RNS Number:5379Z
Bidcorp PLC
05 August 2002


Operational and Financial Review for the six months ended 30 June 2002

Management began the year with the task of restructuring the Group following the
poor results for the year ended December 2001, more particularly the losses
incurred in the second half of the year.

At year end 2001, the Group reviewed the carrying values of its assets and
liabilities, resulting in the write down of certain of its assets, including all
of its goodwill. In January 2002, the Group raised an amount of #31m by way of
an issue of new ordinary shares. The effect was to substantially reduce Group
debt and to improve the financial foundation on which to grow.

The six months under review has been a period of consolidation with the focus
being on streamlining the Group's activities, reducing costs and improving the
utilisation of assets.

Group turnover amounted to #68.1m representing growth of 4% against the
comparable period. Operating profit was #0.9m. Finance costs for the period
amounted to #0.5m against the #1.5m in the comparable period, reflecting the
reduced level of debt and improved asset management. Profit before and after tax
was #0.4m. Gearing at 30 June 2002 was 21%.

The markets in which the Group operates remain competitive. Against this
backdrop, the Group reports results which whilst not at levels we would wish
for, should be seen as a qualitative improvement. I am optimistic that further
improvements will be derived in the medium term.

Opportunities between Bidcorp and The Bidvest Group Limited in South Africa in
relation to South African exports are being pursued and whilst nothing firm has
materialised to now, I am hopeful of its outcome.

Review of Operations


The Automotive Services division has been reorganised into three units operating
under the Ontime brand: Volume Distribution, Specialist Operations, Rescue &
Recovery and Traffic Management Operations.

This division performed better than in the comparable period, achieving an
operating profit of #0.5m and an increased turnover of #46.7m. Much ground work
has been done to create a base for future growth and the Automotive units are
working together to offer a comprehensive 'package' to customers.

Shipping and Ports

The Shipping market in which the Group operates remains extremely competitive.
The emphasis now is on quality turnover and reasonable margins.

The Shipping business has reversed the previous year's loss and has achieved an
operating profit of #0.3m with turnover being maintained at #19.9m. This trend
is expected to continue with the consolidation in the market following the
announcement from a major competitor that it is to close its Zeebrugge services
later this year. The Shipping division is developing a profitable car import/
export business, which will supplement the standard ferry products. The period's
performance was impacted by the losses incurred on the new Dunkerque service,
which has not yet reached critical mass.

Property and Outsourced Services

The value of operating property assets held in this division has reduced to
#1.5m and the division now holds a relatively small portfolio of managed
properties. Research is currently underway into various possibilities for the
development of the Group's site at Thames Europort. Turnover for this division
amounted to #1.4m achieving an operating profit of #0.1m.

Dividends and Share Premium Account

No dividend is proposed for the six month period ended 30 June 2002. The Company
will seek shareholder approval to apply to court for the cancellation of its
share premium account of #13.2m and the transfer of such sum to the Company's
profit and loss account. The deficit on the Company's profit and loss account at
31 December 2001 was #7.8m. If successful, this approval will enable the Company
to resume the payment of dividends at an early date.


Whilst the profit of the Group is modest, it is pleasing to note the enthusiasm
shown by the management and staff during this period and I remain confident that
their determination to succeed bodes well for future performance.

I take this opportunity to thank the executive directors, management and staff
for their efforts. While there is a great deal to do in rebuilding the business,
they can feel justly proud of what has been achieved thus far. To the
non-executive directors my sincere thanks for their guidance.

Brian Joffe


5 August 2002


Bidcorp Plc
Rodger Graham, Chief Executive                       Tel: +44 (0) 20 7408 0123
Brian Joffe, Chairman                                Tel: +27 (0) 11 772 8700

The Bidvest Group Limited
Jack Hochfeld, Investor Relations

David Cleasby, Investor Relations                    Tel: +27 (0) 11 772 8700

College Hill

Robyn Hunt (SA)                                      Tel: +27 (0) 11 447 3030

Gareth David (UK)                                    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7457 2020



We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 30 June 2002 which comprises the consolidated profit and
loss account, the consolidated balance sheet, the consolidated cash flow
statement, the consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses and
related notes 1 to 7.  We have read the other information contained in the
Interim Report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the financial information.

Directors' Responsibilities

The Interim Report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the Directors.  The Directors
are responsible for preparing the Interim Report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom.  A review
consists principally of making enquiries of Group management and applying
analytical procedures to the financial information and underlying financial data
and, based thereon, assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation
have been consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes
audit procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets,
liabilities and transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit
performed in accordance with United Kingdom auditing standards and therefore
provides a lower level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly, we do not
express an audit opinion on the financial information.

Review Conclusion

On the basis of our review, we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2002.

Deloitte & Touche

Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors

Hill House

1 Little New Street



1 August 2002


For the six months ended 30 June 2002

Restated*       Year ended
                                                           30 June 2002      30 June
2001      31 Dec 2001
                                                    Note          #'000            
#'000            #'000
(unaudited)        (audited)

Turnover - continuing operations                      1          68,083           
65,687          129,486

Operating profit/(loss) - continuing operations                     886            
2,182         (12,642)

Exceptional items:
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                      -            
(133)            (367)
Loss on termination of logistics business                             -              
  -            (187)

Total exceptional items                               1               -            
(133)            (554)

Profit /(Loss) on ordinary activities before          1             886            
2,049         (13,196)

Net interest payable                                              (446)          
(1,416)          (2,772)
Other finance expense                                              (59)             
(35)             (35)

Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before                         381              
598         (16,003)

Tax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities           2              31              
 27            1,831

Profit/(loss) retained for the period                               412              
625         (14,172)

Earnings/(loss) per share                             3            0.2p             
0.6p          (13.9)p
Diluted earnings/(loss) per share                     3            0.2p             
0.6p          (13.8)p

*30 June 2001 has been restated to apply new accounting standards, as explained in
note 7.


As at 30 June 2002

                                                              30 June 2002      30
June 2001      31 Dec 2001
                                                       Note          #'000           
 #'000            #'000
(unaudited)        (audited)
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                        -           
 9,897                -
Tangible assets                                                     53,634           
56,416           52,789
Investments                                                          6,438           
 7,415            6,606
73,728           59,395

Current assets
Stocks and work in progress                                          2,521           
 4,006            2,472
Debtors                                                             30,708           
25,904           28,122
Cash at bank and in hand                                             5,081           
 5,544            3,437
35,454           34,031

Current liabilities
Creditors: Amount falling due within one year                     (33,511)         
(40,995)         (56,270)

Net current assets/(liabilities)                                     4,799          
(5,541)         (22,239)

Total assets less current liabilities                               64,871           
68,187           37,156

Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one                 (7,069)         
(23,967)         (10,807)
Provisions for liabilities and charges                             (5,079)          
(6,426)          (5,213)

Net assets excluding pension liability                              52,723           
37,794           21,136

Pension liability                                                  (2,473)          
(1,606)          (1,606)

Net assets including pension liability                              50,250           
36,188           19,530

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                             49,644           
20,463           20,463
Share premium                                                       13,228           
11,353           11,353
Merger reserve                                                       9,327           
 9,327            9,327
Capital reserve                                                        480           
   480              480
Profit and loss account excluding pension liability               (19,956)          
(3,829)         (20,487)
Pension liability                                                  (2,473)          
(1,606)          (1,606)
Profit and loss account including pension liability               (22,429)          
(5,435)         (22,093)

Equity shareholders' funds                                          50,250           
36,188           19,530

Net asset value per share                               4            20.2p           
 35.4p            19.1p


For the six months ended 30 June 2002

             Year ended
                                                              30 June 2002      30
June 2001      31 Dec 2001
                                                       Note          #'000           
 #'000            #'000
(unaudited)        (audited)

Cash flow from operating activities                     5            4,386           
 6,728            9,713

Interest received                                                      326           
    13              188
Interest paid                                                        (299)          
(1,292)          (1,067)
Interest element of finance lease payments                           (443)           
     -          (1,345)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                      (416)          
(1,279)          (2,224)

Taxation                                                                52           
    26              373

Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                  (5,453)          
(1,925)          (4,878)
Sale of tangible assets                                                704           
   148            1,014
Sale of investment properties                                            -           
 2,156            2,467
Sale of investments                                                      -           
     -              128

Capital expenditure and financial investment                       (4,749)           
   379          (1,269)

Acquisitions and disposals                                               -           
     -          (2,000)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                           (727)           
 5,854            4,593

Issue of shares                                                     31,056           
     -                -
Repayment of secured loans                                         (9,673)           
 (314)          (1,195)
Repayment of loan notes                                              (913)           
     -                -
New hire purchase agreements                                             -           
 1,695            2,642
Capital repayments under hire purchase obligations                 (3,737)          
(4,287)          (8,146)

Financing                                                           16,733          
(2,906)          (6,699)

Increase/(decrease) in net cash                         6           16,006           
 2,948          (2,106)


As at 30 June 2002

Restated      Year ended
                                                                30 June 2002      30
June 2001     31 Dec 2001
   #'000           #'000
(unaudited)       (audited)

Profit/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders for the                412         
     625        (14,172)
Movement on market value of pension scheme assets                      (804)         
 (2,542)         (2,542)
Actuarial (loss)/gain on defined benefit pension schemes               (375)         
     227             227
Deferred tax arising in respect of defined benefit pension               354         
     695             695
Currency translation differences on foreign currency net                  77         
    (48)              28

Total recognised gains/(losses) relating to the period                 (336)         
 (1,043)        (15,764)

Prior year adjustment relating to defined benefit pension                  -         
   (399)           (399)
Prior year adjustment relating to deferred taxation                        -         
 (2,434)         (4,371)
New shares                                                            31,056         
       -               -

Net increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds                        30,720         
 (3,876)        (20,534)
Equity shareholders' funds at the beginning of the period             19,530         
  40,064          40,064

Equity shareholders' funds at the end of the period                   50,250         
  36,188          19,530


For the six months ended 30 June 2002


                                            Automotive    Shipping    Outsourced
                                              Services     Services     Services    
Net Debt      Total
                                                  #'000        #'000        #'000    
   #'000        #'000
30 June 2002                                     46,747       19,911        1,425    
       -       68,083
30 June 2001                                     43,504       19,619        2,564    
       -       65,687
31 December 2001                                 85,474       37,589        6,423    
       -      129,486
Profit/(loss) before interest

30 June 2002                                        538          255           93    
       -          886
30 June 2001                                        434        1,329          286    
       -        2,049
31 December 2001                               (11,578)      (1,558)         (60)    
       -     (13,196)
Net assets

30 June 2002                                      1,932       22,527       36,275    
(10,484)       50,250
30 June 2001                                      9,875       28,541       37,308    
(39,536)       36,188
31 December 2001                                  5,862       17,577       36,840    
(40,749)       19,530

The segmental analysis for June and December 2001 have been restated, as car
parking activities have been reclassified as outsourced services.


For the six months ended 30 June 2002

1      PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES (continued)

Analysis by geographical area of operation                  UK              Europe   
#'000             #'000
30 June 2002                                                    61,981           
6,102            68,083
30 June 2001                                                    59,225           
6,462            65,687
31 December 2001                                               117,472          
12,014           129,486
Profit/(loss) before interest

30 June 2002                                                       876              
10               886
30 June 2001                                                     1,946             
103             2,049
31 December 2001                                              (12,630)           
(566)          (13,196)
Net assets

30 June 2002                                                    51,692         
(1,442)            50,250
30 June 2001                                                    35,574             
614            36,188
31 December 2001                                                20,843         
(1,313)            19,530

The profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after (crediting)/
charging the following item:

                                                           30 June 2002      30 June
2001        31 Dec 2001
#'000              #'000

Amortisation of goodwill                                              -              
287             10,227
Adjustment to shipping and property accruals                          -            
(364)              (364)
Director's termination payment                                      177              
  -                  -
Earn out provision not required                                   (308)              
  -                  -
Set up costs of European recovery operation                          62              
  -                  -


The tax charge provided at 30 June 2002 is based on the estimated effective tax
rate for the full period for each undertaking in the Group applied to the
taxable profits for the period.


The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the consolidated
profit/(loss) after taxation of #412,000 (2001: 30 June #625,000, 31 December #
(14,172,000)) and the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during
the period of 248,219,402 (2001: 102,317,460).

Diluted earnings per share is based on profits/(losses) of #412,000 (2001: 30
June #625,000, 31 December #(14,172,000)) and the average number of ordinary
shares in issue during the period as amended to take account of dilutive options
issued to staff and directors, together amounting to 250,428,937 (2001:


The calculation of net asset value per share is based on the total of equity
shareholders' funds of #50,250,000 (2001: 30 June #36,188,000, 31 December
#19,530,000) and the closing number of ordinary shares in issue of 248,219,402
(2001: 102,317,460).


             Year ended

                                                             30 June 2002      30
June 2001       31 Dec 2001

#'000             #'000

Operating profit/(loss)                                               886            
2,182          (12,642)
Amortisation and impairment of goodwill                             (308)            
  287            10,227
Depreciation and amortisation of other fixed assets                 4,290            
4,477             9,760
Profit/(loss) on disposal of fixed assets                           (218)            
    2                42
Working capital movements                                           (318)            
 (73)             2,468
Other non cash movements                                               54            
(147)             (142)

Net cash inflow from operating activities                           4,386            
6,728             9,713


Restated       Year ended
                                                              30 June 2002      30
June 2001      31 Dec 2001
 #'000            #'000

Increase/(decrease) in cash for the period                          16,006           
 2,948          (2,106)
Cash outflow from decrease in debt and leasing financing            14,323           
 2,906            6,699

Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                        30,329           
 5,854            4,593
Unwinding of discount on loan                                         (89)           
 (203)            (405)
Write down of loan                                                       -           
   150              150
Translation difference                                                  25           
 (381)            (131)

Movement in net debt in the period                                  30,265           
 5,420            4,207
Net debt at the beginning of the period                           (40,749)         
(44,956)         (44,956)

Net debt at the end of the period                                 (10,484)         
(39,536)         (40,749)

Disclosed as:
Cash at bank and in hand                                             5,081           
 5,544            3,437
Debt due within one year                                           (8,496)         
(21,113)         (33,379)
Debt due after one year                                            (7,069)         
(23,967)         (10,807)

(39,536)         (40,749)

Net debt / net assets                                                  21%           
  109%             209%



At 31 December 2001 deferred taxation was stated on a full liability basis in
accordance with FRS 19 "Deferred taxation". Comparative financial information
has been restated as necessary.  The impact of adopting FRS 19 was to decrease
the tax charge for the six months to 30 June 2001 by #299,000.

FRS 17 "Post retirement benefits" was also adopted at 31 December 2001 and the
impact of adopting FRS 17 was to increase the profit for the six months to 30
June 2001 by #242,000. Comparative financial information has been restated as
necessary.  The comparative lines of business segmental analyses have been
restated to align the previously reported analyses with current Group reporting

Statutory financial information

The unaudited interim results have been prepared on a basis consistent with the
accounting policies set out in the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended
31 December 2001. The interim results should therefore be read in conjunction
with the 2001 Annual Report and Accounts.  The interim results for the six
months to 30 June 2002, which were approved by the Board of Directors on 2
August 2002, do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section
240 of the Companies Act 1985.  Full accounts for the year ended 31 December
2001, incorporating an unqualified auditors' report, have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies.

Copies of this report are being sent to shareholders, and are available to the
public at the Company's registered office, 6 Stratton Street, London W1J 8LD.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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