Innobox Plc (the "Company")


Interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2006


29 November 2006



Chairman's statement


I report the Company's results for the half year ended 31 October 2006.  The
loss for the period after taxation and minority interests was �259,125 (2005:
loss of �265,971), which represents a loss per share of 0.71p (2005: loss per
share of 1.24p).


The Company currently owns and operates two pub / hotel / restaurant sites,
which are: The Moss Cottage in Ripley, Derbyshire and The Royal Oak in
Leominster, Herefordshire.  We also own the freehold interest of The Three Tuns
in Pettistree, Suffolk, which is leased out to private tenants under a three
year lease agreement, and the freehold property at Fishmore Hall near Ludlow,
Shropshire which is currently in the process of being sold.


Since my statement at the time of the annual results, difficult market
conditions have unfortunately continued and this has meant that we again
incurred trading losses in the interim period.


We still manage to achieve good hotel occupancy levels during the week, but
continue to see lower than anticipated levels of week-end break bookings.  This
has had a negative impact on turnover.  Overall we believe that our
rationalisation and cost cutting measures have ensured that our sites are
positioned to return to profitability when market conditions improve, and we
hope that a break even position can be achieved in the short term.


As reported in my last statement the previously planned refurbishment and
development of Fishmore Hall is unfortunately no longer moving forward and the
decision to sell the site was taken.  The site is currently being marketed by
two joint agents and we have received an encouraging level of interest and we
hope to be able to announce a sale of this site shortly.


As I commented in my annual statement, the Board had reviewed the need for the
Company to be able to raise finance and the necessary resolutions to reorganise
the share capital were approved at the EGM held on 9 October 2006.  Following
the release of these interim results, the Directors propose to seek further
equity funding to provide working capital for the continuity of the Company
until the trading conditions improve.


Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues and our
dedicated employees for their hard work during these continuing difficult
trading times.



A Baker

Non Executive Chairman

29 November 2006


Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the six months ended 31 October 2006


                            Notes    6 months    6 months        Year
                                        ended       ended       ended
                                   31 October  31 October    30 April
                                         2006        2005        2006
                                  (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited)
                                            �           �           �
Turnover                              375,717     487,603     939,936
Cost of sales                       (269,073)   (372,383)   (739,035)
                                  ----------- ----------- -----------
Gross profit                          106,644     115,220     200,901
Administrative expenses -           (297,969)   (318,711)   (697,748)
Administrative expenses -                   -     (5,816)   (500,000)
                                  ----------- ----------- -----------
Total administrative                (297,969)   (324,527) (1,197,748)
                                  ----------- -----------   -----------         
Operating loss                      (191,325)   (209,307)   (996,847)
Loss on sale of investments                 -    (16,642)    (16,929)
Interest receivable                         -       3,038       4,079
Interest payable                     (67,800)    (74,581)   (138,588)
                                  ----------- ----------- -----------
Loss on ordinary activities         (259,125)   (297,492) (1,148,285)
before taxation                                                      
Taxation                      5             -           -           -
                                  ----------- -----------   -----------         
Loss for period                     (259,125)   (297,492) (1,148,285)
Minority interests                          -      31,521    (66,472)
                                  ----------- ----------- -----------
Retained loss                       (259,125)   (265,971) (1,214,757)
                                  ----------- -----------  -----------          
Basic loss per share          6        (0.71)      (1.24)      (5.04)
                                  ----------- -----------  -----------


The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the losses for the



Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 October 2006


   Note                As at              As at                 As at
                  31 October         31 October         30 April 2006
                        2006               2005             (audited)
                 (unaudited)        (unaudited)                     �
                           �                  �                      


Fixed assets                                                        
Tangible fixed assets             1,995,443   2,846,773    2,005,858
Intangible fixed assets                   -     185,417            -
Investments                               -      34,112            -
                                ----------- -----------  -----------
                                  1,995,443   3,066,302    2,005,858
Current assets                                                      
Stocks                               12,517      22,163       23,378
Debtors                              41,951     110,324       85,687
Investments                         627,260           -      627,260
Cash at bank and in hand              2,617      63,454       31,317
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
                                    684,345     195,941      767,642
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
Amounts falling due within      (2,015,655) (1,341,603)  (1,875,936)
one year                                                            
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
Net current liabilities         (1,331,310) (1,145,662)  (1,108,294)
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
Total assets less current           664,133   1,920,640      897,564
Amounts falling due after                                           
more than one year                                                  
                                  (856,864) (1,295,453)    (831,170)
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
Net (liabilities)/assets          (192,731)     625,187       66,394
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
Capital and reserves                                                
Called up share capital             730,000     430,000      730,000
Share premium                     1,062,364   1,070,364    1,062,364
Profit and loss account         (1,985,095)   (777,184)  (1,725,970)
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
Shareholders' funds           7   (192,731)     723,180       66,394
Minority interests                        -    (97,993)            -
                                ----------- ----------- ------------
Total capital employed            (192,731)     625,187       66,394
                                ----------- ----------- ------------



Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 31 October 2006



                             Notes    6 months    6 months         Year
                                         ended       ended        ended
                                    31 October  31 October     30 April
                                          2006        2005         2006
                                   (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)
                                             �           �            �
Net cash inflow from           8        57,075     334,015      212,542
operating activities                                                   
Return on investments and                                              
servicing of finance                                                   
Interest received                            -       3,038        4,079
Interest paid                         (66,856)    (73,005)    (134,987)
Interest element of finance              (944)     (1,576)      (3,601)
lease rentals                                                          
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------
                                      (67,800)    (71,543)    (134,509)
Capital expenditure and                                                
financial investment                                                   
Payments to acquire tangible          (46,205)   (230,039)    (394,987)
fixed assets                                                           
Proceeds from disposal of                                              
                                             -     219,646      253,471
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow             (56,930)     252,079     (63,483)
before financing                                                       
Issue of ordinary shares for                 -           -      292,000
Issue of minority interest                   -       1,000        1,000
shares for cash                                                        
Repurchase of minority                       -     (2,255)      (2,255)
shares for cash                                                        
Part disposal of minority                    -      24,445       24,445
Capital element of bank loan           (9,535)   (262,500)    (271,563)
Capital element of finance             (5,072)     (4,655)      (9,183)
lease rentals                                                          
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------
(Decrease)/increase in cash    9      (71,537)       8,114     (29,039)
in the period                                                          
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------



Notes to the Interim Report for the six months ended 31 October 2006


1 Accounting policies                                                    
  The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
  applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost          
  convention.  The principal accounting policies of the Company have     
  remained unchanged from those set out in the Company's 2006 annual     
  report and financial statements.                                       


2 Basis of consolidation                                                 
  The consolidated interim financial statements consolidate those of the 
  Company and its subsidiary undertakings.  Intra-group transactions have
  been eliminated in full.                                               


3 Basis of preparation                                                   
  The financial information set out in this report does not constitute   
  statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act      
  1985.  The figures for the year ended 30 April 2006 have been extracted
  from the statutory financial statements, which have been filed with the
  Registrar of Companies.  The auditors' report on those financial       
  statements was unqualified.                                            


4 Dividends                                                          
  No dividend is proposed for the six months ended 31 October 2006.  


5 Taxation                                                               
  On the grounds that year to date losses have been made which are not   
  expected to be relieved in the forthcoming period, there is no taxation
  charged or credited to the profit and loss account in this period.     


6 Loss per share                                                       
  The calculation of the basic loss per share is based on the loss on  
  ordinary activities after tax and minority interests and on the      
  weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.  The   
  impact of share options is anti dilutive.  The loss and weighted     
  average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below: 
                                      Weighted average number          
                                                    of shares          
                                                               Loss per
  Basic earnings per                                                   
  6 months ended 31        (259,125)               36,500,000    (0.71)
  October 2006                                                         
  6 months ended 31        (265,971)               21,500,000    (1.24)
  October 2005                                                         
  Year ended 30 April    (1,214,757)               24,089,041    (5.04)


7 Reconciliation of movements in                                       
  equity shareholders' funds                                           
                                      6 months    6 months         Year
                                         ended       ended        ended
                                    31 October  31 October     30 April
                                          2006        2005         2006
                                   (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)
                                             �           �            �
  Loss on ordinary activities        (259,125)   (265,971)  (1,214,757)
  after taxation                                                       
  Share subscription                         -           -      300,000
  Share subscription costs                   -           -      (8,000)
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------
  Net reduction in shareholders'     (259,125)   (265,971)    (922,757)
  Equity shareholders' funds            66,394     989,151      989,151
  brought forward                                                      
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------
  Equity shareholders' funds at                                        
  the end of the period                                                
                                     (192,731)     723,180       66,394
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------


8 Reconciliation of operating loss                                     
  with net cash flow from                                              
  operating activities                                                 
                                      6 months    6 months         Year
                                         ended       ended        ended
                                    31 October  31 October     30 April
                                          2006        2005         2006
                                   (unaudited) (unaudited)    (audited)
                                             �           �            �
  Operating loss                     (191,325)   (209,307)    (996,847)
  Depreciation, amortisation and        56,620      57,730      621,750
  Decrease in stocks                    10,861       3,034        1,819
  Decrease in debtors                   43,736     473,302      497,939
  Increase in creditors                137,183       9,256       87,881
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------
  Net cash inflow from operating        57,075     334,015      212,542
                                   ----------- ----------- ------------


9 Reconciliation of net cash                                           
  flow to movement in net funds                                        
                                     6 months     6 months         Year
                                        ended        ended        ended
                                   31 October   31 October     30 April
                                         2006         2005         2006
                                  (unaudited)  (unaudited)    (audited)
                                            �            �            �
  Decrease in cash for the           (71,537)        8,114     (29,039)
  Repayment of bank loans               9,535      262,500      271,563
  Repayment of finance lease and        5,072        4,655        9,183
  hire purchase contracts                                              
                                 ------------ ------------ ------------
  Movement in net funds for the      (56,930)      275,269      251,707
  year (note 10)                                                       
  Net funds at the beginning of   (2,042,556)  (2,294,263)  (2,294,263)
  the period                                                           
                                 ------------ ------------ ------------
  Net funds at the end of the     (2,099,486)  (2,018,994)  (2,042,556)
                                 ------------ ------------ ------------


10 Analysis of changes in net                                          
                                        As at    Cash flow        As at                                                                     
                                        1 May                31 October
                                         2006                      2006
                                    (audited)               (unaudited)
                                            �            �            �
   Cash at bank and in hand            31,317     (28,700)        2,617
   Bank overdraft                   (189,118)     (42,837)    (231,955)
   Bank loans                     (1,771,862)        9,535  (1,762,327)
   Loan notes                        (98,000)            -     (98,000)
   Finance leases and hire           (14,893)        5,072      (9,821)
   purchase contracts                                                  
                                 ------------ ------------ ------------
                                  (2,042,556)     (56,930)  (2,099,486)
                                 ------------ ------------ ------------


11 Copies of the Interim Results are available for download from the   
   Company's website at or by request from the       
   Company's registered office, Meriden House, 6 Great Cornbow,        
   Halesowen, West Midlands B63 3AB.                                   




Russell Stevens                                             07860 562621
Chief Executive, Innobox Plc             
Tim Feather                                                0113 246 2611
Hanson Westhouse LLP           



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