RNS Number : 5207A
  Senior PLC
  04 August 2008

    Monday 4 August 2008

    Senior plc

    Interim Results for the half-year ended 30 June 2008

    Senior delivers a 66% increase in adjusted profit before tax

 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS                     Half-year to 30 June

                                          2008         2007

 REVENUE                                  �279.9m      �237.8m  +18%

 OPERATING PROFIT                         �31.3m       �20.0m   +57%

 ADJUSTED OPERATING PROFIT (1)            �33.4m       �21.4m   +56%

 ADJUSTED OPERATING MARGIN (1)            11.9%        9.0%

 PROFIT BEFORE TAX                        �27.2m       �16.3m   +67%

 ADJUSTED PROFIT BEFORE TAX (1)           �29.3m       �17.7m   +66% 

 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE                 5.17p        3.29p    +57%

 ADJUSTED EARNINGS PER SHARE (1)          5.50p        3.50p    +57%

 PROPOSED INTERIM DIVIDEND PER SHARE      0.90p        0.70p    +29%

 FREE CASH FLOW (2)                       �24.6m       �6.8m    +262%

 NET BORROWINGS                           �121.7m      �92.8m

    1)   Adjusted figures are stated before loss on disposal of fixed assets of �nil (2007 - �0.2m), a �2.1m charge for
          amortisation of intangible assets acquired on acquisitions (2007 - �1.7m) and the release of a provision
         set up on a previous acquisition of �nil (2007 - �0.5m). Adjusted earnings per share excludes the tax impact
         of these items.

    2)   See Note 10 (b) for derivation of free cash flow.

    Commenting on the results, Martin Clark, Chairman of Senior plc, said:

    "Senior has delivered another excellent set of results with a 66% increase in adjusted profit before tax and 262% increase in free cash
flow. These results clearly demonstrate the Group's strong cash generative nature, driven by strong demand in key markets and underpinned by
a tight operational focus.  Looking forward, a record backlog of orders at Boeing and Airbus, continued strong demand in the energy sector
and opportunities arising from further tightening of emission legislation give us confidence in the Group's future prospects.  The Board is,
therefore, pleased to announce a 29% increase in the interim dividend."

    For further information please contact:
 Mark Rollins, Group Chief Executive, Senior plc       01923 714738
 Simon Nicholls, Group Finance Director, Senior plc    01923 714722
 Adrian Howard, Finsbury Group                         020 7251 3801

    This announcement, together with other information on Senior plc may be found at: www.seniorplc.com 

    Note to Editors:
    Senior is an international manufacturing group with operations in 11 countries. Senior designs, manufactures and markets high technology
components and systems for the principal original equipment producers in the worldwide civil aerospace, defence, diesel engine, exhaust
system and energy markets.


    Chairman's statement
    Senior has delivered another excellent set of results. In the first half of 2008 adjusted profit before tax was �29.3m, a 66% increase
over the first half of 2007.  Adjusted Group operating margin increased significantly, from 9.0% to 11.9%, as the benefits of internal
efficiency improvement initiatives were realised and volumes increased as a result of strong demand in the Group's key aerospace and
industrial markets.  Free cash flow improved by 262% to �24.6m, clearly demonstrating the Group's strong cash generative nature.  Looking
forward, demand prospects in the Group's main markets remain encouraging and the Board is consequently pleased to announce a 29% increase in
the interim dividend.

    Financial results
    Group revenue increased by 18% to �279.9m (H1 2007 - �237.8m) and operating profit increased by 57% to �31.3m (H1 2007 - �20.0m),
largely due to high levels of activity in the aerospace and industrial markets and positive contributions from the acquisitions of Absolute
Manufacturing in December 2007 and Capo Industries in January 2008.  Excluding the impact of acquisitions, organic operations' revenue
increased by 12%.

    Adjusted profit before tax, the measure which the Board believes most accurately reflects the true underlying performance of the
business, increased by 66% to �29.3m (H1 2007 - �17.7m). Adjusted profit before tax measures profit before the loss on sale of fixed assets,
the charge for amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisitions and the benefit of any release of provisions set up on previous

    Adjusted earnings per share increased by 57% to 5.50p (H1 2007 - 3.50p). This was achieved despite an increased underlying tax charge of
26.3% (H1 2007 - 23.2%), principally due to the higher level of Group taxable profits arising from the USA.

    The Group's net debt increased to �121.7m at 30 June 2008 (31 December 2007 - �94.8m).  The main reasons for this increase were the
acquisition of Capo Industries in January 2008, for �44.5m, and continuing capital investment within the Aerospace Division. The strong cash
generative nature of the Group was demonstrated in the period as significantly higher profit levels combined with good working capital
management offset much of the cash flow effect of the investments.  Total committed borrowing facilities of over �180m were in place at the
period end, providing a healthy level of headroom.  

    These results demonstrate the Group's continuing success in implementing its strategy of increasing its exposure to aerospace and
selected industrial markets.

    The financial results are discussed in greater detail in the Interim Management Report which follows this statement.

    Revenue in the Aerospace Division increased by 23% to �152.2m (H1 2007 - �123.6m) and adjusted operating profit increased by 38% to
�22.2m (H1 2007 - �16.1m). The results were achieved as a result of strong organic growth and healthy contributions from Absolute
Manufacturing and Capo Industries, the Group's most recent acquisitions.  Adjusted operating profit margins in the Aerospace Division
increased to 14.6% (H1 2007 - 13.0%). This performance reflects increases in demand across the aerospace markets, particularly for new
commercial aircraft, the success of production efficiency initiatives and the ongoing focus on cost control. Boeing and Airbus delivered 486
aircraft in the period, up 8% over the first half of 2007 (451 aircraft). Their combined intake of 957 net orders in the first half of the
year was almost twice the rate of deliveries, resulting in a combined order book of over 7,300 aircraft at the end of June 2008. This seven
year order book, and the fact that over 85% of the backlog is for delivery to airlines outside North America, indicates the current and future projected strength of the commercial aerospace market.

    The Flexonics Division delivered a particularly strong performance, with revenue increasing by 12% to �128.1m (H1 2007 - �114.4m) and
adjusted operating profit increasing by a very significant 75% to �14.2m (H1 2007 - �8.1m).  Adjusted operating profit margins increased
from 7.1% to 11.1%, an excellent result. The main drivers of this improvement were increased demand for expansion joints in energy and other
industrial markets, together with efficiency improvements in the production of heavy duty diesel engine components in North America.  Whilst
total North American passenger vehicle demand was weak, sales of smaller front-wheel-drive vehicles, on which Senior has significantly
higher content per vehicle, were relatively strong as end-users purchased more fuel-efficient vehicles due to the high cost of oil. In
addition, increased volumes of automotive components manufactured in the Group's Brazilian and South African facilities had a positive
impact on the comparative performance.

    The interim dividend is being increased by 29% to 0.90 pence per share (H1 2007 - 0.70p), and will be paid on 28 November 2008 to
shareholders on the register at the close of business on 31 October 2008.  The Board anticipates continuing to follow a progressive dividend
policy in the future.

    Employees and the Board
    These excellent results would not have been achieved without the dedication and hard work of Senior's employees, and I would like to
thank them for their continuing enthusiasm and hard work on behalf of the Group.

    The first half of 2008 has seen some significant changes in the composition of the Board and, on behalf of the Board and all of his
colleagues, I would like to express thanks to Graham Menzies, who retired at the AGM in April 2008, for his performance in the role of Group
Chief Executive for the past eight years. During that period Graham demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, transforming the business
and building the foundation for the next stage of its evolution. In that context, I am delighted that the Board has chosen to promote Mark
Rollins from his former role as Group Finance Director into the role of Group Chief Executive. Mark also played an instrumental role over
the past eight years and I look forward to his future strong leadership of the Group.  

    I am also delighted to have welcomed two new members to the Board on 1 May 2008.  Simon Nicholls joined as the Group's Finance Director
from Hanson Plc. Simon held a number of senior financial positions in Hanson, and this solid financial pedigree together with his most
recent experience in the role of Chief Financial Officer of Hanson North America will be particularly beneficial to the Group.  The other
new member of the Board is Michael Steel, who joined as a Non-Executive director. Michael brings a wealth of experience in the aerospace
industry, where latterly he was President of the Mechanical Systems business of GE Aviation Systems.

    The commercial aerospace industry continues to perform strongly, with the record order books of Boeing and Airbus representing over
seven years of production at current build rates.  The order books for wide-bodied commercial aircraft continue to increase, despite higher
oil prices,   largely due to the strength of the aerospace markets outside North America, particularly those in the Middle East, Asia and
China. The new aircraft are also lighter and more fuel efficient than the older aircraft they are replacing.  Deliveries of Boeing's 787
Dreamliner will commence in 2009 and this programme, the most valuable in Senior's history, will provide a significant future benefit. 
Demand for regional and business jets also remains strong and military programmes are stable.  As a result, the outlook for the Group's
Aerospace Division remains encouraging.  

    Demand in many of the industrial sectors served by the Flexonics Division remains strong, underpinning the improved performance in this
segment of the Division.  Energy markets are forecast to remain healthy, with the Group benefiting from this and from the increasing demand
for renewable energy and nuclear generating capacity. Further, whilst truck and passenger vehicle markets are likely to remain soft in the
immediate future, the Group's product bias towards components for smaller more fuel-efficient passenger vehicles, together with further
tightening in emission laws in Europe and North America, will present additional growth opportunities.

    Overall, the continued increase in build rates of new aircraft, together with the Group's diversified product exposure in Flexonics,
gives the Board confidence in the future prospects for the Group.

    Martin Clark  Chairman


    To the members of Senior plc

    This Interim Management Report ("IMR") has been prepared solely to provide additional information to enable shareholders to assess the
Company's strategies and the potential for those strategies to be fulfilled. It should not be relied upon by any other party or for any
other purpose.

    This IMR contains certain forward-looking statements. Such statements are made by the Directors in good faith based on the information
available to them at the time of their approval of this report, and they should be treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties
underlying such forward-looking information.

    This IMR has been prepared for the Group as a whole and therefore gives greatest emphasis to those matters which are significant to
Senior plc and its subsidiary undertakings when viewed as a whole. The IMR discusses the following aspects of the business: operations;
long-term strategy and business objectives; the results for the six months ended 30 June 2008; risks and uncertainties facing the Group
during the second half of the 2008 financial year; and the future outlook for the Group.


    Senior is an international manufacturing group with operations in 11 countries. Senior designs, manufactures and markets high technology
components and systems for the principal original equipment producers in the worldwide civil aerospace, defence, diesel engine, exhaust
system and energy markets. Major customers include Boeing, Airbus, UTC, GE, Rolls-Royce, General Motors, Ford, PSA and Cummins. The Group is
split into two Divisions, Aerospace and Flexonics. The Aerospace Division (54% of Group sales) consists of 14 operating companies (nine in
North America and five in Europe) whilst the Flexonics Division (46% of Group sales) has 11 operating companies (three in North America,
five in Europe and three in the Rest of the World).

    Aerospace markets continued to grow during the period. In commercial aerospace, representing 62% of the Aerospace Division's sales,
Boeing and Airbus delivered a combined 486 aircraft, an increase of 8% over the same period last year and in line with expectations, whilst
demand from regional and business jet manufacturers also remained encouragingly strong. The military sector (23% of Divisional sales)
remained stable as expected.  

    In the Flexonics Division, activity levels in the oil and gas, chemical processing and power generation industries were buoyant and
demand for Senior's recently introduced heavy duty diesel engine components increased despite an overall market decline. Automotive markets
were generally uninspiring, in particular the SUV and light truck segments in North America. However, the Group's principal exposure in the
automotive market is to smaller more fuel-efficient front-wheel-drive vehicles where demand is more robust.

    Long-term strategy and business objectives

    The Group's long-term strategy and business objectives, set out in detail on page 9 of the 2007 Annual Report, are centred on four key
elements. In summary, these are: targeted investment in new product development; exceeding customer expectations; focused value-adding
acquisitions; and creation of an entrepreneurial culture with strong internal controls amongst the operating businesses.  

    The above key elements are supported by five financial performance measures and two non- financial measures. The Group made excellent
progress against each of these in the first half of 2008, as follows:

    *     Organic sales growth was 12%, well above the target of inflation;
    *     Adjusted earnings per share increased by 57%, again well above the target of inflation;
    *     Return on revenue margin increased to 11.9%, well ahead of the 9.0% achieved in the first half of 2007;
    *     Free cash flow increased in the first half of 2008 to �24.6m (H1 2007 - �6.8m), easily supporting the proposed interim dividend
increase of 29%;
    *     The Group's return on capital employed increased from 19.2% in 2007 to 25.6% in the first half of 2008 and remains well in excess
of the stated target of 15%;
    *     Total CO2 emissions decreased by 16%, from 110 tonnes in 2007 to 92 tonnes per �m of revenue in the first half of 2008; and
    *     The lost time injury frequency rate improved to an annualised 1.98 days per 100 employees, from 2.55 days in 2007, a reduction of

    Results for the six months ended 30 June 2008

    A summary of the Group's operating results, on a constant currency basis (i.e. H1 2008 and H1 2007 results both translated at 2008 first
half average exchange rates), are set out below:

                                   Revenue  Adjusted OP(1)        Margin
                            2008�m  2007�m  2008�m  2007�m  2008%  2007%
 Aerospace                   152.2   125.2    22.2    16.2   14.6   12.9
 Flexonics                   128.1   119.8    14.2     8.4   11.1    7.0
 Inter-segment sales         (0.4)   (0.2)       -       -      -      -
 Central costs                   -       -   (3.0)   (2.8)      -      -
 Total * constant currency   279.9   244.8    33.4    21.8   11.9    8.9
 Exchange                        -   (7.0)       -   (0.4)      -    0.1
 Total * as reported         279.9   237.8    33.4    21.4   11.9    9.0

    (1) Adjusted operating profit is the profit before the loss on sale of fixed assets, amortisation of intangible assets arising on
acquisitions, release of a provision set up on an acquisition undertaken in 1998, and before interest and tax charges. It may be reconciled
to the operating profit shown in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement as follows:

                                                      2008�m  2007�m
 Operating profit per financial statements              31.3    20.0
 Loss on sale of fixed assets                              -     0.2
 Amortisation of intangible assets from acquisitions     2.1     1.7
 Release of provision set up on acquisition                -   (0.5)
 Adjusted operating profit                              33.4    21.4


    Total Group revenue increased by 18% over the first half of 2007, to �279.9m. On a constant currency basis, Group revenue increased by
�35.1m (14%), with revenue in the Aerospace Division increasing by �27.0m (22%), of which �12.4m related to acquisitions (Capo Industries
and Absolute Manufacturing). Hence, excluding the impact of exchange movements, revenue in the Aerospace Division's organic operations
increased by �14.6m (12%). The principal driver of the improved performance was the increase in aircraft build rates across all major
sectors of the aerospace industry. 

    In Flexonics, again on a constant currency basis, revenue increased by �8.3m (7%). There were no acquisitions within this Division.
Demand for expansion joints in the oil and gas and power generation industries was particularly high. Turnover levels also continued to
benefit from the introduction in 2007 of new diesel engine components for the heavy duty truck market in North America.  The Group's
operations in the Rest of the World saw sales increase by 14%, as the local economies grew strongly.

    Operating profit
    Group operating profit in the first half of 2008 increased by 57% to �31.3m (H1 2007 - �20.0m). Adjusted operating profit increased by
�12.0m (56%) to �33.4m, including a favourable exchange impact of �0.4m. On a constant currency basis, adjusted operating profit of the
Aerospace Division increased by �6.0m (37%), with healthy contributions from acquisitions (Capo Industries and Absolute Manufacturing) and
strong organic growth.  Similarly, adjusted operating profit increased in the Flexonics Division by �5.8m (69%), from �8.4m to �14.2m. This
increase was all due to organic growth, driven principally by higher demand for expansion joints in industrial markets, and improved volumes
and production efficiencies in North American heavy duty diesel engine component manufacture.

    The significant improvement in profitability was due to both revenue growth and the much improved operating margins, from 12.9% to 14.6%
for the Aerospace Division and from 7.0% to 11.1% for the Flexonics Division.

    Finance costs
    Finance costs, net of investment income, increased to �4.1m (H1 2007 - �3.7m), largely as a result of higher interest costs relating to
the unwinding of discounted liabilities in the pension schemes.

    Profit before tax
    Adjusted profit before tax increased by 66% to �29.3m (H1 2007 - �17.7m). Reported profit before tax improved by 67% to �27.2m (H1 2007
- �16.3m).

    Tax charge
    The total tax charge increased to �6.9m (H1 2007 - �3.5m). If the net tax benefits, arising from the loss on sale of fixed assets,
amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisitions and release of the provision set up on acquisition, which total �0.8m (H1 2007 -
�0.6m), are added back, then the adjusted tax charge of �7.7m (H1 2007 - �4.1m) represents an underlying rate of 26.3% (H1 2007 - 23.2%) on
the adjusted profit before tax. The increase in the underlying rate is principally due to the higher level of Group taxable profits arising
from the USA, where the tax rate is approximately 40%.

    Earnings per share
    The average number of shares in issue in H1 2008, compared to H1 2007, increased by 4.0 million to 392.9 million for the purposes of
calculating undiluted earnings per share. The increase principally arose from the vesting of shares awarded under the long term incentive
plan and from the exercise of share options.  Adjusted earnings per share increased by 57% to 5.50p (H1 2007 - 3.50p). Undiluted basic
earnings per share increased to 5.17p (H1 2007 - 3.29p) and fully diluted basic earnings per share increased to 5.06p (H1 2007 - 3.22p).

    An interim dividend of 0.90 pence per share, up 29% on the prior year's interim dividend of 0.70 pence per share, is proposed. The total
cost of the proposed interim dividend is �3.6m (2007 interim -  �2.7m).

    Cash flow 
    The Group's free cash flow, the derivation of which is set out in note 10(b) of the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements,
increased significantly by �17.8m (262%) to �24.6m in the period, an excellent performance and a reflection of the Group's continued focus
on cash generation.  

    An important driver of this improvement was increased profitability. Working capital performance was also very good during the period,
with a net inflow of �3.8m compared to an outflow of �9.0m in H1 2007. Capital expenditure increased by �3.3m to �12.9m, with an increase of
�4.1m in the Aerospace Division, principally to fund new business development for the major new programmes due to come on stream shortly
(e.g. Boeing 787 and Airbus 380). In the Flexonics Division capital expenditure decreased by �0.8m, as the investment programme relating to
the introduction of new heavy duty diesel engine products was completed.

    Net debt
    Net debt increased by �26.9m over the six month period to �121.7m at 30 June 2008 (31 December 2007 - �94.8m). This was principally due
to the acquisition of Capo Industries in January 2008 for �44.5m, partially offset by the strong cash generation in the period.  The Group
seeks to maintain a healthy level of funding headroom, and at 30 June 2008 total committed borrowing facilities of over �180m were in place.

    Change in accounting policies
    There were no changes to the Group's accounting policies in the first half of 2008 and the accounting policies adopted in these
financial statements are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31
December 2007.

      Risks and uncertainties

    There are a number of potential risks and uncertainties which may have a material impact on the Group's performance over the remaining
six months of this financial year and which could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected and historical results.
These were discussed in some depth in the Group's Annual Report for the 2007 financial year, where the subject areas of competitors, markets
and customers, manufacturing, environmental, foreign exchange, capital structure, liquidity, credit risk, interest rates and defined benefit
pension plans were covered. It is considered that these still remain the most likely areas of potential risk and uncertainty, with the
position largely unchanged from that set out in the 2007 Annual Report.

    The principal changes to the Group's risk profile in the first half of 2008 relate to the macro economic environment, and specifically
the potential impact that the significant recent increase in the price of oil may have on global commercial airline passenger demand. Oil
prices increased by approximately 40% in the six months to 30 June 2008, and any sustained decrease in demand by airline passengers could
have a negative impact on orders for new commercial aircraft.  However, new aircraft are generally more fuel efficient than aircraft
currently in service and Boeing and Airbus are enjoying record order books that equate to over seven years of demand based on current annual
production rates. There were no order deferrals or cancellations of significance in the period. The Group closely monitors this order book
position, and related commercial information from its customers, and will implement appropriate measures if any significant decrease in
demand is anticipated.

    The credit crisis is having a negative impact on demand for consumer durables. The Group is affected principally via its exposure to the
passenger vehicle market, particularly in North America where sales of passenger vehicles have fallen by 9% from an annualised rate of 16.1
million in 2007, to 14.6 million vehicles for the first six months of 2008.  The Group has become less dependent on the passenger vehicle
market in recent years, with this segment now accounting for 18% of Group revenue. In addition, the majority of the passenger vehicle
components supplied by the Group are for small front-wheel-drive vehicles, where the impact of the reduction in sales is being felt least
due to their higher fuel efficiency.

    The recent increase in inflationary pressure may also impact the Group adversely. Fortunately, the Group is in a good position to be
able to contain these pressures, principally via internal cost control measures, fixed price contracts with major suppliers and price
escalation or pass-through clauses with major customers. Cost control and enhancement of operating margins is an area of continuous focus
across the Group.

    Future Outlook

    The outlook for the Aerospace Division remains robust. Production rates for commercial aircraft (62% of Aerospace Division revenue) are
set to increase to satisfy a record backlog of orders, that are currently held by Boeing and Airbus as well as by many of the business and
regional jet manufacturers. Military programmes are anticipated to remain broadly stable (23% of Aerospace Division revenue).  

    The combined total order book for Boeing and Airbus at 30 June 2008 was 7,319 aircraft, an increase of 471 in the last six months.  Much
of this order book relates to airlines outside of the traditional markets of Europe and North America, most notably in the Middle East, Asia
and China.  Order rates in the first half of 2008 were almost twice the level of deliveries. The current backlog represents over seven years
of production at current rates. The Group also stands to benefit significantly from the future ramp up in production of both the Boeing 787
Dreamliner and the Airbus 380.  It is currently anticipated that the first Dreamliner will be delivered in the third quarter of 2009, with
25 aircraft scheduled for delivery in 2009, and production rates increasing to 10 per month by 2012. The shipset value on this programme (on
average over �0.4m per aircraft) is the highest level achieved on any individual programme by the Group to date.

    Demand remains generally positive for the Flexonics Division, with the strongest markets being oil and gas, chemical processing and
power generation.  In particular, renewable energy and nuclear markets offer good growth potential for the Group.  Heavy duty diesel engine
and passenger vehicle markets are more subdued, although tightening emission legislation and the move away from SUVs and light trucks
towards smaller more fuel-efficient passenger vehicles should provide additional growth opportunities for the Group.

    Consequently, the overall outlook for the Group remains encouraging.  

    Mark Rollins  Group Chief Executive

    Simon Nicholls  Group Finance Director  

    Statement of Directors' Responsibilities

    The Directors confirm, to the best of their knowledge, that this condensed set of interim Financial Statements has been prepared in
accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the European Union, and that the Interim Management Report herein includes a fair review of the
information required by Rules 4.2.7 and 4.2.8 of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Services

    By order of the Board

    M. Rollins
    Group Chief Executive 

    S. Nicholls
    Group Finance Director

    1 August 2008.


    We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six
months ended 30 June 2008 which comprises the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement, the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet, the
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense, the Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement and related Notes 1 to 12.
We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

    This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 issued
by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state
to them in an independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume
responsibility to anyone other than the Company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have formed.

    Directors' responsibilities

    The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for
preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial
Services Authority.

    As disclosed in Note 2, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European
Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting", as adopted by the European Union.

    Our responsibility

    Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial
report based on our review.

    Scope of review 

    We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United
Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would
become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


    Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the
half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's
Financial Services Authority.

    Deloitte & Touche LLP
    Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditor
    Nottingham, UK
    1 August, 2008

    Senior plc 

    Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

                         Notes    Half-year ended    Half-year ended     Year  ended 
                                  30 June 2008       30 June 2007        31 Dec  2007
   Continuing                     �m                 �m                  �m 
   Revenue                 3      279.9              237.8               470.7 
   Trading profit                 31.3               20.2                42.2 
   Loss on sale of                -                  (0.2)               (0.7)
   fixed assets                                                        
   Operating profit (1)    3      31.3               20.0                41.5 
   Investment income              0.9                0.4                 1.0 
   Finance costs                  (5.0)              (4.1)               (8.2)
   Profit before tax              27.2               16.3                34.3 
   Tax                     5      (6.9)              (3.5)               (6.4)
   Profit for the                 20.3               12.8                27.9 
   Attributable to:                                                    
   Equity holders of              20.3               12.8                27.9 
   the parent                                                          
   Earnings per share                                                  
   Basic                   7      5.17p              3.29p               7.17p
   Diluted                 7      5.06p              3.22p               7.00p

   (1) Adjusted operating profit   4    33.4    21.4     45.0 
   (2) Adjusted profit before tax  4    29.3    17.7     37.8 

      Senior plc 

    Condensed Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

                               Half-year ended 30     Half-year ended 30      Year ended 
                                        June 2008     June 2007               31 Dec 2007
                             �m                       �m                      �m
   (Losses)/gains on         (0.9)                    0.2                     0.5 
   cash flow hedges                                                         
   (Losses)/gains on         (3.0)                    1.2                     (2.6)
   revaluation of                                                           
   Exchange differences      1.8                      (1.7)                   3.2 
   on translation of                                                        
   foreign operations                                                       
   Actuarial                 (9.1)                    10.7                    (0.8)
   (losses)/gains on                                                        
   defined benefit                                                          
   pension schemes                                                          
   Tax on items taken        0.4                      -                       2.1 
   directly to equity                                                       
   Net (loss)/income         (10.8)                   10.4                    2.4 
   recognised directly                                                      
   in equity                                                                
   Amounts transferred       0.9                      0.2                     (0.4)
   to profit or loss on                                                     
   cash flow hedges                                                         
   Profit for the            20.3                     12.8                    27.9 
   Total recognised          10.4                     23.4                    29.9 
   income and expense                                                       
   for the period                                                           
   Attributable to:                                                         
   Equity holders of         10.4                     23.4                    29.9 
   the parent                                                               

      Senior plc 

    Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

    As at 30 June 2008 

                            Notes    30 June 2008    30 June 2007    31 Dec 2007
                                     �m              �m              �m
   Non-current assets                                              
   Goodwill                          143.9           109.4           114.3 
   Other intangible assets           14.9            13.1            11.9 
   Property, plant and        8      105.5           86.3            93.6 
   Deferred tax assets               0.3             0.2             0.1 
   Trade and other                   3.2             3.3             3.5 
   Total non-current                 267.8           212.3           223.4 
   Current assets                                                  
   Inventories                       77.5            73.2            79.4 
   Construction contracts            1.6             3.0             2.9 
   Trade and other                   91.6            83.6            78.7 
   Cash and cash                     19.7            12.1            8.7 
   Total current assets              190.4           171.9           169.7 
   Total assets                      458.2           384.2           393.1 
   Current liabilities                                             
   Trade and other                   105.0           90.3            92.5 
   Tax liabilities                   7.8             10.7            9.0 
   Obligations under                 0.2             0.2             0.2 
   finance leases                                                  
   Bank overdrafts and               39.0            0.1             41.5 
   Total current                     152.0           101.3           143.2 
   Non-current liabilities                                         
   Bank and other loans              97.7            104.9           58.3 
   Retirement benefit         9      44.3            26.0            36.3 
   Deferred tax                      7.1             4.7             3.3 
   Obligations under                 1.3             1.3             1.3 
   finance leases                                                  
   Others                            0.6             0.6             0.8 
   Total non-current                 151.0           137.5           100.0 
   Total liabilities                 303.0           238.8           243.2 
   Net assets                        155.2           145.4           149.9 
   Issued share capital              39.8            39.0            39.1 
   Share premium account             12.0            11.2            11.3 
   Equity reserve                    1.3             1.1             1.6 
   Distributable reserve             19.4            19.4            19.4 
   Hedging and translation           (5.0)           (6.2)           (4.4)
   Retained earnings                 89.1            82.3            84.3 
   Own shares                        (1.4)           (1.4)           (1.4)
   Equity attributable to                                          
   equity holders of the             155.2           145.4           149.9 
   Total equity                      155.2           145.4           149.9 

    Senior plc 

    Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

                               Notes           Half-year ended     Half-year ended     Year 
                                                   30 June 2008    30 June 2007        ended 
                                                                                       31 Dec
                                               �m                  �m                  �m
   Net cash from                10a)           36.5                14.4                35.3 
   operating activities                                                              
   Investing activities                                                              
   Interest received                           0.5                 0.2                 0.8 
   Disposal of                                 -                   -                   0.1 
   Proceeds on disposal                        0.5                 1.8                 1.9 
   of property, plant                                                                
   and equipment                                                                     
   Purchases of                                (12.6)              (9.3)               (19.0)
   property, plant and                                                               
   Purchases of                                (0.3)               (0.3)               (0.5)
   intangible assets                                                                 
   Acquisition of Capo           11            (44.1)              -                   -
   Acquisition of                              -                   -                   (7.0)
   Acquisition of AMT                          -                   (1.2)               (1.2)
   Acquisition of                              0.4                 -                   - 
   Sterling Machine                                                                  
   Net cash used in                            (55.6)              (8.8)               (24.9)
   investing activities                                                              
   Financing activities                                                              
   Dividends paid                              (6.7)               (5.4)               (8.1)
   Repayment of                                (1.7)               (12.6)              (61.0)
   Repayments of                               (0.1)               (0.1)               (0.2)
   obligations under                                                                 
   finance leases                                                                    
   Share issues                                1.1                 -                   0.2 
   New loans raised                            41.2                17.1                55.9 
   Net cash                                    (1.3)               0.5                 0.4 
   (outflow)/inflow on                                                               
   forward contracts                                                                 
   Net cash from/(used in) financing           32.5                (0.5)               (12.8)
   Net                                                                                 (2.4)
   increase/(decrease)                         13.4                5.1               
   in cash and cash                                                                  
   Cash and cash                               4.9                 7.0                 7.0 
   equivalents at                                                                    
   beginning of period                                                               
   Effect of foreign                           0.1                 -                   0.3 
   exchange rate                                                                     
   Cash and cash                10c)           18.4                12.1                4.9 
   equivalents at end                                                                
   of period                                                                         

      Senior plc

    Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements 

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    1. General information

    The information for the year ended 31 December 2007 does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for 2007 as defined in Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The Auditors' report on those
accounts was unqualified and did not contain statements under Sections 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    These interim Financial Statements, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 1 August 2008, have been reviewed by the Auditors,
and their review opinion is on page 12.

    2. Accounting policies

    These interim Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Services
Authority and with IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting' as adopted by the European Union.

    The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those followed in the preparation of the Group's annual Financial Statements for the
year ended 31 December 2007.

      Senior plc

    Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements 

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    3. Business segments

    For management purposes, the Group is organised into two operating divisions according to the market segments they serve. These
divisions are the basis on which the Group reports its primary segment information. The two divisions are Aerospace and Flexonics.

    Segment information for revenue, operating profit and a reconciliation to entity net profit is presented below.
 Aerospace                                        Flexonics          costs                Total            Aerospace    Flexonics      costs
                                 Half-year ended    Half-year ended    Half-year ended    Half-year ended    Half-          Half-      Half-
                                                                                                             year           year       year 
        year  ended 
                                                                                                             ended          ended      ended
                                 30 June 2008     30 June 2008       30 June 2008       30 June 2008         30 June    30 June        30
June       30 June  2007 
                                                                                                             2007       2007            2007
                                 �m                 �m                 �m                 �m                 �m           �m           �m   
 External revenue                151.9            128.0                -                279.9                123.5        114.3        -    
 Inter-segment revenue           0.3              0.1                (0.4)                -                  0.1          0.1          (0.2)
 Total revenue                   152.2            128.1              (0.4)              279.9                123.6        114.4        (0.2)
 Adjusted operating profit (see  22.2               14.2               (3.0)              33.4               16.1         8.1          (2.8)
 Note 4)                                                                                                                                    
 Loss on sale of fixed assets    -                  -                  -                  -                  -            (0.2)        -    
 Release of provision from       -                  -                  -                  -                  -            0.5          -    
 previous acquisition                                                                                                                       
 Amortisation of intangible      (2.1)              -                  -                  (2.1)              (1.7)        -            -    
 assets from acquisitions                                                                                                                   
 Operating profit                20.1               14.2               (3.0)              31.3               14.4         8.4          (2.8)
 Investment income                                                                        0.9                                               
 Finance costs                                                                            (5.0)                                             
 Profit before tax                                                                        27.2                                              
 Tax                                                                                      (6.9)                                             
 Profit after tax                                                                         20.3                                              
    Senior plc

    Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements 

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    4. Adjusted operating profit and profit before tax

    The provision of adjusted operating profit and profit before tax, derived in accordance with the table below, has been included to
identify the performance of operations, from the time of acquisition or until the time of disposal, prior to the impact of gains or losses
arising from the disposal of fixed assets, release of a provision from a previous acquisition and amortisation of intangible assets acquired
on acquisitions.

                                   Half-year ended     Half-year ended   Year  
                                       30 June 2008    30 June 2007      ended  
                                                                         31 Dec 
                                   �m                  �m                  �m 
 Operating profit                  31.3                20.0                41.5 
 Loss on sale of fixed assets      -                   0.2                 0.7 
 Release of provision from         -                   (0.5)               (0.5)
 previous acquisition                                                    
 Amortisation of intangible        2.1                 1.7                 3.3 
 assets from acquisitions                                                
 Adjustments to operating profit   2.1                 1.4                 3.5 
 Adjusted operating profit         33.4                21.4                45.0 
 Profit before tax                 27.2                16.3                34.3 
 Adjustments to profit as above    2.1                 1.4                 3.5 
 before tax                                                              
 Adjusted profit before tax        29.3                17.7                37.8 

    5. Tax charge

                     Half-year ended    Half-year ended
                     30 June 2008       30 June 2007
                     �m                 �m
 Current tax:                         
 UK corporation tax  -                  - 
 Foreign tax         4.5                2.2 
                     4.5                2.2 
 Deferred tax:                        
 Current year        2.4                1.3 
                     6.9                3.5 

    Corporation tax for the interim period is charged at 26.3% (2007 - 23.2%), representing the best estimate of the weighted average annual
corporation tax rate expected for the full financial year.

    With effect from 1 April 2008, the UK Corporation tax rate was reduced to 28%. This reduction has had no significant impact upon these
interim financial statements and is not expected to affect the Group's effective tax rate in the foreseeable future.

For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    6. Dividends

                                                                       Half-year ended    Half-year ended
                                                                       30 June 2008       30 June 2007
                                                                       �m                 �m
 Amounts recognised as distributions to equity holders in the period:                   
 Final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2007                                       5.4 
 of 1.700p (2006 - 1.381p) per share                                   6.7              

 Proposed interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2008           2.7 
 of 0.900p (2007 - 0.700p) per share                             3.6   
    The proposed interim dividend was approved by the Board of Directors on 1 August 2008. This proposed dividend has not been included as a
liability in these interim financial statements

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    7. Earnings per share

    The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the following data:

                                            Half-year ended    Half-year ended
                                            30 June 2008       30 June 2007
 Number of shares                           million            million
 Weighted average number of ordinary                         
 shares for the purposes of basic earnings  392.9              388.9 
 per share                                                   
 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary                       
 Share options                              8.6                8.6 
 Weighted average number of ordinary                         
 shares for the purposes of diluted         401.5              397.5 
 earnings per share                                          

                                       Half-year ended       Half-year ended 
                                         30 June 2008          30 June 2007
                                      Earnings    EPS       Earnings    EPS
 Earnings and earnings per share      �m          pence     �m          pence
 Profit for the period                20.3        5.17      12.8        3.29 
 Loss on sale of fixed assets net of                                  
 tax of                               -           -         0.1         0.02 
 �nil (2007 - �0.1m)                                                  
 Release of provision from previous                                   
 acquisition net of tax of �nil       -           -         (0.3)       (0.07)
 (2007 - �0.2m)                                                       
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                    
 from acquisitions net of tax of      1.3         0.33      1.0         0.26 
 �0.8m (2007 - �0.7m)                                                 
 Adjusted earnings after tax          21.6        5.50      13.6        3.50 
 Earnings per share                                                   
 - basic                                          5.17p                 3.29p
 - diluted                                        5.06p                 3.22p
 - adjusted                                       5.50p                 3.50p
 - adjusted and diluted                           5.38p                 3.42p

    The denominators used for all basic, diluted and adjusted earnings per share are as detailed in the "Number of shares" table above.

    The provision of an adjusted earnings per share, derived in accordance with the table above, has been included to identify the
performance of operations, from the time of acquisition or until the time of disposal, prior to the impact of the following items: 

    *     gains or losses arising from the disposal of fixed assets
    *     release of provision from previous acquisition
    *     amortisation of intangible assets acquired on acquisition

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    8. Property, plant and equipment

    During the period, the Group spent �12.6m (2007 - �9.3m) on the acquisition of property, plant and equipment.

    The Group also disposed of machinery with a carrying value of �0.5m (2007 - �2.0m) for proceeds of �0.5m (2007 - �1.8m).

    9. Retirement benefit schemes

    Defined benefit schemes
    Aggregate post-retirement benefit liabilities are �44.3m (30 June 2007 - �26.0m; 31 December 2007 - �36.3m). The primary components of
this liability are the Group's UK pension plan and US pension plans, with deficits of �37.1m (30 June 2007 - �20.5m; 31 December 2007 -
�30.5m) and �3.1m (30 June 2007 - �1.8m; 31 December 2007 - �2.0m) respectively. These values have been assessed by independent actuaries
using current market values and discount rates. The increase in the liability from �36.3m at 31 December 2007 to �44.3m at 30 June 2008 is
primarily due to lower returns on plan assets than assumed and increasing the UK plan inflation rate assumption, offset partially by
increasing the UK plan discount rate assumption to 6.6% (31 December 2007 - 5.9%), in line with increases in market yields of high quality
corporate bonds.

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    10. Notes to the cash flow statement

    a) Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash from operating activities

                                            Half-year ended    Half-year ended
                                            30 June 2008       30 June 2007
                                            �m                 �m
 Operating profit                           31.3               20.0 
 Adjustments for:                                            
 Depreciation of property, plant and        8.4                7.2 
 Amortisation of intangible assets from     2.1                1.7 
 Amortisation of other intangible assets    0.3                0.2 
 Share options                              0.7                0.6 
 Loss on disposal of property, plant and    -                  0.2 
 Release of provision from previous         -                  (0.5)
 Pension payments in excess of service      (2.3)              (1.1)
 Operating cash flows before movements in   40.5               28.3 
 working capital                                             
 Decrease/(increase) in inventories         5.9                (3.4)
 Increase in receivables                    (9.4)              (14.3)
 Increase in payables                       6.9                9.9 
 Working capital currency movements         0.4                (1.2)
 Cash generated by operations               44.3               19.3 
 Income taxes paid                          (4.1)              (1.7)
 Interest paid                              (3.7)              (3.2)
 Net cash from operating activities         36.5               14.4

    b) Free cash flow

    Free cash flow, a non statutory item, highlights the total net cash generated by the Group prior to corporate activity such as
acquisitions, disposals, financing and transactions with shareholders. It is derived as follows:

                                                                   Half-year    Half-year 
                                                                   ended        ended 
                                                                      30 June     30 June 
                                                                          2008    2007 
                                                                      �m          �m 
 Net cash from operating activities                                   36.5        14.4 
 Interest received                                                    0.5         0.2 
 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment                0.5         1.8 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                           (12.6)      (9.3)
 Purchases of intangible assets                                       (0.3)       (0.3)
 Free cash flow                                                       24.6        6.8 

    For the half-year ended 30 June 2008 

    10. Notes to the cash flow statement (continued)

    c) Analysis of net debt
                                 At        Cash flow    Exchange       At 
 1 January                                              movement     30 June  
                                 2008                                  2008 
                                 �m        �m                 �m         �m 
 Cash                            8.7       10.9               0.1        19.7
 Overdrafts                      (3.8)     2.5                -          (1.3)
 Cash and cash equivalents       4.9       13.4               0.1        18.4
 Debt due within one year        (37.7)    -                  -          (37.7)
 Debt due after one year         (58.3)    (39.5)             0.1        (97.7)
 Finance leases                  (1.5)     0.1                (0.1)      (1.5)
 Forward exchange contract       (2.2)     1.3                (2.3)      (3.2)
 Total                           (94.8)    (24.7)             (2.2)      (121.7)
    The forward exchange contract losses shown above are reported as �0.5m (1 January 2008 - �0.5m) in current assets within trade and other
receivables and �3.7m (1 January 2008 - �2.7m) in current liabilities within trade and other payables.

    11. Acquisitions    

    Capo Industries, Inc.

    On 25 January 2008, the Group acquired 100% of the issued share capital of Capo Industries, Inc. ("Capo"), a manufacturer of highly
engineered, complex super-alloy components primarily for the aero-engine market, based in Chino near Los Angeles, California, USA. The cash
consideration was �44.5m, including costs, of which �0.4m is payable in 2009.  The acquisition was funded by the Group's existing debt
facilities and a new �20.0m short-term facility.

    Set out below is a summary of the net assets acquired and details of the fair value adjustments:

                 Carrying  values  pre-acquisition      Provisional fair value
                                                �m                         �m 
 Intangible assets                               -                        5.1 
 Property, plant and equipment                 5.4                        6.2 
 Inventories                                   3.8                        4.0 
 Trade and other receivables                   1.9                        1.9 
 Trade and other payables                     (2.2)                      (2.2)
  Net assets acquired                          8.9                       15.0 
 Goodwill                                                                29.5 
 Total consideration                                                     44.5 
 Consideration satisfied by:                                                  
 Cash                                                                    44.0 
 Directly attributable costs                                              0.1 
 Net cash outflow                                                        44.1 
 Deferred consideration                                                   0.4 
  Total consideration                                                    44.5 

    The fair value adjustments contain some provisional amounts which will be finalised in the Financial Statements for the year ending 31
December 2008.

    The intangible assets acquired as part of the acquisition relate to customer contracts, the fair value of which is dependent on
estimates of attributable future revenues, profitability and cash flows. Goodwill represents the value of the assembled workforce and its
contribution to anticipated future profitability arising from additional capital investment.

    In addition to the deferred consideration of �0.4m, a further �2.5m may be payable contingent upon Capo's 2008 performance. This amount
has not been included in the above calculation as the targets are very stretching and their achievement is not thought probable.

    Capo contributed �9.1m revenue and �1.4m (before �0.3m inventory mark-up) to the Group's operating profit from the date of acquisition
to 30 June 2008.

    If the above acquisition had been completed on 1 January 2008, Group revenue for the half-year ended 30 June 2008 would have been
�281.2m and Group operating profit would have been �31.4m.

    12. Bank Loans

    In January 2008, a new �20m bilateral 364 day facility, with an option to extend by one year, was established with the Group's principal
UK clearing bankers. This facility is to provide increased headroom following the acquisition of Capo.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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