RNS Number : 5280K 
Asian Citrus Holdings Ltd 
21 April 2010 

                                                                   21 April 2010 
                          Asian Citrus Holdings Limited 
                        ("Asian Citrus" or "the Group") 
 Placing of existing shares and top-up subscription of new shares under general 
Asian Citrus, the largest orange plantation owner and the single largest orange 
producer in China, announces that it has entered into a conditional Placing 
Agreement with Huge Market Investments Limited ("Huge Market"), a substantial 
shareholder; and CLSA and BofA Merrill Lynch, the Joint Placing Agents, to place 
an aggregate of 95,000,000 existing shares held by Huge Market, representing 
12.11% of the existing issued share capital of the Group, with not less than six 
institutional investors. 
The Placing Price of HK$5.70 (47.82 pence**) represents a discount of 
approximately 10.66% to the closing price of HK$6.38 (53.52 pence**) per Share 
as quoted on the Stock Exchange and a discount of approximately 14.67% to the 
closing price of 56.00 pence (HK$6.68**) per Share as quoted on AIM on the Last 
Trading Day. 
On 21 April 2010, the Company and Huge Market also entered into the Subscription 
Agreement, pursuant to which the Huge Market has conditionally agreed to 
subscribe for, and the Company has conditionally agreed to allot and issue, an 
aggregate of up to 68,000,000 Subscription Shares (equivalent to approximately 
71.58% of the Placing Shares actually placed by the Joint Placing Agents under 
the Placing Agreement) to Huge Market at the price of HK$5.70 per Subscription 
Share, which is the same as the Placing Price. 
The net proceeds from the Subscription will amount to up to approximately 
GBP31.6 million, based on the Subscription Price (which is equivalent to the net 
Placing Price of approximately 46.47p per Share), and will be used acquire a 
citrus fruit plantation with approximately 1.1 million citrus fruits trees and 
ancillary facilities which occupies a land area of approximately 10,000 mu 
(approximately 6.67 sq.km) in the PRC, further details of which were provided in 
the Company's announcement issued on 15 April 2010. 
The Directors consider that the Placing and Subscription represent an 
opportunity to raise further capital for the proposed acquisition and increase 
the marketability of the shares while broadening the shareholder base and 
capital base of the Group. 
The Subscription Shares, when issued and fully paid, will rank pari passu in all 
respects among themselves and with all the existing Shares in issue as at the 
date of completion of the Subscription, including rights to all dividends and 
other distributions declared, made or paid at any time on or after the date of 
completion of the Subscription. 
The Subscription is conditional upon the fulfilment of the following conditions 
by 3 May 2010: 
(a)        the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange granting listing of, and 
permission to deal in, the Subscription Shares; 
(b)        completion of the Top-up Placing in accordance with the terms of the 
Placing Agreement; and 
(c)        (if so required) the Bermuda Monetary Authority granting permission 
for the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares. 
Application will be made by the Company to the Listing Committee of the Stock 
Exchange for the granting of the listing of, and permission to deal in, the 
Subscription Shares. Application will also be made for the Subscription Shares 
to be admitted to trading on AIM and admission to trading on AIM is expected to 
become effective on 30 April 2010. 
Under Rule 13 of the AIM Rules, the Subscription constitutes a related party 
transaction (the "Related Party Transaction"). The terms of the Subscription, 
including the Subscription Price, which is the same as the Placing Price, have 
been negotiated on an arm's length basis in accordance with normal commercial 
terms and the Directors, having consulted with the Company's NOMAD, consider 
that the Related Party Transaction is fair and reasonable insofar as 
Shareholders are concerned. 
The shareholding structure of the Company (i) as at the date of this 
announcement; (ii) immediately after completion of the Placing; (iii) 
immediately after completion of the Placing and the Subscription is set out 
|              |                               |                       |                       | 
|              |                               |      Immediately      |      Immediately      | 
|              |        Shareholding as        |        after          |        after          | 
|Shareholders  |        at the date of         |    completion of      |    completion of      | 
|              |             this              |      the Placing      |      the Placing      | 
|              |         announcement          |    but before the     |        and the        | 
|              |                               |     Subscription      |     Subscription      | 
|              |               No. of |      % |       No. of |      % |       No. of |      % | 
|              |               Shares |        |       Shares |        |       Shares |        | 
| Market       |     271,223,153      |  34.58 | 271,223,153  |  34.58 | 271,223,153  |  31.82 | 
| Ahead        |                      |        |              |        |              |        | 
| Huge         |     221,448,026      |  28.24 | 126,448,026  |  16.12 | 194,448,026  |  22.82 | 
| Market       |                      |        |              |        |              |        | 
| Placees      |                   0  |      0 |  95,000,000  |  12.11 |  95,000,000  |  11.15 | 
| Public       |     291,588,915      |  37.18 | 291,588,915  |  37.18 | 291,588,915  |  34.21 | 
| (excluding   |                      |        |              |        |              |        | 
| the          |                      |        |              |        |              |        | 
| Placees)     |                      |        |              |        |              |        | 
| Total:       |     784,260,094      | 100.00 | 784,260,094  | 100.00 | 852,260,094  | 100.00 | 
**          HK$1.00 : 8.3894 pence 
For further information please contact: 
Weber Shandwick Financial 
    Tel: 020 7067 0700 
Terry Garrett, John Moriarty, Stephanie Badjonat 
J.P. Morgan Cazenove 
       Tel: 020 7588 2828 
James Mitford / Gina Gibson 
                020 7742 4000 
In the announcement, the following expressions have the meanings set out below 
unless the context otherwise requires. 
| "AGM"                | the annual general meeting of the Company | 
|                      | held on 11 December 2009                  | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "AIM"                | AIM, a market operated by the LSE         | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "AIM Rules"          | the AIM Rules for Companies published by  | 
|                      | the LSE                                   | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Announcement"       | an announcement issued by the Company on  | 
|                      | 15 April 2010 in respect of a memorandum  | 
|                      | of understanding in relation to the       | 
|                      | proposed acquisition pursuant to Rule     | 
|                      | 13.09 of the Listing Rules                | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "associate(s)"       | has the meaning ascribed to it in the     | 
|                      | Listing Rules                             | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Board"              | the board of Directors                    | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Business Day"       | any day (excluding a Saturday or Sunday   | 
|                      | or public holiday in Hong Kong) on which  | 
|                      | banks are generally open for business in  | 
|                      | Hong Kong                                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Closing Date"       | two Business Days after the date when the | 
|                      | sale of the Placing Shares shall be       | 
|                      | reported as a cross-trade to the Stock    | 
|                      | Exchange which shall be (i) 21 April 2010 | 
|                      | or, (ii) if dealings in the Shares on the | 
|                      | Stock Exchange are suspended at all times | 
|                      | on 21 April 2010, the first day on which  | 
|                      | dealings resume and the cross-trade can   | 
|                      | be reported to the Stock Exchange in      | 
|                      | accordance with its rules, or such other  | 
|                      | date as the Vendor, the Company and the   | 
|                      | Joint Placing Agents may agree in writing | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "CLSA"               | CLSA Limited, a corporation licensed to   | 
|                      | carry on type 1 (dealing in securities)   | 
|                      | and type 4 (advising on securities)       | 
|                      | regulated activities within the meaning   | 
|                      | of the SFO, which is not a connected      | 
|                      | person of the Company or an associate of  | 
|                      | the Vendor under the Listing Rules for    | 
|                      | the purpose of this transaction           | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Company"            | Asian Citrus Holdings Limited, a company  | 
|                      | incorporated in Bermuda with limited      | 
|                      | liability and the issued Shares of which  | 
|                      | have been trading on AIM, the PLUS Market | 
|                      | and the Main Board of the Stock Exchange  | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Controlling         | has the meaning ascribed thereto in the   | 
| Shareholder"         | Listing Rules and for the purposes of     | 
|                      | this announcement, refers to each of      | 
|                      | Market Ahead and the Tong Family          | 
|                      | Shareholders being the ultimate           | 
|                      | beneficial owners of Market Ahead         | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Director(s)"        | the director(s) of the Company            | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Group"              | the Company and its subsidiaries          | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Hong Kong"          | the Hong Kong Special Administrative      | 
|                      | Region of the People's Republic of China  | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Independent Third   | a party(ies) who is / are independent of  | 
| Party(ies)"          | and is / are not connected with any of    | 
|                      | the directors, chief executives or        | 
|                      | substantial shareholders of the Company   | 
|                      | or any of its subsidiaries or any of      | 
|                      | their respective associates               | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Joint Placing       | CLSA and Merrill Lynch                    | 
| Agents"              |                                           | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Last Trading Day"   | 20 April 2010, being the date immediately | 
|                      | prior to the date of the Placing          | 
|                      | Agreement and the Subscription Agreement  | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Listing Committee"  | the listing sub-committee of the board of | 
|                      | directors of the Stock Exchange           | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Listing Rules"      | the Rules Governing the Listing of        | 
|                      | Securities on the Stock Exchange          | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "LSE"                | The London Stock Exchange plc             | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Market Ahead"       | Market Ahead Investments Limited, a       | 
|                      | company incorporated under the laws of    | 
|                      | BVI with limited liability on 12 February | 
|                      | 2002 owned as to 76% by Mr. Tong Wang     | 
|                      | Chow, 6% by Mr. Tong Hung Wai, Tommy, 6%  | 
|                      | by Mrs. Tong Lee Fung Kiu, 6% by Ms. Tong | 
|                      | Mei Lin and 6% by Mr. Lee Kun Ching .     | 
|                      | Market Ahead is a Controlling Shareholder | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Merrill Lynch"      | Merrill Lynch Far East Limited, a         | 
|                      | corporation licensed to carry on types 1, | 
|                      | 4 and 6 regulated activities within the   | 
|                      | meaning of the SFO, which is not a        | 
|                      | connected person of the Company or an     | 
|                      | associate of the Vendor under the Listing | 
|                      | Rules for the purpose of this transaction | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "mu"                 | a measurement for the area of land        | 
|                      | commonly used in the PRC which is         | 
|                      | equivalent to 666.7 square metres         | 
|                      |                                           | 
| ""NOMAD"             | J.P. Morgan Securities Ltd., nominated    | 
|                      | adviser to the Company under the AIM      | 
|                      | Rules.                                    | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Placees"            | any institutional, corporate or           | 
|                      | individual investor(s) procured by the    | 
|                      | Joint Placing Agents to subscribe for any | 
|                      | of the Placing Shares pursuant to the     | 
|                      | terms of the Placing Agreement            | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Placing"            | Top-up Placing and Vendor Placing         | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Placing Agreement"  | the placing agreement entered into by and | 
|                      | among the Vendor,  the Company and the    | 
|                      | Joint Placing Agents dated 21 April 2010  | 
|                      | in relation to the Placing                | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Placing Price"      | HK$5.70 per Placing Share                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Placing Shares"     | an aggregate of up to 95,000,000 existing | 
|                      | Shares (constituted by 68,000,000         | 
|                      | existing Shares according to Top-up       | 
|                      | Placing and 27,000,000 existing Shares    | 
|                      | according to Vendor Placing) to be placed | 
|                      | through the Joint Placing Agents under    | 
|                      | the Placing Agreement                     | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "PLUS Market"        | the PLUS-quoted segment for unlisted      | 
|                      | securities operated by PLUS Market plc,   | 
|                      | an equity stock exchange based in London, | 
|                      | England, in the form of a quote-driven    | 
|                      | electronic trading platform               | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "PLUS Rules"         | The PLUS Rules for Issuers issued by PLUS | 
|                      | Market plc                                | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "SFC"                | the Securities and Futures Commission in  | 
|                      | Hong Kong                                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "SFO"                | the Securities and Futures Ordinance      | 
|                      | (Chapter 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong)    | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Share(s)"           | ordinary share(s) of HK$0.01 each in the  | 
|                      | capital of the Company                    | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Shareholder(s)"     | holder(s) of the Share(s)                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Stock Exchange"     | The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited   | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Subscription"       | the subscription of the Subscription      | 
|                      | Shares by the Vendor pursuant to the      | 
|                      | terms of the Subscription Agreement       | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Subscription        | the subscription agreement entered into   | 
| Agreement"           | between the Company and the Vendor dated  | 
|                      | 21 April 2010 in relation to the          | 
|                      | Subscription                              | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Subscription        | an aggregate of up to 68,000,000 new      | 
| Shares"              | Shares agreed to be allotted and issued   | 
|                      | to the Vendor under the Subscription      | 
|                      | Agreement, which is equivalent to         | 
|                      | approximately 71.58% of the Placing       | 
|                      | Shares actually placed by the Joint       | 
|                      | Placing Agents under the Placing          | 
|                      | Agreement                                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Subscription Price" | HK$5.70 per Subscription Share            | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Takeovers Code"     | the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and       | 
|                      | Mergers                                   | 
| "Tong Family         | collectively, Mr. Tong Wang Chow, Mr.     | 
| Shareholders"        | Tong Hung Wai, Tommy, Mrs. Tong Lee Fung  | 
|                      | Kiu, Ms. Tong Mei Lin and Mr. Lee Kun     | 
|                      | Chung                                     | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Top-up Placing"     | the placing of an aggregate of up to      | 
|                      | 68,000,000 existing Shares beneficially   | 
|                      | owned by the Vendor at the Placing Price  | 
|                      | pursuant to the terms of the Placing      | 
|                      | Agreement                                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Vendor"             | Huge Market Investments Limited, a        | 
|                      | company incorporated under the laws of    | 
|                      | the British Virgin Islands with limited   | 
|                      | liability, a substantial Shareholder of   | 
|                      | the Company                               | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "Vendor Placing"     | the placing of an aggregate of up to      | 
|                      | 27,000,000 existing Shares beneficially   | 
|                      | owned by the Vendor at the Placing Price  | 
|                      | pursuant to the terms of the Placing      | 
|                      | Agreement                                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "HK$"                | Hong Kong dollars, the lawful currency of | 
|                      | Hong Kong                                 | 
| "GBP"                | Pounds sterling, the lawful currency of   | 
|                      | the United Kingdom                        | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "pence"              | a currency of the United Kingdom, with    | 
|                      | GBP equal to 100 pence                    | 
|                      |                                           | 
| "%"                  | per cent.                                 | 
|                      |                                           | 
Further details of the Placing Agreement 
1. Pursuant to the Placing Agreement, among others, the following undertakings 
were made: 
a)   Huge Market has undertaken to the Joint Placing Agents that (except for the 
sale of the Placing Shares pursuant to the Placing Agreement) for a period of 90 
days from the Closing Date, it will not and will procure that none of its 
nominees, associates and companies controlled by it and trusts associated with 
it (whether individually or together and whether directly or indirectly) will: 
(i)      offer, lend, pledge, issue, sell, contract to sell, sell any option or 
contract to purchase, purchase any option or contract to sell, grant any option, 
right or warrant to purchase, or otherwise transfer or dispose of (either 
conditionally or unconditionally, or directly or indirectly, or otherwise) any 
Shares or any interests therein (including any interest in  a company which, 
directly or indirectly, holds any such Shares or other securities of the 
Company) beneficially owned or held by the Vendor or any securities convertible 
into or exercisable or exchangeable for or substantially similar to any such 
Shares or interests; or 
(ii)      enter into any swap or similar agreement that transfers, in whole or 
in part, the economic risk of ownership of Shares, 
whether any such transaction described in (a)(i) or (a)(ii) above is to be 
settled by delivery of Shares or such other securities, in cash or otherwise; or 
(iii)     announce any intention to enter into or effect any such transaction 
described in (a)(i) or (a) (ii) above, 
unless with the prior written consent of the Joint Placing Agents and such 
consent not to be reasonably withheld. 
b)   The Company has undertaken to the Joint Placing Agents, and Huge Market has 
undertaken to the Joint Placing Agents to procure, that for a period of 180 days 
from the Closing Date, the Company will not, except for the Subscription Shares 
and save pursuant to (1) the terms of any employee share option scheme of the 
Company or (2) bonus or scrip dividend or similar arrangements which provide for 
the allotment of Shares in lieu of the whole or part of a dividend on Shares of 
the Company in accordance with its articles of association: 
(i)      allot or issue or offer to allot or issue or grant any option, right or 
warrant to subscribe for (either conditionally or unconditionally, or directly 
or indirectly, or otherwise), or repurchase, any Share(s) or any interests in 
Shares or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for or 
substantially similar to Shares or interest in Shares; or 
(ii)      agree (conditionally or unconditionally) to enter into or effect any 
such transaction with the same economic effect as any of the transactions 
described in (b)(i) above; or 
(iii)     announce any intention to enter into or effect any such transaction 
described in (b)(ii) or (b)(ii) above, 
without first having obtained the written consent of the Joint Placing Agents 
and such consent not to be reasonably withheld. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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