RNS No 0941r
26th August 1998

                      MULBERRY GROUP plc
                   YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH, 1998
Mulberry  Group plc, the international leathergoods, clothing,
and  interior design brand, announces its preliminary  results
for the year ended 31 March, 1998.
                                             1998      1997
Turnover                                    #30.9m    #31.7m
Operating profit before exceptional costs    #0.4m    # 2.5m
Profit/(loss) before tax                    #(1.0m)*  # 1.7m
Earnings/(loss) per share                    (3.51)p     5.8p
Dividends per share                            1.5p     1.5p
* includes exceptional costs of #0.6m announced in March 1998
Roger Saul, Mulberry's Chairman and Chief Executive, comments:
"In  the  short  to  medium term, we plan to  build  upon  the
strengths  of  our four divisions.  Central to  this  will  be
improving  and recovering the market share of our  Accessories
division.  In the UK we will capitalise on the opening of  the
King's Road, London and Manchester stores whilst continuing to
develop our presence in Continental Europe and Scandinavia.
In   Asia,   we   are  discussing  a  supply,  licensing   and
distribution agreement for China, Taiwan and Hong Kong,  which
will bring potential product sourcing advantages as well.   In
Japan,  our  appointed advisers have identified potential  new
license  and  distribution partners  and  discussions  are  in
progress.  In the USA, we have developed a business  plan  and
appointed advisers to locate a suitable partner.  An update on
these  initiatives  will be included  with  the  next  interim
Whilst  we continue to experience the knock-on effects of  the
strong  pound,  substantial action has been taken  to  improve
overall efficiency and to reduce the cost base.  This includes
moving  a  substantial proportion of production of Accessories
to  Europe  to  create a natural currency hedge.
In addition, the actions taken to simplify the product
range and to reduce costs show increasing benefits.  Stocks at
the  end of the first quarter were more than #2.0m lower  than
at  the same time last year and further progress in this  area
is expected.
Trading  in  the first quarter is in line with budget.   This,
taken  together  with the benefits arising  from  the  actions
already taken, leads us to expect an improving performance  in
the current year."
For further information, please contact:
Mulberry Group plc        On 26 August, 1998      0171 253 2252
                          Thereafter               01749 340500
Roger Saul, Chairman & Chief Executive 
Godfrey Davis, Finance Director
Ludgate Communications                            0171 253 2252
Tim Davis
The  year  to 31  March, 1998 was one of the most  challenging
periods  in  the  Group's  26  year  history.  We  faced   the
deterioration of export sales and margin due to the  sustained
strength  of sterling combined with the collapse  in  the  Far
East.   At  home,  our strong tourist business  was  seriously
affected by the strong pound.
The  operating profit before exceptional costs was reduced  to
#0.4m  (1997:  #2.4m).  After exceptional costs of  #0.6m  and
interest of #0.8m, the loss before tax was #1.0m (1997: profit
#1.7m) which is in line with market expectations following the
trading  statement issued on 3 March, 1998. Sales were broadly
maintained  at  #30.9m (1997: #31.7m), a  reduction  of  2.5%.
This  is  after taking into account the strength  of  sterling
which had an impact on sales of #3.5m and on profits of #2.2m.
In  line  with  our  commitment to restore shareholder  value,
build  margins and cut overhead costs, we announced  in  March
that   it  was  necessary  to  undertake  a  significant  cost
reduction  and redundancy programme which resulted in  one-off
costs  of  #0.6m.  This comprised:  the closure of  the  small
Somerton,  Somerset production unit; redundancy costs  arising
from  staff reductions at all levels; and the costs associated
with  the  consolidation of the French  and  German  wholesale
operations  into single sites in each country.   The  reported
loss  before  tax  of #1.0m takes into account  these  one-off
Losses  per share are therefore 3.5p (1997: earnings of 5.8p).
As  announced in March, the final dividend will be  maintained
at  0.75p,  making a total distribution for the year  of  1.5p
(1997:  1.5p).  The dividend will be  payable on  25 November,
1998  to shareholders on the register at 9 October, 1998.   On
this   occasion,  shareholders  can  elect  to  take  a  scrip
dividend.  This is subject to approval by shareholders at  the
Annual General Meeting on 1 October, 1998.
In  the  UK, despite the well-documented shortfall in visiting
tourists, sales rose by approximately 10%.
In  Continental Europe and Scandinavia, sales were  depressed,
largely by the strength of sterling.
As  reported last year, 1997/8 was expected to be  a  year  of
significant   expansion   in   Japan.    Unfortunately,    our
distributor  in Japan, Moonbat, announced serious  losses  and
indicated   that  as  a  result  of  the  worsening   economic
situation, it would withdraw from its imported brand  business
to concentrate on core activities.
Since   31   March, 1998,  we  have  negotiated  a  favourable
settlement  with Moonbat, which includes, with effect  from  1
September, 1998, the take-over of the two key stores in Tokyo,
including the flag ship store in Marunouchi.  We still believe
that  Japan  holds significant opportunities and  we  continue
discussions with potential new partners.
The  retail division comprises wholly-owned outlets in the UK,
Germany and France. Sales in this division increased by 10% on
last  year.   The Mulberry shops in the remainder  of  Europe,
Scandinavia and the Far East are franchised.
In  the  UK,  sales  to domestic customers  have  shown  solid
growth,  but  our  statistics show that  the  usual  sales  to
visitors  from abroad have halved.  Despite this, the flagship
store  in Bond Street, London had another successful year  and
the store in Terminal Four at Heathrow showed good growth.
Mulberry stores in Europe have performed creditably given  the
conditions being experienced across much of the continent.  In
Scandinavia,    the   franchised   stores    have    performed
In the light of the difficult wholesale trading conditions, we
focused  resources on developing Mulberry franchise shops.   I
am pleased to announce that five new franchises in Europe were
opened   in   Aarhus,  Lisbon,  Paris,  Berlin  and   Istanbul
demonstrating continued following for the Mulberry brand.
We  have  also undertaken a strong drive into the Middle  East
market opening two  new  stores  in  Dubai  and  a  Duty  Free
operation. Further stores are planned for Bahrain, Kuwait  and
the Lebanon over the next 12 months.
This  division comprises leathergoods design, manufacture  and
The  key markets for this division are the UK and Europe.   In
the  UK  wholesale and retail sales have been encouraging  but
the  value of sales to Europe has fallen due to the effect  of
the   strength  of  sterling.  In  light  of  this   and   the
difficulties  encountered in Japan,  sales  in  this  division
reduced by 10% on the previous year.
In  response,  the  Group has reduced the  scale  of  its  own
manufacturing  and  moved  a  substantial  proportion  of  the
production  to  European sub-contractors.  This programme  was
initiated  during  the year under review  once  the  stringent
quality  control  process was concluded to  our  satisfaction.
Deliveries  commenced  in  the Spring  1998  season  and  will
increase  to  50%  of  our production  in  the  current  year.
Despite   this  move,  our  own  factories  remain   extremely
efficient.  As a management team we have tried to balance  our
resourcing  to retain the best and most flexible opportunities
for the future.
This   division  comprises  ready  to  wear  clothing  design,
resourcing and distribution.
The  major  management emphasis for the  year  was  on  margin
enhancement through the rationalisation and improvement of the
product  range, where solid progress was achieved.   Sales  of
this division were unchanged on the prior year.
This  division  comprises  the design  of  interior  products,
resourcing and distribution.  The key factor which  held  back
sales was the strength of sterling which has particularly  hit
European markets.  As a result, it achieved more modest growth
than last year with a sales increase of 2.0%.
We  have  continued to invest in this division  and  opened  a
combined  Home flagship store and trade showroom in the  Kings
Road, London in November 1997 which is trading satisfactorily.
As  mentioned  earlier,  it  was  necessary  to  undertake   a
redundancy programme during the year.  I am grateful to all of
those who have accepted new or different responsibilities as a
result  of  the organisational changes that this necessitated.
It  is  a  real  accolade  to all our  staff  who  with  their
continued  enthusiasm  and  commitment  to  creating  a  truly
international  brand  enabled us to  renew  our  Investors  in
People award.
The  pay  reductions for the Group Board, which were announced
at  the  time of the interim results, have continued into  the
new financial year.
In  March,  Judy  Harrison Bode joined the  Board  as  a  non-
executive  director.  She brings with her extensive experience
of  the  accessories and fashion industries in the USA, gained
with Liz Claiborne and The Monet Group, amongst others.
Another important appointment is Graham Sim who has joined the
Group as Director of Marketing after a successful career  with
Clarks mens shoes.
In  the  short  to  medium term, we plan  to  build  upon  the
strengths  of  our four divisions.  Central to  this  will  be
improving  and recovering the market share of our  Accessories
division.  In the UK we will capitalise on the opening of  the
King's Road, London and Manchester stores whilst continuing to
develop our presence in Continental Europe and Scandinavia.
Elsewhere   we  are  actively  engaged  in  discussions   with
potential partners to develop our business in Asia, Japan  and
the USA.
In   Asia,   we   are  discussing  a  supply,  licensing   and
distribution agreement for China, Taiwan and Hong Kong,  which
will bring potential product sourcing advantages as well.   In
Japan,  our  appointed advisers have identified potential  new
license  and  distribution partners  and  discussions  are  in
progress.  In the USA, we have developed a business  plan  and
appointed advisers to locate a suitable partner.  An update on
these  initiatives  will be included  with  the  next  interim
Whilst  we continue to experience the knock-on effects of  the
strong  pound,  substantial action has been taken  to  improve
overall efficiency and to reduce the cost base.  This includes
moving  a  substantial proportion of production of Accessories
to  Europe  to  create a natural currency hedge  as  explained
above.  In addition, the actions taken to simplify the product
range and to reduce costs show increasing benefits.  Stocks at
the  end of the first quarter were more than #2.0m lower  than
at  the same time last year and further progress in this  area
is expected.
Trading  in  the first quarter is in line with budget.   This,
taken  together  with the benefits arising  from  the  actions
already taken, leads us to expect an improving performance  in
the current year.
Roger Saul
Chairman and Chief Executive
Consolidated profit and loss account
For the year ended 31 March, 1998
                                                    1998      1997
                                                   #'000     #'000
Turnover                                          30,926    31,673
Cost of sales                                    (16,175)  (15,710)
                                                 --------  ---------            
Gross profit                                      14,751    15,963
Other operating expenses (net)                   (14,354)  (13,504)
                                                  -------  ---------
Operating profit before exceptional items            397     2,459
Redundancy and other non-recurring costs           ( 602)        -
                                                  -------- ---------
Operating profit                                    (205)    2,459
Interest payable and similar charges (net)          (794)     (781)
Group share of profit related companies                -         6
                                                  -------- ---------            
Profit on ordinary activities before                (999)    1,684
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                 272      (505)
                                                  -------- ---------            
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation, being profit for the financial            (727)    1,179
Dividends paid and proposed on equity               (239)     (310)
shares                                            --------  --------
Retained profit/loss for the year                   (966)      869
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary share                 (3.51)p    5.8p
                                                  --------- --------
Consolidated balance sheet
31 March, 1998
                                                   1998        1997
                                                  #'000       #'000
Fixed assets                                               
Tangible assets                                   6,195       5,828
Investments                                         117         113
                                                --------    --------
                                                  6,312       5,941
Current Assets                                             
Stocks                                            7,934       7,907
Debtors                                           6,384       6,439
Cash at bank                                         36         136
                                                --------    --------
                                                 14,354      14,482
Creditors: Amount falling due within            (11,200      (9,253)
one year                                        --------    --------
Net current assets                                3,154       5,229
Total assets less current liabilities             9,466      11,170
Creditors: Amounts falling due after             (3,292)     (3,778)
more than one year   
Provisions for liabilities and charges              (10)        (15)
                                                ---------   --------        
Net assets                                        6,164       7,377
                                                ---------   --------           
Capital and reserves                                       
Called-up share capital                           1,036       1,036
Share premium account                             3,257       3,257
Revaluation reserve                                 328         359
Capital redemption reserve                          154         154
Other reserves                                        -         700
Profit and loss account                           1,389       1,871
                                                ---------   --------           
Equity shareholders' funds                        6,164       7,377
                                                ---------   --------
Consolidated cash flow statement
For the year ended 31 March, 1998
                                                    1998      1997
                                                   #'000     #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities             47       602
Returns on investments and servicing of             (794)     (803)
Taxation                                            (242)     (120)
Capital expenditure and financial                   (779)     (514)
Equity dividends paid                               (239)     (155)
                                                  --------  --------            
Cash (outflow) inflow before financing            (2,007)     (990)
Financing                                           (367)      215
                                                  --------  --------         
(Decrease) increase in cash in the year           (2,374)     (775)
                                                  --------  --------
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
                                                     1998      1997
                                                    #'000     #'000
(Decrease) increase in cash in the year            (2,374)     (775)
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and                367     3,631
lease financing                                   ---------  ------- 
                                                   (2,007)    2,856
Inception of finance leases                          (518)     (687)
                                                  ---------  -------         
Movement in net debt                               (2,525)    2,169
Net debt, beginning of year                        (7,112)   (9,281)
                                                  ---------  -------
Net debt, end of year                              (9,637)   (7,112)
                                                  ---------  -------
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
For the year ended 31 March 1998
                                                     1998      1997
                                                    #'000     #'000
Profit/loss for the financial year                   (727)    1,179
Currency translation differences on  foreign         (247)     (174)
currency net investments                          ---------  ------- 
Total recognised gains and losses in the year        (974)    1,005
                                                  ---------  -------
Consolidated note of historical cost profits and losses
For the year end 31 March 1998                                
                                                     1998      1997
                                                    #'000     #'000
Reported profit/(loss) on ordinary activites         (999)    1,684
before taxation
Difference between historical cost depreciation   
charge and the actual depreciation charge for          31        31
the year calculated on the revalued amount        ---------  -------
Realisation of revaluation reserve on disposal          -         -
of property
Historical cost profit on ordinary activities        (968)    1,715
before taxation
Historical cost profit for the year retained         (935)      900
after taxation and dividends                      ---------  -------
1.      The financial information set out above does not constitute 
        the Company's  statutory  accounts.  Statutory accounts for  
        the  year ended  31 March, 1997 have  been  filed  with the  
        Registrar of Companies. The Statutory accounts for the year 
        ended 31 March, 1998  will  be  filed  at  Companies  House
        upon receiving the approval of the Annual General  Meeting.   
        The auditors have reported on the  accounts for  the  year 
        ended  31  March, 1997  and  their report  was  unqualified 
        and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) 
        of the Companies Act 1985.
2.      The results contained in this report,  which have not  been 
        audited  have  been  prepared  using  accounting   policies 
        consistent  with  those  used  in  the  preparation of  the 
        Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March,1997.
3.      Earnings  per  share  are  calculated  on 20,722,941 (1997:
        20,177,709) ordinary  shares  being  the  weighted average 
        number of shares in issue during the year.
4.      The Directors declared an interim dividend of 0.75p per share 
        which was paid on 27 February, 1998. Roger Saul and Godfrey 
        Davis waived their entitlement to interim dividends payable  
        on 27 February, 1998 of #59,000 and #11,000 respectively. A 
        final dividend of 0.75p per share is proposed to be paid on 
        25 November, 1998  to  shareholders  on the register at the 
        close of business on 9 October 1998.
5.      Copies of the Annual Report and Accounts will be posted to 
        shareholders.  Further copies can be obtained from Mulberry
        Group  plc's  registered  office  at  Kilver Court, Shepton 
        Mallet, Bath, BA4 5NF.
6.      The Annual General Meeting will be held at Mulberry Group
        plc's registered office, Kilver Court, Shepton Mallet, Bath,
        BA4 5NF on 1 October, 1998.
Copies of this announcement are available for a period of 14 days  
from the date hereof from the company's registered office, Kilver 
Court, Shepton Mallet, Bath, BA4 5NF, and from the company's  
nominated adviser, Teather & Greenwood,  12-20 Camomile Street, 
London, EC3A 7NN.


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