RNS Number : 6414H

Induction Healthcare Group PLC

31 July 2023

Induction Healthcare Group PLC

("Induction", the "Company", or the "Group")

FY23 Audited Final Results

Induction (AIM: INHC), a leading digital health platform driving transformation of healthcare systems, announces its audited final results for the year ended 31 March 2023.

Financial Highlights

   --    Revenues up 12.1% to GBP13.6m(1) (proforma 2022: GBP12.1m(2) ) 
   --    Gross margin steady at 63.1% (2022: 63.1%) 

-- Business rightsizing programme completed by year end with projected annual savings of GBP6m compared to FY23

   --    Operating loss narrowed to GBP4.8m(3) (2022: (GBP5.3m)) 
   --    Net cash at the year-end of GBP4.3m (2022: GBP7.5m) 

Operational Highlights

-- Attend Anywhere (video conferencing platform) revenues increase by 9.9% and margins maintained despite competitive pressures.

-- Renewed Attend Anywhere national contracts with NHS Scotland (3 years) and NHS Wales (1 year with option to extend).

-- Zesty patient management platform revenues increase by 50% despite delays in Government funding and NHS Wayfinder programme. More than 1 million UK patients are using Zesty to manage their care.

   --    Completion of NHS Single Sign On and integration of core portal features into the NHS App. 

-- Completed business right sizing and cost reduction programme which puts us on track with our commitment to self-sustaining growth and cash breakeven in 2024. Removed circa GBP6.0m annualized costs.

-- Initiated an integrated product development programme to allow patients and clinicians to use our entire product suite seamlessly, creating a strong platform for future growth.

Post Period End Highlights

-- Paul Tambeau appointed CEO and John McIntosh appointed CFO. Christopher Samler returns to a non-Executive Chair position.

   --    Non-core asset (Switch) sold for a material consideration. 

Paul Tambeau, CEO of Induction Healthcare, said: "We are pleased to report an overall revenue growth rate of over 12% despite market headwinds and at the same time as we completed on significantly rightsizing our cost base. The business is now firmly on a sustainable footing and this, together with our fast-growing patient management platform (Zesty), which grew significantly, indicates that we are well positioned for the coming year."

Note 1: Reported revenue from continuing operations is stated after reclassifying assets held for sale under IFRS5 (Induction Switch and Induction Guidance GBP0.7m). These product assets were held for sale at year end 31 March 2023 and classified under discontinued operations (Total recognised revenue from continuing operations GBP12.9m plus discontinuing operations GBP0.7m was GBP13.6m). Note 2: Reported revenue from customer contracts as at 31 March 2022 is stated after the application of IFRS3 being a fair value adjustment (GBP4.2m) relating to the deferred revenue acquired as part of the Attend Anywhere Pty Limited acquisition in June 2021. Had this adjustment not been applied, pro-forma recognised revenue from customer contracts for the year would have been GBP12.1m compared with the reported figure of GBP7.9m. Note 3: Operating Loss from continuing operations (GBP17.4m) before depreciation GBP0.1m, amortisation GBP4.8m and non-cash impairment GBP7.7m.

Annual Report and Accounts and Notice of AGM

The Annual Report and Accounts and notice of AGM will be available later today on the Company's website: https://inductionhealthcare.com/investors/financial-reports-and-publications/ . Copies of both documents will be posted to shareholders in due course.


 Induction Healthcare Group PLC 
  Christopher Samler, Chair                  +44 (0)7712 194092 
  Paul Tambeau, Chief Executive Officer      +44 (0)7983 104443 
 Singer Capital Markets (Nominated 
  Adviser and Broker)                      +44 (0)20 7496 3000 
 Philip Davies 
  Alaina Wong 
  Jalini Kalaravy 

About Induction - www.inductionhealthcare.com

Induction (AIM: INHC) Induction delivers a suite of software solutions that transforms care delivery and the patient journey through hospital. Our system-wide applications help healthcare providers and administrators to deliver care at any stage remotely as well as face-to-face - giving the communities they serve greater flexibility, control and ease of access. Purpose-built for integration with leading Electronic Medical Record (EMR) platforms, our products offer immediate stand-alone value that becomes even greater when integrated with pre-existing systems.

Used at scale by national and regional healthcare systems, as well non-health government services, our applications are relied upon by hundreds of thousands of clinicians and millions of patients across almost every hospital in the British Isles.

Highlights from Annual Report

Chair's Statement

The year ending March 2023 has been a particularly challenging period for Induction. The Group has faced both market challenges, as the NHS has struggled to come to terms with the new post-Covid reality, and internal challenges precipitated by our own managerial failings. As a Board we recognised and addressed both of these strong headwinds, putting in place a series of measures which have been both painful and absolutely necessary, but which have been vindicated.

Having reached the middle of the first quarter of financial year 2024, it is apparent that the strong medicine we have administered to the business is having a positive impact and, although it is too early to be definitive, the future looks distinctly brighter. Market opportunities are also opening up as Government policy stabilises in the post-Johnson/Truss era.

The lack of healthcare policy consistency immediately post-Covid, as well as the lack of clarity over central funding, characterised most of the financial year. As waiting lists expanded and the Department of Health struggled to line up behind clear, funded policies to address the problem, the previously announced commitments to invest in digital platforms were constantly delayed. As a consequence, expectations of growth, particularly with NHS commissioning groups for our appointment setting platform Zesty were seriously delayed.

By early 2023 it was becoming clear that a more consistent and properly funded digital approach to the challenge of cutting waiting times was emanating from the Department of Health. It is from this revised approach that Induction hopes to benefit from over the coming year and the current indications are positive.

At the same time our expected growth in the Zesty platform has been delayed by policy indecision, so also our video conferencing platform (Attend Anywhere) has come under pricing and competitive pressure from a combination of post-Covid changes in usage patterns, and a more active challenge to our previously strong market position.

Attend Anywhere is a video platform specifically designed for clinicians and hospitals and their patients and has several unique features which directly address these needs. However, these features are costly to support and it is often tempting for hospital trusts to opt for Microsoft Teams or similar which are perceived as being 'free'. Despite these pressures, Attend Anywhere has retained most of its share - retaining NHS Wales, NHS Scotland and many of the English Trusts, demonstrating the benefits of a health-specific application.

As reported at the time, last year's financial audit was severely delayed and this, combined with other key indicators, led the Board to conclude that significant changes were necessary to the management and internal processes of the company.

In December 2022 we replaced the senior management with an interim team - with the Chair stepping into the executive role, Paul Tambeau moving to interim COO and John McIntosh interim CFO position. The Board and the executive moved quickly to stem the cash outflows and to create a sustainable business that would ensure that we have no requirement to come to the market for more cash.

Our previous CEO (James Balmain) moved to a commercial sales position focused on Zesty. This move ideally suited his skills and expertise and his ongoing activity in this role, as well as providing the link between sales and product definition, is proving invaluable.

The 'rightsizing' of Induction necessitated cutting both our ambitions, our activities, and our headcount. We put on hold our ambition to grow by acquisition and at the same time we significantly reduced the breadth of our activities. We cut out non-core activity (i.e. activity that doesn't relate exclusively to secondary healthcare) and set about divesting our non-core assets (the clinical apps comprising Switch and Guidance). At the same time, we reduced our headcount and associated cost base by circa 30%. We also ruthlessly examined our hosting cost base and have seen that cost fall by over 35%. The resulting rightsizing programme has eliminated annualised expenditure of c. GBP6 million, putting the Group on a sustainable footing for the future. All cash costs relating to the Group's restructuring have been fully recognised in the results to 31 March 2023.

The full year results outcome was an EBITDA loss on continuing operations which narrowed to GBP4.8m (2022: GBP5.3m) with the rightsizing process completing in March 2023. To this end the full year results before tax for 31 March 2023 are a watershed, reflecting the impact of certain material non-cash impairment charges. Inclusive of a non-cash impairment charge of GBP7.7m (2022: GBP nil), the Group's loss for the year reached GBP17.4m (2022: Loss GBP8.4m).

These measures were painful on every level, however we now have a sustainable business which is smaller, leaner and significantly more focused. We also have a business which is better able to meet the digital challenges, as well as the opportunities, that the fast-changing NHS presents.

In response to the challenge we faced in the middle of last year we have also sought to enhance our Board - both in terms of people and our processes. To this end we appointed Ian Johnson as our senior non-executive director. Ian has a wealth of experience in the healthcare environment. Meanwhile we said farewell to Leslie-Ann Reed who resigned at the end of her term in October 2023. More recently, and subsequent to the end of the financial year (May 2023), we announced that Hugo Stephenson, a director and founder, resigned at the end of his term. We thank both for their service to Induction. Consistent with our commitment to hire a permanent leadership team, Paul Tambeau (CEO) and John McIntosh (CFO) were appointed to the board on 30 June 2023. At the same time, with the outlook more positive, I stepped back to the non-executive Chair position.

Whilst, as a Board, we know that these changes have been fundamental to a sustainable future, we also know that they would not have been made possible without the drive and support of our leadership teams and all employees - across all the geographies we operate in. As a result of their action and determination we can look forward to significantly improved prospects for 2024 and we genuinely thank them for their part in turning our business around.

Finally, it remains for me to thank our long-suffering shareholders. You have placed your confidence in the Board, the leadership team and in me. I believe that in time we will justify that confidence.

Christopher Samler

Non-executive Chair

CEO Statement

Double Digit Growth

FY23 saw a 12.1% increase in recognized revenue from all operations and 9.7% increase in ARR. Whilst this partly relates to the business being able to recognize a full year of Attend Anywhere revenue, our main growth engine was Zesty, growing from GBP1.5m in FY22 to GBP2.2m in FY23.

In addition to this growth within Zesty, there are a number of Trusts which have purchased Zesty via our partners Oracle Cerner and SystemC for deployment in FY24 but are yet to be recognised as contracted ARR while we finalise flow-through contracting with our partner. Induction also played a leadership role in partnering with the NHS Wayfinder Programme in embedding core Zesty functionality into the NHS App, including single sign-on. This will position Induction well for growth into the future as the NHS seeks to move more patient-facing activities into the NHS App.

With our Attend Anywhere business, we were pleased to renew our national contract with NHS Scotland contract for 3 years, and our NHS Wales national contract for another 1 year, with the option to renew for an additional year. We retained a large proportion of our NHS England contracts despite challenging market conditions.

Market Conditions Impacting Growth

Renewals in our Attend Anywhere business, especially within NHS England, were under pressure as the national funding that supported these contracts during COVID came to an end. This put downward pressure on pricing as Trusts, many of which are already under financial constraint, had to find the budget to fund the renewal. We were successful at renewing 81% of these contracts. With the NHS's national contract with Microsoft, we also saw Trusts looking at Teams as an alternative solution. Whilst Teams doesn't have some of the health-specific capability of Attend Anywhere, such as robust waiting room functionality, we've had to work with Trusts in recognizing the administrative burden this would put on them. Finally, with the health care sector moving to more in-person appointments following COVID, we have seen a decline in usage of video consultations. Our Customer Success team has prioritized getting closer to our customers to help drive utilization and to help generate continuing value for patients and clinicians.

Notwithstanding the strong growth in our Zesty business, there were delays in the NHS Wayfinder program as well as the provision of national funding for Trusts to procure a portal. NHS procurement cycles and processes also factored into our growth in FY23.

Business Rightsizing & Focus

In the last quarter of FY23, we executed a plan to right-size the business and get our costs in check so that Induction was on a more sustainable footing. This involved reducing the Group's headcount (across a mix of employees and contractors) across our global team. It also involved reducing our operating costs, particularly web hosting and professional fees. The result of this program was circa 30% being cut from the c.GBP1.5m monthly operating costs incurred at the beginning of the final quarter of the year.

In completing the restructuring, we also reshaped business processes and provided a much-needed focus to all areas of the Group's operation. The result is a better understanding of the economics of our products and where and how it should be playing to maximize margin. In March 2023, we gained approval of our FY24 Operating Plan and Budget which built on our approach of closely managing costs, focusing on key priorities, and delivering value to the customer.

In focusing the business on our core strategy, we had to look at our product suite. With the development of a new integrated product strategy, our focus going forward will be on supporting the interactions between care teams and patients. That meant we have decided to divest assets that don't align with this strategy, notably Induction Switch and Induction Guidance. The Induction Switch business was subsequently sold for a material undisclosed sum post year end. We also decided to shut down our Booking application since much of this functionality sits within Zesty, and it wasn't generating sufficient revenue to justify significant investments required to upgrade the technology.

Finally, in the short term, we are going to be focused on the UK market. International growth is an important part of the Group's future, but only once we have stabilized the UK business and matured our business operations to take on new territories.

Looking Ahead with Renewed Focus

Within our FY24 Operating Plan, we're going to be focused on executing on 4 Key Goals:

1. To be a profitable and sustainable growing business to deliver our commitments to shareholders. This involves strengthening our sales capabilities and capitalizing on near-term growth opportunities. We are working to industrialise systems and processes within the business to ensure we continue to closely monitor our cost base.

2. To successfully develop our Integrated Product. We are investing in bringing functionality from Zesty, Attend Anywhere and FormBuilder together for customers in a way that enables us to be responsive to customer needs. With these building blocks in place, we will be looking at how we expand our capabilities to meet growing customer needs.

3. To be customer centric and commercial in everything we do. We will get closer to our customers to truly understand their pressures and how we can support them. Our customers also have valuable insight into how our integrated product should develop.

4. To implement and continuously develop an inclusive, performance driven and rewarding employee experience. We are investing in the growth and development of our people as we seek to build a culture where people want to grow their careers.


As we execute on our plan, we believe there are market factors that can generate new growth for the business. Underlying demand for digital healthcare services is growing as the NHS seek to make up for COVID-driven backlogs, while at the same time treating new patients. This has resulted in potential new funding streams from the NHS to tackle these challenges, presenting a strong opportunity for the business going forward.

The NHS continues to prioritize further developments within the NHS App, enabling Induction to become more embedded in the health ecosystem. There is also new funding available to Trusts to procure or enhance their patient portals, which Induction is well positioned to capitalize on.

We're also seeing increasing demand for integrating the capabilities of both our Zesty and Attend Anywhere platforms, creating a better experience for clinicians and patients.

Given the rightsizing changes we have already implemented, and the growth opportunities in front of us, we are confident this puts the Group in a sustainable position.

Paul Tambeau


Financial Review


The twelve months to 31st March 2023 was the first period the Group has benefited from a full year of recognised revenue from its Induction Attend Anywhere acquisition.

Revenue from contracts with customers for the year to 31 March 2023 per table below was GBP13.6m (pro-forma 2022: GBP12.1m). Excluding a non-cash accounting adjustment revenues from all operations grew 12.1% in the year to 31 March 2023.

In our prior year reporting for the twelve months to 31st March 2022 we applied an adjustment to revenues to account for IFRS 3 requirements. Consequently, as a more appropriate year on year comparison, recognised revenue for the year of reporting should be compared with prior year pro-forma full year revenue. This period end also saw our non-core products, Switch and Guidance being put up for sale. These two product assets are classified as discontinued operations on the face of the P&L under IFRS5 - as assets held for sale)

                                         31              31 
                                 March 2023      March 2022 
                                     GBP000          GBP000 
 Revenue analysis 
 Revenues from customer 
  contracts (1)                      13,584          12,116 
 Non-cash IFRS3 adjustment 
  (2)                                  (74)         (4,209) 
-----------------------------  ------------  -------------- 
 Revenue from all operations         13,510           7,907 
                               ------------  -------------- 
 Revenue - Discontinued 
  operations (3)                        627          676(4) 
                               ------------  -------------- 
 Reported revenue 
                               ------------  -------------- 
 Revenue - continuing 
  operations                     12,884 (4)           7,231 
                               ------------  -------------- 

1 Reported revenue from continuing operations is stated after reclassifying assets held for sale under IFRS5 (Induction Switch and Induction Guidance GBP0.6m). These product assets were held for sale at year end 31 March 2023 and classified under discontinued operations (Total recognised revenue from continuing operations GBP12.9m, plus IFRS3 adjustment (GBP0.1m) and discontinued operations GBP0.6m was GBP13.6m, 2022: GBP12.1m).

2 Reported revenue from customer contracts as at 31 March 2022 is stated after the application of IFRS3 being a fair value adjustment (GBP4.2m) relating to the deferred revenue acquired as part of the Attend Anywhere Pty Limited acquisition in June 2021. Had this adjustment not been applied, pro-forma revenues from contracts with customers would have been GBP12.1m.

3 Revenue from product assets (Induction Switch and Induction Guidance) is disclosed under IFRS5 as assets held for sale.

4 After excluding discontinued operations revenue (GBP0.6m). For reference only the comparative recognised 2022 revenue was GBP0.7m.

The majority of the Group's revenue came from Induction Attend Anywhere which has grown by 9.9% to GBP10.8m (2022: GBP9.8m), while revenue from Induction Zesty has leapt to GBP2.2m (2022: GBP1.5m). Induction's other clinical apps (Switch and Guidance) delivered GBP0.6m (2022: GBP0.7m).

The headwinds which curtailed revenue growth in the second half of the year predicated a rightsizing programme to bring the Group's cost base into line with our sustainable revenue growth. The restructuring was completed by year end and all associated costs have been provided for in the year to 31st March 2023.

While focus is on sustainable recognised revenue growth management also takes note of ARR. ARR differs from recognised revenue due to the timing of revenue recognition, which includes amounts for partial years based on contract start dates, whereas ARR is an annualised amount. Recognised revenue also includes non-recurring non-SaaS fees.

ARR from all operations as at 1st April 2023 was GBP13.5m (2022: GBP12.3m). This represented the annualised value of the recurring revenue base that expected to be carried into future periods, and its growth is a forward-looking indication of recurring revenue growth.

Gross profit

Reported Gross profit was GBP8.1 million (2022: GBP5.0 million) with gross margin steady at 63.1% versus prior year reported margin from all operations (2022: 63.1%). Direct costs are predominantly made up of web hosting expenses, sales and delivery staff costs. The year-on-year increase in gross profit is not directly attributable to revenue growth due to the prior year FY22 accounts reporting revenue from customer contracts after IFRS 3 fair value adjustment. Had the prior year IFRS 3 adjustment not been applied prior year Group revenues would have been GBP12.1m on a pro-forma basis. Given the consistent year-on-year gross margin percentage, growth of gross profit is more comparable to recognised revenue growth from customer contracts of 12.1% as described in the Revenue section above.

Capitalised development costs

Development expenses for the year were GBP9.3m (2022: GBP6.0m) an increase of GBP3.3m. The reported cost increase for the year to 31 March 2023 is made up of two components: a lower level of capitalised development cost of GBP2.2m and, an increase of development expenses of GBP1.1m.

Prior year additions to internally generated intangible assets were GBP3.1m reflecting the amount capitalised in the year to 31 March 2022. The comparable figure for the period to 31 March 2023 is GBP0.8m. This capitalised development expense movement has been charged directly to the income statement rather than being capitalised in the year.

In determining the amounts to be capitalised management makes assumptions regarding the percentage of staff time spent on development activities. There is a high level of estimation uncertainty over the estimates, as the ability to reliably track time is inhibited by the time recording method. The nature of the features developed during the year do not meet the criteria for capitalisation under IAS38. This conclusion resulted in costs, which would otherwise have been taken to the balance sheet, being charged directly to the operating costs of the business. As a result of this decision the reported development expenses more closely represent the development cash outflows experienced by the business in the year of reporting.

Impairment charge

Management performed an impairment review as at 31 March 2023 in accordance with IAS 36 'Impairment of assets'. The resulting non-cash impairment charge of GBP7.7m is explained in further detail in note 17 - Goodwill within the financial statements.

Operating expenses

Excluding the adjusting items depreciation, amortisation and share based payments, operating expenses grew by GBP2.4m driven by increased development expenses and restructuring costs.

Core performance measures

Our rightsizing programme resulted in restructuring costs of GBP0.8m being charged to the income statement. By the 31st March 2023 the cost containment action had resulted in monthly cost reductions of the order of GBP0.5m - the equivalent of an annualised GBP6.0m reduction in cash outflow.

The Group's Operating Plan is focused on sustainable growth. Management considers that EBITDA is the key operating metric to measure the Group's performance and progress towards sustainable growth. In addition, the Group also measures and presents performance in relation to various other non-GAAP measures, such as gross margin, and revenue growth. ARR is considered useful to determine long term revenue growth, viewed in the context of sustainable growth.

Adjusted EBITDA results are prepared to provide a more comparable indication of the Group's core business performance by removing the impact of certain items including exceptional items (material and non-operating related costs), and other, non-trading, items that are reported separately. Adjusted results exclude items as set out in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

Adjusted EBITDA loss was GBP3.6m (Re-presented 2022: GBP3.8m).

                                           3 1 /           GBPm 
                                         0 3 / 2   Re-presented 
                                            0 23 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
Loss before tax for the 
 year - all operations                    (18.3)          (9.5) 
Loss from discontinued operations            0.9            0.4 
Loss before tax from continuing 
 operations                               (17.4)          (9.1) 
Add: Impairment losses                       7.7              - 
Add: Depreciation and amortisation           4.9            3.8 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
Operating loss before depreciation, 
 amortisation and impairment               (4.8)          (5.3) 
Adjusted for exceptional 
 and non-cash costs: 
- Acquisition and fundraise 
 related - transaction c 
 o s t s 1                                     -            0.5 
- Other exceptional items1                   0.8            0.4 
- Share based payments (non-cash)            0.4            0.6 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 
Adjusted Operating profit/(loss) 
 before, depreciation, amortisation, 
 impairment and exceptional 
 ("Adjusted EBITDA")                       (3.6)          (3.8) 
Adjusted EBITDA from continuing 
 operations                                (3.6)          (3.8) 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 

(1) Restructuring costs.


Cash as at 31 March 2023 was GBP4.3m (2022: GBP7.5m). As described above, the Leadership Team focused on cost containment and cash conservation during the last quarter of the year. Processes around cash have been revisited to ensure projected business needs are sustainable.

We continue to tightly manage our cost base which, as at 31 March 2023, was reduced by over 30% on a monthly basis from the level at the beginning of 2023.

Going concern

The Group incurred an operating loss on continuing operations of GBP4.8m for the year ended 31 March 2023 (2022 GBP5.3m), however, it had net assets of GBP24.3m inclusive of GBP4.3m of cash and cash equivalents.

Management has performed a going concern analysis as described in the Directors report. The liquidity of the group is judged sufficient to meet the cash needs of the Group as they fall due.

The directors have considered the applicability of the going concern basis in the preparation of the financial statements. This included a review of financial results, internal budgets and cash flow forecasts to 31 October 2024, including downside scenarios.

Assets and Liabilities

Goodwill as at 31 March 2023 of GBP10.7m (2022: GBP19.8m) and intangibles of GBP15.3m (2022: GBP21.0m) are derived from the earlier acquisitions, Attend Anywhere Pty Limited, Zesty Limited and Horizon Strategic Partners Limited. Following a review of the carrying value of the assets a non-cash impairment charge of GBP7.4m has been applied. Refer to note 17 of the financial statements.

Trade Receivables were GBP2.7m (2022: GBP3.3m) reflecting increased collection activity at the period end. Trade payables were GBP2.7m (2022: GBP3.4m) in part reflecting the impact of the right sizing programme reduced monthly costs.


Current tax receivable GBP1.1m (2022: GBP1.2m) consists of Research and Development tax credits due to the Group for current and prior years. Post year end the Group received GBP0.3m of tax R&D reclaim. In spite of the delay to the repayments we expect further receipts in due course after appropriate follow-up.

Loss before tax

The Group net loss before tax was GBP17.4m (2022: loss of GBP9.1 million (re-presented)) the year-on-year change is driven by a non-cash impairment charge of GBP7.7m.

Discontinued operations

During the year ending 31 March 2023 the Group classified the Induction Switch and Induction Guidance products as being held for sale, as a result of a decision to focus on patient facing products in the secondary care market. This resulted in removal of discontinued operations losses of GBP0.8m (for reference: 2022 GBP0.4m) from the Group profit and loss. Refer to note 13 of the financial statements for further details.

Principal risks and uncertainties.

As more fully described in the Directors' Report and notes to the financial statements included in the annual report, the amounts and timing of future revenues remain uncertain. However, the executive has taken significant steps, which we believe mitigate the Group's risks.

John McIntosh

Chief Financial Officer

   Consolidated   Statement    of   Comprehensive   Income 

For the year ended 31 March 2023

                                                                               Notes             2023           2022 
                                                                                                 GBP000         GBP000 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Continuing operations 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Revenue from contracts with customers                                            3               12,884          7,231 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Cost of sales                                                                                   (4,754)        (2,751) 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Gross profit                                                                                      8,130          4,987 
Sales and marketing expenses                                                                    (1,523)        (1,092) 
Administrative expenses                                                                         (6,952)        (7,260) 
Development expenses                                                                            (9,287)        (5,256) 
Impairment losses                                                                  4            (7,748)              - 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Loss from operations                                                                           (17,380)        (9,129) 
Finance income                                                                                        1              1 
Finance expense                                                                                     (7)           (30) 
Loss before tax                                                                                (17,386)        (9,158) 
Tax credit                                                                                          798          1,082 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Loss for the year from continuing operations                                                   (16,588)        (8,432) 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Discontinued operations 
Loss from discontinued operations, net of tax                                                     (795)          (356) 
---------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  -----------------  ------------- 
Loss for the year                                                                              (17,383)        (8,432) 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Other comprehensive income 
Exchange gain s / ( l o s s e s ) arising on translation on 
 foreign operations                                                                               (963)            810 
Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax                                               (963)            810 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Total comprehensive income                                                                     (18,346)        (7,266) 
===============================================================  ===================  =================  ============= 
Loss per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the parent 
Basic                                 6                      (0.19)                      (0.10) 
Diluted                                                      (0.19)                      (0.10) 
Loss per share from continuing operations attributable to the ordinary equity holders of 
 the parent 
Basic                                 6                      (0.18)                      (0.10) 
Diluted                                                      (0.18)                      (0.10) 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 March 2023

                                                                                 2023            2022 
                                                        Notes                     GBP000          GBP000 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                                          9             244 
Intangible assets                                           8                     15,251          20,962 
Goodwill                                                    7                     10,685          19,758 
Deferred tax assets                                                                  556           1,540 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Total non-current assets                                                          26,501          42,504 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Current assets 
Contract assets                                                                    1,228             786 
Trade and other receivables                                                        2,672           3,347 
Current tax receivable                                                             1,175           1,240 
Cash and cash equivalents                                                          4,287           7,496 
Assets held for sale                                                               2,474               - 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Total current assets                                                              11,836          12,869 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Total assets                                                                      38,337          55,373 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Non-current liabilities 
Contract liabilities                                                               3,588             326 
Deferred tax liability                                                             3,870           5,851 
Other financial liabilities                                                           56             128 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Total non-current liabilities                                                      7,514           6,305 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                                           2,713           3,365 
Provisions                                                                           528               - 
Contract liabilities                                                               2,198           2,579 
Current tax payable                                                                    -             789 
Liabilities associated with assets held for sale                                   1,016               - 
Other financial liabilities                                                           72              72 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Total current liabilities                                                          6,527           6,805 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Total liabilities                                                                 14,041          13,110 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Net assets                                                                        24,296          42,263 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 
Share capital                                                                        462             460 
Share premium reserve                                                             41,665          41,665 
Merger reserve                                                                    20,205          20,205 
Foreign exchange reserve                                                           (162)             801 
Other reserves                                                                     1,578           1,405 
Retained earnings                                                               (39,452)        (22,273) 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 
Total equity                                                                      24,296          42,263 
====================================================  =======  =========================  ============== 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

As at 31 March 2023

                      Share            Share           Merger exchange     Other            Retained    Total equity 
                      capital          premium         reserve reserve     reserves         earnings    GBP000 
                      GBP000           GBP000            GBP000 GBP000     GBP000             GBP000 
==================  ==============  ==============  ==================  =============  =============  ============== 
At 31 March 2021 
 and 1 April 2021              210          18,432    10,879       (9)            792       (13,839)          16,465 
income for the 
Loss for the year                -               -         -         -              -        (8,434)         (8,434) 
 gain / (loss) for 
 the year                        -               -         -       810              -              -             810 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
 income for the 
 year                            -               -         -       810              -        (8,434)         (7,624) 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
Transactions with 
recorded directly 
in equity 
Issue of ordinary 
 shares                        179          24,821         -         -              -              -          25,000 
Issue of shares as 
 consideration for 
 a business 
 combination                    71               -     8,928         -              -              -           8,999 
Equity settled 
 payments                        -               -         -         -            613              -             613 
Share-issue costs                -         (1,190)         -         -              -              -         (1,190) 
 of equity                       -           (398)       398         -              -              -               - 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
 contributions by 
 and distributions 
 to owners                     250          23,233     9,326         -            613              -          33,422 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
At 31 March 2022 
 and 1 April 2022              460          41,665    20,205       801          1,405       (22,273)          42,263 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
income for the 
Loss for the year                -               -         -         -              -       (17,383)        (17,383) 
 income / (loss) 
 for the year                    -               -         -     (963)              -              -           (963) 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
 income for the 
 year                            -               -         -     (963)              -       (17,383)        (18,346) 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
Transactions with 
recorded directly 
in equity 
Issue of shares on 
 exercise of 
 payments                        2               -         -         -          (204)            204               2 
Equity settled 
 payments                        -               -         -         -            377              -             377 
 contributions by 
 and distributions 
 to owners                       2               -         -         -            173            204             379 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 
At 31 March 2023               462          41,665    20,205     (162)          1,578       (39,452)          24,296 
==================  ==============  ==============  ========  ========  =============  =============  ============== 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended 31 March 2023

                                                                                             2023            2022 
                                                                                              GBP000          GBP000 
==================================================================   ===============================  ============== 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Loss for the year                                                                           (17,383)         (8,434) 
Adjustments for 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                                    119              28 
Amortisation of intangible fixed assets                                                        4,726           3,785 
Impairment losses on intangible assets                                                         7,748               - 
Finance income                                                                                   (1)             (1) 
Finance expense                                                                                    7              30 
Fair value adjustments on financial liabilities                                                    -               - 
Share-based payment expense                                                                      377             613 
Net foreign exchange l o s s / ( gai n )                                                          63               - 
Income tax charge / (cr edi t)                                                                 (798)         (1,146) 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
                                                                                             (5,142)         (5,125) 
Movements in working capital: 
De c r e a s e / ( I n c r e a s e ) in trade and other receivables 
 and contract assets                                                                             166           1,661 
(Decrease)/Increase in trade and other payables and contract 
 liabilities                                                                                   2,972           1,115 
Interest received                                                                                  1               1 
Interest paid                                                                                    (7)            (30) 
Income taxes received                                                                             65             458 
Income taxes paid                                                                              (863)           (141) 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
Net cash used in operating activities                                                        (2,808)         (2,061) 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
Cash flows from/(used in) investing activities 
Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired                                                    -        (13,486) 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                                                      (17)           (256) 
Payment of software development costs                                                          (810)         (3,090) 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
Net cash used in investing activities                                                          (827)        (16,832) 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
Cash flows from/(used in) financing activities 
Issue of ordinary shares                                                                           2          25,000 
Proceeds on other financial liabilities                                                            -             210 
Share issue costs                                                                                  -         (1,190) 
Repayment of bank borrowings                                                                       -               - 
Payment of lease liabilities                                                                    (72)            (12) 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
Net cash from/(used in) financing activities                                                    (70)          24,008 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
Net cash increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                    (3,705)           5,115 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of year                                             7,496           2,472 
Exchange gain s / ( l o sses ) on cash and cash equivalents                                      496            (91) 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                                               4,287           7,496 
===================================================================  ===============================  ============== 

Notes (forming part of the abridged financial statements)

   1   Basis of preparation 

The preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2023 are an abridged statement of the full Annual Report which was approved by the Board of Directors on 28(th) July 2023. The consolidated financial statements in the full Annual Report are prepared in accordance with UK-adopted International Financial Reporting Standards (' UK-Adopted IFRS'), with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006. The auditor's report on those consolidated financial statements was unqualified, and did not contain statements under section 498(2) or 498(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The preliminary results do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434(3) of the Companies Act 2006. The Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2023 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. The financial information included in this preliminary announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. The annual report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2023 will be made available on the Company's website.

   2   Going concern 

The Group has recognised total revenues during the year of GBP13.6m (2022: GBP7.9m) and had cash balances at 31 March 2023 of GBP4.3m (2022: GBP7.5m) with cash outflows from operating activities during the year of GBP2.8m (2022: GBP2.1m).

During the year ended 31 March 2023, the Group successfully completed a rightsizing programme, estimated to deliver c. 30% reduction in costs.

In assessing the appropriateness of the going concern assumption, the Board of Directors ("the Directors") has reviewed the ability to continue operating over the period to 30 June 2025 ("the going concern period"). The Directors have also reviewed other relevant information, together with considering scenarios with adverse impacts across the Group's principal risks relating to: revenue reductions from either non-renewals of major contracts with customers or downward price pressures; non-materialisation of forecast sales to new customers and delays in securing new contracts with customers resulting in delayed cash inflows. These risks are further connected to macro-economic conditions and the UK government's fiscal policy, in particular the funding and support to the group's customers which are primarily NHS Trusts and other government bodies. The Directors determined that the forecast period extends to 30 June 2025 to take into account the operating cycle of the group, which sees significant contract renewals in March 2025, with cash inflows received in April and May 2025.

The Directors' cash inflows under the base case of going concern assessment assumes all existing customer contracts with major customers will be renewed when they come due within the forecast period at the same contract terms. It also includes assumptions regarding growth in revenues due to new customer contracts, and growth in revenues due to sales of new products to existing customers. The base case going concern assessment cash outflows allows investment in the full range of planned market and product development activities, through increased employee-related and other spend to achieve revenue targets over this forecast period.

The Directors have considered a severe but plausible downside scenario whereby the Group is impacted by: reductions in revenue arising from either non-renewals of some major customer contracts or downward price pressure; non-materialisation of some forecast sales to new customers and three to six-month delays in securing some contracts with new customers resulting in delays in SaaS revenues and cash inflows, with associated reductions in incremental costs directly linked to revenue generation. The severe but plausible downside scenario has indicated that cash balances are their lowest in April 2024 before increasing again in May 2024 in line with the Group's operating cycle. At this low point, cash balances remain positive. Under a more severe scenario, the Directors believe they can timeously respond to decreases in cash inflows by taking mitigating actions to reduce costs. These include but are not limited to; delays in hiring new employees; delays in hiring new contractors; and reducing discretionary spend through, for example, reducing professional and consulting expenditure and contractor costs.

In determining that there is no material uncertainty related to going concern, the Directors have applied significant judgement regarding renewals of existing contracts with major customers, in particular NHS customers. The Directors have made this judgement after considering the UK budget announcement in November 2022. Whilst there remains uncertainty as to the specifics of the NHS funding plan following the budget announcement, the Directors note that NHS funding generally was increased and there was a focus on NHS efficiency, which the Group's products / services are designed to assist with.

Therefore, the Directors believe that the judgement they have made is appropriate based upon information available at that point.

After due consideration, the Directors have concluded that there is a reasonable expectation that the Group and Company have adequate resources to meet their liabilities as they fall due for the period to 30 June 2025, and therefore these financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis.

   3   Revenue 

During the year ended 31 March 2023, the Group classified the Induction Switch and Induction Guidance products as disposal groups held for sale (refer Note 13). Consequently, revenues from contracts with customers arising from these products have been presented as part of results from discontinued operations. Revenues as presented in this note include only revenues from continuing operations, and comparative amounts for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to exclude the impact of discontinued operations.

The following is an analysis of the Group's revenue for the year from continuing operations:

                                                                                  2023           2022 
                                                                                GBP000         GBP000 
=============================================================================  =======  ============= 
Provision of software (including set-up services of GBP0.1m (2022: GBP0.2m))    11,703          6,711 
Post-contract support and maintenance                                              258            217 
Text message revenue                                                               431            303 
=============================================================================  =======  ============= 
Professional services                                                              492              - 
=============================================================================  =======  ============= 
Total revenue from contracts with customers                                     12,884          7,231 
=============================================================================  =======  ============= 

Revenue from the provision of software of GBP11.7m (2022: GBP6.7m) is shown after IFRS 3 related adjustments of GBP0.07m (2022: GBP4.2m)). This includes GBP0.05m related to Induction Zesty (2022: GBP0.07m) and GBP0.02m related to Induction Attend Anywhere (2022: GBP4.2m). As a result of applying IFRS 3 in accounting for acquisitions, the Group is required to determine the fair value of all acquired assets and liabilities. This includes determining the fair value of the contract liabilities ("deferred income") of the acquiree.

The following is an analysis of revenue from continuing operations by country of destination:

                                                 2023           2022 
                                               GBP000         GBP000 
============================================  =======  ============= 
United Kingdom                                 12,884          7,231 
Europe                                              -              - 
United States                                       -              - 
Rest of World                                       -              - 
============================================  =======  ============= 
Total revenue from contracts with customers    12,884          7,231 
============================================  =======  ============= 

Revenue from the United Kingdom of GBP12.8m (2022: GBP7.2m) is shown after IFRS 3 related adjustments of GBP0.07m (2022: GBP4.2m).

   4   Expenses by nature for continuing operations 

The following represents expenses incurred during the year, by nature. These amounts exclude the results of discontinued operations, which are presented separately in Note 13.

                                                                       2023     2022 
                                                                     GBP000   GBP000 
==================================================================  =======  ======= 
Employee costs                                                        9,630    7,859 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                           119       29 
Amortisation of intangible assets                                     4,514    3,785 
Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets                          7,748        - 
Contractors' costs                                                    2,756    2,366 
Acquisition related transaction costs                                     -      423 
Fundraise related transaction costs recognised in profit and loss         -      108 
Professional and legal fees                                             512      459 
Research and development expense capitalised                          (805)  (3,090) 
Share-based payment charge                                              377      613 

5 Employee benefit expenses for continuing operations

The following represents employee benefit expenses from continuing operations.

                                                               2023  2022 
                                                             GBP000   GBP000 
==========================================================  =======  ======= 
Employee benefit expenses (including directors) comprise: 
Wages and salaries                                            6,934    5,735 
Social security costs                                           801      551 
Defined contribution pension cost                               359      309 
Share-based payment expenses                                    361      613 
Other employee benefits                                       1,175      651 
==========================================================  =======  ======= 
Total employee benefit expense                                9,630    7,859 
==========================================================  =======  ======= 
   6   Loss per share 

6.1 Basic loss per share

                                                                                        2023    2022 
                                                                                         GBP     GBP 
====================================================================================  ======  ====== 
From continuing operations attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Group   (0.18)  (0.10) 
====================================================================================  ======  ====== 
Total basic loss per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Group   (0.19)  (0.10) 
====================================================================================  ======  ====== 

6.2 Diluted loss per share

                                                                                          2023    2022 
                                                                                           GBP     GBP 
======================================================================================  ======  ====== 
From continuing operations attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Group     (0.18)  (0.10) 
======================================================================================  ======  ====== 
Total diluted loss per share attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Group   (0.19)  (0.10) 
======================================================================================  ======  ====== 

6.3 Reconciliation of loss used in calculating loss per share

                                                                   2023                      2022 
                                                                 GBP000                    GBP000 
======================================================  ===============  ======================== 
Loss attributable to the ordinary equity holders of the Group used in calculating basic loss 
 share and diluted loss per share: 
From continuing operations                                     (16,588)                   (8,076) 
From discontinued operations                                      (795)                     (356) 
======================================================  ===============  ======================== 
                                                               (17,383)                   (8,432) 
======================================================  ===============  ======================== 

6.4 Weighted average number of shares used as the denominator

                                                                                              2023          2022 
                                                                                            number        number 
====================================================================================  ============  ============ 
Shares in issue at the beginning of the period                                          92,050,727      42,050,728 
Shares issued                                                                                    -      35,714,285 
Issue of ordinary shares on exercise of equity settled share-based payments                329,573               - 
Shares issued on business combination                                                            -      14,285,714 
===================================================================================  =============  ============== 
Issued ordinary shares as at the end of the period                                      92,380,300      92,050,727 
===================================================================================  =============  ============== 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares used as the denominator in calculating 
 basic loss 
 share                                                                                  92,370,367    82,461,686 
====================================================================================  ============  ============ 

7 Goodwill

7.1 Carrying amount of goodwill

The following represents the carrying value of goodwill as at 31 March 2023.

                            2023  2022 
                          GBP000   GBP000 
=======================  =======  ======= 
Cost                      18,164   20,175 
Accumulated impairment   (7,479)    (417) 
=======================  =======  ======= 
                          10,685   19,758 
=======================  =======  ======= 

The following reconciles goodwill at the beginning and end of the period.

                                                            2023  2022 
                                                          GBP000   GBP000 
=======================================================  =======  ======= 
At 1 April                                                20,175    9,790 
Additions as a result of business combinations                 -   10,012 
Transferred to assets of disposal groups held for sale   (1,553)        - 
Translation differences                                    (458)      373 
=======================================================  =======  ======= 
At 31 March                                               18,164   20,175 
=======================================================  =======  ======= 
Accumulated impairment 
At 1 April                                                   417        - 
Impairment charge                                          7,758      417 
Transferred to assets of disposal groups held for sale     (696)        - 
=======================================================  =======  ======= 
At 31 March                                                7,479      417 
=======================================================  =======  ======= 

The net carrying value of goodwill transferred to assets of disposal groups held for sale was GBP0.8m. During the year ended 31 March 2023, the Group classified the Induction Switch and Induction Guidance CGU's as disposal groups held for sale, refer to Note 13. As a result, goodwill balances relating to these CGU's have been reclassified to assets held for sale, after the impairment losses detailed below were recognized.

7.2 Allocation of goodwill to cash generating units

Goodwill is allocated to the Group's cash generating unit as follows:

                               2023  2022 
                             GBP000   GBP000 
==========================  =======  ======= 
Induction Attend Anywhere     9,928   10,385 
Induction Zesty                 757    8,237 
Induction Guidance                -    1,136 
Induction Switch                  -        - 
==========================  =======  ======= 
                             10,685   19,758 
==========================  =======  ======= 

The Attend Anywhere CGU consists of the assets and cash flows related to the Attend Anywhere video consultation product. The Zesty CGU consists of the assets and cash flows related to the Zesty patient portal product. The Induction Guidance CGU consists of the assets and cash flows related to the Induction Guidance product line (formerly MicroGuide, acquired as part of the acquisition of Horizon Strategic Partners). The Induction Switch CGU consists of the assets and cash flows related to the Induction Switch app.

Goodwill in relation to the Induction Guidance and Induction Switch CGU's have been re-classified to assets of disposal groups held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 "Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations.


8 Intangible assets

                                                          Trade name Users Technology Total 
                                                                GBP000 GBP000 GBP000 GBP000 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
At 31 March 2021                                              633   1,426    6,446    8,505 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
Additions - internally developed                                -       -    3,090    3,090 
Acquired through business combinations                          -   7,713    7,480   15,193 
Translation differences                                         -     321      398      719 
At 31 March 2022                                              633   9,460   17,414   27,507 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
Additions - internally developed                                -       -      809      809 
Transferred to assets of disposal groups held for sale      (264)   (919)  (1,024)  (2,207) 
Translation differences                                         -   (394)    (556)    (950) 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
At 31 March 2023                                              369   8,147   16,643   25,159 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
Accumulated amortisation and impairment 
At 31 March 2021                                               83     265    2,273    2,621 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
Charge for the year                                            61   1,067    2,658    3,786 
Translation differences                                         -      54       83      137 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
At 31 March 2022                                              144   1,386    5,014    6,544 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
Charge for the year                                            62   1,620    3,034    4,716 
Transferred to assets of disposal groups held for sale      (102)   (355)    (513)    (970) 
Translation differences                                         -   (395)       13   ( 382) 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
At 31 March 2023                                              104   2,256    7,548    9,908 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
Net book value 
At 31 March 2022                                              489   8,074   12,400   20,963 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
At 31 March 2023                                              265   5,891    9,095   15,251 
=======================================================  ========  ======  =======  ======= 
   9   Events after the reporting date 

On the 30th June 2023 the Group announced the completion of the sale of Switch, a directory app, for an undisclosed sum. This is in line with the previously announced strategy to focus on sustainable growth and allows additional cost savings to be applied. The revenues of Switch are disclosed as part of the discontinued operations.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 31, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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