Downing Protected VCT IV plc 
Final Results for the year ended 30 November 2008 
Financial Highlights 
                                            30 Nov 2008   30 Nov 2007 
                                                  Pence         Pence 
Net asset value per Ordinary share                 95.5          97.0 
Cumulative distributions per Ordinary share         3.5           1.0 
Total return per Ordinary share                    99.0          98.0 
I am pleased to present the  Annual Report for Downing Protected  VCT 
IV plc  for the  year ended  30  November 2008.   The year  has  been 
notable for the sharp deterioration in economic conditions, which has 
added additional challenges  as the Company  completed its  investing 
Portfolio activity 
The Company was an active investor during the year, making a total of 
GBP7.8 million of new investments,  of which GBP4.5 million was  invested 
into VCT qualifying  investments.  The  deadline for  the Company  to 
invest 70% of  its funds  in qualifying investments  was 30  November 
2008.  I  can  confirm  that  this  target  was  achieved,  with  the 
qualification level at 30 November 2008 standing at 76.1%. 
In order to  generate the  funds for the  new qualifying  investments 
described  above,  the  Company  realised  a  significant  number  of 
non-qualifying investments,  raising GBP3.7  million of  proceeds.   In 
many cases these investments were in the form of loan stock and  were 
successfully redeemed  at par.  None of  the investments  produced  a 
realised loss although  the total  realised capital  gain across  all 
these investments was just GBP20,000. 
Having reached the VCT qualification  target, the Company is not  now 
planning to make  any further new  venture capital investments.   The 
Investment Manager  is  now  starting  to  work  towards  exits  from 
investments in  order  to  provide  funds that  can  be  returned  to 
Fixed interest investments 
At the start of  its life, the Company  invested a proportion of  its 
funds in  a portfolio  of corporate  bonds and  other fixed  interest 
securities.  During the year, the  Company disposed of the  remainder 
of these investments,  producing a realised  loss of GBP80,000  against 
cost on a portfolio which had a valuation at the start of the year of 
GBP3.9 million.  As  the year progressed  and the "credit-crunch"  took 
hold,  these  types  of  securities  became  extremely  volatile  so, 
although they ultimately produced a  small loss, the Board  considers 
this outcome to be satisfactory under the circumstances. 
Investment valuations 
The  Board  has  undertaken  a  detailed  review  of  the   Company's 
investment portfolio at the  year-end, particularly focussing on  the 
investment valuations. 
As I  mentioned  in  my  statement with  the  Half-Year  Report,  the 
Company's investment in Vermont  Developments Limited has faced  some 
difficulties.  The investment  of GBP1  million was  made partially  to 
fund the purchase of  development land in  Salford, with the  Company 
taking a charge over  the land.  Following  a sharp deterioration  of 
the property market, Vermont Developments went into  administration. 
The Investment Manager is working  intensively to extract value  from 
the development land and other assets, but it remains uncertain  what 
recovery might ultimately be made. The Board has decided to value the 
investment at GBP500,000 at the year-end being approximately 50% of the 
original cost and producing an unrealised loss equivalent to 1.9p per 
The other investments  have all  progressed reasonably  in line  with 
plan.  Although in many cases the values of the assets over which the 
Company has taken charges  may have fallen,  the Board believes  that 
the structure of the  investments still provides adequate  protection 
against the Company ultimately realising a significant deficit on any 
investment.  For this reason,  the Board is  satisfied, for the  time 
being, that the  other investments  are held at  valuations equal  to 
original costs. 
Net Asset Value 
At 30 November 2008, the Company's Net Asset Value per share  ("NAV") 
stood at  95.5p, an  increase of  1.0p (1.1%)  over the  year  (after 
adjusting for the 2.5p dividend paid in the year). 
The Company's investment strategy is predominantly to minimise risk. 
Investments have  therefore  been  structured  with  that  focus  and 
unsurprisingly have limited opportunities  for upside.  As a  result, 
the NAV performance is in line with the Board's expectations. 
Results and dividend 
The profit on  activities after  taxation for the  year was  GBP222,000 
(2007: GBP502,000)  comprising  a  revenue profit  of  GBP605,000  (2007: 
GBP562,000) and a capital loss of GBP383,000 (2007: loss GBP60,000). 
The Board intends to distribute the majority of its revenue  earnings 
for the year  and is  proposing pay a  revenue dividend  of 2.5p  per 
share on 30 April 2009 to  Shareholders on the register at the  close 
of business on 14 April 2009. 
Articles of Association 
At the forthcoming AGM, the  Board will seek Shareholder approval  to 
update the Company's Articles of Association. Resolution 7, which  is 
a special  resolution,  proposes  the adoption  of  new  Articles  of 
Association which incorporate a number of changes which are  required 
as a  result of  the implementation  of the  Companies Act  2006.  An 
explanation of the proposed changes is provided within the Report  of 
the Directors. 
The Board recommends Shareholders  vote for Resolution  7 as, in  the 
Board's opinion, the proposed  changes are in  the best interests  of 
Share buybacks 
The Company  has  to  date  operated a  policy,  subject  to  certain 
restrictions, of buying its own  shares that become available in  the 
market.  During  the  year the  Company  purchased 5,050  shares  for 
cancellation at a price of 85.0p per share. 
As Shareholders will be aware, the Company's strategy now is to  seek 
exits  from  its  investments  to  allow  funds  to  be  returned  to 
Shareholders.  This process is  expected to take  some time but  will 
ultimately return  funds to  shareholders without  their suffering  a 
discount to the valuation. 
In order that this  process can take place  in an orderly manner  and 
that the  vast  majority  of  the  funds  generated  from  investment 
realisations can be  distributed to  all shareholders,  the Board  is 
keen to discourage a high level of share buybacks. 
The Board is aware that there  can occasionally be forced sellers  of 
shares and  wishes  to  allow  them the  opportunity  to  sell  their 
holdings, albeit at a higher discount to NAV than might  historically 
have been the  case.  The Board  therefore intends to  buy in  shares 
that become available at a price equivalent to a 25% discount to  the 
Company's most recently published NAV. 
A special resolution to  give the Directors authority  to buy in  the 
Company's shares is proposed for the forthcoming AGM as Resolution 6. 
Annual General Meeting 
The Company's  third Annual  General Meeting  will be  held at  Kings 
Scholars House, 230 Vauxhall Bridge  Road, London, SW1V 1AU at  11:15 
am on 29 April 2009. 
Two items of special  business will be proposed  in respect of  share 
buybacks and adoption of revised articles of association. 
Later this  year,  all Shareholders  who  invested at  the  Company's 
outset will have  held their investments  for the minimum  three-year 
holding period required in  order to retain  the income tax  relief. 
The Company  will then  be  able to  start unwinding  the  investment 
portfolio and  returning funds  to Shareholders.   The Board  expects 
that most of the funds will be returned by the payment of dividends. 
The timing and amount of such dividends are difficult to estimate  as 
they will be determined by the timing of investment realisations. 
Despite the extremely difficult  conditions, the Company's  portfolio 
has so far  held up  well.  This  is not to  say that  it is  without 
risk.  It is possible  that a further  deterioration in the  economic 
climate and  a  prolonged  recession could  eradicate  the  remaining 
protection built into the investments and erode the valuations.   The 
Board is very satisfied with the investment performance to date,  but 
acknowledges that  the  greatest challenge  to  achieving  successful 
realisations while the economy moves sharply into recession is  still 
to come. 
Hugh Gillespie 
The Company has had a busy year in terms of investment activity  with 
several new investments taking place, several follow-on  investments, 
and a number of redemptions of loan stock from existing investments. 
At 30 November 2008, the  Company had in excess  of 76% of its  funds 
invested in VCT Qualifying investments (on VCT regulations  valuation 
basis)  comfortably meeting the VCT requirement of 70% by this date. 
Investment activity 
The main  movements in  the investment  portfolio over  the year  are 
summarised as follows.  The largest  new investment made in the  year 
was a  total  of  GBP1.75  million  invested  in  West  Tower  Holdings 
Limited.  The company used the funding to acquire The West Tower,  an 
exclusive dining  and wedding  venue and  hotel near  Ormskirk.   The 
company also acquired  The Swan, a  nearby conference and  banqueting 
venue.  The  management  are progressing  plans  to develop  the  two 
venues and capitalise on the benefits of having the two sites. 
The Company also made a new investment of GBP500,000 in The Thames Club 
Limited, providing part of the funding for the purchase of The Thames 
Club, a  health  and  fitness  club  in  Staines,  Surrey.   The  new 
management of  the club  are considering  improvements to  the  club, 
which should help in growing membership. 
The Company's  other  significant  new  investment  was  in  Liongold 
Contracting  Limited.   The  Company  has  a  contract  to  build  an 
apartment development in North Devon.  After some initial delays, the 
development is now well underway. 
Richstone Contracting Limited  has a  similar contract  to develop  a 
hotel and apartment complex  on the South  Devon coast.  The  Company 
invested a further GBP950,000  during the year  to provide funding  for 
the commencement of the main part of the project. 
The Company invested a further GBP250,000 into Hoole Hall Country  Club 
Limited to fund  the final phase  of the function  facilities at  the 
Hoole Hall property,  which is  situated in Chester.   This work  was 
completed in November. 
During the year, a new company was established which has acquired the 
hotel operations  and trading  at  Hoole Hall.   The Company  made  a 
non-qualifying investment  of GBP1,250,000  in the  company.  Work  was 
recently completed on a  new block of rooms  such that the hotel  now 
has 108 rooms. 
A further company, Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure Club Limited, has taken 
on the development of a new  spa and leisure facilities on the  Hoole 
Hall site.   The  Company  invested GBP1,000,000  to  partly  fund  the 
development of the  facilities, which  are expected  to be  completed 
late in 2009. 
Redemptions of loan stock by a number of investee companies  provided 
much of the funds for the above investments.  In all cases loan stock 
was redeemed at par. 
Portfolio valuation 
With one  main exception,  the portfolio  investments have  performed 
satisfactorily during  the period.   As  outlined in  the  Chairman's 
Statement,  the   Company's   GBP1  million   investment   in   Vermont 
Developments Limited  has  faced difficulties  resulting  in  Vermont 
being placed into  administration. We are  investigating a number  of 
options in an  effort to recover  value for the  Company. In view  of 
these issues, we  have recommended  a provision  of GBP404,000  against 
cost as at the balance sheet date. 
Shareholders will be aware  that the Company's  strategy has been  to 
reduce normal risks associated with VCTs  as much as possible.  As  a 
result, many of the  investments are structured  such that they  have 
limited upside, however there has to  be a sizeable loss of value  on 
the underlying  business  and assets  before  the Company  faces  any 
significant loss.  For  this reason,  the Board has  agreed with  our 
recommendation continuing to hold the remaining investments at levels 
equal to original cost. 
Now that the Company's initial three-year period is complete and  the 
VCT "70% test"  has been achieved,  the focus will  shift to  working 
towards investment  realisations and  ultimately returning  funds  to 
Shareholders.   The  current  economic  climate  clearly  makes  this 
process more challenging both in terms of achieving the exits and the 
predictability of their timing. 
Downing Protected Managers IV Limited 
Portfolio of investments 
The following investments, all of  which are incorporated in  England 
and Wales, were held at 30 November 2008: 
                            Cost   Valuation      in year        % of 
                           GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000   portfolio 
VCT qualifying 
Cadbury House Limited      3,000       3,000            -       14.5% 
Richstone Contracting      2,542       2,542            -       12.2% 
West Tower Holdings        1,750       1,750            -        8.4% 
Heyford Contracting        1,650       1,650            -        8.0% 
(South) Limited 
Hoole Hall Country Club    1,625       1,625            -        7.8% 
The Really Fine Leisure    1,100       1,100            -        5.3% 
Heyford Contracting        1,038       1,038            -        5.0% 
(North) Limited 
Hoole Hall Spa and         1,000       1,000            -        4.8% 
Leisure Club Limited 
Nu Nu plc                  1,000       1,000            -        4.8% 
Future Films Production      825         825            -        4.0% 
Services Limited 
Liongold Contracting         434         434            -        2.1% 
The Thames Club Limited      150         150            -        0.7% 
                          16,114      16,114            -       77.6% 
Hoole Hall Hotel Limited   1,250       1,250            -        6.0% 
Aminghurst Limited           993         993            -        4.8% 
Vermont Developments         904         500        (404)        2.4% 
The Thames Club Limited      350         350            -        1.7% 
Heyford Homes VCT Limited    300         300            -        1.5% 
Sanguine Hospitality         242         242            -        1.2% 
Coastal Partnerships          75          75            -        0.3% 
Chapel Street Hotel           63          63            -        0.3% 
(2008) LLP 
                           4,177       3,773        (404)       18.2% 
                          20,291      19,887        (404)       95.8% 
Cash at bank and in hand                 879                     4.2% 
Total investments                     20,766                   100.0% 
Investment movements for the year ended 30 November 2008 
Chapel Street Hotel (2008) LLP              63 
Cymbal Contracting Limited                 650 
Future Films Production Services Limited   175 
Hoole Hall Country Club Limited            250 
Hoole Hall Hotel Limited                 1,250 
Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure Club Limited  1,000 
Liongold Contracting Limited               434 
New Swan Holding Company Limited           750 
Richstone Contracting Limited              950 
The Thames Club Limited                    500 
West Tower Holdings Limited              1,750 
                        MV at           (loss) Unrealised    Realised 
               Cost 30/11/08* Proceeds vs cost   realised gain/(loss) 
Loan stock 
Limited         113       113      125      12          -          12 
Heyford Homes 
Limited         300       300      300       -          -           - 
Limited           7         7       15       8          -           8 
Limited         500       500      500       -          -           - 
Future Films 
Limited         175       175      175       -          -           - 
South Limited   350       350      350       -          -           - 
Limited         500       500      500       -          -           - 
Limited         650       650      650       -          -           - 
New Swan 
Limited         750       750      750       -          -           - 
limited          96        96       96       -          -           - 
Bowman Care 
Homes Limited   600       600      600       -          -           - 
Bank of 
Ireland 4.75%   495       490      490     (5)          5           - 
5.625%          504       492      494    (10)         12           2 
HSBC Finance 
6.125%          513       494      497    (16)         19           3 
Life 5.25%      501       494      495     (6)          7           1 
ING 4.75%       492       490      492       -          2           2 
John Hancock 
6.625%          521       507      505    (16)         14         (2) 
Toyota 5.25%    502       498      502       -          4           4 
Merrill Lynch 
5.125%          497       479      470    (27)         18         (9) 
              8,066     7,985    8,006    (60)         81          21 
* Adjusted for purchases in the year 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the 
financial  statements   in  accordance   with  applicable   law   and 
regulations. They are also responsible  for ensuring that the  annual 
report includes  information required  by the  Listing Rules  of  the 
Financial Services Authority. 
Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements 
for each financial year.  Under that law the Directors have elected 
to prepare the financial statements in accordance with United Kingdom 
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (United Kingdom Accounting 
Standards and applicable law).  The financial statements are required 
to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company 
and of the profit or loss of the Company for that year. In preparing 
these financial statements the Directors are required to: 
*          select suitable accounting policies and then apply them 
*          make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and 
*          state whether applicable accounting standards have been 
  followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and 
  explained in the financial statements; 
*          prepare the financial statements on the going concern 
  basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Company will 
  continue in business. 
The  Directors  confirm  that  they  have  complied  with  the  above 
requirements in preparing the financial statements. They also confirm 
that the annual report includes a fair review of the development  and 
performance of  the  business  together with  a  description  of  the 
principal risks and uncertainties faced by the Company. 
The Directors are responsible  for keeping proper accounting  records 
that disclose  with reasonable  accuracy at  any time  the  financial 
position of the Company and enable them to ensure that the  financial 
statements  comply  with  the  Companies  Act  1985.  They  are  also 
responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and hence  for 
taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and 
other irregularities. 
The Directors are  responsible for the  maintenance and integrity  of 
the corporate  and financial  information included  on the  Company's 
website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the  preparation 
and dissemination of the  financial statements and other  information 
included in  annual  reports may  differ  from legislation  in  other 
Statement as to disclosure of information to Auditors 
The Directors in office at the date of the report have confirmed,  as 
far as they are aware, that there is no relevant audit information of 
which the Auditors are unaware.  Each of the Directors has  confirmed 
that they have taken all the steps  that they ought to have taken  as 
Directors in order  to make  themselves aware of  any relevant  audit 
information and to  establish that  it has been  communicated to  the 
By order of the Board 
Grant Whitehouse 
For the year ended 30 November 2008 
              Year ended 30 November 2008    Year ended 30 November 
               Revenue    Capital   Total   Revenue   Capital   Total 
                 GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Income           1,239          -   1,239     1,202         -   1,202 
Net loss on          -      (383)   (383)         -      (60)    (60) 
                 1,239      (383)     856     1,202      (60)   1,142 
Investment       (208)          -   (208)     (207)         -   (207) 
Other            (162)          -   (162)     (167)         -   (167) 
Return on          869      (383)     486       828      (60)     768 
before tax 
Tax on           (264)          -   (264)     (266)         -   (266) 
attributable       605      (383)     222       562      (60)     502 
to equity 
Basic and 
diluted           2.8p     (1.8p)    1.0p      2.6p    (0.3p)    2.3p 
return per 
All Revenue  and Capital  items in  the above  statement derive  from 
continuing operations. The total  column within the Income  Statement 
represents the profit and loss account of the Company. 
A Statement  of  Total  Recognised  Gains and  Losses  has  not  been 
prepared as  all  gains  and  losses are  recognised  in  the  Income 
Statement as noted above. 
Other than revaluation movements arising on investments held at  fair 
value through the Income Statement, there were no differences between 
the return /deficit as stated above and at historical cost. 
                                        Year       Year 
                                       ended      ended 
                                          30         30 
                                    November   November 
                                        2008       2007 
                                       GBP'000      GBP'000 
Opening shareholders' funds           20,965     20,742 
Purchase of own shares                   (4)       (62) 
Total recognised gains for the year      222        502 
Dividends paid                         (540)      (217) 
Closing shareholders' funds           20,643     20,965 
as at 30 November 2008 
                                                    2008         2007 
                                            GBP'000  GBP'000 GBP'000  GBP'000 
"Fair value through profit or loss" assets        19,887       20,505 
Current Assets 
Debtors                                       165          325 
Cash at bank and in hand                      879          588 
                                            1,044          913 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one   (267)        (432) 
Net current assets                                   777          481 
Net assets less current liabilities               20,664       20,986 
Creditors: amounts falling due after more           (21)         (21) 
than one year 
Net assets                                        20,643       20,965 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                              216          216 
Capital redemption reserve                             1            1 
Special reserve                                   20,205       20,209 
Capital reserve - realised                          (60)            - 
Capital reserve - unrealised                       (404)         (81) 
Revenue reserve                                      685          620 
Total equity shareholder's funds                  20,643       20,965 
Net asset value per Ordinary share                 95.5p        97.0p 
for the year ended 30 November 2008 
                                                      Year       Year 
                                                     ended      ended 
                                                    30 Nov     30 Nov 
                                                      2008       2007 
                                                     GBP'000      GBP'000 
Net cash inflow from operating activities              999        925 
Corporation tax paid                                 (399)      (133) 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                            (7,771)   (14,568) 
Proceeds from disposal of investments                8,006     13,953 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure     235      (615) 
Equity dividends paid                                (540)      (217) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing             295       (40) 
Purchase of own shares                                 (4)       (62) 
Net cash outflow from financing                        (4)       (62) 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                            291      (102) 
1 Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The Company has prepared its financial statements under UK  Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP")  and in accordance with  the 
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment 
Trust Companies" revised December 2005 ("SORP"). 
Presentation of Income Statement 
In order  to better  reflect the  activities of  an investment  trust 
company and in accordance with guidance issued by the Association  of 
Investment  Companies   ("AIC"),  supplementary   information   which 
analyses the Income Statement between items of a revenue and  capital 
nature has been  presented alongside  the Income  Statement. The  net 
revenue is the measure the Directors believe appropriate in assessing 
the Company's compliance with certain requirements set out in Part  6 
of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
All investments are designated as "fair value through profit or loss" 
assets and  are  measured  at  fair value.    A  financial  asset  is 
designated within this category if  it is both acquired and  managed, 
with a view to selling after a period of time, in accordance with the 
Company's  documented  investment  policy.   The  fair  value  of  an 
investment  upon  acquisition  is  deemed  to  be  cost.   Thereafter 
investments are  measured  at  fair  value  in  accordance  with  the 
International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines 
"IPEV Guidelines" together with FRS26. 
Listed fixed  income investments  are measured  using bid  prices  in 
accordance with the IPEV Guidelines. 
In respect  of unquoted  instruments, fair  value is  established  by 
using the IPEV  Guidelines. The valuation  methodologies used by  the 
Company to ascertain the fair value  of an investment in an  unquoted 
entity are as follows: 
*          Price of recent investment; 
*          Earnings multiple; 
*          Net assets; 
*          Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying 
  business); and 
*          Discounted cash flows (from the investment). 
The methodology  applied  takes  account of  the  nature,  facts  and 
circumstances of the individual investment and uses reasonable  data, 
market inputs, assumptions and estimates  in order to ascertain  fair 
value.  If fair value cannot be reliably measured by methods  listed, 
previous carrying value (less provision  for impairment) may be  used 
where it is considered to provide the best estimate of fair value  at 
the reporting date. 
Where an investee company has  gone into receivership or  liquidation 
and there is no prospect  of any recovery of  value, the loss on  the 
investment, although not physically disposed of, is treated as  being 
Gains and losses arising from changes  in fair value are included  in 
the Income Statement for the year  as a capital item and  transaction 
costs on acquisition or disposal of the investment expensed. 
It is not the Company's policy to exercise significant influence over 
investee companies.  Therefore the results of these companies are not 
incorporated into the Income  Statement except to  the extent of  any 
income accrued.  This is  in accordance with the  SORP that does  not 
require portfolio investments  to be accounted  for using the  equity 
method of accounting. 
Dividend income from investments is recognised when the shareholders' 
rights to  receive  payment has  been  established, normally  the  ex 
dividend date. 
Interest income is  accrued on a  timely basis, by  reference to  the 
principal outstanding and at  the effective interest rate  applicable 
and only where there is reasonable certainty of collection. 
All expenses are accounted for on  accruals basis. In respect of  the 
analysis between  revenue  and  capital items  presented  within  the 
Income Statement, all expenses have  been presented as revenue  items 
except as follows: 
*          Expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an 
  investment are deducted from the disposal proceeds of the 
*          Expenses are split and presented partly as capital items 
  where a connection with the maintenance or enhancement of the value 
  of the investments held can be demonstrated. 
The Company has adopted a policy  of charging 100% of the  Investment 
Management fees to the revenue account. 
Deferred taxation 
Deferred taxation  is provided  in full  on timing  differences  that 
result in an obligation at the balance sheet date to pay more tax, or 
a right to pay less tax, at a future date, at rates expected to apply 
when they  crystallise based  on current  tax rates  and law.  Timing 
differences  arise  from  the  inclusion  of  items  of  income   and 
expenditure in taxation computations in periods different from  those 
in which they are included in financial statements. 
2 Return per share 
Revenue return per Ordinary share is  based on the net revenue  after 
taxation of  GBP605,000  (2007:  GBP562,000), in  respect  of  21,606,474 
(2007: 21,676,345) Ordinary shares, being the weighted average number 
of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 
Capital loss per  Ordinary share  is based  on the  net capital  loss 
after taxation of GBP383,000 (2007: GBP60,000), in respect of  21,606,474 
(2007: 21,676,345) Ordinary shares, being the weighted average number 
of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 
As the Company  has not  issued any convertible  securities or  share 
options, there is no dilutive  effect on return per Ordinary  share. 
The return per  share disclosed therefore  represents both the  basic 
and diluted return per Ordinary share. 
3 Net asset value per Ordinary share 
                                      2008                       2007 
                   Net asset                  Net asset 
                       value                      value 
                   per share     Net asset    per share     Net asset 
                                     value                      value 
                       Pence         GBP'000        Pence         GBP'000 
Ordinary                95.5        20,643         97.0        20,965 
Net asset value per Ordinary share is based on net assets at the year 
end, and on 21,603,990 (2007: 21,609,040) Ordinary shares, being  the 
number of Ordinary shares in issue at the year end. 
As the  Company  has  not  issued any  convertible  shares  or  share 
options, there is  no dilutive  return per Ordinary  share.  The  Net 
Asset Value per share disclosed  therefore represents both the  basic 
and diluted return per Ordinary share 
4 Principal financial risks 
As a VCT,  the majority of  the Company's assets  are represented  by 
financial instruments  which  are  held as  part  of  the  investment 
portfolio. In order to ensure continued compliance with relevant  VCT 
regulation and to be in a  position to deliver the long term  capital 
growth which is part of the Company's investment objective, the Board 
is very  much aware  of the  need to  manage and  mitigate the  risks 
associated with the financial instruments held within the  investment 
The management of these risks starts with the application of a  clear 
investment policy  which has  been  developed by  the Board  who  are 
experienced investment  professionals.  Furthermore,  the  Board  has 
appointed  an  experienced  investment  manager  to  whom  they  have 
communicated  the   Company's   investment   objectives   and   whose 
remuneration is linked  to the achievement  of those objectives.  The 
Investment Manager reports regularly to the Board on performance, and 
to facilitate the  direct Board  involvement with  key decisions,  on 
whether or not  to invest, disinvest  and the nature,  terms and  the 
security of investments being made. 
In assessing the risk profile of its investment portfolio, the  Board 
has identified three principal classes of financial instrument  which 
are  analysed  within  note  9  of  the  Financial  Statements.   All 
financial instruments are  "fair value  through the  profit and  loss 
account" and are recognised as such on initial recognition. 
In addition to  its investment  portfolio, the VCT  maintains a  cash 
position.   Cash is  mainly held by  Bank of Scotland  plc and  Royal 
Bank of Scotland plc  which are A+/A-1-rated financial  institutions. 
The Directors consider  that the  risk profile  associated with  cash 
deposits is  low  and  thus  the  carrying  value  in  the  financial 
statements is a close approximation of the fair value. 
The Board has reviewed the Company's financial risk profile.  Despite 
the fact that there  has been a clear  deterioration in the  economic 
climate, the Board has concluded that,  as a result of the manner  in 
which the Company structures its investments  so as to try to  reduce 
downside risk,  the  Company's exposure  to  financial risk  has  not 
changed significantly since the previous year. 
A review of  the specific  financial risks  faced by  the Company  is 
presented below. 
Market risks 
Market risk arises from uncertainty about fair values or future  cash 
flows of financial instruments because of changes in market prices. 
The Company's  investment portfolio  is comprised  of variable  rate, 
floating rate and fixed rate  financial instruments, the fair  values 
of which are  influenced by  differing degrees by  changes in  market 
price.  Generally, unless the risk profile attaching to the loan note 
changes, the fair value of variable and floating rate investments  is 
unlikely  to  alter  materiality.   The  fair  value  of  fixed  rate 
investments would,  theoretically,  increase  as  base  rates  fall. 
However, as a result of the structuring of the Company's investments, 
the fixed rate  investments (loan notes)  have strict redemption  and 
transferability conditions and, therefore, any theoretical uplift  in 
fair value would not be a fair reflection of the realisable value  of 
this class of investment. 
The Company's  future cash  flows  can be  influenced by  changes  in 
interest rates resulting in  an increase or  decrease in income  from 
investments linked to the base rate, as well as the credit worthiness 
of the borrowers  of the funds.   The maximum exposure  to this  risk 
amounts to the  value of variable  and floating rate  assets of  GBP6.0 
million (2007:  GBP6.9 million).  Sensitivity has  been tested  by  the 
impact on the NAV over a one year  period of a fall in the base  rate 
to nil, being the  largest possible fall.   The impact is  summarised 
                 Base   rate Risk exposure at   Impact on   Impact on 
falls to nil                      30 Nov 2008         NAV     NAV per 
                                        GBP'000       GBP'000       Pence 
Variable rate investments               1,949          40        0.2p 
Floating rate investments               4,022         111        0.5p 
                                        5,971         151        0.7p 
The Company has no holdings in  any listed or quoted equities at  the 
year  end  so  has  no  direct  exposure  to  substantial   movements 
experienced by stock  markets.  As the  Company generally  structures 
its investments such that  the majority of  any losses are  initially 
borne by its investment partners, the Company has reduced exposure to 
any falls in the values of the underlying assets of the businesses in 
which it invests. 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that a counterparty to a financial instrument 
is unable to discharge  a commitment to the  Company made under  that 
instrument.  The  Company's  financial  assets that  are  exposed  to 
credit risk are summarised as follows: 
                                            2008     2007 
                                           GBP'000    GBP'000 
Investments in loan stocks                15,399   13,151 
Cash and cash equivalents                    879      588 
Interest, dividends and other receivables    158      127 
                                          16,436   13,866 
Credit risk in respect of investments in liquidity funds is minimised 
by investing in AA-rated funds. 
Investments in  loan  stocks  comprise  a  fundamental  part  of  the 
Company's venture capital investments and are managed within the main 
investment management procedures.  The Company's policy is to  invest 
in businesses with substantial assets, with security being taken over 
the assets of the business. 
Cash is mainly  held by  Bank of Scotland  plc, which  is a  AA-rated 
financial institution and, consequently  the Directors consider  that 
the risk profile associated with cash deposits is low. 
Interest, dividends and other  receivables are predominantly  covered 
within the investment management procedures. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk  that the Company encounters  difficulties 
in meeting obligations associated with its financial liabilities.  As 
the Company  only  ever has  a  very  low level  of  creditors  being 
GBP267,000 (2007:  GBP432,000)  and has  no  borrowings (other  than  the 
GBP21,000 of loan notes issued to the management team in respect of the 
performance incentive  fee), the  Board believes  that the  Company's 
exposure to liquidity risk is minimal. 
5 Contingencies, guarantees and financial commitments 
Contingent liability re. performance incentive fees 
As explained in the Report of the Directors within the Annual Report, 
the Company may be liable to pay performance incentive fees by way of 
additional interest on the loan  notes issued to the Management  Team 
and Directors.   The  amount  of  additional  interest,  if  any,  is 
dependent on the level of distributions made to Shareholders before 5 
April 2012.  The maximum amount  payable under these arrangements  is 
10% of the net proceeds paid to Shareholders. 
If the Company's assets and liabilities were realised at the  current 
carrying  values  and  other  targets  met,  the  maximum  level   of 
performance fees payable  would be GBP2.1  million (equivalent to  9.9p 
per share).  However, in view of the significant uncertainties as  to 
what extent  the targets  will  actually be  met, the  Directors  are 
unable to make  a reliable estimate  of the fees  (if any).that  will 
ultimately be payable 
Other than as described above, at  30 November 2008, the Company  had 
no contingencies, guarantees or financial commitments. 
6 Controlling party and related party transactions 
In the opinion  of the Directors  there is no  immediate or  ultimate 
controlling party. 
Downing Protected  Managers IV  Limited ("DPM  IV"), a  wholly  owned 
subsidiary is the Company's Investment Manager. During the year ended 
30 November 2008, GBP208,000  (2007: GBP207,000) was  payable to DPM  IV. 
Additionally,   DPM   IV   provides   accounting,   secretarial   and 
administrative services for an annual  fee of GBP40,000 (plus RPI)  per 
annum. During  the  year  ended  30  November  2008,  GBP43,000  (2007: 
GBP42,000) was due in respect of administration fees. At the year end a 
balance of GBP61,000 (2007: GBP62,000) was due to DPM IV. 
Each of the Directors hold loans notes issued by the Company as  part 
of the performance incentive arrangements. 
Announcement based on audited accounts 
The financial  information  set out  in  this announcement  does  not 
constitute the Company's statutory financial statements in accordance 
with section 434 Companies  Act 2006 for the  year ended 30  November 
2008, but has been extracted from the statutory financial  statements 
for the year ended 30 November 2008, which were approved by the Board 
of Directors on 31 March 2009 and will be delivered to the  Registrar 
of Companies  following the  Company's Annual  General Meeting.   The 
Independent  Auditor's  Report  on  those  financial  statements  was 
unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements 
under s 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 November 2008 have  been 
delivered to the Registrar of  Companies and received an  Independent 
Auditors report  which  was  unqualified  and  did  not  contain  any 
emphasis of  matter  nor  statements  under S237(2)  or  (3)  of  the 
Companies Act 1985. 
A copy of  the full annual  report and financial  statements for  the 
year  ended  30  November  2008   will  be  printed  and  posted   to 
shareholders shortly. Copies will also be available to the public  at 
the registered office  of the  Company at Kings  Scholars House,  230 
Vauxhall Bridge  Road, London  SW1V  1AU and  will be  available  for 
download from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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