Half Yearly Financial Report 
31 January 2010 
The Directors announce the unaudited half yearly financial report for the six months to 
31 January 2010 as follows:- 
Copies of the half yearly report can be obtained from the following websites: 
www.angloandoverseas.com and www.edinburghpartners.com. 
Net asset value total return including dividends was 15.8%. While the Company's 
portfolio is not managed with reference to any stock market index, the Company 
performed better than its informal benchmark (the average of the FTSE All-Share 
Index and the FTSE All-World ex UK Index) which had a total return of 13.5%. 
Interim dividend increased by 2.4% to 0.84p per share. 
Principal geographic change was to reduce exposure to Asia Pacific (ex Japan) 
region and UK and introduce an exposure of just over 9% to Japanese equities. 
Returns from equities look more attractive when compared to alternative 
investments such as bonds and cash and a relatively fully invested position is 
being retained. 
Financial summary 
                                          31 January 2010   31 July 2009   Change 
Shareholders' funds                          GBP80,965,000    GBP73,689,000      9.9% 
Net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary             110.08p         96.80p     13.7% 
Share price per Ordinary Share                    95.25p         89.75p      6.1% 
Share price discount to NAV                        13.5%          7.3% 
Interim dividend per Ordinary Share                0.84p          0.82p      2.4% 
                                   Six months to     Six months to        Year to 
                                 31 January 2010   31 January 2009    31 July 2009 
Total return per Ordinary Share* 
Capital                                   14.25p         (18.04)p         (9.35)p 
Revenue                                    0.92p           1.07p            3.17p 
Total                                     15.17p         (16.97)p         (6.18)p 
* Based on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period, 
excluding own shares held in treasury. 
Investment Objective 
The Company's investment objective is to provide shareholders with above 
average returns over the longer term through both capital appreciation and 
income growth. 
Investment Policy 
Asset allocation 
The Company's investment policy is to invest in a focused portfolio comprising 
principally securities of publicly quoted companies worldwide which the 
Investment Manager considers to be undervalued on the basis of their earnings 
potential.  The Company may also invest up to 5% of its gross assets in 
unquoted securities and up to 10% of its gross assets in other listed 
investment companies or funds, including investment trusts.  The Company's 
portfolio will be constructed without reference to either the composition of 
any stock market index or any geographic, industrial or sectoral asset 
allocation limits. 
Where the Investment Manager believes market or economic conditions make equity 
investment unattractive or while seeking appropriate investment opportunities 
for the portfolio or to maintain liquidity, the Company may invest in bonds and 
other debt instruments, cash, cash equivalents or short-term deposits.  The 
proportion of the Company's assets which may be invested in this way will vary 
according to the Investment Manager's view of market or economic conditions and 
the availability of suitable equity investment opportunities. In the unlikely 
event of very extreme conditions, 100% of the portfolio could be so invested, 
although the use of such investments is not expected normally to exceed 30% of 
gross assets.  In addition, the Company may purchase derivatives for the 
purposes of efficient portfolio management (i.e. for the purpose of reducing, 
transferring or eliminating investment risk in its investments, including 
protection against currency risk). 
Risk diversification 
In order to spread risk, the portfolio will normally consist of between 40 and 
70 equity investments in publicly quoted companies. No single investment will 
represent more than 15% of the Company's gross assets at the time of its 
The Company's policy on gearing is not to have fixed or structural gearing, but 
the Company may from time to time, when deemed appropriate, borrow for 
investment purposes in various currencies to suit investment conditions. This 
gearing will not exceed 20% of shareholders' funds at the time of borrowing. 
This is intended to enhance the Company's ability to take advantage of future 
investment opportunities identified by the Investment Manager, subject always 
to the Board's overall control in relation to borrowings. 
The net asset value per share at the Company's half year end of 31 January 2010 
was 110.08p. This compares with the net asset value per share at 31 July 2009 
of 96.80p and represents an increase of 13.7%.  After including the final 
dividend of 2.08p, which was paid in December 2009, the total return per share 
was 15.8% for the six month period. 
The Company's portfolio is not managed with reference to any stock market 
index, as your Directors have decided not to adopt a formal benchmark. However, 
we continue to believe it is useful to highlight the performance of your 
Company against market indices for comparative purposes. It is therefore 
pleasing to be able to report that the Company performed better than the 
average of the informal benchmarks detailed below. 
The total return from the FTSE All-Share Index over the six months to 31 
January 2010 was 14.7%, while the corresponding total return from the FTSE 
All-World ex UK Index was 12.3%. The total return from the average of these two 
indices over the period under review was 13.5%. 
Share Price and Discount 
The Company's share price increased from 89.75p at 31 July 2009 to 95.25p at 31 
January 2010, a rise of 6.1%.  As a consequence of the share price movement 
being below that of the increase in the net asset value, there was a widening 
of the share price discount to net asset value from 7.3% to 13.5%. 
It was disappointing to see a widening of the discount despite the Company 
continuing to adopt a pro-active policy with regards to the discount.  During 
the six months to 31 January 2010, the Company purchased a total of 2,577,249 
shares at a cost of GBP2,496,000. Of these, 1,177,249 shares were purchased for 
cancellation and 1,400,000 shares were purchased and placed into treasury.  As 
at 31 January 2010 the number of shares held in treasury was 9,727,438 shares, 
which represented 11.7% of the total number of shares in issue. 
Revenue and Dividend 
The net revenue return per share in the six months to 31 January 2010 was 
0.92p, a decrease of 14.0% on the 1.07p return in the prior year period.  This 
reflected the investment strategy of moving from defensive higher yielding 
shares to more growth focused companies with lower yields. 
I am pleased to report that the Board has decided to pay an interim dividend of 
0.84p per share on 30 April 2010 to shareholders on the register as at 9 April 
2010. The ex-dividend date will be 7 April 2010. This represents an increase of 
2.4% on the prior period interim dividend of 0.82p. 
Your Board has again taken account of the importance of income to shareholders 
in deciding on the dividend value.  The Directors intend to maintain the level 
of dividends to shareholders during the current phase of the economic cycle. 
Economic Overview 
During the early part of 2009 there was a widespread fear of a return to the 
economic conditions of the 1930's. However, during the remainder of 2009 and 
the early part of 2010 (which included the six month period under review) there 
has been a more optimistic view on the economic outlook.  The worldwide policy 
responses to the economic downturn (which included the bail out of the banking 
sector, the reduction of interest rates to historic lows, the substantial 
increase in government budget deficits and quantitative easing by central 
banks) would appear to have averted an economic depression. In the future, 
those international policy responses and the eventual return to more normal 
economic policies (particularly with regard to interest rates and government 
spending) is likely to lead to more subdued economic growth worldwide, 
particularly in the more developed world economies. However, a more rapid rate 
of economic growth is expected from emerging economies worldwide, particularly 
in China and India, as these economies adjust from an export orientated focus 
to a more balanced economic strategy that increases the emphasis on domestic 
Given the assessment that a global recession would not occur and that many 
companies with strong balance sheets and industry leadership positions were 
priced at attractive valuations, the Company remained almost fully invested in 
equities throughout the period. 
The principal geographic change has been to reduce the Company's exposure to 
the Asia Pacific (ex Japan) region, principally in China (where a number of 
profitable disposals were made) and in the UK and use the proceeds to introduce 
an exposure of just over 9% to Japanese equities.  Stocks purchased were the 
construction company, Obayashi, the trading group, Mitsubishi, and the 
electronics companies, Sony and Fujitsu.  The management at Fujitsu has been 
aggressive at reducing costs; in spite of this investors have focused on the 
weak short term outlook for technology spending and therefore these cost 
savings have not yet been fully reflected in the share price. 
Despite the weaker growth outlook and the areas of difficulty that require 
resolution before we return to more normal economic conditions, we continue to 
remain positive on the outlook for equity investment, particularly when 
compared to alternative investments such as bonds and cash. Portfolio 
investment opportunities have been identified in a wide range of sectors. There 
has been a reduction in exposure to defensively orientated sectors such as 
healthcare and increased exposure to more economically sensitive stocks, while 
higher risk balance sheet threatened cyclical companies, where an immediate 
upturn in economic conditions is required, have been avoided. 
We consider that equities are perhaps slightly above fair value at the moment 
and are aware that there could continue to be volatility in equity markets. 
However, the level of overvaluation is limited and suggests sub trend returns 
rather than negative ones.  These returns look more attractive than those 
available from other asset classes and hence we are retaining a relatively 
fully invested position. 
John Pearmund 
29 March 2010 
Interim Management Report 
The important events that have occurred during the period under review are set 
out in the Chairman's Statement. The key factors influencing the financial 
statements are also set out in the Chairman's Statement. 
The principal uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year 
are reviewed in the Outlook section of the Chairman's Statement. 
The principal risks facing the Company are substantially unchanged since the 
date of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 July 2009 and continue to be as 
set out in that report. 
Risks faced by the Company include, but are not limited to, investment and 
strategy risk, discount volatility risk, market risk (comprising: interest rate 
risk, currency risk and other price risk), liquidity risk, credit risk, gearing 
risk, regulatory risk, operational risk, financial risk and key personnel risk. 
There were no related party transactions during the period. Under the AIC SORP 
issued in January 2009 the Investment Manager is not considered to be a related 
party of the Company. 
Responsibility Statement 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements, prepared in accordance with the 
Statement on Half Yearly Financial Reports issued by the UK Accounting 
Standards Board, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit of the Company; and 
- the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
required by: 
(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the 
financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; 
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 
six months of the year; and 
(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the Company during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
This Half Yearly Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 29 March 2010 
and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by John 
Pearmund, Chairman. 
for the six months to 31 January 2010 
                                   Six months to                     Six months to                     Year to 
                                  31 January 2010                   31 January 2009                 31 July 2009 
                             Revenue   Capital     Total   Revenue   Capital     Total     Revenue   Capital   Total 
                               GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000 
Gains/(losses) on 
investments                        -    10,843    10,843         -  (14,269)  (14,269)           -   (7,275) (7,275) 
Exchange (losses)/gains on 
capital items                      -     (116)     (116)         -         7         7           -        24      24 
Income                         1,010         -     1,010     1,294         -     1,294       3,399         -   3,399 
Investment management fee        (90)     (90)     (180)      (86)      (86)     (172)       (165)     (166)   (331) 
Refund of VAT on investment 
management and 
administration fees                -         -         -         -         -         -          55        42      97 
Other expenses                  (204)        -     (204)     (213)         -     (213)       (389)         -   (389) 
Net return before interest 
and taxation                     716    10,637    11,353       995  (14,348)  (13,353)       2,900   (7,375) (4,475) 
Interest paid                      -         -         -       (3)         -       (3)         (3)         -     (3) 
Net return before taxation       716    10,637    11,353       992  (14,348)  (13,356)       2,897   (7,375) (4,478) 
Taxation                         (27)        -       (27)    (141)        24     (117)       (412)        35   (377) 
Net return after taxation        689    10,637    11,326       851  (14,324)  (13,473)       2,485   (7,340) (4,855) 
                               pence     pence     pence     pence     pence     pence       pence    pence   pence 
Return per Ordinary Share*      0.92     14.25     15.17      1.07   (18.04)   (16.97)        3.17    (9.35)  (6.18) 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company. The capital and revenue return columns are prepared in accordance with 
guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
A separate Statement of Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as 
all such gains and losses are included in the Income Statement. 
* The return per Ordinary Share for the six months to 31 January 2010 is based 
on the net revenue return after taxation of GBP689,000 (six months to 31 January 
2009: GBP851,000; year to 31 July 2009: GBP2,485,000) and the net capital return 
after taxation of GBP10,637,000 (six months to 31 January 2009: GBP(14,324,000); 
year to 31 July 2009: GBP(7,340,000)) and on 74,635,005 (six months to 31 January 
2009: 79,391,309; year to 31 July 2009: 78,497,082) Ordinary Shares, being the 
weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period 
(excluding treasury shares). 
as at 31 January 2010 
                                                31 January   31 January   31 July 
                                                      2010         2009      2009 
                                                     GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed asset investments 
Investments at fair value through profit or 
loss                                               77,998       67,320    71,835 
Current assets 
Debtors                                               516          787       592 
Cash at bank and short-term deposits                3,287          729     1,845 
                                                    3,803        1,516     2,437 
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year       836        1,015       583 
Net current assets                                  2,967          501     1,854 
Net assets                                         80,965       67,821    73,689 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                             8,327        8,745     8,458 
Special reserve                                    64,737       69,344    67,233 
Capital redemption reserve                            695          277       564 
Capital reserve                                     4,654      (12,967)   (5,983) 
Distributable revenue reserve                       2,552        2,422     3,417 
Total equity shareholders' funds                   80,965       67,821    73,689 
                                                     pence        pence     pence 
Net asset value per 
Ordinary Share                Note 4                110.08        86.17     96.80 
for the six months to 31 January 2010 
                                             Six months   Six months    Year to 
                                                     to           to 
                                             31 January   31 January    31 July 
                                                   2010         2009       2009 
                                                  GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                       1,095        1,302      3,163 
Other income                                         6            -         13 
Investment management fees paid                   (174)        (186)      (343) 
Administration and secretarial fees paid           (56)         (55)      (111) 
Other cash payments                               (165)        (157)      (295) 
Refund of VAT on investment management and 
administration fees                                 97            -          - 
Net cash inflow from operating activities          803          904      2,427 
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                                        -           (3)        (3) 
Taxation                                          (116)           -        (65) 
Capital expenditure and financial investment 
Purchases of investments                       (22,410)     (19,463)   (29,200) 
Sales of investments                            27,572       19,936     31,949 
Exchange (losses)/gains on settlement             (115)           8       (116) 
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure and 
financial investment                             5,047          481      2,633 
Equity dividends paid                           (1,554)      (1,618)    (2,257) 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing       4,180         (236)     2,735 
Own shares purchased for cancellation           (1,399)      (1,387)    (3,242) 
Own shares purchased and held in treasury       (1,339)           -          - 
Net cash outflow from financing                 (2,738)      (1,387)    (3,242) 
Increase/(decrease) in cash           Note 7     1,442       (1,623)      (507) 
for the six months to 31 January 2010 
                                      Six months to   Six months to      Year to 
                                         31 January      31 January      31 July 
                                               2010            2009         2009 
                                              GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000 
Opening equity shareholders' funds          73,689          84,076       84,076 
Costs of own shares bought into 
treasury                                    (1,374)              -            - 
Cost of own shares bought for 
cancellation                                (1,122)         (1,164)      (3,275) 
Net return after taxation                   11,326         (13,473)      (4,855) 
Dividends paid                              (1,554)         (1,618)      (2,257) 
Closing equity shareholders' funds          80,965          67,821       73,689 
1. Financial information 
The financial information contained in this report does not constitute full 
statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The 
financial information for the six months to 31 January 2010 and 31 January 
2009have not been audited or reviewed by the Company's Auditor pursuant to the 
Auditing Practices Board guidance on such reviews. 
The information for the year ended 31 July 2009 has been extracted from the 
latest published audited financial statements, which have been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditors on those financial 
statements contained no qualification or statement under sections 498 (2) or 
(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The financial statements are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies 
set out in note 1 of the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 July 
2. Tax charge on ordinary activities 
The tax charge for the six months to 31 January 2010 is GBP27,000 (six months to 
31 January 2009: GBP117,000; year to 31 July 2009: GBP377,000).  The tax charge 
comprised irrecoverable overseas withholding tax suffered for the six months to 
31 January 2010 of GBP27,000 (six months to 31 January 2009: GBP117,000; year to 31 
July 2009: GBP183,000) and corporation tax for the six months to 31 January 2010 
of GBPnil (six months to 31 January 2009: GBPnil; year to 31 July 2009: GBP194,000). 
Investment gains are exempt from capital gains tax owing to the Company's 
status as an investment trust. 
3. Status of Company 
It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so 
that it continues to satisfy the conditions for approval as an investment trust 
company as set out in Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. 
4. Net asset value per Ordinary Share 
The net asset value per Ordinary Share is based on net assets at 31 January 
2010 of GBP80,965,000 (31 January 2009: GBP67,821,000; 31 July 2009: GBP73,689,000) 
and on 73,547,881 Ordinary Shares (31 January 2009: 78,709,881; 31 July 2009: 
76,125,130), being the issued share capital (excluding own shares held in 
treasury) at those dates. Net asset values include current period revenue. 
5. Transactions in own shares 
Since the period end 330,000 Ordinary Shares have been purchased to be held in 
treasury at a cost of GBP322,000. 
6. Dividends 
The Directors have declared an interim dividend in respect of the year ending 
31 July 2010 of 0.84p (2009: 0.82p) per Ordinary Share, to be paid on 30 April 
2010 to shareholders on the register as at 9 April 2010. The ex-dividend date 
will be 7 April 2010. 
Under FRS 21: 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date', dividends are recognised 
within the period in which they are paid. Therefore the interim dividend of 
0.84p has not been accounted for within these half yearly financial statements. 
7. Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash 
                                        Six months to   Six months to   Year to 
                                           31 January      31 January   31 July 
                                                 2010            2009      2009 
                                                GBP'000           GBP'000     GBP'000 
Increase/(decrease) in cash in period          1,442          (1,623)     (507) 
Change in net cash                             1,442          (1,623)     (507) 
Net cash at 31 July 2009                       1,845           2,352     2,352 
Net cash at 31 January 2010                    3,287             729     1,845 
8. Reconciliation of net return before finance costs and taxation to net cash 
inflow from operating activities 
                                             Six months    Six months   Year to 
                                                     to            to 
                                             31 January    31 January   31 July 
                                                   2010          2009      2009 
                                                  GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000 
Net return before interest and taxation         11,353       (13,353)   (4,475) 
Net (gains)/losses on investments              (10,727)       14,262     7,251 
Decrease in creditors                              (25)          (25)      (36) 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors and 
accrued income                                     213           114       (61) 
Tax deducted from investment income                (27)          (72)     (183) 
Decrease/(increase) in tax recoverable              16           (22)      (69) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities          803           904     2,427 
as at 31 January 2010 
20 Largest Investments 
Company                Sector                       Country Valuation      % of 
                                                                GBP'000       Net 
BP                     Oil & Gas                     United     2,934       3.6 
Banque Cantonale       Financials               Switzerland     2,540       3.1 
Anheuser-Busch InBev   Consumer Goods               Belgium     2,513       3.1 
ENI                    Oil & Gas                      Italy     2,385       2.9 
Provident Financial    Financials                    United     2,343       2.9 
Sanofi-aventis         Health Care                   France     2,324       2.9 
Nokia                  Technology                   Finland     2,234       2.8 
Fujitsu                Technology                     Japan     2,120       2.6 
Vodafone               Telecommunications            United     2,018       2.5 
Mitsubishi             Industrials                    Japan     1,953       2.4 
HSBC                   Financials                    United     1,913       2.4 
UK Commercial Property Financials - Real             United     1,891       2.3 
                       Estate                       Kingdom 
Sony                   Consumer Goods                 Japan     1,886       2.3 
Imperial Tobacco       Consumer Goods                United     1,865       2.3 
Gazprom                Oil & Gas                     Russia     1,689       2.1 
China Mobile           Telecommunications             China     1,683       2.1 
Belgacom               Telecommunications           Belgium     1,680       2.1 
Centrica               Utilities                     United     1,670       2.1 
Tesco                  Consumer Services             United     1,656       2.0 
Aviva                  Financials                    United     1,605       2.0 
Total - 20 largest investments   40,902 50.5 
Other Investments 
SK Telecom                   Telecommunications   Korea, Republic  1,599   2.0 
Deutsche Post                Industrials                  Germany  1,576   1.9 
Obayashi                     Industrials                    Japan  1,546   1.9 
Vivendi                      Consumer Services             France  1,546   1.9 
C&C                          Consumer Goods               Ireland  1,546   1.9 
Intesa Sanpaolo              Financials                     Italy  1,544   1.9 
E.On                         Utilities                    Germany  1,524   1.9 
GlaxoSmithKline              Health Care           United Kingdom  1,521   1.9 
Yara International           Basic Materials               Norway  1,466   1.8 
General Electric             Industrials            United States  1,367   1.7 
Arriva                       Consumer Services     United Kingdom  1,364   1.7 
Rexam                        Industrials           United Kingdom  1,285   1.6 
CRH                          Industrials                  Ireland  1,281   1.6 
Sage Group                   Technology            United Kingdom  1,278   1.6 
Invensys                     Technology            United Kingdom  1,277   1.6 
National Grid                Utilities             United Kingdom  1,262   1.6 
Akzo Nobel                   Basic Materials          Netherlands  1,251   1.5 
Unilever                     Consumer Goods           Netherlands  1,223   1.5 
Standard Chartered           Financials            United Kingdom  1,213   1.5 
Intel                        Technology             United States  1,209   1.5 
Actelion                     Health Care              Switzerland  1,156   1.4 
Virgin Media                 Telecommunications     United States  1,105   1.4 
Cisco Systems                Technology             United States  1,080   1.3 
UBS                          Financials               Switzerland  1,069   1.3 
Beazley                      Financials            United Kingdom    995   1.2 
General Dynamics             Industrials            United States    903   1.1 
Scottish & Southern Energy   Utilities             United Kingdom    889   1.1 
Siemens                      Industrials                  Germany    846   1.0 
First Group 6.875% 15/04/    Corporate Bonds       United Kingdom    778   1.0 
Hyder Consulting             Industrials           United Kingdom    397   0.5 
Total - 50 investments                                            77,998  96.3 
Cash and other net assets                                          2,967   3.7 
Net assets                                                        80,965 100.0 
The geographic distribution is based on each investment's principal stock 
exchange listing except in instances where this would not give a proper 
indication of where its activities predominate. 
as at 31 January 2010 (% of net assets) 
Sector distribution 
as at 31 January 2010 
Financials                 16.3 
Industrials                13.7 
Technology                 11.4 
Consumer Goods             11.1 
Telecommunications         10.1 
Oil & Gas                   8.6 
Utilities                   6.7 
Health Care                 6.2 
Consumer Services           5.6 
Basic Materials             3.3 
Financials - Real Estate    2.3 
Corporate Bonds             1.0 
Cash and other net assets   3.7 
Net assets                100.0 
Geographical distribution 
as at 31 January 2010 
Europe                     38.6 
UK                         37.4 
Japan                       9.2 
USA                         7.0 
Asia Pacific (ex Japan)     4.1 
Cash and other net assets   3.7* 
Net assets                100.0 
* Cash and other net assets includes foreign currency balances of GBP2,000 
The figures detailed in the geographical distribution represent the Company's 
equity and bond exposure to those countries or regional areas. 
Investing in the Company 
The Company's Ordinary Shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange. You can 
buy or sell shares through your stockbroker, bank or other professional 
investment adviser. Shares in the Company may also be bought and held in an ISA 
or Share Plan through the Edinburgh Partners Investment Trust Savings Scheme. 
Further information is available on the Company's website: 
www.angloandoverseasplc.com and on the Edinburgh Partners' website: 
www.edinburghpartners.com or by telephone on 0131 270 3800. 
Share price 
The Company's Ordinary Shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The 
mid-market price is quoted daily in the Financial Times under 'Investment 
Companies' and under 'Investment Trusts' in the Daily Telegraph. Previous day 
closing price, net asset value and other portfolio information is published on 
the Company's website: www.angloandoverseasplc.com and on the Edinburgh 
Partners' website: www.edinburghpartners.com. 
The Company's unaudited Ordinary Share net asset value is released daily to the 
London Stock Exchange and published on the Company's website: 
www.angloandoverseasplc.com and on the Edinburgh Partners' website: 
Share register enquiries 
The register for the Ordinary Shares is maintained by Computershare Investor 
Services PLC. In the event of queries regarding your holding, please contact 
the Registrar on 0870 889 3190 or email web.queries@computershare.co.uk. 
Changes of name and/or address must be notified in writing to the Registrar at 
the address shown below. You can check your shareholding and find practical 
help on transferring shares or updating your details at 
Key dates 
Company's year end        July 
Annual results announced  October 
AGM                       November 
Final dividend            December 
Company's half year end   January 
Interim results announced March 
Interim dividend          April 
The Company will be releasing Interim Management Statements ("IMS") for the 
quarters ending 30 April 2010 and 31 October 2010. These will be released to 
the London Stock Exchange and may be viewed at the Company's website. 
Sources of further information 
Other useful information on investment trusts, such as prices, net asset values 
and company announcements, can be found on the websites of the London Stock 
Exchange: www.londonstockexchange.com and the Association of Investment 
Companies ("AIC"): www.theaic.co.uk. 
This document is not a recommendation, offer or invitation to buy, sell or hold 
shares of the Company. If you wish to deal in shares of the Company, you may 
wish to contact an authorised professional investment adviser. 
An investment in the Company should be regarded as long term and is only 
suitable for investors who are capable of evaluating the risks and merits of 
such investment and who have sufficient resources to bear any loss which might 
result from such investment. 
The market value of, and the income derived from, the Ordinary Shares can 
fluctuate. The Company's share price may go down as well as up. Past 
performance is not a guide to future performance. There is no guarantee that 
the market price of the Ordinary Shares will fully reflect their underlying net 
asset value. Fluctuations in exchange rates will affect the value of overseas 
investments (and any income received) held by the Company. Investors may not 
get back the full value of their investment. There can be no guarantee that the 
investment objectives of the Company will be met. The levels of, and reliefs 
from, taxation may change. 
This Half Yearly Financial Report contains "forward looking statements" with respect to 
the Company's plans and its current goals and expectations relating to its 
future financial condition, performance and results. By their nature, all 
forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to 
future events that are beyond the Company's control. As a result, the Company's 
actual future financial condition, performance and results may differ 
materially from the plans, goals and expectations set forth in the Company's 
forward looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update the 
forward looking statements contained within this Half Yearly Report or any 
other forward looking statements it makes. 
The Company is a public company. It is registered in England and its shares are 
listed on the London Stock Exchange. The Company is not regulated or authorised 
by the Financial Services Authority. 
Employees of Edinburgh Partners Limited may (subject to applicable laws and 
regulations) hold shares in the Company and may buy, sell or offer to deal in 
the Company's shares from time to time. 
Directors (all non-executive)   John Pearmund (Chairman) 
                                Christopher Duffett 
                                John Sussens 
                                Giles Weaver 
Secretary and Registered Office Kenneth J Greig 
                                Beaufort House 
                                51 New North Road 
                                Exeter EX4 4EP 
Investment Manager              Edinburgh Partners Limited 
                                12 Charlotte Square 
                                Edinburgh EH2 4DJ 
Registrar and Transfer Office   Computershare Investor Services PLC 
                                The Pavilions 
                                Bridgwater Road 
                                Bristol BS99 6ZY 
Stockbroker                     JPMorgan Cazenove Limited 
                                10 Aldermanbury 
                                London EC2V 7RF 
Auditors                        KPMG Audit PLC 
                                1 Canada Square 
                                London E14 5AG 
Solicitor                       Norton Rose LLP 
                                3 More London Riverside 
                                London SE1 2AQ 
Bankers and Custodian           The Bank of New York Mellon 
                                1 Canada Square 
                                London E14 5AL 
Registered in England No. 5451176 
An investment company as defined under Section 833 of the Companies Act 2006 
The Company is a member of the Association of Investment Companies 
Sandy Nairn   0131 270 3800 
Kenneth Greig 0131 270 3800 
Edinburgh Partners Limited 
12 Charlotte Square 
Edinburgh EH2 4DJ 
29 March 2010 

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