RNS Number:9998E
Medal Entertainment & Media PLC
12 December 2002

Strictly embargoed until: 07.00, 12 December 2002

                            Interim Results

Announcing results for Medal Entertainment and Media plc ("MEM") for the six
months ended 30 September 2002, Brook Land, Chairman, commented "Given that the
acquisition of Leisureview and Fountain Television were only completed on 30
August 2002, the Group's active operational history is very short.  The Board
firmly believes that both companies are proving to be a valuable base upon which
to build a larger group actively participating in the creation, exploitation and
ownership of audio-visual copyrights."

Key points for the six months to 30 September 2002:

*        Acquisition of Leisureview Ltd, a specialist video/DVD publisher, for a
         maximum consideration of #1 million

*        Acquisition of Fountain Television Ltd, the largest fully-equipped
         independent TV studio in the UK, for an aggregate consideration of #6.9 

*        Issue in August of 4,857,857 new ordinary shares at 70 pence raising
         #2.9 million after costs to fund the acquisitions and to provide 
         working capital

*        Group turnover of #0.635 million

*        Loss before interest and taxation of #0.168 million and loss per share
         of 4.1 pence

Brook Land added "The Board continues to seek acquisition opportunities that
will complement the two existing businesses.  In particular, acquisitions of
content for DVD distribution will be targeted over the coming months."

For further information, please contact:

Steve Ayres, Chief Executive         John West / Rosie Brown
MEM plc                              Tavistock Communications Limited
Tel: 020 8900 5890                   Tel: 020 7600 2288


Medal Entertainment & Media Plc ("MEM" or "the Company") floated in November
2001 with the purpose of making acquisitions in the field of media and
entertainment.  The Company did not trade from the date of its incorporation on
7 March 2001 until 30 August 2002, when the acquisitions of Leisureview Limited
and Fountain Television Limited were completed.  In spite of difficult market
conditions, these acquisitions were funded in part via a placing, which raised
#2.9 million after costs.

This is MEM's first set of results since completion of the acquisitions and
includes only one month of trading from the acquired companies.  As stated in
the circular to shareholders dated 2 August 2002, the Directors believe that
both companies represent an attractive base from which to develop a group
operating principally in the media rights and publishing sectors.


Leisureview Limited is a specialist video/DVD publisher, established in 1986,
with a successful track record in marketing a range of products direct to the
consumer and to trade customers.

The Company was acquired and paid for via a #0.85 million cash consideration,
with a maximum further #0.15 million payable depending on the Company's creditor
position on the completion date of 30 August 2002.

Fountain Television Limited is a television studio based in Wembley, Middlesex.
Fountain provides studio facilities to leading broadcasters and production
companies and at 13,200 sq ft is the largest, fully equipped independent TV
studio in the UK.

The company was acquired for an aggregate consideration of #6.898 million.  This
was settled by way of #1.5 million through the issue of 2,142,857 shares in MEM
and the balance in cash.

The goodwill arising on both acquisitions, amounting to #0.793 million, will be
written off over 20 years in accordance with the Group's accounting policy.

Fund Raising and Bank Finance

In August 2002, the Company issued a total of 4,857,857 new ordinary shares for
cash at a price of 70p per share, raising #2.9 million after deducting issue
costs of #0.452 million.  In addition, during the period, the Company secured
facilities and loans amounting to #6.35 million from Barclays Bank plc, of which
#3.6 million was drawn down.  These funds were applied partly to provide
financing for the two acquisitions and also to provide working capital for the

Financial Results

The unaudited results for this period incorporate six months' expenses for MEM
and one month's trading for Leisureview and Fountain. There are no prior period
comparative figures for the Group.

Group turnover for the period was #0.635 million, returning a gross margin of
#0.396 million (62%) and a loss before interest and taxation of #0.168 million.
The loss per share was 4.1p.

The net cash inflow from operating activities for the period was #0.244 million
and the net cash movement for the period was #0.208 million outflow.  At 30
September 2002 the Company had cash in hand of #1.04 million.

As stated in our circular to Shareholders dated 2 August 2002, there will be no
interim dividend.


The Directors believe that the potential dilutory effect of the outstanding
warrants serves to depress the Company's share price and may have an impact on
the Company's ability to raise further finance or make acquisitions in pursuit
of its strategy.

The Directors are actively considering alternatives to address the dilutive
effect of the warrants in a way that is equitable to both shareholders and
warrantholders.  The Directors intend shortly to publish their proposals in this


Trading since 30 September 2002 has been good.  Fountain is currently performing
strongly and has good indications of future bookings. Over the past year, the
studio has attracted a number of major new clients and future bookings indicate
that these new relationships are being consolidated.

Leisureview has also seen a buoyant start to the second half of the financial
year and, as planned, has been active in securing rights for future
exploitation.  These include an exclusive licence covering the extensive
National Geographic library for home video/DVD in the UK.  This gives
Leisureview the right to release existing and future productions for a period of
up to 6 years.  Given that Leisureview has a proven track record in direct
marketing, to which National Geographic products are particularly suited, this
licence has considerable potential for the Group.

The Board expects to be in a position to announce a number of other licencing
and production deals shortly.

The UK DVD market has continued to grow strongly in 2002.  In the 11 months to
November, year-on-year DVD growth has been 122% with the overall video market
for VHS and DVD showing an aggregate 32% growth.  As the migration from VHS to
DVD continues, the Board considers the scope for future growth to be excellent.

Given that the acquisitions of Leisureview and Fountain were only completed on
30 August 2002, the Group's active operational history is very short. The Board
firmly believes that both companies are proving to be a valuable base upon which
to build a larger group actively participating in the creation, exploitation and
ownership of audio-visual copyrights.

The Board continues to seek acquisition opportunities that will complement the
two existing businesses. In particular, acquisitions of content for DVD
distribution will be targeted over the coming months.

Brook Land
11 December 2002


For the six months ended 30 September 2002

                                             6 months ended   Financial period
                                               30 September       from 7 March
                                                       2002            2001 to
                                                                      31 March
                                      Note            #'000              #'000

  Turnover                                              635                  -

  Operating loss                                      (168)              (139)

  Interest payable                                     (20)                  -
  Interest receivable                                    18                 18

  Loss on ordinary activities                         (170)              (121)
  before taxation                                                             

  Taxation on loss on ordinary                            -                  -

  Retained loss for the financial                     (170)              (121)

  Basic and diluted loss per share       2           (4.1)p            (14.5)p

All turnover is derived from businesses acquired during the period. There
were no other gains or losses recognised in the period other than disclosed

* The prior period information has been extracted from the audited financial

As at 30 September 2002 

                                            30 September 2002   31 March 2002*
                                     Note               #'000            #'000

  Fixed assets                                                                
  Tangible assets                                       6,750                1
  Intangible assets                                     1,828                -
  Goodwill                                              1,232                -
  Film rights                                             596                -

                                                        8,578                1

  Current assets                                                              
  Stock and WIP                                           447                -
  Debtors                                               1,534              106
  Cash at bank and in hand                              1,041            1,249

                                                        3,022            1,355

  Creditors: amounts falling due                      (3,081)            (119)
  within one year                                                             

  Net current (liabilities) /                            (59)            1,236

  Total assets less current                             8,519            1,237

  Creditors: amounts falling due                      (3,003)                -
  after one year                                                              

  Net assets                                            5,516            1,237

  Capital and reserves                                                        
  Called up share capital                                 914              214
  Share premium account                                 4,893            1,144
  Profit and loss account                               (291)            (121)

  Equity shareholders' funds            3               5,516            1,237

  Net asset value per share                             60.3p            57.7p

  Ordinary shares in issue ('000)                       9,144            2,143

* The prior period information has been extracted from the audited financial

For the six months ended 30 September 2002 

                                       Notes       6 months   Financial period
                                                      ended               from
                                               30 September       7 March 2001
                                                       2002        to 31 March
                                                      #'000              #'000

  Net cash inflow / (outflow) from         4            244              (126)
  operating activities                                                        

  Returns on investments and                                                  
  servicing of finance                                                        
  Interest paid                                        (20)                  -
  Interest received                                      18                 18

  Net cash (outflow) / inflow from                      (2)                 18
  returns on investments                                                      
  and servicing of finance                                                    

  UK corporation tax paid                                 -                  -

  Net cash flow from taxation                             -                  -

  Capital expenditure and financial                                           
  Payments to acquire tangible                          (9)                (1)
  fixed assets                                                                
  Payments to acquire intangible                        (2)                  -
  fixed assets                                                                
  Net cash outflow from capital                        (11)                (1)
  and financial investment                                                    

  Acquisitions and disposals                                                  
  Payments to acquire subsidiary          7b        (6,782)                  -

  Net cash outflow from acquisition                 (6,782)                  -
  and disposals                                                               

  Net cash outflow before financing                 (6,551)              (109)

  Issue of share capital                              2,949              1,408
  Redemption of redeemable shares                         -               (50)
  New external borrowings                             3,399                  -
  Capital element of hire purchase                      (5)                  -
  and finance lease rental payments                                           

  Net cash inflow from financing                      6,343              1,358

  (Decrease) / increase in cash in      5, 6          (208)              1,249
  the period                                                                  

* The prior period information has been extracted from the audited financial

Six months ended 30 September 2002

1    The financial information relating to the six month period ended 30
     September 2002 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
     Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, and has not been audited nor reviewed
     by Deloitte & Touche. The interim results have been prepared on the basis of
     accounting policies applied to the previous period results. The financial
     information relating to the period from 7 March 2001 (date of incorporation)
     to 31 March 2002 is extracted from the audited accounts of the Company, 
     which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the 
     auditors issued an unqualified opinion. Financial information relating to 
     the prior year comparative period from 7 March 2001 (date of incorporation)
     to 30 September 2001 has not been shown due to no activity occurring until 
     November 2001.

2    The basic and diluted loss per share is based on the Group loss of #170,000
     (31 March 2002: loss of #121,000) and weighted average number of ordinary
     shares in issue during the six months ended 30 September 2002 of 4,103,293
     (31 March 2002: 833,670).

FRS 14 requires presentation of the diluted loss per share when a company
could be called upon to issue shares that would decrease net profit or
increase net loss per share. For a loss making company with outstanding share
options and warrants, net loss per share would only be increased by the
exercise of out-of-the-money options and warrants. Since it seems
inappropriate to assume that option and warrantholders would act
irrationally, no adjustment has been made to diluted loss per share for
out-of-the-money share options and warrants. In addition, as there are no
other diluting future share issues, diluted loss per share equals basic loss
per share.

3   Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                             Unaudited   Financial period from
                                        6 months ended            7 March 2001
                                     30 September 2002       to 31 March 2002*
                                                 #'000                   #'000

  Retained loss for the financial                (170)                   (121)
  Shares redeemed                                    -                    (50)

  Capital subscribed net of                      4,449                   1,408
                                                 4,279                   1,237

  Opening equity shareholders'                   1,237                       -

  Closing equity shareholders'                   5,516                   1,237

* The prior period information has been extracted from the audited financial

4 Reconciliation of operating profit to cash inflow from operating activities 

                                                  Unaudited   Financial period
                                             6 months ended               from
                                                               7 March 2001 to
                                          30 September 2002     31 March 2002*
                                                      #'000              #'000

  Operating loss                                      (168)              (139)
  Amortisation                                           39                  -
  Depreciation                                           53                  -
  Increase in stocks                                   (10)                  -
  Increase in trade and other debtors,                 (76)              (106)
  and prepayments                                                             
  Increase in creditors, accruals and                   406                119

  Net cash inflow / (outflow) from                      244              (126)
  operating activities                                                        

* The prior period information has been extracted from the audited financial

5 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt 

                                                 Unaudited    Financial period                
                                            6 months ended                from
                                                                  7 March 2001
                                         30 September 2002   to 31 March 2002*
                                                     #'000               #'000

  (Decrease) / Increase in cash for                  (208)               1,249
  Cash inflow from increase in debt                (3,595)                   -
  and lease financing                                                         
  Change in net debt resulting from                (3,803)               1,249
  cash flows                                                                  
  Acquisition of subsidiary finance                   (45)                   -
  Net funds brought forward                          1,249                   -
  Net funds carried forward                        (2,599)               1,249

6 Analysis of net debt 
                              At      Cash   Other non-cash                 At
                    1 April 2002     flows          changes  30 September 2002
                           #'000     #'000            #'000              #'000

  Cash                     1,249     (208)                -              1,041
  Debt due                     -         5            (445)              (440)
  within one year                                                             
  Debt due after               -   (3,600)              400            (3,200)
  one year                                                                    

  Total                    1,249   (3,803)             (45)            (2,599)

* The prior period information has been extracted from the audited financial

7a Acquisitions 

            Fountain Television Limited Leisureview Limited
                Net      Fair           Net Accounting      Fair              
               book     value   Fair   book     policy     value   Fair       
              value   adjust-  value  value    adjust-   adjust-  value  Total
                         ment                    ments      ment              
              #'000     #'000  #'000  #'000      #'000     #'000  #'000  #'000
  Tangible    5,438     1,284  6,722     77          -         -     77  6,799
  Intangible      -         -      -    855      (227)         -    628    628
  Stocks         49         -     49    444          -      (55)    389    438
  Debtors       443         -    443  1,065          -     (187)    878  1,321
  Cash at        12         -     12      1          -         -      1     13
  bank and                                                                    
  in hand                                                                     
  Creditors   (568)         -  (568)(1,283)          -     (348)(1,631) (2,199)
  account   (5,327)         -(5,327)      -          -         -      - (5,327)                                         
  HP and       (37)         -   (37)    (8)          -         -    (8)    (45)

  Fair           10     1,284  1,294  1,151      (227)     (590)    334  1,628
  value of                                                                    
  assets and                                                                  
  Goodwill *                     277                                516    793
  Purchase                     1,571                                850  2,421


  Net cash                        71                                850    921
  Shares                       1,500                                  -  1,500
                               1,571                                850  2,421

The subsidiary undertakings acquired during the period contributed #203,000
(Fountain Television Limited: #212,000 inflow; Leisureview Limited: #9,000
outflow) to the Group's net operating cash flows.

* Goodwill arising in the period is being amortised over 20 years in
accordance with the Group's accounting policy.

b Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings 

                                                         6 months
                                                   September 2002

              Cash paid on cost of acquisitions           (1,023)
              Settlement of shareholders loan             (5,327)
              Cash on hand at acquisitions                     13
              Acquisition costs                             (445)
              Net cash outflow                            (6,782)

Actual cash paid at the time of acquisition was #1,023,000.  Subsequent to
period-end, #102,000 was received from the former shareholder in accordance with
the net current asset adjustment as stated in the Sale and Purchase Agreement.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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