Half-yearly report

Downing Protected VCT IV plc
Half Yearly Report for the six months ended 31 May 2008


                                            31 May   31 May   30 Nov
                                              2008     2007     2007
                                             pence    pence    pence
Net asset value per Ordinary share            93.8     95.6     97.0
Cumulative distributions per Ordinary share    3.5      1.0      1.0
Total return per Ordinary share               97.3     96.6     98.0

The last  six  months have  seen  a continued  deterioration  in  the
economy, with the impact  of the "credit-crunch"  being felt far  and
wide and showing no signs of easing.  Both residential and commercial
property sectors have now been  hit hard, providing a very  different
environment for your Company from that which existed at its outset.

Portfolio Activity
The Company  is now  approaching the  end of  its investment  phase.
Three VCT-qualifying investments were made in the period at a cost of
�2.25 million.

�1 million was invested in Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure Club  Limited.
These funds will help finance the development of spa and leisure club
facilities in the grounds of Hoole Hall Country Club near Chester.  A
further VCT-qualifying investment of �250,000 was made in Hoole  Hall
Country Club Limited.   This company  owns and  operates the  country
club at  Hoole  Hall, which  is  used for  weddings,  banqueting  and

A �1 million VCT-qualifying was made in West Tower Holdings Limited.
Using these funds, the  company acquired The  West Tower, a  popular,
upmarket dining and wedding venue with 12 bedrooms, near Ormskirk.

The  Company  also  made  three  non-qualifying  investments  in  the
period.  An investment of �1.25 million was made in Hoole Hall  Hotel
Limited. Based on  the same site  as the other  Hoole Hall  companies
mentioned above, this  company operates the  hotel facilities on  the

An investment  of  �750,000 was  made  in New  Swan  Holding  Company
Limited, which acquired The Swan,  a restaurant, bar, conference  and
function venue, also near Ormskirk.  The management team is the  same
team as that involved in  West Tower, so this investment  complements
the qualifying investment described above.

Finally, a non-qualifying investment of  �650,000 was made in  Cymbal
Contracting Limited, after an opportunity  arose for your Company  to
make a short-term loan at an  attractive yield and with a high  level
of security. Cymbal is  well known to the  Investment Manager and  is
undertaking a contract developing  commercial premises on the  Ealing
Studios site in West London.

Fixed interest portfolio
To provide funding for the investments described above, the bonds and
other fixed interest securities  previously held were gradually  sold
over the period.  These disposals  produced a small realised gain  of
�31,000 for the period.

The Board  has  reviewed  the  progress  of  each  of  the  Company's
investments at  the period  end.  In  most cases,  progress has  been
satisfactory or to plan and the valuations been held at the  previous
carrying values, often supported by security that has been taken over
assets.  The  investment  in  Vermont  Developments  Limited  is  one
exception.  The Company made an  investment of �1 million in  Vermont
to partially fund the purchase of development land in Salford, with a
charge being taken over the land.   The sharp change in the  property
market has resulted in the development of the site being delayed  and
has now created some considerable uncertainty over the current market
value of  the land.   In  view of  this  uncertainty, the  Board  has
decided that it  is appropriate to  make a provision  of 50%  against
this investment, equivalent to �500,000.

Net Asset Value and Results
At 31 May 2008, the Net Asset Value per share ("NAV") of the  Company
stood at 93.8p, a  small decrease of 0.7p  (0.7%) since the  previous
year end of 30 November 2007  (after adjusting for the 2.5p  dividend
paid during  the  period).  The loss  on  ordinary  activities  after
taxation for the period was �162,000, comprising a revenue profit  of
�307,000 and a capital loss of �469,000.

Share repurchase
The Company operates  a policy, subject  to certain restrictions,  of
buying its own shares when any become available in the market.  5,050
shares were purchased in  the period for cancellation  at a price  of
85.0p per share.

Risk and uncertainties
Under the Disclosure  and Transparency  Directive, the  Board is  now
required in the Company's half  year results, to report on  principal
risks and uncertainties facing the Company over the remainder of  the
financial year.

The Board has concluded  that the key risks  facing the Company  over
the remainder of the financial period are as follows:

(i) investment risk associated with  investing in small and  immature
businesses; and

(ii) failure to maintain approval as a VCT.

In order  to  make VCT-qualifying  investments,  the Company  has  to
invest in small businesses which  are often immature. The  Investment
Manager follows a rigorous process in vetting and careful structuring
of new investments, including taking a charge over the assets of  the
business wherever possible, and, after an investment is made, closely
monitoring the business.  The Board is  satisfied that this  approach
reduces the investment risk as far as reasonably possible.

The Company's  compliance with  the  VCT regulations  is  continually
monitored by the Administration Manager, who reports regularly to the
Board  on   the   current   position.  The   Company   also   retains
PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and advice in  this
area.  The Board considers that this  approach reduces the risk of  a
breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level

Since the period end, the Company has made one further VCT-Qualifying
investment and  has  commitments to  invest  further funds  in  three
existing portfolio  investments over  the coming  months.  This  will
take your Company  comfortably above the  70% VCT Qualification  test
and complete the investing phase.

It is now clear that the Company has had to invest a large proportion
of its funds during a period immediately before a sharp downturn.

While the Company's strategy  has been to  reduce the risks  normally
associated with VCTs as much as possible, it cannot totally  insulate
itself from falls in  value of assets, even  those over which it  has
taken  a  charge.   The  Manager  is  therefore  closely   monitoring
investments and, where  appropriate, is  encouraged by  the Board  to
take decisive action.  The Board is confident that this approach will
allow the  Company to  meet its  objectives despite  the  challenging
conditions which now prevail.

Hugh Gillespie

as at 31 May 2008

                                     31 May   31 May   30 Nov
                                       2008     2007     2007
                                      �'000    �'000    �'000

Fixed assets
Investments                          19,690   19,532   20,505

Current assets
Debtors                                 226      286      325
Cash at bank and in hand                892    1,230      588
                                      1,118    1,516      913

Creditors: amounts falling due        (528)    (306)    (432)
within one year

Net assets less current liabilities  20,280   20,742   20,986

Creditors: amounts falling due after
more than one year                     (21)     (21)     (21)

Net assets                           20,259   20,721   20,965

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                 216      217      216
Capital redemption reserve                1        -        1
Special reserve                      20,205   20,271   20,209
Capital reserve - realised             (50)        -        -
Capital reserve - unrealised          (500)     (89)     (81)
Revenue reserve                         387      322      620

Equity shareholders' funds           20,259   20,721   20,965

Net asset value per share             97.3p    95.6p    97.0p


                                      31 May   31 May   30 Nov
                                        2008     2007     2007
                                       �'000    �'000    �'000

Opening shareholders' funds           20,965   20,742   20,742
Purchase of own shares                   (4)        -     (62)
Dividends paid                         (540)    (217)    (217)
Total recognised gains for the period  (162)      196      502
Closing shareholders' funds           20,259   20,721   20,965

for the six months ended 31 May 2008

                                 Six months ended
                                   31 May 2008

                            Revenue   Capital    Total
                              �'000     �'000    �'000

Income                          639         -      639

Losses on investments             -     (469)    (469)
                                639     (469)      170

Investment management fees    (109)         -    (109)
Other expenses                 (81)         -     (81)

Return/loss on ordinary         449     (469)     (20)
activities before taxation

Taxation                      (142)         -    (142)

Return/loss attributable to     307     (469)    (162)
equity shareholders

Return/loss per share          1.4p    (2.1)p   (0.7)p

                               Six months ended            Year ended
                                  31 May 2007        30 November 2007

                           Revenue   Capital   Total            Total
                             �'000     �'000   �'000            �'000

Income                         582         -     582            1,202

Losses on investments            -      (68)    (68)             (60)
                               582      (68)     514            1,142

Investment management fees   (104)         -   (104)            (207)
Other expenses                (88)         -    (88)            (167)

Return/loss on ordinary        390      (68)     322              768
 activities before

Taxation                     (126)         -   (126)            (266)

Return/loss attributable       264      (68)     196              502
equity shareholders

Return/loss per share         1.2p    (0.3p)    0.9p             2.3p

A Statement  of  Total  Recognised  Gains and  Losses  has  not  been
prepared as  all  gains  and  losses are  recognised  in  the  Income
Statement as noted above.

for the six months ended 31 May 2008

                                          31 May    31 May     30 Nov
                                            2008      2007       2007
                                    Note   �'000     �'000      �'000
Cash inflow from operating
activities and                       1
returns on investments                       768       407        925

Corporation tax paid                       (266)         -      (133)

Capital expenditure
Purchase of investments                  (4,900)   (5,750)   (14,568)
Proceeds from disposal of                  5,246     6,100     13,953
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from
capital                                      346       350      (615)

Equity dividends paid                      (540)     (217)      (217)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before             308       540       (40)

Shares repurchased                           (4)         -       (62)
Net cash outflow from financing              (4)         -       (62)

Increase in cash                     2       304       540      (102)

Notes to the cash flow statement:

1. Cash inflow from operating
activities and
returns on investments
Net loss before taxation                    (19)       322        768
Losses on investments                        469        68         60
Decrease in other debtors                     99       116         77
Increase/(decrease)    in     other          219      (99)         20
  Net  cash inflow  from  operating          768       407        925

2. Analysis of net funds
Beginning of period                          588       690        690
Net cash inflow/(outflow)                    304       540      (102)
End of period                                892     1,230        588

as at 31 May 2008

                                                gain/(loss)      % of
                                                     in the portfolio
                                 Cost Valuation      period by value
Venture Capital Investments     �'000     �'000       �'000     �'000
VCT Qualifying
Cadbury House Limited           3,000     3,000           -     14.6%
Heyford Contracting (South)
Ltd                             1,650     1,650           -      8.0%
Hoole Hall Country Club Ltd     1,625     1,625           -      7.9%
Richstone Contracting Limited   1,593     1,593           -      7.7%
The Really Fine Leisure         1,100     1,100           -      5.3%
Heyford Contracting (North)
Ltd                             1,037     1,037           -      5.0%
Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure
Club Limited                    1,000     1,000           -      4.9%
Nu Nu plc                       1,000     1,000           -      4.9%
West Tower Holdings Limited     1,000     1,000           -      4.9%
Future Films Production
Services Limited                  825       825           -      4.0%
                               13,830    13,830           -     67.2%
Non VCT Qualifying
Hoole Hall Hotel Ltd            1,250     1,250           -      6.1%
Aminghurst Ltd                    992       992           -      4.8%
New Swan Holding Company Ltd      750       750           -      3.6%
Cymbal Contracting Limited        650       650           -      3.2%
Bowman Care Homes Ltd             600       600           -      2.9%
Gatewales Ltd                     500       500           -      2.4%
Vermont Developments Ltd        1,000       500       (500)      2.4%
Heyford Homes Ltd                 300       300           -      1.5%
Sanguine Hospitality Ltd          243       243           -      1.2%
Coastal Partnerships Ltd           75        75           -      0.4%
                                6,360     5,860       (500)     28.5%

Total                          20,190    19,690       (500)     95.7%

Cash at Bank                                892                  4.3%

Total investments                        20,582                100.0%

for the six months ended 31 May 2008


VCT Qualifying investments

Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure  Spa and leisure club owner operator 1,000
Club Limited

West Tower Holdings Limited Country house, hotel and restaurant 1,000
                            owner and operator


Hoole Hall Country Club Ltd Country house and restaurant owner    250
                            and operator


Non-qualifying investments

Hoole Hall Hotel Ltd        Hotel owner and operator            1,250


New Swan Holding Company    Restaurant and bar owner and          750
Ltd                         operator

Cymbal Contracting Limited  Building contractor                   650



                                 Cost   Proceeds   Profit/(loss)
                                �'000      �'000           �'000
VCT Qualifying investments
Heyford Contracting (South) Ltd   350        350               -

Non-qualifying investments
Property Solutions Ltd            500        500               -
Heyford Homes VCT Ltd             300        300               -
Calthorpe Street Ltd              113        125              12
Vermont Developments Ltd            -         10              10
Sanguine Hospitality Ltd            7         15               8

Fixed Interest Investments
John Hancock 6.625%               521        505            (16)
Toyota 5.25%                      502        502               -
HSBC Finance (Household) 6.125%   513        497            (16)
ASIF3 (AIG) 5.625%                504        495             (9)
Metropolitan Life 5.25%           501        495             (6)
Bank of Ireland 4.75%             496        490             (6)
ING 4.75%                         492        492               -
Merrill Lynch 5.125%              497        470            (27)

                                5,296      5,246            (50)


1. The unaudited half yearly  financial results cover the six  months
to 31  May  2008  and  have been  prepared  in  accordance  with  the
accounting policies set out  in the statutory  accounts for the  year
ended 30  November  2007  which  were  prepared  under  UK  Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP")  and in accordance with  the
Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment
Trust Companies" revised December 2005 ("SORP").

2. All revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive  from
continuing operations.

3. The Company has only one class of business and derives its  income
from investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits.

4. The comparative figures  were in respect  of the six-month  period
ended 31 May 2007 and the year ended 30 November 2007 respectively.

5. Return per share for the period has been calculated on  21,608,957
shares, being the weighted average  number of shares in issue  during
the period.

6. Dividends paid

                                 31 May 2008          31 May   30 Nov
                                                        2007     2007
                          Revenue   Capital   Total    Total    Total
                            �'000     �'000   �'000    �'000    �'000
Paid in period/year
2007 Final                    540         -     540        -        -
(2.5p paid 25 April 2008)
2006 Final                      -         -       -      217      217
(1.0p paid 27 April 2007)
                              540         -     540      217      217

7. Reserves

              Capital           Capital    Capital
           redemption Special reserve -  reserve -  Revenue
              reserve reserve  realised unrealised  reserve  Total
                �'000   �'000     �'000      �'000    �'000  �'000

At 30 November 2007 1  20,209         -       (81)      620 20,749
Gains/(losses) on   -       -        31      (500)        -  (469)
Dividends paid      -       -         -          -    (540)  (540)
Share buybacks      -     (4)         -          -        -    (4)
Retained revenue    -       -         -          -      307    307
Transfer            -       -      (81)         81        -      -

At 31 May 2008      1  20,205      (50)      (500)      387 20,043

The  Special  Reserve  was  created   on  6  December  2006  by   the
cancellation of the Share Premium account following court  approval.
The Special  Reserve  is  available  to the  Company  to  enable  the
purchase of  its  own shares  in  the market  without  affecting  its
ability to  pay  capital  distributions.   The  Special  Reserve  and
Revenue Reserve are both distributable reserves.

8.  The  unaudited  financial  statements  set  out  herein  do   not
constitute statutory accounts  within the meaning  of Section 240  of
the Companies Act 1985 and have  not been delivered to the  Registrar
of Companies.

9. The Directors confirm  that, to the best  of their knowledge,  the
half-yearly financial  statements have  been prepared  in  accordance
with the "Statement: Half-Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the  UK
Accounting Standards  Board  and  the  half-yearly  financial  report
includes a fair review of the information required by:

a. DTR  4.2.7R of  the Disclosure  and Transparency  Rules, being  an
indication of important  events that have  occurred during the  first
six months of the  financial year and their  impact on the  condensed
set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks
and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related
party transactions that have taken place  in the first six months  of
the current  financial year  and that  have materially  affected  the
financial position or performance of  the entity during that  period,
and any changes in  the related party  transactions described in  the
last annual report that could do so.

10. Copies of  the half yearly  report will be  sent to  shareholders
shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's Registered
Office or can be downloaded from www.downing.co.uk.


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