116.8   212.9       24.6       27.4   45.0
                   -------- ---------    ----   --------    -------  -----
                      355.2     381.3   747.8       48.0       53.7   89.5*
                      =====     =====   =====      =====       ====  =====
  analysis by
- United Kingdom      117.2     109.8   231.2        9.7        8.5   16.0
- Mainland                                                                
  Europe               48.4      57.5   111.6        3.6        4.1    6.7
- United Kingdom       69.3      64.1   132.2        7.3        6.4   14.3
- Mainland                                                                
  Europe                0.9       0.9     1.9        0.3        0.7    0.7
                  ---------  --------    ----   --------   --------  -----
                      235.8     232.3   476.9       20.9       19.7   37.7
Food Services                                                             
- United Kingdom       28.3      32.2    58.0        2.5        6.6    6.8
                  --------- ---------   -----   --------   --------  -----
Continuing            264.1     264.5   534.9       23.4       26.3   44.5
                   --------  --------   -----   --------   --------  -----
Demerged and                                                              
  operations           91.1     116.8   212.9       24.6       27.4   45.0
                   -------- ---------   -----  ---------  ---------  -----
                      355.2     381.3   747.8       48.0       53.7  89.5*
                      =====     =====    ====      =====      =====  =====

*  The amount disclosed is before an exceptional charge of #2.3
million in respect of professional fees and costs associated with the
payment of enhanced interim and special dividends.

                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC
The figures for the year to 31 March 1997 are derived from the latest
report and accounts, which have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies and on which the report of the auditors was unqualified.

These interim results have been prepared on the basis of accounting
policies which are consistent with those set out in the report and
accounts of the company for the year ended 31 March 1997.

The charge for taxation reflects the anticipated effective tax rate
for the year ending 31 March 1998 on the profit on ordinary activities
before taxation.

Earnings per share are calculated on a weighted average of the shares
in issue for the period.

Profits and losses of overseas subsidiaries are translated into
sterling at average exchange rates and the difference in relation to
rates ruling at the end of the accounting period is carried directly
to reserves.  Assets and liabilities of overseas subsidiaries are
translated into sterling at the closing rates of exchange ruling at
the end of the appropriate accounting period and any gain or loss
arising is taken directly to reserves.

Discontinued operations

On 24 April 1997, Christian Salvesen Inc was sold to The Security
Capital Group for US $121.4 million (#74.8 million).

On 29 September 1997, the net assets and undertaking of Aggreko's
power and temperature control business was demerged from Christian
Salvesen PLC.

Interim dividend

The interim dividend of 3.9p per share will be paid on 2 February 1998
to shareholders on the register on 5 January 1998, with an ex-dividend
date of 29 December 1997.

                        CHRISTIAN SALVESEN PLC

Dividend in specie on demerger

The dividend in specie represents the net assets of the Aggreko
business which was distributed to shareholders, on the basis of one
share in Aggreko plc for every one share in Christian Salvesen PLC.

An analysis of the net assets is provided below:

Fixed assets                                      141.2
Net current assets                                 24.3
Creditors (amounts falling due                         
  after more than one year)                        (1.8)
Provisions for liabilities and charges             (7.7)
Net borrowings *                                  (81.0)
Net assets of Aggreko on demerger                  75.0
Goodwill previously written off                    12.3

*Net borrowings consists of #2.9 million cash, #0.5 million liquid
resources and #(84.4) million debt.

UK capital gains tax information

For UK capital gains tax purposes, the base cost of Christian Salvesen
PLC ordinary shares acquired prior to the demerger of 29 September
1997 will be apportioned between Christian Salvesen PLC ordinary
shares and Aggreko plc ordinary shares.  The relevant apportionment is
Christian Salvesen PLC 39.85% and Aggreko plc 60.15%.



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