RNS Number:6986Q
Forth Ports PLC
11 September 2000


Forth Ports today announces interim results for the six months ended 30th
June, 2000.  The Group owns and operates seven major commercial ports in the
UK.  In addition, Forth has significant property interests which it continues
to develop as part of its ongoing effort to improve shareholder returns.

Financial Highlights

*     Turnover of #50.9 million (1999: #51.9 million)

*     Operating profit up 5% to #15.4 million (1999: #14.6 million)

*     Record pre-tax profit of #12.9 million (1999: #12.5 million)

*     Underlying earnings per share:  20.9p (1999: 20.2p)

*     60% increase in interim dividend to 9.0p (1999: 5.6p)

Operational and Strategic Highlights

*     Strong performance from all major ports - Ports operating profit rising 
      by Over 12% during the period

*     Valuation of development and investment properties - Open Market Value
      of #150.3m representing an asset value of 314 pence per share

*     Completion of strategic review to examine options to accelerate the
      realisation of shareholder value

Christopher Collins, Chairman of Forth Ports, commented:

"After a good first half performance, the Company is in a strong position to
move forward in the second half.  With the growing ports' business and a
valuable, appreciating property portfolio, the future is viewed with

"Looking forward, the Board recognises that the current level of gearing is
capable of being increased.  Subject to the ongoing requirements for finance,
including capital expenditure and potential acquisitions, it is the Board's
intention to crystallise value by returning to shareholders proceeds from the
disposal of development property assets and further to free funds for
shareholders by increasing the gearing of the Company in order to fund a share
buyback programme."


Alistair Fleming, Chief Executive Forth Ports PLC Tel:         020 7404 5959
Wilson Murray,  Finance Director                                 on 11.09.00

Katharine Sharkey/ Kate Miller    Brunswick               Tel: 020 7404 5959

Forth Ports PLC is now on the WEB at:  www.forthports.co.uk


Following my appointment as Chairman on 1st August, I am pleased to present
the results of the Board's Strategic Review and these interim results.

Strategic Review

The Company was approached by Duke Street Capital in late May to explore the
possibility of taking the Company private at a price in the region of #7.50
per share.  The approach was highly conditional and was rejected by the Board
as in its opinion, and that of its Advisers, Credit Suisse First Boston, it
undervalued the Company.

On 10th July, 2000 the Company announced it was examining options to
accelerate the realisation of shareholder value.  An integral part of this
review has been a valuation of the Group's development and investment property
by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung, Chartered Surveyors ("DTZ").

Looking forward, the Board recognises that the current level of gearing is
capable of being increased. Subject to the ongoing requirements for finance,
including capital expenditure and potential acquisitions, it is the Board's
intention to crystallise value by returning to shareholders proceeds from the
disposal of development property assets and further to free funds for
shareholders by increasing the gearing of the Company in order to fund a share
buyback programme.

In addition, as part of its commitment to shareholder value, the Board has
continued to explore the possible sale of the Company but, to date, the
indications of value have not been satisfactory.

Development of Property Interests

Since the Company was floated in 1992, it has sought to maximise the
utilisation of its assets in its port operations and to develop its extensive
non-port property interests.  This has resulted in significant development in
Leith and more recently in Dundee and Tilbury.

The Company expects to achieve a steady profit stream from land sales and
property development.  Recent sales have been at prices which have
consistently exceeded expectations.

Plans are well advanced to develop a number of other properties including
retail and residential at Dundee, (60,000 sq.ft. of retail space opening in
October), the construction of the Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre in Leith and
a major distribution park on the Fortress Land at Tilbury.

Property Valuation

The Board commissioned a formal property valuation of its development and
investment properties.  DTZ have undertaken a valuation based on:  Open Market
Value ("OMV") and a Calculation of Worth ("CoW").  The purpose of the Company
requesting this additional calculation is in order to appraise shareholders
more fully of the development potential of the properties in the portfolio. 
The OMV basis is an opinion of the best price at which the sale of an interest
in the property could have been completed unconditionally for a cash
consideration on the date of the valuation.  The CoW basis is an estimate at a
stated date of the net monetary worth to the Company of the developments upon
completion, after taking account of the estimated costs of completion and the
time cost of money.  In both cases, no adjustment has been made to reflect any
liability to taxation that may arise on disposal.  The valuation and CoW were
carried out as at 1st August, 2000 and gave figures for the two bases as
follows:  OMV - #150.3m;  CoW - #204.7m.  This represents an asset value of
314 pence per share and 427 pence per share respectively.

The DTZ valuation and CoW did not include either the existing operational port
land or the port tenanted properties; the latter will be revalued at the end
of this year as part of the normal five yearly valuation.  Appendix A to this
Statement sets out supporting information concerning DTZ's valuation and CoW.

Dividend Policy

The Board has reviewed the dividend policy as part of the overall strategic
review.  The Company has consistently increased its dividend year on year (at
a compound rate of nearly 16% since 1992).  It has now been decided that a
lower level of dividend cover can be sustained by such a reliably progressive
cash generative business.  Accordingly, the dividend policy is to pay
dividends which are twice covered based on a tax charge at the standard rate
of corporation tax.  Therefore, an interim dividend of 9 pence net per share,
an increase of over 60%, will be paid on 3rd November, 2000, to shareholders
on the Register as a 13th October 2000.  The weighting of the interim and
final dividend will remain broadly one third payable as an interim and the
balance as the final dividend.

Half Year Review

The half year has been successful.  Pre-tax profit increased to a record
#12.9m (1999 - #12.5m).  During the first half year turnover from port
operations increased by nearly 5% to reach nearly #50m with operating profits
increasing by over 12% to nearly #14.7m (1999 - #13m).  The major ports all
performed well during the first half of 2000.  As expected, turnover from the
property division was lower and amounted to #1.3m compared with #4.4m for the
equivalent period in 1999.  During the previous four years, our interim
pre-tax profits have increased from #8.2m to #12.9m, a compounded annual
growth rate of 12%.

Review of Ports' Business

Dry cargo tonnage increased to 6.6 million tonnes compared with 6.2 million
tonnes, an increase of over 6%. The piped cargo tonnages fell from 21.5
million tonnes to 20.0 million tonnes, most of which was accounted for by a
reduction in tonnage through the Hound Point Marine Terminal.

Scottish Ports

Trading at Grangemouth was particularly encouraging.  Most major cargoes
showed increases in tonnage over 1999 with LPG tonnages up 50% at 263,000
tonnes, containers up 13% at over 35,000 boxes (a record performance) and
forest products up 29% at 130,000 tonnes.  Steel traffic, after two
particularly good years, was affected by a down-turn in business from Corus.

The Port of Leith recorded a modest improvement in tonnages with good
increases in piped cargo and cement.  The tonnage from British Pipe Coaters
increased during the first half but was still at a relatively low level.  The
new aggregates traffic contributed a volume of just over 30,000 tonnes in the
first half of the year.  The extended Seament facility has been completed and
is now in operation.  The new manufacturing facility built by VA Tech Limited
commenced operations this month.

Dundee had another good half year with dry cargo tonnages increasing by 8% to
over 300,000 tonnes. Forest products recorded a 17% increase to reach over
151,000 tonnes.  The port has recently been selected as home port for a
Halliburton Oil Well Services vessel.  In July, the port officially took over
its new pilot boat, "Taybird", built at a cost of over #400,000.

As part of the acquisition of Rosyth in March this year, we became the
landlord to several MOD tenanted warehouses.  An agreement has now been
reached whereby the MOD will continue to lease a major warehouse from us at
the port for a further three years.  There continues to be a high degree of
interest in the port from potential customers.  Timber traffic has seen a 49%
increase in tonnage.  Fortunes at the other Fife Ports were mixed. Methil
tonnages declined by 9% half year on half year.  At Burntisland, the pattern
of shipping has changed with fewer, larger ships bringing in bauxite to the
port.  As a result, port tonnages at the half year are down by 17% at just
under 110,000 tonnes.  However, the annual tonnage is expected to be in line
with 1999.


Our change in the port management structure to highlight specific asset areas
has continued to provide focus to the port and has resulted in an improved
half year performance.

Total volume at Tilbury increased to over 4.8 million tonnes at the half year,
an increase of nearly 8%.  In particular, the Finnish terminal saw tonnages
increase to over 460,000 tonnes, grain tonnages increased by 21% to 673,000
tonnes and the tonnages of scrap and cement also showed excellent increases.

In the first quarter, we invested #4.5m on the purchase of eleven new Nelcon
straddle carriers to provide our short-sea container division with robust new
equipment to increase the capacity of the terminal.  The speed and reliability
of the new equipment is already showing through in terms of increased
efficiency and reduced maintenance costs at the terminal.  We have completed
the erection of an additional 20,000 tonnes of silo capacity at the grain
terminal at a cost of over #3m and this facility is now in full operation.

We are close to receiving revised planning approval to carry out the
infrastructure works on the Fortress Distribution Park at Tilbury where we are
currently in negotiations to build and lease a 200,000 sq.ft. warehouse to a
port customer.  Discussions are at an early stage with a potential customer
for a Regional Distribution Centre in the same development.


Over the last twelve months, there has been a marked increase in the interest
in, and the value of, the land with development potential which we have
available at Leith.  As part of our overall masterplan for the non-operational
areas of the port, surplus sites were identified and reclassified in
accordance with market demand and planning guidelines.  With the increasing
awareness of the different developments being carried out and proposed within
Leith, such as Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre, land values are rising.

In April, Stewart Milne Homes submitted a detailed planning application in
respect of the Ocean Heights site at Leith.  Our joint venture with Morrison
Homes at Newhaven received planning approval in May for the construction of 71
flats. In July, another joint venture with Morrison Homes on the Queens Quay
site at Leith received planning approval for 104 flats.  We have also received
an offer to purchase land surrounding our Head Office building which should
generate a significant profit over the next few years as the development

The two outline planning applications which we submitted to the City of
Edinburgh Council covering Granton and Newhaven have now been joined by two
further developments put forward by British Gas and the Council itself on
surrounding land.  The whole area around Granton in particular is the subject
of a major multi-million pound regeneration scheme being promoted by the
Council.  This augurs well for our own development.

Our other joint venture housing developments with Morrison Homes at Kirkcaldy
and Dundee are making good progress.  At Kirkcaldy, three blocks have already
been built and the show flat is about to open.  At Dundee, planning approval
has been received for 250 flats.  Construction is expected to start towards
the end of the year with a build out over the next three years.

We have recently sold the former hotel site at Leith for a major office
development at a value significantly higher than that for hotel use and in
line with the DTZ valuation for this property asset.

Within the next month, our new development of Factory Outlet Shopping at City
Quay Dundee will be open.  The conversion of the old listed warehouses with
new glass frontages, together with a new decked area which has been built out
over the Victoria Dock, looks striking.  The rents from this development will
be a good contributor to profits from next year.

Construction of the Ocean Terminal Shopping Centre continues to make good
progress and is on target for opening in Autumn 2001.  Significant interest is
being shown by prospective tenants as we move towards the final twelve months
of construction.


Shareholders' funds at 30th June 2000 rose by #6m to #166m.  During the six
months to 30th June 2000, the operating cash inflow amounted to #16.5m (1999 -
#14.9m).  Capital expenditure amounted to #17m, all of which related to the
ports' business.  In addition, the increase in work in progress of nearly #7m
related principally to the construction of the City Quay Retail Development at
Dundee.  Our current expectation is that a slightly lower level of spend on
capital expenditure will be seen in the second half of the year.  During the
period under review, we invested a further #4.6m in the Ocean Terminal joint
venture with Bank of Scotland.

The net interest charge for the half year amounted to #2.5m (1999 - #2.1m).
This increase reflects the increased level of indebtedness during the first
half of 2000 compared with the first half of 1999.  As a result, the gearing
level of the Company (that is the amount of net debt expressed as a percentage
of shareholders' funds) amounted to 48% (1999 - 43%).  At this level of
gearing, the Company has capacity to increase its borrowings to fund a share
buyback programme.

It is estimated that the effective rate of tax in 2000 will be 23% (1999 -
23.6%).  This year sees the final year in which the tax losses available to
Port of Tilbury London Limited will be fully utilised.  As it is almost
certain that the new Accounting Standard on Deferred Tax will apply in 2001,
the tax charge for that year will be at the standard rate.

A Triennial Valuation of the Tilbury Pension Fund is nearing completion. It is
expected that there will be a shortfall in the Pension Fund which will require
to be considered by the Board this year and incorporated in the full year


There should be continuing growth at Grangemouth where we expect a significant
increase in container boxes through the port as a result of the recent BP
Chemicals expansion.  British Pipe Coaters have won three contracts which will
see a much improved performance from that customer towards the end of this
year and on into next.  At Tilbury, there are further exciting opportunities
to grow our existing business.  On the property front, we will continue to
carry out the necessary infrastructure work required to add even more value to
the various development sites in and around Leith and Tilbury.

After a good first half performance, the Company is in a strong position to
move forward in the second half.  With the growing ports' business and a
valuable, appreciating property portfolio, the future is viewed with

Christopher Collins

11th September 2000


                                          Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                           6 months   6 months       year
                                                 to         to         to
                                            30.6.00    30.6.99   31.12.99
                                    Notes      #000       #000       #000
Group and share of joint ventures       1                                
- continuing operations                      51,162     52,075    108,735
Less:  share of joint ventures                                           
turnover                                      (266)      (148)      (385)
Group turnover                               50,896     51,927    108,350
Group operating profit                                                   
Continuing operations                        14,316     13,505     31,344
Share of operating profit in                                            
- joint ventures                                204         95        266
- associates                                    862      1,017      1,997
Profit on ordinary activities                                            
before interest                              15,382     14,617     33,607
Net interest payable                          2,463      2,139      4,054
Profit on ordinary activities           1                                
before taxation                              12,919     12,478     29,553
Taxation (estimated)                    2     2,971      2,880      6,976
Profit for the period                                                    
attributable to shareholders                  9,948      9,598     22,577
Proposed dividend                             4,272      2,640      8,376
Retained profit for group and its                                        
share of joint ventures                                                  
 and associates                               5,676      6,958     14,201
Basic earnings per share                3     20.9p      20.2p      47.4p
Diluted earnings per share              3     20.8p      20.1p      47.3p
Underlying earnings per share           3     20.9p      20.2p      47.4p
Dividend per share                             9.0p       5.6p      17.6p
There were no discontinued                                               
operations during the period.
The results of the business
acquired during the period are
not material.
                                          Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited
                                           6 months   6 months       Year
                                                 to         to         to
                                            30.6.00    30.6.99   31.12.99
                                               #000       #000       #000
Statement of Total Recognised                                            
Gains and Losses
Profit for the period                         9,948      9,598     22,577
Gain on disposal of shares within                                        
   Employee Share Option Plan                    22          2          5
Currency translation differences                                         
on foreign currency net investments               9        (7)       (74)
Total recognised gains and losses                                        
relating to the period                        9,979      9,593     22,508
Prior year adjustment - FRS 12                    -      2,943      2,943
Total gains and losses recognised                                        
since 1st January 2000                        9,979     12,536     25,451


                                   Unaudited    Unaudited         Audited
                                          at           at              At
                                     30.6.00      30.6.99        31.12.99
                                        #000         #000            #000
Fixed assets                                                            
Tangible assets                      225,552       209,507       213,099
Investments in joint ventures:                                          
                                    --------    ----------    ----------
   Share of gross assets              23,013        11,294        15,894
   Share of gross liabilities         17,166        11,316        10,096
                                   ---------    ----------    ----------
                                       5,847          (22)         5,798
Investments in associates and          3,878         2,823         3,568
own shares held (ESOP)
                                     235,277       212,308       222,465
Current assets                                                          
Stocks and work in progress           13,343         8,560         6,706
Debtors                               37,791        35,956        32,375
Cash at bank and on deposit            4,838         2,602         3,123
                                      55,972        47,118        42,204
Creditors:  amounts falling due                                         
within one year                       35,131        36,859        32,246
Net current assets                    20,841        10,259         9,958
Total assets less current                                               
liabilities                          256,118       222,567       232,423
Creditors:  amounts falling due                                         
after more than one year              81,258        61,230        63,115
Provisions for liabilities and                                          
charges                                3,359         2,532         3,393
Deferred income                        5,669         5,870         5,790
Net assets                           165,832       152,935       160,125
Equity shareholders' funds           165,832       152,935       160,125


                                      Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited
                                       6 months    6 months         year
                                     to 30.6.00  to 30.6.99  to 31.12.99
                                           #000        #000         #000
Net cash inflow from operating            16,510    14,858        48,886
Dividend received from associated                                       
company                                      115         -             -
Returns on investments and                                              
servicing of finance
Interest received                            247       171           468
Interest paid                            (2,545)   (2,093)       (4,181)
Interest element of finance lease                                       
rentals                                     (27)       (4)          (93)
Net cash outflow from returns on                                        
investments and servicing of                                            
finance                                  (2,325)   (1,926)       (3,806)
UK tax paid                              (1,886)   (1,426)       (8,474)
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings        (231)         -             -
Cash acquired with subsidiary                                           
undertakings                                 468         -             -
Net cash inflow from acquisitions            237         -             -
Capital expenditure and investing                                       
Purchase of tangible fixed assets       (17,069)  (15,056)      (26,652)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                  1       904         2,009
Investment in associated companies          (10)         -      (10,047)
Sale of fixed asset investments               46         3             6
Loan to joint venture company            (4,600)         -       (1,500)
Net cash outflow for capital                                            
and investing activities                (21,632)  (14,149)      (36,184)
Equity dividends paid                    (5,711)   (5,236)       (7,895)
Cash outflow before financing           (14,692)   (7,879)       (7,473)
Issue of ordinary shares less                  -        22            33
Net new loans/increase in                                               
utilisation of revolving credit                                         
facility                                  18,000     9,000        57,500
Net repayment of loans                         -   (1,000)      (49,000)
Loan notes repaid                        (1,482)   (2,080)       (2,263)
Principal payments under finance           (111)      (15)         (228)
Net cash inflow from financing            16,407     5,927         6,042
Increase/(decrease) in cash                1,715   (1,952)       (1,431)
Reconciliation to net debt                                              
Net debt at 1st January                 (65,262)  (57,822)      (57,822)
Increase/(decrease) in cash                1,715   (1,952)       (1,431)
Movement in borrowings                  (16,407)   (5,905)       (6,009)
Net debt at period end                  (79,954)  (65,679)      (65,262)


Reconciliation of Operating Profit to

Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities

                                      Unaudited   Unaudited       Audited
                                       6 months    6 months          Year
                                     to 30.6.00  to 30.6.99   to 31.12.99
                                           #000        #000          #000
Operating profit                          14,316     13,505        31,344
Depreciation on tangible fixed                                           
assets                                     3,777      3,987         7,267
Unrealised profit eliminations                 -          -         4,278
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed                                       
assets                                         1         10             4
Gain on disposal of fixed asset                                          
investments                                 (22)        (2)           (5)
Release of deferred income - grants        (121)      (188)         (268)
Goodwill written off on investments            6          -             1
(Increase)/decrease in stock and                                         
WIP                                      (6,239)      1,123         2,977
(Increase)/decrease in amounts owed                                      
by joint ventures and associated                                              
  undertakings                             (194)          -         4,054
Increase in other debtors                                                
categories                                 (620)    (4,273)       (3,238)
Increase in creditors                      5,640        757         2,456
(Decrease)/increase in provisions           (34)       (61)            16
Net cash inflow from operating                                           
activities                                16,510     14,858        48,886

Analysis of Changes in Net Debt

                                            Cash    non-cash             
                           At 1.1.00        flow     changes   At 30.6.00
                                #000        #000        #000         #000
Cash at bank and on                                                      
deposit                        3,123       1,715           -        4,838
Debt due within one                                                      
year                         (5,042)       1,482         250      (3,310)
Debt due outwith one                                                     
year                        (62,500)    (18,000)       (250)     (80,750)
Finance leases                 (843)         111           -        (732)
Total net debt              (65,262)    (14,692)           -     (79,954)

The #250,000 change represents the revised repayment date for the ESOP loan


1. The analysis by class of business of the Group's turnover, profit before
   taxation and net assets is set out below:

                                       Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited
                                        6 months    6 months        year
                                      to 30.6.00  to 30.6.99          to
                                            #000        #000        #000
    Port operations                       49,914      47,679      98,123
    Investment property and                                             
    property development                                         
    - group                                  982       4,248      10,227
    - joint ventures                         266         148         385
                                          51,162      52,075     108,735
    Profit on ordinary activities                                       
    before taxation
    Port operations                       14,664      13,037      28,556
    Investment property and                                             
    property development 
    - group                                  514       1,485       4,785      
    - joint ventures                         204          95         266      
                                          15,382      14,617      33,607
    Net interest                           2,463       2,139       4,054
                                          12,919      12,478      29,553
    Net assets                                                          
    Port operations                       223,665     197,351    204,958
    Investment property and                                             
    property development                                         
    - group                                16,274      21,285     14,631
    - joint ventures                       11,504       3,991     10,143
                                          251,443     222,627    229,732
    Net interest bearing                 
    - group                               (79,954)    (65,679)   (65,262)
    - joint ventures                       (5,657)     (4,013)    (4,345)     
                                          165,832     152,935    160,125

   Turnover is principally generated in the UK.

2. An effective taxation rate of 23% (1999 - 23%) has been applied in
   accordance with current accounting standards to reflect tax losses brought
   forward in Port of Tilbury (London) Limited.

3. The basic and underlying earnings per share calculations are based on the
   weighted average of Ordinary Shares in issue in the six months ended 30th
   June 2000 of 47.61 million (1999 - 47.60 million).  The diluted earnings  
   per share figure is based on the weighted average of Ordinary Shares in  
   issue adjusted for potential dilutive Ordinary Shares in the six months
   ended 30th June 2000 of 47.71 million (1999 - 47.73 million).

4. The property assets of the Group (excluding operational land and buildings
   and other land and buildings currently tenanted) were valued as at 1st
   August 2000 by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung.  The open market value ascribed to
   the development and investment property assets amounted to #150m compared
   with a cost or net book value in the Balance Sheet at 30th June 2000 of
   #57m.  DTZ also carried out a "calculation of worth" which amounted to
   #205m.  This latter calculation is an estimate of the net monetary worth of
   the benefits and costs of ownership of the properties to the Company.


5. The financial information contained in this statement does not comprise
   statutory accounts within the meaning of the phrase as referred to in
   Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  Full accounts for the year ended
   31st December 1999 on which the auditors gave an unqualified report have
   been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

   The principal accounting policies as set out in pages 31-32 of the accounts
   for the year ended 31st December 1999 are unchanged.

   The figures for the six months ended 30th June 2000 and 1999 have not been
   reviewed by the auditors.

6. The interim statement will be posted to shareholders on 14th September
   Copies will be available from the Company's registered office, Forth Ports
   PLC, Tower Place, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 7DB.




   DTZ Debenham Tie Leung ("DTZ") have undertaken their Open Market Valuations
   ("OMV") and Calculations of Worth ("CoW") as defined in the appropriate
   section of the Practice Statements ("PS") and Guidance Notes contained
   within the Appraisal and Valuation Manual issued by the Royal Institution
   of Chartered Surveyors (the "Manual") and have been undertaken by valuers,
   acting as external valuers qualified for the purposes of providing OMV's
   and CoW's.  Their formal report has been signed by Mr Paul Wolfenden FRICS
   Director of DTZ Debenham Tie Leung.

   In the context of the OMV calculation, DTZ consider it relevant to have
   undertaken a CoW to indicate the potential for development inherent in many
   of the properties within the portfolio, which OMV is unable to reflect
   fully.  The CoW basis of assessment is considered by DTZ to be
   complementary to OMV, but it is not and should not be regarded as an
   opinion of value.

   DTZ have not made any adjustments to reflect any liability to taxation that
   may arise on disposal of the properties, or for any costs associated with
   such disposal incurred by the Company.  No allowance has been made to
   reflect any liability to repay any government or other grants or taxation
   allowances that may arise on disposal.


   The Company has received DTZ's report dated 1st August, 2000 which
   incorporates the detailed assumptions adopted in arriving at their opinions
   of value and calculations of worth.

   DTZ have adopted the following definitions contained within the Manual.

   Calculation of Worth (CoW)
   The CoW "means the provision of a written estimate of the net monetary
   worth at a stated date of the benefits and costs of ownership of a
   specified interest in property to the instructing party reflecting the
   purpose(s)specified by that party".  DTZ's approach combines their best
   estimates relating to the likelihood and timing of the development
   potential with discounting in terms of anticipated cash flow.

   Open Market Value (OMV)
   DTZ have undertaken their valuations on the basis of open market value in
   accordance with Practice Statement 4.2.1.  Under these provisions the term
   "open market value" means:-

   "an opinion of the best price at which the sale of an interest in property
   would have been completed unconditionally for cash consideration on the
   date of valuation, assuming:
   (a)  a willing seller;

   (b)   that, prior to the date of valuation, there had been a reasonable
         period (having regard to the nature of the property and the state of
         the market) for the proper marketing of the interest, for the
         agreement of the price and terms and for the completion of the sale;

   (c)   that the state of the market, level of values and other circumstances
         were, on any earlier assumed date of exchange of contracts, the same
         as on the date of valuation;

   (d)  that no account is taken of any additional bid by a prospective
        purchaser with a special interest; and

   (e)  that both parties to the transaction had acted knowledgeably,
        prudently and without compulsion."

       DTZ have made a deduction of 5.75% to reflect purchasers' normal
       acquisition costs.

   Calculation of Worth - Methodology

   In summary the CoW is the net figure produced by appraising the cashflow
   from a development project when completed and leased and deducting the cost
   of carrying out that project.  DTZ's CoW has estimated future values and
   future costs incorporating forecasted growth and inflation rates during the
   project period.  The figure is then discounted back to the date of
   assessment in recognition of the time cost of money.

   It is acknowledged that calculations of this nature are guides.  A
   variation of assumptions will result in a significant range of figures.   
   The calculations assessed by DTZ are based on assumptions that they
   consider reasonable based on their knowledge of the properties, the
   information provided and in the context of the individual development

   DTZ's capital values and rental growth assumptions are based upon their
   forecast of each property's future performance in its own market.  In this
   respect however, it should be noted that capital values and rental levels
   can fall as well as rise and that past performance is no guide to future


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