RNS Number:4656H
Bidcorp PLC
13 February 2003

Bidcorp plc

Results for the interim twelve-month period ended December 31  2002

Bidcorp plc, a 56.7% held subsidiary of The Bidvest Group Limited ("Bidvest"),
is listed on the London Stock Exchange and comprises three divisions: Automotive
Services; Shipping and Ports; Property and Outsourced Services.

Bidvest acquired its interest in Bidcorp plc with effect from January 2002.

- Turnover                       #139.4m        (2001: #129.5m)

- Operating profit (loss)           #0.5m      (2001: #(12.6)m*)

- Loss after tax                   #0.2m     (2001: #(14.2m)*)

*  Includes exceptional items and goodwill write-offs

- Operating profit of #0.5 million, includes a loss of #1.0 million incurred by
the Ferryline and Individual Driver Movements businesses

- Ferryline closed in early January 2003

- Individual Driver Movements business to be sold, restructured or closed

- Significant progress made in restructuring

- Continued process of stabilising revenues, reducing costs and focusing on
activities where an acceptable return can be achieved

Brian Joffe, Chairman, commented:

"Since acquiring this business in January 2002, we have made significant
progress on its restructuring. The efforts to bring the business to the required
levels of returns are commendable and we are well on track to achieve this. The
fundamentals of the businesses have improved and the positive trend,
particularly in the core business, continues"

Rodger Graham, Chief Executive, commented:

"We have made good progress in 2002. Unprofitable businesses are being sold,
restructured or closed, port operations have been physically re-organised to
create additional capacity, poor performing contracts have been renegotiated or
terminated, cost reduction initiatives have been implemented and we have
invested in new, more efficient equipment. The Group is thus in a much stronger
position than it was last year and I believe that the benefits of this will be
seen in the next period."

February 13 2003


Bidcorp plc

Brian Joffe, Chairman                 Tel: +27 (0) 11 772 8700

Rodger Graham, Chief Executive         Tel: +44 (0) 207 408 0123

The Bidvest Group Limited

Jack Hochfeld, Investor Relations      Tel: +27 (0) 11 772 8705

David Cleasby, Investor Relations      Tel: +27 (0) 11 772 8706

College Hill South Africa             Tel: +27 (0) 11 447 3030

Robyn Hunt

Johannes van Niekerk

BIDCorp plc

Interim accounts for the twelve months ended December 31  2002

Operational and financial review for the twelve months ended December 31  2002


Bidcorp's year-end has changed to June 30 to coincide with the reporting period
of its major shareholder, The Bidvest Group Limited, which acquired a 57%
interest with effect from January 2002. This report covers the interim
twelve-month period to December 31  2002, within the current eighteen-month
reporting period.

The restructuring of the group continued in the second half of 2002 including
the process of stabilising revenues, reducing costs and focusing the group on
those activities in which an acceptable return on funds employed can be
achieved. The fundamentals of the businesses have improved and the positive
trend, particularly in the core businesses, continues.

Although the results for Bidcorp for the year are disappointing, I believe we
are close to the bottom and we will have a profitable business in the future.

Financial Overview

Group turnover grew by 8% to #139.4 million (2001: #129.5 million).

Operating profit of #0.5 million included a loss of #1.0 million incurred by the
Ferryline and Individual Driver Movement businesses.

Net interest payable at #0.9 million (2001: #2.8 million) reflects the reduced
level of debt. The retained loss, after a tax credit of #0.3 million, was #0.2

Gearing was reduced to 27% at December 31  2002 following a capital injection of
#31.1 million and after incurring capital expenditure of #9.1 million.

Review of Operations

Automotive Services

The Automotive Division's turnover increased by 13% to #96.6 million.

The Automotive Division's operating loss, in a highly competitive market, was
#0.2 million and included a loss of #0.6 million incurred by the Individual
Driver Movements business.

The Individual Driver Movements' loss followed the relocation and termination of
major contracts, resulting in the lack of return trips and drivers being located
in areas with significantly less work. In January 2003 employees were served
formal notice of the intention to either sell the operation, restructure the
business to return it to profit, or failing this, closure. Further details are
to be found in note 7 of the accounts "Post-Balance Sheet Events."

The Volume Transport business produced acceptable profits. A capital equipment
replacement programme is underway to achieve greater efficiencies and retain the
division's position in the market

The Specialist Transport business performed well, increasing both market share
and profitability. Capital expenditure was also incurred to support this
operation, which has potential for growth.

Poor performing contracts in the vehicle preparation centre in Wellesbourne have
either been re-negotiated or terminated. New management have been appointed and
service and efficiency levels have improved.

Rescue and Recovery is profitable and returning strong performances in a
fragmented market after a period of substantial losses. All operations have been
combined into a single operating entity, which, outside of the motoring clubs,
is now the largest business of its kind in the United Kingdom.

Traffic Management is bound by certain unprofitable contracts, which will have
to run their course. Operations have been combined with those of Rescue and
Recovery to achieve cost reductions and greater efficiencies, which are now
being realised. Traffic Management will no longer be a significant drain on

Shipping and Ports

Turnover increased by 6% to #39.7 million.

The Shipping and Ports Division, which made an operating profit of #0.4 million,
included a loss of #0.4 million incurred by the Ferryline business.

The Ferryline business was closed in early January 2003. Further details are to
be found in note 7 of the accounts "Post-Balance Sheet Events."

The physical re-organisation of the port at Dartford has created significantly
more capacity, which has benefited the shipping operation and resulted in
increased volumes. Margins are slowly improving.

The new Dunkerque service, which incurred significant losses during the set-up
period, is now making a positive contribution to the results of the division.

The Shipping Division now enjoys a much stronger competitive position in the
cross Channel Ro-Ro (roll-on roll-off) market.

Property and Outsourced Services

The division manages a number of commercial properties for third parties, and
continues to seek opportunities to develop and sell properties. There are a
number of such developments under way which, if successful, will yield
attractive returns.

The car park business performed well and benefited from the parking bonus paid
by major customers for quality service.

Dividends and Share Premium

No dividend is proposed for the twelve-month period ended December 31  2002. It
is still Bidcorp's intention to seek shareholder approval for court permission
to have sufficient share premium cancelled to offset retained losses, which, in
time, would enable the resumption of dividend payments.


Whilst the results may have been disappointing, significant progress has been
made in restructuring Bidcorp. The group has not yet reached the required levels
of return, however efforts in the past year have been commendable and there is
good reason to expect better results in the coming period.

Once the businesses have been correctly positioned, management's focus will be
on organic growth within the core activities and on ensuring Bidcorp's
involvement in the growing trade between the United Kingdom, Europe and southern

Brian Joffe


February 13  2003

Directors: B Joffe* (Chairman), R Graham (Chief Executive), S Bender*, B
Connellan*, A Cooke*, MJ Kingshott*, J Pamensky*, L Ralphs*, D Rosevear*, I
Spry, M Stafford, D Winduss, E Worrall*                *Non-executive

Registration number: 231534

REGISTRARS: Lloyds TSB Registrars, The Causeway, Worthing, West Sussex BN99 6DA,
United Kingdom

Administration AND REGISTERED officE:  6 Stratton Street, London WIJ 8LD, United

Consolidated profit and loss account

for the twelve months ended December 31

                                             2002        2001

#000's                          Note     Unaudited      Audited

Turnover - continuing

operations                         1       139,392      129,486

Operating profit (loss) -

continuing operations               1           523    (12,642)

Exceptional items:

Loss on disposal of fixed assets                  -       (367)

Loss on termination of

logistics business                               -       (187)

Total exceptional items             1             -       (554)

Profit (loss) on ordinary

activities before interest          1           523    (13,196)

Net interest payable                          (906)     (2,772)

Other finance expense                         (113)        (35)

Loss on ordinary activities

before taxation                               (496)    (16,003)

Tax on loss on ordinary

activities                         2           275       1,831

Loss retained for the period                  (221)     (14,172)

Loss per share (pence)              3         (0.1)      (13.9)

Diluted loss per share (pence)       3         (0.1)      (13.8)

Consolidated balance sheet

at December 31

                                             2002        2001

#000's                          Note     Unaudited      Audited

Fixed assets

Tangible assets                             52,439       52,789

Investments                                  6,271       6,606

                                           58,710      59,395

Current assets

Stocks and work in progress                   2,830       2,472

Debtors                                     30,139      28,122

Cash at bank and in hand                      2,376       3,437

                                           35,345      34,031

Current liabilities

Creditors: Amounts falling

due within one year                        (33,615)    (56,270)

Net current assets (liabilities)               1,730    (22,239)

Total assets less current

liabilities                                 60,440      37,156

Creditors: Amounts falling

due after more than one year                (3,734)     (10,807)

Provisions for liabilities

and charges                                 (4,655)     (5,213)

Net assets excluding

pension liability                            52,051      21,136

Pension liability                           (2,712)     (1,606)

Net assets including

pension liability                           49,339       19,530

Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                      49,644      20,463

Share premium                               13,228       11,353

Merger reserve                               9,327       9,327

Capital reserve                                480        480

Profit and loss account

excluding pension liability                 (20,628)    (20,487)

Pension liability                           (2,712)     (1,606)

Profit and loss account

including pension liability                 (23,340)    (22,093)

Equity shareholders' funds                   49,339       19,530

Net asset value per share (pence)    4          19.9        19.1

Summarised consolidated cash flow statement

for the twelve months ended December 31

                                             2002        2001

#000's                          Note     Unaudited      Audited

Cash flow from

operating activities                5         5,542       9,713

Interest received                              331         188

Interest paid                                (464)      (1,067)

Interest element of finance

lease payments                               (797)      (1,345)

Returns on investments and

servicing of finance                         (930)      (2,224)

Taxation                                        50        373

Purchase of tangible fixed

assets                                     (9,075)     (4,878)

Sale of tangible assets                        748        1,014

Sale of investment properties                    -        2,467

Sale of investments                             -          128

Capital expenditure and

financial investment                        (8,327)     (1,269)

Acquisitions and disposals                       -      (2,000)

Net cash (outflow) inflow

before financing                           (3,665)        4,593

Issue of shares                             31,056           -

Repayment of secured loans                 (10,455)      (1,195)

Repayment of loan notes                       (913)           -

New hire purchase agreements                     -        2,642

Capital repayments under

hire purchase obligations                   (6,881)      (8,146)

Financing                                   12,807     (6,699)

Increase (decrease) in net cash     6          9,142     (2,106)

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses and reconciliation
of movement in shareholders' funds

at December 31

                                        12 months    12 months

                                            ended       ended

                                      December 31  December 31

                                             2002        2001

#000's                                   Unaudited     Audited

Loss attributable to equity

shareholders for the period                   (221)     (14,172)

Movement on market value of

pension scheme assets                         (103)     (2,542)

Actuarial (loss) gain on defined

benefit pension schemes                     (1,363)         227

Deferred tax arising in respect

of defined benefit pension schemes              440          695

Currency translation differences

on foreign currency net investments               -          28

Total recognised losses relating

to the period                              (1,247)     (15,764)

Prior year adjustment relating to

defined benefit pension arrangements              -        (399)

Prior year adjustment relating to

deferred taxation                                -      (4,371)

New shares                                  31,056           -

Net increase (decrease) in

shareholders' funds                          29,809    (20,534)

Equity shareholders' funds at the

beginning of the period                      19,530      40,064

Equity shareholders' funds at the

end of the period                           49,339       19,530

Notes to the accounts

for the twelve months ended December 31  2002

1.  Principal activities


                            Shipping       and

                  Automotive     and  Outsourced   Net

#'000               Services   Ports   Services    debt    Total


December 31  2002     96,575   39,731     3,086     -    139,392

December 31  2001     85,474   37,589     6,423     -    129,486

Profit (loss)

before interest

December 31  2002      (247)     438       332      -       523

December 31  2001   (11,578)  (1,558)      (60)      -  (13,196)

Net assets

December 31  2002     25,444   35,504    1,839  (13,448)  49,339

December 31  2001     22,828   35,947    1,504  (40,749   19,530

The segmental analysis for December 2001 has been restated, as car park
activities have been reclassified as Property and Outsourced Services.

Analysis by geographical area of operation


#'000                   UK        Europe      debt       Total


December 31  2002    127,714       11,678        -      139,392

December 31  2001    117,472       12,014        -      129,486

Profit (loss)

before interest

December 31  2002        526          (3)       -          523

December 31  2001    (12,630)       (566)        -     (13,196)

Net assets

December 31  2002     61,448        1,339    (13,448)     49,339

December 31  2001     58,116        2,163    (40,749)     19,530

The loss on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after (crediting)
charging the following items:

#'000                                       2002         2001

Amortisation of goodwill                        -        10,227

Adjustment to shipping and

property accruals                              -         (364)

Directors' termination payment                 177            -

Directors' notice payments                     142            -

Earn out provision not required               (308)           -

Set-up costs of European

recovery operation                             62            -


The net tax credit provided at December 31  2002 is based on the estimated
effective tax rate for the full period for each undertaking in the group applied
to the taxable profits for the period.


The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the loss for the
period after taxation of #221,000 (2001: #(14,172,000)) and the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 248,219,402 (2001:

Diluted earnings per share is based on the loss for the period of #221,000
(2001: #(14,172,000)) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in
issue during the period as amended to take account of dilutive options issued to
staff and directors, together amounting to 258,688,239 (2001: 102,317,460).


The calculation of net asset value per share is based on the total of equity
shareholders' funds of #49,339,000 (2001: #19,530,000) and the closing number of
ordinary shares in issue of 248,219,402 (2001: 102,317,460).


#'000                                      2002          2001

Operating profit (loss)                      523       (12,642)

Amortisation and impairment of goodwill      (308)        10,227

Depreciation and amortisation of

other fixed assets                         9,217         9,760

(Profit) loss on disposal of

fixed assets                               (275)            42

Working capital movements                  (3,615)        2,468

Other non-cash movements                       -          (142)

Net cash inflow from

operating activities                        5,542        9,713


#'000                                       2002         2001

Increase (decrease) in cash for

the period                                  9,142      (2,106)

Cash outflow from decrease in debt

and leasing financing                       18,249        6,699

Change in net debt resulting

from cash flows                             27,391       4,593

Unwinding of discount on loan                  (90)       (405)

Write down of loan                              -          150

Translation difference                           -        (131)

Movement in net debt in the period           27,301       4,207

Net debt at the beginning of the period     (40,749)     (44,956)

Net debt at the end of the period           (13,448)    (40,749)

Disclosed as:

Cash at bank and in hand                     2,376        3,437

Overdraft                                  (5,162)     (15,365)

Debt due within one year                    (6,928)     (18,014)

Debt due after one year                     (3,734)    (10,807)

                                          (13,448)    (40,749)

Net debt/net assets (%)                         27          209


The Ferryline operation within the Shipping Division reported an operating loss
of #402,000 for the twelve months to December 2002. In many respects the
business is in competition with our Shipping customers, and efforts to return it
to profit have been unsuccessful. In the latter part of the year the decision
was made to close the business and staff and customers were notified of the
closure in early January 2003. The cost of closure is estimated to be #150,000.

During the year, Individual Driver Movements suffered from the loss and
relocation of major customers. This resulted in the loss of return trips and
drivers being located in areas with significantly less work. The Company is
currently pursuing options available to either sell the operation, restructure
the business to return it to profit, or failing this, closure. Employees were
served formal notice in January 2003 and are currently in consultation with
management in this respect. If no suitable buyer can be found or restructure is
unsuccessful, the cost of closure and trading through to the end of the
consultation period is not expected to exceed the loss for the past period.

In accordance with the requirements of FRS 12 "Provisions, contingent
liabilities and contingent assets" these amounts cannot be provided for in the
period to December 2002. The above actions will not result in a material
impairment of the companies' assets.

The contribution of Ferryline and IDM to group turnover and operating profit for
the twelve months to December 2002 and 2001 is presented below :

                                    2002                        2001

                                   Ferry-                         Ferry-

                        Ongoing      line              Ongoing      line

                     operations     & IDM     Group   operations    & IDM

#'000          Note   Unaudited  Unaudited  Unaudited   Unaudited  Unaudited Audited

Turnover -


operations        1     127,590     11,802   139,392     115,185    14,301   129,486


profit (loss)

- continuing

operations                1,560    (1,037)       523    (11,927)     (715)   (12,642)



Loss on

disposal of

fixed assets                 -         -         -        (367)        -     (367)

Loss on

termination of


business                     -         -         -       (187)         -     (187)



items             1          -         -         -       (554)         -     (554)

Profit (loss)

on ordinary



interest        1      1,560   (1,037)      523   (12,481)    (715)  (13,196)


Statutory financial information

The unaudited interim results have been prepared on a basis consistent with the
accounting policies set out in the annual report and accounts for the year ended
December 31  2001. The interim results should therefore be read in conjunction
with the 2001 annual report and accounts. The interim results for the twelve
months to December 31  2002, which were approved by the board of directors on
February 13  2003, do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Full accounts for the year ended December
31  2001, incorporating an unqualified auditors' report, have been filed with
the Registrar of Companies.

Copies of this report are being sent to shareholders, and are available to the
public at the Company's registered office, 6 Stratton Street, London W1J 8LD.

Independent review report by Deloitte & Touche to Bidcorp plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the twelve months ended December 31  2002 which comprises the consolidated
profit and loss account, the consolidated balance sheet, the summarised
consolidated cash flow statement, the consolidated statement of recognised gains
and losses and related notes 1 to 8. We have read the other information
contained in the interim report and considered whether it contains any apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the financial information.

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
polices and presentation applied to the interim figures are consistent with
those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with the guidance contained in Bulletin
1999/4 issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A
review consists principally of making enquiries of group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions. It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the twelve months
ended December 31  2002.

Deloitte & Touche

Chartered Accountants


February 13  2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange