Mart Resources, Inc. (TSX VENTURE:MMT) ("Mart" or the "Company") is pleased to
announce its financial and operating results (all amounts in United States
dollars unless noted), results of independent reserve evaluations and results of
evaluation of prospective resources for the year ended December 31, 2012:


--  Mart's share of Umusadege field oil produced and sold for the year ended
    December 31, 2012 was 1,844,389 barrels of oil ("bbls") compared to
    1,803,459 bbls for the year ended December 31, 2011. The increase in
    volumes is primarily attributable to Mart's overall increase in
    production rates in 2012, but was offset by pipeline shutdowns that were
    more frequent and of longer duration in 2012 compared to 2011. Pipeline
    and export facility losses for 2012 for the Umusadege field as reported
    by Nigerian Agip Oil Company ("AGIP"), the operator of the export
    pipeline, were 466,992 bbls gross or approximately 13.6% of total
    Umusadege field crude deliveries during the year. 

--  In 2012 Mart declared dividends aggregating CDN $0.20 per common share,
    that were paid to shareholders following each of the quarters ended June
    30, 2012 ($0.10 per share), September 30, 2012 ($0.05 per share) and
    December 31, 2012 ($0.05 per share). 

--  Mart's net income for the year ended December 31, 2012 totaled $58.0
    million ($0.168 per share), compared to net income of $72.2 million
    ($0.215 per share) for the year ended December 31, 2011. Funds flow from
    production operations was $137.7 million ($0.398 per share) for the year
    ended December 31, 2012 compared to $145.7 million ($0.434 per share)
    for the year ended December 31, 2011 (see note regarding non-IFRS
    measures on page 3). 

--  Mart's share of average daily oil produced and sold from the Umusadege
    field for 2012 was 5,039 barrels of oil per day ("bopd") compared to
    4,941 bopd in 2011. 

--  Mart's share of proved Umusadege field oil reserves net of royalties
    increased by 23% to 12.9 million bbls compared to 10.5 million bbls in

--  Mart's share of proved plus probable Umusadege field oil reserves net of
    royalties increased by 27% to 17.7 million bbls compared to 13.9 million
    bbls as at December 31, 2011. 

--  The average sales price received by Mart for oil produced and sold in
    2012 was $103.43 per barrel of oil ("bbl"), compared to $103.21 per bbl
    in 2011. 


--  Mart's share of average daily oil produced and sold for Q412 from the
    Umusadege field was 2,053 bopd compared to 4,697 bopd for Q411. There
    was a prolonged pipeline disruption that started on October 30, 2012 and
    ended on December 21, 2012 as a result of damage to the export pipeline
    and flooding at the Brass river export terminal. Consequently, there was
    no production from the Umusadege field in November 2012 and most of
    December 2012. During Q412, the Umusadege field was shut down for a
    total of 60 days (Q411: 17 days) due to various export pipeline
    disruptions and maintenance and modification of production facilities. 

--  On November 26, 2012, Mart declared a quarterly cash dividend of CDN
    $0.05 per common share. The quarterly dividend was paid to shareholders
    on January 8, 2013 in an aggregate amount of CDN $17.8 million. 

--  Net loss for Q412 was $3.9 million ($0.011 loss per share) compared to
    net income of $21.4 million ($0.063 per share) for the three months
    ended December 31, 2011 ("Q411"). The loss during the period was due to
    the export pipeline disruptions resulting in decreased revenue during
    the period. Funds flow from production operations was $16.0 million
    ($0.045 per share) for Q412 compared to $37.3 million ($0.111 per share)
    for Q411 (see note regarding non-IFRS measures on page 3).  

--  Mart's share of Umusadege field oil produced and sold in Q412 was
    188,863 bbls compared to 432,166 bbls for Q411. The decrease in volume
    is primarily attributable to the export pipeline disruptions encountered
    during the period. 

--  The average sales price received by Mart for oil produced and sold in
    Q412 was $109.17 per bbl compared to $109.69 per bbl for Q411. 

--  Umusadege field pipeline and export facility losses for Q412 totaled
    71,793 bbls gross, or approximately 17.5% of total crude deliveries from
    the Umusadege field for the period. 


The following table provides a summary of Mart's selected financial and
operating results for the three-month periods ended and the years ended December
31, 2012 and 2011:

USD $ 000's                 3 months     3 months    12 months    12 months 
(except oil produced and       ended        ended        ended        ended 
 sold, share, oil prices     Dec 31,      Dec 31,      Dec 31,      Dec 31, 
 and per share amounts)         2012         2011         2012         2011 
Mart's share of the Umusadege Field:                                        
Barrels of oil produced                                                     
 and sold                    188,863      432,166    1,844,389    1,803,459 
Average sales price per                                                     
 barrel                      $109.17      $109.69      $103.43      $103.20 
Mart's percentage share                                                     
 of total Umusadege oil                                                     
 produced and sold                                                          
 during the period                60%          77%          67%          71%
Mart's share of                                                             
 petroleum sales after                                                      
 royalties                    17,863       41,395      161,390      164,218 
Funds flow from                                                             
 production operations                                                      
 (1)                          16,028       37,334      137,743      145,715 
Funds flow from                                                             
 production operations                                                      
 per share                    $0.045       $0.111       $0.398       $0.434 
Net income/(loss)             (3,948)      21,356       58,046       72,163 
Per share - basic            $(0.011)      $0.063       $0.168       $0.215 
Per share - diluted          $(0.011)      $0.062       $0.163       $0.210 
Total assets                 281,506      194,712      281,506      194,712 
Total bank debt                  Nil          Nil          Nil          Nil 
Shares outstanding - for periods ended:                                     
Basic                    356,086,773  336,575,676  345,715,889  336,084,275 
Diluted                  359,198,653  345,388,472  355,617,583  344,318,066 


(1) Indicates non-IFRS measures. Non-IFRS measures are informative measures
commonly used in the oil and gas industry. Such measures do not conform to IFRS
and may not be comparable to those reported by other companies nor should they
be viewed as an alternative to other measures of financial performance
calculated in accordance with IFRS. For the purposes of this table, the Company
defines "Funds flow from production operations" as net petroleum sales less
royalties, community development costs and production costs. Funds flow from
production operations is intended to give a comparative indication of the
Company's net petroleum sales less production costs as shown in the following

                          3 months      3 months     12 months     12 months
                             ended         ended         ended         ended
USD $ 000's           Dec 31, 2012  Dec 31, 2011  Dec 31, 2012  Dec 31, 2011
Petroleum sales             20,618        47,404       190,761       186,125
Less: Royalties and                                                         
 costs                       2,755         6,009        29,371        21,907
Net petroleum sales         17,863        41,395       161,390       164,218
Less: Production costs       1,835         4,061        23,647        18,503
Funds flow from                                                             
 production operations      16,028        37,334       137,743       145,715



On March 12, 2013, Mart declared a quarterly cash dividend of CDN $0.05 per
common share that was paid to shareholders on April 9, 2013 for an aggregate
amount of CDN $17.8 million.

UMU-10 Well

The Company announced on November 5, 2012 that the UMU-10 well encountered 479
feet of gross hydrocarbon pay in 20 sands. The results of the well tests
conducted have been previously press released.

The operator of the Umusadege field plans to return to the UMU-10 well after
drilling the UMU-11 well (discussed below) to carry out the remaining testing
operations on sands XXb and XIX in the long string as a coiled tubing unit is
required. Multirate flow testing will then be performed on all sands completed
in the long string: XIX, XXb, and XXI.

Umusadege Field Development Activity Update

Umusadege field development is continuing with the UMU-11 well, to be drilled
from the same surface location as UMU-9 and UMU-10. The rig has been skidded to
the last drill slot on the existing drill pad and the rig is being set up and
upgraded to prepare for the UMU-11 well. The well is expected to spud in the
second quarter of 2013. The oil reservoirs expected to be completed in the
UMU-11 well are the XIIb, XIIc, XVIa, and XVIb sands, which had a combined 79
feet of oil pay in UMU-10.

It is anticipated that drilling activities on the Umusadege field will include
at least one additional vertical development well, one horizontal development
well and one exploration well.

A horizontal well is planned to be the sidetrack well from the existing UMU-3
vertical wellbore. It will develop the shallow oil reservoirs in the main
accumulation using a second rig.

Exploration drilling is planned for the East prospect within the Umusadege
farmout area.

The new Central Production Facility is expected to be commissioned during the
second quarter of 2013. This facility has been designed to handle the full field
capacity anticipated from the existing reserves, as well as the potential for
production from prospective resources in the Umusadege farmout area.

Umugini Pipeline and Shell Export Pipeline

Mart and its co-venturers are currently constructing a second independent export
pipeline (known as the Umugini Pipeline) for Umusadege field production. The
pipeline contractor is currently working from two locations: one near the
Umusadege field and one near the midpoint between Umusadege and the Shell export
station. The Umugini pipeline will connect the Umusadege field to the Shell
export pipeline. The Shell export pipeline will deliver Umusadege crude to the
Shell Forcados terminal. Negotiations regarding the crude handling agreement
with the export pipeline owners and terminal operators are continuing.

Production Update

Umusadege field production during January 2013 averaged 11,459 bopd. Umusadege
field downtime during January 2013 totaled 1 day. The average field production
based on producing days was 11,841 bopd in January 2013.

Total crude oil deliveries into the export pipeline from the Umusadege field for
January 2013 were approximately 355,000 bbls before pipeline losses. Umusadege
field pipeline and export facility losses for January 2013 were 52,842 bbls, or
approximately 14.1% of total Umusadege field crude deliveries.

Umusadege field production during February 2013 averaged 6,458 bopd. Umusadege
field downtime during February 2013 was 14 days due mainly to maintenance on the
export pipeline performed by the pipeline operator. The average Umusadege field
production based on producing days was 12,740 bopd in February 2013.

Total crude oil deliveries into the export pipeline from the Umusadege field for
February 2013 were approximately 181,000 bbls before pipeline losses. Umusadege
field pipeline and export facility losses for February 2013 as reported by the
operator were 42,270 bbls or approximately 25.5% of total Umusadege field crude
deliveries. The high rate of loss for February was directly connected to the
problems with the export pipeline that led to the pipeline being shut down in

Due to an ongoing shutdown of the export pipeline that started on February 24,
2013, there was no production from the Umusadege field in March 2013 due mainly
to maintenance and repairs on the export pipeline performed by the pipeline
operator. During March 2013 there was a shipment of crude oil of 320,000 bbls on
behalf of the Umusadege field based on oil nominated for delivery. The Umusadege
field's nominated and shipped oil volume was higher than the volume of oil
delivered, which led to an over lift position. Mart and its co-venturers
therefore owe oil to AGIP for the amount of oil over lifted. Mart and its
co-venturers expect to receive payment in April 2013 for the over lift of
320,000 bbls shipped in March 2013 and expect to repay the over lift volume out
of subsequent production.

Production from the Umusadege field resumed on April 17, 2013 following notice
given by AGIP that maintenance and repairs to the export pipeline had been

Loan facility

On March 26, 2013, Mart, through its wholly-owned Nigerian subsidiary, arranged
a $100 million secured term loan facility with Guaranty Trust Bank PLC. The
finalization of the facility is subject to completion of a facility agreement
and customary security documents. The facility is comprised of a $75 million, 5
year term loan facility and a $25 million, 1 year revolving loan facility. The
facilities are intended to finance capital expenditures required for further
Umusadege field development activities and the Umugini Pipeline and Mart's
ongoing working capital requirements. Interest is based on 90 day LIBOR, plus 4
percent (floor of 8.25 percent) and is secured by all assets of Mart Umusadege
Resources Nigeria Limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mart.


2012 Highlights: December 31, 2012 Reserve Highlights of Mart's Interest:

--  Mart's total gross proved ("1P") oil reserves in the Umusadege field
    increased 24% to approximately 13.9 million barrels of oil ("bbls")
    compared to 11.2 million bbls at December 31, 2011. Mart's total proved
    oil reserves net of royalties is 12.9 million bbls. 
--  Mart's total gross proved plus probable ("2P") oil reserves in the
    Umusadege field increased 30% to approximately 19.3 million bbls
    compared to 14.9 million bbls at December 31, 2011. Mart's total proved
    plus probable oil reserves net of royalties is 17.7 million bbls. 
--  Mart's total gross proved plus probable plus possible ("3P") oil
    reserves in the Umusadege field increased 15% to approximately 25.4
    million bbls compared to 22.0 million bbls at December 31, 2011. Mart's
    total proved plus probable plus possible oil reserves net of royalties
    is 23.1 million bbls. 
--  Mart's net present value of future net revenue before tax, discounted at
    10%, from the 2P Umusadege field reserves as at December 31, 2012 was
    $785 million (compared to $782 million as at December 31, 2011). 
--  A prospective resource estimate for the Umusadege farmout area has been
    evaluated by RPS Energy Canada Ltd. ("RPS") to be 19.9 million bbls
    recoverable (best estimate). Mart's interest share ranges between 50% -

The 1P, 2P, and 3P reserves figures and net present value of future net revenue
contained in the 2012 Highlights provided above, have been calculated in
compliance with Canadian National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of Disclosure
for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51- 101") and the Canadian Oil and Gas
Evaluation Handbook ("COGEH") and have been derived from the data contained in
the Company's Form NI 51-101F1 - Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and
Gas Information dated April 19, 2013 (effective December 31, 2012) filed on
SEDAR ( and on Mart's website,

The December 31, 2012 year-end reserves evaluation report (the "2012 RPS
Report") for the Umusadege field was prepared by RPS and includes an evaluation
of the UMU-10 well, which further appraised the deep sands encountered in the
UMU-9 well that was completed earlier in 2012. UMU-10 also provided additional
geological information pertaining to the eastern extension of the Umusadege
field, increasing confidence in the interpretations and increasing reserves.

The following table summarizes Mart's 2012 year-end gross and net (after
royalty) reserves. Also shown in the following table, for comparative purposes,
are Mart's 2011 year-end gross and net (after royalty) reserves for the
Umusadege field. Reserves are shown in thousand barrels ("Mbbl"). 

Summary of Oil and Gas Reserves                                             
Using Forecast Prices and Costs                                             
Light and      Gross Reserves   Net Reserves       Reserves   Net Reserves  
 Medium Oil             (1)(3)         (1)(3)         (2)(3)         (2)(3) 
                     12/31/12       12/31/12       12/31/11       12/31/11  
                        (Mbbl)         (Mbbl)         (Mbbl)         (Mbbl) 
 Category (4)                                                               
Proved Reserves                                                             
   Producing            4,622          4,341          2,680          2,572  
   Producing            1,056            990              -              -  
  Undeveloped           8,249          7,553          8,480          7,898  
  Proved               13,927         12,884         11,160         10,470  
  Probable              5,367          4,844          3,736          3,395  
  Proved plus                                                               
   Probable            19,294         17,728         14,896         13,865  
  Possible              6,154          5,378          7,075          6,300  
  Proved plus                                                               
   Possible            25,448         23,107         21,971         20,165  

The net present value of Mart's reserves as at December 31, 2012 before taxes
are included in the following table:

                                                            Umusadege (1)(5)
Net Present Value (Before Tax) discounted at 10%              $ million USD 
Reserves Category (4)                                                       
Proved Reserves                                                             
  Developed Producing                                                  $253 
  Developed Non-Producing                                               $43 
  Undeveloped                                                          $270 
  Proved                                                               $565 
Probable Reserves                                                           
  Probable                                                             $220 
  Proved plus Probable                                                 $785 
Possible Reserves                                                           
  Possible                                                             $236 
  Proved plus Probable plus Possible                                 $1,021 


(1)  The information contained herein for the Umusadege field has been      
     derived from a reserve report dated April 5, 2013 (effective as of     
     December 31, 2012) prepared by RPS.                                    
(2)  The information contained herein for the Umusadege field has been      
     derived from a reserve report dated April 10, 2012 (effective as of    
     December 31, 2011) prepared by RPS.                                    
(3)  Gross Reserves means Mart's working interest share of total field      
     reserves after deducting reserves volumes owned by others but before   
     deducting reserves attributable to government and third party royalties
     and income taxes or their equivalent. Net Reserves means Mart's working
     interest share of total field reserves after deducting reserves volumes
     owned by others and after deducting reserves attributable to government
     and third party royalties but before income taxes or their equivalent. 
(4)  All reserves definitions utilized herein are as set out in the Canadian
     Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGEH").                             
(5)  Due to rounding, certain columns may not add exactly.                  

Value of Umusadege Reserves

As evaluated by RPS as at December 31, 2012, Mart has achieved a substantial
increase in all reserve categories compared to year end 2011. Compared with year
end 2011, there is a 24% increase in Proved reserves, and 30% increase in
Probable reserves. When comparing the discounted Net Present Value ("NPV") for
the Umusadege field, however, the value has not increased proportionally to the
reserves. The key factors that have impacted the value of the Umusadege cash
flows in the December 31, 2012 reserves evaluation include:

--  Increase in downtime and pipeline losses in the 3rd party export
    pipeline to Brass River terminal 
--  Increase in the evaluator's operating and capital costs assumptions for
    field development and production 
--  Reduction in the forecast oil prices for Brent crude used by the
    reserves evaluator 

Mart and the Umusadege field operator are taking action to alleviate the
downtime and pipeline losses experienced in 2012 in the export pipeline operated
by AGIP. The principal action taken is the construction of the new Umugini
pipeline that will connect the Umusadege field to the export pipeline and
ultimately the Shell Forcados Terminal. In the 2012 RPS Report, pipeline losses
were assumed to be 11.5% from 2014 onwards. Mart believes pipeline losses from
the new export route described above will be more favourable than currently
exists in the AGIP export pipeline.

The costs for the ongoing field development and operations at Umusadege are
benchmarked to past operating experience and regional costs for the Niger Delta.
The surface facilities at Umusadege have previously consisted of semi-permanent
and rental production equipment, which run at a comparatively high cost per
barrel of oil produced. The Central Production Facility ("CPF") is currently 99%
complete at the Umusadege site, and is planned to be commissioned in Q2 2013.
With the new CPF active, operating costs are expected to be reduced from
previous years. In addition to eliminating the high rental costs of the early
production facilities, the CPF also includes gas fired generators for field
power generation. Using Umusadege produced gas for power supply will also reduce
operating costs compared to previous use of diesel generators.

Prospective Resources

As part of the Umusadege evaluation at year end 2012, Mart also commissioned an
evaluation of the Prospective Resources within the Umusadege farmout area. There
are currently three prospects identified by 3D seismic interpretation. RPS has
evaluated the Prospective Resources in a separate report dated April 19, 2013,
with an effective date of December 31, 2012 (the "RPS Resource Evaluation"). The
Prospective Resources included in the RPS Resource Evaluation have been
calculated in compliance with Canadian National Instrument 51-101 - Standards of
Disclosure for Oil and Gas Activities ("NI 51- 101") and the Canadian Oil and
Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGEH").

A summary of the unrisked Prospective Resource volumes on the Umusadege farmout
(100% working interest) set out in the RPS Resource Evaluation is included in
the following table. Resources volumes are stated in million barrels ("MMbbl").

Prospective Recoverable         Low Estimate   Best Estimate   High Estimate
 Resources (unrisked)                  MMbbl           MMbbl           MMbbl
Umusadege Farmout Area                   9.4            19.9            38.0

The recoverable oil and condensate volumes in the above table are for the full
asset (100% working interest). Mart's interest share is between 50% - 82.5%
depending on cost recovery. During cost recovery Mart is entitled to 82.5% of
field cash flow, and after cost recovery Mart retains 50% of field cash flow.
Mart is able to use Umusadege cash flow from existing production to recover
costs from exploration and appraisal drilling.

The risks associated with the Prospective Resources vary depending on the
specific prospect, however the Geological Probability of Success ("GPoS")
attributed by RPS to the prospective horizons generally vary between 15% and
50%. The prospects are in the immediate vicinity to the proved reserves at
Umusadege, which reduces the risk associated with the source rock and
hydrocarbon system.

In order to bring these Prospective Resources into the Reserves category, an
exploration well and production test is required to prove the existence of
hydrocarbons and their commerciality. The production of any discovered
hydrocarbons also needs to be included in the current Umusadege field
development plan in order to qualify for reserves. If successful, the
exploration wells planned by Mart and its co-venturers to drill the prospects
would be available for tie-in to the production gathering system. Therefore, in
the event of exploration success, Mart expects to add any future discovered
volumes to the reserves category. Exploration success is defined as discovery of
hydrocarbons that can be commercially produced under current economic and
technological conditions. Mart and its co-venturers plan to drill at least one
of these prospects during 2013.


Wade Cherwayko, Chairman & CEO of Mart said, "We are very pleased to report
strong financial and operating results for 2012 with $58.0 million of net
income, which amounts to $0.168 per share. The Company declared dividends
totaling $0.20 per common share in 2012, and declared a dividend of an
additional $0.05 per common share at the end of Q113. These results continue to
demonstrate the significance of the Umusadege field's production capacity, and
despite significant interruptions to production in 2012, Mart's share of the
volume oil produced and sold exceeded the volume produced and sold in 2011. The
Company continues to work towards maximizing production and increasing reserves.
The construction of an additional export pipeline will enable the Umusadege
co-venturers to fully exploit the potential of the Umusadege field. Our drilling
program scheduled for 2013 includes the UMU-11 well, expected to begin drilling
operations in Q213, and additional development drilling activities are planned
for the remainder of 2013."

Mart will hold a conference call to discuss the operational and financial
results for the year and quarter ended December 31, 2012. The conference call is
scheduled for April 24, 2013 at 10:30 AM Mountain Daylight Time (12:30 Eastern
Daylight Time). Wade Cherwayko, Chairman & CEO of Mart, and Dmitri Tsvetkov,
Chief Financial Officer of Mart, will host the call and be available during the
question-and-answer session. To access the conference call, please dial
1-866-226-1793 or 416-340-2216. An instant replay of the call will be available
until May 1, 2013 by dialing 1-800-408-3053 or 905-694-9451 and entering pass
code 3531510.

Additional information regarding Mart is available on the Company's website at and under the Company's profile on SEDAR at

Notes: Except where expressly stated otherwise, all production figures set out
in this press release, including bopd, reflect gross Umusadege field production
rather than production attributable to Mart. Mart's share of total gross
production before taxes and royalties from the Umusadege field fluctuates
between 82.5% (before capital cost recovery) and 50% (after capital cost

This news release provides information regarding the Company's possible
reserves. Possible reserves are those additional reserves that are less certain
to be recovered than probable reserves. There is a 10% probability that the
quantities actually recovered will be equal or exceed the sum of the proved plus
probable plus possible reserves.

Information Regarding Reserves and Net Present Value of Future Net Revenues

All information contained in this press release regarding reserves and the net
present value of future net revenue has been derived from the Company's Form
51-101 F1-Statement of Reserves Data and Other Oil and Gas Information for the
year ended December 31, 2011 ("Statement of Reserves Data") which report, along
with the Form 51-101F2-Report on Reserves Data and Form 51-101F3-Report of
Management and Directors on Reserves Data and Other Information are available
for review at and on the Company's website at 

Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking
statements" as such term is used in applicable Canadian and US securities laws.
Any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions,
expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions or future
events or are not statements of historical fact and should be viewed as
"forward-looking statements". These statements relate to analyses and other
information that are based upon forecasts of future results, estimates of
amounts not yet determinable and assumptions of management. Such forward looking
statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors
which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company
to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements
expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. 

In particular, statements (express or implied) contained herein or in Mart's
Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") regarding the following should be
considered forward-looking statements: the Company's goals and growth strategy,
estimates of reserves and future net revenues, exploration and development
activities in respect of the Umusadege field, the Company's ability to finance
its drilling and development plans with cash flows from operations, the ability
of the Company to successfully drill and complete future wells, the ability of
the Company to commercially produce, transport and sell oil from the Umusadege
field, future anticipated production rates, export pipeline capacity available
to the Company, the expectation of the Company that production and export
pipeline disruptions will not have a lasting impact on the Company's future
production, timing of completion of the Company's upgrading of the central
production facility, the construction and completion of an alternative export
pipeline, the acceptance of the Company's tax filings by the Nigerian taxing
authorities, treatment under government regulatory regimes including royalty and
tax laws, projections of market prices and costs, supply and demand for oil,
timing for receipt of government approvals, and the ability of the Company to
satisfy its current and future financial obligations to its banks and other

In addition, information regarding the reserve and resource estimates
attributable to Mart's oil and gas properties should be considered forward
looking statements, as they involve the implied assessment, based on certain
estimates and assumptions, that the reserves and resources described exist in
the quantities predicted or estimated and that the reserves and resources can be
profitably produced in the future. Readers are referred to the heading "Forward
Looking Statements" in the Company's Statement of Reserves Data for a more
detailed discussion of risks associated with forward looking statements
regarding reserves. In addition, past production performance, sales volumes and
prices from the Umusadege field are not necessarily indicative of future
performance, sales volumes and prices.

There can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be
accurate as actual results and future events could vary or differ materially
from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place
undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained in this news release.
This cautionary statement expressly qualifies the forward-looking statements
contained herein.

Forward-looking statements are made based on management's beliefs, estimates and
opinions on the date the statements are made and the Company undertakes no
obligation to update forward-looking statements and if these beliefs, estimates
and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as required by
applicable law.

Mart Resources, Inc.
Wade Cherwayko / Dmitri Tsvetkov
England office # +44 207 351 7937 /

Mart Resources, Inc.
Investor Relations
Toll Free 1-888-875-7485

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