RNS Number:3413N
Deltron Electronics PLC
09 June 2005

For immediate release                                          9th June 2005

                            DELTRON ELECTRONICS PLC

                                INTERIM RESULTS

Deltron Electronics plc (LSE: DET), the specialist electronic component
solutions provider, is pleased to announce its financial results for the six
months ending 31 March 2005.

Business highlights

  *   Quiller Holdings Ltd acquired on 1 November 2004 for a net
      consideration of #2.3M (inclusive of costs).

Financial highlights

  *   Sales increased to #33.3M (2004: #31.8M)                                                   +5%
  *   Profit before goodwill, exceptional items and tax: #1.4M (2004: #0.8M)                    +91%
  *   Profit before tax after goodwill and exceptional items: #0.5M (2004: #0.3M)               +65%
  *   Gross margins up at 33.5% (2004: 32.5%)
  *   Basic EPS of 0.7p (2004: 0.2p)                                                           +250%
  *   Net debt at #8.8M after the acquisition of Quiller Holdings Ltd (2004: #6.0M)
  *   Gearing remains low at 46% (2004: 31%)
  *   Interim dividend increased to 0.614p (2004: 0.585p)                                        +5%
  *   First China office opened - March 2005

Commenting on the results, Paul Gourmand, Chairman, said:

"Deltron has performed particularly well as a group with a 5% increase in sales
resulting in a 91% increase in profit before goodwill, exceptional items and tax
despite the challenging market conditions. The Board remains confident that the
profit before tax, goodwill, amortisation and exceptional items for the full
financial year should show a marked improvement on the previous 12 months,
albeit lower than the market expectations.  We expect the industry consolidation
currently underway to continue and we will play a major role in this as we seek
to find further compatible businesses across Europe."

For more information please contact:

Deltron Electronics plc
Christopher Sawyer, Chief Executive Officer               01638 561156

Buchanan Communications
Tim Anderson or Mary-Jane Johnson                         020 7466 5000

Chairman's Statement


Deltron has performed particularly well as a Group despite the challenging
market conditions experienced throughout the first six months of the current
financial year.  The Company's sales, profit, cash generation and other key
indicators all reflect the improved performance of your business.

In November 2004 we completed the acquisition of Quiller Holdings Limited, a UK
distributor of electromechanical components for a net consideration of #2.3m. It
is now fully integrated into our existing UK business enabling Deltron to
benefit from an expanded customer base and increased UK market share with a
minimal increase in overheads.

Business development has continued since 31 March 2005 with the opening of a
small office in China to improve our ability to source product from the Asian
market. It enables our Asian supply chain sources to work seamlessly alongside
our customers, thereby improving our delivery of designed-in solutions. One of
Deltron's key strengths lies in the design-in approach, which keeps the staff
close to our customers.

New legislation

Deltron are aware of new legislation that is due to come into force on 1 July
2006 from the The European Union Directive on the Restriction of Use of Certain
Hazardous Substances.  We are well advanced with discussions with suppliers and
customers alike and are pleased to say that many of our suppliers are already,
in advance of this date, producing compliant products.

Financial Results

In the six months to 31 March 2005 turnover increased 5% to #33.3m with Quiller
contributing #1.4m in the period. Gross margin increased to #11.1m compared with
#10.4m in the first six months last year, while operating expenses excluding
exceptionals and goodwill amortisation only increased from #9.2m to #9.4m.

Profit before exceptionals, goodwill and tax increased 91% to #1.45m compared to
#0.8m last time and profit after tax of #0.3m compared to #0.1m. Adjusted
earnings per share increased 86% to 2.6p from 1.4p and basic earnings were 0.7p
compared to 0.2p in 2004.

The balance sheet continues to be strong with positive cashflow from operating
activities pre-exceptional items of #2.2m compared to #1.4m (Ref: Note 5) and
gearing below 50%. Interest cover before goodwill and exceptional items doubled
to 5.7 times from 2.8 times. Cash and unutilised facilities total approximately
#8m, which gives us the flexibility to respond to acquisition opportunities as
they arise.

The dividend has been increased 5% from the level last year to 0.614p.  The
dividend will be paid on 19 August to shareholders on the register at 22 July

Current Trading and Prospects

Despite the strength of Deltron's first half performance the market has become
demanding as advised in our trading update issued in April 2005.  Recent AFDEC
figures for the first quarter of 2005 show that billings in the UK have declined
by approximately 10% year on year, after adjusting for an early Easter. As a
result we do not expect growth in the UK this year, if we exclude the benefit of
the Quiller acquisition, a market that accounts for 30% of Group turnover.
Germany has also shown some recent signs of market weakness although for the six
months under review, Continental Europe met our expectations. The book to bill
ratio at 31 March 2005 was a useful 1.05.

In recent press reports, forecasters and our peer group are expressing negative
views on the short term economic and market conditions.  The recent market
slowdown may be a temporary de-stocking situation, it is too early to say for
sure. Therefore, we believe we are right to be cautious as we move the business

Our strategy of acquisitions continues, we constantly are seeking to find
compatible businesses and product types that will accelerate profit and growth
by enhancing our service offering.

We are currently looking to strengthen our Board through recruitment of an
additional Non-executive director who can provide additional support to us
during this period of  consolidation within the electronic component
distribution sector.

Deltron's management are well placed and highly experienced to add value to the
Company as demonstrated in the first half of the year and, despite the current
economic climate, our staff are extremely motivated and positive that we will
continue to grow the business.

To sum up, the Board remains confident that the Group's profit before tax,
goodwill, amortisation and exceptional items over the full financial year should
show a marked improvement on the previous 12 months, albeit less than current
market expectations.  Deltron continues to win market share by staying close to
its customers and extending its product range. It is a formula which, as
demonstrated above, delivers the best possible performance even in difficult
economic climates.

P R Gourmand
9 June 2005


For 6 Months ended 31 March

                               2005           2005        2005         2004        2004         2004        Year
                             Before       Goodwill       Total       Before    Goodwill        Total       ended
                           goodwill            and                 goodwill         and                       30
                                and      operating                      and   operating                 Sep.2004
                          operating    exceptional                operating exceptional               
                        exceptional          items              exceptional       items         
                              items       (note 2)                    items    (note 2)
                     Note      #000         #000         #000        #000         #000         #000        #000

Existing Operations           31,854            -       31,854      31,806            -       31,806      65,709
Acquisitions                   1,422            -        1,422           -            -            -           -

                              33,276            -       33,276      31,806            -       31,806      65,709
Cost of Sales                (22,128)           -      (22,128)    (21,453)           -      (21,453)    (44,290)

Gross profit                  11,148            -       11,148      10,353            -       10,353      21,419
Operating expenses            (9,393)        (922)     (10,315)     (9,172)        (438)      (9,610)    (19,565)

Operating profit being
profit / (loss) on
ordinary activities
before interest
Existing Operations           1,617          (438)       1,179       1,181        (438)          743       1,854
Acquisitions                    138          (484)        (346)          -           -             -           -

                              1,755          (922)         833       1,181        (438)          743       1,854

Interest payable               (330)            -         (330)       (441)          -          (441)       (748)
Interest receivable              24             -           24          17           -            17          30

Profit /(loss) on           
ordinary activities
before tax                    1,449          (922)         527         757        (438)          319       1,136
Taxation                3      (364)          116         (248)       (241)          -          (241)       (554)

Profit /(loss) on         
ordinary activities
after tax                     1,085          (806)         279         516        (438)           78         582
Dividends                      (254)            -         (254)       (240)          -          (240)       (773)

Profit /(loss) retained        
for the financial 
period                         831          (806)          25         276        (438)         (162)       (191)

Earnings per share -    4
(basic and diluted)                                       0.7p                                  0.2p        1.5p
Adjusted earnings per   4
share - basic and                                      
diluted                                                   2.6p                                  1.4p        3.7p

Dividends per share                                     0.614p                                0.585p      1.872p


For 6 Months ended 31 March

                                                                 2005         2004  Year ended
                                                                                        30 Sep
                                                                #000          #000        #000

Profit for the period                                            279            78         582
Exchange differences                                             (11)          305         213

Total Gains and Losses recognised during period                  267           383         795


For 6 Months ended 31 March

                                                                   2005        2004         Year
                                                                                        Sep 2004
                                                        Note      #000         #000         #000

Opening shareholders' funds                                     18,982       12,547       12,547
Retained profit/(loss) for the period                               25         (162)        (191)
Share capital issued                                      6        273        6,434        6,413
Exchange differences                                               (11)         305          213

Increase in shareholders' funds for the period                     287        6,577        6,435

Closing shareholders' funds                                     19,269       19,124       18,982


As at 31 March

                                                                                            As at
                                                                  2005         2004       30 Sep.
                                                                 Total        Total          2004
                                                                 #000          #000          #000
Fixed Assets:
Tangible assets                                                   2,662       2,743         2,734
Intangible assets                                                15,978      14,413         13,922
                                                                 18,640      17,156         16,656
Current Assets:
Stocks                                                            8,118       7,880          8,815
Debtors                                                          13,984      13,963         13,607
Cash at bank and in hand                                          1,810       5,994          4,633
                                                                 23,912      27,837         27,055
Amounts falling due within one year                             (16,116)    (18,498)       (17,073)

Net Current Assets                                                7,796       9,339          9,982

Total assets less current liabilities                            26,436      26,495         26,638

Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year         (6,924)     (7,037)        (7,287)
Provision for liabilities and charges                              (243)       (334)          (369)

                                                                 19,269      19,124         18,982

Capital and Reserves:
Called up share capital                                           2,070       2,052          2,053
Share premium                                                    21,036      21,058         21,036
Other reserve                                                       256           -              -
Reserves                                                         (4,093)     (3,986)        (4,107)

Equity shareholders' funds                                       19,269      19,124         18,982


For 6 Months ended 31 March

                                                                   2005       2004           Year
                                                                  Total      Total       ended 30
                                                                                        Sep. 2004
                                                     Note         #000        #000           #000

Cash flow from operating activities                   5           1,849       1,448         3,388
Returns on investment and servicing of finance                     (343)       (424)         (793)
Taxation                                                           (123)        722           507
Capital expenditure (net of proceeds)                              (238)       (133)         (394)
Acquisitions (net of cash acquired)                   7          (2,123)          -        (1,805)
Equity dividend paid                                               (532)       (344)         (584)

Cash flow before financing                                       (1,510)      1,269           319
Financing                                                          (837)      3,771         3,689

Change in Cash                                                   (2,347)      5,040         4,008


Reconciliation of cash flow to movement in net debt:

Opening net debt                                                 (7,290)    (14,070)      (14,070)

Change in Cash                                                   (2,347)      5,040         4,008
Cash flow from change in debt                                       837       2,663         2,724

Change in net debt                                               (1,510)      7,703         6,732
Inception of finance leases                                         (22)        (33)          (41)
Amortisation of issue costs                                         (62)        (26)         (129)
Exchange differences                                                 37         398           218

Movement in net debt                                             (1,557)      8,042         6,780

Closing net debt                                                 (8,847)     (6,028)       (7,290)



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 31 March 2005, which comprises the profit and loss account,
the statement of total recognised gains and losses, the balance sheet, the cash
flow statement, the reconciliation of cash flow to movement in net debt, and the
related notes 1 to 8 together with the movement in shareholders' funds. We have
read the other information contained in the interim report and considered
whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with
the financial information.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures are consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 March 2005.

Deloitte & Touche LLP
Chartered Accountants
9 June 2005

Notes to the interim accounts

 1. Basis of preparation

The financial information for the year ended 30 September 2004 is derived from
the statutory accounts filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors'
report on the statutory accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement
under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.  The interim accounts do not
comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985 but have been reviewed by the Auditors whose report is on page 8. The
interim accounts have been prepared using accounting policies consistent with
those used for the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 September 2004.

 2. Goodwill and operating exceptional items

Included within administration costs is a charge of #460,000 (2004: #438,000) in
respect of the amortisation of goodwill for the period.

The operating exceptional item of #462,000 was for the closure and relocation of
the Quiller Electronics operation in Bournemouth, when this was merged with the
existing UK distribution business in Scunthorpe. This was relieved by a tax
credit of #116,000.

 3. Taxation

The taxation charge is based on the estimated effective rate for the year ending
30 September 2005.

 4.  Earnings per share

Earnings per share are calculated in accordance with Financial Reporting
Standard 14 (FRS 14).  The calculation of earnings per share, for the half-year
is based on the profit attributable to equity shareholders of #279,000 (2004:
#78,000) and 41,348,611 (2004: 37,467,603) shares, being the daily average of
the number of shares in issue during the period.

The diluted earnings per share is based on weighted average of 41,470,663 (2004:
37,544,438) shares after allowing for the exercise of share options. The number
of qualifying options is insufficient to dilute the earning per share.

An adjusted earnings per share value is presented after adding back the
amortisation of goodwill and the operating exceptional item, net of tax, of
#806,000 (2004: after adding back the amortisation of goodwill of #438,000).
This has been presented in order to provide comparability with other companies.

 5. Net cash flow from operating activities

                                    2005             2004   Year ended 30
                                                                Sept 2004
                                    #000             #000            #000

Operating profit                    833               743           1,854
Amortisation of issue costs          62                26             129
Amortisation of goodwill            460               438             876
Depreciation                        350               449             789
(Profit)/loss on disposal            (1)              (17)            (21)
of fixed assets
Changes in
      Stocks                      1,082               (66)           (880)
      Debtors                       611              (629)         (1,079)
      Creditors                  (1,548)              504           1,720
Net cash flow from
operating activities.             1,849             1,448           3,388

The net cash flow from operating activities for the six months ended 31 March
includes an exceptional cash outflow of #393,000 incurred in relation to the
restructuring of Quiller Holdings Ltd.

                                    2005             2004   Year ended 30
                                                                Sept 2004
                                    #000             #000            #000
Net cash flow pre
exceptional cash outflows          2,249            1,448           3,388

Exceptional cash outflows           (393)               -               -
Net cash flow from
operating activities.              1,849            1,448           3,388

 6. Share Capital

In November 2004 the company issued #273,000 (net of expenses) of new equity as
part consideration for the acquisition of Quiller Holdings Ltd ("Quiller"). The
value attributed to this transaction in excess of the nominal share capital has
been taken to Other Reserves as required by S131 of the Companies Act.

 7. Acquisition

On 1 November 2004 the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Quiller, the
holding company of Quiller Electronics Ltd, a specialist distributor of
electromechanical components to the manufacturing industry, for a net
consideration of approximately #2.3m (inclusive of costs and net of cash

The consideration for the acquisition was satisfied by approximately #2.7M in
cash on completion and approximately #276,000 through the allotment, credited as
fully paid, of 340,740 new ordinary shares in Deltron ("the New Deltron Shares")
at an issue price of 81 pence per share.

In the year ended 31 December 2003, Quiller, which was founded in 1991, recorded
group turnover of approximately #4.2M and profit before interest and tax of
approximately #246,000 with strong 32% gross margins.  Since its formation,
Quiller has extended its product range to represent a comprehensive selection of
international component manufacturers, a number of which have exclusivity in the
UK.  Quiller brings with it a number of new UK franchises including additional
products for the aviation and security markets.  Introduction of these products
into the Deltron European distribution network is likely over the medium term.

 8. Company information

Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders and are also
available from the Company Secretary, Deltron Electronics plc, Cheveley House,
Fordham Road, Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 7XN.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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