PARKWOOD HOLDINGS PLC                             

             INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2004             

Parkwood Holdings plc, the support services group, is pleased to announce its
interim results for the 6 months ended 30 June 2004.


  * Continued strong trading from Parkwood Leisure and improved trading within
    the Glendale division. Healthcare continuing to reduce losses
  * May 2004 acquisition of CCL Leisure Limited ("CCL") from Clear Channel
    Entertainment (Theatrical) UK Limited for a deferred cash consideration of
    �100,000. At acquisition, CCL operated 26 leisure centres
  * Financial close on third Leisure PFI contract, building and managing a
    leisure centre in Penzance, Cornwall under a 30 year contract
  * Order book increased by 34% since 31 December 2003 to �308 million (Dec
    2003: �230 million)
  * Turnover increased by 29% to �31.2 million (2003: �24.2 million)
  * Operating profit (before joint venture and associate profits) increased by
    77% to �0.60 million (2003: �0.34 million)
  * Profit before tax increased by 66% to �0.51 million (2003: �0.31 million)
  * Earnings per share (before goodwill) increased by 52% to 2.2p (2003: 1.4p)
  * Interim dividend per share maintained at 0.9p (2003: 0.9p)
Note: above data includes CCL post acquisition

Tony Hewitt, Executive Chairman, commented:

"*..results have improved from a difficult year in 2003 and having achieved a
good first half year I expect the Group to have a satisfactory year end result.


Parkwood Holdings plc

Tony Hewitt, Executive Chairman 01772 627111

Charles Bithell, Group Finance Director 01772 627111

Notes for Editors;

Parkwood Holdings plc specialises in providing outsourced services mainly to
the public sector across England and Wales under long term contracts. Its three
main areas of operation are as follows:

  * Glendale - The management of parks and open spaces for a predominantly
    local authority client base. This operation is currently being expanded
    into related "green" businesses under the "Think Green - Think Glendale"
  * Parkwood Leisure - The management of a diverse range of leisure facilities,
    again predominantly for local authority clients. This Division is also the
    operator or provider of services under most of the Group's contracts won
    under the PFI/PPP procurement process.
  * Parkwood Healthcare - The provision of non emergency patient transport to
    NHS Trusts under the "National Ambulance Service" banner, together with the
    provision of nurses on an agency basis to both NHS Trusts and the private
  * Parkwood PFI Projects - The provision of PFI, PPP and other similar bids on
    behalf of Joint Ventures and the Group, generating long term operating
    business. This division is also responsible for the project management of
    contracts on behalf of the Group's associates and JVs and management of
    other funds such as the lifecycle funds associated with the project
                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT                              

The six months ended 30th June 2004 has provided results ahead of expectation
before allowing for reorganisation costs following the acquisition of CCL
Leisure Limited ("CCL"), the most significant event in the period. Also of note
was the signing of a further Leisure PFI in March 2004 with Penzance District
Council which consolidates the Group's lead in this sector.

Group results

Group turnover increased to �31.2 million (2003: �24.2 million), a 29% increase
over the prior year, of which 12% represents the increased activity resulting
from the CCL acquisition. Total operating profit on a "like for like" basis
excluding CCL increased to �0.94 million (2003: �0.56 million). CCL incurred a
net operating loss after reorganisation costs of �0.17 million. Profit before
tax for the Group rose by 66% from the prior year to �0.51 million (2003: �0.31

As a result of the acquisition and other contract awards during the period,
Parkwood's forward order book has also increased significantly to �308 million
(June 2003: �220 million).

The Board is pleased to declare an unchanged interim dividend of 0.9p payable
on 5th November 2004, to all shareholders on the register on 8th October 2004.

Board and Management

There were no changes in the composition of the Board in the period. The
appointment of a third non-executive Director originally planned to take place
in mid 2004 has been postponed until 2005.


Glendale, the Group's "green" services division increased sales by 26% to �17.1
million (2003: �13.6 million) and operating profits before goodwill
amortisation rose to �0.52 million against �0.28 million the previous year.

The increase in sales occurred mostly in London and the South-east with the
commencement of new contracts with British Airports Authority and Welwyn and
Hatfield District Council. Glendale Golf also expanded in this region, with two
additional courses at Tilgate Forest, Crawley and Castle Point on Canvey
Island, Essex. Since the period end, Glendale has been informed that it is also
to be awarded the contract to manage two eighteen-hole courses in Richmond
Park, London. Glendale Golf is expected to comprise an increasing proportion of
the division's sales in future years. A new office is scheduled to open for the
London and the South-east region near Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire in
September 2004.

The regional organisational structure introduced in 2003 has now settled down
and particularly strong results were produced by the North of England where a
new contract with St Helens Housing Association commenced in March 2004. The
Midlands also exceeded expectations and the extension of the Birmingham
contract for a further five years was confirmed during the period.

As planned, after two years of personally redirecting the business, the time
has come to appoint a new leader for Glendale and I am pleased to announce the
appointment of Nick Temple-Heald who joined Glendale on 31st August 2004 as its
new Managing Director. Nick has worked within the Horticultural supplies sector
for most of his working career. Nick will not only take control of the
management of Glendale but will also act as its champion in the Green Waste
Recycling sector.

Parkwood Leisure and CCL

Parkwood Leisure's turnover for the period was �7.7 million (2003: �6.7
million), an increase of 15%. The acquisition of CCL in early May 2004 added
two months of that company's sales amounting to an additional �2.98 million,
making a total of �10.7million for the division as a whole. This acquisition
from the Clear Channel Group for �100,000 plus costs propels the Group's
Leisure business to the third largest in its sector with annualised sales in
excess of �30 million. The combined businesses are responsible for forty eight
leisure facilities and a full and part time staff in excess of 2,000. The
integration of the two businesses, which will trade as one company from 1st
January 2005, is a priority for the management team and is progressing well.
The price paid for CCL reflected the fact that some contracts within its
portfolio were loss making; management are pursuing opportunities for
improvement and negotiations are underway with clients to mitigate losses.

Reorganisation costs of �186,000 following the acquisition were offset by a
small CCL operating profit of �18,000 in the months of May and June. Setting
these sums against an excellent operating profit before goodwill amortisation
of �0.73 million (2003: �0.54 million) in the existing business of Parkwood
Leisure, operating profit before goodwill amortisation for the Group's Leisure
division as a whole for the period was �0.56 million.

Leisure PFIs

Currently at preferred bidder stage, we anticipate that contracts will be
signed before the year end for a �14 million PFI project with Breckland
District Council in Norfolk for the construction of a new Leisure Centre in
Dereham and the refurbishment of an existing facility in Thetford. Two other
Leisure PFI Projects are now in their construction phase: Boxwood Leisure,
where Parkwood holds a 50% equity stake, is building a new swimming pool at
Erith and extending an existing Leisure facility at Bexleyheath both for the
London Borough of Bexley; and Penzance Leisure, a wholly owned SPV (special
purpose vehicle) is building a long awaited new leisure centre in Penzance,
Cornwall. Construction partners are MJ Gleeson and Kier South Western
respectively. Parkwood's first Leisure PFI, Waterfront Leisure at Crosby near
Liverpool, has now been successfully run by Parkwood Leisure since February
2003. Preferred bidder status was also achieved in 2003 with the London Borough
of Croydon for a Leisure PFI worth some �12 million, but is expected to be
delayed until late 2005.

Once fully built, our Leisure PFI's which have reached preferred bidder status
and beyond will require some �70 million of capital funding within the Group's
special purposes vehicles and is expected to provide over �11 million of annual
operating revenue to the Group's Leisure business.

Further bids are underway, including a bid for a new imaginatively designed
leisure centre in Tudor Park, Solihull for Solihull Metropolitan Borough

Parkwood Healthcare

Parkwood Healthcare's operating losses before goodwill amortisation were
reduced to �0.18 million (2003: �0.33 million), on sales of �2.99 million
(2003: �3.51 million). In April 2004, the Nursing Agency business was awarded a
framework agreement with the NHS enabling it to supply nurses in the South-east
region for a period of three years. Consideration is being given to
establishing a new branch to deal with this opportunity. The Patient Transport
business is stable and renegotiations are underway with one of Parkwood
Healthcare's major clients in this sector for extension of a current contract
for a further three years.

Parkwood PFI Projects

The Group's PFI unit has concentrated its efforts during the period on
preparing a bid for the Ministry of Defence for the development of new
facilities for 1,800 staff at Corsham near Bath. This is the largest PFI
project the Group has so far embarked upon and a strong consortium under the
name Realm Communications Services ("Realm") has been put together; including
Innisfree as equity partner and AMEC plc as construction partner. Realm
submitted its bid on 2nd September being one of only two bidders. Preferred
bidder status is to be announced next year and financial close is anticipated
in 2006.

Parkwood PFI Projects also successfully manages the Group's live projects, and
made a small contribution to profits in the period. At the end of July 2004 the
PFI team together with Glendale Environmental moved to new larger offices
outside Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Funding and cash flow

At 30 June 2004, non-recourse borrowing is included in the Group's balance
sheet, being net debt of �2.7 million arising on the construction of the
Penzance Leisure PFI, which is wholly owned by the Group. The Group's recourse
debt has decreased significantly from net borrowings of �5.29 million at 30
June 2003 and �2.88 million at 31st December 2003 to �1.13 million at 30 June
2004. Strong cash inflows net of additional hire purchase contracts on new
equipment ("HP") in the first half of the year of �1.74 million (2003: outflow
of �3.17 million) were achieved; the main reasons being improved working
capital management and the receipt of cash held within CCL.

The gearing of the Group computed on the basis of total debt compared to net
assets at 30 June 2004 was 90% (2003: 130%).

Interest cover for the Group excluding joint ventures and associates for the
period based on Group profit before interest and tax excluding joint ventures
and associates compared to the net interest cost was 13 times (2003: 4 times).


The CCL acquisition and growth in Glendale means that Parkwood will increase
Group turnover to around �68 million for the full year (2003: �51 million). The
costs of reorganising and integrating the CCL acquisition have been
substantially taken and we are forecasting a positive benefit in the second
half. The Group continues its investment in growth for the future, both through
traditional tendering and bidding on PFI and PPP projects. Parkwood is in a
much stronger position than a year ago, with cash on hand for the first time in
many years. We continue to monitor closely our level of risk in PFI, which has
so far been justified. The wet summer has impacted on some of Glendale's
activities and will dampen second half results in this business but results
have improved from a difficult year in 2003 and having achieved a good first
half year I expect the Group to have a satisfactory year end result.


Executive Chairman

13th September 2004

Financial Highlights (2)

                                                    Interim  Interim      %     
                                                       2004     2003  Change 
Turnover (excluding joint ventures and associates)   �31.2m   �24.2m   +29%    
Operating Profit (before joint venture and associate �0.60m   �0.34m   +77%    
Profit before Tax                                    �0.51m   �0.31m   +66%    
Earnings per share                                   1.8p     1.0 p    +69%    
Earnings per share before goodwill                   2.2p     1.4p     +52%    
Dividends per share                                  0.9p     0.9p     0%      
Order Book                                           �308m    �220m    +40%    
Gearing (1)                                          90%      130%             

(1) Calculated by expressing net debt (see note 8) as a percentage of net

(2) Data includes the impact of the CCL acquisition

Financial Calendar

Interim Dividend Paid 5th November 2004

Full Year Results Announced 14th March 2005

Annual General Meeting May 2005

This statement is being sent to all shareholders. Copies are available from the
Company's website on or from the registered office:

 Parkwood House, Cuerden Park, Berkeley Drive, Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 6BY  

Summary Group Profit and Loss Account

                         Note              6 Months Ended                    Year
                                30 June 2004 (unaudited)        30 June        31
                                                                   2003  December
                               Existing  Acquisition Total  (unaudited) (audited)
                                    �000        �000   �000        �000      �000
Gross turnover                    28,890       2,984 31,874      24,340    51,329
Less Group's share of              (720)           -  (720)       (178)     (720)
joint ventures                                                                   
Group Turnover -            2     28,170       2,984 31,154      24,162    50,609
continuing operations                                                            
Group operating profit               845          18    863         410       914
before goodwill                                                                  
amortisation and                                                                 
reorganisation costs                                                             
Exceptional                 6          -       (186)  (186)           -         -
reorganisation costs                                                             
Goodwill amortisation               (77)         (2)   (79)        (73)     (133)
Group operating profit               768       (170)    598         337       781
Share of operating                    45           -     45         114       122
profit in joint ventures                                                         
Share of operating                   127           -    127         110       236
profits in associated                                                            
Total operating profit /             940       (170)    770         561     1,139
(loss) - continuing                                                              
Interest payable and                                                             
similar charges                                                                  
- Group                                                (46)        (82)     (143)
- Joint ventures                                      (140)       (105)     (253)
- Associates                                           (72)        (66)     (140)
                                                      (258)       (253)     (536)
Profit on ordinary          2                           512         308       603
activities before                                                                
Tax on profit on            3                         (180)       (114)     (187)
ordinary activities                                                              
Profit on ordinary                                      332         194       416
activities after                                                                 
Dividends                   5                         (176)       (170)     (396)
Retained profit                                         156          24        20
Basic earnings per share    4                          1.8p        1.0p      2.2p
Basic earnings per share    4                          2.2p        1.4p      2.9p
(before goodwill)                                                                
Diluted earnings per        4                          1.8p        1.0p      2.2p
Dividends per share         5                          0.9p        0.9p      2.2p

Group Balance Sheet

                                Notes  At 30 June  At 30 June         At 31
                                             2004        2003 December 2003
                                                     Restated  Restated (1)
                                      (unaudited) (unaudited)     (audited)
                                             �000        �000          �000
Fixed assets                                                               
Intangible assets                             491         576           525
Tangible assets                             9,872       4,707         4,773
Investments                                   397         367           351
                                           10,760       5,650         5,649
Investments in joint ventures                                              
Share of gross assets                       9,372       4,430         7,207
Share of gross liabilities                (9,209)     (4,026)       (6,949)
                                              163         404           258
Current assets                                                             
Stocks                                        848         620           518
Debtors                                    10,994       9,776         7,156
Cash at bank and in hand                    1,737           -         1,256
                                           13,579      10,396         8,930
Creditors: amounts falling due           (13,701)    (10,781)       (9,366)
within one year                                                            
Net current liabilities                     (122)       (385)         (436)
Total assets less current                  10,801       5,669         5,471
Creditors: amounts falling due            (4,692)     (1,354)       (1,230)
after more than one year                                                   
Provisions for liabilities and            (1,857)       (232)         (158)
                                            4,252       4,083         4,083
Capital and reserves                                                       
Called up share capital             9         196         196           196
Investment in own shares                    (175)       (192)         (188)
Capital redemption reserve          9         401         401           401
Share premium account               9       2,227       2,227         2,227
Profit and loss account             9       1,603       1,451         1,447
Equity Shareholders' funds                  4,252       4,083         4,083
(1) See note 1                                                             

Group Cash Flow Statement

                                 Note        6 Months Ended      Year Ended
                                          30 June     30 June   31 December
                                             2004        2003          2003
                                      (unaudited) (unaudited)     (audited)
                                             �000        �000          �000
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from      7       1,664       (878)         2,724
operating activities                                                       
Returns on investments and                                                 
servicing of finance                                                       
Interest received                              31           -            47
Interest paid                                 (8)        (24)          (65)
Interest element of finance                  (69)        (58)         (125)
lease payments                                                             
                                             (46)        (82)         (143)
UK corporation tax paid                         -       (119)         (173)
Capital expenditure and                                                    
financial investment                                                       
Purchase of fixed assets            8     (2,920)       (382)         (873)
Proceeds from sale of tangible                 31          16            59
fixed assets                                                               
Subordinated debt invested in                   -       (415)         (394)
Joint Ventures                                                             
Subordinated debt invested in                   -           -          (19)
Sale of own shares by Employee                 13          39            43
Benefit Trust                                                              
                                          (2,876)       (742)       (1,184)
Acquisitions and disposals                                                 
Purchase of subsidiary                      (251)           -          (50)
Cash acquired with business                 2,001           -             -
Purchase of shares in joint                     -        (11)          (14)
venture/associated undertakings                                            
                                            1,750        (11)          (64)
Equity dividends paid                       (224)       (243)         (413)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                     268     (2,075)           747
before use of liquid                                                       
resources and financing                                                    
Capital element of finance                  (549)       (446)         (982)
lease rental payments                                                      
Bank loan                           8       2,708           -             -
                                            2,159       (446)         (982)
Increase/(decrease) in cash in              2,427     (2,521)         (235)
the period                                                                 

Notes to the Interim Accounts

 1. Accounting Policies
The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the Group's statutory accounts for the year
ended 31 December 2003 with the exception of the adoption of UITF Abstract 38.
"Accounting for ESOP trusts", where investments in own shares have been
reclassified , in both current and comparative periods.

The interim financial statements have been approved by the Board and have
neither been reviewed nor audited by the auditors.

The figures for the year ended 31 December 2003 are extracts from the audited
accounts for that year which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
The Auditors' Report to those accounts was unqualified and did not contain any
statement under s237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The financial
information set out in these financial statements does not comprise full
accounts within the meaning of s240 of the Companies Act 1985.

2. Turnover and profit on ordinary activities before taxation

                                               6 Months Ended        Year Ended
Turnover                                30 June 2004  30 June 2003  31 December
                                         (unaudited)   (unaudited)    (audited)
                                                �000          �000        �000
Glendale                                      17,128        13,609       29,074
Parkwood Leisure                               7,699         6,702       14,414
CCL Leisure                                    2,984             -            -
Healthcare                                     2,989         3,509        6,803
Parkwood PFI Projects / head office              354           342          318
                                              31,154        24,162       50,609

All Group turnover originated in the United Kingdom.

                                            6 Months                 Year Ended
Profit before taxation                  30 June 2004 30 June 2003   31 December
                                         (unaudited)  (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                �000         �000          �000
Profit before goodwill amortisation:                                           
Glendale                                         519          276           646
Parkwood Leisure                                 729          542           933
CCL Leisure                                       18            -             -
CCL Leisure - exceptional                      (186)            -             -
reorganisation costs                                                           
Healthcare                                     (180)        (332)         (630)
Parkwood PFI Projects                             22           90             -
Central costs and other                        (291)        (247)         (178)
Profit before goodwill amortisation              631          329           771
Goodwill amortisation                           (79)         (73)         (133)
Share of net (loss)/profit in joint             (95)            9         (131)
Share of net profit in associated                 55           43            96
Profit before taxation                           512          308           603

 3. Taxation
Corporation tax for the six months ended 30 June 2004 is charged at 30% of
profits before goodwill, which is the current expected rate for the year ending
31 December 2004.

 4. Earnings Per Share
Earnings per share have been calculated on earnings for the period divided by
the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of 18,881,410 (2003:

 5. Dividends
The Board has declared an interim dividend of 0.9p per ordinary share (2003:
0.9p). The dividend will be paid on 5th November 2004 to all shareholders
registered on 8th October 2004. The final dividend for 2003 was paid in June

 6. Purchase of subsidiary undertaking and exceptional reorganisation costs
On 10th May 2004, the Group completed the acquisition of 100% of the issued
share capital of CCL Leisure Limited and its subsidiaries ("CCL") from Clear
Channel Entertainment (Theatrical) UK Limited. CCL's business is the provision
of Leisure Services to local councils.

The consideration for the acquisition is �100,000, payable on a deferred basis
on 10th May 2005. Provisional Fair values have been assigned to the completion
accounts of CCL which reflect impairment of fixed assets and provisions for
onerous contracts.

The following table sets out a summary of assets and liabilities acquired and
the revaluation adjustments required to reflect their provisional fair value to
the group:

                                          Book value  Revaluation   Provisional
                                                      adjustments fair value to
                                                                      the Group
                                                �000         �000          �000
Fixed assets                                   4,605      (2,694)         1,911
Cash                                           2,001            -         2,001
Net current liabilities excluding cash       (1,312)        (307)       (1,619)
Long term liabilities and provisions           (225)      (1,753)       (1,978)
Net assets acquired                            5,069      (4,754)           315
Satisfied by:                                                                  
Deferred consideration                                                      100
Costs of acquisition                                                        251
Provisional goodwill arising on the                                          36

An amount of �186,000 has been charged to the Group profit and loss account in
respect of exceptional costs incurred in reorganising, restructuring and
integrating the acquisition in the period from 10th May 2004 to 30th June 2004.
These costs were paid in cash prior to 30th June 2004 and relate mainly to
redundancies within CCL's senior management and head office.

 7. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow/(outflow) from
    operating activities
                                                    6 Months Ended     Year Ended
                                                 30 June     30 June  31 December
                                                    2004        2003         2003
                                             (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)
                                                    �000        �000         �000
Net operating profit                                 598         337          781
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                943         795        1,619
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets              (9)        (14)         (49)
Amortisation of intangible assets                     79          73          133
Increase in stocks                                 (160)       (145)         (43)
Increase in debtors                              (1,145)     (2,578)      (1,216)
Increase in creditors                              1,424         632        1,499
(Increase)/decrease in provisions for               (66)          22            -
liabilities and charges                                                          
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating           1,664       (878)        2,724

 8. Analysis of net debt
                          At 1 Cashflow        Cash      Other   At 30   At 30
                       January             acquired   non-cash    June    June
                          2004                 with    changes    2004    2003
                          �000     �000        �000       �000    �000    �000
(Bank overdraft) /       (690)      426       2,001          -   1,737 (2,976)
cash at bank                                                                  
Finance leases         (2,187)      549           -    (1,233) (2,871) (2,314)
Recourse debt          (2,877)      975       2,001    (1,233) (1,134) (5,290)
Non recourse debt            -  (2,708)           -          - (2,708)       -
                       (2,877)  (1,733)       2,001    (1,233) (3,842) (5,290)

During the period, one of the Group's wholly owned subsidiaries, Penzance
Leisure Limited, a company involved in the construction of a Leisure Centre
under the PFI initiative, began to trade. In the period to 30th June 2004, a
total of �2,708,000 of non-recourse debt was drawn down to fund assets under
construction of �2,721,000, included within purchase of fixed assets in the
cashflow statement.

The gearing of the Group computed on the basis of total debt compared to net
assets at 30 June 2004 was 90% (2003: 130%).

 9. Share Capital and Reserves
                                     Share       Capital       Share   Profit &
                                   Capital    Redemption     Premium       Loss
                                                 Reserve     Account    Account
                                      �000          �000        �000       �000
As at 1 January 2004                   196           401       2,227      1,447
Retained profit                          -             -           -        156
At 30 June 2004                        196           401       2,227      1,603

10. Reconciliation of movement in consolidated shareholders' funds
                                                   6 Months Ended    Year Ended
                                                30 June    30 June  31 December
                                                   2004       2003         2003
                                                          Restated     Restated
                                                   �000       �000         �000
Profit for the financial period                     332        194          416
Dividends                                         (176)      (170)        (396)
Disposal of investments in own shares                13         39           43
Net increase in shareholders' funds                 169         63           63
Opening shareholders' funds as previously         4,083      4,251        4,251
Prior year adjustment (note 1)                        -      (231)        (231)
Closing shareholders' funds                       4,252      4,083        4,083


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