Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Investment 
Trusts Nos 1 -10

Appointment of Director

The Boards' of the Blue Planet Financials Growth & Income Trusts 
Nos 1-10 announce that the Rt. Hon. John Redwood was appointed a 
non-executive Director of the Trusts today. The Boards have been 
in discussions with Mr Redwood and are delighted he has agreed to 
accept the position of non-executive Director.

Mr Redwood, MA, D Phil, is a Member of Parliament who pursued a 
business career in finance and industry before becoming a Minister 
in 1989. He was a director of N M Rothschild & Asset Management 
Limited and then N M Rothschild & Sons Limited in its corporate 
finance department. In 1983 he was seconded by N M Rothschild & 
Sons to the Prime Minister's Policy Unit in 10 Downing Street. As 
its head he helped Margaret Thatcher develop a number of policies, 
especially privatisation. As Corporate Affairs Minister between 
1989 and 1992 he was responsible for financial regulation of both 
the financial services and the insurance industries.  He is Senior 
Independent Director on the Board of BNB Resources PLC and non-exec 
Chairman of Mabey Securities.