The Board of Directors of Natuzzi S.p.A. (NYSE: NTZ) (�Natuzzi�, �the Company� or �the Group�), Italy's largest furniture manufacturer and one of the world�s leading makers of leather-upholstered furniture, today presented consolidated financial results for the third quarter and first nine months of 2008. Aldo Uva, Chief Executive Officer of the Natuzzi Group, commented: �Despite the 5.8% growth of our net sales reported in the first nine months of 2008, a highly positive performance in a singularly downbeat shopping environment, our profitability was by no means satisfactory. Our operating profitability suffered from unfavorable exchange rates, with a net impact of nearly EUR 20 million, and from excessively high operational costs. The improvement of our gross margin is one of the top strategic priorities of our three-year plan, and we are continuing to see abundant signs that this business plan is built on the right assumptions. We are aware that there is a lot of work ahead of us, but we are confident that we will recover profitability within the next few quarters.� Mr. Uva added: �In the past few weeks, beyond the finalization of our business plan, we have considerably strengthened our managerial base with the arrival of seasoned professionals as Mariano Domingo, Chief Financial Officer & IT/Lean, and Umberto Bedini, SVP Operations, who will put their vast international experience behind the delivery of our targets. For full year 2008, we are expecting the growth in total sales to be roughly in line with the level achieved in the first nine months, while our operating loss should be in the range of EUR 35 to 40 million, as compared to a loss of EUR 49.1 million reported for full year 2007.� CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS NET SALES In the third quarter ended September 30, 2008, total net sales of the Natuzzi Group amounted to EUR 142.3 million, up slightly from EUR 141.3 million reported for the third quarter of 2007. Third quarter units sold increased by 3.8% compared to the same quarter of the previous year. In the first nine months ended September 30, 2008, total net sales of the Natuzzi Group amounted to EUR 483.9 million, up 5.8% from EUR 457.5 million reported for the same period of 2007. During the first nine months of 2008, units sold increased by 7.5% compared to the same period of the previous year. In the third quarter of 2008, sales of seats under the Natuzzi brand decreased by 8.5% reflecting decreases of 9.8% in the Americas and 11.0% in Europe, whereas unit sales in the Rest of the World rose by 11.4%. During the same period sales of seats under the Italsofa brand increased by 12.2% thanks to positive results in the Americas (+32.4%) and in the Rest of the World (+35.0%), partly off set by a 11.8% decrease in Europe. In the first nine months of 2008, sales of seats under the Natuzzi brand decreased by 1.5%, reflecting increases of 0.2% in the Americas and 13.1% in the Rest of the World, offset by a 5.7% decrease in Europe. During the same period, sales of seats under the Italsofa brand rose by 15.1%, achieving positive results in the Americas (+20.0%), Europe (+5.9%) and in the Rest of the World (+53.4%). During the third quarter, five new Natuzzi stores were opened (one each in The Netherlands, the US, Russia, Italy and Qatar), whereas three Natuzzi stores were closed (one each in Portugal, Switzerland and Russia), bringing the total number of Natuzzi points of sales to 314 at the end of September 2008. Furthermore, in the quarter, two new Italsofa stores were opened in China, bringing the total number of Italsofa stores to 12. Finally, two new concessions were opened in the UK, bringing the total number of concessions operated by the Group to 17. The total number of Natuzzi Galleries worldwide was 420 at September 30, 2008. GROSS PROFIT AND OPERATING RESULTS During third quarter 2008, Gross Profit amounted to EUR 36.7 million (or EUR 40.5 million at constant exchange rates), as compared to a Gross Profit of EUR 38.6 million in third quarter 2007. For the third quarter of 2008, the Group reported an operating loss of EUR 12.2 million, as compared to an operating loss of EUR 11.0 million in the third quarter of 2007. On a constant exchange rate basis, the Group would have reported an operating loss for the third quarter of 2008 of EUR 9.8 million. During the first nine months of 2008, Gross Profit amounted to EUR 128.9 million (or EUR 147.8 million at constant exchange rates), as compared to a Gross Profit of EUR 130.6 million reported for the same period in 2007. For the nine month period ended September 30, 2008, the Group reported an operating loss of EUR 29.5 million, as compared to an operating loss of EUR 28.2 million in the same period of 2007. On a constant exchange rate basis, the Group would have reported an operating loss for the third quarter of 2008 of EUR 16.3 million. FOREIGN EXCHANGE, NET During the third quarter of 2008, the Group incurred a net foreign exchange loss of EUR 3.2 million, as compared to a net foreign exchange loss of EUR 5.9 million in the prior year�s comparable quarter. The foreign exchange losses were mainly due to the following: � � Three months ended � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-07 Gains (Losses) on mark-to-market (5.2) (2.6) Netting figures on domestic currency swaps 0.1 1.0 Other, net* � 1.9 � (4.3) Total Foreign Exchange, Net � (3.2) � (5.9) * deriving from a) the difference between invoice exchange rates and collection/payment exchange rates and b) the remeasurement of accounts receivable and payable at the period-end exchange rates During the first nine months of 2008 the Group incurred a net foreign exchange loss of EUR 8.1 million, as compared to a net foreign exchange loss of EUR 4.8 million in the prior year�s comparable period. The foreign exchange losses were mainly due to the following: � � Nine Months ended � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-07 Gains (Losses) on mark-to-market (3.0) (5.8) Netting figures on domestic currency swaps 1.6 6.2 Other, net* � (6.7) � (5.2) Total Foreign Exchange, Net � (8.1) � (4.8) * deriving from a) the difference between invoice exchange rates and collection/payment exchange rates and b) the remeasurement of accounts receivable and payable at the period-end exchange rates OTHER INCOME (LOSS), NET During the third quarter of 2008 the Group reported a loss EUR 0.9 million as compared to a gain of EUR 0.4 million in 2007. During the first nine months of 2008 the Group reported a loss EUR 2.1 million as compared to a gain of EUR 3.3 million in 2007. The decrease was mainly attributable to exceptional income such as a refund of tax and write off of a provision for legal action occurred during the first nine months of 2007. TAXES For the third quarter of 2008 the Group reported EUR 0.1 million of tax benefits as compared to tax benefits of EUR 1.9 million. During the first nine months of 2008 the Group recorded income taxes for EUR 2.3 million, as compared to EUR 5.2 million of tax benefits for the same period of 2007. NET RESULT AND GROUP EARNINGS PER COMPANY�S SHARE For the quarter ended September 30, 2008, the Group reported a net loss of EUR 16.2 million, or EUR 0.30 per share (ADR), compared to a net loss of EUR 14.1 million, or EUR 0.26 per share, in the third quarter of 2007. For the first nine months of 2008, the Group reported a net loss of EUR 42.1 million, or EUR 0.77 per share, as compared to a net loss of EUR 23.1 million, or EUR 0.42 per share, for the first nine months of 2007. TOTAL BACK LOG TREND Total Back Log � 31-Dec-07 � 30-Jun-08 � 30-Sep-08 � 9-Nov-08 � million � 99.5 � 88.7 � 109.6 � 99.1 BALANCE SHEET AND CASH FLOW Cash and cash equivalents were EUR 57.1 million at September 30, 2008, as compared to EUR 97.7 million at September 30, 2007. The most significant changes in the Group�s cash flows between the first nine months of 2008 and 2007 are described below. Cash flows used in operating activities were EUR 26.2 million in 2008, as compared to cash flows used by operations of EUR 11.1 million in 2007. This decrease of EUR 15.1 million from 2007 to 2008 resulted principally from the Group�s net loss of EUR 42.1 million in 2008, as compared to a net loss of EUR 23.1 million in 2007. In 2008 working capital was affected by the negative impact of trade receivables, net and accounts payable, partly offset by positive impact generated by inventories. Cash flows used in investment activities in 2008 decreased EUR 10.7 million to EUR 8.2 million, due to a lower level of investments for the first nine months of 2008 as compared to the same period of prior year. Cash provided by financing activities in 2008 totaled EUR 2.9 million up from EUR 0.5 million reported one year ago. FIRST NINE MONTHS AND THIRD QUARTER 2008 CONFERENCE CALL Aldo Uva, Chief Executive Officer, and Mariano Domingo, Chief Financial Officer, will discuss financial results, followed by a question and answer session, in a teleconference at 10:00 a.m. New York time (3:00 p.m. London time � 4:00 p.m. Italian time) on Thursday November 20, 2008. Interested participants should contact the Company�s Investor Relations Department at, or for dial-in details. A copy of the transcript of the conference can be requested at the above mentioned e-mail addresses. INVESTOR AND ANALYST PRESENTATIONS The Company�s Senior Management will meet investors and analysts in early December to discuss its 2009-2011 Business Plan, outlook and results. Investors and analysts wishing to meet management representatives should contact the Investor Relation department, or, alternatively, the following: Natalie Biasin: +44 20 7554 1400 Angela Tucciarone: +1 212 515 1900 or send an e-mail to: ABOUT NATUZZI S.P.A. Founded in 1959 by Pasquale Natuzzi, Natuzzi S.p.A. designs and manufactures a broad collection of residential upholstered furniture. With 2007 consolidated revenues of EUR 634.4 million on, Natuzzi is Italy's largest furniture manufacturer. The Natuzzi group exports its innovative high-quality sofas and armchairs to 123 markets on five continents under two brands, Natuzzi and Italsofa. Cutting-edge design, superior Italian craftsmanship, and advanced, vertically integrated manufacturing operations underpin the Company's market leadership. Natuzzi S.p.A. has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since May 1993. The Company is ISO 9001 and 14001 certified. ___________________________________________________________________ FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Statements in this press release other than statements of historical fact are �forward-looking statements�. Forward�looking statements are based on management�s current expectations and beliefs and therefore you should not place undue reliance on them. These statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, including risks that may not be subject to the Group�s control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. These risks include, but are not limited to, fluctuations in exchange rates, economic and weather factors affecting consumer spending, competitive and regulatory environment, as well as other political, economical and technological factors, and other risks identified from time to time in the Group�s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, particularly in the Group�s annual report on Form 20-F. Forward looking statements speak as of the date they were made, and the Group undertakes no obligation to update publicly any of them in light of new information or future events. NATUZZI S.P.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Earnings for the quarters ended on September 30, 2008 and 2007 on the basis of Italian GAAP (Expressed in millions of EUR except per share data) � � � � � � � � � � � � 3Q08 � � � � � � Actual � % on sales � constant fx* � % on sales � 3Q07 � % on sales Upholstery net sales 125.1 � 87.9 % 130.6 � 88.3 % 125.3 88.7 % Other sales 17.2 12.1 % 17.2 11.6 % 16.0 11.3 % Total Net Sales � 142.3 � � 100.0 % 147.8 � � 100.0 % � 141.3 � � 100.0 % Purchases (71.7 ) (50.4 )% (73.1 ) (49.5 )% (65.0 ) (46.0 )% Labor (21.7 ) (15.2 )% (21.9 ) (14.8 )% (21.9 ) (15.5 )% Third-party Manufacturers (4.2 ) (3.0 )% (4.2 ) (2.8 )% (3.3 ) (2.3 )% Manufacturing Costs (10.5 ) (7.4 )% (10.5 ) (7.1 )% (9.9 ) (7.0 )% Inventories, net 2.5 1.8 % 2.4 1.6 % (2.6 ) (1.8 )% Cost of Sales � (105.6 ) � (74.2 )% (107.3 ) � (72.6 )% � (102.7 ) � (72.7 )% Gross Profit � 36.7 � � 25.8 % 40.5 � � 27.4 % � 38.6 � � 27.3 % Selling Expenses (36.7 ) (25.8 )% (38.0 ) (25.7 )% (38.3 ) (27.1 )% General and Administrative Expenses (12.2 ) (8.6 )% (12.3 ) (8.3 )% (11.3 ) (8.0 )% Operating Income (Loss) � (12.2 ) � (8.6 )% (9.8 ) � (6.6 )% � (11.0 ) � (7.8 )% Interest Income, net (0.1 ) (0.1 )% 0.4 0.3 % Foreign Exchange, net (3.2 ) (2.2 )% (5.9 ) (4.2 )% Other Income, net (0.9 ) (0.6 )% 0.4 0.3 % Earnings (Losses) before taxes and minority interest � (16.4 ) � (11.5 )% (16.1 ) � (11.4 )% Income taxes 0.1 0.1 % 1.9 1.3 % Earnings (Losses) before minority interest � (16.3 ) � (11.5 )% (14.2 ) � (10.0 )% Minority Interest (0.1 ) (0.1 ) Net Earnings (Losses) � (16.2 ) � (11.4 )% (14.1 ) � (10.0 )% Earnings (Losses) Per Share � (0.30 ) � (0.26 ) Average Number of Shares Outstanding � 54,853,045 � � � 54,824,227 � * at 3Q07 exchange rates � � � � � � � � � � � � Key Figures in U.S. dollars (millions) 3Q08 3Q07 � � � � � � � � � � � Total Net Sales 213.9 194.2 Gross Profit 55.2 53.1 Operating Income (Loss) (18.3 ) (15.1 ) Net Earnings (Losses) (24.3 ) (19.4 ) Earnings (Losses) per Share (0.45 ) (0.36 ) Average exchange rate (U.S. dollar per Euro) � 1.5030 � � � � � � � � 1.3746 � NATUZZI S.P.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Earnings for nine months ended September 30, 2008 and 2007 on the basis of Italian GAAP (Expressed in millions of EUR except per share data) � � Nine months ended on 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-07 � % on sales � � Actual � % on sales � constant fx* � % on sales � � � � Upholstery net sales 426.7 � 88.2 % 450.9 � 88.7 % 406.3 88.8 % Other sales 57.2 11.8 % 57.2 11.3 % 51.2 11.2 % Total Net Sales � 483.9 � � 100.0 % 508.1 � � 100.0 % � 457.5 � � 100.0 % Purchases (227.6 ) (47.0 )% (232.3 ) (45.7 )% (223.7 ) (48.9 )% Labor (77.0 ) (15.9 )% (77.5 ) (15.3 )% (73.3 ) (16.0 )% Third-party Manufacturers (13.8 ) (2.9 )% (13.8 ) (2.7 )% (11.1 ) (2.4 )% Manufacturing Costs (32.9 ) (6.8 )% (33.0 ) (6.5 )% (29.0 ) (6.3 )% Inventories, net (3.7 ) (0.8 )% (3.7 ) (0.7 )% 10.2 2.2 % Cost of Sales � (355.1 ) � (73.4 )% (360.3 ) � (70.9 )% � (326.9 ) � (71.5 )% Gross Profit � 128.9 � � 26.6 % 147.8 � � 29.1 % � 130.6 � � 28.5 % Selling Expenses (123.4 ) (25.5 )% (128.6 ) (25.3 )% (123.9 ) (27.1 )% General and Administrative Expenses (35.0 ) (7.2 )% (35.5 ) (7.0 )% (34.9 ) (7.6 )% Operating Income (Loss) � (29.5 ) � (6.1 )% (16.3 ) � (3.2 )% � (28.2 ) � (6.2 )% Interest Income, net (0.3 ) (0.1 )% 1.2 0.3 % Foreign Exchange, net (8.1 ) (1.7 )% (4.8 ) (1.0 )% Other Income, net (2.1 ) (0.4 )% 3.3 0.7 % Earnings (Losses) before taxes and minority interest � (40.0 ) � (8.3 )% (28.5 ) � (6.2 )% Income taxes (2.3 ) (0.5 )% 5.2 1.1 % Earnings (Losses) before minority interest � (42.3 ) � (8.7 )% (23.3 ) � (5.1 )% Minority Interest (0.2 ) (0.2 ) Net Earnings (Losses) � (42.1 ) � (8.7 )% (23.1 ) � (5.0 )% Earnings (Losses) Per Share � (0.77 ) � (0.42 ) � Average Number of Shares Outstanding � 54,853,045 � � � � 54,824,227 � � * average first nine months of 2007 � � � � � � � � � � � � � Key Figures in U.S. dollars (millions) Nine months ended on � � 30-Sep-08 � � � � � � � 30-Sep-07 � Total Net Sales 736.7 615.2 Gross Profit 196.2 175.6 Operating Income (Loss) (44.9 ) (37.9 ) Net Earnings (Losses) (64.1 ) (31.1 ) Earnings (Losses) per Share (1.17 ) (0.56 ) Average exchange rate (U.S. dollar per Euro) � 1.5223 � � � � � � � � 1.3447 � � � UPHOLSTERY NET SALES BREAKDOWN � Sales* � Seat Units Three months ended on � % Over Three months ended on � % Over � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-08 (Under) � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-08 (Under) Americas 51.0 � 40.8 % 48.7 � 38.9 % 4.7 % 326,795 � 52.9 % 287,502 � 48.3 % 13.7 % Natuzzi 22.9 18.3 % 26.7 21.3 % (14.2 %) 115,139 18.6 % 127,692 21.5 % (9.8 %) Italsofa 28.1 22.5 % 22.0 17.6 % 27.7 % 211,656 34.3 % 159,810 26.9 % 32.4 % Europe 60.2 48.1 % 64.6 51.5 % (6.8 %) 227,741 36.9 % 257,271 43.3 % (11.5 %) Natuzzi 33.6 26.9 % 34.9 27.8 % (3.7 %) 83,888 13.6 % 94,215 15.9 % (11.0 %) Italsofa 26.6 21.3 % 29.7 23.7 % (10.4 %) 143,853 23.3 % 163,056 27.4 % (11.8 %) Rest of the world 13.9 11.1 % 12.0 9.6 % 15.8 % 62,848 10.2 % 50,115 8.4 % 25.4 % Natuzzi 8.2 6.6 % 7.3 5.8 % 12.3 % 22,619 3.7 % 20,313 3.4 % 11.4 % Italsofa 5.7 � 4.6 % 4.7 � 3.8 % 21.3 % � 40,229 � 6.5 % 29,802 � 5.0 % 35.0 % TOTAL � 125.1 � 100.0 % � 125.3 � 100.0 % � (0.2 %) � 617,384 � 100.0 % � 594,888 � 100.0 % � 3.8 % � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Break down by brand Sales* Seat Units Three months ended on % Over Three months ended on % Over � 30-Sep-08 30-Sep-08 (Under) � 30-Sep-08 30-Sep-08 (Under) Natuzzi 64.7 51.7 % 68.9 55.0 % (6.1 %) 221,646 35.9 % 242,220 40.7 % (8.5 %) Italsofa 60.4 � 48.3 % 56.4 � 45.0 % 7.1 % � 395,738 � 64.1 % 352,668 � 59.3 % 12.2 % TOTAL � 125.1 � 100.0 % � 125.3 � 100.0 % � (0.2 %) � 617,384 � 100.0 % � 594,888 � 100.0 % � 3.8 % * Expressed in millions of EUR � Sales* � Seat Units Nine months ended on � % Over Nine months ended on � % Over � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-07 (Under) � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-07 (Under) Americas 145.9 � 34.2 % 144.1 � 35.5 % 1.2 % 920,085 � 46.2 % 832,657 � 45.0 % 10.5 % Natuzzi 77.9 18.3 % 83.3 20.5 % (6.5 %) 401,666 20.2 % 400,819 21.7 % 0.2 % Italsofa 68.0 15.9 % 60.8 15.0 % 11.8 % 518,419 26.0 % 431,838 23.3 % 20.0 % Europe 239.9 56.2 % 230.2 56.6 % 4.2 % 896,174 45.0 % 888,829 48.0 % 0.8 % Natuzzi 141.8 33.2 % 139.5 34.3 % 1.6 % 366,188 18.4 % 388,161 21.0 % (5.7 %) Italsofa 98.1 23.0 % 90.7 22.3 % 8.2 % 529,986 26.6 % 500,668 27.0 % 5.9 % Rest of the world 40.9 9.6 % 32.0 7.9 % 27.8 % 173,343 8.8 % 129,902 7.0 % 33.4 % Natuzzi 25.7 6.0 % 21.8 5.4 % 17.9 % 72,727 3.7 % 64,291 3.5 % 13.1 % Italsofa 15.2 � 3.6 % 10.2 � 2.5 % 49.0 % � 100,616 � 5.1 % 65,611 � 3.5 % 53.4 % TOTAL � 426.7 � 100.0 % � 406.3 � 100.0 % � 5.0 % � 1,989,602 � 100.0 % � 1,851,388 � 100.0 % � 7.5 % � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Break down by brand Sales* Seat Units Nine months ended on % Over Nine months ended on % Over � � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-07 � (Under) � 30-Sep-08 � 30-Sep-07 � (Under) Natuzzi 245.4 57.5 % 244.6 60.2 % 0.3 % 840,581 42.2 % 853,271 46.1 % (1.5 %) Italsofa 181.3 � 42.5 % 161.7 � 39.8 % 12.1 % � 1,149,021 � 57.8 % 998,117 � 53.9 % 15.1 % TOTAL � 426.7 � 100.0 % � 406.3 � 100.0 % � 5.0 % � 1,989,602 � 100.0 % � 1,851,388 � 100.0 % � 7.5 % * Expressed in millions of EUR NATUZZI S.P.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet as of�� September 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007��(Expressed in millions of EUR) � � � 30-Sep-08 31-Dec-07 ASSETS Current Assets: Cash and cash equivalents 57.1 87.5 Marketable debt securities 0.0 0.0 Trade receivables, net 111.1 117.7 Other receivables 47.6 47.8 Inventories 103.6 107.3 Unrealized foreign exchange gains 0.0 0.9 Prepaid expenses and accrued income 1.8 1.8 Deferred income taxes 2.0 1.1 Total current assets 323.2 364.1 � Non-Current Assets: Net property, plant and equipment 225.2 235.9 Treasury shares 0.0 0.0 Other assets 13.3 17.3 Deferred income taxes 0.0 0.2 TOTAL ASSETS 561.7 617.5 � LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current Liabilities: Short-term borrowings 8.4 7.6 Current portion of long-term debt 0.5 0.3 Accounts payable-trade 66.0 89.3 Accounts payable-other 29.8 29.2 Accounts payable shareholders for dividends 0.6 0.6 Unrealized foreign exchange losses 2.1 0.0 Income taxes 1.0 1.6 Salaries, wages and related liabilities 18.9 17.5 Total current liabilities 127.3 146.1 � Long-Term Liabilities: Employees� leaving entitlement 32.5 33.3 Long-term debt 3.4 2.1 Deferred income taxes 0.0 0.0 Deferred income for capital grants 12.3 13.3 Other liabilities 10.7 10.9 Minority Interest 0.9 0.2 � Shareholders� Equity: Share capital 54.9 54.8 Reserves 42.3 42.3 Additional paid-in capital 8.3 8.3 Retained earnings 269.1 306.2 Total shareholders� equity 374.6 411.6 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 561.7 617.5 NATUZZI S.P.A. AND SUBSIDIARIES Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2008 and 2007 (Expressed in millions of EUR) � � 30-Sep-08 30-Sep-07 Cash flows from operating activities: Net earnings (losses) (42.1 ) (23.1 ) Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization 22.5 22.4 Employees' leaving entitlement (0.8 ) (1.9 ) Deferred income taxes (0.7 ) (8.5 ) Minority interest (0.3 ) (0.2 ) (Gain) loss on disposal of assets 1.2 0.1 Unrealized foreign exchange (losses) / gain 3.0 5.8 Deferred income for capital grants (0.7 ) (0.8 ) � Change in assets and liabilities: Receivables, net 6.6 17.3 Inventories 3.7 (10.2 ) Prepaid expenses and accrued income 0.0 (0.4 ) Other assets 0.3 3.2 Accounts payable (23.2 ) (12.9 ) Income taxes (0.6 ) (3.8 ) Salaries, wages and related liabilities 1.3 (1.0 ) Other liabilities 3.6 2.9 � Total adjustments 15.9 12.0 � NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY OPERATING ACTIVITIES (26.2 ) (11.1 ) � Cash flows from investing activities: Property, plant and equipment: Additions (10.8 ) (19.2 ) Disposals 0.1 0.4 Government grants received 1.4 0.0 Marketable debt securities: Proceeds from sales 0.0 0.0 Purchase of business, net of cash acquired 0.0 (0.1 ) Disposal of business 1.1 0.0 NET CASH USED BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES (8.2 ) (18.9 ) Cash flows from financing activities: Long term debt: Proceeds 2.0 0.0 Repayments (0.5 ) (0.3 ) Short-term borrowings 0.9 0.8 Capital Injection 0.5 0.0 Dividends paid to shareholders 0.0 0.0 Dividends paid to minority shareholders 0.0 0.0 NET CASH PROVIDED (USED) BY FINANCING ACTIVITIES 2.9 � 0.5 � Effect of translation adjustments on cash 1.1 (0.9 ) INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (30.4 ) (30.4 ) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the year 87.5 128.1 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF THE PERIOD 57.1 � � 97.7 �
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