RNS No 5211q
12th January 1998 
                      Mulberry Group Plc
  Interim results for the six months ended 30 September, 1997
Mulberry  Group Plc, the AIM-listed designer and  manufacturer
of  a  portfolio  of accessories, ready to wear  clothing  and
interior design products, today announced its interim results.  
This  follows  the  trading  update  issued  by the company on 
17 December, 1997.
-    Turnover #13.8 million (1996: #13.6 million)
-    Loss before tax #0.72 million (1996: #0.48 million)
-    Loss per share 2.3p (1996: loss per share 1.6p)
-    Dividend per share 0.75p (1996: 0.75p)
-    Cost reduction programme implemented
Commenting on the outlook, Roger Saul, Chairman and Chief
Executive said:
"We  are committed to restoring shareholder value and continue
to take action to improve the competitiveness of our products,
to  build  margins,  to cut overhead costs and  to  materially
reduce stock levels."
For further information, please contact:
Mulberry Group Plc                         (On 12.1.98) 0171 253 2252
Roger Saul, Chairman and Chief Executive    (Thereafter) 01749 340500
Godfrey Davis, Group Finance Director
Ludgate Communications                                  0171 253 2252
Tim Davis
Sarah Harper
                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT
   Interim results for the six months to 30 September, 1997
It  was  with regret that we had to announce in December  1997
that  Mulberry's profits for the year ending  31  March,  1998
would  fall short of market expectations.  This was due  to  a
number of factors which I shall address in this statement  and
will  go on to review trading, our strategy going forward  and
the current situation.
Financial review
Turning  to  the six months to 30 September, 1997, sales  were
maintained  at #13.8m (1996: #13.6m), producing a loss  before
tax  of #0.72m (loss #0.48m).  Earnings per share show a  loss
of  2.3p,  (loss 1.6p). The Board is recommending  an  interim
dividend  of  0.75p,  (0.75p) which  will  be  payable  on  27
February, 1998 to shareholders on the register at  30 January,
1998.   In December's trading update, we advised that, subject
to  unforeseen circumstances, the dividend for the  full  year
will also be maintained at 1.5p per share.
Operating costs increased by 14.7%.  This reflected a budgeted
increase  in  sales  which  was not achieved  because  of  the
strength  of sterling.  The majority of the cost increase  was
accounted for by additional sales and marketing costs.
The balance sheet at 30 September, 1997 shows stocks increased
to #9.6m compared to #7.9m at 31 March, 1997. Stocks increased
as  a  result  of anticipated sales which did not materialise.
However,  #9.6m  was  the highest point  and  by  the  end  of
November,  1997 stocks had reduced to #8.8m.  Bank  borrowings
at  30  September,  1997  which is  approaching  the  peak  of
Mulberry's  annual cycle had increased to #8.4m,  representing
gearing of 135% (124%).
In  late  December we made a trading statement  to  the  City.
When  we  reviewed  the  position we  took  two  factors  into
account.   Firstly,  our forward sales to international  third
party  retailers for Spring/Summer 1998 were not living up  to
expectations  and secondly, our own UK retail performance  was
lacklustre and had not lifted off as anticipated.
Overall,  the  continued  strength  of  sterling  against  the
European and Far Eastern currencies has had a dramatic  effect
upon  our business this year.  We calculate that we have  lost
over #2.4 million of sales in the first half alone.
Trading overview
Sales  in the Accessories Division were down 5% from #7.2m  to
#6.85m,  although  margins increased  by  2%.   This  reflects
markedly reduced consumer spending across Continental  Europe,
mainly  as  a  result  of the strength  of  sterling  and  the
continuing and more difficult economic circumstances.  In  the
Ready  to  Wear  Division, sales increased 20% from  #3.0m  to
#3.6m on unchanged margins, mainly due to improvements in  the
product range.  Our newest division, Home, increased sales  by
14%  to  #2.1m,  with  margins unchanged, and  more  resilient
demand from the UK and US markets evident.
In Japan, our distributor, Moonbat, has stopped its investment
programme  in  direct  response  to  the  worsening   economic
environment and its own changing financial circumstances.   To
date, Moonbat has opened one flagship store in Tokyo and there
are nine other outlets.
The  Retail  Division increased sales by  10%  from  #5.2m  to
#5.7m,  due  to  sound  performances by Mulberry  stand  alone
shops,  in particular the Bond Street, London, flagship store.
However, Mulberry outlets within London department stores  did
not perform according to our expectations, hit particularly by
the lack of tourists.
In  our  European  shops,  we had  sales  increases  in  local
currency of 10% which when translated to sterling became a net
downturn of 5%.
Cost reduction programme
With   the  increasingly  difficult  European  and  Far   East
environment  and the continuing strength of sterling  becoming
apparent,  we  concluded that there was a need to  reduce  our
cost base.  Since October, we have initiated a number of staff
reductions at all levels and have continued to rationalise our
product range.
We  have reviewed our overseas wholesale sales operations  and
have  consolidated  the French and German  operations  into  a
single site in each country.
Redundancy  and closure costs of approximately  #400,000  have
been  incurred.   These have been taken into  account  in  the
revised  profit figure included in December's statement.   The
ongoing  annual cost savings from these actions  will  largely
benefit the next financial year.
In  the light of the increasingly difficult trading conditions
in  the second half, the Group Board have taken pay reductions
of  12%  and  a salary freeze has been implemented across  the
Group until 1 April, 1998.
Strategic update
In   the  short  to  medium term, we plan to  build  upon  the
strengths of our four divisions - Accessories, Ready to  Wear,
Home  and  Retail.   Central to this will  be  recovering  and
improving  the market share of our Accessories Division.    We
will also increase our sales and number of outlets in the  UK,
whilst  further developing our presence in Continental  Europe
and  Scandinavia. In light of the disappointing  situation  in
Japan,  we  are  reviewing a number of options  to  take  this
business forward.
We  continue  to believe that the USA has great potential  and
the  Home business continues to trade strongly in that market.
We  continue  to look for an appropriate partner  who  in  the
medium   to  longer  term  can  help  to  develop  the   wider
exploitation of the brand.
There has been much talk in the media about Christmas trading.
Across  Europe and the UK, sales have been flat in the  period
up  to  mid December.  However, sales were strong in the  last
two  weeks  of 1997 and our UK retail business is  showing  an
increase  of  approximately  10% for  the  first  nine  months
compared  to  last  year.  This is below our  expectations  as
growth has exceeded 25% for each of the last two years, but is
in line with the trading statement issued in December.
The  strength of sterling will continue to cause us discomfort
until  it  returns  to a more realistic  level.   However,  we
believe  we  have  the  team, the product  and  the  brand  to
overcome the problems we have experienced.
Despite  these  more difficult economic conditions  there  are
opportunities to increase our market share as evidenced by the
opening   since  September  of  the  successful  new  Northern
flagship  store in Manchester and the Home store  in  London's
King's  Road.  Further new franchise stores in Denmark, Lisbon
and Paris have been opened, with three more to follow - Dubai,
Istanbul  and  Berlin - before the end of the financial  year.
This will constitute the greatest number of shop openings in a
six month period in the history of Mulberry.
We  are  committed to restoring shareholder value and continue
to take action to improve the competitiveness of our products,
to  build  margins,  to cut overhead costs and  to  materially
reduce stock levels.
Roger Saul
Chairman and Chief Executive

                                    Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited
                                     6 months    6 months   12 months
                                   to 30.9.97  to 30.9.96  to 31.3.97
                                        #'000       #'000       #'000
Turnover                               13,770      13,608      31,673
Cost of sales                          (6,847)     (7,238)    (15,710)
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Gross profit                            6,923       6,370      15,963
Other operating expenses (net)         (7,294)     (6,355)    (13,504)
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Operating profit/(loss)                  (371)         15       2,459
Interest payable and similar charges     (351)       (490)       (781)
Group share of profit of associated 
company                                     -           -           6
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 
before taxation                          (722)       (475)      1,684
Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary 
activities (note 2)                       242         162        (505)
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Profit/(loss) for the period             (480)       (313)      1,179
Dividends (note 3)                       (155)       (155)       (310)
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Retained profit/(accumulated loss)       (635)       (468)        869
                                     =========   =========  ==========
Earnings per share (note 4)             (2.3p)      (1.6p)        5.8p
Dividend per share                      0.75p       0.75p         1.5p
                                    Unaudited    Unaudited    Audited
                                      30.9.97      30.9.96    31.3.97
                                        #'000        #'000      #'000
Fixed assets                            5,987        5,917      5,941
Current assets
Stocks                                  9,697        6,782      7,907
Debtors                                 6,418        6,912      6,439
Cash                                        -            7        136
                                     ---------    ---------  --------- 
                                       16,115       13,701     14,482
Creditors: Amounts falling 
due within one year                   (11,798)      (9,390)    (9,253)
                                     ---------    ---------  ---------
Net current assets                      4,317        4,311      5,229
                                     ---------    ---------  ---------
Total assets less current liabilities  10,304       10,228     11,170
Creditors: Amounts falling due 
after one year                         (3,541)      (4,074)    (3,778)
Provisions for liabilities 
and charges                               (12)           -        (15)
                                     ---------    ---------  ---------
Net assets                              6,751        6,154      7,377
                                     =========    =========  =========
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                 1,036          991      1,036
Reserves                                5,715        5,163      6,341
                                     ---------    ---------  ---------
                                        6,751        6,154      7,377
                                     =========    =========  =========
                      CASH FLOW STATEMENT
                                    Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited
                                     6 months    6 months   12 months
                                   to 30.9.97  to 30.9.96  to 31.3.97
                                        #'000       #'000       #'000
Operating profit/(loss)                  (371)         15       2,459
Depreciation                              413         346         710
Increase in stocks                     (1,790)       (732)     (1,857)
Decrease/(increase) in debtors             21      (1,706)     (1,497)
Increase in creditors                     671       1,103         787
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Net cash flow from operations          (1,056)       (974)        602
Interest                                 (351)       (256)       (803)
Taxation                                    -           -        (120)
Capital expenditure                      (459)       (658)       (514)
Dividends paid                           (155)          -        (155)
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Net cash flow before financing         (2,021)     (1,888)       (990)
Financing                                (352)        479         215
                                     ---------   ---------  ----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash 
in the period                          (2,373)     (1,409)       (775)
                                     =========   =========  ==========
1. Accounting policies

   The  interim results contained in this report,  which  have
   not  been  audited,  have  been prepared  using  accounting
   policies  consistent with those used in the preparation  of
   the  annual  report  and accounts for  the  year  ended  31
   March, 1997.
2. Taxation

   The  corporation tax charge for the period is based on  the
   effective  rate which it is estimated will  apply  for  the
   full year.
3. Dividends

   The  interim dividend will be paid on 27 February, 1998  to
   shareholders  on the register at the close of  business  on
   30 January, 1998.
4. Earnings per share

   The  fully  diluted  earnings per share is  not  materially
   different to the basic earnings per share.
5. Comparative figures

   The  comparative figures for the year ended 31 March, 1997,
   which  do  not constitute statutory accounts, are  abridged
   from  the  company's  statutory accounts  which  have  been
   filed  with the Registrar of Companies.  The report of  the
   auditors  on  these accounts was unqualified  and  did  not
   contain  a  statement under section 237 (2) or (3)  of  the
   Companies Act 1985.
6. Approval and distribution

   This  report was approved by the Board of Directors  on  9
   January,  1998  and  is  being sent  to  all  shareholders.
   Additional copies are available from the Company  Secretary
   at  the  Registered  office Kilver Court,  Shepton  Mallet,
   Bath, BA4 5NF.


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