RNS Number : 7825D
  Close European Accelerated Fund Ltd
  18 September 2008
Close European Accelerated Fund Limited
The directors announce the statement of results for the year ended 30 June 2008 as follows:-
About the Company
Close European Accelerated Fund Limited (the *Company*) is a Guernsey incorporated, closed-ended investment company. With the exception of
two Management Shares issued for administrative reasons, the Company*s issued share capital comprises 39,550,000 Participating Shares (the
*Shares*) the performance of which is designed to provide investors with a geared capped exposure to the performance of the Dow Jones
EuroStoxx 50 Index (the *Index*). 
Pursuant to the initial placing and offer for subscription, 36,000,000 Shares were issued at a price of 100p each on 27 July 2005. A further
3,550,000 Shares were issued at a price of 107.5p each on 21 September 2006. All 39,550,000 Shares in issue rank pari passu, have been
admitted to the Official List of the United Kingdom Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the London Stock Exchange. The Company has
an unlimited life but the Shares will be redeemed on or around 29 July 2011 (the *Redemption Date*).
The investment objective of the Company is to provide shareholders on the Redemption Date with a payment per Share which will comprise a
capital amount of 100p per Share and a growth amount per Share equal to five times any percentage increase in the value of the Index (the
*End Value*) as at 26 July 2011 (the *End Date*) relative to its value (the *Start Value*) as at 26 July 2005 (the *Start Date*), such
amount being expressed in pence and rounded down to the next half pence, subject to a maximum increase of 67.5 per cent. of the issue price
of 100 pence per Share.
If the End Value is lower than the Start Value, the Shares are designed to repay the full initial subscription amount of 100p per Share on
the Redemption Date provided that the value of the Index has not fallen below 50 per cent. of the Start Value at close of business on any
Index business day between the Start Date and the End Date (both dates inclusive).
If the value of the Index has fallen below 50 per cent. of the Start Value at close of business on any Index business day between the Start
Date and the End Date and the End Value is not at least equal to the Start Value, shareholders will be repaid the issue price of 100 pence
per Share as reduced by the same percentage by which the End Value is less than the Start Value.
In accordance with the Company*s investment policy, the net proceeds derived by the Company from the issue of Shares and the sale of a Put
option have been invested in a portfolio of debt securities containing embedded derivatives related to the Index at prices relative to the
value of the Index on 26 July 2005 of 3,302.98. Therefore, if the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index rises 13.5% or more from its Start Value of
3,302.98 on the Start Date, which equates to a level of 3,748.88 or higher as at the End Date, the Shares are designed to return growth of
67.5% on the Redemption Date.
The final return is subject to there being no counterparty default or any unforeseen circumstances.
At launch the net proceeds derived from the issue of Shares of the Company and the sale of a put option were invested in a portfolio of debt
securities and options at a price based on the level of the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index at the close of business on 26 July 2005, namely
3,302.98. On 30 June 2008 the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index closed at 3,352.81, a rise of 1.5% since launch and a fall of 25.3% for the year.
Over the same periods, the total market value of the Company*s shares fell by 5.0% and 18.1% respectively.
As the Company*s investment portfolio is based upon the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index, it is possible to show the potential capital
entitlements available to shareholders based on the level of the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index on 26 July 2011. These figures are for
illustrative purposes only and do not represent forecasts or take into account any unforeseen circumstances.
As at 26 July 2011:
 Final Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50      Net Asset Value if    Net Asset Value if
 Index Index Level                Dow Jones EuroStoxx   Dow Jones EuroStoxx
                                       50 Index never   50 Index has closed
                                         closes below      below 1,651.49**
                                          1,651.49 **
 2,800                                          100.0                  84.5
 2,900                                          100.0                  87.5
 3,000                                          100.0                  90.5
 3,100                                          100.0                  93.5
 3,200                                          100.0                  96.5
 3,300                                          100.0                  99.5
 3,352.81*                                      107.5                 107.5
 3,400                                          114.5                 114.5
 3,500                                          129.5                 129.5
 3,600                                          144.5                 144.5
 3,700                                          160.0                 160.0
 3,800                                          167.5                 167.5
 3,900                                          167.5                 167.5
 4,000                                          167.5                 167.5
* Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index level at the end of the reporting period
** On any day from 26 July 2005 to 26 July 2011
As part of its investment portfolio, the Company holds a debt security issued by Glitnir Banki HF (*Glitnir*) with a nominal value of �6
million and a market value, as at the reporting date, of �6,560,400. This represented 15.76 per cent of the value of the Company*s net
assets as at the reporting date.
On 21 April 2008, Standard & Poor*s Ratings Services lowered its long-term counterparty credit rating on Glitnir one notch from A- to BBB+,
with a negative outlook. Moody*s rating has remained unchanged since 28 February 2008, at A2, with a stable outlook. As a result of the
downgrade, the Board considered both the sale and the retention of the Glitnir debt security, acting in the best interests of the Company
and its shareholders.
The Board reviewed Glitnir*s Q1 2008 financial results, including its liquidity and capital adequacy position, as well as recent research
updates from the ratings agencies. Whilst Glitnir*s profitability has been, and is likely to remain, volatile due to difficult conditions in
capital markets, investment banking and the Icelandic economy, the ratings agencies noted Glitnir*s strong and sound levels of liquidity,
and its ability to meet commitments falling due over the short-to-medium term, even under comprehensive stress test conditions. They also
considered that, should systemic support ever be required from the Icelandic authorities, it would likely be forthcoming. The ratings
agencies are not, therefore, suggesting that Glitnir will likely default on its liabilities. In fact, to the contrary, a BBB+ rating is
defined by Standard & Poor*s as investment grade, with an *adequate* capacity to meet its financial commitments.
The Board also considered how the Final Capital Entitlement of the Shares might be affected by any sale of the Glitnir debt security and
noted that there could be a significant cost involved, resulting in an irreversible reduction in the possible returns to the Company*s
On the basis of the prevailing facts, the Board therefore concluded that it would not be in the best interests of the Company and
Shareholders to sell the Glitnir debt security, but will continue to monitor the situation.
Following the financial year end there has been further volatility in the Dow Jones Eurostoxx 50 Index on renewed concern that credit market
losses and related bank failures would spread, curbing global economic growth.  By mid-July the Index had fallen 6.3% to 3142.73, a three
year low.  From this level the Index bounced back, but again retreated following data showing rising US unemployment which shook equity
markets globally.
The DJ Eurostoxx 50 Index closed at 3185.83 on 5 September 2008, a fall of 5.0% since the financial year, while the Company*s shares fell
5.3% over the same period.
Talmai Morgan
17 September 2008
Market Review
Over the period under review, the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index declined by 25.3%, as equity markets fell heavily. The US sub-prime meltdown
led to a global credit crunch which central banks struggled to contain; perhaps unsurprisingly, financial services and banking stocks were
the worst performers in the Index.
The start of the period saw the Index trading sideways before Countrywide, the largest US mortgage lender, announced disappointing earnings
and cut its 2007 forecast, citing weakness spreading from sub-prime borrowers to those with better credit histories. This sparked a
sea-change in credit risk perception and saw equity markets plummet by as much as 9.4% from the levels seen before Countrywide*s
The US Federal Reserve attempted to ease the nervousness in the markets by cutting interest rates by 3.25% over the period. Acting in
conjunction with central banks around the world, it also provided liquidity by acting as lender of last resort to attempt to minimise any
possible systemic risk. In response to the central banks* concerted action, the Index recovered much of its losses, climbing by as much as
10.5% between its July low and the end of September. During the final three months of 2007 the Index experienced several falls and rises,
predominately due to fears over a year-end liquidity squeeze.
In January 2008 the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index fell 12.6% over one week on concerns that losses at financial companies and a US recession
would lead to a sharp contraction in earnings. There were further woes during the following week as the disclosure of subprime losses at
Societe Generale was eclipsed by the simultaneous announcement that unauthorized trades entered into by trader Jerome Kervial at the
Paris-based bank had led to losses of EUR 4.9billion.
The Index continued to fall in March, as confidence was hit when US investment bank Bear Stearns became another victim of the credit crisis,
acquired by JPMorgan at a fraction of its share price in a deal backed by $30billion of US Fed loans. The Index managed to recoup some of
these falls before dipping again to end the period at 3352.81, down 25.3% over the year.
The European Central Bank (*ECB*) kept rates steady at 4% over the period, suspending previously signalled rate rises as it sought to
balance fears over the impact of the credit crunch and the risks of higher inflation. Three-month Euribor climbed significantly above the
ECB*s minimum bid rate of 4%, due to the global credit crunch, reaching 4.95% in December. This led the ECB to expand a number of liquidity
management measures, some of which were coordinated with other central banks worldwide.
The annual rate of inflation in the Eurozone hit 3.7% in May 2008 amid higher food and fuel costs. Going forward the concern is whether
price growth will keep accelerating, and whether the European Central Bank will need to raise interest rates to slow inflation. Central
banks around the world have been struggling to keep inflation under control as food and oil prices rise. This has led to growing pressure to
increase interest rates to counteract the rising inflation. In June the ECB held interest rates for the Euro bloc at 4%, but ECB President
Jean-Claude Trichet has hinted at possible future interest rates rises in order to anchor inflation. The ECB will need to balance these
upward inflationary pressures against the likelihood that the European economy could be less resilient to a US economic downturn than
previously suggested.
Close Investments Limited
17 September 2008
A description of important events which have occurred during the financial year, their impact on the performance of the Company as shown in
the financial statements and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties facing the Company is given in the Manager*s Report and
is incorporated here by reference.
There were no material related party transactions which took place in the financial year.
Responsibility Statement
The Board of directors jointly and severally confirm that, to the best of their knowledge:
(a)        the financial statements, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, give a true and fair view of
the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and
(b)        This Management Report includes or incorporates by reference a fair review of the development and performance of the business and
the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.
John Le Prevost                         Peter Niven
Director                                     Director
for the year ended 30 June 2008
                                 Notes         Year to30 Jun     Year to30 Jun 2007GBP
 Net movement in unrealised                                                           
 (depreciation) /
 appreciation on investments         5           (1,716,360)                 3,159,235
 Unrealised (appreciation) /                                                          
 depreciation on value of
 Put option                                      (1,771,840)                 1,936,165
 Operating expenses                  2             (328,865)                 (304,733)
 (Loss) / Gain before financing                  (3,817,065)                 4,790,667
 costs and taxation
 (Loss) / Gain on ordinary                       (3,817,065)                 4,790,667
 activities before taxation
 Taxation on ordinary                                      -                         -
 Net (loss) / gain for the year                  (3,817,065)                 4,790,667
 attributable to shareholders
                                                       Pence                     Pence
 (Loss) / Gain per share for         4                (9.65)                     12.36
 the year
In arriving at the results for the financial year, all amounts above relate to continuing operations.
There are no recognised gains or losses for the year other than those disclosed above.
Reconciliation of earnings per share for investment purposes to earnings per share per the financial statements:
                                                       Pence      Pence
 Earnings per share for investment purposes           (8.81)      13.14
 Adjustment to include expenses on an accruals basis  (0.84)     (0.78)
 Earnings per share per the financial statements      (9.65)      12.36
In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, expenses should be attributed to the period to which they relate. The
adjustment to expenses to reflect the application of this accruals basis decreases the earnings per share of the Company by 0.84 pence.
The earnings per share for investment purposes represents the earnings per share attributable to shareholders in accordance with the
Prospectus, which recognises all expenses of the Company up to and including the date that the Final Capital Entitlement becomes payable.
as at 30 June 2008
                                        Notes  30 Jun 2008GBP     30 Jun 2007GBP
 NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                             
 Unquoted financial assets at fair                                              
 value through profit or
 loss                                       5      43,357,855         45,074,215
 CURRENT ASSETS                                                                 
 Receivables                                6         469,450            625,095
 Cash at bank                                         836,501            992,162
                                                    1,305,951          1,617,257
 CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                            
 Payables * due within one year             7          27,575             10,016
 NET CURRENT ASSETS                                 1,278,376          1,607,241
 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES             44,636,231         46,681,456
 Non-current liabilities excluding net                                          
 assets attributable to
 shareholders                               8       3,009,755          1,237,915
 NET ASSETS ATTRIBUTABLE TO                        41,626,476         45,443,541
 SHARES IN ISSUE                                   39,550,000         39,550,000
                                                        Pence              Pence
 NAV PER SHARE                                         105.25             114.90
Reconciliation of NAV per share for investment purposes to NAV per share per the financial statements:
                                                       Pence      Pence
 NAV per share for investment purposes                102.01     110.83
 Adjustment to include expenses on an accruals basis    3.24       4.07
 NAV per share per the financial statements           105.25     114.90
In accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, expenses should be attributed to the period to which they relate. The
adjustment to expenses to reflect the application of this accruals basis increases the NAV per share of the Company by 3.24 pence.
The NAV per share for investment purposes represents the NAV per share attributable to shareholders in accordance with the Prospectus, which
recognises all expenses of the Company up to and including the date that the Final Capital Entitlement becomes payable.
for the year ended 30 June 2008
                                        Year to30 Jun     Year to30 Jun 2007GBP
 OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                          
 Net (loss) / gain for the year           (3,817,065)                 4,790,667
 attributable to shareholders
 Add: Unrealised depreciation /             1,716,360               (3,159,235)
 (appreciation) on investments
 Add: Unrealised appreciation /                                                
 (depreciation) on value of Put
 option                                     1,771,840               (1,936,165)
 Less: Interest received                     (50,982)                  (58,470)
 Add: Increase / (Decrease) in                 17,559                   (3,304)
 accrued expenses
 Add: Decrease in prepayments                 155,645                    67,187
 and accrued income
 NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM                      (206,643)                 (299,320)
 INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                          
 Interest received                             50,982                    58,470
 Purchase of financial assets                       -               (3,889,380)
 Consideration received on Put                      -                   232,880
 NET CASH INFLOW / (OUTFLOW)                                                   
 ACTIVITIES                                    50,982               (3,598,030)
 FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                          
 Proceeds of issue of shares                        -                 3,816,250
 NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCING                     -                 3,816,250
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 992,162                 1,073,262
 beginning of year
 (Decrease) in cash and cash                (155,661)                  (81,100)
 Cash and cash equivalents at                 836,501                   992,162
 end of year
for the year ended 30 June 2008
                                 Year to30 Jun 2008GBP     Year to30 Jun 2007GBP
 Opening balance                            45,443,541                36,836,624
 Share capital issued                                -                       355
 Share premium                                       -                 3,815,895
 Net (loss) / gain for the year            (3,817,065)                 4,790,667
 attributable to shareholders
 Closing balance                            41,626,476                45,443,541
for the year ended 30 June 2008
1                     ACCOUNTING POLICIES
(a)        Basis of Preparation
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (*IFRS*) which comprise standards
and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board. The financial statements are also prepared in accordance with
IFRS adopted by the European Union and applicable Guernsey law. The financial statements have been prepared on an historical cost basis
except for the measurement at fair value of financial instruments.
IFRS7 *Financial Instruments Disclosures* and the amended IAS1 *Capital Disclosures* have been adopted in the current year for the first
time. The impact that this has had on the financial statements is purely in terms of additional disclosures.
(b)        Taxation
The Company has been granted exemption under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinance, 1989 from Guernsey Income Tax, and is
charged an annual fee of �600.
(c)        Expenses
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis.
(d)        Formation Expenses
The debt issue costs incurred amounted to �810,000 on the initial share issue and a further �79,609 on the share issue on 21 September 2006.
Because the Company*s participating shares are redeemable on or around 29 July 2011, they are required to be classified as debt instruments
under IAS 32. Consequently, issue costs are required to be amortised over the life of the instrument.
(e)        Interest Income
Interest income is accounted for on an accruals basis.
(f)         Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash at bank and short term deposits which are held to maturity are carried at cost. Cash and cash equivalents are defined as call deposits,
short term deposits and highly liquid investments readily convertible to known amounts of cash and subject to insignificant risk of changes
in value. For the purposes of the Statement of Cash Flows, cash and cash equivalents consist of cash and deposits at bank.
(g)        Investments
All investments and derivative financial instruments are classified as *at fair value through profit or loss*. Investments are initially
recognised at cost, being the fair value of the consideration given, including transaction costs associated with the investment. After
initial recognition, investments are measured at fair value, with unrealised gains and losses on investments and impairment of investments
recognised in the Statement of Operations. The indicative fair value of the investments is calculated at each month end by J.P. Morgan
Securities Limited (the *Calculation Agent*). These indicative values are based on an approximation of the mid-market level of the
investments. As at the balance sheet date, an independent check of the valuations of the investments is performed by the Manager. As the
investments are not traded in an active market, the indicative fair value is determined by using valuation techniques. The Calculation Agent
and Manager use a variety of methods and makes assumptions that are based on market conditions existing at the balance sheet date. Valuation techniques used may include the use of comparable recent arm*s
length transactions (where available), discounted cash flow analysis, option pricing models and other valuation techniques commonly used by
market participants. The techniques used by the Manager are periodically reviewed by experienced personnel at the Manager.
Models use observable data, to the extent practicable. However, areas such as credit risk (both own and counterparty), volatilities and
correlations require the Calculation Agent and Manager to make estimates. Changes in assumptions about these factors could affect the
reported fair value of financial instruments.
(h)        Put Option
The Put option was initially recognised at the fair value of the consideration received on the date of sale, and included within Creditors
falling due after more than one year. After initial recognition, the Put option is measured at fair value with unrealised gains and losses
being recognised in the Statement of Operations. The Put option will be derecognised at expiry on 26 July 2011.
(i)         Trade Date Accounting
All *regular way* purchases and sales of financial assets are recognised on the *trade date*, i.e. the date that the entity commits to
purchase or sell the asset. Regular way purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial assets that require delivery of the asset
within the timeframe generally established by regulation or convention in the market place.
 2          OPERATING EXPENSES                                                 
                                        Year to30 Jun     Year to30 Jun 2007GBP
     Amortisation of debt issue               151,779                   147,629
          Investment management               139,549                   136,356
            Administration fees                22,030                    22,000
        Directors* remuneration                15,000                    15,000
              Registration fees                12,127                    10,873
         Directors* & Officers*                 6,644                     7,704
                     Audit fees                 6,500                     3,000
                    Annual fees                16,190                    13,298
       Other operating expenses                10,028                     7,343
                                              379,847                   363,203
       Less: Interest earned on              (50,982)                  (58,470)
         expense provision bank
                                              328,865                   304,733
(1) The Manager is entitled to receive a fee from the Company at an annual rate of 0.35% of the Initial Gross Proceeds.
3                     DIRECTORS* REMUNERATION
The Prospectus provides that each director will be paid a fee of �5,000 per annum by the Company. This remuneration will remain fixed over
the life of the Company.
4                     EARNINGS PER SHARE
The earnings per share is based on the net loss for the year of �3,817,065 (2007: gain �4,790,667) and on 39,550,000 shares (2007:
38,752,466 shares), being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year.
                                              30 Jun 2008GBP       30 Jun 2007GBP
                  UNQUOTED FINANCIAL ASSETS                                      
                             Portfolio cost       39,889,380           39,889,380
       Unrealised appreciation on valuation        5,184,835            2,025,600
                            brought forward
                Unrealised (depreciation) /                                      
              appreciation on valuation for
                                   the year      (1,716,360)            3,159,235
       Unrealised appreciation on valuation        3,468,475            5,184,835
                            carried forward
                          Closing valuation       43,357,855           45,074,215
Valuations of investments are based on valuations provided by the Calculation Agent which are subject to a check by the Manager. The
performance of the financial assets is based on the closing level of the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 Index on 29 July 2011. If the Dow Jones
Euro Stoxx 50 Index closes above 3,302.98 the instruments are designed to give a return of 5 times the performance up to a maximum return of
67.5% of the capital.
The provided valuations are derived from proprietary models based upon well-recognised financial principles and reasonable estimates about
relevant future market conditions.
Valuation data provided by the Calculation Agent to the Manager in connection with the Company is provided for informational purposes only.
The Calculation Agent makes no representation or warranty (express or implied) relating to any valuation data, including as to the accuracy,
completeness, adequacy or reliability of any such data for any purpose, and shall have no duties or liabilities to third parties arising
from the provision or use of such data to the fullest extent permitted by law.
 6                                          RECEIVABLES
                    30 Jun 2008GBP       30 Jun 2007GBP
    Accrued income           1,246                1,651
       Prepayments         468,204              623,444
                           469,450              625,095
 7                                PAYABLES (amounts falling due within one year)
                                               30 Jun 2008GBP     30 Jun 2007GBP
                  Accrued administration fees           1,803              1,808
                    Accrued registration fees           1,766              1,008
                           Accrued audit fees           5,000              4,500
             Accrued investment manager*s fee          11,423                  -
                       Other accrued expenses           7,583              2,700
                            Expense provision         241,127            231,132
    Less: Prepaid expense provision (see Note       (241,127)          (231,132)
                                                       27,575             10,016
 8                         PAYABLES (amounts falling due after one year)
                                     30 Jun 2008GBP       30 Jun 2007GBP
                  Expense provision         596,045              752,665
    Less: Prepaid expense provision       (596,045)            (752,665)
                                                  -                    -
              FINANCIAL LIABILITIES                                     
                                     30 Jun 2008GBP       30 Jun 2007GBP
       Fair value of the Put option       3,009,755            1,237,915
                                          3,009,755            1,237,915
The prepaid expense provision represents monies set aside to meet the on-going, annual and redemption expenses of the Company, as set out in
the Prospectus.
If, at the Redemption Date, there is any surplus remaining from the expense provision (together with accrued interest thereon), this surplus
will revert to the Manager. In the event of redemption or repurchase of all of the Shares, or upon a winding-up of the Company, in each case
prior to the Redemption Date, any balance of the expense provision (together with accrued interest thereon) other than the investment
management fee will also revert to the Manager.
The performance of the Put option is linked to the performance of the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 Index. At an Index value of 3,302.98 or above
at the close of business on 26 July 2011, or if the Index has never closed below 1,651.49 during the calculation period from 26 July 2005 to
26 July 2011, the Put option will be worth �Nil at maturity. If the Index has closed below 1,651.49 over the calculation period and the
Index is still below 3,302.98 at 26 July 2011, the Put option will be worth a percentage of the notional value, being �39,550,000,
equivalent to the percentage fall in the level of the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 Index over the calculation period.
The Put option is not exercisable until the maturity date of 26 July 2011.
The fair value of the Put option is based on the valuation provided by J.P. Morgan Securities Limited. There is no active market regarding
the Put option.
J.P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A., in its capacity as the Put option counterparty (the *Put Option Counterparty*), has security over the financial
assets held by the Company for payment of any monies owed upon expiry or termination of the Put option contract.
The proceeds from the sale of the Put option were �3,292,880.
 9                                              SHARE CAPITAL
                           Authorised       SHARES        GBP
    Unclassified shares of 0.01p each  100,000,000     10,000
      Management shares of �1.00 each          100        100
                               Issued  30 Jun 2008     30 Jun 2007
    Participating shares * fully paid   39,550,000      39,550,000
       Management shares * fully paid            2               2
            Number of shares in issue   39,550,002      39,550,002
                 Issued Share Capital  30 Jun 2008GBP     30 Jun 2007GBP
    Participating shares * fully paid           3,955              3,955
       Management shares * fully paid               2                  2
                                                3,957              3,957
                             The issues of Participating Shares took place as follows:
        Date of issue  Numberof Shares     Price perShare Pence     AmountReceived GBP
         27 July 2005       36,000,000                   100.00             36,000,000
    21 September 2006        3,550,000                   107.50              3,816,250
Shares are redeemable on or around 29 July 2011. The Company is closed-ended and therefore shareholders have no right to request the Company
to repurchase their Shares or to redeem them prior to the redemption date. If the Company is wound up prior to the redemption date,
shareholders will be entitled to the net asset value of the Shares on the winding up date. No dividends will be paid on the Shares.
Management shares are not redeemable, do not carry any right to dividends and in a winding up rank only for a return of the amount of paid
up capital after return of capital on Shares and nominal shares. Given the immateriality of the management shares to the net assets of the
Company, they have been included in net assets attributable to participating shareholders.
 10                                                        SHARE PREMIUM
                                       30 Jun 2008GBP     30 Jun 2007GBP
                      Opening balance      39,812,295         35,996,400
     Share premium on issue of shares               -          3,815,895
                      Closing balance      39,812,295         39,812,295
The Company*s main financial instruments comprise:
(a)        Cash and cash equivalents that arise directly from the Company*s operations;
(b)        Debt securities whose performance is based on the performance of the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 Index. Details of these investments
are shown in the schedule of investments.
(c)        The Company has also sold a Put option, whose performance is based on the Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50 Index. Details of the option
contract are shown in Note 8.
The main risks arising from the Company*s financial instruments are market price risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk and
currency risk. The Board regularly reviews and agrees policies for managing each of these risks and these are summarised below:
(a)        Market Price Risk
Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about future prices of financial instruments held. It represents the potential loss the
Company might suffer through holding market positions in the face of price movements. The Manager actively monitors market prices and
reports to the Board as to the appropriateness of the prices used for valuation purposes. A list of investments held by the Company is shown
in the schedule of investments.
Price sensitivity
The following details the Company*s sensitivity to a 10% increase and decrease in the final market prices of its constituent financial
assets and liabilities.
The final redemption value of the Shares is determined by reference to the level of the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index (the *Index*) on 26
July 2011 and at that date, if the Index stands at 3,748.89 (the *Index Cap Level*), the maximum redemption entitlement of 167.5 pence per
Share will have been reached; any further increase in the level of the Index will cause no further increase in the redemption entitlement.
As at 30 June 2008 the level of the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 Index was 3,352.81. If market prices as at 30 June 2008 had been 10% higher
(equating to an Index level of 3,688.09), and assuming these values were to remain unchanged through to the end of the Company*s life, with
all other variables held constant, the increase in net assets attributable to shareholders on the Redemption Date would have been
�22,140,900 arising due to the increase in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss of �22,140,900.
If market prices as at 30 June 2008 had been 10% lower (equating to an Index level of 3,017.53), and assuming these values were to remain
unchanged through to the end of the Company*s life, with all other variables held constant, the decrease in net assets attributable to
shareholders on the Redemption Date would have been �798,100 arising due to the decrease in the fair value of financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss of �798,100.
(b)        Credit Risk
Credit risk is the risk that an issuer or counterparty will be unable or unwilling to meet a commitment that it has entered into with the
Company. At the date of this report all issuers carried an investment grade credit rating. The Board monitors credit risk and will consider
further action if the credit rating of an issuer falls below A- or A3 as ranked by S&P and Moody*s respectively.
The following table details the aggregate investment grade of the debt instruments in the portfolio, as rated by well known rating
 Rating  30 Jun 2008  30 Jun 2007
 Aaa           0.00%        8.99%
 Aa           69.71%       91.01%
 A            30.29%        0.00%
The credit risk on cash transactions and transactions involving derivative financial instruments is mitigated by transacting with
counterparties that are regulated entities subject to prudential supervision, or with high credit ratings assigned by international credit
rating agencies.
(c)        Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company will encounter difficulty in realising assets or otherwise raising funds to meet financial
commitments. The Company*s main financial commitments are its ongoing operating expenses and any cash settlement due to the Put Option
Counterparty on the maturity of the Put option, scheduled to occur on 26 July 2011.
Upon the issue of the Shares in July 2005 the Company created a cash reserve (the *Expense Provision*) in the amount of 2.10% of the amount
raised by the issue of the Shares (the *Initial Gross Proceeds*) plus �440,000, such amount being estimated in the opinion of the directors
upon the advice of the Administrator to be sufficient to meet the operating expenses reasonably expected to be incurred over the life of the
Shares. Upon the issue of additional Shares in September 2006 an additional 2.10% of the proceeds of that issue of additional Shares was set
aside to cover the increase in the Manager*s fee which resulted from that issue of additional Shares, all other expenses being either fixed
for the life of the Company or deemed unlikely to increase materially as a result of this issue of additional Shares.
At each quarterly Board meeting and at the end of each financial period the directors review the Expense Provision against the expected
future expenses (other than the Manager*s fee) of the Company. To the extent that the directors consider that the Expense Provision is less
than 150 per cent of the expected future expenses of the Company (other than the Manager*s fee), the directors may, having first consulted
the Manager, at their discretion reduce the amount of investment management fees payable to the Manager (subject to a maximum reduction of
50 per cent) in order to re-establish the 150 per cent cover.
If at any time during the life of the Company, notwithstanding the arrangements summarised above, the Expense Provision is exhausted then,
subject to the relevant excess expenses having been agreed by the Manager, the Manager will make good such shortfall from its own resources,
subject to a maximum in each of the first five annual financial periods of 0.25 per cent of the Initial Gross Proceeds and in the last
financial period preceding the Redemption Date, of a maximum amount of �100,000. Should these expenses exceed this cap the return to
Shareholders will be adversely impacted. The directors do not anticipate that the expenses will exceed the Expense Provision.
The Euro Medium Term Notes (the *Debt Securities*) purchased by the Company mature on 28 July 2011 (the *Maturity Date*) and are due to be
redeemed at their notional face value plus five times the performance increase between 26 July 2005 and 26 July 2011 in the EuroStoxx 50
Index, capped at an amount equal to 67.50% of the notional face value, so that the aggregate maturity proceeds are expected to be between
�39,550,000 if the EuroStoxx 50 Index closes on 26 July 2011 at or below its starting value on 26 July 2005 of 3,302.98 and a maximum of
�66,246,250 if the EuroStoxx closes at or above 3,748.89 on 26 July 2011, all subject to counterparty default.
Provided that none of issuers of the Debt Securities defaults on its obligation to pay the maturity proceeds on the Maturity Date, the
minimum maturity proceeds of �39,550,000 due are intended to satisfy the maximum payment due to be made by the Company to the Put Option
Counterparty on the maturity of the Put Option of �39,550,000.
The directors and the Manager monitor the credit ratings of all issuers of the Debt Securities. In the event of any downgrading in the
long-term credit rating of any issuer below A- or A3, as determined by Standard & Poor*s and/or Moody*s Investor Services Inc respectively,
the Company may in its absolute discretion seek to sell the relevant Debt Securities to third party purchasers and to reinvest the proceeds
in the purchase of Debt Securities of another issuer such that the new Debt Securities will replicate as closely as possible the terms and
conditions of the original Debt Securities. The directors will only seek to sell the relevant Debt Securities if they consider on the advice
of the Manager that such would be in the best interest of the Company and its shareholders. In the event of such sales, if the purchase of
such Debt Securities is not possible, the Directors may reinvest such proceeds as they see fit in investments which, in the opinion of the
Directors, as nearly as is practicable, replicate the investment characteristics of the Debt Securities sold and so that the proceeds are invested, as nearly as is practicable, in accordance
with the Company*s stated investment objective. As at the accounting reference date and the date of this report, all issuers of the Debt
Securities carried an investment grade credit rating.
(d)        Interest Rate Risk
            The Company holds cash on fixed deposit, the return on which is subject to fluctuations in market interest rates. All fixed
deposits mature within three months.
The weighted average effective interest rate for cash and bank balances as at 30 June 2008 was 5.74% (2007: 4.94%).
None of the other assets or liabilities of the Company attract or incur interest.
Interest rate sensitivity
Interest rate risk arises from the possibility that changes in interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair value of financial
instruments. Except for cash set aside to meet expenses, the Company*s assets and liabilities are expected to be held until the Redemption
If interest rates had been 100 basis points higher and all other variables were held constant, the Company's increase in net assets
attributable for the period ended 30 June 2008 would have increased by �8,365 (2007: �9,922) due to an increase in the amount of interest
receivable on the bank balances.
If interest rates had been 100 basis points lower and all other variables were held constant, the Company*s increase in net assets
attributable for the period ended 30 June 2008 would have decreased by �8,365 (2007: �9,922) due to a decrease in the amount of interest
receivable on the bank balances.
The Company*s sensitivity to interest rates is lower in 2008 than in 2007 because of a decrease in the amount of cash balances held.
(e)        Currency Risk
As both the Shares and the Debt Securities are Sterling-denominated, shareholders investing for Sterling returns will not be exposed to
direct currency risk. The value of the underlying securities comprising the Dow Jones EuroStoxx 50 may be affected by changes in the
economic, political or social environment in Europe, as well as globally, including changes in exchange rates.
(f)         Capital Management
The investment objective of the Company is to provide shareholders, on the Redemption Date, with a payment which will comprise a capital
amount of 100p per Share and a growth amount per Share equal to five times any percentage increase in the value of the Index (the *End
Value*) as at 26 July 2011 (the *End Date*) relative to its value (the *Start Value*) as at 26 July 2005 (the *Start Date*), such amount
being expressed in pence and rounded down to the next half pence, subject to a maximum increase of 67.5 per cent of the issue price of 100
pence per Share.
The Company has an unlimited life but the Shares will be redeemed on or around 29 July 2011.
(g)        Collateral
Under the terms of a Pledge Agreement dated 2 August 2005 and the amendment dated 18 September 2006 entered into between the Company and the
Put Option Counterparty, the Company has pledged the Debt Securities, and all rights, title and interest therein, and any and all proceeds
resulting from the sale or repayment of the Debt Securities as security for the Company*s contingent liability under the Put Option sold to
the Put Option Counterparty, further details of which are shown at Note 8. The collateral is held by a custodian in a segregated account in
Euroclear. Where there is an event of default in respect of the Company under the Put Option, the Put Option Counterparty will be entitled
to enforce its security over the Debt Securities.
Anson Fund Managers Limited is the Company*s Administrator and Secretary, Anson Registrars Limited is the Company*s Registrar, Transfer
Agent and Paying Agent and Anson Administration (UK) Limited is the UK Transfer Agent. John R Le Prevost is a director of Anson Fund
Managers Limited, Anson Registrars Limited and Anson Administration (UK) Limited. �34,157 (2007: �32,873) of costs were incurred by the
Company with these related parties during the year, of which �3,569 (2007: �2,816) was due to these related parties at 30 June 2008.
as at 30 June 2008
                                          NOMINAL      VALUATION     TOTAL NET
 BNP Paribas 0% EMTN 28 July 2011       6,000,000      6,600,000        15.86%
 Caixa Geral de Depositas 0% EMTN 28                                          
 2011                                   6,000,000      6,601,800        15.86%
 Erste Bank 0% EMTN 28 July 2011        6,000,000      6,601,800        15.86%
 Glitnir Banki HF 0% EMTN 28 July 2011  6,000,000      6,560,400        15.76%
 Kaupthing Bunadarbanki 0% EMTN 28      6,000,000      6,574,800        15.79%
 July 2011
 KBC IFIMA 0% EMTN 28 July 2011         6,000,000      6,520,800        15.67%
 RBS 0% EMTN 28 July 2011               3,550,000      3,898,255         9.36%
                                                      43,357,855       104.16%

The Company has also sold a Put option, details of which are shown below.
                                            NOTIONAL       VALUATION      
                                             HOLDING             GBP      
 JPM EUROSTOXX 50 Put Option expiring 28                                  
 July 2011                                39,550,000     (3,009,755)      

as at 30 June 2007
                                          NOMINAL      VALUATION     TOTAL NET
 BNP Paribas 0% EMTN 28 July 2011       6,000,000      6,865,800        15.11%
 Caixa Geral de Depositas 0% EMTN 28                                          
 2011                                   6,000,000      6,868,200        15.11%
 Erste Bank 0% EMTN 28 July 2011        6,000,000      6,868,200        15.11%
 Glitnir Banki HF 0% EMTN 28 July 2011  6,000,000      6,812,400        14.99%
 Kaupthing Bunadarbanki 0% EMTN 28      6,000,000      6,833,400        15.04%
 July 2011
 KBC IFIMA 0% EMTN 28 July 2011         6,000,000      6,774,600        14.91%
 RBS 0% EMTN 28 July 2011               3,550,000      4,051,615         8.92%
                                                      45,074,215        99.19%

The Company has also sold a Put option, details of which are shown below.
                                            NOTIONAL       VALUATION      
                                             HOLDING             GBP      
 JPM EUROSTOXX 50 Put Option expiring 28                                  
 July 2011                                39,550,000     (1,237,915)      

A pdf version of the annual financial report will shortly be posted on the Managers web-site www.closeinvestments.com and a further
announcement will be made once the annual financial report is available to be downloaded.
For further information contact:
Anson Fund Managers Limited
Tel: Guernsey 01481 722260
E&OE * in transmission

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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