Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc 
Final Results 
3 February 2010 
Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc, managed by Octopus Investments Limited, today announces 
the final results for the year ended 31 October 2009. 
These results were approved by the Board of Directors on 3 February 2010. 
You may view the Annual Report in full at www.octopusinvestments.com 
<http://www.octopusinvestments.com/> by navigating to Services, Investor 
Services, Venture Capital Trusts, Octopus Titan VCT 1. All other statutory 
information will also be found there. 
About Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc 
Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc ('Titan 1', 'Company' or 'Fund') is a venture capital 
trust which aims to provide shareholders with attractive tax-free dividends and 
long-term capital growth, by investing in a diverse portfolio of predominately 
unquoted companies. The Company is managed by Octopus Investments Limited 
('Octopus' or 'Manager'). 
Titan 1 was incorporated on 12 October 2007 with the first allotment of equity 
being 19 December 2007. In collaboration with Octopus Titan VCT 2 plc ('Titan 
2'), the Funds raised over  GBP30.8 million in aggregate ( GBP29.5 million net of 
expenses) through an Offer for subscription which closed on 16 May 2008. Titan 
1 invests primarily in unquoted UK smaller companies and aims to deliver 
absolute returns on its investments. 
Further details of the Fund's progress are discussed in the Chairman's Statement 
and Investment Manager's Review on pages 6 to 17. 
Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) 
VCTs were introduced in the Finance Act 1995 to provide a means for private 
individuals to invest in unlisted companies in the UK. Subsequent Finance Acts 
have introduced changes to VCT legislation. The tax benefits currently available 
to eligible new investors in VCTs include: 
  * up-front income tax relief of 30% 
  * exemption from income tax on dividends paid 
  * exemption from capital gains tax on disposals of shares in VCTs 
The Company has been provisionally approved as a VCT by HM Revenue & Customs. In 
order to maintain its approval the Company must comply with certain requirements 
on a continuing basis. By the end of the Company's third accounting period at 
least 70% of the Company's investments must comprise 'qualifying holdings' of 
which at least 30% must be in eligible Ordinary shares. A 'qualifying holding' 
consists of up to  GBP1 million invested in any one year in new shares or 
securities in an unquoted company (including companies listed on AIM) which is 
carrying on a qualifying trade and whose gross assets do not exceed  GBP7 million 
at the time of investment, and whose total number of employees is less than 50, 
also at the time of investment. The Company will continue to ensure its 
compliance with these qualification requirements. 
Financial Summary 
|                                  |As at 31 October 2009|As at 31 October 2008| 
|Net assets ( GBP'000s)               |               15,014|               14,036| 
|Return   on   ordinary  activities|                1,134|                (722)| 
|after tax ( GBP'000s)                |                     |                     | 
|Net asset value per share         |                96.1p|                89.9p| 
|Dividend  per  share  -  paid  and|                 1.5p|                 0.5p| 
|proposed since launch             |                     |                     | 
Chairman's Statement 
I am pleased to present the Company's second annual report for the year ended 
31 October 2009. 
I am delighted to be able to report a positive total return (being the change in 
NAV plus cumulative dividends paid) for the year of 8.0% comprising an increase 
in Net Asset Value of 6.2p to 96.1p, plus dividends paid of 1.0p. This has been 
primarily driven by a recovery in the value of the Company's liquid resources, 
as well as a strong overall performance in the two Octopus Open-Ended Investment 
Companies ('OEICs'), offset by the reduction in fair values of three 
The Fund is now invested in ten unquoted companies and one AIM-quoted company 
(including the investment held in The Key Revolution which is currently in 
administration). The focus continues to be to invest in a broad range of 
unquoted UK smaller companies with the potential for high growth in order to 
generate income and capital growth over the long-term. By value, 26.0% of the 
Company's net assets are in unquoted investments, 3.2% in AIM-quoted investments 
and 32.4% in Octopus OEICS, leaving 38.4% currently in cash or cash equivalents. 
Investment Portfolio 
The year under review, particularly the first half, has been challenging for 
many businesses, with the impact of the credit crunch combining with a worsening 
of the economic environment. Inevitably, this has had an impact on the portfolio 
and, as a result, three investments have had reductions in fair value. That 
said, we are optimistic about both the progress and potential of our portfolio 
companies but as yet it is too early to recognise any significant uplift in 
value in all but two of these. 
During the year, the Fund made eight new investments totalling  GBP2.47 million and 
two follow-on investments into The Key Revolution and True Knowledge for 
 GBP230,000 and  GBP350,000 respectively. All of these investments are discussed in 
more detail in the Investment Manager's Review on pages 8 to 17 in which you 
will see that we have made investments in a diverse range of companies in some 
exciting market sectors. In the case of Zoopla, we have been able to recognise 
an uplift in value following the new investment but, unfortunately, we have had 
to make a reduction in fair value (to  GBPnil) in respect of our investment in The 
Key Revolution, following the appointment of Administrators in December. On 
balance however, the Investment Manager is encouraged by the performance of the 
portfolio and the good flow of investment opportunities which it is seeing. 
Further details about the portfolio, including new investments can be found in 
the Investment Manager's Review on pages 8 to 17. 
Cash and Liquid Resources 
Since the unprecedented market turmoil we saw in the second half of 2008 and 
first quarter of 2009, I am delighted to report that our portfolio of bonds, 
floating rate notes and cash-plus funds has significantly recovered in value, up 
more than 7% over the year.  As you may recall, we created such a portfolio to 
invest your cash whilst awaiting deployment into suitable qualifying 
investments.  As I reported in my first annual report, the values of some of 
these instruments had fallen in 2008.   With advice from our cash manager, 
Goldman Sachs, we have continued to hold these investments and propose to do so 
until maturity which is in line with the timetable for making investments to 
achieve our qualifying threshold.  Indeed, at the time of writing, two of our 
bonds have successfully matured at par. 
The yield on our cash, which is held in highly liquid, low risk cash funds, has 
reduced due to the continued decline in UK interest rates.  Unfortunately, this 
is just a factor of the historically low interest rate environment we find 
ourselves in. Given our requirements over the coming months for liquidity to 
make new investments, the Board has taken the view that it is in the best 
interest of shareholders to preserve capital by keeping a high level of cash in 
such low risk money market funds. 
Open Ended Investment Companies (OEICs) 
The Company's investments in the two Octopus Partner OEICs have also seen 
significant uplifts in valuation over the year to 31 October 2009.  The Absolute 
Return Fund and the UK Smaller Companies Fund have increased in value 46% and 
34% respectively.  The Absolute Return Fund is the number one performing fund in 
its sector, and indeed has gained 81% since Titan 1 first invested in March 
2008, when that particular OEIC launched.  The Board has met with the respective 
fund managers and believe it is in the best interests to continue to hold 
investments in these OEICs for the foreseeable future, as set out in the 
original prospectus.  Further details of these OEICs may be found at 
www.octopusinvestments.com <http://www.octopusinvestments.com/> where monthly 
factsheets are available. 
It is your Board's policy to strive to maintain a regular dividend flow where 
possible. Our primary aim is to create distributable capital gains. We 
anticipate declaring modest dividends in the early years although these are 
likely to be smaller than originally envisaged due to the substantial reduction 
in interest rates during the last 12 months. Taking this into account, for the 
year ended 31 October 2009, a final dividend of 0.5p per share has been 
proposed. Subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting, this 
dividend will be paid on 23 April 2010 to those shareholders on the register on 
5 March 2010. This will take dividends for the year ended 31 October 2009 to 
1.0p per share (2008: 0.5p per share). 
VCT Qualifying Status 
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP provides the Board and Investment Manager with advice 
concerning ongoing compliance with Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) rules 
and regulations concerning VCTs. The Board has been advised that Titan 1 is in 
compliance with the conditions laid down by HMRC for maintaining provisional 
approval as a VCT. This is discussed further on page 5. 
A key requirement now is to achieve the 70% qualifying investment level prior to 
31 October 2010. As at 31 October 2009, over 35.0% of the portfolio, as measured 
by HMRC rules, was invested in VCT qualifying investments. In view of the 
current investment activity, the Board continues to be confident that the 70% 
target will be met by the required date. 
Investment Management Agreement 
The Board announced on 20 October 2009 that the Investment Management Agreement 
between Titan 1 and Octopus Ventures Limited had been novated to Octopus 
Investments Limited.  This change was made as a result of an internal 
reorganisation of the Octopus group and the terms of the Investment Management 
Agreement and the composition of the fund management team within Octopus 
responsible for managing the Company's assets remain unchanged. 
Annual General Meeting 
The Company's Annual General Meeting will take place on 31 March 2010 at 2.30 
p.m. I look forward to welcoming you to the meeting which will be held at the 
Company's registered office, and the offices of Octopus Investments Limited, at 
8 Angel Court, London, EC2R 7HP. 
Octopus launched a further Fund (Octopus Titan VCT 3 plc) in 2008 and has 
recently launched a fourth Fund (Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc) during the current tax 
year. This will give the Titan VCT family a significant presence in the 
marketplace which we believe will be an advantage for all of us. The Octopus 
team now has uncommitted resources of  GBP39 million for investment in emerging 
companies in our defined market sectors. 
Despite the recent improvement in stock markets, we remain cautious about the 
wider economic environment and the impact this may have on portfolio companies. 
This could be reflected directly through trading performance or indirectly 
through the availability of credit. We also need to ensure that, where 
appropriate, our portfolio companies have sufficient resources to take advantage 
of the opportunities that will present themselves. Our Investment Manager is 
seeing a high level of new investment opportunities and we will continue to 
maintain our strategy of seeking to keep an appropriate level of liquidity in 
the Fund to provide support for the existing portfolio. 
Lewis Jarrett 
3 February 2010 
Investment Manager's Review 
Personal Service 
At Octopus, we focus on both managing your investments and keeping you informed 
throughout the investment process. We are committed to providing our investors 
with regular and open communication. Our updates are designed to keep you 
informed about the progress of your investment. During this time of economic 
upheaval, we consider it particularly important to be in regular contact with 
our investors and are working hard to manage your money in the current climate. 
Octopus Investments Limited was established in 2000 and has a strong commitment 
to both smaller companies and to VCTs. We currently manage 17 VCTs, including 
this Company, and manage over  GBP230m in the VCT sector. Octopus has over 100 
employees and has been voted as 'Best VCT Provider of the Year' by the financial 
adviser community for the last four years. 
Investment Policy 
The investment approach of Titan 1 is not designed to deliver a return that is 
measured against a stock market index. Instead, the focus of Titan 1 is on 
generating absolute returns over the medium-term. In order to achieve this goal, 
the Fund will focus on providing early stage, development and expansion funding 
to unquoted companies with a typical deal size of  GBP0.25 million to  GBP1 million. 
Investment Strategy 
The investee companies are those that we believe have great potential but need 
some financial support to realise it. Each company that we target will have the 
potential to create a large business by taking a relatively modest market share. 
We are particularly interested in businesses that address current market trends 
and aim to create a balanced investment portfolio spanning multiple industries 
and business sectors. 
We expect that the portfolio of holdings built by Titan 1 will encompass 
investments in 20-25 predominantly unquoted companies, with a focus on the 
environmental, technology, media, telecoms and consumer lifestyle and wellbeing 
sectors. It is envisaged that, at the end of the three year initial investment 
period, 75-85% of the proceeds of the Offer will be invested in a range of 
qualifying investments with 15-25% invested in a combination of cash, Open Ended 
Investment Companies ("OEICs")* managed by Octopus and money market securities 
managed by third party specialists. 
*Titan 1has invested in two OEICs managed by Octopus, the CF Octopus Partner 
Fund - (Absolute Return) and the CF Octopus Partner Fund - (UK Smaller 
Portfolio Review 
As at 31 October 2009 the NAV stood at 96.1p, compared to 89.9p at 31 October 
2008, and when adding back the 1p of cumulative dividends, this represents a 
positive total return of 8.0%. Recent improvements in the economy have created a 
better environment for the companies in the portfolio. There is a sense that the 
worst of the recession is over and that we may be on the road to recovery. We 
are excited about the potential in the market for smaller private companies, 
including those in your portfolio. 
At this point in time, small growing businesses have an opportunity to work 
nimbly in a rocky economic landscape and both grow and take market share. We 
work with each company, providing expertise and guidance to help them achieve 
their goals. As an example of a business taking advantage of the economic 
environment, portfolio company Zoopla recently made a series of acquisitions, 
including the websites Hot Property, Think Property and the Property Finder 
Group, which have added significantly to Zoopla's proposition, user base and 
brand profile. Given the company's progress, we made a further investment into 
Zoopla in October of  GBP205,000. 
The following events occurred between the balance sheet date and the signing of 
these financial statements: 
  * 8 January 2010:  GBP499,998 investment into Calastone 
  * 9 January 2010: A previous  GBP201,440 non-qualifying investment in Zoopla 
    became a qualifying investment. 
At the time of writing, we are actively engaged with a number of new businesses 
and expect to be completing 
these investments early in 2010. Historically, a time of great pressure for 
small business is frequently the first two quarters coming out of recession. It 
is at this time that cash flow remains constrained, but there is the opportunity 
to return to growth. As a result, this is a good time to be making investments 
and providing financial capital to those businesses that we believe have the 
opportunity to grow significantly. Times of disruption in industries are also 
the times when there are the greatest opportunities to make a significant 
difference to the way in which an industry is structured, or a service is 
delivered. There are, and will always be, significant challenges as a result of 
the size and nature of the businesses we invest into. They are often at the 
forefront of new ideas within their industry sectors, which can leave them 
exposed, and we recognise the risks associated with investing into such 
businesses. However, it is precisely these sorts of businesses that can change 
the way in which we live our lives, or the way in which we do business, thus 
creating large successful businesses from our investment. As a result, we look 
forward with expectation to the coming year. 
If you have any questions on any aspect of your investment, please call one of 
the team on 0800 316 2347. 
Alex Macpherson 
Octopus Investments Limited 
3 February 2010 
Investment Portfolio 
|               |                  |Investment|         |   fair|     %|      %| 
|               |                  |   at cost| Movement|  value|equity| equity| 
|Qualifying     |Sector            |31 October|       in| at 31 |  held|managed| 
|investments    |                  |     2009 |valuation|October|    by|     by| 
|               |                  |   ( GBP'000)|         |   2009| Titan|Octopus| 
|               |                  |          |         |       |     1|       | 
|Zoopla Limited |Media             |       764|      277|  1,041|  5.0%|  16.7%| 
|True Knowledge |Media             |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |                  |     1,032|        -|  1,032|  3.1%|  38.8%| 
|Calastone      |Technology        |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |                  |       635|        -|    635|  7.5%|  23.5%| 
|e-Therapeutics |Consumer lifestyle|          |         |       |      |       | 
|plc            |& wellbeing       |       450|       27|    477|  0.3%|   5.1%| 
|Surrey         |Technology        |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Nanosystems    |                  |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |                  |       300|        -|    300|  4.9%|  28.5%| 
|GetOptics      |Consumer lifestyle|          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |& wellbeing       |       285|        -|    285|  4.9%|  27.1%| 
|Nature         |Consumer lifestyle|          |         |       |      |       | 
|Delivered      |& wellbeing       |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |                  |       275|        -|    275|  4.8%|  24.2%| 
|Phase Vision   |Technology        |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |                  |       200|        -|    200|  8.9%|  49.0%| 
|Phasor         |Technology        |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Solutions      |                  |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |                  |       100|     (25)|     75|  2.0%|  30.7%| 
|The Skills     |Technology        |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Market Limited |                  |       100|     (50)|     50|  4.9%|  15.7%| 
|The Key        |Telecommunications|          |         |       |      |       | 
|Revolution     |                  |          |         |       |      |       | 
|Limited        |                  |       641|    (641)|      -| 12.4%|  35.9%| 
|Total qualifying investments      |     4,782|    (412)|  4,370|      |       | 
|Money market securities           |     5,242|     (35)|  5,207|      |       | 
|OEICs                             |     3,542|    1,320|  4,862|      |       | 
|Cash at bank                      |       578|        -|    578|      |       | 
|Total investments                 |    14,144|      873| 15,017|      |       | 
|Net current assets                |         -|        -|    (3)|      |       | 
|Total net assets                  |          |         | 15,014|      |       | 
Review of Investments 
During the year, the Fund made eight new investments amounting to  GBP2,474,000 and 
two follow-on investments into The Key Revolution and True Knowledge for 
 GBP230,000 and  GBP350,000 respectively. 
Quoted and unquoted investments are valued in accordance with the accounting 
policy set out on page 37, which takes account of current industry guidelines 
for the valuation of venture capital portfolios and is compliant with 
International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuations guidelines and 
current financial reporting standards. 
Zoopla Limited 
Zoopla is an award-winning online property information service and community 
website, presenting information on house pricing and free valuation estimates, 
for sale listings, and local community information. Zoopla has become the UK's 
leading website for house prices and value data, as it provides the most 
comprehensive source of residential property market information. It is also the 
UK's most active property community, with over a million user contributions to 
its website in 2008. It recently launched estate agent listings on a 
pay-for-performance basis and expects to become one of the premier UK websites 
for those interested in the property market. We would encourage you to view the 
website at www.zoopla.co.uk <http://www.zoopla.co.uk/>. 
In August, Zoopla announced the purchase of The PropertyFinder Group, from News 
International Ltd and REA Group, which includes propertyfinder.com, one of the 
best-known and most-visited property websites in the country, with over 2 
million unique visitors per month, as well as other online property assets 
including HotProperty.co.uk and UKPropertyshop.co.uk. This purchase comes hot on 
the heels of its acquisition in July of ThinkProperty.com from Guardian Media 
Group. The integration of the two companies took place in the Autumn of 2009. 
These acquisitions have accelerated the company's growth and Zoopla currently 
holds the number 2 slot in Nielson's analysis of property portals. 
Initial investment date: January 2009 
Cost:  GBP764,206 
Valuation:  GBP1,041,696 
Equity held: 5.0% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 16.7% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
True Knowledge Limited 
True Knowledge has developed an internet search engine website that answers 
questions. Finding information on the internet currently involves a process of 
trial and error, hoping that the search engine retrieves the information you're 
looking for. True Knowledge has devised technology that resolves this 
fundamental problem by operating along a more intuitive system. It intelligently 
answers questions asked on any topic in plain English. It can be used just like 
a conventional search engine, but users can also add knowledge directly to it. 
There are currently over 220 million facts in the database, which is being 
continually expanded. 
The company has launched a plug in for the Mozilla Firefox browser where True 
Knowledge sits on top of the search results provided by Google. Having 
dramatically improved performance response times, the company's focus is now on 
securing paying customers. There has also been considerable interest in True 
Knowledge's ability to answer questions in relation to local search and the 
company is now providing information to Siri for its local search solution on 
the iPhone. 
Initial investment date: July 2008 
Cost:  GBP1,031,783 (Ordinary shares) 
Valuation:  GBP1,031,783 
Equity held: 3.1% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 38.8% 
Last audited accounts: 31 July 2009 
Loss before interest & tax: ( GBP1,478,219) 
Net current assets:  GBP462,892 
Calastone Limited 
Calastone is the UK's only independent transaction service for the mutual fund 
industry. It enables buyers and sellers of mutual funds on different platforms 
to communicate orders electronically by providing a universal message 
communication and 'translation' service. This is being welcomed in an industry 
which has not previously been able to invest in the real-time exchange of 
information between participants. Orders are commonly communicated by fax or 
telephone with a high level of manual re-keying and manual error correction. 
Calastone's 'translation' service means that neither the transmitter nor 
receiver need purchase additional technology or change their existing systems. 
Furthermore, there is no barrier or cost of entry. 
Over the last few months, the company has been signing clients on a regular 
basis and, during August 2009, was able to announce a significant milestone in 
sending its one millionth message across its network. Calastone has also 
recently announced an offering into the settlement market further extending its 
services to its client base. 
Initial investment date: October 2008 
Cost:  GBP634,746 (Ordinary shares) 
Valuation:  GBP634,746 
Equity held: 7.5% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 23.5% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
e-Therapeutics plc 
e-Therapeutics is an AIM-listed, drug discovery and development company. It 
focuses on three core areas: the discovery of new drugs; discovering novel uses 
for existing drugs; and analysis of the interactions between different drugs. 
The company has developed a unique drug discovery technology that enables it to 
assess drug candidates for high efficacy and safety ahead of clinical trials. 
The use of this technology dramatically reduces the time between drug discovery 
and market applicability, and reduces the risks associated with clinical trials. 
The company is currently progressing with the preclinical and clinical 
development of a number of innovative drug candidates to which the new 
technology was applied. The treatments are now at an advanced stage of testing, 
validating the therapeutic attributes that e-Therapeutics' drug discovery system 
predicted for each candidate. The development and commercialisation of the 
company's drug candidates that have generated clinical data will be supported 
initially by licensing these to partners operating in smaller pharmaceutical 
e-Therapeutics announced their results in July with news of the continued 
development of its drug pipeline. The company has also announced a placing of 
approximately 10% of the issued shares to Gartmore at 38p per share, a premium 
to the Fund's entry price of 26%. 
Initial investment date: March 2009 
Cost:  GBP450,000 
Valuation:  GBP477,000 
Equity held: 0.3% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 5.1% 
Last audited accounts: 24 July 2009 
Loss before tax: ( GBP1,957,000) 
Net assets:  GBP947,000 
Surrey NanoSystems Limited 
Surrey NanoSystems was founded in November 2006 in partnership with the 
University of Surrey's Advanced Technology Institute. The company is a pioneer 
in the development of highly advanced equipment and processes for growing carbon 
nanotubes (CNTs). CNTs are molecular-scale tubes of graphitic carbon that 
possess extraordinary electronic and mechanical properties. 
Surrey NanoSystems is unique in its ability to consistently grow CNTs at 
temperatures as low as 350 °C. Historically, nanotechnology specialists have been 
unable to grow CNTs below 700 °C, preventing their use in a range of other 
applications, due to the damage high temperatures cause to other materials used 
in semiconductor chips. For this reason, NanoGrowth( ®), the company's unique 
growth technology, represents a major breakthrough for the rapidly developing 
field of nanoelectronics, the future manufacture of high performance 
semiconductor chips and their use in a far broader range of sectors. 
Initial investment date: July 2009 
Cost:  GBP300,009 
Valuation:  GBP300,009 
Equity held: 4.9% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 28.5% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
GetOptics Limited 
GetOptics is an online retailer of contact lenses. It is a new company formed to 
acquire Getlenses and Postoptics. Following the investment, GetOptics is the 
largest online retailer of contact lenses in the UK. With a turnover of  GBP6.5 
million and 25-30% market share of the online market, the company will have 
unrivalled buying power in the e-commerce lens market, founded on very good 
relations with contact lens manufacturers. 
As a result of the combination, GetOptics will have the opportunity to grow with 
minimal capital expenditure over the coming years and the chance to roll out 
best practices learned across the business in marketing, business development, 
supply chain management and systems. 
Initial investment date: September 2009 
Cost:  GBP285,000 
Valuation:  GBP285,000 
Equity held: 4.9% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 27.1% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
Nature Delivered Limited (trading as Graze) 
Graze is the first UK company to deliver healthy and nutritionally balanced food 
by post straight to the home or office. The company was founded in April 2007 
and has over 15,000 existing customers who regularly place orders via its 
website. Graze's snack boxes cost only  GBP2.99 and are sent by Royal Mail for next 
day delivery. 
The Graze product range includes over 100 products to choose from, all free from 
artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives. Customers can also place 
orders for personalised boxes, specifically tailored to meet their tastes, 
dietary and nutritional requirements. 
Graze promotes a varied and balanced diet through facilitating the intake of a 
wide variety of smaller portions of natural, high-energy foods throughout the 
day. Its boxes contain up to three portions of fruit and vegetables, in line 
with the National Health Service's recognised 'five-a-day' scheme. Its product 
is very much in tune with customer needs and the demands of modern living, as 
people become ever more conscious of health and convenience. 
Initial investment date: June 2009 
Cost:  GBP275,000 
Valuation:  GBP275,000 
Equity held: 4.8% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 24.2% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
Phase Vision Limited 
Phase Vision is a manufacturer of optical inspection solutions for high-speed, 
three-dimensional shape measurement with micro-scale accuracy. The company has 
developed (and patented) a unique optical approach to the measurement of very 
large (>100cm) industrial items with free-form or curved surfaces, such as ship 
propellers and aircraft wings to tighten manufacturing tolerances, increase 
throughput and reduce waste. Phase Vision's metrology solutions are more cost 
efficient than current laser processes, and accurately measure mechanical 
systems to micron level, thus providing superior performance. 
Phase Vision's systems use a fringe projection approach and comprise of one or 
more projector/camera units that project, and image, patterns of light onto the 
object to be measured. Sophisticated algorithms are then used to accurately 
calculate the dimension of the object.  Phase Vision's clients include some of 
the biggest names in the automotive, aerospace, chemical and medical device 
engineering sectors. The market for large-scale measurement with micro-scale 
accuracy is estimated to be worth around  GBP2 billion per year, with growth of 
around 6% per annum. 
Since Octopus' investment, the business has strengthened its organisational 
structure, and built more robust manufacturing and financial controls into its 
processes. Development of the product continues and nears completion, while the 
management are also gaining increased traction with another large tier one 
potential customer. 
Initial investment date: May 2009 
Cost:  GBP199,984 
Valuation:  GBP199,984 
Equity held: 8.9% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 49.0% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
Phasor Solutions Limited 
Phasor provides flat panel phased array antennae at a fraction of the cost 
associated with traditional phased array technology. Phased array products are 
groups of antennae constituting a radar system that enhances and controls signal 
strength. They are used across many industries, including travel and engineering 
and can facilitate communication signals. Phasor has the potential to transform 
the 'communication on the move' market through its phased array product 
offering. Phasor develops phased array antennae with multiple commercial uses, 
which include enabling moving host units, such as trains and airplanes, to 
deliver broadband Internet access and high-speed communications. Additionally, 
Phasor's product range, which will be expanded to include radars, has numerous 
other applications in both the aerospace and military sectors. 
Phasor received its first production chips from the foundry and the team have 
been testing these together with a specialist semiconductor design consultancy. 
Whilst this is a time delay, the effect on cash flow is less significant than 
Initial investment date: March 2009 
Cost:  GBP99,992 
Valuation:  GBP74,994 
Equity held: 2.0% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 30.7% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
The Skills Market Limited (Trading as iProfile) 
The company, formerly known as SkillsMarket, works with recruiters to make the 
business of finding and placing the right people a lot simpler and quicker. The 
company's website enables candidates to transform any static CV into a dynamic 
professional profile kept up-to-date by candidates themselves. The aim of 
iProfile is to bring the traditional CV template into the 21st Century. 
Recruiters save time and money on CV processing by searching up-to-date 
databases and unleash the potential of candidate information - making it more 
accurate and responsive, with the ability to search and sort in real-time, 
transforming the efficiency of recruitment processes. 
The company was affected by the economic environment and therefore required an 
injection of capital. Titan 1 invested at this time in order to take advantage 
of a turnaround in the company and the general recruiting market. 
Initial investment date: July 2009 
Cost:  GBP100,000 
Valuation:  GBP50,000 
Equity held: 4.9% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 15.7% 
Last audited accounts: N/A 
The Key Revolution Limited 
The work of The Key Revolution heralded the move towards 'cloud computing'. Its 
patented technology enables internet users to securely authenticate themselves 
and access their own files on any computer, then clear their text or data. The 
highly innovative Mobiu key device combines both SIM card and chip and pin 
features. Lost or stolen Mobiu keys can also be deactivated, ensuring total 
Unfortunately, it took The Key Revolution longer to establish itself in the 
market place than previously anticipated, predominantly due to the poor economic 
environment and the company struggled to make sales. Titan 1 loaned the business 
 GBP75,000 in August 2009 to afford it time to secure additional funding from an 
alternative investor. Unfortunately, despite initial positive messages, no 
funding was found. As such, the company has unfortunately had to take the 
decision to be placed into administration in December 2009. 
Initial investment date: May 2008 
Cost:  GBP641,026 (Ordinary shares) 
Valuation:  GBP- 
Equity held: 12.4% 
Equity held by all funds managed by Octopus: 35.9% 
Last audited accounts: 31 March 2009 
Loss before interest: ( GBP1,317,418) 
Net assets:  GBP173,595 
Directors' Responsibility Statement 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year which give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit or loss of the Company. Under that law the 
Directors have elected to prepare financial statements in accordance with United 
Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting 
In preparing these financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
<li> select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
<li> make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
<li> state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, 
subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial 
statements; and 
<li> prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the 
Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the 
Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection 
of fraud and other irregularities. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate 
and financial information included on the Company's website. Legislation in the 
United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial 
statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
In so far as each of the Directors is aware; 
<li> there is no relevant audit information of which the Company's auditor is 
<li> the Directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make 
themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the 
auditor is aware of that information; 
To the best of my knowledge; 
<li> the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of 
accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
<li> the management report includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
On Behalf of the Board 
Lewis Jarrett 
3 February 2010 
|Income Statement                                    ||               |    | 
|                                              |     | Year to 31 October  | 
|                                              |     |        2009         | 
|                                              |     |Revenue|Capital|Total| 
|                                              |Notes|   GBP'000|   GBP'000| GBP'000| 
|Loss on disposal of fixed asset investments   | 10  |      -|  (315)|(315)| 
|Gain on disposal of current asset investments | 12  |      -|     45|   45| 
|Loss on valuation of fixed asset investments  | 10  |      -|  (206)|(206)| 
|Gain on valuation of current asset investments| 12  |      -|  1,676|1,676| 
|Income                                        |  2  |    438|      -|  438| 
|Investment management fees                    |  3  |   (73)|  (208)|(281)| 
|Other expenses                                |  4  |  (223)|      -|(223)| 
|Return on ordinary activities before tax      |     |    142|    992|1,134| 
|Taxation on return on ordinary activities     |  6  |      -|      -|    -| 
|Return on ordinary activities after tax       |     |    142|    992|1,134| 
|Earnings per share - basic and diluted        |  8  |   0.9p|   6.4p| 7.3p| 
  * The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
    Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have 
    been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
  * All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
  * The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 
  * The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
    investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the 
year as set out above. 
Income Statement 
|                                              |     | Period to 31 October | 
|                                              |     |         2008         | 
|                                              |     |Revenue|Capital| Total| 
|                                              |Notes|   GBP'000|   GBP'000|  GBP'000| 
|Loss on valuation of fixed asset investments  | 10  |      -|  (215)| (215)| 
|Loss on valuation of current asset investments| 12  |      -|  (437)| (437)| 
|Income                                        |  2  |    326|      -|   326| 
|Investment management fees                    |  3  |   (55)|  (164)| (219)| 
|Other expenses                                |  4  |  (177)|      -| (177)| 
|Return on ordinary activities before tax      |     |     94|  (816)| (722)| 
|Taxation on return on ordinary activities     |  6  |      -|      -|     -| 
|Return on ordinary activities after tax       |     |     94|  (816)| (722)| 
|Earnings per share - basic and diluted        |  8  |   1.0p| (8.3)p|(7.3)p| 
  * The 'Total' column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
    Company; the supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have 
    been prepared under guidance published by the Association of Investment 
  * All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
  * The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 
  * The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
    investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market 
The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the results for the 
year as set out above. 
|                                                |                       |     | 
|Reconciliation of Movements in                  |                       |     | 
|                                                |                       |     | 
|Shareholders' Funds                             |                       |     | 
|                         | Year ended 31 October|Period ended 31 October|     | 
|                         |                  2009|                   2008|     | 
|                         |                  GBP'000|                   GBP'000|     | 
|Shareholders' funds at   |                      |                       |     | 
|start of year            |                14,036|                      -|     | 
|Return on ordinary       |                      |                       |     | 
|activities after tax     |                 1,134|                  (722)|     | 
|Issue of equity (net of  |                      |                       |     | 
|expenses)                |                     -|                 14,758|     | 
|Dividends paid           |                 (156)|                      -|     | 
|Shareholders' funds at   |                      |                       |     | 
|end of period            |                15,014|                 14,036|     | 
|Balance Sheet                                                                 | 
|                        |     |  As at 31 October 2009|  As at 31 October 2008| 
|                        |Notes|  GBP'000|            GBP'000|  GBP'000|            GBP'000| 
|Fixed asset investments*| 10  |      |           4,370|      |           1,837| 
|Current assets:         |     |      |                |      |                | 
|Debtors                 | 11  |    97|                |   162|                | 
|Investments*            | 12  |10,069|                |11,663|                | 
|Cash at bank            |     |   578|                |   461|                | 
|                        |     |10,744|                |12,286|                | 
|Creditors: amounts      |     |      |                |      |                | 
|falling due within one  | 13  | (100)|                |  (87)|                | 
|year                    |     |      |                |      |                | 
|Net current assets      |     |      |          10,644|      |          12,199| 
|Net assets              |     |      |          15,014|      |          14,036| 
|Called up equity share  | 14  | 1,562|                | 1,562|                | 
|capital                 |     |      |                |      |                | 
|Share premium           | 15  |     -|                |13,196|                | 
|Special distributable   | 15  |13,196|                |     -|                | 
|reserve                 |     |      |                |      |                | 
|Capital reserve - gains | 15  | (405)|                | (164)|                | 
|and losses on disposals |     |      |                |      |                | 
|- holding gains and     | 15  |   581|                | (652)|                | 
|losses                  |     |      |                |      |                | 
|Revenue reserve         | 15  |    80|                |    94|                | 
|Total equity            |     |      |          15,014|      |          14,036| 
|shareholders' funds     |     |      |                |      |                | 
|Net asset value per     |  9  |      |           96.1p|      |           89.9p| 
|share                   |     |      |                |      |                | 
*At fair value through profit and loss 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 
The statements were approved by the Directors and authorised for issue on 3 
February 2010 and are signed on their behalf by: 
Lewis Jarrett 
Company No: 6397764 
|Cash Flow Statement                                     |                     | 
|                             |     |  Year to 31 October| Period to 31 October| 
|                             |     |                2009|                 2008| 
|                             |Notes|                GBP'000|                 GBP'000| 
|Net cash inflow/(outflow)    |     |                    |                     | 
|from operating activities    |     |                  12|                (145)| 
|Financial investment:        |     |                    |                     | 
|Purchase of fixed asset      | 10  |             (3,054)|              (2,052)| 
|investments                  |     |                    |                     | 
|Management of funds:         |     |                    |                     | 
|Purchase of current asset    | 12  |             (2,146)|             (24,433)| 
|investments                  |     |                    |                     | 
|Sale of current asset        | 12  |               5,461|               12,333| 
|investments                  |     |                    |                     | 
|Dividends paid               |     |               (156)|                    -| 
|Financing:                   |     |                    |                     | 
|Issue of shares              |     |                   -|               15,443| 
|Share issue expense          |     |                   -|                (685)| 
|Increase in cash resources at|     |                 117|                  461| 
|bank                         |     |                    |                     | 
|Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net   |                        | 
|Funds                                                |                        | 
|                            ||Year to 31 October 2009|    Period to 31 October| 
|                            ||                       |                    2008| 
|                            ||                   GBP'000|                    GBP'000| 
|Increase in cash resources  ||                       |                        | 
|at bank                     ||                    117|                     461| 
|Movement in cash equivalent ||                       |                        | 
|securities                  ||                (1,594)|                  11,663| 
|Opening net funds           ||                 12,124|                       -| 
|Net funds at 31 October     ||                 10,647|                  12,124| 
Net funds at 31 October comprised: 
|                       |Year to 31 October 2009|Period to 31 October 2008| 
|                       |                   GBP'000|                     GBP'000| 
|Cash at bank           |                    578|                      461| 
|Bonds                  |                  4,083|                    6,701| 
|Money market funds     |                  1,124|                    1,529| 
|OEICs                  |                  4,862|                    3,433| 
|Net funds at 31 October|                 10,647|                   12,124| 
|Reconciliation of Operating profit/(loss) before        |                     | 
|Taxation to Cash Flow from Operating Activities         |                     | 
|                                 ||   Year to 31 October| Period to 31 October| 
|                                 ||                 2009|                 2008| 
|                                 ||                 GBP'000|                 GBP'000| 
|Return on ordinary activities    ||                     |                     | 
|before tax                       ||                1,134|                (722)| 
|Loss on disposal of fixed asset  ||                     |                     | 
|investments                      ||                  315|                    -| 
|Gain on disposal of current asset||                     |                     | 
|investments                      ||                 (45)|                    -| 
|Loss on valuation of fixed asset ||                     |                     | 
|investments                      ||                  206|                  215| 
|(Gain)/loss on valuation of      ||                     |                     | 
|current asset investments        ||              (1,676)|                  437| 
|Decrease/(Increase) in debtors   ||                   65|                (162)| 
|Increase in creditors            ||                   13|                   87| 
|Inflow/(outflow) from operating  ||                     |                     | 
|activities                       ||                   12|                (145)| 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1. Principal Accounting Policies 
Basis of accounting 
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost 
convention, except for the measurement at fair value of certain financial 
instruments, and in accordance with UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice 
(UK GAAP), and the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) "Financial 
Statements of Investment Trust Companies" (revised 2009). 
The principal accounting policies have remained unchanged from those set out in 
the Company's 2008 Annual Report and financial statements. A summary of the 
principal accounting policies is set out below. 
The Company has designated all fixed asset investments as being held at fair 
value through profit and loss; therefore all gains and losses arising from 
investments held are attributable to financial assets held at fair value through 
profit and loss.  Accordingly, all interest income, fee income, expenses and 
impairment losses are attributable to assets designated as being at fair value 
through profit and loss. 
The preparation of the financial statements requires Management to make 
judgements and estimates that affect the application of policies and reported 
amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Estimates and assumptions 
mainly relate to the fair valuation of the fixed asset investments particularly 
unquoted investments. Estimates are based on historical experience and other 
assumptions that are considered reasonable under the circumstances. The 
estimates and the assumptions are under continuous review with particular 
attention paid to the carrying value of the investments. 
Capital valuation policies are those that are most important to the depiction of 
the Company's financial position and that require the application of subjective 
and complex judgements, often as a result of the need to make estimates about 
the effects of matters that are inherently uncertain and may change in 
subsequent periods. The critical accounting policies that are declared will not 
necessarily result in material changes to the financial statements in any given 
period but rather contain a potential for material change. The main accounting 
and valuation policies used by the Company are disclosed below. Whilst not all 
of the significant accounting policies require subjective or complex judgements, 
the Company considers that the following accounting policies should be 
considered critical. 
Investments are regularly reviewed to ensure that the fair values are 
appropriately stated. Quoted investments are valued in accordance with the 
bid-price on the relevant date, unquoted investments are valued in accordance 
with current International Private Equity and Venture Capital ('IPEVC') 
valuation guidelines, although this does rely on subjective estimates such as 
appropriate sector earnings multiples, forecast results of investee companies, 
asset values of subsidiary companies and liquidity or marketability of the 
investments held. 
Although the Company believes that the assumptions concerning the business 
environment and estimate of future cash flows are appropriate, changes in 
estimates and assumptions could require changes in the stated values. This could 
lead to additional changes in fair value in the future. 
Purchases and sales of investments are recognised in the financial statements at 
the date of the transaction (trade date). 
These investments will be managed and their performance evaluated on a fair 
value basis in accordance with a documented investment strategy and information 
about them has to be provided internally on that basis to the Board. 
Accordingly, as permitted by FRS 26, the investments will be designated as fair 
value through profit and loss (FVTPL) on the basis that they qualify as a group 
of assets managed, and whose performance is evaluated, on a fair value basis in 
accordance with a documented investment strategy. The Company's investments are 
measured at subsequent reporting dates at fair value. 
In the case of investments quoted on a recognised stock exchange, fair value is 
established by reference to the closing bid price on the relevant date or the 
last traded price, depending upon convention of the exchange on which the 
investment is quoted. This is consistent with the International Private Equity 
and Venture Capital (IPEVC) guidelines. 
In the case of unquoted investments, fair value is established by using measures 
of value such as the price of recent transactions, earnings multiple and net 
assets. This is consistent with IPEVC valuation guidelines. 
Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of investments are 
recognised as part of the capital return within the income statement and 
allocated to the capital reserve - holding gains/(losses). 
In the preparation of the valuations of assets the Directors are required to 
make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and incorporate their 
knowledge of the performance of the investee companies. 
Current asset investments 
Current asset investments comprise money market funds, bonds and OEICs and are 
designated as FVTPL. Gains and losses arising from changes in fair value of 
investments are recognised as part of the capital return within the Income 
Statement and allocated to the capital reserve - gains/(losses) on disposal. 
The current asset investments are all invested with the Company's cash manager 
and are readily convertible into cash at the choice of the Company. The current 
asset investments are held for trading, are actively managed and the performance 
is evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with a documented investment 
strategy. Information about them has to be provided internally on that basis to 
the Board. 
Investment income includes interest earned on bank balances and money market 
securities and includes income tax withheld at source. Dividend income is shown 
net of any related tax credit. 
Dividends receivable are brought into account when the Company's right to 
receive payment is established and there is no reasonable doubt that payment 
will be received. Fixed returns on debt and money market securities are 
recognised on a time apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield, 
provided there is no reasonable doubt that payment will be received in due 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged wholly 
to revenue with the exception of the investment management fee, which has been 
charged 25% to the revenue account and 75% to the capital reserve to reflect, in 
the Directors' opinion, the expected long-term split of returns in the form of 
income and capital gains respectively from the investment portfolio. 
Revenue and capital 
The revenue column of the income statement includes all income and revenue 
expenses of the Company. The capital column includes gains and losses on 
disposal and holding gains and losses on investments. Gains and losses arising 
from changes in fair value of investments are recognised as part of the capital 
return within the income statement and allocated to the appropriate capital 
reserve on the basis of whether they are readily convertible to cash in full at 
the balance sheet date. 
Corporation tax payable is applied to profits chargeable to corporation tax, if 
any, at the current rate. The tax effect of different items of income/gain and 
expenditure/loss is allocated between capital and revenue return on the 
"marginal" basis as recommended in the SORP. 
Deferred tax is recognised on an undiscounted basis in respect of all timing 
differences that have originated but not reversed at the balance sheet date. 
Where transactions or events have occurred at that date that will result in an 
obligation to pay more, or a right to pay less tax, with the exception that 
deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that the Directors 
consider that it is more likely than not that there will be suitable taxable 
profits from which the future reversal of the underlying timing can be deducted. 
Cash and liquid resources 
Cash, for the purposes of the cash flow statement, comprises cash in hand and 
deposits repayable on demand, less overdrafts payable on demand. Liquid 
resources are current asset investments which are disposable without curtailing 
or disrupting the business and are either readily convertible into known amounts 
of cash at or close to their carrying values or traded in an active market. 
Liquid resources comprise term deposits of less than one year (other than cash), 
government securities, investment grade bonds and investments in money market 
managed funds, as well as OEICs. 
Loans and receivables 
The Company's loans and receivables are initially recognised at cost and 
subsequently measured at fair value, being amortised cost using the effective 
interest rate method. 
Financing strategy and capital structure 
FRS 29 'Financial Instruments: Disclosures' comprises disclosures' relating to 
financial instruments. 
We define capital as shareholders' funds and our financial strategy in the 
medium term is to manage a level of cash that balances the risks of the business 
with optimising the return on equity. The Company currently has no borrowings 
nor does it anticipate that it will drawdown any borrowing facilities in the 
future to fund the acquisition of investments. 
Financial instruments 
The Company's principal financial assets are its investments and the policies in 
relation to those assets are set out above. Financial liabilities and equity 
instruments are classified according to the substance of the contractual 
arrangements entered into. An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a 
residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all of its 
financial liabilities. Where the contractual terms of share capital do not have 
any terms meeting the definition of a financial liability then this is classed 
as an equity instrument. Dividends and distributions relating to equity 
instruments are debited direct to equity. 
Capital management is monitored and controlled using the internal control 
procedures set out on page 26 of this report. The capital being managed includes 
equity and fixed-interest investments, cash balances and liquid resources 
including debtors and creditors. 
The company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements. 
Dividends payable are recognised as distributions in the financial statements 
when the Company's liability to make payment has been established. This 
liability is established for interim dividends when they are declared by the 
Board, and for final dividends when they are approved by the shareholders. 
2. Income 
|                            |Year to 31 October 2009|Period to 31 October 2008| 
|                            |                   GBP'000|                     GBP'000| 
|Money market funds & OEICs  |                    312|                      174| 
|Bond interest receivable    |                    118|                      107| 
|Bank interest receivable    |                      -|                       45| 
|Loan      note      interest|                      8|                        -| 
|receivable                  |                       |                         | 
|                            |                    438|                      326| 
3. Investment Management Fees 
|                         | Year to 31 October  |Period to 31 October | 
|                         |        2009         |        2008         | 
|                         |Revenue|Capital|Total|Revenue|Capital|Total| 
|                         |   GBP'000|   GBP'000| GBP'000|   GBP'000|   GBP'000| GBP'000| 
|Investment management fee|     73|    208|  281|     45|    135|  180| 
|Irrecoverable VAT thereon|      -|      -|    -|     10|     29|   39| 
|Total fees               |     73|    208|  281|     55|    164|  219| 
For the purposes of the revenue and capital columns in the income statement, the 
management fee has been allocated 25% to revenue and 75% to capital, in line 
with the Board's expected long-term return in the form of income and capital 
gains respectively from the Company's investment portfolio. 
Octopus provides investment management and accounting and administration 
services to the Company under a management agreement. This agreement runs for a 
period of five years with effect from 2 November 2007 and may be terminated at 
any time thereafter by not less than 12 months' notice given by either party. No 
compensation is payable in the event of terminating the agreement by either 
party, if the required notice period is given. The fee payable, should 
insufficient notice be given, will be equal to the fee that would have been paid 
should continuous service be provided, or the required notice period was given. 
The basis upon which the management fee is calculated is disclosed within note 
19 to the financial statements. 
In his budget statement on 12 March 2008, the Chancellor of the Exchequer 
announced that the Finance Act 2008 would contain draft legislation exempting 
VCTs from VAT on management fees with effect from 1 October 2008. This 
legislation was passed in October 2008 and, as such, all VCTs are now exempt 
from paying VAT on management fees from this date. 
4. Other Expenses 
|                              |Year to 31 October 2009|   Period to 31 October| 
|                              |                       |                   2008| 
|                              |                   GBP'000|                   GBP'000| 
|Accounting and administration |                     46|                       | 
|services                      |                       |                     32| 
|Directors' remuneration       |                     33|                     28| 
|Fees payable to the Company's |                       |                       | 
|auditor for the audit of the  |                      9|                       | 
|financial statements          |                       |                      8| 
|Fees payable to the Company's |                       |                       | 
|auditor for other services -  |                      2|                       | 
|tax compliance                |                       |                      2| 
|Legal and professional        |                      1|                       | 
|expenses                      |                       |                     38| 
|Trail commission              |                     78|                     46| 
|Other expenses                |                     54|                     23| 
|                              |                    223|                    177| 
Total  annual  running  costs  are  capped  at  3.2% of  net  assets  (excluding 
irrecoverable VAT). For the year to 31 October 2009 the running costs were 2.7% 
(2008: 2.1%) of net assets. 
5. Directors' Remuneration 
|                        |Year to 31 October 2009|Period to 31 October 2008| 
|                        |                       |                     GBP'000| 
|Directors' emoluments   |                       |                         | 
|Lewis Jarrett (Chairman)|                     15|                       13| 
|Kevin D'Silva           |                     10|                        8| 
|Matt Cooper             |                      8|                        7| 
|                        |                     33|                       28| 
None of the Directors received any other remuneration from the Company during 
the year. The Company has no employees other than non-executive Directors. The 
average number of non-executive Directors in the year was three (2008: three). 
6. Tax on Ordinary Activities 
The corporation tax charge for the period was  GBPnil (2008:  GBPnill) 
Factors affecting the tax charge for the current year: 
The current tax charge for the period differs from the standard rate of 
corporation tax in the UK of 28% (2008: 29%). 
The differences are explained below. 
|Current tax reconciliation:    |Year to 31 October 2009|  Period to 31 October| 
|                               |                       |                  2008| 
|                               |                   GBP'000|                  GBP'000| 
|Return  on  ordinary activities|                  1,134|                 (722)| 
|before tax                     |                       |                      | 
|Current tax at 28% (2008: 29%) |                    318|                 (209)| 
|Income   not  taxable  for  tax|                  (366)|                     -| 
|purposes                       |                       |                      | 
|Expenses not deductible for tax|                      -|                   188| 
|purposes                       |                       |                      | 
|Unrelieved tax losses          |                     48|                    21| 
|Total current tax charge       |                      -|                     -| 
Excess management charges of  GBP241,000 (2008:  GBP69,000) have been carried forward 
at 31 October 2009 and are available for offset against future taxable income 
subject to agreement with HMRC. The company has not recognised the deferred tax 
asset of  GBP67,000 (2008:  GBP19,000) in respect of these excess management charges. 
Approved VCTs are exempt from tax on capital gains within the Company. Since the 
Directors intend that the Company will continue to conduct its affairs so as to 
maintain its approval as a VCT, no current deferred tax has been provided in 
respect of any capital gains or losses arising on the revaluation or disposal of 
7. Dividends 
|                              |Year to 31 October 2009|   Period to 31 October| 
|                              |                       |                   2008| 
|                              |                   GBP'000|                   GBP'000| 
|Recognised as distributions in|                       |                       | 
|the financial statements for  |                       |                       | 
|the period                    |                       |                       | 
|Previous year's final dividend|                     78|                      -| 
|Current period's interim      |                     78|                      -| 
|dividend                      |                       |                       | 
|                              |                    156|                      -| 
|Paid and proposed in respect  |                       |                       | 
|of the period                 |                       |                       | 
|Interim dividend paid - 0.5p  |                       |                       | 
|per share (2008: 0.0p per     |                     78|                      -| 
|share)                        |                       |                       | 
|Proposed final dividend -     |                       |                       | 
|0.5p per share (2008: 0.5p per|                     78|                     78| 
|share)                        |                       |                       | 
|                              |                    156|                     78| 
The final dividend of 0.5p per share for the year ended 31 October 2009, subject 
to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting, will be paid on 23 April 
2010 to those shareholders on the register on 5 March 2010. 
8. Earnings per Share 
The total earnings per share is based on 15,616,881 (31 October 
2008: 9,832,696) shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue 
during the year, and a return for the year totalling  GBP1,134,000 (31 October 
2008:  GBP(722,000)). 
The revenue and capital earnings per share are based on 15,616,881 (31 October 
2008: 9,382,696) shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue 
during the year, and a revenue return for the year totalling  GBP142,000 (31 
October 2008:  GBP94,000) and a capital return for the year totalling  GBP992,000 (31 
October 2008:  GBP(816,000)). 
There are no potentially dilutive capital instruments in issue and, therefore no 
diluted returns per share figures are relevant. The basic and diluted earnings 
per share are therefore identical. 
9. Net Asset Value per Share 
The calculation of NAV per share as at 31 October 2009 is based on 15,616,881 
(31 October 2008: 15,616,881) Ordinary shares in issue at that date. 
10. Fixed Asset Investments 
|                                     |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 | 
| Valuation and net book amount:      |       |       | 
| Book cost as 1 November 2008        | 2,052 |       | 
| Cumulative revaluation              | (215) |       | 
| Valuation at 1 November 2008        |       | 1,837 | 
| Movement in the year:               |       |       | 
| Purchases at cost                   | 3,054 |       | 
| Disposal                            |     - |       | 
| Loss on realisation of investments  | (315) |       | 
| Revaluation in year                 | (206) |       | 
| Valuation at 31 October 2009        |       | 4,370 | 
| Book cost at 31 October 2009:       |       |       | 
| - Ordinary shares                   | 3,641 |       | 
| - Loan notes/other securities       | 1,140 |       | 
| Revaluation to 31 October 2009:     |       |       | 
| - Ordinary shares                   | (259) |       | 
| - Loan notes/other securities       | (152) |       | 
| Valuation at 31 October 2009        |       | 4,370 | 
Further details of the fixed asset investments held by the Company are shown 
within the Investment Manager's Review on pages 8 to 17. 
All investments are designated as fair value through profit or loss at the time 
of acquisition, and all capital gains or losses on investments so designated. 
Given the nature of the Company's venture capital investments, the changes in 
fair value of such investments recognised in these financial statements are not 
considered to be readily convertible to cash in full at the balance sheet date 
and accordingly these gains are treated as holding gains or losses. 
When the Company revalues the investments still held during the period, any 
gains or losses arising are credited / charged to the Capital reserve - holding 
When an investment is sold any balance held on the Capital reserve - holding 
gains/(losses) is transferred to the Capital reserve - gains/(losses) on 
disposal as a movement in reserves. 
At 31 October 2009 there were no commitments in respect of investments approved 
by the Manager but not yet completed. 
11. Debtors 
|                                | 31 October 2009 | 31 October 2008 | 
|                                |            GBP'000 |            GBP'000 | 
| Prepayments and accrued income |              97 |             162 | 
12. Current Asset Investments 
Current asset investments at 31 October 2009 comprised bonds, money market funds 
and OEICs. 
|                                                      |    GBP'000 |    GBP'000 | 
| Valuation and net book amount:                       |         |         | 
| Book cost as 1 November 2008                         |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              |   5,442 |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 |   3,116 |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |   3,542 |         | 
|                                                      |         |  12,100 | 
| Revaluation as at 1 November 2008                    |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              |   (232) |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 |    (96) |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |   (109) |         | 
|                                                      |         |   (437) | 
| Valuation as at 31 October 2008                      |         |  11,663 | 
| Purchase at cost:                                    |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              |       - |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 |   2,146 |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |       - |         | 
|                                                      |         |   2,146 | 
| Disposal proceeds                                    |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              | (1,512) |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 | (3,949) |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |       - |         | 
|                                                      |         | (5,461) | 
| Profit/(loss) in year on realisation of investments: |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              |      86 |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 |    (41) |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |       - |         | 
|                                                      |         |      45 | 
| Revaluation in the year                              |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              |     298 |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 |    (51) |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |   1,429 |         | 
|                                                      |         |   1,676 | 
| Valuation as at 31 October 2009                      |         |  10,069 | 
| Book cost as 31 October 2009                         |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              |   3,930 |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 |   1,120 |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |   3,542 |         | 
|                                                      |         |   8,592 | 
| Revaluation as at 31 October 2009                    |         |         | 
| - Bonds                                              |     153 |         | 
| - Money Market Funds                                 |       4 |         | 
| - OEICs                                              |   1,320 |         | 
|                                                      |         |   1,477 | 
| Valuation as at 31 October 2009                      |         |  10,069 | 
13. Creditors: Amounts Falling Due Within One Year 
|                 ||| 31 October 2009 | 31 October 2008 | 
|                 |||            GBP'000 |            GBP'000 | 
| Accruals        |||             100 |              79 | 
| Other creditors |||               - |               8 | 
|                 |||             100 |              87 | 
14. Share Capital 
|                                    || 31 October 2009 | 31 October 2008 | 
|                                    ||            GBP'000 |            GBP'000 | 
| Authorised:                        ||                 |                 | 
| 50,000,000 Ordinary shares of 10p  ||           5,000 |           5,000 | 
| Allotted and fully paid up:        ||                 |                 | 
| 15,616,881 Ordinary shares of 10p  ||           1,562 |           1,562 | 
The capital of the Company is managed in accordance with its investment policy 
with a view to the achievement of its investment objective as set on page 20. 
The Company is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. 
15. Reserves 
|            |        |      Special|       Capital|       Capital|       |      | 
|            |   Share|distributable|       reserve|       reserve|Revenue| Total| 
|            |Premium |      reserve|gains/(losses)|       holding|reserve|      | 
|            |        |             |   on disposal|gains/(losses)|       |      | 
|            |    GBP'000|         GBP'000|          GBP'000|          GBP'000|   GBP'000|  GBP'000| 
|As at 1     |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|November    |  13,196|            -|         (164)|         (652)|     94|12,474| 
|2008        |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Return for  |       -|            -|             -|             -|    142|   142| 
|the year    |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Management  |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|fees        |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|allocated as|       -|            -|         (208)|             -|      -| (208)| 
|capital     |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|expenditure |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Share       |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|premium     |(13,196)|       13,196|              |             -|       |      | 
|account     |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|cancelled   |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Current     |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|period      |       -|            -|         (270)|             -|      -| (270)| 
|gains/losses|        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|on disposal |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Prior period|        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|holding     |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|gains/losses|       -|            -|          (10)|            10|      -|     -| 
|now         |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|crystallised|        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Current     |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|period      |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|gains/losses|       -|            -|           247|         1,223|      -| 1,470| 
|on fair     |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|value of    |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|investments |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Dividends   |       -|            -|             -|             -|  (156)| (156)| 
|paid        |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|Balance as  |        |             |              |              |       |      | 
|at 31       |       -|       13,196|         (405)|         (581)|     80|13,452| 
|October 2009|        |             |              |              |       |      | 
When the Company revalues its investments during the period, any gains or losses 
arising are credited/ charged to the income statement. Changes in fair value of 
investments held are then transferred to the capital reserve - holding 
gains/(losses). When an investment is sold any balance held on the capital 
reserve - holding gains/(losses) reserve is transferred to the capital reserve - 
gains/(losses) on disposal as a movement in reserves. 
Following the company's petition which was heard on 19 August 2009, the 
Companies Court ordered that the special resolution passed by the shareholders 
on 17 October 2007 to effect the cancellation of the share premium account be 
confirmed. The Order relating to the same was duly registered by the Registrar 
of Companies on 20 August 2009. The purpose of the cancellation was to create a 
reserve which will be capable of being used by the Company for the purpose of 
making repurchases of its own shares in the market with a view to narrowing the 
discount at which the Company's Ordinary shares trade to net asset value. This 
reserve can also be used to pay capital dividends. 
16. Financial Instruments and Risk Management 
The Company's financial instruments comprise equity and fixed interest 
investments, cash balances and liquid resources including debtors and creditors. 
The Company holds financial assets in accordance with its investment policy of 
investing mainly in a portfolio of VCT-qualifying unquoted securities whilst 
holding a proportion of its assets in cash or near-cash investments in order to 
provide a reserve of liquidity. 
Fixed asset investments (see note 10) are valued at fair value. Unquoted 
investments are carried at fair value as determined by the Directors in 
accordance with current venture capital industry guidelines. The fair value of 
all other financial assets and liabilities is represented by their carrying 
value in the balance sheet. The Directors believe that the fair value of the 
assets are held at the year end is equal to their book value. 
In carrying on its investment activities, the Company is exposed to various 
types of risk associated with the financial instruments and markets in which it 
invests. The most significant types of financial risk facing the Company are 
price risk, interest rate risk, credit risk and liquidity risk. The Company's 
approach to managing these risks is set out below together with a description of 
the nature and amount of the financial instruments held at the balance sheet 
Market risk 
The Company's strategy for managing investment risk is determined with regard to 
the Company's investment objective, as outlined on page 20. The management of 
market risk is part of the investment management process and is a central 
feature of venture capital investment. The Company's portfolio is managed with 
regard to the possible effects of adverse price movements and with the objective 
of maximising overall returns to shareholders. Investments in unquoted 
companies, by their nature, usually involve a higher degree of risk than 
investments in companies quoted on a recognised stock exchange, though the risk 
can be mitigated to a certain extent by diversifying the portfolio across 
business sectors and asset classes. The overall disposition of the Company's 
assets is regularly monitored by the Board. 
Details of the Company's investment portfolio at the balance sheet date are set 
out on page 8 to 17. An analysis of investments between debt and equity 
instruments is given in note 10. 
29.2% (2008: 13.1%) by value of the Company's net assets comprises investments 
in unquoted companies held at fair value. The valuation methods used by the 
Company include the application of a price/earnings ratio derived from listed 
companies with similar characteristics, and consequently the value of the 
unquoted element of the portfolio can be indirectly affected by price movements 
on the London Stock Exchange. A 10% overall increase in the valuation of the 
unquoted investments at 31 October 2009 would have increased net assets and the 
total return for the year by  GBP437,000 (2008:  GBP183,700) an equivalent change in 
the opposite direction would have reduced net assets and the total return for 
the year by the same amount. 
67.3% (2008: 83.1%) by value of the Company's net assets comprises of OEICs and 
Money Market Securities held at fair value. A 10% overall increase in the 
valuation of the OEICs and Money Market Securities at 31 October 2009 would have 
increased net assets and the total return for the year by  GBP1,007,000 (2008: 
 GBP1,166,000) an equivalent change in the opposite direction would have reduced 
net assets and the total return for the year by the same amount. 
Interest rate risk 
Some of the Company's financial assets are interest-bearing, of which some are 
at fixed rates and some variable. As a result, the Company is exposed to fair 
value interest rate risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing levels of market 
interest rates. 
Fixed rate 
The table below summarises weighted average effective interest rates for the 
fixed interest-bearing financial instruments: 
|                |    As at 31 October 2009     |    As at 31 October 2009     | 
|                |     Total|         | Weighted|     Total|         | Weighted| 
|                |fixed rate| Weighted|  average|fixed rate| Weighted|  average| 
|                |          | average | time for|          | average | time for| 
|                | portfolio|         |    which| portfolio|         |    which| 
|                |  by value| interest|  rate is|  by value| interest|  rate is| 
|                |      GBP'000|   rate %| fixed in|      GBP'000|   rate %| fixed in| 
|                |          |         |    years|          |         |    years| 
|Listed          |          |         |         |          |         |         | 
|fixed-interest  |     2,483|    4.90%|     0.6 |     3,680|    4.85%|     1.2 | 
|investments     |          |         |         |          |         |         | 
|Fixed-rate      |          |         |         |          |         |         | 
|investments in  |       987|    10.6%|      3.5|       160|   10.00%|      5.0| 
|unquoted        |          |         |         |          |         |         | 
|companies       |          |         |         |          |         |         | 
|                |     3,470|         |         |     3,840|         |         | 
Due to the relatively short period to maturity of the fixed rate investments 
held within the portfolio, it is considered that an increase or decrease of 1% 
in interest rates as at the reporting date would not have had a significant 
effect on the Company's net assets or total return for the period. 
Floating rate 
The Company's floating rate investments comprise cash held on interest-bearing 
deposit accounts, libor rate on one loan note and, where appropriate, within 
interest bearing money market securities. The benchmark rate which determines 
the rate of interest receivable on such investments is the bank base rate, which 
was 0.5% at 31 October 2009. The amounts held in floating rate investments at 
the balance sheet date were as follows: 
|                                             |31 October 2009||31 October 2008| 
|                                             |               ||               | 
|                                             |            GBP000||            GBP000| 
|Floating rate notes                          |          1,599||          1,529| 
|Floating-rate investments in unquoted        |               ||               | 
|companies                                    |            315||              -| 
|Cash on deposit & money market funds         |          2,234||          3,481| 
|                                             |          4,148||          5,010| 
A 1% increase in the base rate would increase income receivable from these 
investments and the total return for the period by  GBP41,000. 
Credit risk 
There were no significant concentrations of credit risk to counterparties at 31 
October 2009. By cost, no individual investment exceeded 10.9% (2008: 11.2%) of 
the Company's net assets at 31 October 2009. 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument will fail 
to discharge an obligation or commitment that it has entered into with the 
Company. The Investment Manager and the Board carry out a regular review of 
counterparty risk. The carrying values of financial assets represent the maximum 
credit risk exposure at the balance sheet date. 
At 31 October 2009 the Company's financial assets exposed to credit risk 
comprised the following: 
|                                            |31 October 2009||31 October 2009| 
|                                            |               ||               | 
|                                            |            GBP000||            GBP000| 
|Investments in fixed interest instruments   |          2,483||          3,680| 
|Investments in floating rate instruments    |          1,599||          1,529| 
|Cash on deposit & money market funds        |          2,234||          3,481| 
|Fixed rate investments in unquoted companies|            987||            160| 
|Accrued dividends and interest receivable   |             89||            157| 
|                                            |          7,392||          9,007| 
Credit risk relating to listed money market securities is mitigated by investing 
in a portfolio of investment instruments of high credit quality, comprising 
securities issued by the UK Government and major UK companies and institutions. 
Credit risk relating to loans to and preference shares in unquoted companies is 
considered to be part of market risk. 
Those assets of the Company which are traded on recognised stock exchanges are 
held on the Company's behalf by third party custodians (Goldman Sachs 
International in the case of listed money market securities and Charles Stanley 
Limited in the case of quoted equity securities). Bankruptcy or insolvency of a 
custodian could cause the Company's rights with respect to securities held by 
the custodian to be delayed or limited. 
Credit risk arising on the sale of investments is considered to be small due to 
the short settlement and the contracted agreements in place with the settlement 
The Company's interest-bearing deposit and current accounts are maintained with 
Goldman Sachs International and HSBC PLC. 
Liquidity risk 
The Company's financial assets include investments in unquoted equity securities 
which are not traded on a recognised stock exchange and which generally may be 
illiquid. They also include investments in AIM-quoted companies, which, by their 
nature, involve a higher degree of risk than investments on the main market. As 
a result, the Company may not be able to realise some of its investments in 
these instruments quickly at an amount close to their fair value in order to 
meet its liquidity requirements, or to respond to specific events such as 
deterioration in the creditworthiness of any particular issuer. 
The Company's listed money market securities are considered to be readily 
realisable as they are of high credit quality as outlined above. 
The Company's liquidity risk is managed on a continuing basis by the Investment 
Manager in accordance with policies and procedures laid down by the Board. The 
Company's overall liquidity risks are monitored on a quarterly basis by the 
The Company maintains sufficient investments in cash and readily realisable 
securities to pay accounts payable and accrued expenses. At 31 October 2009 
these investments were valued at  GBP10,600,000. 
17. Post Balance Sheet Events 
The following events occurred between the balance sheet date and the signing of 
these financial statements: 
  * 8 January 2010:  GBP499,998 investment into Calastone 
  * 9 January 2010: A previous  GBP201,440 non-qualifying investment in Zoopla 
    became a qualifying investment. 
18. Contingencies, Guarantees and Financial Commitments 
Provided that the intermediary continues to act for the client and the client 
continues to be the beneficial owner of the shares, intermediaries will be paid 
an annual trail commission of 0.5% of the initial net asset value. 
There were no other contingencies, guarantees or financial commitments as at 31 
October 2009. 
19. Related Party Transactions 
Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc has employed Octopus Investments since 20 October 2009 
as the Investment Manager, prior to this; the agreement was held with Octopus 
Ventures Limited. Matt Cooper, a non executive director of Octopus Titan VCT 1 
plc, is also Chairman of Octopus. Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc has paid Octopus 
 GBP281,000 (2008:  GBP180,000) in the year as a management fee and there is  GBPnil 
outstanding at the balance sheet date. The management fee is payable quarterly 
in advance and is based on 2.0% of the net asset value calculated at annual 
intervals as at 31 October. 
Octopus provides accounting, administrative and company secretarial services to 
the Company, payable quarterly in advance for a fee of 0.3% of the net asset 
value calculated at annual intervals as at 31 October. During the year  GBP46,000 
(2008:  GBP32,000) was paid to Octopus Investments Limited and there is  GBPnil 
outstanding at the balance sheet date, for the accounting and administrative 
In addition, Octopus is entitled to performance related incentive fees. The 
incentive fees are designed to ensure that there are significant tax-free 
dividend payments made to Shareholders as well as strong performance in terms of 
capital and income growth, before any performance related incentive fee payment 
is made. Therefore, only if by the end of a financial year (commencing no 
earlier than close of the 2011 financial year), declared distributions per Share 
have reached 40p in aggregate and if the Performance Value at that date exceeds 
130p per Share, a performance incentive fee equal to 20% of the excess of such 
Performance Value over 100p per Share will be payable to Octopus. 
If, on a subsequent financial year end, the Performance Value of Octopus Titan 
VCT 1 falls short of the Performance Value on the previous financial year end, 
no incentive fee will arise. If, on a subsequent financial year end, the 
performance exceeds the previous best Performance Value of Octopus Titan VCT 1, 
the Investment Manager will be entitled to 20% of such excess in aggregate. 
For further information please contact: 
Celia Whitten, Company Secretary 
020 7710 2849 

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