RNS Number : 9216M

Faroe Petroleum PLC

11 January 2019



11 January 2019

Faroe Petroleum plc

("Faroe Petroleum" or the "Company")

Exercise of share options, Issue of Equity, Notification of Directors' interests and Total Voting Rights

The Board of Faroe (the "Board", "we") notes the announcement by DNO ASA ("DNO") made on 11 January 2019 that it now owns or controls shares representing approximately 63.32 per cent of the Company's total issued share capital.

This has triggered the change in control provisions under the Faroe Petroleum Incentive Plan ("FPIP"), the Faroe Petroleum Co- Investment Plan ("FPCIP") and the Co-Investment Plan ("CIP) and, following confirmation from the Company's remuneration advisers that the various awards have met the associated performance tests, a total of 25,809,863 nil cost options over ordinary shares of 10 pence each in the share capital of the Company (the "New Ordinary Shares") have now vested and have been exercised by plan participants including the Executive Directors. The resultant New Ordinary Shares have been issued to the Faroe Petroleum Employee Benefit Trust (the "EBT") who will assent those shares into the Offer as directed by the underlying plan participants.

The Executive Directors have exercised the following nil cost options and have directed the EBT to assent the resultant New Ordinary Shares into the Offer. The Executive Directors have also assented their other existing shareholdings into the Offer.

In addition, as particularised below, the company's Non-Executive Directors have also assented their shareholdings into the Offer:

 Name                       Existing        Options and   Options Vested   Ordinary Shares 
                     Ordinary Shares    Matching Shares    and Exercised     Assented into 
                                                forfeit                          the Offer 
                                 No.                No.              No.               No. 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 Graham Stewart            2,491,043           (28,700)        5,345,378         7,836,421 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 Jonathan Cooper             657,792           (22,415)        3,005,980         3,663,772 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 Helge Hammer              1,322,010           (22,347)        3,274,289         4,596,299 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 John Bentley                172,270                  -                -           172,270 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 Katherine Roe                     -                  -                -                 - 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 Roger Witts                 109,180                  -                -           109,180 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 Jorunn Saetre                28,571                  -                -            28,571 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 
 Brent Cheshire               15,000                  -                -            15,000 
                   =================  =================  ===============  ================ 

Issue of Equity and Total Voting Rights

The EBT currently holds 2,757,088 ordinary shares and so Faroe Petroleum has issued a further total of 23,052,775 New Ordinary Shares to satisfy the exercise of share options. The New Ordinary Shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary shares. Application has been made for the New Ordinary Shares to be admitted to AIM.

Following the issue of 23,052,775 New Ordinary Shares the Company's enlarged issued share capital will be 395,942,468 ordinary shares. The Company does not hold any ordinary shares in treasury and therefore the total number of voting rights in the Company is 395,942,468.

Shareholders may use this figure as the denominator for the calculations by which they will determine if they are required to notify their interest in, or a change to their interest in, the share capital of the Company under the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

Notification and public disclosure of transactions by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them

(Disclosure in relation to exercise of share options and sale of shares)

        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
   1     / person closely associated 
 a)     Name                                  Graham Duncan Stewart 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 2      Reason for the notification 
 a)     Position/status                       Chief Executive 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 b)     Initial notification                  Initial notification 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 3      Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
         auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)     Name                                  Faroe Petroleum plc 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 b)     LEI                                   213800RE18GVZGNYB270 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 4      Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
         (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
         (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
         have been conducted 
 a)     Description of the                    5,345,378 Ordinary Shares of 10p each 
         financial instrument,                 in Faroe Petroleum plc. 
         type of instrument 
         Identification code                   Sale of 5,345,378 Ordinary shares of 
                                               10p each in Faroe Petroleum plc (by way 
                                               of acceptance into the Offer). 
                                               ISIN: GB0033032904 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 b)     Nature of the transaction             (i) Exercise of Options to acquire new 
                                               Ordinary shares of 10p each 
                                               (ii) Sale of new ordinary shares of 10p 
                                               each (by way of acceptance into the Offer) 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)                Price(s)                  Volume(s) 
       ------------------------------------  ------------------------  --------------------- 
   (i) 0.00 p                                                           5,345,378 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------- 
   (ii) 160 p                                                           5,345,378 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------- 
 d)     Aggregated information                10,690,756 Ordinary Shares of 10p each 
                                               in Faroe Petroleum plc. 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 e)     Date of the transaction               11 January 2019 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
 f)     Place of the transaction              XLON 
       ------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
   1     / person closely associated 
 a)     Name                                  Helge Ansgar Hammer 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 2      Reason for the notification 
 a)     Position/status                       Chief Operating Officer 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 b)     Initial notification                  Initial notification 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 3      Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
         auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)     Name                                  Faroe Petroleum plc 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 b)     LEI                                   213800RE18GVZGNYB270 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 4      Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
         (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
         (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
         have been conducted 
 a)     Description of the                    3,274,289 Ordinary Shares of 10p each 
         financial instrument,                 in Faroe Petroleum plc. 
         type of instrument 
         Identification code                   Sale of 3,274,289 Ordinary shares of 
                                               10p each (by way of acceptance into the 
                                               ISIN: GB0033032904 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 b)     Nature of the transaction             (i)Exercise of Options to acquire new 
                                               Ordinary shares of 10p each 
                                               (ii) Sale of new ordinary shares of 10p 
                                               each(by way of acceptance into the Offer) 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)                Price(s)                  Volume(s) 
       ------------------------------------  ------------------------  -------------------- 
   (i) 0.00 p                                                           3,274,289 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
   (ii) 160 p                                                           3,274,289 
  -------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
 d)     Aggregated information                6,548,578 Ordinary Shares of 10p each 
                                               in Faroe Petroleum plc. 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 e)     Date of the transaction               11 January 2019 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 f)     Place of the transaction              XLON 
       ------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
   1     / person closely associated 
 a)     Name                                   Jonathan Robert Cooper 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 2      Reason for the notification 
 a)     Position/status                        Chief Financial Officer 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 b)     Initial notification                   Initial notification 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 3      Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
         auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)     Name                                   Faroe Petroleum plc 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 b)     LEI                                    213800RE18GVZGNYB270 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 4      Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
         (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
         (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
         have been conducted 
 a)     Description of the                     3,005,980 Nil cost options over Ordinary 
         financial instrument,                  Shares of 10p each in Faroe Petroleum 
         type of instrument                     plc.3 
         Identification code                    Sale of 3,005,980 Ordinary Shares of 
                                                10p each in Faroe Petroleum plc (by way 
                                                of acceptance into the Offer). 
                                                ISIN: GB0033032904 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 b)     Nature of the transaction              (i) Exercise of Nil cost options over 
                                                Ordinary Shares 
                                                (ii) Sale of Ordinary Shares (by way 
                                                of acceptance into the Offer) 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)                 Price(s)                Volume(s) 
       -------------------------------------  ----------------------  -------------------- 
   (i) 0.0p                                                            3,005,980 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
   (ii) 160p                                                           3,005,980 
  ------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------- 
 d)     Aggregated information                 6,011,960 Ordinary Shares of 10p each 
                                                in Faroe Petroleum plc. 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 e)     Date of the transaction                11 January 2019 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
 f)     Place of the transaction               XLON 
       -------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
   1     / person closely associated 
 a)     Name                                   John Bentley 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 2      Reason for the notification 
 a)     Position/status                        Non-Executive 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Initial notification                   Initial notification 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 3      Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
         auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)     Name                                   Faroe Petroleum plc 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     LEI                                    213800RE18GVZGNYB270 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 4      Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
         (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
         (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
         have been conducted 
 a)     Description of the                     Sale of 172,270 Ordinary Shares of 10p 
         financial instrument,                  each in Faroe Petroleum plc (by way of 
         type of instrument                     acceptance into the Offer). 
         Identification code 
                                                ISIN: GB0033032904 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Nature of the transaction              Sale of Ordinary Shares (by way of acceptance 
                                                into the Offer) 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)                 Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
       -------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                               160p                     172,270 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 d)     Aggregated information                 172,270 Ordinary Shares of 10p each in 
                                                Faroe Petroleum plc. 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 e)     Date of the transaction                11 January 2019 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 f)     Place of the transaction               XLON 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
   1     / person closely associated 
 a)     Name                                   Roger Witts 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 2      Reason for the notification 
 a)     Position/status                        Non-Executive 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Initial notification                   Initial notification 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 3      Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
         auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)     Name                                   Faroe Petroleum plc 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     LEI                                    213800RE18GVZGNYB270 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 4      Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
         (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
         (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
         have been conducted 
 a)     Description of the                     Sale of 109,180 Ordinary Shares of 10p 
         financial instrument,                  each in Faroe Petroleum plc (by way of 
         type of instrument                     acceptance into the Offer). 
         Identification code 
                                                ISIN: GB0033032904 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Nature of the transaction              Sale of Ordinary Shares (by way of acceptance 
                                                into the Offer) 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)                 Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
       -------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                               160p                     109,180 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 d)     Aggregated information                 109,180 Ordinary Shares of 10p each in 
                                                Faroe Petroleum plc. 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 e)     Date of the transaction                11 January 2019 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 f)     Place of the transaction               XLON 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
   1     / person closely associated 
 a)     Name                                   Jorunn Saetre 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 2      Reason for the notification 
 a)     Position/status                        Non-Executive 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Initial notification                   Initial notification 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 3      Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
         auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)     Name                                   Faroe Petroleum plc 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     LEI                                    213800RE18GVZGNYB270 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 4      Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
         (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
         (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
         have been conducted 
 a)     Description of the                     Sale of 28,571 Ordinary Shares of 10p 
         financial instrument,                  each in Faroe Petroleum plc (by way of 
         type of instrument                     acceptance into the Offer). 
         Identification code 
                                                ISIN: GB0033032904 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Nature of the transaction              Sale of Ordinary Shares (by way of acceptance 
                                                into the Offer) 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)                 Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
       -------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                               160p                     28,571 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 d)     Aggregated information                 28,571 Ordinary Shares of 10p each in 
                                                Faroe Petroleum plc. 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 e)     Date of the transaction                11 January 2019 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 f)     Place of the transaction               XLON 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
        Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
   1     / person closely associated 
 a)     Name                                   Brent Cheshire 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 2      Reason for the notification 
 a)     Position/status                        Non-Executive 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Initial notification                   Initial notification 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 3      Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
         auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 a)     Name                                   Faroe Petroleum plc 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     LEI                                    213800RE18GVZGNYB270 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 4      Details of the transaction(s): section to be repeated for 
         (i) each type of instrument; (ii) each type of transaction; 
         (iii) each date; and (iv) each place where transactions 
         have been conducted 
 a)     Description of the                     Sale of 15,000 Ordinary Shares of 10p 
         financial instrument,                  each in Faroe Petroleum plc(by way of 
         type of instrument                     acceptance into the Offer). 
         Identification code 
                                                ISIN: GB0033032904 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 b)     Nature of the transaction              Sale of Ordinary Shares (by way of acceptance 
                                                into the Offer) 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 c)     Price(s) and volume(s)                 Price(s)                 Volume(s) 
       -------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                               160p                     15,000 
 -------------------------------------------  -----------------------  ----------------------- 
 d)     Aggregated information                 15,000 Ordinary Shares of 10p each in 
                                                Faroe Petroleum plc. 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 e)     Date of the transaction                11 January 2019 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 
 f)     Place of the transaction               XLON 
       -------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------ 

(Disclosure in relation to sale of shares)

- Ends -

For further information please contact:

  Faroe Petroleum plc                   Tel: +44 (0) 1224 650 920 
   Graham Stewart, CEO 
 Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited        Tel: +44 (0) 20 7710 7600 
  Callum Stewart / Nicholas Rhodes 
  / Ashton Clanfield 

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 11, 2019 10:31 ET (15:31 GMT)

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