RNS Number:1552O
Toshiba Corporation
30 July 2003

                    Toshiba Corporation and its Subsidiaries

                       Consolidated Financial Statements

                    For the First Quarter ended June 30,2003

First Quarter Results
                                                    (Y in millions, US$ in thousands, except for earnings per share)    
Three months ended June 30                                                                                          
                                                             2003(A)      2002(B)     (A)-(B)   (A)/(B)         2003
Net sales                                                 Y1,117,226   Y1,191,119   Y(73,893)       94%   $9,310,217
Operating income (loss)                                     (41,310)     (26,261)    (15,049)         -    (344,250)
Income (loss) before income taxes,                          (50,910)     (33,266)    (17,644)         -    (424,250)
minority interest and equity                                                                                        
in earnings of affiliates                                                                                           
Net income (loss)                                           (36,847)     (18,795)    (18,052)         -    (307,058)
Basic earnings per share                                    Y(11.45)      Y(5.84)     Y(5.61)                $(0.10)

1) Consolidated Financial Statements are based on generally accepted accounting 
   principles in the U.S.
2) The company has 320 consolidated subsidiaries.
3) The U.S.dollar is valued at Y120 throughout this statement  for convenience 
4) The figures in the Consolidated Financial Statements are unaudited.

                        Comparative Consolidated Statements of Operations
                                  First Quarter ended June 30

                                                       Three months ended June 30                                       
                                                          2003(A)        2002(B)       (A)-(B)    (A)           2003    
  Sales and other income                                                                                              
  Net sales                                            Y1,117,226     Y1,191,119     Y(73,893)     94%    $9,310,217  
  Interest                                                    771          1,460         (689)     53%         6,425  
  Dividends                                                 2,519          2,376          143     106%        20,992  
  Other income                                              6,701         11,652       (4,951)     58%        55,842  
  Costs and expenses                                                                                                  
  Cost of sales                                           819,732        869,450      (49,718)     94%     6,831,100  
  Selling, general and                                    338,804        347,930       (9,126)     97%     2,823,367  
  Interest                                                  5,357          6,032         (675)     89%        44,642  
  Other                                                    14,234         16,461       (2,227)     86%       118,617  
  Income (loss) before income taxes, minority             (50,910)       (33,266)     (17,644)              (424,250) 
  interest and equity in earnings of                                                                                  
  Income taxes                                            (14,909)       (10,545)      (4,364)              (124,242) 
  Minority interest in income (loss)                       (1,190)          (131)      (1,059)                (9,917) 
  of consolidated subsidiaries                                                                                        
  Equity in earnings of affiliates                         (2,036)         3,795       (5,831)               (16,967) 
  Net income (loss)                                      Y(36,847)      Y(18,795)    Y(18,052)             $(307,058)   

Note: Comprehensive loss for the first quarter of FY2003 and FY2002 was Y14,721 
      million and Y36,493 million, respectively.                                                                        
Comparative Consolidated Balance Sheets

                                                                        (Y in millions, US$ in thousands)
                                                June 30,2003     Mar. 31,2003      (A)-(B)    June 30,2003

Current assets                                    Y2,559,691       Y2,621,216     Y(61,525)   $21,330,758
  Cash and cash equivalents                          324,955          327,098       (2,143)     2,707,958
  Notes and accounts receivable, trade               837,067        1,089,540     (252,473)     6,975,558
  Finance receivables, net                           169,946          166,190         3,756     1,416,217
Inventories                                          778,205          629,659       148,546     6,485,042
Prepaid expenses and other current assets            449,518          408,729        40,789     3,745,983
Long-term receivables                                 21,137           27,153       (6,016)       176,142
Long-term finance receivables, net                   237,947          260,361      (22,414)     1,982,892
Investments                                          415,735          396,059        19,676     3,464,458
Property, plant and equipment                      1,184,230        1,199,285      (15,055)     9,868,583
Other assets                                         727,662          734,862       (7,200)     6,063,850
Total assets                                      Y5,146,402       Y5,238,936     Y(92,534)   $42,886,683
Liabilities and shareholders' equity
Current liabilities                               Y2,557,019       Y2,618,777     Y(61,758)   $21,308,492
   Short-term borrowings                             799,725          771,342        28,383     6,664,375
   and current portion of long-term debt
   Notes and accounts payable, trade                 911,687          981,970      (70,283)     7,597,392
   Other current liabilities                         845,607          865,465      (19,858)     7,046,725
Accrued pension and severance costs                  947,663          950,997       (3,334)     7,897,192
Long-term debt and other liabilities                 922,786          922,153           633     7,689,883
Minority interest in consolidated                    172,267          175,945       (3,678)     1,435,558
Shareholders' equity                                 546,667          571,064      (24,397)     4,555,558
  Common stock                                       274,926          274,926             0     2,291,050
  Additional paid-in capital                         285,736          285,736             0     2,381,133
  Retained earnings                                  415,555          462,058      (46,503)     3,462,958
  Accumulated other comprehensive loss             (428,649)        (450,775)        22,126   (3,572,075)
  Treasury stock                                       (901)            (881)          (20)       (7,508)
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity        Y5,146,402       Y5,238,936     Y(92,534)   $42,886,683

Breakdown of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
     Unrealized gains on securities                  Y25,692          Y15,636       Y10,056      $214,100
     Foreign currency translation                   (54,594)         (59,589)         4,995     (454,950)
     Minimum pension liability adjustment          (396,904)        (405,069)         8,165   (3,307,533)
     Unrealized losses on derivative                 (2,843)          (1,753)       (1,090)      (23,692)

   Total debt                                     Y1,664,395       Y1,653,368       Y11,027   $13,869,958

                      Comparative Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

First Quarter ended June 30
                                                                           (Y in millions, US$ in thousands)

                                                                     Three months ended June 30                         
                                                    2003 (A)         2002 (B)          (A)-(B)               2003    
  Cash flows from operating activities                                                                                
  Net income (loss)                                Y(36,847)        Y(18,795)        Y(18,052)         $(307,058)     
  Depreciation and amortization                      55,892           59,737           (3,845)           465,767      
  Equity in income of affiliates                      2,036           (3,795)           5,831             16,967      
  Decrease in notes and accounts                    282,427          238,386           44,041          2,353,558      
  receivable, trade                                                                                                   
  Increase in inventories                          (137,508)        (107,771)         (29,737)        (1,145,900)     
  Decrease in notes and accounts payable,           (79,722)         (15,402)         (64,320)          (664,350)     
  Others                                            (41,156)        (143,041)         101,885           (342,967)     
  Adjustments to reconcile net income                81,969           28,114           53,855            683,075      
  (loss) to net cash                                                                                                  
  provided by operating activities                                                                                    
  Net cash provided by operating                     45,122            9,319           35,803            376,017      
  Cash flows from investing activities                                                                                
    Proceeds from                                     6,037           43,954          (37,917)            50,308      
    sale of property                                                                              
    and securities                                                                                
    Acquisition of                                  (45,176)         (57,475)          12,299           (376,466)     
    property and                                                                                  
    Purchase of                                      (6,026)          (2,415)          (3,611)           (50,217)     
    Decrease                                          2,904           (5,585)           8,489             24,200      
    (increase) in                                                                                 
    investments in                                                                                
    Others                                           (6,164)         (11,788)           5,624            (51,367)     
    Net cash used in                                (48,425)         (33,309)         (15,116)          (403,542)     
  Cash flows from financing activities                                                                                
    Proceeds from                                    37,211          146,770         (109,559)           310,091      
    long-term debt                                                                                
    Repayment of                                    (44,949)         (70,226)          25,277           (374,575)     
    long-term debt                                                                                
    Increase                                         14,981          (76,604)          91,585            124,842      
    (decrease) in                                                                                 
    Dividends paid                                   (8,269)              (9)          (8,260)           (68,908)     
    Others                                               73            1,924           (1,851)               608      
    Net cash (used                                     (953)           1,855           (2,808)            (7,942)     
    in) provided by                                                                               
  Effect of exchange rate changes on cash             2,113           (7,699)           9,812             17,608      
  and cash equivalents                                                                                                
  Net decrease in cash and cash                      (2,143)         (29,834)          27,691            (17,859)     
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning            327,098          370,432          (43,334)         2,725,817      
  of the first quarter                                                                                                
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of the          Y324,955         Y340,598         Y(15,643)        $2,707,958      
  first quarter                                                                                                      

                                         Industry Segments Information
First Quarter ended June 30

                                                                                     (Y in millions, US$ in thousands)  
                                                         Three months ended June 30                                     

                                         2003(A)                2002(B)      (A)-(B)   (A)/(B)          2003            
  Net sales      Digital Products       431,075                465,999      (34,924)       93%     3,592,292
  (Share of                                                                                                           
  total sales)                              (34%)                  (35%)       (-1%)                                    
                 Electronic Devices     287,001                295,228      (8,227)        97%     2,391,675            
                                           (23%)                   (22%)        (1%)                                    
                 Social Infrastructure  265,744                301,768     (36,024)        88%     2,214,533            
                                           (21%)                   (23%)       (-2%)                                    
                 Home Appliances        155,870                161,327      (5,457)        97%     1,298,917            
                                            (13%)                  (12%)        (1%)                                    
                 Others                 111,320                108,573       2,747        103%       927,666            
                                             (9%)                   (8%)        (1%)                                    
                 Total                1,251,010              1,332,895    ( 81,885)        94%    10,425,083            
                                           (100%)                 (100%)                                                
                 Eliminations          (133,784)              (141,776)      7,992          -     (1,114,866)           
                 Consolidated        Y1,117,226             Y1,191,119    Y(73,893)        94%    $9,310,217            
  Operating      Digital Products       (17,346)                 2,605     (19,951)         -       (144,550)
                 Electronic Devices       6,983                 (6,149)     13,132          -         58,192            
                 Social Infrastructure  (32,170)               (28,337)     (3,833)         -       (268,084)           
                 Home Appliances         (1,479)                 2,492      (3,971)         -        (12,325)           
                 Others                   2,211                  2,732        (521)        81%         18,425           
                 Total                  (41,801)               (26,657)    (15,144)         -       (348,342)           
                 Eliminations               491                    396          95          -           4,092           
                 Consolidated          Y(41,310)              Y(26,261)   Y(15,049)         -      $(344,250)           
                                         Net Sales by Region                                                            
                                                                                     (Y in millions, US$ in thousands)  
                                                       Three months ended June 30                                     

                                  2003(A)       2002(B)      (A)-(B)      (A)/(B)         2003                         
  Japan                         Y697,164      Y680,293      Y16,871          102%   $5,809,700
                                     (62%)         (57%)         (5%)                         
  Overseas                       420,062       510,826      (90,764)          82%    3,500,517
                                     (38%)         (43%)        (-5%)                                     
                 North America   142,674       203,089      (60,415)          70%    1,188,950             
                                     (13%)         (17%)        (-4%)                                     
                 Asia            159,675       172,924      (13,249)          92%    1,330,625             
                                     (14%)         (15%)        (-1%)                                     
                 Europe           96,981       110,220      (13,239)          88%      808,175             
                                      (9%)          (9%)         (-)                                                 
Other                             20,732        24,593       (3,861)          84%      172,767             
                                      (2%)          (2%)         (-)                                     
Net Sales                     Y1,117,226    Y1,191,119     Y(73,893)          94%   $9,310,217


1) Segment information is based on Japanese accounting standards.
2) Net sales by region are determined based upon the locations of the customers.

Forward Looking Statement:

This contains forward-looking statements concerning Toshiba's future plans,
strategies and performance. These forward-looking statements are not historical
facts, rather they represent assumptions and beliefs based on economic,
financial and competitive data currently available.  Furthermore, they are
subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that, without limitation, relate
to economic conditions, worldwide mega-competition in the electronics business,
customer demand, foreign currency exchange rates, tax rules, regulations and
other factors.  Toshiba therefore wishes to caution that actual results may
differ materially from our expectations.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange