RNS Number : 4295J
  ATH Resources plc
  03 December 2008

 Press Release  3 December 2008

    ATH Resources plc
    ("ATH Resources" or "the Group")
     Preliminary Results

    ATH Resources plc, one of the UK's largest coal producers, reports its preliminary results for the 52 week period ended 28 September
 *   Turnover up 9% to �76.9 million (2007: �70.5 million) on sales of 2.0
     million tonnes of coal (2007: 2.2 million tonnes)
 *   Average selling price increased by 21% to �38 per tonne
 *   Profit before interest and tax up 8% to �11.9 million (2007: �11.1
 *   Earnings per share up 4% to 15.3 pence per share (2007: 14.8 pence per
 *   Dividend rebased to 6.0 pence per share for full year (2007: 11.6 pence
     per share), with final dividend of 2.64 pence per share (2007: 8.24 pence
     per share), enabling a greater proportion of investment in new, high
     growth, opportunities to be funded from existing cash resources
 *   Planning consent recently received from Nottinghamshire County Council
     for a 0.5 million tonne regeneration project at Langton - consent from
     Derbyshire County Council expected in early 2009
 *   Proven coal reserves up 29% to 4.5 million tonnes (2007: 3.5 million
     tonnes) with total reserves at 8.2 million tonnes (2007: 8.6 million
 *   Further 1.8 million tonnes increase in Proven coal reserves post year end
     following recent planning successes

    Commenting on the preliminary results, Tom Allchurch, Chief Executive of ATH Resources, said:
    "I am extremely pleased to be reporting on another year of solid profits growth. The business is starting to benefit from higher coal
prices and is continuing to build upon an already healthy base of reserves and long term supply agreements. The exciting opportunities for
significant growth in our regeneration business are gathering momentum and, for this reason, we have decided to rebase our dividend to allow
a greater proportion of the investment required for these projects to be funded from our existing cash resources. I am confident that the
Group will continue to deliver significant value to shareholders in the years ahead."
    - Ends -

    For further information:
 ATH Resources plc
 Tom Allchurch, Chief Executive   Tel: +44 (0) 1302 760 462
 tom.allchurch@ath.co.uk                     www.ath.co.uk 

 Evolution Securities Limited
 Joanne Lake/Peter Steel        Tel: +44 (0)113 243 1619
 joanne.lake@evosecurities.com     www.evosecurities.com

    Media enquiries:
 Charlie Jack / George Parker      Tel: +44 (0) 20 7398 7719
 george.parker@abchurch-group.com     www.abchurch-group.com

      Chairman's Statement
    Business progress
    The Group continues to develop the two core businesses of surface mining and coal tip recovery and regeneration. Coal production in the
second six months of the year increased significantly compared to the first half with the opening up of the Muir Dean mine and the latest
extension to the Grievehill site. Overall coal sales for the year are in excess of 2 million tonnes.
    The land regeneration and coal tip washing business, ATH Regeneration, continues the development of new sites and markets. The board was
delighted to hear that the Group was recently successful in receiving planning consent from Nottinghamshire County Council to recover 0.5
million tonnes of coal at the Langton site. Planning approval is required from Derbyshire County Council and this is expected to be received
in early 2009. The project, which is expected to commence in the first half of 2009, will be the first new project under the Group's
ownership and the board is confident that a number of other sites currently in development will also be forthcoming. 
    In addition to the opportunities in the UK, there is a growing momentum in the progression of a number of projects in Australia to
deploy the Group's unique coal tip washing technology.  Negotiations are well advanced with two potential clients and operations in
Australia are expected to commence in 2009.
    The Group has had another very successful year in the development of its reserve base with new proven reserves of over 3 million tonnes.
In addition, planning consent has been received, following the year end, for a further 1.8 million tonnes.

    Proven and Probable coal reserves at 28 September 2008 are 8.2 million tonnes (2007: 8.6 million tonnes). 


    The board is recommending a final dividend of 2.64 pence per share (2007: 8.24 pence per share), payable on 16 January 2009, subject to
approval by the members at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 13 January 2009, to members on the share register at 19 December 2008.
This brings the total dividend for the year to 6.0 pence per share (2007: 11.6 pence per share).

    The Group is progressing a number of attractive opportunities in Australia for ATH Regeneration which have relatively short pay back
periods and the potential to significantly boost earnings. The Group continues to be highly cash generative and, therefore, the board has
decided to retain a greater proportion of earnings within the business to fund the initial investment phase of these opportunities. This
will allow the Group to continue to pay an attractive dividend and is consistent with the high growth opportunities available to the Group.

    Going forward, the board intends to grow dividends from the rebased level as earnings increase.

    Chief Executive's Statement
    Review of the period

    The Group delivered another year of continued growth, reporting sales up 9% to �76.9 million (2007: �70.5 million) with profit before
tax and earnings per share growing by 4%. The business benefitted from increasing coal prices and achieved growth in profitability despite a
reduction in volumes arising from a planning delay to the Grievehill site and record oil prices leading to an increase in operating costs.
Operating cash flow remained a strong feature of the Group's results at �22.6 million (2007: �23.6 million).

    Operational review
    Surface mining

    Profit before interest and tax grew by around a quarter during the year to �9.8 million (2007: �7.9 million). The new mine at Muir Dean
and the extension to the Grievehill site were opened successfully in the second half of the year and, with a full year contribution from
these sites, overall production volumes are expected to increase by more than 10% in 2009.

    During the year, new planning consents were received for the Muir Dean (2.2 million tonnes) and Grievehill (1.0 million tonnes) sites.
Local planning consent was received for two extensions to the Glenmuckloch mine (0.7 million tonnes) and a new mine at Rigg (1.1 million
tonnes) in Dumfries and Galloway with full approval received after the period end.  Following the year end, a planning application for 0.6
million tonnes was submitted for a further extension to the Skares Road mine and a 0.4 million tonnes extension to another mine was added to
Probable Reserves. During 2009, the Group expects to submit at least two further planning applications for an additional 3 million tonnes of


    Profit before interest and tax was �3.2m (2007: �4.5 million) reflecting the completion, as planned, of coal production at the
Grimethorpe site in July 2008 when the site entered into a short period of restoration.  

    Operations at Grimethorpe have been extremely successful and returns from this project alone have more than justified the original
purchase price of the business. The technology is unique to ATH Resources and patents to protect the Group's intellectual property rights
internationally are pending.

    A number of new tip washing opportunities have been developed in the UK during the year where the estimated coal content is in excess of
2 million tonnes. The first of these, at Langton in Nottinghamshire, is expected to commence operations in the first half of 2009.  

    Interest in the deployment of the Group's technology in Australia has increased during the year. The Group is preferred bidder on a
project to wash 11 million tonnes of coal rejects at an operational mine in Queensland. Although this project has not moved forward as
quickly as initially expected, the potential client appears committed to an ATH Regeneration plant and is also reviewing strategic options
for wider deployment on a number of other mines. In addition, the Group has, under contract, sampled and analysed tips for another party in
Queensland and is currently in negotiation for a three to five year tip washing project, to commence in 2009.

    Tip washing projects in Australia are a major opportunity for growth of the business given the number, sizes and coal content of rejects
tips, especially in Queensland, where the State Government has indicated in excess of 200 million tonnes of rejects on the surface which
could be suitable for processing.


    The Group has a dual strategy of growing coal reserves organically from its existing portfolio of sites and making suitable
complementary acquisitions. Estimated reserves of recoverable coal were 8.2 million tonnes (2007: 8.6 million tonnes) at the year end.
Current planning activity levels are expected to replace coal produced with new reserves securing production for the foreseeable future.

 Coal Reserves                                                                                                                              
 at 28 September 2008                                                                                                                       
                                                                                                          Proven               Probable     
                                                                                                          Tonnes                Tonnes      
 Site                                                                                                      000                   000        
 Skares Road                                                                                                        100                  
600                   700  
 Laigh Glenmuir                                                                                                       -                  
800                   800  
 Grievehill                                                                                                         600                    
-                   600  
 Glenmuckloch                                                                                                     1,700                  
700                 2,400  
 Muir Dean                                                                                                        2,100                    
-                 2,100  
 Rigg                                                                                                                 -                
1,100                 1,100  
 Total Surface Mining                                                                                             4,500                
3,200                 7,700  
 Langton                                                                                                              -                  
500                   500  
 Total Regeneration                                                                                                   -                  
500                   500  
 Group reserves                                                                                                   4,500                
3,700                 8,200  
 The information in this announcement relating to exploration results, mineral resources or mineral reserves is based on information
compiled by Mr Peter Morgan, a
 full time employee of the Group, who is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. Mr Morgan has sufficient experience
which is relevant to the
 style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration. He has reviewed and consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the
matters based on his
 information in the form and context in which they appear. A glossary of terms is available on our website - www.ath.co.uk.


    Demand for coal in the UK was largely unchanged at around 60 million tonnes during 2008 with indigenous coal production meeting
approximately one third of total usage.

    International coal prices during the year rose to an unprecedented level, peaking at over $220 per tonne, in line with the increase in
oil prices. Prices have fallen since the summer and returned to below the $100 per tonne level. Although this is less than half of the price
at its peak, the price remains higher than twelve months ago and, assisted by the strength of the US dollar, is approximately �15 per tonne
higher than the average selling price in 2008.

    The Group holds agreements at September 2008 with a number of major UK electricity generators covering the supply of 3.6 million tonnes
of coal up to 2012. These agreements were negotiated at a time of lower coal prices and are at an average of around �32 per tonne. 

    Health and safety

    The board understands the potentially hazardous nature of the work undertaken in the Group's operations and takes very seriously its
responsibilities for health and safety.

    Operational sites have a nominated and qualified health and safety manager and employees are regularly trained in the Group's processes
which are aimed to exceed HSE best practice. In order to further strengthen the Group's capability, a dedicated HSE manager has been
recruited during the year to oversee the creation and adoption of best practice policies and procedures and to further strengthen the
Group's commitment to continuous improvement in health and safety performance.


    The Group recognises the critical importance of its employees in the continued growth and success of the business. The Group employs
over 400 skilled, innovative and highly motivated people and continuous development is delivered through structured and targeted training

    The board would like to join me in thanking our people for all of the efforts they have made in the past year and the commitment that
they continue to demonstrate in delivering the success of the business.


    The Group has delivered another set of strong results reflecting the underlying strength of the business with average prices and Proven
reserves showing significant steps forward.  With a healthy market for coal, and exciting growth plans, the board is confident that the
business is well placed to deliver the next phase of value creating growth.

    Financial review

    The results are presented for the 52 week period to 28 September 2008 against a similar period to 30 September 2007.


    The Group's revenue for the year was �76.9 million (2007: �70.5 million) on sales of 2.0 million tonnes (2007: 2.2 million). The average
coal price was �38 per tonne (2007: �32 per tonne).

    Revenues from surface mining were �65.7 million (2007: �57.3 million) and from ATH Regeneration were �11.2 million (2007: �13.2

    The increase in turnover from surface mining reflects higher coal prices secured on the renewal of existing supply contracts and new
contracts in certain industrial markets. Coal production commenced at the new Muir Dean mine adding to that from the existing mines in
Ayrshire and Dumfries and Galloway.

    Revenues from ATH Regeneration reflected the completion of production at the Grimethorpe site. 

    Profit before interest and tax

    Profit before interest and tax ("PBIT") was �11.9 million (2007: �11.1 million) and earnings before interest, tax and depreciation were
�25.7 million (2007: �25.2 million).

    The return on PBIT of 35% (2007: 34%) reflects the increase in average selling price offset by increases in the Group's cost base,
particularly on gas oil.

    Finance costs

    Net finance costs of �2.9 million (2007: �2.4 million) were charged in the year. Continuing levels of significant fixed asset
acquisition means hire purchase interest charges remained at �1.1 million (2007: �1.1 million). �0.4 million (2007: �0.3 million) was
charged in respect of the unwinding of the discount on restoration provisions. The Group's acquisition of mine assets at Muir Dean and
additional investment in the asset base resulted in an increase in bank loan and overdraft interest charges to �1.4 million (2007:


    The effective rate of tax was 32% (2007: 32%) compared with a standard rate of tax of 29% (2007: 30%). The difference between the actual
and standard rate is primarily due to expenses that are not allowable against tax.

    Earnings per share

    Earnings per share were 15.30 pence (2007: 14.76 pence), an increase of 4%. Fully diluted earnings per share, taking into account shares
expected to be issued under employee option schemes, were 14.90 pence (2007: 14.53 pence).

      Net assets

    Net assets were �34.2 million (2007: �32.1 million). The Group has continued to invest in fixed assets to expand the surface mining
operations. Total additions of plant, property and equipment were �27.9 million, with �15.8 million on plant and machinery and �12.1 million
on new surface mining sites and land acquisitions, including �8.6 million at Muir Dean to facilitate the start of coal production.

    Cash flows

    The Group continues to generate strong cash flows from its operations, with a net cash inflow from operations of �22.6 million (2007:
�23.6 million). Cash outflows on fixed assets, �13.6 million (2007: �9.0 million), and hire purchase payments, �7.9 million (2007: �8.2
million), reflect the Group's capital investment programme. Overall, net cash inflow is �9.3 million (2007: �5.3 million outflow).

    Net debt at 28 September 2008 increased to �45.3 million (2007: �31.6 million) as a result of new debt and hire purchase borrowings to
fund the Group's capital investment. Debt repaid during the year was replaced by new hire purchase agreements and bank loans.


    During the year, the Group entered into new financing arrangements to take advantage of investment opportunities within the business. A
new loan of �15 million replaced existing facilities of �3 million to reflect the long term nature of the business and an additional �7.7
million of debt was raised to finance the opening of the new Muir Dean surface mine in Fife. After the year end, the Group renewed and
extended its overdraft facilities with Royal Bank of Scotland following the annual review. 

    International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

    The Group has adopted IFRS for the first time during 2008 and comparative results for 2007 have been restated.

    The adoption of IFRS has a significant impact on the results through the treatment of goodwill which is not amortised, but is subject to
an annual impairment review.


    On 30 June 2008 the Group acquired Pacific West Coal Pty Limited ("PWC"), a company incorporated in Australia to facilitate the
expansion of the Regeneration business into this much larger coal producing market. 

    Steven Beaumont 
    Finance Director 

    Consolidated Income Statement
    For the year ended 28 September 2008
                                   2008      2007
                                   �000      �000
 Revenue                         76,851    70,508
 Cost of sales                 (55,429)  (50,856)
 Gross profit                    21,422    19,652
 Other operating income             353       129
 Administrative expenses        (9,872)   (8,725)
 Operating profit                11,903    11,056
 Finance costs                  (2,895)   (2,425)
 Profit before taxation           9,008     8,631
 Tax expense                    (2,878)   (2,767)
 Profit for the period            6,130     5,864
 Basic earnings per share        15.30p    14.76p
 Diluted earnings per share      14.90p    14.53p

    There are no recognised gains or losses other than as stated in the income statement.
    Consolidated Balance Sheet
    As at 28 September 2008
 ASSETS                                    2008        2007
                                           �000        �000
 Non-current assets                              
 Intangible assets                        7,657       7,169
 Property, plant and equipment           83,458      64,356
 Investments                                  -           1
                                         91,115      71,526
 Current assets                                  
 Inventories                             14,967       7,793
 Trade and other receivables             11,133      11,229
 Cash and cash equivalents                1,207          64
                                         27,307      19,086
 Total assets                           118,422      90,612
 Current liabilities                             
 Trade and other payables              (14,899)    (10,181)
 Tax liabilities                        (1,443)       (712)
 Financial liabilities - borrowings    (14,649)    (18,323)
 Final void provision                   (1,811)           -
                                       (32,802)    (29,216)
 Non-current liabilities                         
 Trade and other payables                     -       (175)
 Financial liabilities - borrowings    (31,810)    (13,292)
 Final void provision                  (15,018)    (12,223)
 Deferred tax liabilities               (4,208)     (3,603)
 Other provisions                         (338)           -
                                       (51,374)    (29,293)
 Total liabilities                     (84,176)    (58,509)
 Net assets                              34,246      32,103
 Share capital                              200         199
 Share premium                           27,855      27,563
 Share-based payment reserve              1,682       1,313
 Retained earnings                        4,509       3,028
 Total equity                            34,246      32,103
    The financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 2 December 2008 and are signed on its
behalf by:
    S Beaumont
    Group Finance Director and Company Secretary

    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
    For the year ended 28 September 2008
                                                              2008        2007
                                                              �000        �000
 Cash flows from operating activities                               
 Cash generated from operations                             22,588      23,580
 Interest paid                                             (2,558)     (2,184)
 Tax paid                                                  (1,542)     (5,234)
 Net cash from operating activities                         18,488      16,162
 Cash flows from investing activities                               
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment           197         352
 Interest received                                              64          23
 Government grant received                                     204       1,847
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment               (13,624)     (8,967)
 Acquisition of subsidiary                                   (150)     (1,000)
 Net cash used in investing activities                    (13,309)     (7,745)
 Cash flows from financing activities                               
 Dividends paid                                            (4,649)     (4,466)
 Repayment of borrowings                                   (6,323)     (2,784)
 Payment of finance lease liabilities                      (7,899)     (8,248)
 Proceeds from the issue of share capital                      293         223
 New bank loans raised                                      22,700       1,602
 Net cash from/(used in) financing activities                4,122    (13,673)
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash                    9,301     (5,256)
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period          (8,094)     (2,838)
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                  1,207     (8,094)

    Basis of accounting
    The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS"). The financial
statements have also been prepared in accordance with IFRS adopted by the European Union and therefore these financial statements comply
with Article 4 of the EU IAS Regulation.  The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the
revaluation of financial instruments which are carried at fair value. 

    Accounting period
    The Company has drawn up its accounts for the 52 week period to 28 September 2008 (52 week period to 30 September 2007)

      Notes to the Financial Statements
    For the year ended 28 September 2008

    1 Finance costs
                                                         2008   2007
                                                         �000   �000
 Bank overdraft and loan interest                       1,349  1,054
 Finance leases and hire purchase contracts interest    1,145  1,107
 Final void provision discount                            401    264
                                                        2,895  2,425

    2 Tax expense
 Tax recognised in the Income Statement
                                                                               2008   2007
                                                                               �000   �000
 United Kingdom corporation tax
 On profits for the year                                                      2,360  1,173
 Adjustment in respect of prior periods                                        (87)  (337)
 Total current tax recognised                                                 2,273    836

 Deferred taxation charge:
 - accelerated capital allowances                                               518  1,942
 - on share based payments                                                       87   (11)
 Total deferred tax recognised                                                  605  1,931

 Total tax expense recognised                                                 2,878  2,767

 The total tax charge assessed for the year differs from the standard rate of UK
 tax as reconciled below:
                                                                               2008   2007
                                                                               �000   �000

 Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                9,008  8,631

 Profit before taxation multiplied by standard rate of                        2,612  2,589
 tax for the period of 29% (2007: 30%)
 Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                       306    348
 Depreciation not allowable for tax purposes                                    214    167
 Tax relief on exercise of share options                                       (12)      -
 Impact of deferred tax on share options                                         87      -
 Effect of change in tax rates                                                (242)      -
 Adjustment in respect of prior periods                                        (87)  (337)
 Total tax expense                                                            2,878  2,767
 Effective tax rate                                                           32.0%  32.1%

    3 Earnings per share
    Basic earnings per share is calculated on profit after tax of �6,130,000 (2007: �5,864,000) and a weighted average number of shares of
40,062,310 (2007: 39,728,508). The diluted earnings per share takes account of share options outstanding to employees as set out below:
                                                              2008        2007
                                                               No.         No.
 Weighted average number of shares in issue             40,062,310  39,728,508
 Weighted average number of dilutive share options       1,087,910     619,714
 Total number of shares for calculating diluted         41,150,220  40,348,222
 earnings per share                                   

    4 Cash flows
                                                                 2008     2007
                                                                 �000     �000
 Operating profit from continuing operations                   11,903   11,056
 Adjustments for:                                        
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                 13,466   13,648
   (Profit)/loss on disposal of fixed assets                     (24)       58
   Loss on disposal of investments                                  1        -
   Share-based payment expense                                 369      460   
 Operating cash flows before movements in working            25,715     25,222
   Increase in inventories                                    (7,174)  (1,031)
    Decrease/(increase) in receivables                             96  (2,433)
    Increase/(decrease) in payables and                         3,951    1,822
 Cash generated from operations                                22,588   23,580

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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