Medgenics, Inc.
                         ("Medgenics" or the "Company")
                              Admission to Trading
4 December 2007

Medgenics   (AIM:   MEDG),   the   US  incorporated   holding   company   of   a
biopharmaceutical group, is pleased to announce that the Company's issued shares
of  common  stock  of par value of US$ 0.0001 each ("Common Shares")  have  been
admitted  to  trading on AIM, and dealings in the Common Shares of  the  Company
will  start at 8.00am today, 4 December 2007.  The Admission to AIM follows  the
Company's successful fund raising which raised a total of �3.276 million.

The  group's research & development and administrative operations are  conducted
by  Medgenics  Medical (Israel) Limited, the Company's wholly owned  subsidiary,
from premises in Karmiel, Israel (together the "Group").

  *  The Group is at the clinical trial stage of testing the safety and efficacy
     of its proprietary 'biological pump' (the "Biopump") and associated technologies
     for producing and delivering therapeutic proteins in patients (together the
     "Biopump Platform Technology").
  *  The Biopump is made from a toothpick-sized sample of the patients' own skin
     dermal  tissue, which is processed outside the body to produce  therapeutic
     proteins, and reimplanted subcutaneously 1-2 weeks later.
  *  The  Biopump  is designed to enable patients to produce  (in  their  own
     bodies), on a long-term basis, their own natural human protein therapy.  The
     Biopump  is targeted at a range of chronic diseases, including anaemia  and
     hepatitis C.
  *  The Company is developing the Biopump treatment method as a major advance
     over the current methods involving costly factory-produced proteins delivered
     via frequent and often painful injections and their associated adverse side
  *  The worldwide market for protein therapy was valued at over US $51 billion
     in 2005 and is forecast to reach US $87 billion by 2010.  The Directors estimate
     that  the  Biopump Platform Technology could potentially be  applied  to  a
     substantial part of this market.
  *  The Directors believe that the Biopump Platform Technology provides a wide
     range of advantages over existing therapies.  These advantages should appeal to,
     and offer benefits to, doctors, patients and third-party payers (e.g. medical
  *  The Group has published a Phase I clinical trial of a short-acting version
     of  the Biopump, which demonstrated the safe, dose-dependent production and
     delivery of active erythropoietin ("EPO") for treatment of anaemia in 10 anaemic
  *  The  Group  plans to commence a Phase I/II Clinical Trial aimed  at  the
     treatment of anaemia using "EPODURE", a sustained action EPO-producing Biopump,
     during the second quarter of 2008.  In 2006, EPO injections for the treatment of
     anaemia generated revenues of US $11.9 billion.
  *  The Company expects to obtain key initial safety and proof of efficacy data
     three-to-five months after the above trial commences.

The  Group, whilst identifying the anaemia and hepatitis C markets as the  first
priorities for the Biopump, will initially focus on EPODURE for the treatment of
anaemia.   The  Directors believe that the Biopump Platform Technology  has  the
potential to offer a superior treatment which could replace many current methods
of  protein therapy with a reversible procedure that is more efficacious, safer
and more cost effective.

Blomfield Corporate Finance Limited is the Company's Nominated Adviser  and  SVS
Securities  plc is the Company's Broker.  Moneys raised in the IPO came through
sources introduced by Arbel Capital Group Limited and SVS Securities plc as well
as from investment funds and private investors including the Directors.

Admission Statistics
Placing Price                                             10p
Number of existing issued Common Shares            66,054,335
Number of Placing Shares being issued               9,640,000
Number of Subscription Shares being issued         18,897,213
Number of shares issued on conversion of the        6,417,447
Loan Note
Number of Adviser Shares being issued               3,084,422
Number of Common Shares in issue at Admission     104,093,417
Percentage of the Enlarged Share Capital                 9.3%
represented by the Placing Shares at Admission
Number of Common Shares issuable under Warrants   171,531,519
and Options at Admission                                   

Fully diluted number of Common Shares on          275,624,936
Gross proceeds of the Placing                        �964,000
Gross proceeds from the Subscriptions              �1,804,074
Gross proceeds from the Loan Note                    �499,135
Total gross proceeds of the fund raising           �3,276,985
Market Capitalisation at the Placing Price        �10,409,342
ISIN for Common Shares                           USU582411075
TIDM                                                     MEDG

Protein therapy market background and opportunity

The  worldwide market for protein therapy was valued at over US $51  billion  in
2005  and  is forecast to reach US $87 billion by 2010.  The Directors  estimate
that  the  Biopump  Platform  Technology  could  potentially  be  applied  to  a
substantial  part of this market, starting with proteins to treat anaemia  (EPO)
and  then hepatitis C (Interferon-alpha - "IFN-a").  In 2006, EPO injections  to
treat  anaemia  generated revenues of US $11.9 billion and IFN-a injections  for
treatment  of  patients  with hepatitis C and some  forms  of  cancer  generated
revenues  of  US  $2.8  billion.  The Directors have  therefore  identified  the
anaemia  and  hepatitis C markets as first priorities for applying  the  Biopump
Platform  Technology, although the current fundraising will only allow focus  on
the EPODURE application.

The  current standard platform for protein production and delivery   involves  a
highly  complex and capital-intensive manufacturing process based on large-scale
animal cell tissue culture and delivery in the form of frequent injections  (due
to  the  short half-life of recombinant proteins).  Protein manufacturing plants
generally  take several years and hundreds of millions of US dollars  to  build,
secure  regulatory  approvals  and bring into production.   Once  produced,  the
protein  is typically distributed to, and stocked in, pharmacies and physicians'
offices and administered by injection.  Injections can be painful and costly and
require  frequent  visits either by home healthcare nurses or  to  the  doctor's
office.  A treatment based on the administration of serial injections can suffer
from poor patient compliance and, therefore, inadequate treatment can result.
As recombinant proteins are typically metabolised (i.e. broken down) by the body
very  quickly,  they  have a very short therapeutic life,  ranging  from  a  few
minutes to a few hours.  This means that, for many proteins, injections need  to
be  taken  at  least  once  a  week  and  often  more  frequently,  to  maintain
concentration in the blood within the therapeutic window, i.e. above the minimum
level  required to be effective.  Indeed, research has shown that, below certain
levels, the protein has no therapeutic effect.  In order to keep protein  levels
in  the  blood  above the minimum therapeutic level for as long as  possible  in
between  injections, large bolus injections are typically administered.   Whilst
this  can extend the time before the protein levels in the blood drop below  the
minimum therapeutic level (undershoot), it also causes initial levels to rise to
many  times  above  the maximum desired level (overshoot),  often  causing  side
effects.  This produces the pattern of extended periods of overshoot, which  can
cause significant side effects, followed by undershoot, which leaves the patient
under treated until the next injection.

The Biopump Platform Technology
The  Biopump  platform uses a toothpick size sliver of dermal tissue,  which  is
removed  from under the patients' skin (under local anaesthesia on an outpatient
basis) and processed to produce and secrete the required therapeutic protein.
The  dermal  tissue  is  processed in vitro with a  viral  vector,  specifically
developed  to  be  non-immunogenic, to introduce  the  selected  gene  into  the
tissue's  cells, enabling them to produce the selected protein, thus  converting
the  intact dermal tissue into a sustained-action Biopump.  Between one and  two
weeks  after  the  initial  dermal tissue extraction,  the  required  number  of
Biopumps  (depending  on  the  rate  of protein  production  and  the  patient's
individual  requirement) are re-implanted under the patient's skin,  where  they
are  designed  to  supply the required therapeutic protein within  the  required
dosage  range  for  four-to-six  months (or potentially  longer).   The  Biopump
Platform  Technology is essentially designed to function as a protein production
plant within the patient.
The  Directors  expect that the Biopump Platform Technology will offer  a  cost-
effective  protein therapy.  The Biopump Platform Technology does not require  a
protein production facility to produce protein, thereby eliminating the need for
an  outlay of hundreds of millions of US dollars to build such a facility, which
would  be  needed to meet the anticipated growing protein demand.  The Directors
expect that, once fully developed, the devices used in the Biopump platform will
be  sufficiently automated such that, together with the use of sealed cartridges
and  other  single-use  items,  they  will enable  the  practical  and  reliable
implementation of Biopump therapy and the Group will be able to lower  the  per-
patient cost of Protein therapy significantly.
The Directors believe that the Biopump Platform Technology provides a wide range
of advantages over existing therapies that appeal and offer benefits to doctors,
patients and third-party payers (e.g. medical insurers) including:

  o    increased efficacy ;
  o    reduced side effects and improved safety;
  o    eliminating frequent injections;
  o    reversible treatment;
  o    lower costs; and
  o    extended treatment to undertreated populations.

The  Group's  current plans are to use the Placing and Subscription proceeds  to
focus on the following key objectives through to the end of 2008:
  o    commencing Phase I/II Clinical Trials of EPODURE during the second quarter of 2008;
  o    obtaining the key initial safety and proof of efficacy data for  EPODURE
       three-to-five months after the above trial commences;
  o    further development of the devices required for the Phase I/II Clinical Trial;
  o    pursuing strategic alliances;
  o    continuing to develop alternative vector methods; and
  o    initiating development of additional applications with other proteins.

For further information, contact:

Medgenics, Inc.               +972 4 958 8555
Dr. Andrew L. Pearlman

Blomfield Corporate Finance   +44 207 512 0191
James Pinner or
Alan MacKenzie

SVS Securities plc            +44 207 638 5600
Peter Manfield or
Ian Callaway

Citigate Dewe Rogerson        +44 207 638 9571
Jonathan Shillington or
Mark Swallow or
Chris Gardner

Board of Directors

Eugene Andrew Bauer, M.D., Non-executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, Age 65

Dr.  Bauer has been a member of Medgenics' Board since 22 March 2001.  He  is  a
Lucy  Becker  professor,  Emeritus,  in  the  School  of  Medicine  at  Stanford
University.   Dr.  Bauer  served as Dean of the Stanford  University  School  of
Medicine  from  1995-2001 and as Chair of the Department of Dermatology  at  the
Stanford  University School of Medicine from 1988-1995.  He is also a co-founder
and  emeritus  member  of  the Board of Directors of  Connetics  Corporation,  a
publicly traded, dermatology-focused therapeutics company, which was acquired by
Steifel Laboratories Inc.  He also serves as director of Protalex, Inc.,  Peplin
Biotech,  Limited and Modigene Inc., a life sciences company that is  developing
technology  to lengthen the life of various proteins, including EPO  and  IFN-a.
Dr. Bauer has been an NIH funded investigator for 25 years, has served on review
groups  for  the  NIH  and  has served as a member of the  Board  of  Scientific
Counsellors  of the National Cancer Institute and the Advisory Council  for  the
National  Institute of Arthritis, Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.  Dr.  Bauer
is  also  a  member  of  the Institute of Medicine of the  National  Academy  of
Sciences.  Dr. Bauer received an M.D. from Northwestern University.

Andrew Leonard Pearlman, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer and President, Age 56

Dr.  Pearlman was appointed to the Board on 1 February 2000 and is  the  founder
and  CEO  of Medgenics.  Dr. Pearlman has over 25 years experience founding  and
managing  biotechnology and medical device companies, as well as  inventing  and
developing  biomedical  technology.  Prior to founding Medgenics,  Dr.  Pearlman
founded  and  served  as  CEO  and  chief scientist  for  TransScan  Research  &
Development Co., Limited, under whose leadership the company's product,  the  T-
scan 2000 breast impedance scanner, was the first new medical imaging method for
cancer  detection to receive FDA pre-market approval in over 20 years.   He  has
also  founded  or co-founded several other companies in the fields of  diagnosis
and  patient  monitoring.  Dr. Pearlman holds a Ph.D.  in  biophysics  from  the
University of California, Berkley, where he completed his doctoral thesis  under
Nobel Laureates - Professors Melvin Calvin and Donald Glaser.

Joel Stephen Kanter, Non-executive Director, Age 50

Mr. Kanter served as Legislative Assistant to former Congressman Abner J. Mikva,
as Special Assistant to the National Association of Attorneys General and as the
Staff  Director  of  the  House  Rules Committee's Subcommittee  on  Legislative
Process chaired by the late Congressman Gillis W. Lond. Since  1986, Mr. Kanter 
has served as president of Windy City, Inc., a privately held investment company 
specialising in early stage venture capital.  Mr. Kanter has  been  a  member of 
Medgenics' Board since 7 August 2000.  Mr.  Kanter  also serves  on  the board 
of directors of several public companies including Encore Medical, L.P., a 
manufacturer of orthopaedic surgery products; Aquamatrix, Inc., a  manufacturer 
of  foam and gel products for the health  care  industry;  Echo Healthcare 
Acquisition Corp., a US $57.5 million health care special acquisition company;  
I-Flow Corporation, a publicly-held drug delivery technology  company;
Magna-Labs, Inc., formerly involved in the development of a cardiac MRI  device;
Modigene Inc., a life sciences company that is developing technology to lengthen
the  life  of  various proteins, including EPO and IFN-a ; Prospect Medical,  an
owner/operator  of Independent Physician Associations; and WaferGen  Biosystems,
which  develops,  manufactures  and  sells  systems  for  gene  expression   and
genotyping. Mr. Kanter is also on the Board of a number of private companies and
is also a Trustee of the Union Institute & University, the Georgetown Day School
in  Washington,  D.C.,  and is a Trustee Emeritus and the former  President  and
Board Chair of the Langley School in McLean, Virginia.

Gary Allan Brukardt, MBA, Non-executive Director, Age 61

Mr.  Brukardt has over 30 years of experience in the healthcare industry and was
appointed  to  the  Board  on 18 September 2006.  From  1991  to  1996,  he  was
executive  vice  president  of Baptist Health Care Affiliates,  a  company  that
provides  occupational medical centres/programs, urgent care,  home  healthcare,
managed  care, corporate health services, management of hospitals  and  hospital
joint  ventures  and  an  ambulatory surgery centre.  From  1991  to  1996,  Mr.
Brukardt  was  also  chairman  of HealthNet Management,  Inc.,  a  managed  care
services  company.  Mr. Brukardt was executive vice president and COO  of  Renal
Care  Group  from 1996 to 2003.  From 2003 through March 2006, he was  president
and  CEO  of  Renal  Care Group.  Mr. Brukardt led Renal Care  Group's  US  $3.5
billion  acquisition by Fresenius Medical Care in March 2006, which resulted  in
the  creation  of the world's largest integrated provider of dialysis  services.
After  the  close  of the transaction, Mr. Brukardt held the  position  of  vice
chairman,  Fresenius North America and CEO, Global Disease Management/Ambulatory
Services  until  September 2006.  He is currently serving  as  a  consultant  to
Fresenius  globally.  Mr. Brukardt received a Bachelor of Arts at the University
of Wisconsin at Oshkosh and his MBA in International Management from Thunderbird
School of Global Management.

Stephen Devon McMurray, M.D., Non-executive Director, Age 60

Dr.  McMurray was appointed to the Board on 21 December 2005.  Dr. McMurray  was
one  of  the  founders of Renal Care Group, Inc., a company that provides  acute
dialysis services.  He served on the board of Renal Care Group until its US $3.5
billion  acquisition by Fresenius in March 2006.  He is a  past  member  of  the
Renal  Physicians Association Board and has served on the board of  the  Network
Medical  Review  for  many  years.  Dr. McMurray is very  active  in  developing
processes  to  improve  patient care and outcomes and is currently  the  medical
director  of  the Fresenius Medical Care Health Plan.  Dr. McMurray received  an
M.D.  from  Indiana  University Medical School in  1972,  followed  by  medicine
residency  and nephrology fellowship at Indiana University Medical  Center.   He
has practiced nephrology in Fort Wayne, Indiana, since 1977.  He is a member  of
Indiana  Medical  Associates,  a 45-member multi-specialty  group  and  is  past
president of their board.

This  release contains forward-looking statements, which include all  statements
other  than statements of historical fact, including (without limitation)  those
regarding  the  Company's  financial  position,  business  strategy,  plans  and
objectives  of  management for future operations.  These  statements  relate  to
future   events,   prospects,  developments  and  strategies.    Forward-looking
statements  are sometimes identified by their use of the terms and phrases  such
as   "estimate",   "project",   "intend",  "forecast",   "anticipate",   "plan",
"planning",  "expect",  "believe",  "will", "will  likely",  "should",  "could",
"would",  "may" or the negative of such terms and other comparable  terminology.
All  such forward-looking statements are based on current expectations  and  are
subject  to risks and uncertainties.  Should any of these risks or uncertainties
materialize, or should any of the Company's assumptions prove incorrect,  actual
results  may  differ materially from those included within these forward-looking
statements.   Accordingly, no undue reliance should be placed on these  forward-
looking statements, which speak only as of the date made.  The Company expressly
disclaims  any obligation or undertaking to disseminate any updates or revisions
to  any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the
Company's  expectations with regard thereto or any change in events,  conditions
or  circumstances on which any such statements are based.  As a result of  these
factors,  the  events described in the forward-looking statements  contained  in
this release may not occur.

Industry and Market Data
The  industry and market data presented in this release are inherently estimates
and  are  based  upon third party data, including information derived  from  the
Company's  own  internal estimates.  The Company has not confirmed  such  third-
party data.

This  release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer
to buy any security.

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