RNS Number:7089I
KBC Advanced Technologies PLC
20 August 2001

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                    ("KBC" or "the Group")
      Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2001


                                 6 months to  6 months to  12 months to
                                     30.6.01      30.6.00      30.12.00
                                   Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited
Turnover                              #19.3m       #17.5m        #35.5m
Operating profit- before  
exceptional income                     #1.9m        #1.3m         #2.7m
Profit before tax                      #9.6m        #1.6m         #3.4m
Earnings  per  share - before  
exceptional income                     2.90p        2.17p         4.65p
Dividend per share                      1.3p         1.3p          3.9p

* Good first half performance with operating profits up 45%
  on sales up 11%
   - continued  expansion of customer base  and  geographic
   - successfully converting PIPs into Continuing  Services
   - move into petrochemical sector yielding benefits in Japan
* Order book up 50% on last year and visibility improving
* Pressures of globalisation, deregulation and clean  fuel
  specifications expected to drive demand for the Group's value
  added services
* Board  strengthened  with  appointment  of  new  Finance

Commenting  on  the results, Don J Romano, Chief  Executive  of
KBC,  said:  "The business environment continues to  be  good,
consistent  with  higher  oil  prices  and  improved  refining
margins.   We  anticipate  continuing  demand  for  multi-year
contracts  for  both  new and existing customers  and  we  are
confident  that  we  will continue to  deliver  strong  growth
during the second half of the year."

KBC Advanced Technologies plc           20/08/01: 020 7601 1000
Don J Romano, Chief Executive         Thereafter: 01932 242 424

Square Mile BSMG Worldwide                        020 7601 1000
Kirsty Hall/Christian Taylor-Wilkinson         info@sq-mile.com

Notes  to Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies plc is a  leading
independent  process engineering group, providing  specialised
consultancy  and  support services to enable oil  refiners  to
improve operational efficiency and profitability.  Through its
Profit   Improvement  Program  (PIP)  KBC  analyses   refinery
operations  and recommends changes that deliver  material  and
measurable  improvements in profitability.  KBC  has  a  broad
spread  of clients ranging from large integrated oil companies
to small independent refiners.

                 KBC Advanced Technologies plc
                    ("KBC" or "the Group")
      Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2001

KBC  has  made  a  good  start to the year,  with  the  steady
improvement  in  trading  conditions experienced  during  2000
continuing  into 2001. This has enabled KBC to  build  on  the
strong  contract award levels achieved during 2000. The  value
of  the  order book at 30 June 2001 was more than  50%  higher
than the same period last year. Order levels have improved  in
both  Profit  Improvement  Programs  (PIPs)  and  KBC's  other
consulting services.


Turnover  of #19.3 million during the first half of  2001  was
11%  higher  than  the  same period  last  year  (2000:  #17.5
million).  Revenues  from PIPs grew by 40%,  with  significant
growth  in  software  sales  and  other  consulting  services.
Continuing Services revenues were somewhat lower than  in  the
first  half  of last year, reflecting the impact  of  the  low
level of PIP awards in 1999, and hence the opportunity to sell
Continuing Services. This trend will reverse during the second
half  of  2001  as  new  PIPs awarded  in  2000  convert  into
Continuing Services contracts.

Operating costs were 8% higher than the same period last year,
partly  due  to a compensation payment of #290,000 to  Michael
Press.  Staff costs excluding this payment rose by  9%,  while
other operating costs were 6% higher than in the first half of
2000,   mainly  reflecting  changes  to  sales  and  marketing
activities to accelerate future growth.

Operating profit, prior to exceptional other operating income,
increased  by  45% to #1.9 million (2000: #1.3  million).  The
exceptional other operating income represents the proceeds  of
an out of court settlement following legal action initiated by
KBC  and  is  described in more detail in note 4.  Before  the
impact  of this item, earnings per share increased by  34%  to
2.90p (2000: 2.17p).

The Group generated #8.4 million of cash in the first half  of
2001.  This was due to the out of court settlement and  strong
operating cash flow in the underlying business.


The  interim  dividend has been held at 1.3p per share  (2000:
1.3p) and will be paid on 28 September 2001 to shareholders on
the register at the close of business on 7 September 2001.

Operational review

The Group continues to make progress in expanding its customer
base  and  geographical  presence, with  significant  projects
being  signed  for  major oil companies  in  the  United  Arab
Emirates, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Greece, Japan and North America.
The  Group's success in converting PIPs to Continuing Services
has continued, with the majority of contracts being sold on  a
multi-year basis right from the start. The duration of many of
the  Group's  Continuing Services contracts  continues  to  be
extended.  Overall, this is leading to a material  improvement
in order book visibility.

Responding to the changes in the competitive environment,  KBC
introduced,  in  2000,  innovative commercial  terms  on  some
contracts linking fees, in part, to the benefits KBC  delivers
to  its clients. The results of these contracts have been good
for  both KBC and the clients. However there has recently been
a  reduction in demand for this type of contract, with few  of
the  recent  contract awards having any element of  contingent

The  Group has often carried out work in petrochemical  plants
within  refineries.  However, in late  2000  KBC  initiated  a
program  selling  PIPs to independent petrochemical  companies
where  KBC's  expertise and experience is  directly  relevant.
This  initiative has resulted in a major sale in  Japan  of  a
petrochemical PIP.

As part of the Group's e-business strategy a remote monitoring
service   has  been  developed.  This  service,  incorporating
technology and services provided by Industrial Evolution  Inc,
will  allow  KBC's consultants to access the customer's  plant
data via the Internet and offer consulting services remotely.

The  Group  has  now completed its rationalisation  of  office
locations  with  the  three UK offices  moving  into  one  new
building  in  Walton on Thames and the combining  of  the  New
Orleans operations into the Houston office.

Board changes

Don  J  Romano,  who  joined the Board  in  August  2000,  was
appointed  Chief Executive on 6 March 2001 when Michael  Press
stepped down from this role.

Nicholas  Stone joins the Board today as Finance  Director  to
succeed Iain McIntosh who resigned on 9 March 2001. Mr Stone's
most  recent  role  was as Finance Director  for  Accidentcare
Group  PLC  and prior to that he held various senior financial
roles at Lambert Fenchurch Group PLC and Mobil UK.

2001 outlook

The business environment continues to be good, consistent with
higher oil prices and improved refining margins. We anticipate
continuing demand for multi-year contracts from both  new  and
existing  customers. Even though demand for PIPs is high,  the
Group continues to diversify its product offerings to meet the
wider  range  of  high-value  services  required  by  the  oil

While the industry business environment has recently improved,
consolidation within the industry is expected to continue.  We
believe  that  the  competitive  pressures  of  globalization,
deregulation  and clean fuel specifications will drive  demand
for the value added services the Group provides.

As  a  result  of the continued strong progress in  PIP  sales
during  the first half of 2001, we are confident that we  will
continue  to deliver strong growth during the second  half  of
the year.


KBC Advanced Technologies plc          20/08/01:  020 7601 1000
Don J Romano, Chief Executive        Thereafter:  01932 242 424

Square Mile BSMG Worldwide                        020 7601 1000
Kirsty Hall/Christian Taylor-Wilkinson         info@sq-mile.com

KBC Advanced Technologies plc
Group Profit and Loss Account
For the six months to 30 June 2001

                                      Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited
                                    6 months to  6 months to  12 months to
                             Notes      30 June      30 June   31 December
                                           2001         2000          2000
                                           #000         #000          #000
Turnover                                 19,347       17,461        35,460
Staff costs                              (8,582)      (7,617)      (15,019)
Depreciation and amortisation              (529)        (640)       (1,285)
Other operating charges                  (8,364)      (7,912)      (16,487)
                                          1,872        1,292         2,669    

Other operating income   
- exceptional item               4        7,414            -            -
Operating profit                          9,286        1,292        2,669
Interest receivable                         315          308          687
Profit on ordinary activities      
before taxation                           9,601        1,600        3,356
Taxation  on  profit  on  ordinary                
activities                               (3,011)        (576)      (1,146)
Profit   on   ordinary  activities                
after taxation                            6,590        1,024        2,210
Dividends - equity interests               (620)        (618)      (1,869)
Retained profit for the period            5,970          406          341
Earnings per share(pence) 
      - basic                    2        13.67         2.17         4.65
      - diluted                  2        13.58         2.12         4.58
      - basic on IIMR earnings   2         2.90         2.17         4.65

KBC Advanced Technologies plc
Group Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2001

                                      Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                                     at 30 June   at 30 June  at 31 December
                                           2001         2000            2000
                                   #000    #000  #000   #000    #000    #000
Fixed assets                                                        
Intangible assets                         1,324        1,620           1,402
Tangible assets                           2,896        1,563           1,455
Investments                               2,138        2,138           2,138
                                          6,358        5,321           4,995
Current assets                                                      
Debtors                          11,063        13,057         12,846  
Cash at bank and in hand         20,158        11,056         11,758  
                                 31,221        24,113         24,604  

Creditors: amounts  falling                                         
due within one year              (8,637)       (7,707)        (6,919)
Net current assets                       22,584       16,406          17,685
Total  assets less  current      
liabilities                              28,942       21,727          22,680  
Creditors: amounts  falling                                         
due after one year                            -           (1)              -
Provision  for  liabilities         
and charges                                (804)           -          (1,022) 
                                        28, 138       21,726          21,658  
Capital and reserves                                                
Called up share capital                   1,251        1,229           1,240
Share premium account                     6,002        5,811           5,892
Capital reserve                              24           24              24
Merger reserve                              147          147             147
Profit and loss account                  20,714       14,515          14,355
Shareholders' funds: equity                         
interests                                28,138       21,726          21,658
KBC Advanced Technologies plc
Group Statement of Cash Flows
For the six months to 30 June 2001

                                      Unaudited    Unaudited        Audited 
                                    6 months to  6 months to   12 months to
                                        30 June      30 June    31 December
                                           2001         2000           2000
                                           #000         #000           #000
Net cash inflows / (outflows)from 
operations                               12,006         (619)         1,502
Returns on investments and servicing                        
of finance
Interest received                           315          308            687
Taxation                                 (1,000)      (1,026)        (1,902)
Capital  expenditure  and  financial                        
Payments  to acquire tangible  fixed 
assets                                   (1,851)        (374)          (781)
Equity dividends paid                    (1,249)      (1,253)        (1,873)
Management of liquid resources                              
(Increase) / decrease in short term 
deposits                                 (7,223)       2,208           (522)
Repayments  of capital  elements  of                        
finance lease rentals                         -            -             (2)
Shares issued                               121          129            221
Purchase of own shares                       (0)      (1,044)        (1,044)
Net cash inflow / (outflow)from             
financing                                   121         (915)          (825)  
Increase / (decrease) in cash in the 
period                                    1,119       (1,671)        (3,714)
Reconciliation of net cash flows to                        
movements in net funds
Increase / (decrease) in cash in the 
period                                    1,119       (1,671)        (3,714)
Cash  outflow from the  decrease  in 
lease financing                               -            -              2
Cash  used  to increase / (decrease) 
liquid resources                          7,223       (2,208)           522
Change  in net funds resulting  from 
cash flow                                 8,342       (3,879)        (3,190)
Translation difference                       58          196            209

Movement in net funds in the period       8,400       (3,683)        (2,981)
Net funds at start of period             11,758       14,739         14,739
Net funds at end of period               20,158       11,056         11,758
KBC Advanced Technologies plc

1  Basis of preparation
These  unaudited interim financial statements,  which  do  not
constitute  Statutory Accounts within the meaning  of  Section
240  of  the Companies Act 1985, have been prepared using  the
accounting  policies  set out in the  Group's  2000  statutory

The Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000 received
an unqualified auditor's report and have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies.

The interim report will be sent to shareholders. Further copies may
be   obtained   from  the  Company  Secretary,  KBC   Advanced
Technologies  plc, KBC House, 42-50 Hersham  Road,  Walton  on
Thames, Surrey, KT12 1RZ.

2   Earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share is based upon earnings
of  #6,590,000  (2000:  #1,024,000) and on  48,205,308  (2000:
47,224,625) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average number
of  Ordinary Shares in issue during the period after excluding
the shares owned by the KBC Advanced Technologies plc Employee

The diluted earnings per share is based upon 48,524,265 (2000:
48,285,357) Ordinary Shares allowing for the full exercise  of
outstanding   purchase  options,  and  adjusted  earnings   of
#6,590,000 (2000: #1,024,000).

The basic IIMR (Institute of Investment Management and Research)
earnings  per share excludes income from the exceptional  item
disclosed  in  note  4, and is based on adjusted  earnings  of
#1,400,000  (2000:  #1,024,000),  and  on  48,205,308   (2000:
47,224,625) Ordinary Shares.

3 Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operations
                                       Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                     6 months to   6 months to  12 months to
                                         30 June       30 June   31 December  
                                            2001          2000          2000
                                            #000          #000          #000
Operating profit                           9,286         1,292         2,669
Depreciation and amortisation                529           640         1,285
Decrease / (increase) in debtors             774        (3,516)       (2,623)
Increase / (decrease) in creditors         1,346           794        (1,001)
Exchange differences                         289           171           150
(Decrease) / increase in provisions         (218)            -         1,022
                                          12,006          (619)        1,502

4    Operating exceptional items

The exceptional income represents the proceeds of an out of court
settlement agreed following a legal action initiated by KBC.

KBC has, in connection with these agreements received $12.5 million
(#8.6  million). After deducting costs of #1.2  million,  this
exceptional  item  has increased profit  before  tax  by  #7.4
million and profit after tax by #5.2 million.

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